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Rama Setu -2
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->GOVERNMENT OF INDIA

TO BE ANSWERED ON 02.03.2005


Will the Minister of SHIPPING, ROAD TRANSPORT AND HIGHWAYS be pleased to state:-
(a) whether a detailed project report on the Sethusamudram Ship Canal Project has been prepared by the Tuticorin Port Trust;
(b) if so, the salient features of the Report;
© whether the Government is aware of the apprehensions of the local fishermen about this Canal Project; and
(d) if so, the measures taken by the Government to allay the fears of the fishermen?

(a) & (b)
The Detailed Project Report <span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>(DPR) for the project has been got prepared by the Tuticorin Port Trust by engaging Consultants. The DPR has estimated the total cost of the project at Rs. 2230 crores. The proposed channel will originate at Tuticorin Port and will run parallel to the median line between the two countries, and pass through Adams Bridge, Palk Strait, Palk Bay and end in the Bay of Bengal.</span> The creation of the channel would involve an estimated quantity of 82.5 million cum of dredging with a completion schedule of about three years from the date of receiving the required approvals.

© Yes, Sir.

(d) The channel is to be created more than 20 kms. from the main land. The apprehension of the fishermen that the dredging of the channel would affect the fish production is not well founded. Rather, the channel would facilitate movement of fishing boats from the Gulf of Mannar to Palk Bay and vice-versa. Tuticorin Port Trust, the nodal agency designated for the project, has carried out the campaigns aimed at allaying the misgivings of the fishermen in the project area. Further, the Environment Management Plan of the project is designed to reduce the environmental impacts to negligible or insignificant level.

And now...we are in March of 2005, and above answer from Baalu clarifies the matter. Somewhere between the first question above (August, 04) and this question (March 05) the DPR arrived! Tsunami had also hit within this duration. In Dec'04 to be precise. Any government would wake up by Tsunami. But not this government led by Moron Singh and Monia Devi.

Also notice him mentioning Adam's Bridge, since Detailed Project Report is in by now!
Dear Bodhiji,

Thanks for the investigative reporting. Much appreciated!

Karnanidhi the Goebbels of Tamilnadu even today tells his untruths as follows:

SSC project: MK hits out at BJP, AIADMK

Chennai, Oct 9: Launching a broadside against the BJP and the AIADMK for opposing the demolition of Ram Setu, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M Karunanidhi today said it was the NDA government which approved the present sixth alignment for the Sethusamudram Shipping Canal Project.

"Why didn't they raise the issue of Ram Setu when they approved the project in 2002? Would they have talked about Ram Setu if the project had been implemented during their tenure itself," he asked in a statement here.

Detailing various feasibility studies undertaken for the project since 1955, he said there was not an iota of doubt about the technical feasibility of the Sethusamudram project.

Several studies and investigations had also revealed there was no authentic scientific evidence to prove that there was any man-made structure under the sea. Due to this, neither the NDA government its successor took any step to declare it a national heritage site, he said.

Allaying apprehensions about displacement of fishing community, Karunanidhi said the necessary infrastructure for the project would come up on 12.5 acre of land at Dhanushkodi and 2.5 acres of land at Kodiakarai.

Since steps were being taken to utilise only the government land, there was no possibility of displacement of fishermen, he said.
<!--QuoteBegin-sastrikrishnan+Oct 9 2007, 04:22 PM-->QUOTE(sastrikrishnan @ Oct 9 2007, 04:22 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Thanks for the investigative reporting.  Much appreciated!

Karnanidhi the  Goebbels of Tamilnadu even today tells his untruths as follows:

Yes sastrikrishnan-ji, they are habitual liars. They got it from their grand heritage of leaders since Periyar fellow. They still keep repeating Arya-Dravida too...

but as is often the habit of Truth, it would defeat the falsehood.
<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Sethusamudram Project: It's all a matter of faith !!! </span>
Economic Times, 9 Oct, 2007

(This article is based on a larger report titled ‘Review of the Environmental and Economic Challenges of the Sethusamudram Ship Canal Project' by Sudarshan Rodriguez, Jacob John, Rohan Arthur, Kartik Shanker and Aarthi Sridhar)

When the Sethusamudram project was revived, for the nth time, environmentalists expressed their concern that it would cost far more than the project documents suggested. The dredging costs have been highly underestimated, many say. Their concerns came out of recent scientific literature that suggested that the annual sediment load in the Palk Bay causes a sea depth reduction of 1 cm per year.

Further studies have even suggested that the sedimentation rate could, in fact, be 25-75 times higher! But, every new document of the Sethusamudram Ship Canal Project (SSCP) seemed to ignore all literature after 1989. Not surprisingly, many of the more recent scientific papers suggested that the sedimentation siltation rates in the Palk Bay and surrounding areas were far higher than what was earlier believed.

Like the literature review of the SSCP project documents that stops at 1989, the hydrodynamic modelling studies measure only ‘normal' wind speeds (up to 31.5km/h) to calculate various other parameters like sedimentation and siltation. Cyclones are a common occurrence on the south Tamil Nadu coast.

An analysis of the Global Tropical and Extra Tropical Cyclone Climatic Atlas (GTECCA) by experts validates this position by highlighting that the project area is visited by a cyclone with wind speeds greater than 64.82 km/h every three years. Again, it seems ingenious that the project documents could ignore the cyclones and its effect on siltation in the SSCP area.

The method followed in the project documents helps create a project that significantly underestimates the amount of dredging required — both capital and maintenance — by using data that allows it to peg the cost to around Rs 2,500 crore. In fact, the project documents go so far as to suggest that the Palk Bay region of the canal will not need any maintenance dredging, ignoring scientific studies of the last 15 years!

This structure of the project documents is important as the practice in India is that once a project is approved, it stays approved. While academics and scientists might come in post-hoc to analyse the cost over-runs that have taken place, the current project approval system does not allow for a review (leading to rejection) of the project due to significant cost increases.

This makes the pre-project phase the only viable time to protest. Even at this time, project documents seem to be selective in their use of data to support favourable conclusions. The reality of SSCP could be dredging contractors delight as it will probably be necessary to dredge for posterity in the entire project area, making it an excellent method of spending government money indefinitely.

For opposing SSCP on legitimate and rational grounds, many environmentalists were branded ‘anti-national'. They could not understand the economics of the project and the significant benefits for shipping that SSCP would bring about. The benefits the documents said would be for 70% of the ships in the world with draughts less than 10 m.

But the Paradip and Jawharlal Nehru Port Trust ports do not seem to believe them as they are deepening their draughts to 16 m and 15 m respectively. Nor does the reality that 62% of the bulk cargo carried today is carried in vessels of 60,000 DWT and above! A KPMG report on India's shipping says that “the trend has been that the maximum size of the bulk carriers has increased steadily from 75,000 DWT in 1970s to approximately 183,000 DWT in 2005”.

The project proponents argue that bulk cargo will only be a small part of the cargo that uses the canal. It will be petroleum and tankers that would use the canal. DPR, chooses however, to ignore the fact that most very large crude carriers (VLCCs) and tankers in ballast (when empty) have draughts that are in excess of 12 m. Even most of the coastal tanker traffic consists of what is called LR-I size tankers which load to about 11.1 metres draught, and hence will not be able to transit the canal (which allows only 10m draught).

Rational arguments and scientific method do not support the conclusions drawn by the project documents. The shipping purpose as highlighted by many, including ET earlier, is very limited as it benefits just 30% of those the project documents claim it will benefit — those using coast-to-coast shipping. On the job creation front, never mind that a large part of the jobs created will be on dredging, which, in addition to be an extremely limited creator of jobs, is practically a monopoly of non-Indian firms.

And as a Port Authority official said, thanks to the Dredging Corporation of India being so involved in the Sethusamudram project, many other ports have been forced to start hiring foreign contractors for maintenance dredging in the ports. The other benefit of the project is in the development of the ‘most backward' areas of Tamil Nadu and the unmeasurable creation of jobs through the development of ancillary industries. The livelihood job losses of fishermen do not seem important enough for them to be quantified in the detailed project report (DPR).

What seems appropriate is a comment in response to an earlier article in ET on the public purpose of SSCP. A reader suggested that projects like SSCP cannot be justified on the basis of such ‘baniya economics'.

The public purpose was so mystically large that it was impossible for us to quantify the benefit or justify a project of such national importance! It is then when you I understood! Projects like this are after all a matter of faith — you believe them to be so beneficial despite all data suggesting otherwise.

It is important to reject all the negatives and costs of the project like high sedimentation rates, low draught, limited use for coastal and non-coastal vessels and just blindly believe that the benefits are greater than the costs. From now on, there is no need for expensive consultants, project reports, techno-economic feasibility studies and environmental impact assessments. It is just sufficient to believe that a project is a good one! It's all a matter of faith...isn't it?

^ that and all other objective analysis clearly indicate digging through the Ram Sethu can have serious adverse consequences both economic and other.

The only reason these clowns haven't gone ahead and created the catastrophe already is the public sentiment over Rama Sethu.

Isn't it obvious that this perhaps Sri Rama saving Bharat once again?
'No archaeologist has worked on the Ram Sethu'
Then how did ASI put out the affidavit?
Sethupathis - the dynasty of guardians of the bridge

Traceable back to 10th century. Also see the part about financing of Swami Vivekanandha's Chicago trip


In the corridor of royalty
Maharaja Features
Dhananjaya Bhat goes back into history to take a look at 'Sethupatis', the royal family who guarded the Rama Sethu.

Today when the description of Rama and creation of the Rama Sethu as a myth is creating a furore, it is interesting to note that for thousands of years, there was a royal family in South India with its headquarters at Ramanathapuram near Rameshwaram, known as the Sethupati Rajas or the guardians of the Sethu. Like the Maharajas of Kashi in North India, the specific task of these kings was to guard the sanctity of Rameshwaram temple and protect the Sethu – now so much under the limelight.

In fact even today, though the famous Rameshwaram temple (which technically belonged to the Sethupatis) is administered by the Government of Tamil Nadu, the head of the Sethupati dynasty, at present Rajeshwari Nachiar, is the hereditary head of the temple’s board of trustees.

Detailed information about the Sethupathis is available in the ‘Ramnad Manual’ maintained by Tamil Nadu archives. It states that, “The Sethupatis built several chattrams (dharmsalas) along the main roads of the pilgrimage to Rameshwaram. Roads were opened through the forests. Immense sums were spent on the restoration of the Rameshwaram temples, which were falling into ruins, and the splendid Chockattan Mantapam or the cloistered precincts of the temple at Rameshwaram being finally completed by the Sethupati representatives..” Although the dynasty claims that they are mentioned in the 2000-year-old sagas of Tamil literature, as the brave Marava community guarding the Sethu since the times of Rama, the first historical reference comes only in the 11th century AD, when Chola king Rajaraja made the head of Marava community as Sethupati to protect the pilgrims to Rameshwaram temple and the Rama Sethu.

The temple complex itself was built by Sethupati rulers in the 12th century, with Sethupathy Maravar beginning the construction of the grand Ramanathaswamy temple. Then again reference is made in A D1434 to the repair of the temple walls by the head of the Sethupati clan, known as Udayan Sethupati. Geologists state that till AD1480, when a tsunami damaged the present Rama Sethu, one could walk from India to Sri Lanka on the Sethu!
But only from AD 1605, we find detailed history of these chiefs, who are described as masters of Sethu and their kingdom described as Sethu Nadu (Land of Sethu). After the destruction of the Vijayanagar empire in 1565, their viceroy in South India, the the Nayak ruler of Madurai, re-appointed head of the same Marava community as the Sethupatis.

The most important of these monarchs was the Raghunatha Sethupati II alias Kilavan Sethupati (1671 AD to 1710 AD), who ensured that Sethupatis with their fiefdom over the area known as Ramnad, remained all powerful. It was during his time, that the magnificent still existing palace of Ramlingavilasam was created as the residence of the Sethupatis. No other palace in Tamil Nadu has such extensive mural paintings. As soon as you enter the Mahamandapam, you are surrounded by murals that glint like gem-encrusted jewels on the walls. Some are dull and faded, while others flash forth their brilliance, even 300 years after they were executed. In 1978, the Sethupati family, unable to maintain the palace handed it over to the Government of Tamil Nadu.

But in the18th century, the British entered the politics of South India and as a measure to reduce the importance of the Sethupatis, they were demoted as mere zamindars under the British in1803. Of all the services, this royal family has done to India, the most important was that of financing the visit of Swami Vivekananda in 1893 to Chicago, to address the World Religions Conference. Swami Vivekananda reached Ramnathapuram in 1892 and met the then scion, Bhaskara Sethupati at his palace, and stayed there as the official guest for eight days.

Initially, it was Bhaskara Setupati as the Raja of Ramnad, who had earlier decided to go to US to attend the Parliament of Religions as the representative of Hinduism. But after conversing with Swami Vivekananda, he decided that Swamiji was the right person to attend the conference.

Vivekananda decided to accept the Raja’s offer. When Vivekananda returned from USA after his grand success, as he was about to land at Rameshwaram, the overjoyed Raja was waiting with his entourage to give him a royal welcome. Because of the achievement of Swamiji and as well as the regard, the Raja had for him, he bowed his head and offered it as step for Vivekananda to get down from the boat. But, Swamiji tactfully avoided this offer, by jumping from the boat to the land. Then the Raja unyoked the bullocks from Vivekananda’s ceremonial chariot and pulled the conveyance manually with his entourage, till it reached his palace. Later he erected a victory pillar of 25 feet height with the Upanishad expression Satyameva Jayate to commemorate the success of Swami Vivekananda at Chicago.

After Indian Independence, the Sethupatis still retained their importance in the politics of Tamil Nadu. In fact Shanmuga Raja Sethupati won the elections to the Tamil Nadu Assembly and held the seat thrice from 1951 to 1967, besides being a minister in the Rajagopalachari Ministry of 1952. He was well-known in horse racing circles and had a stable of over 50 horses in Calcutta and a huge garage of cars in Madras, including Rolls Royces and a Bentley. But the abolition of zamindaries by the Government of India, removed all sources of their wealth and today, the former Sethupatis are just well-known prominent magnates of Tamil Nadu.
SSCP project website:

the SethuSamudram Corporation website at http://sethusamudram.gov.in/ProjectStatus.asp

provides project status as well as a host of other details including advantages. They claim it will handle 9 crossings per day and save between 25- and 400 kms of steaming distance. Need to verify but thought I'll post the link here.
Sethusamudram Project: A reality check
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The protagonists of the project feel that the canal will save precious fuel and save transit time for the ships, and also develop the Tamil Nadu coast. Many feel that the entire traffic from the Persian Gulf and Red Sea to Malacca Strait will eventually take this route.

But the facts are somewhat different. The channel is being dredged so that the ships with up to 10 metres draught can transit through it. But almost all the tankers and bulk carriers from Persian Gulf or the Red Sea and bound for East or South East Asia are much bigger in size, and will not be able to use the channel due to constraints of draught.

Even for those ships that can transit through the canal, except for traffic from Tuticorin to Chennai, the time gained by most of the merchant ships on account of shorter distance will be more than neutralised due to delays that are inherent in transiting through a narrow channel, where pilotage in all probability will be compulsory. The ships will have to anchor and wait for a pilot (a local expert who navigates the ship through confined waters). Time will be wasted in waiting for pilot, embarking him, disembarking him and also due to speed restrictions mandated in a narrow and shallow channel.

If the traffic increases, then the ships will have to queue up as big ships will find it difficult to cross each other in a narrow channel like this. Any fuel saved will be neutralised by Pilotage charges and other charges likely to be levied on ships transiting through this artificially made canal. It is therefore unlikely that any significant shipping is likely to be diverted through this canal, even after it is ready. This poses serious doubts about the financial viability of the project.

From the security point of view, it must be noted that all big ships during their transit from Adam's Bridge to Point Calimere will be extremely vulnerable to attacks by LTTE, as the ships on account of surrounding shallow waters will be constrained to move at a slow speed and follow a fixed path, which will pass very close to the waters dominated by the LTTE. This will provide LTTE a strong leverage against India and the flow of traffic through the canal will depend on India's relations with this terrorist outfit.

Strategically, India must aim to bring the countries of South Asia closer and strive for a South Asian Economic Union. But the Sethusamudram Project creates an unnecessary Gulf between India and Sri Lanka, which is uncomfortable with the project as it perceives it to be against Sri Lankan interests. Although it has been circumspect as it does not want to ruffle feathers in India, but Colombo’s displeasure is well known.

<span style='color:red'>URGENT ATTENTION </span>

As was earlier reported, the Government of India had sought three months time from the Supreme Court to examine the Sethusamudram project. They have constituted a committee to look into the Sethusamudram Shipping Channel Project.

This committe had its first meeting yesterday, and has invited objections and suggestions, including from the writ petitioners in the cases in the Supreme Court, on the project. It will then consider suggestions, proposals and documents after giving them a personal hearing.

The committee has invited all objections and suggestions from people concerned.
<span style='color:red'>Objections and suggestions must reach committee by 5 p.m. on October 31.

It should be addressed to:
Sethu Samudram Review Committee
Dr. Ambedkar Law University,
Post Graduate and Research Development Block,
5, Greenways Road, Chennai - 600 028 India. </span>

The ten-member committee constituted to look into the matter is headed by University of Madras Vice-Chancellor Prof. S. Ramachandran, who is also the Chairman of Monitoring Committee on Environmental Impact Issues.

The other members include:
Prof. R S Sharma, former Professor of History at the Delhi University;
Dr. M. Sakthivel, Aqua Culture Foundation of India President ;
Prof. Dilip K. Biswas, former Chairman of the Central Pollution Control Board;
Dr. J.R.B. Alfred, former Director of Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata,
Dr. S.R. Wate, Deputy Director of the National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), Nagpur,
Prof. P. Jagadeesan, former Vice-Chancellor of the Bharatidasan University, Tamil Nadu
Prof. Y. Vaikuntham, former Vice-Chancellor of the Kakatiya University, Andhra Pradesh;
Dr. K. Paddayya, Director of the Deccan College, Pune
R K Jain, Managing Director of the Indian Ports Association

The committee will give a personal hearing from October 29 to November 6 (on all days including holidays).The period from November 4-6 has been kept for giving personal hearing to the petitioners.

the people concerned are requested to write and send their objections to the committee as soon as possible.
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HindustanTimes.com » Astrology » Story

Sri Rama and Sri Hanuman

October 9, 2007 Sri Rama surveyed the Ramsetu and said, "Hanuman, how diligently you and your vanara sena built this bridge. How remarkable that it has withstood the ravages of time, considering that a bridge at Hyderabad built by Gammon using the latest technology collapsed the other day even before they could stick posters on its pillars."

Hanuman said humbly, "Lord, it is because of your grace. We just wrote your name on the rocks and threw them into the sea and they held up. No steel or cement was used. But Lord, why rake it up now?"

Said Rama, "Well, Hanuman, some people down there want to demolish your bridge and construct a canal. The contract involves lots of money They will make money on demolition and more money on construction."

Hanuman asked, "Why don't we go down and present our case?"

"No," said Rama, "Times have changed. Historians will ask us to submit proof of our existence. Do we have a birth certificate, a school-leaving certificate or a driving license? As for address proof, the fact that I was born at Ayodhya is itself under litigation for over half a century. If I go dressed as usual, the ordi- nary people may recognise me but politicians will take me to be a lost Ramlila actor."

"But I built it! I'll swear on oath!"

"My dear Anjaniputra, it will not work. They will ask you to produce the layout plan, the project details like financial outlay, how the project cost was met and the completion certificate. They may even want to see your engineering college degree."

"Lord, I don't understand. You have given darshan regularly to 'historical' figures like Surdas, Thyagaraja, Jayadeva and Tukaram, yet people disbelieve your existence? Should we replay the Ramayana on earth to set the government record straight?"

The Lord smiled. "It won't happen. Ravana is terrified that Karunanidhi will make a saint of him. And his mama Mareecha, who appeared as the golden deer to tempt Sita, refuses to step on earth for fear of Bollywood hunters. Let it be."


I recommend everyone access the Guestbook of the SSCP project and request whatever details you feel is necessary to understand the why's. I for one have asked for following; If sufficient number of people ask for it I am sure they will have to provide it.

Link to guestbook for feedback: http://sethusamudram.gov.in/Feedback.asp

Dear Sirs,
Given the current controversy around Rama Sethu, will you please post in your website following material:

1. The cost estimates associated with all the 6 alignments that were evaluated
2. The detailed risk assessments and risk management plan for current proposed alignment as well as for the other 5 alignments

3. Detailed list of all contracts awarded in connection with the project as well as those pending awards

I believe such transparency will go a long way in establishing credibility and professionalism of your esteemed team.
Thank you
Sadamarshna's 3 questions hit straight at the heart of this issue.
Can a request be filed access this info under the new RTI? I doubt these guys will part with the info that easily.
<img src='http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v130/indiaforum/image001-1.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
<!--QuoteBegin-Bodhi+Oct 12 2007, 02:52 AM-->QUOTE(Bodhi @ Oct 12 2007, 02:52 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin--><span style='color:red'>URGENT ATTENTION </span>
The other members include:
Prof. R S Sharma, former Professor of History at the Delhi University;
Dr. M. Sakthivel, Aqua Culture Foundation of India President ;
Prof. Dilip K. Biswas, former Chairman of the Central Pollution Control Board;
Dr. J.R.B. Alfred, former Director of Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata,
Dr. S.R. Wate, Deputy Director of the National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), Nagpur,
Prof. P. Jagadeesan, former Vice-Chancellor of the Bharatidasan University, Tamil Nadu
Prof. Y. Vaikuntham, former Vice-Chancellor of the Kakatiya University, Andhra Pradesh;
Dr. K. Paddayya, Director of the Deccan College, Pune
R K Jain, Managing Director of the Indian Ports Association

SSCP vs Rama Sethu: The game of sinister pawn brokers - I
SSCP vs Rama Sethu: The game of sinister pawn brokers - II
SSCP vs Rama Sethu: The game of sinister pawn brokers - III

seems to be bunch of handpicked hacks to do the UPAs bidding.
Does anyone know of a website or e-means of filing objections to the committee? Apparently it needs to be done by Oct 31st. Or if it is to be done by snail mail, address info?
<!--QuoteBegin-Sadamarshna+Oct 19 2007, 07:28 PM-->QUOTE(Sadamarshna @ Oct 19 2007, 07:28 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Does anyone know of a website or e-means of filing objections to the committee? Apparently it needs to be done by Oct 31st. Or if it is to be done by snail mail, address info?


...The Committee after detailed deliberation on the matter referred to it, decided to invite objections and suggestions from all concerned including the writ Petitioners so as to reach at the following address of the Committee by 1700 hrs. on 31st October, 2007. Member Secretary, Committee of Eminent Persons on Sethu Samudram Shipping Channel Project The Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University, Post Graduate & Research Development Block, "Poompozhil", 5, Greenways Road, Chennai - 600 028.

Tel No. : 044-24959005, 044-24959006

The objections/suggestions have to be submitted either through RegisteredAD or delivered at the above address in Chennai on all days upto 31stOctober, 2007 except on 21st October, 2007 from 1000 hrs. to 1700 hrs.

The Committee will also give a personal hearing from 29th October, 2007 to 6th November, 2007 (all days including holidays) at the above address tween 1000 hrs. to 1700 hrs. Out of this, the period from 4th to 6th November, 2007 has been kept for giving personal hearing to the Petitioners, who can come on any of these days as per their convenience. To participate in the hearing, proof of having submitted the objections/suggestions in the form of acknowledgement of the Committee or Postal receipt have to be produced by all concerned except the Petitioners.

<span style='color:red'>URGENT: Change Of Address For Petitions </span>

Is this a committee or a joke? First they gave no e-mail address, or fax, or website to receive digital or at least electronic submissions, then they gave such short notice, and now this:

Last week, The Committee of Eminent Persons has changed its address to receive the petitions, objections and suggestions from the concerned people.

People are requested to send their letters at the new address which is:

<b>Member Secretary,
Committee of Eminent Persons on Sethu Samudram Shipping Channel Project,
Chennai - 600 028. India

Tel No. : 044-24959005, 24959006</b>

Those who had written at the old address are requested to kindly consider resending the letter at the new address.

Please also consider copying the submission to the following, so that a repository of submissions can be maintained for future purposes.

- Dr. S Kalyanaraman at his e-mail: kalyan97 at gmail dot com
- ramasetu at yahoo dot com


Meanwhile, notice the members:

S. Ramachandran,
M. Sakthivel,
Dilip K. Biswas,
J.R.B. Alfred

Above derive direct benefits from the Sethusamudram Corporation as members of Environmental Monitoring Committee of the project;

RK Jain is a Govt. employee working in Indian Ports Association which is a society reporting to the Min. of Shipping;
S.R. Wate is an employee of NEERI which had a contract with Sethusamudram Corporation and Govt. of India;
P. Jagadeesan is a member of Tamilnadu State Planning Commission;

All of the above,being Govt employees can not go against its bidding.

RS Sharma,
K Paddayya and
Y. Vaikuntham

Above are declared and time-tested Marxist ideologues with pronounced anti-hindu bias.


The committee has not included experts such as:
(i) Geology expert and (ii)oceanographic expert (iii) Tusanmi expert (iv) marine expert (v) security expert (vi) nautical expert (vii) Legal expert in the felid of law of sea (viii) Marine Archeological expert.

Owing to this, S. Swamy went to the special notice of the SC. SC disowned the committee saying SC had not constituded the said committee and therefore was not interested in hearing whether it was biased or not.

Dr. S. Swamy says:

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->October 24, 2007

The Supreme Court's First Bench consisting of Chief Justice K.Balakrishnan, Judges Raveedran and Dalbir Bhandari today disowned the Committee of Eminent Persons, appointed by the Government of India in the Sethusamudram Canal Project matter, which committee is to suggest a new counter affidavit to be filed iby the government in the Supreme Court by mid-December. The CJI observed that the apexcourt did not constitute the said committee and therefore is not interested whether it is biased or not. The CJI further observed that when the matter comes up in January 2008, I would beat liberty to raise all objections to the Committee at that stage before the Court if the Government relies on the committee'sreport.

I had in my Interlocutory Applicationsaid that the Committee was biased and rigged, and since it's formation was announced by the Additional Solicitor General in Court, direction ought to be given by the Bench to quash the present committee and a new unbiased committee should be set up.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Setu row fuels Ramayan sales</b>

Publishers of Ramayan might consider giving M. Karunanidhi a slice of their royalty for opening a new chapter of gains.

Sales of the text have zoomed to a new high after the chief minister's controversial remarks over the Sethusamudram project. Bookstores, too, have been quick to turn the raging setu row into a marketing opportunity.

<b>Even small outlets are stacking Tamil translations of Valimiki's Ramayan. Many are offering attractive discounts.</b>

“Pick up a Tamil translation of Valmiki Ramayan at an attractive price” reads a promo in a shop in the Mylapore area. The tome, an authentic translation from Sanskrit, has been published by the Gorakhpur-based Geeta Press, reputable publishers of Hindu religious texts.

Karunanidhi himself fuelled, though unwittingly, the rush for the texts by citing a translation in the columns of DMK mouthpiece Murasoli. He asked critics of his controversial remarks to look up the Ramayan translated into Tamil by scholar C.R. Sreenivasa Ayyangar.

Many find it ironical that sales of the text should get a fillip from the words of a “non-believer” like Karunanidhi.
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My letter to the committee. In the notification they had explicitly asked for all correspondance to be in English.

To protest, I wrote to them in Hindi - let them disreagard if they want.


सेवा में:
सेतुसमुद्रम पोतमार्ग परियोजना की विशिष्ट गणमान्य-जन समिति,
मालगै, 30/95 पी एस कुमारस्वामी राजा (ग्रीनवेज़) मार्ग
चेन्नई 600 028

माननीय महोदय,

विषय: परियोजना-विषयक आपत्तियाँ व सुझाव

राष्ट्रीय व स्थानीय समाचार पत्रों में विज्ञप्ति के माध्यम से आपने जनसामान्य को आमंत्रित किया था कि परियोजना के विषय मे आपत्तियाँ एवँ सुझाव आप तक पहुँचाये जा सकते हैं. विज्ञप्ति मे आपने स्पष्ट कर दिया था कि उक्त पत्राचार आपको केवल अंग्रेजी भाषा मे ही स्वीकार्य होंगे. महोदय, सर्वप्रथम आपको यह चेत हो कि भारत-जन की भाषा अंग्रेजी नहीं वरन अनेक भारतीय भाषायें हैं, और भारतीय भाषाओं के प्रति आपकी अपमान-जनक अवहेलना न केवल अव्यावहारिक है, बल्कि भर्त्सना की भी पात्र है. आपको कदाचित होने वाली असुविधा के लिये खेद के साथ, यह पत्र भारतीय राजभाषा हिन्दी मे सगर्व और सविनय आपको सम्बोधित है.

रामसेतु एक साँस्कृतिक-धार्मिक धरोहर है, इसके साथ कैसी भी छेड-छाड करने का किसी को अधिकार नहीं! 'राम हुए थे अथवा नहीं' - न केवल यह नितांत अनावश्यक विवाद है - बल्कि 'सेतु का निर्माण कैसे हुआ' - यह भी सर्वथा अप्रासंगिक और व्यर्थ का प्रलाप है. अंतरराष्ट्रीय सांस्कृतिक संस्थान (यूनेस्को) एवँ भारतीय संविधान, दोनों के दृष्टिकोण से, प्रासंगिक और वैधानिक प्रश्न केवल इतना ही है कि क्या रामसेतु एक अत्यंत दीर्घ काल से जन-मानस मे धरोहर का स्थान रखता है? इस प्रश्न के उत्तर मे बहुत कुछ प्रस्तुत किया जा सकता है, किंतु सारांश मे केवल कुछ बिन्दु इंगित करना पर्याप्त होगा.

क) हिन्दू धर्म-शास्त्रों - न केवल वाल्मीकि रामायण बल्कि विभिन्न असंख्य लोकप्रचलित रामायणों, पुराणों (विष्णु,पद्म, वायु, नारद, स्कान्द इत्यादि), एवँ महाभारत मे - रामसेतु का प्रचुर और प्रधानतापूर्वक महत्व-मण्डन मिलता है. रामसेतु की महिमा त्रेता युग के अक्षय चिन्ह और जनसामान्य के लिये अनंत तक सर्व-पाप-नाशक तीर्थ के स्वरूप मे की गई है. बौद्ध ग्रंथोँ जैसे कि लंकावतार सूत्र मे भी सेतु का वर्णन है. ये सभी ग्रंथ सहस्त्राब्दियों या कम-से-कम अनेक शताब्दियों पुराने हैं.

ख) हिन्दू परम्परा मे सेतु वह अद्वितीय तीर्थ-उपकरण माना गया है, जहाँ मनुष्य जघन्यातिजघन्य पापोँ से मुक्ति हेतु प्रायश्चित्त कर पाता है. स्कान्द महापुराण जो कि समस्त पुराणों मे सबसे दीर्घ और सुविस्तृत है, इसमे ऐसा वर्णन है कि ब्रम्ह-हत्या और गुरुतल्पगमन (गुरु-पत्नी के साथ अनैतिक आचरण) - इन पापों से मनुष्य की मुक्ति केवल रामसेतु-सेवन से हो सकती है. (परिशिष्ट 1)

ग) प्रत्येक भारतीय भाषा के साहित्यिक वांग़्मय मे भी रामसेतु कई शताब्दियों से कौतुक का विषय निरंतर बना रहा है. प्रथम शताब्दी ईसापूर्व मे कविकुलगुरु कालीदास-कृत रघुवंश से ले कर सातवीं/आठवीं सदी मे महाकवि भवभूति द्वारा रचित महावीरचरितम तक रामसेतु ने संस्कृत कवियों के साहित्य सृजन मे प्रचुर स्थान पाया. अन्य भाषाओं के कवियों जैसे कि तमिल मे महाकवि कम्बन ने बारहवीं सदी मे सेतु पर बहुत कुछ लिखा.

घ) रामसेतु के नाम से, प्राचीन ऐतिहासिक काल से ही सुदूर दक्षिण तमिलनाडु के राजाओँ को सेतुपति की उपाधि प्राप्त होती थी. जनश्रुति इन सेतुपति राजाओं को अत्यंत प्राचीन मारवा जाति के वीर बताती है, जिन्हे कि रामसेतु की सुरक्षा का दायित्व मिला था. अंकित और पुष्ट इतिहास मे भी, रामनाड के सेतुपति राजाओं का वर्णन कम-से-कम 11-वीं शताब्दी जितने पहले से आना आरम्भ हो जाता है जब कि सम्राट राजराजा चोल द्वारा उन्हे रामसेतु की रक्षा का प्रभारी नियुक्त किया जाना वर्णित है. (परिशिष्ट 2)

च) 18-वीं व 19-वीं सदी के योरोपीय इतिहासकारों और इण्डोलाजिस्ट्स ने भारतीय जन में सेतु की महत्ता के विषय मे प्रायः लिखा है. एक ऐसा ही रोचक वर्णन रायल एशियाटिक सोसाइटी के विख्यात फिलोलोजिस्ट राबर्ट कस्ट ने रामसेतु के प्रति जनता की आस्था के विषय मे किया था. उन्होने 1846 मे लिखा कि, 'राम ने कहा था जब तक सृष्टि है तब तक रामसेतु बना रहेगा, और उनकी वाणी सच ही होती लग रही है.' (परिशिष्ट 3)

छ) भारतीय सर्वेक्षण का प्राचीनतम एम्ब्लेम एक समय तक हुआ करता था - 'आसेतु हिमाचलम्' : सेतु से हिमालय तक. इस प्रकार स्वयम् ASI का एम्ब्लेम तक सेतु की महत्ता को स्वीकार करता था. (परिशिष्ट 4)

ज) 1974 मे भारत और श्रीलंका द्वारा की गई समुद्रीय परिसीमन सन्धि ने भी सेतुसमुद्रम के जल को 'ऐतिहासिक' घोषित किया था.

झ) भारत की सबसे पहली डब की जाने वाली फिल्म की ख्याति जिस चित्रपट को प्राप्त है, वह है - 'सेतुबन्धन'. जनमानस मे रामसेतु के प्रति आस्था को देखते हुए, भारतीय सिनेमा के पितामह श्री दादासाहेब फाल्के ने 1923 मे इस मूक फिल्म को बनाया था और इतना ही नहीं, 1924 मे डबिंग तकनीकि के आते ही डब करवाया था. यह भी सेतुबन्धन के भारतीय संस्कृति मे अतीव महत्व का अनूठा द्योतक है. इसी प्रकार आधुनिक भारतीय चित्रकला के उन्नायक व स्वनामधन्य श्री राजा रवि वर्मा ने भी सेतु बन्धन प्रसंग मे राम की समुद्र पर विजय को अपने कन्वास पर प्रधानता से उकेरा था. यह 'मास्टरपीस' आज भी राजा रवि वर्मा के चित्र-संग्रहालय मे देखी जा सकती है. आधुनिक भारत के प्रथम राष्ट्रकवि श्रीमान मैथिली शरण गुप्त ने अपने महाकाव्य 'साकेत' मे सेतु बन्धन को प्रधान स्थान दिया. स्वामी विवेकानन्द - जिनकी शिकागो यात्रा का प्रबन्ध तत्कालीन सेतुपति राजा ने किया था - उन्होने भी अपनी सिंहवाणी मे रामसेतु के विषय मे वर्णन किया है.

त) भारत मे ही नहीं बल्कि सुदूर कम्बोडिया, थाईलैण्ड, व बाली तक के अनेकानेक प्राचीन मन्दिरो के शिखरों पर, अन्यत्र अनेक भित्तिचित्रों पर, बिहार के मधुबनी व उडीसा के पारम्परिक म्यूरलों पर, एवँ मध्यकालीन सिक्कों पर रामसेतु व सेतुबन्धन के विषयवस्तु बहुतायत मे पाए जाते है.

थ) 'सेतुमाधव', 'सेतुरामन', 'सेतुसुन्दर', और कितने ही ऐसे नाम भारतीय माता-पिता अपनी संतानों को देते आये हैं. रामसेतु मे जनमानस की आस्था इसी से पता चल जाती है. बल्कि यही क्यों? सेतु के सन्निकट के पूरे क्षेत्र को एक समय सेतुनाडु कहा जाता था, व सेतु के दोनो ओर के समुद्र को सेतुसमुद्रम आज भी कहते हैं. और तो और, इस पोतमार्ग परियोजना का नाम भी तो भला उसी 'सेतु' से आया है!

महोदय, उपरोक्त बिन्दु केवल एक संकेत मात्र है यह दर्शाने के लिये, कि रामसेतु अत्यंत प्राचीन काल से भारतीय संस्कृति का, जन-मानस का, हिन्दू आस्था का, प्रमुखतम चिन्ह रहा है. इसको नहीं नकारा जा सकता. किसी वस्तु के धरोहर कहलाने के लिये यह बिल्कुल भी आवश्यक नहीं है कि वे मानव-निर्मित ही हों. इस आशय का पोषण न केवल भारत का संविधान व अंतरराष्ट्रीय मानक करते है, बल्कि इसका समर्थन विभिन्न न्यायालयों के समय-समय पर हुए निर्णय भी करते आए हैं. पुष्कर के ब्रम्ह सरोवर को धरोहर घोषित करने सम्बन्धी उच्चतम न्यायालय का निर्णय यहाँ प्रासंगिक है. रामसेतु एक मुख्य सांस्कृतिक-धार्मिक धरोहर है, भले ही वह प्राकृतिक भूगौलिक संरचना ही क्यों न हो. भला क्या कोई नकार सकता है कि बोधगया का बोधिवृक्ष भारत की, बल्कि विश्व-मात्र की, एक प्रधान धरोहर है - भले ही वह 'मानव-निर्मित' न हो!

भारत का शासन धरोहरों के प्रति सदैव सचेत रहता आया है. जब भी विकास-परियोजनाएँ ऐसी धरोहरोँ पर जरा भी आंच डालती भासित होती हैं, शासन ने सदैव आस्था और धरोहरों की संरक्षा को ही चुना है. हाल ही मे, दिल्ली मे लोधीमार्ग परियोजना को इस सन्देह पर रुकवाया दिया गया है कि कहीं इससे मुगल शासक हुमायूँ के मकबरे को कोई क्षति न पहुँचे. इसी भांति देहली मेट्रोरेल परियोजना के मेहरौली-गुड्गाँव भाग की योजना मे भारी परिवर्तन किए गए थे ताकि भले ही योजना के खर्च और समय मे वृद्धि हो जाय किंतु कुतुबमीनार इत्यादि को कोई भी क्षति न होने पाये. आगरा मे ताज-कोरीडोर परियोजना को इस आधार पर तत्काल रोक दिया गया था कि इससे ताजमहल पर प्रभाव होने की आशंका जताई गई थी. ऐसे ही मुम्बई मे कुर्ला-बान्द्रा फ्लाई-ओवर परियोजना को इस सावधानी के चलते परिवर्तित किया गया कि हाजी अली की दरगाह पर कैसा भी प्रभाव न पडे.

महोदय, जिस प्रकार भारत शासन इन उपरोक्त धरोहरों के प्रति सचेत है, उसी प्रकार रामसेतु - जो कि भारत की एक अत्यंत प्राचीन धरोहर है - उसे भी संरक्षित करना सुनिश्चित करें. शासन को कतई कोई अधिकार नहीं है कि रामसेतु जैसी आस्था से जुडी धरोहर के साथ कैसी भी, किसी भी मात्रा मे, छेड्छाड की जाए. सेतुसमुद्रम परियोजना का वर्तमान मार्ग तत्काल निरस्त किया जाय. सेतुसमुद्रम परियोजना का विस्तृत पुनरावलोकन किया जाय. इस प्रक्रिया मे आर्थिक, सामरिक, भूगौलिक, नौसैनिक, ओशियनोग्राफिक, पर्यावरण और पुरातत्व विशेषज्ञों का समावेश हो.

अंत मे, स्कान्द पुराण से एक रोचक और मार्मिक उद्धरण देना चाहेंगे:

भूयो भूयो भाविनो भूमिपाला नत्वा नत्वा याचते रामचन्द्रः

सामान्योयम धर्मसेतुर्नराणाम काले काले पालनीयो भविद्धिः

(40/34 स्कान्द पुराण, ब्रम्हखण्डम्)

श्रीरामचन्द्र अत्यंत विनयपूर्वक, बारम्बार झुक झुक कर, भविष्य मे आने वाले समस्त शासकों से विनम्र याचना करते हैं, कि हे भावी राजनगण, मेरे द्वारा जनकल्याण हेतु निर्मित इस धर्मसेतु की सदैव सुरक्षा करते रहें.

महोदय, आपसे रामसेतु की सुरक्षा सुनिश्चित करने की करबद्ध याचना है.



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1: स्कान्द पुराण मे रामसेतु की महत्ता
2: सेतुरक्षक सेतुपति राजा
3: Robert Needham Cust, from 'Linguistic And Oriental Essays'
4: Aa Setu Himaachalam – Survey of India’s original insignia
5: Lodhi Road Tunnel project Blackballed in name of Heritage

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