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Twirp: Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Rep Pakistan 5
[url="http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100117/ap_on_re_as/as_pakistan;_ylt=AtK4aHZJvSdBe7jm1ZJXVqis0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTNnY3J0ZGdxBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwMTE3L2FzX3Bha2lzdGFuBGNjb2RlA21vc3Rwb3B1bGFyBGNwb3MDMTAEcG9zAzcEcHQDaG9tZV9jb2tlBHNlYwN5bl9oZWFkbGluZV9saXN0BHNsawNwYWtp"]Pakistani officials: Suspected Paki National Bird kills 20[/url]
Any idea who is funding the Aman Ka Tamasha? It is quite huge
Appeal has been issued w/ picture of Amitabh Bachann. The following may or may not be related to the subject in hand:

[quote name='Niki' date='18 January 2010 - 02:17 AM' timestamp='1263760793' post='103557']

Any idea who is funding the Aman Ka Tamasha? It is quite huge


Niki Ji :

Mainly TOI.

Something in TOI's joint efforts leads me to think of the possibility of TOI having picked up a sizable share in the Jang Group.

Watch this space.

Cheers[Image: beer.gif]

External debt to rise by 43pc in five years

Quote:ISLAMABAD : Pakistan’s total external debt [color="#FF0000"]is likely to grow alarmingly by more than 43 per cent over the next five years, to about $73 billion in 2015-16[/color] from about $50.76 billion early this year.

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Rental plants to cause steep rise in power tariff : ADB

Quote:ISLAMABAD : The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has declined to approve water and power ministry’s plans for 2250MW capacity addition through 14 rental power projects saying it would need 31 to 45 per cent increase in consumer tariff and consume more than $5 billion (Rs420 billion) of nation’s foreign exchange in five years.

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[center][size="6"][color="#006400"]Downhill Racing for Pakistan?[/color][/size][/center]

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Another airline leaves Pakistan

Quote:Singapore Airlines to stop flights from Feb 17

KARACHI : Singapore Airlines has decided to roll back its Pakistan operation from next month, [color="#FF0000"]adding to woes of a flagging aviation industry,[/color] which has been battered by deteriorating security and economic slowdown.

The flag carrier of Singapore informed the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) last month of its decision to stop three weekly flights to Karachi and Lahore from Feb 17, a senior CAA official told The News

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[url="http://www.dawn.com/wps/wcm/connect/dawn-content-library/dawn/news/pakistan/18-wanted-filipino-militant-killed-in-drone-attack-am-02"]Wanted Filipino militant killed in National Bird [/url]
Quote:The militant, identified as Abdul Basit Usman, was killed in a drone strike on the house of Yaqub Khan where more than 10 militants, including two foreigners, were killed that day
[url="http://www.dawn.com/wps/wcm/connect/dawn-content-library/dawn/news/cricket/08-pakistan-players-demand-hockey-world-cup-boycott-ts-05"]Pakistan players demand hockey World Cup boycott[/url]
Quote:KARACHI: Former Pakistan sports captains Thursday demanded a boycott of the hockey World Cup in India next month to protest at Pakistani cricketers being snubbed by the Indian Premier League.

None of Pakistan’s 11 players included in the IPL auction in Mumbai on Tuesday were sold despite their national team being the reigning World Twenty20 champions, ending hopes of Pakistani cricketers featuring in the third edition.

Well, they were not of worth. India should never induct them. Why to fund terrorist supporters with Indian money?

[center][Image: Maxim_Cartoon_9290.jpg][/center]

Cheers[Image: beer.gif]

Give us visas to get CSF, US tells Pakistan

The US has put a condition of visas on the Coalition Support Fund (CSF) with visas to the personnel US Military Accounts & Auditor, a private TV reported.

The Foreign Ministry sources told that Pakistan was to get an amount of $1.8billion under the Coalition Support Fund, but so far it has not reached the country.

The US has categorically told Pakistan that the CSF would not be given unless the visas issue was resolved. Sources quoted the Foreign Ministry sources as saying that visas have not been issued so far owing to the incomplete documents and applications, adding that the visas would immediately be given after the objections were resolved.

Mudy Ji :

Najam A. Sethi's in his Interview on YouTube describes Pakistanis as "Bhookhay Nangay!"

Cheers[Image: beer.gif]

[center][size="6"][color="#006400"]Answers to zaid hamid (India , pakistan & Iran & US)[/color][/size]


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Posted in Full on the "indian Sports News & Discussion Thread.

[center][color="#FF0000"][size="5"]Hriday Ko Santush Kurnay Kay Leeyai Yeh Bhi Chintan Uchit Hai[/size][/color]

[url="http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2010/01/22/story_22-1-2010_pg2_8"][size="6"][color="#006400"]An opportunity for Pakistan to improve their ODI ranking[/color][/size][/center][/url]

Quote:Muhammad Ali

LAHORE: Pakistan have a chance to improve their ranking in the ICC ODI Championship table when they face four-time world champions Australia in a five-match series starting in Brisbane on Friday (today). <img src='http://www.india-forum.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' /> While Australia lead second-ranked India by nine ratings points, Pakistan sit in seventh position on 108 ratings points and four behind fourth-placed New Zealand. If Pakistan win the series by 3-2 or better, <img src='http://www.india-forum.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Big Grin' /> they will rise to as high as fourth but would stay in seventh position in case of their failure to win a single match in the series while dropping four ratings points behind sixth-placed Sri Lanka.

In case of a 3-2 series win, Mohammad Yousuf’s side will earn four ratings points which will put them alongside New Zealand on 112 ratings points but ahead of Daniel Vettori’s side by a fraction of the point. A 4-1 series win will put Pakistan on 115 ratings points [color="#FF0000"][size="7"]whereas a clean sweep will take them to 118 ratings points[/size][/color], <img src='http://www.india-forum.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Tongue' /> one behind third-placed South Africa. Even if Australia win the series 3-2, Pakistan will improve their rating by two places as they will leapfrog England and Sri Lanka into fifth place on 110 ratings points.

Cheers[Image: beer.gif]
[url="http://news.rediff.com/report/2010/jan/22/india-lodges-strong-protest-over-pak-firing.htm"]India lodges 'strong' protest over Pak ceasefire violations[/url]

Very nice. The loged 'stong' protests. Next time there'll be 'stronger' protest. And finally 'stongest' protest. Then we'll go back to 'strong' protests.
[quote name='Viren' date='23 January 2010 - 01:07 AM' timestamp='1264188549' post='103651']

[url="http://news.rediff.com/report/2010/jan/22/india-lodges-strong-protest-over-pak-firing.htm"]India lodges 'strong' protest over Pak ceasefire violations[/url]

Very nice. The loged 'stong' protests. Next time there'll be 'stronger' protest. And finally 'stongest' protest. Then we'll go back to 'strong' protests.


It took them over month, after losing 2 Jawan.

[url="http://www.thenews.com.pk/daily_detail.asp?id=220322"]Offer of obsolete UAVs fails to impress Pakistan[/url]

Quote:ISLAMABAD: Pakistan military sources say they are not impressed by the offer of the United States to supply RQ-7 Shadow Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), as they already have superior quality UAVs, which they have upgraded, and which are in use.

The disappointment is understandable since unlike the drones that fly and take out targets inside Pakistan’s Fata region, the ones being offered to Pakistan are unarmed and commonly used for intelligence gathering.

Later, when DG ISPR Major General Athar Abbas was asked about the overall weapons being provided to Pakistan for counterinsurgency and other military supplies, he remarked, [color="#FF0000"]“Too little, too late”.[/color]

Cheers[Image: beer.gif]

[url="http://www.cricinfo.com/pakistan/content/current/story/445538.html"]Pakistan offer to host South Africa in UAE[/url]

South Africa has decided not to tour Pakistan later this year for a series of three Tests, five ODIs and a Twenty20 over security fears, but the Pakistan Cricket Board has offered to host the series in the UAE.

Ijaz Butt, the PCB chairman, said that South Africa's cricket board had offered to play the matches in South Africa, but that proposal was turned down by Pakistan because it wasn't cost effective.

"South Africa were supposed to tour, but because of their security fears they declined to come and that's why we have offered them to play this full series of Tests, one-dayers and a Twenty20 (in October and November) at the neutral venue of the Emirates," Butt told AFP.

[color="#FF0000"]"If we play the series in South Africa, it would have incurred losses to us, so we hope they will agree to our proposal." [/color]

Pakistan only recently played a 'home series' against New Zealand in New Zealand, squaring the three Tests 1-1. Abu Dhabi and Dubai have regularly hosted one-dayers and Twenty20s involving Pakistan in the recent past after teams refused to tour Pakistan due to the volatile political and security situation in the country. The Sri Lankans were caught in the crossfire when their team bus was attacked in Lahore last March during a Test match. That incident further jeopardised Pakistan's prospects of hosting international teams and the ICC responded by stripping Pakistan's hosting rights in the 2011 World Cup.

Pakistan's next Test assignment is in England where they play Australia, another series shifted out of Pakistan over security fears. They are scheduled to play four Tests against England on the same tour.

Cheers[Image: beer.gif]

[url="http://www.nation.com.pk/pakistan-news-newspaper-daily-english-online/Opinions/Columns/24-Jan-2010/Dependence-and-its-consequences"][center][size="7"][color="#006400"]Dependence and its consequences[/color][/size][/center][/url]

Quote:Over the long downward path since 1947 this nation has evolved into a somewhat schizophrenic state when it comes to admitting the reality of its true place globally, and in particular with its relationship to the USA.

[color="#FF0000"]Shortly after the country’s birth, we began tapping the US exchequer seeking financial succour to help the country on its way.[/color] From then onwards there has been no looking back and though memories are short it cannot be forgotten how the relationship was strengthened and forged by successive leaderships, and how a continuous stream of financial and other aid has trickled in, or at times poured in when the US has felt the need to up the ante.

In times of trouble, in which direction has Pakistan turned? During the wars it has fought, when its politics have gone awry as they steadily have done, it has looked to Washington. Without delving too far back into the past which is well known, let us just take the 1990s and the two alternating prime ministers, Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif, who sought Ame-rican support when their chairs were endangered - let us remember Kargil and the Sharif dash to Washington on the American Independence Day.

Let us also not forget the dependence, which is evidenced in the continued resentment and never failing reminders about how the US dropped Pakistan in its hour of need when the Russians left Afghanistan. The moaning and groaning merely shows up the fact that there was no one else around to replenish the begging bowl, not even the Ummah, not even the other ‘friends’. This resentment which lingers to this day, sad as it may be, makes it clear that Pakistan needs the US to keep it afloat and fighting.

That is not to say that the US does not need Pakistan - it does, and particularly today. But the streak of anti-Americanism thrown up by even those to whom the US is the land with the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, those who queue for visas, who send their children to be educated in American universities, persists and it does not help matters - it rather exacerbates the problems thrown up by a strained relationship.

One unkind and hard to swallow theory put forth by foreign commentators not truly enamoured by Pakistan is that it is the dependence which provokes the present Pakistani ‘hatred’ of the US, that it is also a form of self-hatred that develops between client states and their paymasters. Pakistan has more or less been bought over the years. A top ranking US cold war and post-cold war ally, many of its bills have been paid without too many questions being asked. Military interventions and nuclear assets have been condoned, but it now seems that to found a trusting and working alliance has become a headache, though the fact is that neither side can afford to ditch the other - at least under the present circumstances. However, it must always be borne in mind that the attitudes struck in public have little to do with those adopted behind closed doors.

As if this were not sufficient to the day, we now have a head of state whose recent utterances within his own country have created many more doubts about his suitability to be where he is than were there before he decided to make his thoughts public. We all know why he is where he is and how he came to be there and who put him there and who is keeping him in place. We all know whose bidding he has to do to hang on to his job and we all know he will be with us for only as long as his lord protectors in Washington need him.

The point is why unnecessarily antagonise the army and the judiciary, both great powers to contend with. In particular, Asif Zardari should remember General Waheed Kakar and how without causing a ripple he sorted out an untenable situation in July 1993 with the US permission. Let Zardari also remember what he (or someone) wrote under his name in the New York Times of December 09, 2009: “In recent days, I have thought often of something my wife, Benazir, wrote in the days before her death: ‘It is so much easier to blame others for our problems than to accept responsibility ourselves’. Benazir added that conspiracy theories and ‘toxic rhetoric’ were ‘an opiate that keeps Muslims angry against external enemies and allows them to pay little attention to the internal causes of intellectual and economic decline’.”

And, in the midst of the NRO imbroglio, what was written in the Wall Street Journal on December 21, 2009 : “So let the legal process move forward. Those of us who have fought for democracy against dictatorship for decades do not fear justice; we embrace it. My ministers, my party, leaders of other parties and thousands of civil servants across our nation will defend themselves in the courts if necessary.”

And most pertinently let him recollect his words in The Washington Post of January 15 2010: “I am working with Parliament to run a country, not a political campaign.” We would never have guessed this if it were not in cold print.

The writer is a freelance columnist. - Email: jilani.amina@gmail.com

Moral of the Tale : When Pakistan became dependent on the USA, China, UK, Saudi Arabia et all for one Singular Purpose i.e. Attack India, Defeat India, Conquer India, Destroy all the Kufr and finally absorb India into the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Pakistani Leaders forgot the "Old Wisdom" i.e. a Shark cannot swallow a Whale.

Cheers[Image: beer.gif]

[url="http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/feedarticle/8913914"]Officials: Suspected US drone crashes in Pakistan[/url]

Quote:Associated Press Writer= PESHAWAR, Pakistan (AP) — Intelligence officials and a local resident say a suspected U.S. drone has crashed in Pakistan's lawless tribal area near the Afghan border.

The officials say the crash occurred Sunday in North Waziristan, some 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) northwest of the main town of Miran Shah.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to media.

Local resident Saudur Rehman says he heard gunfire just before he saw the drone crash and local tribesmen were congratulating each other for shooting it down.

A similar crash occurred in September 2008, but the Pakistani army denied claims by intelligence officials that troops and local people shot down the aircraft. It said it was a technical problem.

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