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Demographic Politics And Population Growth - 2
[quote name='kharavela' date='09 September 2010 - 11:08 AM' timestamp='1284010249' post='108210']

GS, Are there any efforts by VHP etc to increase awareness to increase Hindu birth rate. I have not seen any such campaign mentioned in the media.

There has to be mass awareness created by VHP, RSS etc otherwise we may not get the desired results.


Yes, VHP is doing a counter breeding program
Even commie paper Hindu agrees on islamic demographic tactics


Kerala's demographic trends bear watching

B.S. Raghavan

The barbaric act of chopping off the hand of a college lecturer in Kerala, whom Islamic fanatics had been accusing of insulting the Prophet in a question he had set for the internal examination of B.Com students, has sent shock waves throughout the country. The brutal incident has since been traced to some members of the Popular Front of India (PFI), said to be a fringe radical Islamic outfit, which, as per pamphlets seized from its office during the probe into the crime, entertains hopes of installing Islamic rule in India.

The Chief Minister of Kerala, Mr V.S. Achuthanandan, has, in a media meet at Delhi at the time of the National Development Council meeting, expressed his fears, purportedly based on evidence uncovered by the police, that the PFI was hatching a plot aimed at Islamisation of Kerala and that “In 20 years, India and Kerala will become a Muslim-dominated region. Youngsters are being given money and lured to convert to Islam, marry Muslim women and then give birth to Muslim children so that they can multiply.”

All for ‘love'

This is reminiscent of the observations of the Kerala High Court on December 9 last year in a case against ‘love jihad' (conversions of girls from other religions to Islam after enticing them to marry Muslim boys) that there were indications of as many as 3,000-4,000 ‘forceful' religious conversions in Kerala in the last four years under the guise of ‘love', and the government should consider enacting a law to prohibit such ‘deceptive' acts.

Steep fall

To what extent do demographic trends in Kerala bear out the possibility of Muslim domination? From what I have gathered from the studies of noted demographers such as Mr P.N. Mari Bhat and Mr A. Francis Xavier, and from the book, Religious Demography of India, published by the Centre for Policy Studies, Chennai, India's Muslim population will keep increasing by one percentage point each decade and its share will rise from 13.4 per cent of the total population in 2001 to 17.3 per cent by 2050.

For the sub-continent as a whole comprising India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, the proportion of Muslims is projected to increase from 30 per cent as of now to 50 per cent around 2060.

As regards Kerala, in the last 100 years, the population of Hindus, Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists has been declining by 1.2 per cent every decade resulting in a steep fall from 69 per cent of the total population in 1901 to 56 per cent in 2001.

During the first half of the 20th century, the Christian share in the population had increased from 14 per cent to 21 per cent. In the post-Independence era, the percentage of Muslims in the State as a whole has gone up from 17.5 to 25.

Regional trends

The trends pertaining to specific regions of Kerala are equally interesting. In the Malappuram district, in the period from 1951 to 2001, the increase in the Muslim share in the total population has been by 14 percentage points, from 54.3 to 68 per cent.

In the entire Malabar region, comprising Kasargod, Kannur, Wayanad, Kozhikode, Malappuram and Palakkad, the non-Islamic, non-Christian section of the population has dropped from 65.3 per cent of the total in 1951 to a near minority level of 52.7 per cent in 2001.

In the same period, the Muslim share in the region has gone up from 31.4 per cent to 41.1 per cent and the Christian share has also risen significantly from 3.3 per cent to 6.2 per cent.

I am convinced that the trends I have set out are not part of any design on any particular community's part to overturn India's religious demography in its favour. Even so, they bear watching.
More underbreeding by keralite hindus


Women panel seeks marriage age tweak


Thiruvananthapuram, Oct. 16: The Kerala Women’s Commission has proposed raising the minimum marriage age for women from 18 to 25 years to check rising divorces.

Panel chairperson D. Sreedevi said in Kochi yesterday that those seeking to marry should reach a reasonable level of maturity and economic self-reliance to support a family. Otherwise, even the slightest setbacks to family life would lead to early break-ups.

Last year, the women’s commission received more than 10,000 applications for divorce while in the nine months of this year, the number was around 5,500.

Sreedevi said many relationships ended in marriages at a relatively young age, often when couples had not even completed their studies.

The decision to marry was emotional, not backed by any realistic appraisal of mutual compatibility and self-sufficiency, she added.

The current marriageable age is 18 for women and 21 for men. The commission wants this to be raised ideally to 25 for women and 28 for men but based on considerations of gender equality, it has suggested a common age of 25 years.

The views of the state unit will be placed before the National Women’s Commission at a meeting here on October 28.

Many of Kerala’s growing number of divorce applications are filed within months of the marriage.

The Catholic Church responded to this by insisting on compulsory pre-marital counselling besides catechism.

Couples who do not attend the counselling session face delays in marriage solemnisation but in rare cases, permission is granted on payment of a fine.

The commission’s proposal is, however, at odds with a recent Delhi High Court ruling that the marriage of a girl, aged less than 18 but above 15, cannot be annulled on grounds that she has not reached the mandatory minimum age. If the girl had the discretion to choose her partner, so be it, the bench had said.

The national commission, though, had disagreed with the court’s position and said that reducing the marriageable age would promote child marriage. It decided to challenge the verdict.
Here are the figures for religious composition of undivided Kashmir

kingdom in 1941

Muslim = 77%

Hindu = 20.12 %

Sikh = 1.64 %

Buddhists ~ 1%

(page 179, see below)

Kashmir valley was more than 90% Muslim (only 113,000 non muslims in

a population of 1,732,000). Even Jammu was a Muslim majority region

(53%) - page 180

The total population of the Kingdom was 4,002,000

Total area was 84,471 sq miles, which is just about the size of the

state of Minnesota. (page 179)

Reference: BROWN, W. Norman. 1972. The United States and India,

Pakistan, Bangladesh (The American Foreign Policy Library, Edwin O.

Reischauer - Ed.). Harvard College.

The book had two earlier editions - 1st in 1953 and 2nd in 1963.

British-based Sheik Abdul Raheem Green has forbidden Muslims from having fewer than four children so Australia would become an Islamic state.

This order is contained in a DVD being openly sold at a Muslim information centre in Coburg, Victoria.
[quote name='G.Subramaniam' date='10 November 2010 - 09:00 AM' timestamp='1289397162' post='109167']

British-based Sheik Abdul Raheem Green has forbidden Muslims from having fewer than four children so Australia would become an Islamic state.

This order is contained in a DVD being openly sold at a Muslim information centre in Coburg, Victoria.


But ... but do you think the poor Muslim in the slum really cares about increasing their numbers Gsub as some jerkoff's keep asking.
[quote name='Bharatvarsh2' date='10 November 2010 - 09:23 PM' timestamp='1289403909' post='109169']

But ... but do you think the poor Muslim in the slum really cares about increasing their numbers Gsub as some jerkoff's keep asking.


We foolish hindus focus on breeding 1 or 2 kids and giving them education so that they can get a good job

whereas the muslims focus on breeding 5 so that they can halal the 1 quality hindu son and grab his property and rape the 1 quality hindu daughter
[quote name='Bharatvarsh2' date='26 October 2010 - 11:06 PM' timestamp='1288114135' post='109022']

Here are the figures for religious composition of undivided Kashmir

kingdom in 1941

Muslim = 77%

Hindu = 20.12 %

Sikh = 1.64 %

Buddhists ~ 1%

(page 179, see below)

Kashmir valley was more than 90% Muslim (only 113,000 non muslims in

a population of 1,732,000). Even Jammu was a Muslim majority region

(53%) - page 180

The total population of the Kingdom was 4,002,000

Total area was 84,471 sq miles, which is just about the size of the

state of Minnesota. (page 179)

Reference: BROWN, W. Norman. 1972. The United States and India,

Pakistan, Bangladesh (The American Foreign Policy Library, Edwin O.

Reischauer - Ed.). Harvard College.

The book had two earlier editions - 1st in 1953 and 2nd in 1963.



I used to have the Demography Book by MD.Srinivas, which had detailed census from 1901-1991, and Jammu in 1941 was no more than 40% muslim
G.Sub as you may be considered a "frothing at the mouth" Hindoo by certain retards, here is a reference for G.Sub's claim:

Quote:Muslim cleric blames drought on faithless Aussies

Sunday Herald Sun, via the Sunday Telegraph, Australia

Mar. 11, 2007

A leading Muslim cleric has blamed the devastating drought, climate change and pollution on Australians’ lack of faith in Allah.

Radical sheik Mohammed Omran told followers at his Brunswick mosque that out-of-control secular scientific values had caused environmental disaster.

“The fear of Allah is not there. So we have now a polluted earth, a polluted water, a wasteland,” he told a meeting this year.

“What are the people now crying for? The prophet told you hundreds of years ago, ‘Look after the water’.”

A Sunday Herald Sun investigation also found clerics railing against “evil” democracy, vilifying Jews and Christians and encouraging jihad and polygamy.

And in a popular DVD selling locally, a foreign sheik exhorts Muslims to take control of Australia by out-breeding non-believers.

British-based Sheik Abdul Raheem Green forbade Muslims from having fewer than four children so Australia would become an Islamic state.

Behind the closed doors of some Melbourne mosques and bookshops, sheiks push for Sharia law, declare Islam at war with the “sick” West and gloat that September 11 boosted Muslim numbers.

At a Muslim information centre in Coburg, extreme literature shares shelves with DVDs by firebrand sheiks from around the globe.

The centre, run by Abu Hamza, serves Muslims in the northern suburbs.

Many CDs and DVDs there feature London sheik Abdul Raheem Green, who is on an Australian Government watchlist.

On one he tells his audience to Islamise Australia through a Muslim baby boom.

“The birth rate in the Western countries is going down. People are more interested in their careers . . . they don’t want to have babies,” Sheik Green says in one DVD.

“So don’t you think, Muslim brothers and sisters, we’ve got a bit of an opportunity here? They’re not having babies any more. So what if, instead, we have the babies?

“In Canada one in three or one in four children being born is a Muslim. What does that do to the demographic shift of a Muslim population in 20 years’ time?

Islamic Council of Victoria spokesman Waleed Aly said he was disappointed though not surprised by the Sunday Herald Sun’s discoveries.

But he said extremist speech and literature was confined to only a couple of Melbourne groups.

“If I walked into (Omran’s group) or (Hamza’s centre) it wouldn’t surprise me,” he said.

Mr Aly said he believed Muslims were radicalised by “cult-like peer groups”, not hate literature.


I remember the early days when so many of the worthless idiots even in the so called Hindutva camp ridiculed you for saying that Muslims do demographic warfare but now Muslim sources themselves openly mention it.

This is in Oz, imagine the speeches by firebrand Deoband Mullah's in India exhorting the "true believers" to outbreed the "kafirs".
[quote name='Bharatvarsh2' date='11 November 2010 - 11:01 PM' timestamp='1289496197' post='109196']

G.Sub as you may be considered a "frothing at the mouth" Hindoo by certain retards, here is a reference for G.Sub's claim:

I remember the early days when so many of the worthless idiots even in the so called Hindutva camp ridiculed you for saying that Muslims do demographic warfare but now Muslim sources themselves openly mention it.

This is in Oz, imagine the speeches by firebrand Deoband Mullah's in India exhorting the "true believers" to outbreed the "kafirs".


My enemies in the Hindutva camp can be classified as follows

1. Denying that the common muslim was deliberately outbreeding Hindus

2. Once the above was accepted the next division came on how to tackle this

The first division was the socio-economic camp and I defeated them by pointing out that in most states, IMs outbreed, SC, ST, Rural, Illiterate and very poor

3. Next was on how to tackle it

Some wanted to pass 2 child laws - my objection was who is going to enforce it on muslims, except for Sanjay Gandhi during emergency

So what would happen is Hindus would obey the law and muslim would flout it

Then the laws wont apply to Pak and BD and the infiltration flood would continue

Some said the solution is to organise Hindus, well in west Punjab, Sikhs were organised and still got massacred

Some said do shuddhi, well EJ websites call islam a biological problem - they breed too fast to be converted even by EJ

Some said, do Gujurat type actions, - During Gujurat riots many muslims openly said that they will breed back the losses in 12 hours - If going this route, then the logical conclusion is east punjab 1947, but Hindu society is too squeamish for that today

So by a process of elimination, the only way to tackle islam is to counter -breed, yes do shuddhi and organising in the meantime , but counterbreeding is the key

I view islam like diabetes or AIDs - keep it under control

So once again, I repeat, have 5 or be islamised

A Hindu society that is too lazy to breed 5 will not have the stomach to fight a civil war street by street as muslims breed their way to victory

But it had the opposite effect on Muslim women. The imams and mullahs warned young women to stay indoors, to forgo higher education and to become dutiful mothers of as many children as God would give them. The children, they said, would replace the Muslims killed during the riots.


This article is about post-Godhra reprisals

Muslims breed faster than can be eliminated in such reprisals

The real solution to containing islam is counter-breeding
[quote name='G.Subramaniam' date='12 November 2010 - 10:17 PM' timestamp='1289579991' post='109210']

I view islam like diabetes or AIDs - keep it under control


more like Cancer both in pathology and therapy. Prevention first for the healthy (timely vaccinate the young, supply proper diet, educate about harmful lifestyle). Then remove the agents that promote its inception and spread, could be hidden chemicals input through diet, exposure to harmful substance, infection from already afflicted, or even heredity -- but identify, watch, and eliminate the agents from the play. Then isolate and localize the already malignant parts. Surgery where possible, followed by ongoing periodic chemotherapy and immunotherapy. In all, ofcourse retard the growth of the malignant cells and out-breed them by healthy cells (which is the challenge).
Check the following links about contempoary Hindu resistance to Muslim colonialism in Bali:





Ignore the snide remarks about Hindu "fundamentalism" by the leftist goras who wrote the above, to them any sort of Hindu defense is fundamentalism.

Also check pg's 55 to 57 here:





113 to 125:










As you can see one man's (Satria Naradha) initiative to create awareness using his newspaper Bali Post and TV channel Bali TV made a lot of differnece.

Some Balinese Hindus have rightly concluded that Ajeg Bali is not enough(referred to in the 113 to 125 pg's lin) and what is needed is Ajeg Hindu because Ajeg Bali could mean inclusion of Muslims and Christians of Bali whereas Ajeg Hindu will automatically protect Balinese culture because as long as Hindu Agama remains strong Balinese culture remains strong.

Others (a woman no less i.e if a man tells these facts he is declared a chauvunist) have identified the demographic warfare of Muslims and the need to counter it by stopping the demographic suicide known as family planning:

Quote:Pendatang are not the only reason for the decreasing number of Hindu Balinese in Bali. The problem lies also in the fact the Balinese are having fewer children, according to the Balinese psychiatrist Luh Ketut Suryani in her book Perempuan Bali Kini (2003). In this book (published by Bali Post), after a gloomy description of a contemporary Bali which has lost its way, with a young generation focused on alcohol, drugs, free sex and love of western culture, Suryani instructs Balinese women on how to save Bali. They have to bear in mind

their main role, which is to be a mother able to produce a great new generation of Hindu Balinese who will save Balinese culture from all the destructive outside

negative influences. In one chapter

of this would-be `manual' for modern Balinese women, Suryani tells readers that the destiny

of Bali is in their hands. Because of the birth control programme very few Balinese couples

have more than two children, which has led to a decrease in the Hindu Bali population. In Suryani's view, having more children and educating them as good Balinese Hindus will obviate the danger that they could become a minority in their own home and will

save Balinese culture (Suryani 2003: 99).


Hindus in India have to learn from them.
From above post, Hindu women get westernised, over-educated underbreeders and eventually get put into an islamic harem where they produce 5 kids

Muslim % in European countries - 2010 / 2030

Austria 5.7 / 9.3

Belgium 6.0 / 10.2

Denmark 4.1 / 5.6

France 7.5 / 10.3

Germany 5.0 / 7.1

Greeece 4.7 / 6.9

Italy 2.6 / 5.4

Netherlands 5.5 / 7.8

Norway 3.0 / 6.5

Spain 2.3 / 3.7

Sweden 4.9 / 9.9

Switzerland 5.7 / 8.1

UK 4.6 / 8.2

Russia 11.7 / 14.4

Some comments - In 1970, Raspail a french racist wrote a book - camp of saints, about Europe being over-run by Hindus

so the west europeans imported muslims

ROP and ROL will have civil war by 2030.

Greece did a full population exchange with Turkery in 1921, and reduced muslims to 1%

and Ambedkar recommended a full population exchange using this example

now thanks to over-breeding and illegal immigration, muslims will be at 7% by 2030 in Greece

Despite Spanish inquisition eradicating muslims, Spanish muslims will be 4% by 2030, again

illegal immigration and over-breeding.

In Swiss and Germany there is no birthright citizenship, so the muslims can vote

UKstan will be 8% muslim by 2030.

The important fact is that even well run western countries cant stop illegal muslim immigration

The only way to stop muslim immigration is to raise our own fertility and prevent a demographic vacuum
Per 2011 Indian census,

0-6 Indian pop in 2001 = 161 mil

0-6 Indian pop in 2011 = 158 mil

So Indian pop is decreasing in the long term
[quote name='G.Subramaniam' date='02 April 2011 - 06:18 AM' timestamp='1301704834' post='111296']

Per 2011 Indian census,

0-6 Indian pop in 2001 = 161 mil

0-6 Indian pop in 2011 = 158 mil

So Indian pop is decreasing in the long term


It is decreasing, male , female ratio is still high. Shocking difference in Punjab and Haryana , where mobile ultra sound is doing wonder in villages, plus abortion is fashionable. Sikh population is declining pretty fast.

2010 UN pop projections upto 2100

Good News

*BD topping out at 190 mil by 2050 and declining to 155 mil by 2100 ( my estimate was 220 mil )

*Pak topping out at 280 mil by 2070 and declining to 260 mil by 2100 ( my estimate was 350 mil )

*Current Fertility

*BD = 2.3

*India = 2.7 ( Hindu = 2.6 )

*Pak = 3.5

*Afghanistan = 6.3

Bad News

*Afghanistan pop = 110 mil by 2100

*Indian pop tops out at 1650 mil by 2060 and decreases to 1550 mil by 2100
The number of births to Muslim mothers in Israel stagnated between 2000 and 2010, growing only from 35,740 to 36,252. In contrast, the number of children born to Jewish mothers grew from 91,936 in 2000 to 120,673 in 2010, a growth rate of 31 percent.

The "total fertility rate" of Muslim women in Israel is said to have fallen from 4.57 per woman per lifetime in 2000 to 3.73 in 2010. In contrast, the TFR for Jews grew from 2.67 in 2000 to 2.96 in 2010. This is a very high figure for a fairly well-educated population, the highest in the world for any developed country. In comparison, the much-celebrated TFR among whites in predominantly Mormon Utah was 2.45 in 2002.

Some of this Jewish fertility is less useful to the state. The ultra-fertile ultra-Orthodox were long exempt from conscription and tend to absorb a lot of welfare to pay for all those Jewish children. On the other hand, Asian Times pundit Spengler (who is former Lyndon Larouche aide David P. Goldman), claims that mainstreams Jews in Israel average a healthy 2.6 children each.

Church giving incentives to larger families


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Worried over the steady fall in the growth of Christian population in the State, parishes in Kerala have started giving incentives for Catholics to have larger families even when the Central and State governments do not want parents to beget more than two children.

St Vincent De Paul Forane Church, a parish church in Wayanad district, is offering fixed rate deposits of Rs 10,000 in the name of the fifth child born to a Catholic family. A Catholic News Agency report said the parish church had issued deposits to two families, according to church vicar Fr Jose Kallarackal. Part of the Sunday collection is set aside for such deposits, it says.

The programme, launched in mid-August, is being executed with assistance from Sion Prolife Movement. Its regional coordinator Salu Mecheril is quoted as saying that the campaign’s popularity is increasing and that a second parish is preparing to adopt the same plan. He said efforts were on to spread the campaign to all parishes in the Wayanad’s Mananthavady diocese.

Church sources said that such initiatives from the part of Catholic dioceses in Kerala had started as back as in 2008. They said the Idukki diocese had initiated a programme to give assistance to parents with more children than two in 2008.

According to the Kerala Catholic Bishops’ Conference (KCBC), a family trend to have only one child or none at all would imperil the Catholic community. As per the 2001 census, Christians made up 19 percent of Kerala’s population of over 31 million, showing a drop from the 1991 census finding of 19.5 percent.

The larger family concept was mooted by the Church in the context of the fall in the population growth at a rate of -0.40 percent per decade. Church sources say that Hindus also should view the situation seriously as their rate of fall of population growth, at 1.55 percent a decade, is far more critical in the context of a growth in the Muslim population at a rate of 1.75 percent.

In Kerala, Hindus constitute 55 percent of the total population, while Muslims form 24.7 percent. Christians constitute 19 percent or less. A church source said the demographic studies were showing an alarming trend in Kerala where Muslim families alone were showing increase in the number of children.

Among the chief seven denominations of the Kerala church, Syrian Christians, constituting 80 percent of the total Christians, are the most concerned about this trend.

“Our men and women had got good education and this has contributed hugely to the shrinkage of the population. We will have to use our means to re-educate them to have more children,” said a source.

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