08-21-2006, 10:24 PM
India-Israel Co-operation and Challenges
11-18-2006, 11:58 PM
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Tuesday January 30, 06:12 AM <b>Palestinians strike Eilat, Gaza rages on</b> Palestinian militant groups carried out their first suicide bombing in Israel in nine months, killing three people in the resort of Eilat. The Eilat blast came four days before the quartet of Middle East peacemakers was to meet in Washington as part of a bid to revive Israeli-Palestinian talks. Efforts have only been complicated by fierce Palestinian factional infighting. Islamic Jihad and al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility for what was the first suicide attack in the Red Sea tourist town, and named a 21-year-old from Gaza as the bomber. Israeli police said he infiltrated from Egypt. In Gaza, rival Palestinian factions battled in the streets for a fifth straight day, killing at least two fighters. Saudi Arabia has offered to host talks between the feuding Hamas movement and Fatah in the holy city of Mecca. The fighting has been the fiercest since Hamas, an Islamist group, won elections a year ago. Gun battles have spread across the densely populated Gaza Strip, where 1.5 million Palestinians live and prompted some families to flee their homes. The latest deaths raised to 29 the number of people killed in clashes since Thursday. The fighting, which has erupted periodically over the past year, has derailed unity talks between Hamas and Fatah. "What else can we call this but a civil war?" asked Abu Omar, a shop owner in Gaza City, where most businesses closed down. Eilat residents were jolted by what witnesses described as a powerful explosion in the Lechamim bakery in a residential neighbourhood of the city, far from its beach hotels. "I saw a man with a black coat and a bag. For Eilat, where it is hot, it is strange to see someone walking with a coat," local resident Benny Mazgini told Israel Radio. "I said to myself, 'Why is this idiot dressed that way?' Seconds later, I heard a huge blast. The building shook." Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said in broadcast remarks all three of those killed by the bomber were Israelis. He said Israel was weighing its response. Islamic Jihad and the Aqsa brigades said the bombing was a response to Israeli "attempts to defile al-Aqsa mosque" in Jerusalem, a reference to recent archaeological excavations. Israeli officials said the work had not damaged the shrine. "The heroic operation announces the beginning of a series of operations in defence of al-Aqsa mosque and it was a natural response to savage aggression by the occupation (Israel)," the two groups said in a statement. A spokesman for the Aqsa brigades, part of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah faction, identified the suicide bomber as Mohammad Faisal Siksik, 21, from Gaza City, a member of the brigades' Army of Believers. Israeli police said the bomber entered Egypt from Gaza and then made his way through the Sinai peninsula to the porous Egyptian-Israeli border north of Eilat, where he caught a ride with an Israeli motorist who drove him into the city. After dropping him off, the driver telephoned police to report the hitchhiker had behaved suspiciously. The bomber detonated 10 kg of explosives while police were searching the area where he alighted, a police spokesman said. Olmert voiced fears the attack could scare tourists away from Eilat. Nearly 180,000 foreign tourists visited the resort, at the northern tip of the Red Sea, last year. The city has been spared the violence of a more than six-year-long Palestinian uprising. At his family home in the northern Gaza Strip, Siksik's brother Naeem told reporters: "We knew he was going to carry out a martyrdom operation. His mother and father prayed for him to succeed." The White House issued a statement in which it condemned "Palestinian terrorist groups, including Hamas, that condone these barbaric actions". It said the Palestinian Authority's failure to "act against terror will inevitably affect relations between that government and the international community and undermine the aspirations of the Palestinian people for a state of their own". A Palestinian suicide bomber last struck in Israel on April 17, 2006, killing 11 people outside a restaurant in Tel Aviv in an attack claimed by the Islamic Jihad group.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Just a question, why aren't these terrorists suicide-bombing themselves in Saudi Arabia where mosques and 'islamic historic' sites are demolished? Guess they just need a reason, any reason, to target the kaffirs (Israel).
02-10-2007, 05:53 AM
World's Jewish and Hindu Leaders Gather in New Delhi
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->World?s Jewish and Hindu Leaders Gather in New Delhi Rabbi David Rosen, AJC's international director of interreligious affairs, and president of the International Jewish Committee on Interreligious Consultations (IJCIC), met with and addressed world Hindu leaders at the historic first Hindu-Jewish Leadership Summit in New Delhi. In a joint declaration, the religious leaders affirmed their shared values, condemned violence, and pledged to address the challenges of poverty and illness. As special representative of the Israeli Chief Rabbinate?s Permanent Commission for Interreligious Dialogue, Rabbi Rosen also met with Buddhist and Muslim leaders of India as well. See the full text of the declaration below: Declaration of Mutual Understanding and Cooperation from the First Jewish- Hindu Leadership Summit Delhi 17-18 Shvat, 5767; February 5-6, 2007 The first Hindu-Jewish leadership summit took place in Delhi 17-18 Shvat, 5767; corresponding to February 5-6, 2007; at which the delegation of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel convened with major religious leaders of Hindu dharma. It is planned that this historic gathering will lead to ongoing bilateral meetings on shared values and common concerns, many of which were highlighted at this summit. The participants affirmed that: 1. Their respective Traditions teach that there is One Supreme Being who is the Ultimate Reality, who has created this world in its blessed diversity and who has communicated Divine ways of action for humanity, for different peoples in different times and places. 2. The religious identities of both Jewish and Hindu communities are related to components of Faith, Scripture, Peoplehood, Culture, Land and Language. 3. Hindus and Jews seek to maintain their respective heritage and pass it on to the succeeding generations, while living in respectful relations with other communities. 4. Neither seeks to proselytize, nor undermine or replace in any way the religious identities of other faith communities. They expect other communities to respect their religious identities and commitments, and condemn all activities that go against the sanctity of this mutual respect. 5. Both the Hindu and Jewish Traditions affirm the sanctity of life and aspire for a society in which all live in peace and harmony with one another. Accordingly they condemn all acts of violence in the name of any religion or against any religion. 6. The Jewish and Hindu communities are committed to the ancient traditions of Judaism and Hindu dharma respectively, and have both, in their own ways, gone through the painful experiences of persecution, oppression and destruction. Therefore, they realize the need to educate the present and succeeding generations about their past, in order that they will make right efforts to promote religious harmony. 7. The representatives of the two faith communities recognize the need for understanding one another in terms of lifestyles, philosophy, religious symbols, culture, etc. They also recognize that they have to make themselves understood by other faith communities. They hope that through their bilateral initiatives, these needs would be met. 8. Because both traditions affirm the central importance of social responsibility for their societies and for the collective good of humanity, the participants pledged themselves to work together to help address the challenges of poverty, sickness and inequitable distribution of resources. 9. The representatives of the two faith communities also agree to constitute a Standing Committee on Hindu-Jewish Relations. <b>Rabbi Yona Metzger Swami Dayanand Saraswati Chief Rabbi of Israel Hindu Dharma Acharya Sabha</b> Ari M. Gordon Assistant Director Department of Interreligious Affairs American Jewish Committee 165 E56th St. New York, NY 10022 (212) 891-6768 (212) 751-4000 x266 www.ajc.org www.engagingamerica.org <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
02-14-2007, 08:36 AM
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Israel Invites 300 Pandits to Pray for National Security
2/13/2007 4:57:27 AMÂ Surinder Attri Israel invites 300 Vaidik Hindu Pandits to undertake collective chanting (Samuhik Namajap) for National Security. Israel has invited 300 Hindu Pandits to undertake collective chanting (Samuhik Namajap) for protecting of Israel. They are waiting for their visas. These Pandits are not just knowledgeable in Vedas and Sanskrit, but they are also followers of the Vedic lifestyle. jpost.com has already published a news article relating to this. Compare Israeli Government that tries every possible alternative with an open mind for National Security, to the Nidharmi Bharat Sarkaar which ignores the treasures of knowlegde hidden within its own land! Why must God grace this Government and the people that have elected it ? Spiritual Science Research Foundation has done extensive research in various types of such collective chanting. Dr. Alex Kutei, an expert in "Technology and Nature's laws" in the Institute for Science and Creative Intelligence at Hozen, Israel has been doing Spiritual Practice as mentioned in the Vedas for the past 31 years. "I will soon establish Israel as an invincible Nation with the help of Vedanta. Yoga and Namajap especially collective Namajap mentioned in the Vedas has the capacity of creating frequencies which foster National Unity and Peace, besides physical fitness." , says Dr. Kutei. The planned collective chanting has to be done in exact manner prescribed in the Vedas. The number of priests doing the chant should be 1% that of 0.01% of total population of the Nation. In case of Israel the number comes to 300. This is in fact just the peak of the whole mountain range. H.H. Dr. Jayant Athavale, founder, Sanatan Sanstha has said that the demand for Vaidik Sanskrit knowing Spiritual Seekers would exponentially increase globally from 2006 onwards right upto 2018. After 2018 sanskrit knowing people would have to be sent all over the world to spread the message of Spirituality and Gurukrupayoga. http://haindavakeralam.org/PageModule.aspx...eID=3000&SKIN=W<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
02-15-2007, 12:34 AM
<!--QuoteBegin-Bharatvarsh+Feb 14 2007, 08:36 AM-->QUOTE(Bharatvarsh @ Feb 14 2007, 08:36 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin--><!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->
Israel invites 300 Vaidik Hindu Pandits to undertake collective chanting (Samuhik Namajap) for National Security. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--> What an irony. What with the Indian 'rationalists,' psuedo-secularists, and the numerous anti-india outfits that are having a picnic in the country, condemning and dismissing anything and everything hindu, and referring to the vedas and other hindu scriptures as mumbo-jumbo, it might just be that Israel, after gaining immense power from the vedic mantras and japam, will have to rescue the hindus in india and elsewhere from the clutches of the christo-islam-marxist terrorists, DMK and EVR thugs, and all the other anti-hindu groups.
<!--QuoteBegin-Husky+Jan 30 2007, 04:48 AM-->QUOTE(Husky @ Jan 30 2007, 04:48 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin--><!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Tuesday January 30, 06:12 AM
<b>Palestinians strike Eilat, Gaza rages on</b> [...] Islamic Jihad and <b>al-Aqsa Martyrs</b> Brigades claimed responsibility for what was the first suicide attack in the Red Sea tourist town, and named a 21-year-old from Gaza as the bomber. Israeli police said he infiltrated from Egypt. [...] Islamic Jihad and the Aqsa brigades said the <b>bombing was a response to Israeli "attempts to defile al-Aqsa mosque" in Jerusalem, a reference to recent archaeological excavations. Israeli officials said the work had not damaged the shrine.</b> "The heroic operation announces the beginning of a series of operations in defence of al-Aqsa mosque and it was a natural response to savage aggression by the occupation (Israel)," the two groups said in a statement. A spokesman for the Aqsa brigades, part of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah faction, identified the suicide bomber as Mohammad Faisal Siksik, 21, from Gaza City, a member of the brigades' Army of Believers. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->[right][snapback]63756[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--> Why are the Faithful suiciding themselves over an imagined desecration of their al-Aqsa mosque? http://xtramsn.co.nz/technology/0,,13441...95,00.html <!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Israeli Dig Near Shrine Caught On Webcam</b> 17/02/2007 09:37 AM Reuters Israel has installed Internet cameras near an archaeological excavation close to a Jerusalem shrine that had sparked Muslim protests, in a bid to show the work does not harm the holy site, officials said on Thursday. Streaming video of several angles of the dig site were seen on Israel's Antiquities Authority's Web site (http://www.antiquities.org.il). "The Antiquities Authority invites the public in the country and in the world to monitor the excavations up close and to see what is being done on the ground at any given time," the group's spokeswoman, Osnat Goaz, said in a statement. The dig is meant to clear the way for the construction of a walkway to the complex known to Muslims as al-Haram al-Sharif and to Jews as Temple Mount. Officials say the archaeological work is likely to take at least eight months to complete. The excavations near the compound began last week and touched off protests and stone-throwing by Palestinians and raised <b>Muslim fears</b> al-Aqsa mosque at the compound would be harmed. (Far more than fears, unless 'muslim fears' actually translates as 'death and destruction of kafirs'.) Israel denies any harm would come to the mosque or the Dome of the Rock that stand on the site of two destroyed biblical Jewish Temples. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said during a visit to Ankara on Thursday that he had invited Turkish authorities to visit the dig. Goaz said the excavations are taking place Sunday to Thursday, from 0430 to 1230 GMT.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Meanwhile, won't the j-hadis go and bomb their superiors in Saudi Arabia who are destroying 'historic' Mohammed-related and other holy islamic sites?
03-09-2007, 08:53 AM
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>JJ Singh pays hush-hush visit to Israel </b>
Rahul Datta | New Delhi - Pioner.com First by an Indian Army chief Marking a growing defence relationship, Army chief General JJ Singh is visiting Israel and is scheduled to hold a wide range of discussions, including training for elite Special Forces, joint exercises and anti-terrorism and infiltration strategies. <b>General Singh is the first Army chief to visit Israel, which is the second biggest defence partner of India with an annual trade crossing $10-billion-mark. </b>Â <b>However, due to vehement <span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>opposition by the Left parties of ties with Israel, Singh's visit has been kept out of the media glare. Even though it is maiden visit by an Indian army chief, the Defence Ministry has not made any official announcement about it.</b> </span> The Israeli imprint is now visible in almost all spheres of the Indian defence forces and industry as it is world leader in electronic warfare, hitech avionics and upgradation of weapon systems, including guns and aircraft. The Army chief, who reached Israel on Wednesday for a two-day visit, is scheduled to fly to Italy from there on Friday. In Israel, he will visit some of the best anti-terrorism training units of the world. Their Special Forces have carried some of the most stunning operations, including a hostage rescue mission in Uganda in 1974 and the Indian Army is keen to learn their operating philosophy. Besides holding meetings with his counterparts, General Singh is also expected to explore possibilities of having joint exercises between the Special Forces of the two countries, sources said here on Thursday. The two countries have never held a joint exercise even after diplomatic relations were established in 1990 and the subsequent years witnessing robust defence ties. In fact, the Israelis supplied weapons from their operating units when India sought equipment at the height of the Kargil war, thereby signalling a trusted relationship. <b>While IAF chief Air Marshal SP Tyagi and his predecessor S Krishnaswamy had visited Israel, the first visit by an Indian Army chief holds special significance in the backdrop of terrorism and infiltration faced by both the countries</b>. The Indian Army is operationally deployed for the past 12 years in Jammu and Kashmir and is facing the scourge of terrorism and infiltration. Similarly, the Israeli Army is also fighting terrorism unleashed by Palestinian terrorists, Hizbollah and is surrounded by hostile nations. Both the armies are keen to learn from each other's rich and varied operational experience and General Singh is likely to firm up an institutional mechanism for this purpose. The NDA Government had agreed in principle to have joint exercises of the Special Forces of the two countries in 2001. However, the decision could not be implemented and the change of Government saw the defence establishment of both the countries adopting a low profile due to political considerations in India. The Army chief, meanwhile, is also expected to visit some defence manufacturing establishments, including those manufacturing artillery guns, hitech weapons for the Special Forces, anti-infiltration devices like thermal imagers and specialised mines, sources said. The Indian Army is using the Israeli manufactured infantry rifles for the past few years in Kashmir and the 750-km long anti-infiltration fence along the Line of Control is fitted with Israeli anti-personnel devices like thermal imagers. The volume of defence business between the two countries can be gauged from the fact that Israel has already supplied Barak missiles to the Navy, night fighting devices to the Army and the Air Force, improving the radar network of the IAF supplying, besides hitech electronic warfare and information technology. The IAF will also get four Phalcon airborne early warning radar systems (AWACS) early next year thereby enhancing manifold its reconnaissance capabilities. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
06-04-2007, 07:32 AM
<b>Telugu words found in Hebrew literature</b>
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Ms. Samyuktha, who is doing her research on `Andhra Pradesh - <b>The missing link - Tilmun language and Telugu', said a 1794 BC stone tablet established that the Sumerian-Assyrian culture had its roots in Andhra Pradesh. </b> <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--> <!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Quoting several such examples Ms. Samyuktha said there was sufficient proof to link those Sumerian cultures with the Telugus. Hebrew, Sumerian and Assyrian records abound in such descriptions and suggest that the <b>present Israelis belonged to Andhra Pradesh</b>. Ms. Samyuktha argues that Kamakur village in Balayapalli mandal of Nellore district still has 21 Jewish families. <b>Only they are not even aware that they are Jews. She is one among them </b>and her first name Kooniah could be found in Hebrew as Koni, she says. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--> So they were Jews even before Judaism was founded in Israel by Andhras?
<!--QuoteBegin-k.ram+Jun 4 2007, 07:32 AM-->QUOTE(k.ram @ Jun 4 2007, 07:32 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->So they were Jews even before Judaism was founded in Israel by Andhras?
[right][snapback]69748[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->I thought that was my line? <!--emo& ![]() Some Indians just hate being Indians and Hindus. They will jump at everything, even things that make no sense. <!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Only they are not even aware that they are Jews.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--> <!--emo&:lol:--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='laugh.gif' /><!--endemo--> She (Samyuktha) appears to know better than everyone: 'you don't know who you are, I will tell you who you are. Forget all you and your ancestors knew - they were delusional'. What a comedy. And of course The Chindu would relay such nonsense - who else would? Hopefully this Samyuktha (her parents, if Jewish as she says, temporarily had a lapse of memory when they gave her a Hindu name) will not force the 21 other families she's identified as 'not aware that they're Jews' to become Jewish. <!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->present Israelis belonged to Andhra Pradesh.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->She and the laughable The Chindu newspaper that printed the nonsense need to produce some internationally-recognised genetics tests to prove that Israelis are more closely related to AP than the rest of India. No one will take it seriously until then. <b>Correction:</b> about my earlier mistake on Dilmun now removed. Dilmun was an intermediate trading partner between India and Sumer. (Language transfer via trade is very common, doesn't mean that the trading partners in India are ME.) On Sumer, Dilmun and Indian Meluhha: http://www.google.co.nz/search?hl=en&q=Dil...nG=Search&meta= <!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The missing link - Tilmun language and Telugu', said a 1794 BC stone tablet established that the Sumerian-Assyrian culture had its roots in Andhra Pradesh.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->One more question. Even if true, how does this follow into Judaism? Assyria was not even friends of Israel in the eyes of early Judaic scribes. Even if the Assyrians were from AP, that doesn't make them Jewish, but using the same kind of 'logic' it would make them largely christoislamis (as they are now) or 'polytheistic idolatrous' followers of Old ME Gods as they were earlier. http://www.faithfreedom.org/forum/viewtopi...906c0268eb570b5 (Emphasis and colour as in original) Is this the origin Samyuktha is referring to: <!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>The salt pillar is a word game between "melah" salt and "Meluhha"/Amalek.</b> That should mean, those looking back became Amalekites. We should assume the same for Benjamin, in the later story. The Moabites and Ammonites came from incestuous rape, and the Amalekites from those disobedient to God by looking back (Lot's wife being the eponymous figure). I assume she was Amalekite, and the salt pillar story provided the popular etymology to the name of Amalek. As Charles David Isbell underlined "there is no linguistic connection between the root M-L-X [Mem-Lamed-Het] and Amalek, Hebrew `-M-L-Q [Ayin-Mem-Lamed-Quf]". There is no need however to assume the this popular etymology was a hebrew one. It is but used in a creative manner to ilustrate in a polemyc way, what happens those turning to Amalek.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->I don't know about her, but wouldn't have thought anyone would want to be accused of being an Amalekite (or a Moabite or Ammonite either for that matter) - their origin stories are pretty bad. It's like being accused of being Hamites all over again.
06-05-2007, 05:09 PM
<!--QuoteBegin-Husky+Jun 4 2007, 11:16 AM-->QUOTE(Husky @ Jun 4 2007, 11:16 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Some Indians just hate being Indians and Hindus. They will jump at everything, even things that make no sense.
<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--> I ask that qwestion many times.Why are so many selfhating indians?But i gona ask this on miscelleanous topic.
06-05-2007, 07:50 PM
<!--QuoteBegin-Husky+Jun 4 2007, 11:16 AM-->QUOTE(Husky @ Jun 4 2007, 11:16 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->
Hopefully this Samyuktha (her parents, if Jewish as she says, temporarily had a lapse of memory when they gave her a Hindu name) will not force the 21 other families she's identified as 'not aware that they're Jews' to become Jewish. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--> ...And have them to push their cause to the Israeli embassy to allow them to migrate to Israel? Anything to get out of a developing country...
06-09-2007, 12:13 AM
Wait a minute, I thought only some tamilians had the sole right to claim Sumerian relationship <!--emo&:roll--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ROTFL.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='ROTFL.gif' /><!--endemo--> . As per the current expert's theories, we all evolved from Africa and migrated. In the process we are all mixed up, and still very close, genetically, to Chimps. Any migration would have involved in people rubbing shoulders with other cultures.
Coming to the core topic - Israel, as the 6-day war was in the news recently: Like many kids in India, I grew up admiring Jews and Israel for being able to survive in the midst of turmoil. Admired at their irrigation capabilities, scientific research, democracy, determination to fight it out. I guess it must be, at a subconscious level, because of them being tormented by people of the same faith as people of the country that is tormenting us. I know I could have said the earlier sentence simply as "Tormented by Islam". Also another similarity is that just like India, they are surrounded by neighbors who dislike them. As I grew and read more about the formation of State of Israel, I have concluded that the formation remains a sore thorn in my feelings for Israel. If we were to forget about the religions of the people for a moment, then it becomes thus: A group called 'A' was living in a place. A group 'B' claimed ancestry to that piece of land thousands of years prior the current time. So they decided to re-create the nation in the piece of land. Another group 'C' helped in the creation. Obviously the group 'A' are not going to like it, because they have been living there for centuries now. What right is it for anybody to ask 'A' to split and give a part of their land to 'B' ? Added: The dead Sumerians would be so proud, with what that so many people claim relationship with them <!--emo& ![]()
Faithful Palestinians at each others' necks again. They're always terrorising Israel or their own people.
http://au.news.yahoo.com//070609/15/13pgx.html <!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Sunday June 10, 08:50 AM <b>Rival Palestinian factions fight Gaza gun battles</b> Photo : REUTERSÂ GAZA (Reuters) - Rival Palestinian factions battled in the Gaza Strip on Sunday, raising the weekend death toll to at least two and 40 injured in the fiercest internal fighting since a ceasefire was declared nearly a month ago. Hours after Palestinian militants from the Gaza Strip infiltrated into Israel at a key border crossing, Israeli aircraft bombed a building used by Islamic Jihad, causing two injuries, local residents said. The army confirmed the air strike targeted Islamic Jihad, which took part in Saturday's cross-border raid. The army said a separate air strike targeted a weapons production facility used by a militant offshoot of Fatah which joined Islamic Jihad in the raid. Local residents said a dairy truck was hit but no one was hurt. The heaviest fighting between the ruling Hamas Islamist group and President Mahmoud Abbas's secular Fatah faction took place in the southern Gaza town of Rafah, where <b>hundreds of rival gunmen took up positions on street corners and rooftops.</b> (They're making good use of AQ money. And what better way out for the world than that islamist groups wipe each other out <!--emo&:beer--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cheers.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='cheers.gif' /><!--endemo--> ) Hamas and Fatah pounded each other's positions with rocket-propelled grenades and machineguns, according to local residents, who took shelter indoors as the rivals fought block by block. Of the more than 40 Palestinians wounded in the fighting, at least 10 were in critical condition, hospital officials said. The number of injured overwhelmed the local hospital, forcing officials to send people to neighboring towns for treatment. Tensions have remained high in Gaza since an Egyptian-brokered ceasefire took effect in mid-May. <b>Some 50 Palestinians died in internal fighting last month alone.</b> Egyptian officials have been holding talks in Cairo with leaders from both factions but no agreements have been reached. Hamas said the fighting started on Saturday night when Fatah gunmen shot dead a local Hamas commander in Rafah. Fatah said the fighting started when Hamas used rocket-propelled grenades and explosives to destroy the homes of two Fatah militants. Rafah was also the scene of factional fighting on Thursday in which a Fatah supporter was killed. The Bush administration has made strengthening Abbas's forces a top priority, and has earmarked tens of millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to provide his elite Presidential Guard with training and non-lethal equipment. Fatah leaders have asked Israel to allow a new shipment of arms and ammunition into Gaza from Egypt and other Arab states, drawing protests from Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas. (Going cap in hand to Israel to bail them out. Ohhhh, how touching. Nothing shows up the depths of salami hatred of other salamis/'peaceists' than when they go to beg Israel for help in defeating their enemies.) The Bush administration has asked Israel to permit transfers to bolster Abbas's forces as a counterweight to Hamas's dominance in the Gaza Strip. U.S. and Israeli security officials say Hamas's Executive Force and armed wing receive money, weapons and training from Iran and other Islamist allies. The once dominant Fatah entered a unity government in March with Hamas, victors in a parliamentary election 18 months ago, in an effort to end internal faction fighting and to help ease international sanctions imposed after Hamas took power. The embargo has begun to ease but tensions between the factions has not. <b>An estimated 616 Palestinians have been killed in factional fighting since Hamas defeated Fatah in elections in January 2006</b>, a leading Palestinian rights group said in a report on Wednesday. (<!--emo&:o--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohmy.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='ohmy.gif' /><!--endemo--> What are they thinking??!!!)<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Salamistans are, as the name implies, ever peaceful. As we can see for ourselves.
06-10-2007, 06:49 AM
Post #169. the lady is serious.
[url= http://www.telugutanam.com/telmunlanguage.htm] âTELMUN LANGUAGE TELUGUâ[/url] and Bodhi check this out: http://telugutanam.blogspot.com/ <!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--> Hebrew University to introduce Telugu courses from this year Telugu varsity plans courses and chairs in foreign countries   * Decision a culmination of efforts by Telugu University   * All-India Telugu Conference begins in Chennai SCRIPTING PROGRESS: Telugu University Vice-Chancellor Avula Manjulatha addressing the delegates at the All-India Telugu Conference in Chennai on Saturday. CHENNAI: Hebrew University based in Tel Aviv, Israel, plans to introduce a Telugu course from the coming academic year, according to Avula Manjulatha, Vice-Chancellor of Potti Sriramulu Telugu University. Addressing the delegates on the second day of the All-India Telugu Conference here on Saturday, she said this decision was a culmination of months of efforts by the Telugu University. She said there were plans to introduce Telugu courses or establish Telugu chairs in universities across the globe. Ms. Manjulatha said the Hebrew University had sent a communication recently indicating its willingness to start the Telugu course but with the condition that the expenses for the first five years, should be met by Andhra Pradesh. She assured delegates from States other than Andhra Pradesh that the university would discuss the modalities of establishing a united forum to promote Telugu culture and art in their States. She also offered to look into the demand for releasing Telugu teaching books in simpler language for their benefit. Delegates from Mauritius, Malaysia, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Orissa, New Delhi, Jharkhand, West Bengal and Karnataka explained the need to impress upon States bordering Andhra Pradesh to honour their commitment to preserve and promote Telugu language and culture. Malaysian Telugu Association President, Atchayya Kumar, complained that Tamils in his country were systematically harming the interests of Telugu language. Even in temples, priests were being forced to avoid use of Telugu in the rituals, he alleged. Memorial award Andhra Pradesh Minister for Animal Husbandry Mandali Buddha Prasad lamented the neglect of Telugu in the State itself. Announcing the institution of Mandali Venkata Krishna Rao memorial award in name of his father to Telugus promoting the language and culture, he said the first award would go to M. Sominayudu of Malaysia. C. Narayana Reddy, Jnanpeeth Awardee, urged the Government to act quickly in talking to the neighbouring Governments to protect the interests of Telugus. A `kavi sammelanam' followed in which a two-minute silence was observed in memory of Gunturu Seshendra Sharma, Mallampalli Sharabhaiah and Vasireddy Seeta Devi, who passed away recently. Courtesy: The Hindu <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--> Something is going on. maybe we need a non Western world view after all.
01-10-2008, 11:39 PM
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Jewish Identity Can't Depend on Violence</b>
Arun Gandhi President and co-founder of the M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence. Jewish identity in the past has been locked into the holocaust experience -- a German burden that the Jews have not been able to shed. It is a very good example of a community can overplay a historic experience to the point that it begins to repulse friends. The holocaust was the result of the warped mind of an individual who was able to influence his followers into doing something dreadful. But, it seems to me the Jews today not only want the Germans to feel guilty but the whole world must regret what happened to the Jews. The world did feel sorry for the episode but when an individual or a nation refuses to forgive and move on the regret turns into anger. The Jewish identity in the future appears bleak. Any nation that remains anchored to the past is unable to move ahead and, especially a nation that believes its survival can only be ensured by weapons and bombs. In Tel Aviv in 2004 I had the opportunity to speak to some Members of Parliament and Peace activists all of whom argued that the wall and the military build-up was necessary to protect the nation and the people. In other words, I asked, you believe that you can create a snake pit -- with many deadly snakes in it -- and expect to live in the pit secure and alive? What do you mean? they countered. Well, with your superior weapons and armaments and your attitude towards your neighbors would it not be right to say that you are creating a snake pit? How can anyone live peacefully in such an atmosphere? Would it not be better to befriend those who hate you? Can you not reach out and share your technological advancement with your neighbors and build a relationship? Apparently, in the modern world, so determined to live by the bomb, this is an alien concept. You don't befriend anyone, you dominate them. We have created a culture of violence (Israel and the Jews are the biggest players) and that Culture of Violence is eventually going to destroy humanity. http://newsweek.washingtonpost.com/onfaith...n_the_past.html Arun Gandhi is the fifth grandson of Indiaâs legendary leader, Mohandas K. âMahatmaâ Gandhi. He is president and co-founder of the M. K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence, now at the University of Rochester in New York. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--> And above is tagged under "Hindu" faith in Washington Post.
01-11-2008, 12:08 AM
No doubt, Arun Gandhi stands solidly in league of Sonia Gandhi and party, who blame Hindus of the same crime, that he is blaming Jews for: not being dhimmi enough until they are vanished completely.
when the moron's post was responded with outrage, the idiot follows it up with this: <!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->January 10, 2008 8:40 AM My Apology for My Poorly Worded Post I am writing to correct some regrettable mis-impressions I have given in my comments on my blog this week. While I stand behind my criticisms of the use of violence by recent Israeli governments -- and I have criticized the governments of the U.S., India and China in much the same way -- I want to correct statements that I made with insufficient care, and that have inflicted unnecessary hurt and caused anger. I do not believe and should not have implied that the policies of the Israeli government are reflective of the views of all Jewish people. Indeed, many are as concerned as I am by the use of violence for state purposes, by Israel and many other governments. I do believe that when a people hold on to historic grievances too firmly it can lead to bitterness and the loss of support from those who would be friends. But as I have noted in previous writings, the suffering of the Jewish people, particularly in the Holocaust, was historic in its proportions. While we must strive for a future of peace that rejects violence, it is also important not to forget the past, lest we fail to learn from it. Having learned from it, we can then find the path to peace and rejection of violence through forgiveness. http://newsweek.washingtonpost.com/onfaith...orly_worde.html <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Did the moron hope his explicit hate be written off by his second post?
In the original he says: "We have created a culture of violence (Israel and the Jews are the biggest players)" he did not leave any room for factual backtracking when he catagorically mentions "jews" as the biggest players in the culture of violence. Oh no doubt he would also places hindus too in the same class.
01-11-2008, 12:25 AM
He is a very greedy man only worry about chanda and free lunches and dinner, ask anyone in Memphis. What not he can do to bring donation and maintain his living standard doing nothing, he just had one qualification his last name is Gandhi and he is fifth great grandson of MK Gandhi.
01-11-2008, 12:38 AM
<!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Jan 10 2008, 06:55 PM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ Jan 10 2008, 06:55 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->He is a very greedy man only worry about chanda and free lunches and dinner, ask anyone in Memphis. What not he can do to bring donation and maintain his living standard doing nothing, he just had one qualification his last name is Gandhi and he is fifth great grandson of MK Gandhi.
[right][snapback]77003[/snapback][/right] <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--> Does fifth great grandson mean five generations removed form Mahatma Gandhi? If so he sure has descended! |
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