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Radical Islam and internal security
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->SIMI threat to blow up Sabarimala, Guruvayur and other prime centres<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->When Ghazanvis are ruling India, what else one can expect.
The full text of threatening letter of HUJI( Harkat ul Jehadi Islam) & SIMI( Students Islamic Movement of India) to Swami Pradiptanandaji(Kartik Maharaj) In-Charge, Bharat Sevashram Sangha,Beldanga Branch,Murshidabad Dist.,West Bengal, India.

” On behalf of HUJI & SIMI, Beldanga thana committee we are to convey that we have received your printed leaflet addressed to the Hindu people. In this connection just telling you that you are doing your job at your own choice being a head of Hindus here. Don’t you know that we the Muslims of Beldanga are 80% of the total population here,so we give you the warning that there will be no DURGA PUJA in this area henceforth anyway. Because we face a severe problem for performing our religious Namaz for 7 or 8 days due to the sound of loud speaker and tremendous noise of public gathering. We can not manage to submit our Namaz to our Allaha Tallah. For this reason our body and mind get impurities and subsequently we are turned questionable to Allah and His Servants at the time of Qyamat for hearing the sound of Drums and Trumpets. So, you must convey this Order of Stopping Durga Puja to all Puja Committees of Beldanga area within this month of Rooja (fasting). Otherwise you should be prepared for getting highest punishment at the time of next Puja for flouting this Order !! Then there will be only bloodshed and numbers of dead body of yours in every Puja Pandals. Get ready for tremendous torture… We will show our actual strength everywhere in Beldanga. Nobody can stop us even with the help of Police and Administration. Then we shall see you the eventualities. You can not save the situation of Murshidabad with the help of some beggars residing at your Ashram. WE.. WILL.. CONVERT YOUR.. ASHRAM.. AS.. A.. MADRASHA.. IN.. ONE.. DAY. Inshallah.
Directed by District HUJI & SIMI Organisations and Beldanga Thana Committee of SIMI . Received by Beldanga Bharat Sevashram Sangha on 05/10/2008 by Post


I may appear cynic, but I would like to see high profile terror attack in Kerala.
Only that will wake up the state.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Friday, November 07, 2008
Al-Moolah http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/conte...08046852388.htm

Businessweek article on <b>new flurry of Middle East investment in India.</b>
Posted by san at 11/07/2008 12:24:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: economy, global economy, india <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
1. Jihad on India
Islamaniacs in India have recently issued threats to Hindus and Hindu temples in Kerala, W Bengal and here's Assam:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Threat to blow up temple in Asom</b>

MORIGAON, Nov 3 – The priest of an ancient temple, Goranga, Morigaon district received three threat calls that the place of worship would be blown up by bombs, said a top district police official. Last night the priest of the Ram and Krishna temple near Pobitora Wildlife Sanctuary received three calls from a mobile phone number 9961355107 that Goranga would be blown up by bombing, district superintendent of police Madan Chetia told PTI today.

The identity of the caller was yet to be ascertained and the service provider of the mobile number, Airtel, was being asked to provide the details of the phone number’s owner, Chetia said.

Security arrangements around the temple has meanwhile been tightened in view of the threatening calls, he added.

In view of the recent SMS to a private television news channel by Islamic Security Force-Indian Mujehudin claiming responsibility for the Thursday serial blasts in the state, the police was taking yesterday’s threat calls with utmost seriousness.

Investigations into the ISF-IM SMS revealed that at least 200 phones were being used in Morigaon district under false names and addresses with certificates provided by village headman, official sources said.

In this connection several mobile PCO owners were picked up for interrogation, the sources added.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
2. SIMI activists found with SAR Geelani CDs: Police
3. Moulavi from Waynad- Ideological instructor of LeT in Kerala
4. Terror man Mani was Sufiya Madani’s aide: Police

5. http://haindavakeralam.com/HKPage.aspx?P...481&SKIN=C
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Ban Jammat Islami- Aryadan Shoukath</b>
08/11/2008 04:39:29  HK

Parappanangadi: Not even the guts shown by <b>young Muslim congress leader Aryadan Shoukath</b>, is shown by National or State leaders of Congress while airing their views about Jihadi organisations.

<b>Aryadan Shoukath called for the ban of Jammat Islami and their anti national publishing wing – Islamic Public House, here in a public function of INTUC.</b>

Jamamat Islami which draws inspiration from Moulana Abdul Moududi who added Hadees’s like “Those who attack India will be offered Heaven” as the wordings of Prophet Mohammed is nurturing terrorism in the country.

Much before the advent of Terrorist organisations like ISS and NDF in Kerala, It was Jammat Islami which instilled poison among Islamic youth and paved the way for Islamic Terrorism in the state.

The role of Mooududi International Islamic Society having head office in Pakistan in recruiting Muslim youth for terrorism also should be probed told Aryadan Shoukath, who is following true secularism shown by his father Aryadan Mohammad.

Those who now run behind Jammat Islami for making Political tie up is ignoring the very fact that <b>SIMI which is now responsible for many blasts across the Nation was once the student’s wing of Jammat Islami.</b><!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>the ummah: Terror tentacles spread from Kashmir to Kerala</b>
oct 25th, 2008

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Third

Terror tentacles spread from Kashmir to Kerala


Terror tentacles are obviously spreading far and deep and evidence of that is in the fact that police are tracing militants from Kashmir to Kerala.

... deleted<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>SIMI designs on Nepal too</b>
Rakesh K Singh | New Delhi
Nagori was in talks with Jamia student
Safdar Nagori, the commander of the Students’ Islamic Movement of India (SIMI), has revealed the banned outfit’s plan to target Nepal through Mohammad Arif, a Nepalese citizen and an undergraduate student at the Jamia Millia Islamia.

The report of the narco analysis examination of Nagori, conducted at the behest of the Madhya Pradesh police, reveals that he had had discussions about the targets in Nepal with the Jamia student.

Nagori has also disclosed that SIMI decided to procure weapons through the Nepal and Bangladesh borders through funding and support from the Lashkar-e-Tayyeba (LeT) for an arms dump in Darjeeling.

<b>Nagori further admitted in the narco analysis test about the Chinese connection of SIMI, revealing that Azeez-ul-Haq, the outfit’s West Bengal president, had helped two terrorists — responsible for killing a policeman — cross over into China. </b>

The report of Nagori’s narco analysis examination, which was conducted at the Forensic Sciences Laboratory, Bangalore, quotes the SIMI leader as having said, “Mohammad Arif was studying BA at Jamia and basically was a Nepali.” The report further quoted the SIMI commander as saying that he (Nagori) had “discussed with Arif the targets in Nepal and after the discussion, Arif left for Medina”.

Apparently with terror designs on the Himalayan Kingdom, Haq planned a base camp at his in-laws’ house in Saliguda, Darjeeling, and planned to get weapons for the camp as he was in regular touch with the members of LeT, Nagori — who frequented places like Nepalganj in Nepal — told the team of doctors who conducted the drug interrogation on him.

After being “harassed and tortured” following his arrest by the West Bengal police, Haq dumped the weapons at his place in Darjeeling and frequently used to visit Bangladesh in order to get the arms lifted by other SIMI terror associates, Nagori revealed. Former SIMI head Shahid Badr Falahi was “very much aware of the arms dump at Darjeeling”, he added.

SIMI, which has a countrywide terror network, had according to Nagori’s revelations also planned to target officials of the Mumbai police who had allegedly been lax in ensuring safety for Muslims during the Mumbai riots after the Babri Masjid demolition in 1991. For that purpose, the outfit had also identified targets like the so-called encounter specialist Daya Nayak of Mumbai Police, the report quotes Nagori as saying.

According to the SIMI commander’s admission in a state of trance, the outfit was responsible for most of the serial bomb blasts in the country executed during the UPA Government’s rule, including the Samjhauta Express train blasts, serial blasts in a Mumbai train, Malegaon blast (2006), blast at Gokul Chat shop in Hyderabad and the Aurangabad and Ajmer blasts.

The report quotes Nagori as having revealed in the narco test, “The Gokul Chat owner was not a good man so they (SIMI members) had blasted there, but innocent people also had to suffer.”

About the Mumbai train blasts, Nagori said, “The whole of SIMI network in Maharashtra was involved in the train blasts. There are hundreds of SIMI members in Maharashtra.”

He revealed that Asif Khan, hailing from Maharashtra, was his friend and involved in the Mumbai train and Aurangabad blasts. Besides, one Rahil from Pune was also involved in the Mumbai blasts and is currently staying in London.

Nagori also said, “In the Malegaon blast (2006), some of the Muslim members were involved and I was aware of it.”
<b>Assuaging Arab Islamists</b>
Kanchan Gupta

Faced with Arab rage after it abandoned its Palestine mandate, a cynical Britain decided to undermine India’s stand on Jammu & Kashmir to contain incipient Islamism. With Obama as President, the US may be tempted to similarly use the ‘Kashmir issue’ to deal with Muslim rage against America
<!--emo&Sad--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif' /><!--endemo--> recall speaking at a largely Muslim gathering of teachers and professionals in Bangalore. When I suggested that the community should demand facilities like banks that could be sympathetic to Muslim entrepreneurs, the hall burst into involuntary laughter. I was puzzled until someone explained that a prominent neta from the city had done just that, and then embezzled all the funds in the bank. This honourable person is till on the list of high-ranking VIPs.

There is no Obama among Indian Muslims because they have surrendered audacity to pawnbrokers.

<b>Church blasts case: Court convicts 53</b>

DH News Service, Bangalore, DHNS:
A special court, hearing cases related to the serial bomb blasts in churches in Karnataka in 2000, <b>convicted 53 members of Deendar Anjuman</b>. Four others were acquitted in the case.

The accused were found guilty of carrying out serial blasts in churches at Hubli, Wadi (Gulbarga) and Bangalore in 2000. Hearing on the sentence will be held on Saturday in the special court of Sessions Judge, S M Shivangoudar.
Five others, including the main accused, are currently in Pakistan</b>. Their trial will be held only after their extradition, said a release.

Two of the accused (Zakir and Siddiqi) were killed on the spot, while another (SM Ibrahim) was injured when they were transporting bombs to plant them in other churches on July 9, 2000. Police arrested Ibrahim, and he spilled the beans about Deendar Anjuman and its intention to create communal disturbances in the country, the release said.

The Corps of Detectives took up the investigation and arrested 85 persons and filed charge-sheets against them.

The accused would deliberately abandon a few pamphlets, the contents of which stated that some Hindu organisations had carried out the blasts.

The investigation team was headed by DySP VS D’Souza. For the trial of the cases, a special court was constituted at the Central Jail, Bangalore. Special public prosecutor H N Nilogal was appointed public prosecutor to conduct the case on behalf of the State government.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Islamists in PM's team outed!</b>
Kanchan Gupta
Last week this column referred to closet Islamists in Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's Cabinet, pointing out that Minister of State for External Affairs and Muslim League leader E Ahamed, while presenting India's case in the United Nations Security Council on December 9, had mentioned the fidayeen attacks on Taj Mahal Palace, Oberoi-Trident Hotel and Leopold Café, but not the siege of Chabad House where six Jews, including a rabbi and his pregnant wife, were tortured and killed. On Monday a Muslim friend called to say that the Government was not doing his community any good by pandering to Islamists at home and abroad. "This only hardens popular perceptions of India's Muslims and casts aspersions on our loyalty to our motherland. I have read the full text of Mr Ahamed's statement. He not only failed to mention the slaughter at Chabad House but also suppressed the fact that 46 Muslims were among the 188 people killed by the terrorists," he told me. <b>According to him, there was nothing innocent about this omission, just as the deletion of reference or allusion to Chabad House was not without a sly motive. "Islamists do not want the world, especially the Islamic world, to know that Muslims are killing Muslims in the name of jihad. This would knock the bottom out of their faith-based ideology and show them for what they are: Mass murderers who hide behind the cloak of Islam," he said, before letting loose a string of unprintable expletives. </b>

My friend's loyalty to the nation and his abhorrence of Islamic fanaticism are unquestionable. He is at peace in Hindu majority India and his aspirations are no different from those of middle class Hindus. He believes the burqa and the hijab are abominable impositions and, along with the kaffiyeh, symbols of forced Arabisation of India's Muslims by mullahs who want to perpetuate the hideous dogma of Muslim cultural, social and political separatism and promote their warped notion of faith over the idea of nationhood. Does this make him and other Muslims who think alike an insignificant minority within India's least of all minorities?<b> While the official policy of the UPA Government and the shameless appeasement of those who feed on the maggot-ridden carcass of Muslim communal politics would suggest that the vast majority of India's Muslims secretly endorse butchery in the name of Islam as was witnessed in Mumbai last month, the reality is far removed from this perception.</b>

Indeed, most Muslims are as distressed as Hindus by jihadi violence and there is an increasing clamour that the community must be seen to be distancing itself from terrorists and their criminal misdeeds. The decision by those who manage Muslim graveyards in Mumbai not to allow the slain terrorists to be buried there as it would be an affront to their patriotic sentiments is only one of many indications that distraught Muslims want their voice to be heard as loud and clear as that of Hindus protesting against jihadi terror. <b>To tar the entire community with the same brush, therefore, would be not only grossly unfair but amount to playing into the hands of Teesta Setalvad, Arundhati Roy and the entire cunning lot of professional human rights activists who constantly portray the perpetrators of terror as innocent victims and want Hindus to be on a perpetual guilt trip</b>. It would also serve the purpose of Islamofascists, of whom there are many in this country, and lend credibility to their vile Islamist propaganda which contravenes the truth, famously articulated by noted Arab writer Abdel Rahman al-Rashed:<b> "It is a certain fact that not all Muslims are terrorists, but it is equally certain, and exceptionally painful, that almost all terrorists are Muslims."</b>

But we digress from the issue of closet Islamists in the Prime Minister's team. It is possible that Mr Ahamed as well as Mr Manmohan Singh and Minister for External Affairs Pranab Mukherjee thought that the omission of any mention of Chabad House in the December 9 statement at the UN Security Council would go unnoticed in India -- after all, not everybody reads official texts posted on the Ministry of External Affairs website with great diligence and care; Indian journalists who reported on the statement stressed only those portions that were pointed out to them by the Permanent Mission in New York or the spokesman of the Ministry of External Affairs, which speaks volumes about their professional ethics, if not abilities. <b>To its credit, the Times of India picked up the story after the omission was pointed out in this column; to Mr LK Advani's credit, he raised it forcefully in the Lok Sabha.</b> But I am reluctant to either accept Mr Ahamed's apology -- "I am very sorry. It is my duty to defend every Indian or any foreigner who is in India. We are all one," he said in response to Mr Advani's barbed comment -- or grant him the benefit of doubt: It was not an accidental miss, as has been claimed by the Ministry.

Just as there's nothing unintended or accidental about the vicious remarks of Minister for Minority Affairs Abdul Rehman Antulay, who has converted his Ministry into a Muslim welfare bureau, insinuating that Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad chief Hemant Karkare was not killed by the Pakistani fidayeen who attacked Mumbai but 'somebody else'. The valiant police officer who went down fighting the jihadis, according to him, could have been a victim of "terrorism or terrorism plus something. I do not know ... the terrorists had no reason to kill Karkare". Within hours of this outrageous calumny, Pakistan's President Asif Ali Zardari told BBC that there "is no evidence" to prove Mohammed Ajmal Amir Kasab, the 'Butcher of Mumbai', is a Pakistani citizen! <b>Which side is Mr Antulay, who we are told by the Shahi Imam of Delhi's Fatehpuri Masjid, has merely lent voice to what "millions of Muslims believe", batting for? Do his rancid views represent those of the Prime Minister and the Cabinet? If they don't, then he is guilty of not only violating the principle of collective responsibility (which many Ministers have done while thumbing their nose at the Prime Minister) but also of embarrassing the nation -- this Government is so bereft of shame that it cannot be embarrassed, no matter how hard anybody tries, which also explains why the Prime Minister has chosen to sit on Mr Antulay's letter of resignation instead of despatching it to the President for immediate acceptance</b>.

<span style='color:red'>There is some comfort in the fact that at least two closet Islamists in the Prime Minister's team have been outed in less than a fortnight since the jihadi carnage in Mumbai. There will be cause to celebrate when this Government, which has so severely compromised India's national interest, is consigned to the dustbin of history.</span>
Lest we all forget, Jinnah's demand for partition was backed mainly
by, amongst others, a lot of Muslims from U.P. and Bihar.

Some of these muslims from U.P. and Bihar chose to stay behind in India after partition. It would be foolhardy to assume the basic mentality of these people have really changed since 1947.

And then there are these scum politicians like Mulayams, Amar Singh etc who can go to any length to appease these muslims.

Remember the recent antics of Amar Singh (his much chest beating, crying and howling for an enquiry) after the shootout carried out by Delhi policemen against terrorists.
What we can do, when people elect them ?
<b>Jihadi's dressed up as Udupi Brahmins </b>
20/12/2008 16:52:08 HK

Mangalapuram: Explosives for Ahmedabad and Surat blasts were transported from Kerala whole the way to Gujarat, Revealed arrested Jihadi’s.As revealed by Mangalore based Jihadi’s Noushad and Ahmmed Bava, Two Jihadi’s from Kerala handed them the explosives from Uduppi.

Special instructions were received to them to dress in Hindu attire. Those who came from Kerala dressed themselves as Udupi Brahmins. Sacred Thread and Saffrom Tilaks were used prominently by them when the explosives were handed over to Noushad and Ahmed from Uduppi.The Explosives were bought as two parcels in transport bus from Mangalore to Uduppi

Interview: "I Defend Muslims" Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal

"I Defend Muslims"- an interview by ABC Blog with Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal

Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal

Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal is a columnist in English language, writes on International Affairs globally. He has published expensively on current world issues: Freedom & democracy, Secularism, South Asia, Russia, Middle East politics, Muslim issues, Minority, UK politics, African politics, etc. He has focused also on state terrorism and supports the Global Human Rights endeavor to find solutions to nations currently under foreign occupation. He has a few books to his credit. Dr. Ruff has been criticized by anti-Islamic media for his pro-Muslim stand. His active campaign for Kashmir freedom is slammed by many Indian strategists, among others.

Abdul Ruff has been a university level teacher who has taught in India at Jawaharlal Nehru University , Mysore University and Central Institute of Foreign Languages, etc. He knows several Indian and foreign languages, including English, Russian and Arabic and German, etc.

Dr. Abdul Ruff has widely traveled visiting Russia , Nepal , Bhutan , etc and is the only Indian to have gone through entire India .

Excerpts from his interview to ABC Blog:

1) You’ve accused that the Indian Government is not paying you a large sum of money that it owes to you. Would you explain how? And would you stop attacking the government once the Government settles your account?

Dr. Abdul: Of course, once I get the amount from Indian government I will not talk about the issue. The amount Indian government owes me as a former employee of its ciefl, Hyderabad , India , is my personal issue, although the behavior of the Institute I served and the government to which I appealed for redressal show the Indian callous attitude to Muslims in general, to me in particular. Hindus rule India and Kashmir . Indian Hindus think they can do any thing with Muslims and their belongings, including Mosques because we live in Hindu India and the Hindus decide every thing in the country. Hindus, from my personal experience, think Muslims are their subordinates and we must just do whatever is told to us as their servants.

I defend Islam and Muslims when the anti-Islamic world and its media malign Islam and torture Muslims. Globally, even media run in Islamic world try to support the anti-Islamic designs. My writings are condemned by many Indians, because they are frauds and criminals in all respects. The issues I raise in my writings are very close to my heart and feelings. I focus on Palestine, Kosovo, Chechnya, Kashmir, Tibet and many other nations struggling for freedom and peaceful existence. I expose callous attitude of India, USA, Israel and other terror nations toward Muslims. I condemned the state actins in India, Kashmir and now in Pakistan. It is not just India that I criticize, as you know, it is the corpus of policies and practices the world wide targeting Islam and Muslims and other vulnerable sections that I expose.

But being an Indian I am ashamed of the fact that my country has colonized its neighbor Jammu Kashmir and antagonized its neighbors Pakistan and Bangladesh. I am worried that it has amassed weapons including nuclear ones. Weapons are meant for using against Muslims, in particular, could also be used against other neighbors too. How can India kill thousands of innocent Kashmiris for demanding sovereignty back from Indian yoke?

I highlight problems of freedom struggle by not only Kashmiris, but many other nations too. I also express solidarity with Palestine, Chechnya, Tibet and many other nations. I strongly condemn neo-colonialism and neo-imperialism by the so-called democracies that are in fat hypocrisies.

Once Indian government pays me my money and fulfills its commitment for VRS and other benefits, I shall be glad that India at along last paid me the dues. If you as a friend ask me personally about my gestures for India, then I would say once my money is paid by India I would also write about Indian politics in general that so far I have avoided, even when at the point of a sort of threat by some global newspapers not to publish me if I don’t write made-to-order analyses of Indian political scene which I so gladly do with regard to other countries. I refuse to write on Indian political scene, economic or social themes. I concentrate only on issues ignored by Indians and their media. I mainly focus on Muslim issues in India, but sidelined by Indian core media. So much so, now I have stopped writing for Indian media now. Popularity is not the motto of my writings, but the issues hidden in India and covered by media hypes need exposure and I do exactly that.

However, the themes of articles vary and they don’t depend on the settlement of my dues by Indian government alone. This arrogance, insensitivity and mischief on the part of government, but Kashmir issue is larger issue involving national fraud, illegal occupation of a neighbor state and constant genocide. Similarly the demolition of grand Babri Mosque in India by Hindu terrorists is linked with Indian criminal policies and has nothing to do with my own issue with Indian government though Indian arrogance is common.

India has to rebuild Babri Mosque at the very site where it stood, vacate Jammu Kashmir, give up hidden agendas, terrorism ploy inclusive, and protect the genuine interests of Muslims.

2) Many of your readers have expressed their concern over your strong opinions. Some even claim that you must be an associate of a terrorist group. Don’t you think that your views brainwash young Indian Muslims for resorting to Islamic terrorism or jihad?

Dr. Abdul : Yes, my opinions are not digested by Indian Hindus as they expose Indian hypocrisy and double-speaks, Indian state terrorist techniques. They all know I don’t belong to any terrorist group, neither Islamic, nor Christian nor Hindu nor Jewish. I campaign against imperialism and colonialism and arrogance in any form and I support Muslims primarily. I don’t buy the arguments about Islamic terrorism etc. I say every religion has terrorist outfits. Many Muslims are playing into the dirty hands of non-Islamic terrorists and their ideologues for cash. I try to prove terrorism is the creation of the West and Israel and USA used it quite successfully in Islamic world and India in Kashmir. Hence they are strategic partners in state terrorism. I want Muslims to comprehend the hidden agenda of the USA-Israel-India and safe guard Islam and support defenseless Muslims globally. I plead them not get into the trap of the anti-Islamic media. Muslims are enough brain-washed by anti-Islamic media and terror techniques of the regimes.

3) In an article you write that your colleagues misbehaved with you in Hyderabad . In another you write that the India Army misbehaved with you during a recent train journey to Trivandrum. You’ve also been accusing the India Government & media for unleashing terror attacks on you. Aren’t you suffering from paranoia? Would you illustrate how you’ve been persecuted for being a Muslim?

Dr. Abdul: I got a faculty position in ciefl, Hyderabad without paying any bribe and I occupied many other positions there as a member of governing bodies such as Executive Council, Board and Society and Academic Council on seniority basis and I did my teaching quite well, they all know. But they wanted see me out. Hence they hatched the criminal ploys to disturb me.

Indian state unleashed all sorts of nasty behaviors including remote terrorist techniques to force me to quit job, but they still refuse to pay me the money. While in job they denied my right to work, and rest. The department would hold the departmental council meetings at 12 pm or thereafter on Fridays with a hidden agenda of stopping me from attending my Friday prayers in a mosque. I get up at the time when the actual prayer is due to begin; they would threaten me with punitive measures for ignoring "Indian duty". This is just one issue here. If I prepare a list of such nefarious activities the Institute was engaged in with my regular life, which would be endless. Remote terror gadgets were used against me in my apartment. Finally they beat me and handed over to Indian police and the Institute criminals escaped from punishment because the Indian judiciary and police are with them.. .

It was pre-panned attack on me by Indian military forces that used some South Indian military personnel in a running train to terrorize me, or perhaps kill me, but someone intervened and I was safe. The Railway also meticulously planned the action along with military and hence there were no train ticket checking personnel or police in the entire train which was diverted from the usual route on some rail fault. I have written about its global media in detail. (See the answer 1 also) There have been several such crude incidents threatening to my life. In fact I feel I am being surrounded by politico-governmental agencies and their agents.

In future I shall dwell on many more issues that affected my life and carrier; and not just my life, but the lives of Indian Muslims in general.

4) What do you think of the growing opinion in the non-Muslim world over that the religion of Islam & Quran encourage intolerance toward non-Muslims. What’s your opinion on that?

Dr. Abdul: It all depends on what and how one looks for in Islam and Holy Quran. West is puzzled about growing strength of Islam without any proper world leader to guide them. In countries like India, where anti-Muslims rule and use Muslim leaders for making vote banks ready for the polls, the government takes every thing for granted and Muslims pay a heavy price. . Non-Muslims pay some coins and use the Muslims for activities that are un-Islamic or anti-Islamic. The very fact that the Islamic Prophet Muhammad (SAS) has left the future of Islam and Muslims to the Almighty God only shows the strong faith Islam has on God and not on human leaders. Non-Muslims are keen to drive away people form Islam and make them convert them into Christianity and Hinduism.. Hindutva forces are also making strenuous efforts to get people for Hinduism. But now they are fully exposed as terrorists in India . It is anti-Islamic forces and their media that promote anti-Islamism and make people hate Muslims. Hence Muslims are suffering in global falsehood perpetuated by others. However, it is a different story that Muslims have not realized the trap they are in and are busy cheating one another. .

5) You’ve been lobbying for a Free Kashmir. Many readers claim that you must be an ISI agent for your Kashmir views. If you’re an Indian Muslim, why are you against India’s sovereignty interests? Don’t you think that Kashmir’s strategic position makes it impossible to stand alone as a nation?

Dr. Abdul: I whole-heartedly support Kashmir freedom form an arrogant and fake democracy India . Bulk of my writings these days is focused on Kashmir and I campaign for the freedom for Kashmiris who have been brutally murdered by Indian terror forces now occupying Jammu Kashmir. I understand, Kashmiri Muslims play a number role in Indian Muslim population and only JK has a Muslim chief minister. But I cannot support their killings by Indian forces for subduing and subjugate their genuine interest. India media and their global agents still argue Muslims are well-off in India and such blatant lies are so common world media. India can always choose Muslims in some states to show that secularism still works in Hindu India. Earlier a couple of states like Bihar (Ghafoor) and Maharastra (Antulay) had a chief minister but Congress in alliance with BJP saw to it Muslims don’t become CM in any state. By using terrorism and appeasement techniques of BJP, India has cleverly kept all states non-Muslim states. The so-called progressive Kerala mostly has Christian CM, but not a Muslim, though Muslims have equal number of Muslims as that of other religions like Christian and Hindus. There are some pockets Jews here. Keralites never consider a Muslim for the CM chair, even though the political Muslims in the state support Hindu themes and schemes and misuse mosques for garnering votes for their Hindu party leaders. .

Kashmiris’ strategic position should not worry India . An independent Kashmir cannot be any threat to India , either, especially there are quite a lot of pro-India elements over there. Kashmir was a free nation before it was tactfully annexed by India which went nuclear, threatening the neighborhoods.

I really do not know if most of the journalists are from intelligence wings like CIA or RAW though many of them do indulge in journalism with their anti-Islamic themes. Some such secret services Hindus think or propagate me as an ISI agent. I don’t know why don’t they think I am also a post-paid CIA agent? One thing is certain: the secret services guys have infiltrated into the global media including online portals to slam Islam and Muslims and they have done enough of dirty Islmaphobia to terrorize non-Muslims and Muslims alike. Indians suffer from Pakistaniphobia and they also dream of ISI, possibly as per the remote machines instructions.

I keep receiving letter from anti-Muslim readers, mainly from Hindus, critiquing me for my support for Muslims, Kashmiris and not opposing Pakistanis and Bangladeshis. They even ask me go and live there. Frankly, some of the expressions they use do not conform to any decency but their arguments only strengthen my view that many Hindus need medications in mental hospitals. If your mother kills some kids in the neighborhoods and secretly buries them in your backyard and you know that, but you should obediently support that mother, that is their argument in favor of mother India. Indian palms are in Kashmiri blood. I say, if you want me to go to USA, Saudi Arabia or any other country, please arrange my documents, I would consider that, but they are silent…as silent as the secret grave-yards discovered recently in Kashmir. Mother India is blood thirsty, a blood drunkard..

India’s freedom and safely would ensured by surrendering sovereignty back to Kashmiris.

6) Some non-Muslim scholars believe that the Koran verses are responsible for creating fanaticism among the Muslims. Don’t you think that the Koran needs to be re-interpreted like the holy books of other religions to suit the increasingly multi-cultural world?

Dr. Abdul: I am not competent and hence I don’t interpret Holy Quran and the question of the reinterpretation of Quran does not arise at all. I am an obedient believer of Islam for whom Holy Quran is the final word from the almighty God through the Prophet of Islam (SAS). Islamic Ulema interprets Quran in the true spirit of Islamic tenets. It is different story that political Muslims every where are busy interpreting Holy Quran only to appease their political bosses and woo the Western and Hindu media, as they want show that they are indeed progressive and tolerant to others insulting Islam and Quran. West is trying hard to provoke Muslims by raking up issues like veil, films on Prophet of Islam etc. Now they expect Ulema to review the Holy Quran to “update” it with the latest happenings in the world. This is an unfortunate development. The anti-Islamic forces should now understand by calling Islam a terrorist religion, by invading Islamic world on fictitious pretexts, by terror attacking Muslims and killing innocent Muslims, they cannot destroy Islam. Perhaps the Islamic nations, including Arabs, who prefer traded cash and petro-dollars to Islamic tenets, would dilute Islamic teachings and even support the US-led terror wars, but we firmly believe Islam would stay on till the end of the universe and it would grow form strength to strength, in spite of weak Muslims and mischievous Islamic nations.

Dr. Abdul ruff Colachal has been a regular columnist for kashmirwatch.com since last 2 years, and also writes for other publications.
What is the original text of Raghupati Raghava Rajaram
before gandhi polluted it by adding allah

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Mughalistan (or Mughalstan) is the name of an independent homeland proposed for the Muslims of India. This Mughal-Muslim state in the Indian subcontinent will include all of North India and Eastern India, and will be formed by merging Pakistan and Bangladesh through a large corridor of land running across the Indo-Gangetic plain, the heartland of India. This Mughalistan corridor will comprise Muslim-majority areas of Northern India and eastern India that will be partitioned for the second time in history.

The comprehensive plan for a second partition of India was first developed by the Mughalstan Research Institute (MRI) of Jahangir Nagar University (Bangladesh) under the patronage of the two intelligence agencies, Pakistan’s Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) and Bangladesh’s Director General of Forces Intelligence, DGFI. The “Mughalistan Reaserch Institute of Bangladesh” has released a map where a Muslim corridor named “Mughalistan” connects Pakistan and Bangladesh via India.

The Pakistani Punjabi-dominated ISI’s influence on MRI is evident even in the Punjabi-centric pronunciation of the word ‘Mughalstan’ (without the “i”), instead of the typical Urdu pronunciation (Mughalistan). Islamic Jihadis in India have been well-armed and well-funded by the neighbouring Islamic regimes, as part of Operation Topac – the late Pakistani President Zia-ul-Haq’s grandiose plot to balkanize India.
<!--QuoteBegin-G.Subramaniam+Dec 28 2008, 07:16 AM-->QUOTE(G.Subramaniam @ Dec 28 2008, 07:16 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->What is the original text of Raghupati Raghava Rajaram
before gandhi polluted it by adding allah

The original lyrics are

Raghupathi raghava rajaraam
Pathithapaavana seetharam
Sundhara vigraha meghashyam
Ganga tulasi salagram
Bhadra girishwara seetharam
Bhakatha janapriya seetharam
Janaki ramana seetharam
Jaya jaya raghava seetharam
A hard nosed look at the threat of the Indian muslim due to 'alienation'

In JK, there are 7 million muslims
Assume that 5 million are pro-pak
and yes the separatists can get millions to come out in rallies

The cold hard number is there are 7000 terrorists only
Meaning less than 0.1% is willing to die for their cause

Next the threat is asked what if the entire muslim population rises in revolt

The threat is JK x 20 ONLY

JK has been contained to a slow boil and during the JK revolt 1990 onwards
Indian economy has grown significantly

The next threat is in Assam with 7 mil muslims
and that too can be contained given enough political will
and arming hindu VDC
easier in Assam 65% hindu than in JK 30% hindu

Next we look at east bengal 1971
100,000 pak troops were able to control 60 mil muslims

given enough will to commit ruthless violence against civilians

<!--QuoteBegin-k.ram+Dec 29 2008, 03:56 AM-->QUOTE(k.ram @ Dec 29 2008, 03:56 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Mughalistan</b>

<!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Mughalistan (or Mughalstan) is the name of an independent homeland proposed for the Muslims of India. This Mughal-Muslim state in the Indian subcontinent will include all of North India and Eastern India, and will be formed by merging Pakistan and Bangladesh through a large corridor of land running across the Indo-Gangetic plain, the heartland of India. This Mughalistan corridor will comprise Muslim-majority areas of Northern India and eastern India that will be partitioned for the second time in history.

The comprehensive plan for a second partition of India was first developed by the Mughalstan Research Institute (MRI) of Jahangir Nagar University (Bangladesh) under the patronage of the two intelligence agencies, Pakistan’s Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) and Bangladesh’s Director General of Forces Intelligence, DGFI. The “Mughalistan Reaserch Institute of Bangladesh” has released a map where a Muslim corridor named “Mughalistan” connects Pakistan and Bangladesh via India.

The Pakistani Punjabi-dominated ISI’s influence on MRI is evident even in the Punjabi-centric pronunciation of the word ‘Mughalstan’ (without the “i”), instead of the typical Urdu pronunciation (Mughalistan). Islamic Jihadis in India have been well-armed and well-funded by the neighbouring Islamic regimes, as part of Operation Topac – the late Pakistani President Zia-ul-Haq’s grandiose plot to balkanize India.

I had seen this earlier in the daltistan maps

question, does this institute actually exist or is this psy-ops

I dont deny the plan exists
only whether the mughalstan insititute actually exists
The Bangladeshi forums on the internet openly call for swallowing up Assam and West Bengal.

This mughalstan is also part of their ambitions in the subcontinent.

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