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Assault on Taslima Nasreen
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>French award for Taslima: Govt won't allow ceremony </b>
Kanchan Gupta | New Delhi
Dissident Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasreen, winner of this year's Simone de Beauvoir Feminist Award, may not be fortunate enough to personally receive it from French President Nicolas Sarkozy during his visit to Delhi later this week because the Government of India is not too keen about it.   

On January 9, the French Government announced that Nasreen is this year's recipient of the coveted award named after the famous feminist writer, close friend of Jean Paul Sartre and author of the celebrated treatise, The Second Sex. The award is conferred on notable women writers.

Nasreen, who has been chosen for the award in Simone de Beauvoir's centenary year, could not travel to Paris to receive it as she remains in the protective custody of security and intelligence agencies in a safe house somewhere in the National Capital Region. <b>There was some apprehension that if she had left Delhi for Paris, she might not have been allowed to return to India although she has a valid visa which expires on February 17</b>.

The French authorities, therefore, decided that President Nicolas Sarkozy would hand over the award to Nasreen during his visit to Delhi later this week. This was conveyed to the Government of India, only to elicit a guarded response. It is believed that South Block has conveyed to the French Government that while India has nothing against Nasreen being accorded the honour, it would not be possible to let her attend a formal ceremony for "security reasons".

Nasreen, who has lived in Paris and whose 2002 novel, Forashi Premik (French Lover), is based on a young immigrant Bengali woman breaking free of a loveless marriage, told The Pioneer she was overwhelmed when she heard that the Simone de Beauvoir Award committee had selected her as this year's recipient. "I could not go to Paris to receive the award, so I was hoping to receive it here, but now there seems to be some doubt about that," she said.

"An official of the French Government called me on Monday night and said the French President would like to personally hand over the award to me during his visit to Delhi. I was delighted and felt deeply honoured," she told this newspaper during a telephone conversation on Tuesday. "But now there seems to be some problem."

<b>While the Government of India is yet to communicate anything formally to Nasreen, the Government of India is believed to be unwilling to agree to a formal ceremony due to "security reasons". </b>Nasreen, of course, insists that in "secular, democratic India I have nothing to fear" and that any suggestion of Muslim fundamentalists taking to the streets is "grossly exaggerated".
Messsieur Sah-coh-cie: Sacre bleu! J'ai en un quandrie! La semaine derniere, j'ai dit, "Bravo, Eeslaam"

Mr Sarcozy: Good God! I am in quandry! Last week I had praised Islam to the skies...

(Pardon mah French Francophone IFers)
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Taslima Nasreen admitted to AIIMS </b>
Staff Reporter | New Delhi
Controversial Bangladeshi author Taslima Nasreen has been admitted to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) here for suspected adverse reaction to certain medicines. According to AIIMS spokesperson Dr YK Gupta, Nasreen was brought to the hospital on Saturday after she complained of uneasiness and has since been undergoing treatment under a team of specialist doctors. "She was suspected to have been suffering from adverse reaction to some drugs. Her condition is normal now," he said. Doctors said that Nasreen is diabetic and has high blood pressure. The author is likely to be discharged in a day or two.

Who is behind this? Ofcourse Congress led UPA government.
<b> I was administered wrong drugs: Taslima Nasreen </b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->New Delhi, Jan 30: Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasreen, who was admitted to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in New Delhi for 'suspected drug effect' Jan 26, said Wednesday that <b>she had been administered wrong medicines by government deputed doctors leading to the hospitalisation</b>.

In her first telephonic interview from her undisclosed address after she was discharged from the hospital Wednesday, the writer said: 'I was living under stress and that caused hypertension.'

According to Nasreen, when she felt uneasy, she wasn't seen by a cardiologist and was instead taken to some place where a doctor deputed by the government gave her 'wrong drugs'.

<b>'I immediately fainted from the poisonous effect Saturday evening. Then I was taken to the AIIMS and there the doctors saved me. I was in the CCU,'</b> Nasreen said.

'I am not yet stable. I cannot consult doctor of my choice even now,' said the writer who is also a physician herself.

'My blood pressure is fluctuating. I am not sure what to do. A wrong news that my visa has been extended is doing the rounds too.'

Y K Gupta, chief spokesperson of AIIMS, had said Tuesday: 'Taslima Nasreen was brought to our hospital Jan 26 night. She was admitted after initial investigation found that she was suffering from suspected drug effect. It could be the side effect of some drug as well.'

He said the 45-year-old author was also 'complaining of uneasiness and hypertension'.

Indian Govt is using Halal on her, why slow death? I don't hear sound fro, all those roy, chatterjee, Laloo, Nayar, Bidwai dharna to protect this woman. This is sad.
She might fall into a coma or get a stroke
Indian Government is trying to kill her just to keep Indian Muslim happy.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Taslima's visa yet to be renewed </b>
Kanchan Gupta | New Delhi
The Union Ministry of Home Affairs has informed dissident Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasreen, kept under constant watch at a 'safe house' in the National Capital Region, that<b> no decision has yet been taken to extend her visa</b>, which expires on February 17. 

<b>Nasreen, disallowed all contacts with friends and barred from stepping out</b>, even to receive the Prix Simone de Beauvoir from French President Nicolas Sarkozy while he was in Delhi, <b>is suffering from acute depression made worse by the absence of any news about her visa being extended</b>.

She had to be admitted to the CCU at AIIMS on January 26 after her blood pressure plummeted. <b>"I had requested for a cardiologist earlier that day as I was not feeling well, but apparently no doctor was willing to come to the 'third house' where I was to be checked," </b>Nasreen told The Pioneer.

"Finally, a (Government) doctor came and prescribed me three medicines. After I took those medicines, I fainted and fell down," the writer added. Nasreen was then taken to AIIMS and admitted to the CCU where doctors monitored her blood pressure and stabilised it. She was released on Tuesday.

Nasreen, who holds a MBBS degree and gave up medicine to become a full-time writer, says the drugs that were prescribed to her had "an adverse effect", triggering a violent reaction. "I have now been advised to stop all medication and not worry too much. But how can I stop worrying?", she said.

Last week, a news agency put out a story that Nasreen's visa had been extended. When she asked a Home Ministry official, who is her minder, whether this was true, he told her, "It has not yet been decided."

She now says that although doctors at AIIMS have advised her to "reduce stress", she is constantly stressed.

<b>"Here I am unable to meet anybody, not allowed to talk to friends, step out... I have requested meetings with friends, including a Member of Parliament, in the 'third house' (where she is supposed to meet people), but my requests have not fetched a positive response," </b>Nasreen said.

Nasreen was forced to leave Kolkata, where she had set up home for the past couple of years, after Muslims instigated by a Congress leader, Idris Ali, ran riot on November 21. She was brought to Delhi via Jaipur and has been in the custody of Central security agencies since November 23 in a 'safe house'
Like most sensitive people, I do have sympathy for this person. But I fail to understand a few things.

Why is she hell bent on living in a communist state that hates her? Why is she so obstinate that she wants to take chances with commies who hate her and love the Islamic extremists? It makes no sense at all. She rudely declined a generous offer made by Mr. Modi.

So she'd rather snub a generous Hindu leader and a Hindu state like Gujarat, which is trying to protect her, all the while expecting Hindus to protect her from Islamic extremists? Am I the only one finding this offensive? <!--emo&:angry:--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/mad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='mad.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Because she speaks Bangali and English, same culture, good for her creative writing, stay in touch with Bangladesh, so that she can use her sword/pen against Islam.

Staying in Gujarat will label her Hindu influcened writer.

Writers are very moody/sensitive people, not many people enjoy living in far place, homesickness etc.

She should move to US or UK, atleast these countries will be safe heaven for her.
India is full of spineless ruler.
Indic ethos is dead in India.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Taslima can seek asylum in France: Envoy</b>
PTI | Puducherry
Posted online: February 16, 2008
Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasreen could seek asylum in France and visit Paris whenever she likes to receive Simone de Beauvoir literary award, French Ambassador to India Jerome Bonnafont has said.

He said that the French government's offer to give asylum to her was in tune with their traditions of offering it to those facing threat to their lives for expressing their opinions.

"We want to give shelter and express solidarity with individuals facing threat to life and this is in agreement with the French tradition of giving asylum," Bonnafont told reporters here on Friday.

Nasreen is staying at an undisclosed place in the national capital since being bundled out of Kolkata in November 2007 following largescale violent protests in that city by radical Islamic outfits.

Freedom of religion and expression are very fundamental to India and France, the Ambassador told a questioner.

He also recalled how Sri Aurobindo had sought asylum in Puducherry when it was under French rule.

He said that President of France Nicolas Sarkozy had extended an invitation to her to visit France to receive the 'Simone de Beauvoir' award.

The French Ambassador, however, said that he understood the writer did not feel like leaving India for the time being. But she has an "open invitation to visit whenever she wants," he added.

Sureshmoorthy, It's pbbly best she declined Modi's offer to live in Gujarat. This way people can still precieve her as being a person speaking from inside the muslim community.

I feel she shouldn't leave the country as that is what all the mullahs and netas want. Removing her from the picture is very convenient for all those pseudo-seculars who are mysteriously silent on issues relating to muslim excesses.

Her presence in India should be a constant thorn in their side reminding the public of their (pseudosecs) duplicity.




The statement (given at the end) said that 'In the case of Taslima Nasrin it was the CPI (M) and not any religious or sectarian group who first tried to ban her book
Dwikhondito some years ago.' Only a government or a court can ban a book,
not any group. CPIM-led Government banned it not because the book has said anything against CPIM, but because the Islamic groups in West Bengal DEMANDED that and all other major political parties in West Bengal - Trinamul Congress and
Congress supported the move to appease the Islamic groups. The demand was
corroborated by a list of '25 intellectuals' , led by 'eminent literatuere
Sunil Gangopadhyay. Please note 'communal' BJP has minimum presence in the state.

So the ban was done to appease the Islamic Fundamentalist. By blaming only
CPIM, it tries to hide the power of Islamic fundamentalists in West Bengal

After Calcutta High Court lifted the ban, no one went to the Supreme Court
against the ban. But the Islamic groups, particularly Milli Ittehad
Parishad, including Mr.Siddikullah, the champion of Nandigram, came on
streets demanding the head or expulsion of Taslima Nasrin from the country.

They met Chief Minister to warn of dire consequence. There were street
protests and demand to kill Taslima by Islamic groups at the centre of
Kolkata. Even a CPIM-backed journal Pathasanket was banned as an article
there justified Taslima's views on Islam. This publication springed a
subsequent round of not only banning the journal (its September 2007 issue),
but the protests turned violent even after the journal was banned and all
its copies were withdrawn from the market. No 'secular' intellectual
protested this ban.

Eminent 'secular' intellectuals of West Bengal and Muslim MPs of CPIM fanned
the demand against Taslima. And then on 21 November 2007, the Islamists
carried out violence throughout the day in Kolkata. And the police, who
fires readily on any peasant demonstrations like Nandigram or Dinhata,
looked the other way. No political parties in West Bengal came out
against this violence. <b>The petition by Mahasweta Devi et al is silent on
this black day of Kolkata. Islamic muscle, appeasement by political parties
and silence of these 'intellctuals' - all together bundled out Taslima from
her room into a car to kick her out from great 'progressive' Kolkata. </b>All
these are recorded in the media and it is not any activity of any 'unknown'
Muslim group to defuse the land issue by appeasing Muslims.

To hide the role of Islamic fundamentalists the issue of Nandigram has been
dragged into in this statement. The statement says that Taslima issue was
raised by an unknown group and CPIM caved in to appease the Muslims and in
turn to destroy the 'davit - Muslim protest of Nandigram. It is a blatant
lie as one of the most championed leader of Nandigram, Mr. Siddikullah of
Jamaet Ulema Hind (a secular party for Mahasweta Devi) himself and Milli
Ittehad Parishad led a big street protest in Kolkata few days before the
21st November. Was it also arranged by CPIM? All kinds of Islamic groups
have supported the demand. To hide this face of Islamic fundamentalists this
petition is unfortunately changing a peasant revolt of Namdigram as a
'dalit - Muslim protest, thus communalising the protest movement of Bengal.

And finally to confuse the main issue a host of other issues have been
included. And if those issues are not solved why then Taslima should return
to Kolkata or stay in India.

Is it really in favour of Taslima?


<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b> Public Statement by Forum For The Protection of Free Speech and Expression</b>

At a time when India is projecting itself on the
world's stage as a modern democracy, while it hosts
international literary festivals and book fairs, the
Government of India, most mainstream political parties
and their armed squads are mounting a concerted
assault on peoples' right to Free Speech.

It is a matter of abiding shame that even as some of
the world's best-known writers were attending the
Jaipur literary festival and prestigious publishers
were doing business at the World Book fair in Delhi,
the exiled Bengali writer Taslima Nasrin was (and is)
being held in custody by the Government of India in an
undisclosed location somewhere in or around Delhi in
conditions that amount to house arrest. Contrary to
misleading press reports stating that her visa has
been extended, her visa expires on the 18th of
February, after which she is liable to be deported or
remain confined as an illegal alien.

Taslima Nasrin is only one in a long list of
journalists, writers, scholars and artists who have
been persecuted, banned, imprisoned, forced into exile
or had their work desecrated in this country. At
different points of time, different governments have
either directly or indirectly resorted to these
measures in order to fan the flames of religious,
regional and ethnic obscurantism to gain popularity
and expand their 'vote-banks' . Every day the threat to
Free Speech and Expression increases.

In the case of Taslima Nasrin it was the CPI (M) and
not any religious or sectarian group who first tried
to ban her book Dwikhondito some years ago. The ban
was lifted by the Calcutta High Court and the book was
in the market and on bestseller lists in West Bengal
for several years. During those years Taslima Nasrin
lived and worked as a free person in Calcutta without
any threat to her person, without being the cause of
public disorder, protests or demonstrations.
Ironically, Taslima Nasrin's troubles in India began
immediately after the Nandigram uprising when the
people of Nandigram, mostly Dalits and Muslims, rose
to resist the West Bengal Government's attempt to
takeover their land, and tens of thousands of people
marched in Calcutta to protest the government's
actions. Within days a little known group claiming to
speak for the Muslim community asked for a ban on
Dwikhondito and demanded that Taslima Nasrin be
deported. The CPI(M)-led government of West Bengal
immediately caved in to the demand, informed her that
it could not offer her security, and lost no time in
deporting her from West Bengal against her will. The
Congress-led UPA Government has condoned this act by
holding her in custody in Delhi and refusing, thus
far, to extend her visa and relieve her of her public
humiliation. They have once again played the suicidal
card of pitting minority communalism against majority
communalism, a game that can only end in disaster.

Inevitably, hoping to make political capital out of
the situation, the BJP is publicly shedding crocodile
tears over Taslima Nasrin, going to the extent of
offering her asylum in Gujarat. It seems to expect
people to forget that the BJP, VHP and RSS cadres have
been at the forefront of harassing, persecuting,
threatening and vandalizing newspaper offices,
television studios, galleries, cinema halls,
filmmakers, artists and writers. Or that they have
forced M.F. Husain, one of India's best-known
painters, into exile.

Meanwhile, in states like Chattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh
and Karnataka, away from the public glare of press
conferences and television cameras, journalists are
being threatened and even imprisoned. Prashant Rahi
from Uttarakhand, Praful Jha from Chattisgarh,
Srisailum from Andhra Pradesh, P. Govind Kutty from
Kerala are a few examples. As we speak Govind Kutty,
who is on a hunger strike in prison is being
force-fed, bound hand and foot. Scores of ordinary
people, including people like Binayak Sen have been
arrested and held illegally under false charges.

We the undersigned do not necessarily agree with,
endorse or admire the views or the work of those whose
rights we seek to defend. Many of us have serious
differences with them. We agree that many of them do
offend our (or someone else's) religious, political
and ideological sensibilities. However, we believe
that instead of making them simultaneously into both
victims and heroes, their work should be viewed, read,
criticized and vigorously debated. We believe that the
Freedom of Speech and Expression is an Absolute and
Inalienable Right, and is the keystone of a modern

If the Indian Government deports Taslima Nasrin, or
holds her as an illegal alien, it will shame and
diminish all of us. We demand that she be given a
Resident's Permit or, if she has applied for it,
Indian citizenship, and that she be allowed to live
and work freely in India. We demand that the spurious
cases filed against M.F. Husain be dropped and that he
be allowed to return to a normal life in India. We
demand that the journalists who are being illegally
detained in prison against all principles of natural
justice be released immediately.


Mahashweta Devi, Arundhati Roy, Ashish Nandy, Girish Karnad<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Another greatest achievement of India's ruling Party - Congress Party and shameless Prime Minister of India ManMohan Singh or Moron Singh who is father of three daughter.
What a shame he is to a civilized soceity?

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->  <b>India's Lajja: Taslima to leave for freedom </b>
Kanchan Gupta | New Delhi
Dissident Bangladeshi author Taslima Nasreen has decided that rather than suffer solitary confinement in a 'safe house' where she is kept under virtual house arrest by intelligence agencies, she will "leave India in the next few days to live in freedom" in another country. Nasreen says she has conveyed her decision to officials of the Ministry of External Affairs.  

"I wanted to, I still want to, live in India, make it my home. But look at my terrible existence. I can't meet friends; people can't meet me. E kemon bechey thaaka? Is this any way to stay alive?" the author of Lajja (Shame), told The Pioneer on Monday evening.

She describes her stay in the 'safe house' as "incarceration", adding, "My hands have been shackled... I can't accept these chains any more. I am not doing this (leaving India) of my own volition. I am being forced to leave. It gives me no great pleasure to do so."

Nasreen, whose resident permit was extended on February 14 after keeping her on tenterhooks for weeks, says she is not even allowed access to doctors. "I need to urgently consult a cardiologist. I am suffering from high blood pressure. But I am told that I cannot be taken to any hospital, as it will 'create problems'. So I requested them to bring a doctor (to the 'safe house'). But even this they refused to do," she adds.

Unlike previous occasions when she would be feisty and insist that she would not succumb to pressure and leave India, on Monday she sounded tired and despondent. "Aami morey jaabo... ei bhabey thaakley aami baachbo na. (I will die... if I continue to remain in this solitary confinement, I will not survive)," she says, adding, "I want to escape to freedom."

So is she giving up her fight? "If I don't live to fight another day, how can I continue with my struggle? I tried my best to stay in India. All I wanted was to be in Kolkata. If I can't do that, if I cannot be among my friends and the people I love, what's the use of my staying here?" she shoots back.

And then she becomes despondent again. "Because of high blood pressure caused by stress, I have developed heart disease (hypertrophy) and hypertensive retinopathy, which will eventually cause me to go blind. My blood pressure, if uncontrolled, will destroy my heart and kidneys. Tell me, what should I do?" Nasreen, a qualified doctor who gave up her profession to become a writer, asks.

She claims that her request to visit her apartment in Kolkata to collect her bank cards and some documents before she leaves India has been rejected. "Officials of the Ministry of External Affairs have finally had their way," she says.

Nasreen, exiled from Bangladesh since 1994 when Islamic fanatics demanded she be sentenced to death for Lajja, was forced to leave Kolkata, where she had been living for two years, after Muslims rioted on November 21 last year, accusing her of being anti-Islam and demanding she be thrown out of the city and the country. She was brought to Delhi via Jaipur and has been in the custody of Central intelligence agencies since November 23 in a 'safe house' in the National Capital Region, from where she is not allowed to step out.

Nasreen offer to delete 'controversial' passages from her autobiographical book, Dwikhondito, has been ignored.

Hanif was harrassed in Australia and PM Manmohan Singh lost sleep.
Tasleem's harrassed in India under PM's watch and seems like he's not only asleep but rigor mortis has set in.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Taslima leaves India for an unknown destination</b>

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Kolkata, March 19 : Bangladeshi author Taslima Nasreen on Wednesday left India for an unknown destination and has reached London, as she voiced her bitterness against the Indian government accusing it of being no better than ‘religious fundamentalists’.

At Heathrow Airport before taking a connecting flight after she left New Delhi on Wednesday morning on a British Airways flight, the 46-year-old author refused to disclose where she was heading saying she did not want to ‘compromise’ on her security.

"If I disclose my destination my security will be compromised. My face has now become recognisable and I could be target of religious fundamentalists," she said.

Taslima, whose India visa was extended for further six months last month, alleged her human rights was infringed in the last four months when she was brought to Delhi after being hounded out from Kolkata.

Taslima said she will not hesitate to discuss what she said was the traumatic experience she allegedly went through during various international seminars lined up in Europe in the next few months.

"I was put under tremendous stress but I could not speak out as I was under their (government) surveillance and could be harassed by them," she said in a choked voice from the British capital.

"The government (Indian) is no better than religious fundamentalists," she said.

Nasreen said she used to call the Government safe-house in Delhi where she was put up as the ‘torture chamber’.

"I gradually came to realise that it was the chamber of death instead," Taslima said, adding she was forced to leave India because of ‘extreme stress’ that she went through the last four months.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

India gave refuge to Taslima and she goes around europe spreading venom against India and Indians instead of having the guts to raise the real issue of Islamists being supported by communists in India which led to her being hounded out of Kolkatta in the first place.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--> Indian government accusing it of being no better than ‘religious fundamentalists’.
She is RIGHT, and I support her.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->India gave refuge to Taslima and she goes around europe spreading venom against India and Indians instead of having the guts to raise the real issue of Islamists being supported by communists in India which led to her being hounded out of Kolkatta in the first place.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
India gave her slow death. India showed world that they believe in Islamist brotherhood.
SHame to Indian ruling party and India's spineless moronic Prime Minister.
^^Mudyji it was the Indian state that saved her from imminent death from Bangladeshi Islamists. It was India that gave her refugee for all these years. But it was the Congress and the Communists who were desperate to pander to the muslims jehadis that they put Taslima in an tight spot. These are the people who need to be taken to task.

Taslima has no right to attack India. Note she is not an Indian and her attacking India only shows her dhimmi mentality of attacking her protectors rather than her oppressors(the islamists,communists and the congress).
She never attacked India. Indian Government led by NDA gave her asylum/visa. Appointed PM of India Manmohan Singh led current Indian government never liked her presence in India as UPA is in bed with Islamist. It is terrorist supporting current government of India's finest action to appease Islamist in India.
Now she should write how Indian government behaved and expose Islamist love fest of Indian Government.
Shame on those who are cheerleader of current UPA government action.
Current UPA government had given extended life to terrorist Afzal and other moron from other nation.

Read this thread from begining, check how current Indian Government behaved against her and made her life living hell.
Mudyji the way Taslima has worded her attack she is gunning for India rather than UPA government. She must have said 'UPA government is no better than religious fundamentalists’ but she has the gall of saying that 'Indian government is no better than religious fundamentalists’.

This line will be played continuously by the India hating crowd in europe and US and it will be made to look like Indian is to blame rather than the UPA government and the fundamentalist Bangladeshi society.

Taslima is an Bangladeshi citizen and she should be respectfully that all these days she was provided shelter and protection in India. If she attacks India instead of UPA then she is no better than the rabid mullah.

India saved her life and then gets attacked by her.
Whatever Taslima did is RIGHT. India should be ashamed of itself.

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