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Attack in Mumbai
<!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Nov 27 2008, 02:35 AM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ Nov 27 2008, 02:35 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Terrorists were in touch with Karachi via satphones</b>

Now media and police are back in planting stories to divert attention.
Yes they came in rubber dinghies, floated all the way from Karachi to Mumbai. The dolphins guided them.

And landed so accurately at Taj shore. Even DECCAN MUJAHIDEEN is not enough to tell them this is work of IM.
This is local Mumbai job, these guys were familar with roads etc, very comfortable with location. Either they had training with Kerala LDF or other terrorist groups in Kerala. Madani group is possibility. Dawood hand is everywhere.
India TV - hostage situation is grim. No food, no water, bullet wounds, no medical assistance,
Americans are missing.
11:09 AM: Reports also say that US intelligence officials are among the foreigners killed at Taj Hotel.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->"There are seven of us inside hotel Oberoi," the man identified as Sahadullah told the channel. "We want all Mujahideens held in India released and only after that we will release the people."

"Release all the Mujahideens, and Muslims living in India should not be troubled," he said.

While India sullahs are definitely involved I think there has definitely been assistance from TSP ISI at some level for this. The modus operandi is very different from SIMI alone. ISI/ Saudis have been coordinating with the local kaTTus.
^ See ^

1. Hemant Karkare - one of the ATS policemen who was killed by whoever it was that got him shot - doesn't seem to have been the major baddie in the ATS. That AN Roy and the other hired goons were. This 'clean up' operation of ATS members seems rather to have been very convenient for christoKKKongress in getting rid of at least one ATS person (any more?) who wasn't quite playing along in their game:

Compare Hemant Karkare to AN Roy and his goondas:
<b>After the outrage comes the denial </b>http://offstumped.nationalinterest.in/2008/10/24/after-the-outrage-comes-the-denial/
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Pardon the formatting this comes from the blackberry. The times of india now carries a story released by the PTI late friday night, after 10pm to be precise quoting the <b>Joint Commissioner of Police, Anti-Terrorism Squad Hemant Karkare.

It is interesting to note the title of this story which says “Malegaon blast suspects had founded 2 right wing outfits;ATS” is at odds with the text of the story, specifically the categorical clarifications of Mr. Karkare.</b>

“There is no specific organisation to which the three belong though we have found pamphlets of the Jai Vande Mataram Jan Kalyan Samiti which Praggnya Singh founded in 2002″, Joint Commissioner of Police (ATS) Hemant Karkare.

“The Joint Commissioner denied they had found any links between the trio and other right wing groups”.

“Karkare declined to confirm if the trio was involved in the blast in Gujarat Modasa”.

“He denied there was any evidence to show that they were in involved in any previous blasts including Malegaon 2006″.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->AN Roy:
<!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Nov 25 2008, 02:33 AM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ Nov 25 2008, 02:33 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>ATS suffers major setback</b>
MCOCA court refuses custody of 7 accused<!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->
<b>Accused Ramesh Updhayaya alleged that State Director General of Police AN Roy</b>, when he met him on October 26, 2008, <b>had threatened that the investigators would beat him up, if he did not confess to his role in the Malegaon blast.</b>

Upadhyay also alleged that he had been tortured by Additional Commissioner of Police (ATS) Parambir Singh and Sukhwinder Singh while in custody. “Parambir and Sukhwinder physically abused me and then threatened to parade my wife and daughter naked in the police station and get them raped by all the officers here,” Upadhyay alleged.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->[right][snapback]90564[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->- I'd ***really*** like to know where the other dead ATS police officers stood with respect to the fake "Hindu terror" stories and the ATS 'investigation' into Sadhvi and the others.
- And then I'd like to know whether they were indeed killed by the terrorists or shot by "friendly fire".

2. Intriguing how a small focussed event sents the whole nation into turmoil. (The islamic torching of the Sabarmati Express which IF highlighted as coming soon after the islamic Parliament attack was another case of Small Leverage-Big Pay Off.)
It's Strategic Asymmetric Warfare In Large Populous Country, but what I'd like to know is which groups - *other* than the islamic soldiers on the ground - are involved.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Bolton is saying its Islamist work. Global agenda, purpose to discourage investment.
<b>Bolton also used "Hindu terrorist"</b> thanks to now dead ATS chief and impotent Indian Government.
It looks like very complex operation.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->The bold bit is a very big gain they have made/created. IMO it shows that more than Indians were involved in creating the "Hindu terror" story. No evidence, yet look how fast even western people are using it (not just India's psecular motivated entities like christomedia). All Indian christomedia and the plants in Indian police system needed to do was float the concept of "Hindu terror" in order for everyone - including western countries - to now start using it as if it were a fact of life.
They've done well in laying the groundwork. But I really don't think the Indian christogovt is that clever to have done this all by themselves. Just like the reporting and condemnation of Godhra riots (incl. denial of Visa to Modi and bringing it up regularly even now as a HR issue for which "Hindu Nationalism" is to blame) was an organised local *and* international effort requiring more than people of Indian origin.

The international news recently wasn't keeping mum while the fictions of "Hindu Terrier" made the rounds: Reuters and other worldwide media outlets were regularly presenting the "Hindu terror" story to their international audience. I am sure this was in order to prepare/condition the western populace to the idea.

I really don't think this sort of major success in globally undermining Hindus, Hinduism and the legitimate Hindu suffering at the hands of islamic terrorism (and christian militancy) is the brainchild of any Indian in India. They're not that clever and certainly not that experienced in subversion.
It is amazing how the enemies of Hindus in India universally jumped on the bandwagon: christomedia blaring about Hindu Terror while carefully hiding the facts that there is no evidence, CPIM screaming about how Hindutva must be purged from the army, christogovt regularly issuing leaks to the media, international press relaying it to their ignorant and distant audience. Rather like the Minister of Railways getting a paid committee to 'investigate' Godhra, and the international media frequently bringing up "2000 muslims killed by Hindus in Godhra after Ayodhya", and all those anti-Indian orgs Ari Saja and rest of IF regularly mentions (FOSA, FOIL, FIACONA, connections to esteemed WitSSel's California textbook team) pouncing on the Godhra issue all at once.

Well, one will only know which entitites made an investment in this instance of islamic terrorism when we read <i>how</i> international news reports will be covering/spinning/reflecting on this event and its perpetrators <i>later on</i> (weeks, months, perhaps even a couple of years from now).

4. If christoterrorists/western people are among the victims of this recent terror strike, the christogovernment in India may end up doing something at last.
But it will probably be no more than pinning this on Hindus somehow, as others here remarked. Even if this was not the premeditated (?) intention of this terrorist attack, one must admit it would certainly pay serious dividends for them if they manage to make Hindus out to be a <i>global</i> threat, since now the christoKKKongress got internationals involved/dead.
(Or perhaps they may merely once again rule that Rajindra Kumar "Dara Singh" Pal was behind it all.)

5. Sandhya Jain was right in how the whole blatant motivated behaviour and ineptitude of the "Hindu Terror" investigation ops conducted by certain entities in ATS has undermined general ATS' credibility and how this too is but another win for christoKKKongress and islamania in India. Several gains: not only the namedrop/phrase coinage of "Hindu terror" but also the doubt they've created in ATS' general handling of real terrorism.
In future pseculars/christoislamaniacs/christogovt can say that ATS is torturing real islamaniac terrorists unfairly and without evidence by citing their woeful record in the "Hindoo Terror" farce. But the difference is that the christogovt is very pro-islami - regularly freeing islami terrorists, as happened in christoterrorist Samuel Reddy's AP recently, while being very anti-Hindu. That alone is enough to prove that the criminal elements in ATS that have dealt with the Hindus in this "Hindu Terror" myth is not the same as the police dealings with legitimate terror suspects and terrorists of the islamaniac persuasion.

<!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Nov 11 2008, 10:28 AM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ Nov 11 2008, 10:28 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>UPA’s sinister shenanigans</b>
Sandhya Jain[right][snapback]89996[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Excerpt:<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->In a move fraught with danger to India's sovereignty and territorial integrity, the Congress-dominated Central and Maharashtra governments have unleashed a sinister plot to undermine the institutions of the police and the defence forces. These two grids literally hold the nation together, particularly in these troubled times when internal and external threats savage the citizenry so remorselessly. By using the Maharashtra Anti Terror Squad (ATS) to target, arrest and malign certain retired and serving army officers, whose only crime is alleged or real links with reputed nationalist families like the Savarkars, the UPA is deliberately demoralising and communalizing the security agencies. At the risk of sounding offensive, I view this as the UPA's revenge against the Services on at least two counts. One was the firm refusal of both the police and the defence services to furnish the UPA government with religion-based data on serving personnel. The second was the protest by Police and the three Defence Chiefs against the recommendations of the Sixth Pay Commission. While the Police had to pipe down, the Defence Chiefs have proved difficult to tame.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-Husky+Nov 27 2008, 01:38 PM-->QUOTE(Husky @ Nov 27 2008, 01:38 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->^ See ^

1. Hemant Karkare - one of the ATS policemen who was killed by whoever it was that got him shot - doesn't seem to have been the major baddie in the ATS. That AN Roy and the other hired goons were. This 'clean up' operation of ATS members seems rather to have been very convenient for christoKKKongress in getting rid of at least one ATS person (any more?) who wasn't quite playing along in their game:

Compare Hemant Karkare to AN Roy and his goondas:

<b>I'd ***really*** like to know where the other dead ATS police officers stood with respect to the fake "Hindu terror" stories and the ATS 'investigation' into Sadhvi and the others.
- And then I'd like to know whether they were indeed killed by the terrorists or shot by "friendly fire".</b>


Interesting point, Husky. Becomes all the more intriguing when you consider that another miraculous police casualty last night was Vijay Salaskar, widely described by the pseudosecular media as an "encounter specialist". A distinguished officer who had dispatched 75 terrorist criminals... either Mawslum or in the service of Mawslum organizations... in the course of his career.

The death of Karkare is strange in itself... he is described as having received bullet wounds "to the chest" even though he was wearing a bullet-proof jacket. There's much discussion on other fora about whether an AK round/ 7.62 mm bullet at close range could have penetrated such a jacket. However, the fact remains that we have only the ATS' "official" word that he in fact perished from bullet wounds to his chest... and in the aftermath of the Malegaon lynching, we all know what the ATS' "official" word is worth. It could very well have been friendly fire that killed Karkare, as you say. While A. N. Roy and his Italian National Congress thugs control things, we'll never know the truth of it.

The circumstances (again, narrated by the ATS) of Salaskar's death are even more curious. His jeep was evidently hijacked by terrorists who killed him.

That's right. A senior police officer's jeep was identified and successfully targeted by terrorists on foot. They got the better of his escort (if indeed he had one), killed him and drove off in his vehicle. All this in the middle of a paramilitary counter-terrorist operation. All a matter of purely random chance, without any inside information whatsoever. All having nothing to do with the fact that Salaskar was a hero that many powerful Mawslums (and their obliging Italian National Congress hatchetmen) would have loved to see dead.

Oh, and another revelation that the late Hemant Karkare let slip, probably just minutes before his unfortunate silencing:<i> in the weeks leading up to the Mumbai attack, the ATS had (on instruction) been devoting <b>90%</b> of its time and resources towards the Malegaon "case".</i>
^ Rudradev's important post

Rudradev, do you have links to this information for archival purposes?

On the matter of how convenient this manufactured "Hindu Terrier" concept is for non-Indians who are missing no opportunity to bring up the fiction:
<!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Nov 19 2008, 10:43 AM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ Nov 19 2008, 10:43 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>RSS, Bajrang Dal are not terrorist groups: Britain</b><!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The British government has said neither the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) nor the Bajrang Dal are terrorist organisations and their members are not banned from entering Britain.

<b>"The government do not consider the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh or the Bajrang Dal as terrorist organisations," British Minister of State for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Lord Malloch-Brown told the House of Lords.

"Neither organisation is proscribed in the UK or in India, nor do the Indian government classify either as a terrorist organisation," Malloch-Brown said in reply to a question by former cabinet minister Lord Chris Patten.</b><!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->[right][snapback]90387[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->I bet general Patten asked a very leading question in order to be given such a doubly stressed reply in the negative here.

I think the above and the following Chris Patten - who is among the subversionist forces trying to meddle with India - would be one and the same:
<!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Nov 27 2008, 12:33 AM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ Nov 27 2008, 12:33 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>10 killed in Mumbai terror attack</b>Mumbai was rocked by several incidents of firing at four different public places on Wednesday night, and ten people were reportedly killed in the suspected terror attacks. All incidents were within a radius of three kms in the posh South Mumbai.

Bombay attacks prove that terrorists are striking the nation at will. It has been a very carefully planned and well co-ordinated strike. They used the sea route to reach the city and attacked the railway station. Besides the hotels, was there a plan to do some damage at the airport too? Only further investigations would reveal. But I always believed that star hotels are the softest targets of terror. Cor the fear of losing clientile and being branded uncourtesous, star hotels hesitate in conducting physcial check of person and bags. If these are being done at the airports on the same class of people, why not conduct such security checks in hotels too. This should be an eye opener, and all hotels should have a robust security system in place. Or else this will cause a serious damage to our credibility internationally and affect toursim badly.
Bombay attacks prove that terrorists are striking the nation at will. It has been a very carefully planned and well co-ordinated strike. They used the sea route to reach the city and attacked the railway station. Besides the hotels, was there a plan to do some damage at the airport too? Only further investigations would reveal. But I always believed that star hotels are the softest targets of terror. For the fear of losing clientile and being branded uncourtesous, star hotels hesitate in conducting physcial check of person and bags. If these are being done at the airports for the same class of people, why not conduct such security checks in hotels too. This should be an eye opener, and all hotels should have a robust security system in place. Or else this will cause a serious damage to our credibility internationally and affect toursim badly.
<b>Rudradev's post 147 on the previous page is very important.</b>

Ravish... I mean raman (you both sound the same to me), can you refrain from repeating yourself and saying bland things, and also stop inviting yourself to start meaningless threads that no one else cares for?

This is more offensive than bland:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->'raman': This should be an eye opener, and all hotels should have a robust security system in place. <b>Or else this will cause a serious damage to our credibility internationally and affect toursim badly.</b><!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Oh yes, because tourism (as a consequence of a dip in international credibility - and what kind of credibility can there be for Bharatam among criminal countries?) is the 'most important' thing in all this.
So do excuse those poor Indian victims of this recent islamaniac attack for their being inconveniently in the way of your profound lesson on tourism/international credibility. I think they have been adequately compensated for having interfered with the purport of your sermon.

(I do not mean to make light of the dead or their relatives with the above.)
Navy intercepts, boards suspect ship

The Indian Navy has intercepted and boarded the suspect MV Alpha, a Vietnamese registered ship, that is suspected to have dropped the terrorirts off the coast of Mumbai.

The crew of the ship are being questioned.

"The Coast Guard and Navy chased the MV Alpha. They are being assisted by Dornier aircraft and surface ships. The navy has enhanced patrol from the Mumbai coast upto Gujarat," said Captain Nambiar, the defence Public Relations Officer.
<b>LeT terrorist Ismail arrested in Mumbai</b>

Ismail, a Punjabi (why this special mention?) from Faridkot in Pakistan, was arrested by the Mumbai police on Wednesday night during the terrorist attacks.
Police sources said Ismail is giving his interrogators the complete story of how the sensational terror operation was planned and executed.

He has told the Mumbai police that he has been trained by the Pakistan-based Lashkar e Tayiba, said police sources, giving chilling details of the most daring terror attack on India

Terrorists left before I reached terror sites: Patil

Thu, Nov 27 03:47 PM
"Before I could reach there, the terrorists who had attacked one of the hospitals, the Cama Hospital, had left and those who attacked the railway station had also left," Union Home Minister Shivraj Patil said.

Patil, who briefed the Cabinet on the situation in Mumbai, was giving details to media about his visit to the city after terrorists struck there.

He said after the terrorists, who attacked Cama Hospital, 'left' the police chased them and killed one of them and injured another.

Patil, who condemned the attack as an act of cowardice, said the country would remain strong even as the terrorists attempt to weaken and create difficulty for the citizens.

The Home Minister had condoled the loss of lives, including top ranking police officers, in the attack and said their sacrifice would inspire the rest of the force to do their duty more resolutely.
<b>Highlights of the PM s address to the nation</b>

Thu, Nov 27 05:02 PM
Addressing the nation a short while ago, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh stated that the dastardly terrorist attacks have deeply shocked the country and he would ensure that every perpetrator, supporter <b>pays the price no matter what his religion</b>. He also emphasised that <b>entry of suspects into the country would be restricted</b> {HUH?} and it was essential to set up a federal agency to look into crimes.

It was evident that the terrorists were from a group outside the country, he said, urging the nation to stand up to terrorism.
CNN IBN is back to licking congress boots
They say Advani who was continuously criticising before the the atatck has suddenly gone quiet.

Rajdeep Turd is shoutign at the top of his voice with his eyelids partly close and going on why the coastal security has got much to answer. in 1993 the boat with the explosives used in the blasts docked somewhere in the coast of mahasrhtra and this time a trawler docked right at the heart of mumbai. i hope they don't want to malign the navy/coast guard this time.
Eyewitness says cops have not spoken to her
Wednesday 8.30 pm, Anita Rajendra Udiyar, a resident of Macchimar Nagar in Colaba, south Mumbai, was sitting outside her dwelling when she noticed a dinghy pulling up on the seashore nearby.
A longtime resident of the fishermen's colony, Anita says she has seen some unusual sights in the area, thanks to frequent film shootings nearby. What caught her eye, this time, was that the six youth in the dinghy whom she describes as being around 25-30 years of age, wearing jeans and t-shirt left the dinghy behind and started walking away with heavy blue, plastic bags. She recalls them wearing hats, too, and doing a thumbs up on landing.
Curious, Anita says she asked them what they were up to and was told to mind her own business.
Soon after, she said the group split into two, four going in the direction of Taj Mahal hotel and two going towards Nariman House.
The penny dropped for her when later on in the night she heard about the terror strikes nearby.
<i>Spotting a police patrol after that, she informed them of what she saw but so far, she says, the police have not bothered to question her</i>
When this reporter visited the Cuffe Parade police station, where the dinghy is now kept, she found them quite casual about the whole thing. The duty officer said the dinghy was of the kind that belonged to big boats and is used for evacuation.
<!--QuoteBegin-k.ram+Nov 27 2008, 08:24 AM-->QUOTE(k.ram @ Nov 27 2008, 08:24 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Wtf

Terrorists left before I reached terror sites: Patil

Thu, Nov 27 03:47 PM
"Before I could reach there, the terrorists who had attacked one of the hospitals, the Cama Hospital, had left and those who attacked the railway station had also left," Union Home Minister Shivraj Patil said.


As if this slobbery, weak chinned, dough mouth would have killed all of them single-handedly. He was probably too busy cleaning up the dribble of urine and other bodily fluids running down the side of his legs. Freaking coward.

This is a lesson for all the cowards who trumped up charges of Hindu terrorism.
We will continue to see more of this since the Muslim terrorist mind is deranged.
They should capture these terrorists and torture them severely (especially simulated drowning's), until they mentally break Gestapo style.


<!--QuoteBegin-Pandyan+Nov 27 2008, 07:55 PM-->QUOTE(Pandyan @ Nov 27 2008, 07:55 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin--><!--QuoteBegin-k.ram+Nov 27 2008, 08:24 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(k.ram @ Nov 27 2008, 08:24 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Wtf

Terrorists left before I reached terror sites: Patil

Thu, Nov 27 03:47 PM
"Before I could reach there, the terrorists who had attacked one of the hospitals, the Cama Hospital, had left and those who attacked the railway station had also left," Union Home Minister Shivraj Patil said.


As if this slobbery, weak chinned, dough mouth would have killed all of them single-handedly. He was probably too busy cleaning up the dribble of urine and other bodily fluids running down the side of his legs. Freaking coward.

Dr. Babu Suseelan

Several Jihadi terrorists have stormed luxury hotels, crowded railway stations and an old Jewish center in Mumbai, killing more than 100 people. Hundreds of people were injured. Among the dead were Indians, Australians, Japanese and British. Jihadi terrorists also seized the Mumbai headquarters of the Jewish outreach group center Chabad Lubavitch.

The savage and predatory Jihadi terrorism in Mumbai is aimed at reasserting or tightening Jihadi control over the Kafir country, India. Jihadi terrorism is nothing new in India. It is as old as Islamic invasion of India. It is widespread and systemic. Jihadi terrorism is an intrinsic part of Islam.

Jihadi terrorism could not flourish as it does without the support or at least toleration of the institutions like the media, the judiciary, the police and bureaucracy. The bogus secular Congress government, media and the alienated Indian intellectuals do not openly condemn Jihadi terrorism. By treating Jihadi terrorism as individual acts of disgruntled Muslims, journalists, social scientists and pseudo secular political leaders conceal the Islamic politics underlying Jihadi terrorism. They whitewash Islamic terrorism with bogus theories and phony social analysis and in the process preclude public discussion on the real cause of Jihadi terrorism namely Islam. Yet without public discussion on the root cause of Jihadi terrorism we cannot plumb the reverberations on the Islamic psyche of feeling permitted to terrorize non-Muslims.

The history of modern India is a shameful chronicle of the pseudo secular Congress party’s disinterest and indifference in curtaining Jihadi terrorism. The Congress government leader’s deliberate trampling of citizen’s rights and their repeated betrayal of public trust has grown up behind a curtain of denial, indifference and ignorance.

The recent Jihadi terrorism in Mumbai proves the horrible betrayal of the ruling Congress party which is nothing than genocide. The Congress policy on Jihadi terrorism promulgated by Italian Sonia Manio’s government, under the auspicious of Manmohan Singh is a disguised program of appeasement of Jihadis through extra privileges. The Congress government instead of acknowledging its legal and moral responsibilities to the majority and safeguarding freedom and security in good faith, now proposes to wash its own hands on the majority, passing the buck to disgruntled Islamists.

It is time for the majority to challenge the Congress government to reexamine their unfortunate and ineffective policy on Jihadi terrorism. Instead of offering hope, freedom, safety and security, the Congress government is providing despair and fear, frustration instead of freedom, cultural annihilation instead of life in the just society.

It seems that the Congress government shows more interest in preserving and protecting Jihadi terrorists than the peace loving nationalist majority.

We have witnessed the growing concern of Jihadi terrorism in all major cities of India. Hundreds of people were dead and injured. We have watched the justifiably indignant reaction of fellow Indians to the horrors of Jihadi terrorism in New Delhi, Assam, Kerala, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Ahmadabad, Vododhara, and Coimbatore. Television has brought into our homes the sad plight of dead and injured people and their families. Yet the government has ignored the plight of the victims and the seriousness of Jihadi terrorism.

The facts are available, dutifully complied and checked over by the police and intelligence agencies. The ruling Congress party’s deliberate ignorance and indifference on Jihadi terrorism is in inexcusable and suicidal. The government has almost endless resources to wipe out Jihadi terrorism. But the Congress government and the political leaders responsible for matters relating to security have been outstanding in their indifference and ignorance and remarkable in their insensitivity to the security needs and aspirations of the peace loving, and tolerant majority. More often, government leaders are busy appeasing criminal thinking Muslims and terrorists and buckle under Islamic political pressure. The government leaders make decisions, the policies, the plans and programs to encourage, appease, and promote Jihadi terrorism in order to increase their own importance and stress the need for their own continued presence.

If the majority citizens are to realize their potential, and protect their freedom, safety and security, they have to take part in Indian affairs. They have to flex their muscles. If the present leadership is unable to come to terms with Jihadi terrorism, unable to confront its root cause that is Islam, unable to win respect for the rights and safety of the majority, the public will have no reason to believe that the existing political system has much meaning for them. The public should organize and organize effectively to destroy the Jihadi-Congress nexus. Only by being active, can we ever be at peace.

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