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Indian Economy: Growth -3
Excellent article by Arindam Banerjee.It is sad to see India media is just a piece of joke and completly in drain. I don't see any future of Indian Newspaper. Those days of gone when Newspaper made difference in society, now other than chasing actors and Gandhi family, they don't hane anything else to print or talk.
<!--emo&:thumbdown--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/thumbsdownsmileyanim.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='thumbsdownsmileyanim.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Not sure if it's right thread, mods can move it:

65-million-year dinosaur egg found in Gujarat
<!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Jan 29 2004, 07:37 AM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ Jan 29 2004, 07:37 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin--> Excellent article by Arindam Banerjee.It is sad to see India media is just a piece of joke and completly in drain. I don't see any future of Indian Newspaper. Those days of gone when Newspaper made difference in society, now other than chasing actors and Gandhi family, they don't hane anything else to print or talk.
<!--emo&:thumbdown--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/thumbsdownsmileyanim.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='thumbsdownsmileyanim.gif' /><!--endemo--> <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
You are right, and nowhere is this more prominent than the Bennett Coleman controlled Times of India and The Economic Times.

The Times of India has successfully managed to turn itself into a tabloid, with headlines ranging from juicy Bollywood happenings to scandals from across the world.

The Economic Times will well on its way to be a mouthpiece for propaganda and sensationalization. Otherwise how would we know the millions of jobs that the Indians are taking away from the Americans, or how much they hate Indian workers. This is a big issue, and so i must be told of it every day in every headline and with all the spice to it.
what a shame.
<!--emo&:flush--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Flush.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='Flush.gif' /><!--endemo-->
<b>India shining, Naipaul speechless</b>

[ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2004 08:28:42 PM ]
NEW DELHI: A thumbs up for India Shining, curt dismissal for Sonia Gandhi. It's fortunate Sir Vidya does not need to say much to communicate. He doesn't get a word in edgeways when his wife takes over.

Sir V S Naipaul
So it was at the BJP party office here on Thursday after the Nobel laureate met members of the party's cultural cell.

Outside, he wouldn't say so in so many words, begging off from answering whether he endorsed the view that India was shining for he wouldn't comment on something "so blatantly political."

But inside, at the meeting, he talked about a "resurgent economy and education" in the country. Also, that there was a "new passion" in the BJP and that "I want to encourage... that is why I came here."

Those present at the meeting said he was probably researching for his next book. He discussed history at length and the controversy over the rewriting of it.
But for most part, those at the meeting said, Naipaul chose to listen rather than speak, making periodic remarks. The level of discussion, they said, was low.

Perhaps that is why Naipaul was taciturn after the meeting. Perhaps, to avoid uncomfortable questions on why he was meeting the BJP. He needn't have bothered. When he attempted to answer questions from a clamouring posse of mediamen, his wife, Lady Nadira, asked him to "keep quiet, let me answer."

And then hell hath no fury like <b>Lady Nadira: "What is wrong if we wish to come to the BJP cultural cell? What is so spectacular that you should gather this way? My husband writes about India, the BJP is in power and we are observers." </b>
Attempts to assuage fell on deaf ears. Instead, she said: "He is an independent observer, he has been invited here. He is not a politician."

So what was he doing at the office of a political party? "He's in the public domain, he can be appropriated by anyone," Nadira said. "<b>Who stopped the liberals from doing so?" </b>

<b>One of the most acerbic men of words in the world stood by, meekly. He did answer though when asked what he thought of a foreigner not being allowed to be Prime Minister. "I think it's a proposal worth considering. Americans have rules about who can be President." </b>

But nothing on Babri, for he felt he had answered that a number of times. In any case, Lady Nadira had something to say again. She had last left an audience stunned when she took on Deputy Prime Minister L K Advani at the first Pravasi Bharatiya Diwas last year. Naipaul has been making frequent trips to India recently.

And then, as they had emerged, the couple swiftly turned back in a flurry of injured dignity. Lady Nadira threateningly promising to get back to a persistent scribe.

A little distance away, a bloated balloon - shaped like a lotus and with a man inside who is paid Rs 100 to walk up and down - stood stunned at the heady dose of celebrity.
<b>NASSCOM estimates 8.13 lakh IT professionals in India</b>
Press Trust of India
New Delhi, February 26

The number of IT and ITeS (IT Enabled Services) professionals employed in India has grown from 2.84 lakh in 1999-2000 to an estimated 8.13 lakh in 2003-04 with most of the new recruits being fresh Graduates, according to Nasscom.

Of that, software exports sector is estimated to employ 2.6 lakh professionals while ITeS and BPO sector could hire 2.45 lakh and software, captive in user oganisations, may recruit 2.80 lakh in the 2003-04, Nasscom's Strategic Review 2004 report said.

The domestic software sector could hire 28,000 professionals in 2003-04.

The total number of people employed by the IT and ITeS sector in 2002-03 was 6.61 lakh.

In the past two years, ITeS companies were the largest recruiters in the IT-ITeS sector. They recruited an estimated 74,500 people in 2003-04, while companies in the IT and software exports hired an estimated 55,000 people during the year, higher by 35,000 professionals taken in 2002-03.
An exciting innovation in plastics recycling:

GoodNewsIndia breaks its publishing policy by featuring the work of a
non-Indian, because it has the potential to turn the emerging plastic
waste menace into an opportunity for India's unemployed millions, while
also cleaning up our environment. Read the detailed story at the

Many new stories have appeared in the supplements section since you
last paid a visit:http://www.goodnewsindia.com/homepage.php

D V Sridharan begins another road-trip on Mar 14, to bring you many
more positive stories that the main media has no space for.
<b>Exporting Election Expertise</b>

It is show time in India. The great Indian elections are being staged, and, over
the next three weeks, the bureaucratic machinery will roll from state to state
in one of the most complex logistical events to be mounted anywhere in the
world. Given the size of the country and the electorate, this road show could be
a chapter in the Guinness Book of World Records. Since India does this well, it
is time to market this expertise. Indians should and could be worldwide election
consultants, the official hand holders, the last word on how to do it right.
They could begin in Afghanistan where the government is struggling to hold
elections in September and move beyond. Why not?

If security can be outsourced, so can elections. In Iraq, the US government
depends o hundreds of private security contractors to fill the gap. The
companies scout around the world for retired army officers to subcontract the
work, luring them with high pay. Conducting elections is a much less hazardous
enterprise. True, the establishment in Delhi will sniff at the idea, but then
they sniff at everything. Think about it -- in these days of discontent over
outsourcing of jobs to India, the country must develop alternate plans and
expand its niche in the market of ideas. And what’s wrong with this feel-good
and extremely politically correct venture?

Indian election officers are experts with a half century of experience in
implementing this tried and sacred measure of democracy. They can outsource
their knowledge from Kabul to the Kremlin or wherever there is a deficit of
democratic expertise. The neighbourhood itself has plenty of opportunities, to
say nothing of lands further away. As Americans head towards their presidential
election, India could send "election observers" to Florida to help out. An
Indian company is already gearing up to sell electronic voting machines to US
state governments. It is called the fellowship of democracy.

And it is no rocket science. The Indian foreign office and the Election
Commission could easily begin by developing a concrete plan, a power point
presentation, a logistics chart and a table of consulting fees. They could
involve the United Nations. Badger their diplomats whose mandate it is to
empower the voiceless. Pitch India as the ultimate expert on staging elections.
A rapid deployment force of democracy. A one-stop shop of expertise to be set up
quickly in distant corners of the world.

This merchandise could be a deft instrument of soft power and India would gain a
voice outside the Security Council. It could develop an alternate soap box and
use it to leverage some clout within. The reigning P-5 or permanent members
can’t complain -- how can democracies block a democracy from spreading
democracy? Britain, US, Russia and France shouldn’t object. If China does, well,
-- it has zero credibility on the subject.

Indian diplomats and strategists say they want to be global players. They want
to be consulted and taken seriously but they haven’t spelt out what measures
would bestow the big power status. A seat in the UN Security Council? Too
complicated and not likely in the foreseeable future. Besides, India hasn’t got
anywhere using the fairness argument -- essentially that it is unfair to keep
India out of the Security Council because of its size, weight and voice. But
there is no appetite among those who already sit at the high table to add new

But why should membership in the Security Council be the most coveted badge of
great power status? National influence can be exercised by other means. India
must speak out on world issues, even take action and undergo an attitudinal
change. Many Americans don’t understand what it is that India means when it says
it wants to be a world power.Leon Fuerth, national security advisor to former
vice president Al Gore, puzzled over this last week at a conference and asked
with a hint of disdain: "Is being a world power defined as the equivalent of
wearing long pants?" The topic was India and China as the rising powers of Asia.
The United States has always taken China seriously but rarely India, despite the
expendable rhetoric on being fellow democracies.

India wants great power status, yet, it is strangely reticent in taking on a
leadership role. Even when it is thrust upon it. During the Clinton
Administration the Americans wanted India to be one of the leaders of the
"Community of Democracies," a concept developed by Madeleine Albright, the
former secretary of state, to link and nurture emerging democracies. The
Clintonites wanted New Delhi to be front and centre but there was no enthusiasm.
Instead, there were questions and even mistrust that the Americans might be
luring India into some nefarious plot. The mercurial Albright, whose Czech
ancestry gave her a special feel for the Iron Curtain and its devastating
weight, was disappointed to see India satisfied with so little. There are other
examples of missed opportunities on the world stage.

If the government of India feels constrained in marketing the mechanics of
elections complete with voting machines and strategy sessions, it could always
outsource the work to the Bangalore Boys. They can convert government-think into
real-think for starters.
Recvd via the e-mail...

India is on the threshold of becoming a global economic powerhouse. This transformation has to be from economic as well as social point of view, says Wipro Chairman Azim Premji in his keynote address (reproduced below) at Bombay Chamber of Commerce & Industry's AGM at Mumbai.

Distinguished guests and friends. We have a resilient economy, with a healthy growth. The globalisation and liberalisation initiatives that began more than a decade ago have begun to yield results. The future looks even more optimistic. According to one report, India could well be the world's third largest economy in less than 30 years from now, after the United States and China. To achieve this we have a major task of transformation ahead of us.

For any transformation to be comprehensive and sustainable, it should cover not only the economic transformation but also social transformation. This will ensure that the benefits of transformation are pervasively distributed. Since all transformation begins in the mind of the transformational leader, it includes the change that government, business and social leaders need to bring about in their own leadership styles.

Qualities of a transformation leader
Transformational leaders do not depend on authority or charisma. The attributes needed are more intrinsic to the personality of the leader. I would like to briefly mention some of these. First, transformational leaders identify themselves as change agents. They are not content to let things remain as they are even if it seems very comfortable.

Second, they are courageous and value driven. They are willing to look ahead and work towards creating a better future. Their vision creates a sense of purpose both for them and their organisations.

Third, they are lifelong learners. They pick up the ability to deal with complexity and uncertainty. They are also able to guide others when they are lost in the maze of ambiguity.

Fourth, transformational leaders communicate high expectations and express important ideas in simple ways. They give individual consideration, personal attention and continuously coach and advise their team members.
Finally, they delegate enough to promote a culture of pro-activeness in problem solving. They anticipate many problems before they happen and do not wait for one crisis to strike after another. Such transformational leaders form the basic resource pool to initiate a wider economic and social transformation.

Economic drivers
When it comes to economic transformation, we must remember that for all the sweeping changes we have witnessed in recent times, the fundamentals remain the same. Like the law of gravity, basic laws of demand and supply are great levelers. At the same time, as I look ahead, I can see certain irreversible changes and the forces driving these changes. Transformational leaders need to be aware of these new economic drivers because they can impact the economy in important ways.

There are three kinds of drivers with varying amplitude and different time horizons, which I feel will dictate the future of economy and business. The first are the short term or immediate drivers. These are primarily various kinds of arbitrage opportunities that exist across various national economies and regions. Remember the growth experience of Indian software industry. The labour cost differential among software professionals between US and India was a great arbitrage opportunity on which initial success of the industry was built. Similar opportunity has arisen today in BPO industry and in Pharmaceutical research.
Labour cost differential is just one kind of arbitrage opportunity. In this connected world, which is not homogeneous, various kinds of cost and price differentials exist across the boundaries of national economies, industries and jurisdictions. They also exist within national boundaries. They can be in any form - differential cost of raising capital, different taxation and legislative frameworks, etc. The immediate business opportunities will come from these short-term drivers.

The entrepreneurs and managers, who will resourcefully leverage these immediate opportunities, will make high profit. Hence these are the drivers, which should be at the back of every businessman and manager's mind, as they provide the sharpest guidance for localised action by an individual.

Broader sweep
In medium term, technological possibilities and changes in geo-political scenario will be the major economic drivers. These need to be looked into by built to last firms for strategic planning. But the sweep of these drivers is much broader. Unlike short-term drivers, these do not provide quick opportunities for gains and require a lot of sweat and labour. In the long run, however, they are worth the trouble. All leapfrog economic gains come from these drivers.

Every great global company was built by leveraging on these drivers including GE, Microsoft, IBM or Ford. After September 11, public spending on security has suddenly returned to economic centre stage for the first time after the end of the cold war. It is important to look at medium term drivers. If you understand them, you can shape the rules of the game rather than being ruled by them.

Technological and political forces are extremely crucial economic drivers. They not only decide the momentum of change but also can also drastically turn the course and direction of things to come.

The last set of drivers comprises long-term drivers, whose impact may not be felt in day-to-day business. But they are so pervasive that they impact every facet of human life. These require collaborative action by society. These drivers are of the order of globalisation or environmental sustainability. For example, take the case of demographic shifts currently undergoing in developed parts of the world. In the entire history of human civilisation, we haven't witnessed a world where old people outnumbered youngsters. For India, these new drivers represent an unprecedented opportunity for success and growth. It is up to us to harness this wonderful opportunity to take ourselves into a totally different league in economic transformation.

Key social issues
Coming to social transformation, there are many complex issues that confront a country like ours. I have looked at just five of these issues because I think they have a far reaching impact.

I am convinced that the first priority is Primary Education. At Azim Premji Foundation, our key drive is towards universalisation of Primary Education. We have 30 million children in the age group 6-14 who are out of the school. Education helps people make informed choices, and enhances their access to opportunities.

The second issue is Primary Healthcare. Our infant mortality rate is 70 per thousand compared to less than 10 per thousand in the developed world. This level of morbidity, combined with illiteracy, deprives millions of our people from benefiting from the economic opportunities.

Third, we need to overhaul our land related laws, taxation and information systems. It is estimated that 90 per cent of land in India are subject to legal disputes over the ownership. Stamp duty ranges between 8-15 per cent of the property value, encouraging avoidance. On the other hand, property tax rates are low and collection is inefficient. All this has led to Indian land prices being the highest among the Asian nations relative to average incomes, and low tax collection is hampering our ability to maintain urban infrastructure. Effective Land Reforms can really boost housing and retail sectors, two of the largest sectors of the economy outside of agriculture, and generate huge employment opportunities.
Fourth, we must focus on the power situation. Power sector is by far the biggest resource drain on the economy. We need to eliminate power thefts/leaks and improve efficiency of generation, distribution and transmission. These changes can have a major impact on the fiscal deficit of the states, apart from bringing down the cost of doing business in India. The first investment we make before opening up any facility in the country is the generator!

Fifth, water scarcity is being felt across the country. Less than 40 per cent of the cultivable land is under assured irrigation. Underground water table is declining at the rate of 5 per cent every year. In the medium term, water shortage will create a significant barrier to growth - whether agriculture, industry or urban infrastructure. It is important that we push ahead with innovative projects like interlinking of the rivers.

The task ahead is challenging. But that is what makes it so exciting as well. Ultimately, we cannot help being transformed ourselves by what we attempt to transform. If we jump into a lake, we may or may not learn to swim. But we cannot help getting wet. The transformation that takes place within us is the greatest reward of all. I look forward to joining you in the journey of transforming our nation.
Azim Premji is the new kind of transformational leader that India needs (and is producing).
Cross posting from BR.. <!--emo&:rocker--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/rocker.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='rocker.gif' /><!--endemo--> <!--emo&:rock--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/rock.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='rock.gif' /><!--endemo-->


Cinema halls revive patriotism, play Anthem
Thursday June 3 2004 00:00 IST
BANGALORE: It was neither Independence Day nor Republic Day, but a regular weekday and patrons who had just walked in to watch a movie were all standing upright, including some at the door, in deference to the National Anthem being played.

N. Prakash, director of Cauvery Theatre Complex Private Limited on Chowdaiah Road hit upon this novel idea during a visit to south-east Asia where the country's national anthem was being played at a theatre.

A bold notice on one of the pillars reads: ``Starting from Feb 6, 2004 all shows in this theatre will begin with rendition of National Anthem. Before the start of a show an announcement will be made. Patrons are requested to stand up and remain so for the entire duration of the anthem- 1 minutes 45 seconds. It will be required for all patrons to respect the anthem. Patrons need not sing along with the anthem, however, they are free to do so. Each day, each show will begin the same way.''

Rohini Nagabushan, a research scholar at Indian Institute of Science (IISc), who is a frequent visitor to the theatre told this paper that it is a wonderful experience. ``We used to listen to the national anthem while in school and college. Listening to it in a cinema hall is a good feeling.''

``I get time only to watch night shows here. Earlier, I used to walk in after drinking a couple of pegs. After the introduction of the National Anthem, I have dropped the habit of walking in here in a drunken state,'' said Purushotham, a salesman at a private firm.

The idea has certainly caught on with Veeresh theatre following suit. And the response was overwhelming. ``It is common in other countries. Luckily here, irrespective of the caste, creed and religion, everybody respects it and the trend should grow. If initiative is taken by all theatre owners naturally every patron will respect it,'' Prakash said.

If anybody refuses to respect the anthem, there is no need for the management to take action. Fellow patrons will take care of it. ``Recently during a Shah Rukh Khan starred `Kal Ho Na Ho', one person did not stand up. People threw him out of the hall and I had to ask him to watch the movie for some other show with the same ticket,'' Prakash recalls.

In the 1970's it was mandatory that the anthem and Films Division clips be played. Of course, there was no need to remain standing when great national leaders were shown.
Azim Premji is the new kind of transformational leader that India needs (and is producing).

Is he really a Muslim or a Parsee

I ask this because I saw some body saying he is Parsi in letters to editor in IE.

Just a clarification :

It wouldnt not have mattered to me at all, but this constant bullshit has ignited my interest in such things.

>> N. Prakash, director of Cauvery Theatre Complex Private Limited on Chowdaiah Road hit upon this novel idea during """" a visit to south-east Asia """" where the country's national anthem was being played at a theatre.

But of course , as only true sheeps wld behave.

Now had RSS said that Anthem shld be played .what would we have heard Nazis .. Hindutva ...
<b>Bhootnath :</b>

It does not matter as to the Religious bent of Aziz Premji. The man is an Indian.

However, if nit picking is important then, I believe, he is Gujarati Speaking Shia Muslim.


Oye rub dae bandae , that is what I say in my post ..
I asked only because I saw a letter to editor saying
he was a parsee, that is all.

Ahin taan cheers kalli bottle naal bolde haan.

Well Joshi Ji report card is out:

Exactly Rs 1,561 were collected in the Bharat Siksha Kosh, his grand scheme which was launched with great fanfare on the NRI Day held in Delhi, and huge ads were release. A few people have donate about Rs 300 - 400 each says TOI.

Well seems he had no time for his pet project . Astrology degrees, rewriting books and fixing IIMs took up all his time and energies. and he is a PhD Math.

Well there goes the argument for having educated people as MPs and MLAs.
<!--QuoteBegin-Bhootnath+Jun 11 2004, 04:53 PM-->QUOTE(Bhootnath @ Jun 11 2004, 04:53 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin--> Peregrine

Oye rub dae bandae , that is what I say in my post ..
I asked only because I saw a letter to editor saying
he was a parsee, that is all.

Ahin taan cheers kalli bottle naal bolde haan.

Cheers <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Bhoot ,

Thu vi.....samjaya kaka balli.

good naat
Kavi > Well Joshi Ji report card is out:

Congrats , now that you have M A Fatmi ( Dawood Gang Supporter ) as Minister for State for Education from RJD Bihar..
With your post , you showed where you stand , btw dont allow you female acquintance to pass thro' Bihar w/o chastity belt .. you wont like the report card dealt to you ..
err its PhD in Physics not math!
> err its PhD in Physics not math!

One and the same thing Baas ..

What is Physics & Math wrt Anthropology, Doctrate in Gay & Lesbian Human Rights , BA English (PASS!!) , ART APPRECIATION PASS COURSE!! etc etc ..

Actually if GOI were to offload all this "APPRECIATION" Non-sense and PASS courses to IGNOU , lots of money & resources will be saved.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The BJP is truly in a comatose condition from which, it appears, it can never come out as long as <b>they revere their wizened poet who, for quite some time now, keeps on altering his verses, rhyme and metre as often as a chameleon changes its colours</b>. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->


folks by the way where is Varsha Bhosle when we need her most?

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