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Bomb Blasts In India - 1
<b>Finger of suspicion points to Pak, B'desh: Reddy</b>
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Expressing deep sorrow over the blasts, Reddy announced a compensation of Rs 5 lakh for the families of those killed in the explosions and Rs 20,000 each to the injured.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Govt should announce 10 Lakhs for Mujara by Nirmala Deshpande and 46 Kaput of Indian Parliament and Tabla by Moron Singh, Supari lady will be Queen.
<!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Aug 25 2007, 11:22 PM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ Aug 25 2007, 11:22 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Chaloji, everyone had condemned,
its 11 pm in India, PM can sleep now. Banto Kaur had placed 'Please do not distrub' card outside Banta Singh room.

sshhhhh!!!!! <!--emo&Confusedleepy--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sleepysmileyanim.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sleepysmileyanim.gif' /><!--endemo-->

Actually what will happen is this: Khalistan-sympathizer, anti-hindu MM Singh will spend sleepless night worrying about the fate of the terrorists and their families. He will toss and turn, and then get out of bed to place a call to Musharraf. He will speak comfortingly to Musharraf, and pledge his full support, cooperation, and assistance to the terrorists, and assure him that the terrorists and their families will be all right and looked after fully by the GOI. After the reassuring talks with Musharaff, he will go back to his bed, but first stopping to instruct his cook to make him some gulab jamuns for tomorrow, because he has some private celebrating to do. As the moans and groans from the victims of the Hyderabad blasts, and those of their families drift to his ears, it is like music to his ears. He snuggles in his bed, smiling contently, and has the best sleep of his life.

You are on dot, he is sending Nirmala Deshpande for Mujara in front of Bulleh Shah Kabar, in Pakistan along with 46 kaput, Moron Singh is already in mood. His only worry is how to keep all 160 million terrorist in good mood. Next he will send Azmi and Renuka CHoudry along with Babus of MEA.
<b>Twin blasts and the unfinished business of life... </b>

<b>A day of weddings turns to mourning in Hyderabad </b>
<b>Patil to brief PM on Hyderabad blasts </b>
Sunday, 26 August , 2007, 18:59

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->New Delhi: Home Minister Shivraj Patil will on Sunday brief Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on the twin bomb blasts in Hyderabad that killed 42 people.

Patil will meet Singh on his return from the Andhra Pradesh capital and apprise him of the situation in the wake of the blasts there late Saturday, official sources said in Hyderabad.

Earlier in the day, Patil visited the site of the blasts and also took stock of the security situation in the State.

He spoke to Chief Minister Y S Rajasekhar Reddy and other senior State government officials. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<b>Bin Laden's shadow in Hyderabad</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->During a visit to Hyderabad on July 31 and August 1,2007<b>, I was told that the influence of the Lashkar-e-Tayiba and the Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami was so pervasive in the local Muslim community that many members of the community kept in their houses pictures of Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf [Images] and Osama bin Laden.</b>

Many government servants also complained that the government was aware of this, but the political leadership lacked the will to act against the extremist elements in the local Muslim community.

This became evident subsequently in the attempted assault on Taslima Nasreen, the Bangladeshi writer, by some prominent leaders of the local Muslim community when she had gone to Hyderabad to address a meeting. The political leadership, which was hesitant to act against the Muslim leaders involved, played down the incident.

<b>The Pakistani jihadi organisations and Al Qaeda [Images] look upon Hyderabad as a Muslim land historically belonging to the Ummah, which needs to be 'liberated' from the control of non-Muslims. </b>

They have been systematically setting up sleeper cells in the local Muslim community since 1995 and also among the Muslims from Hyderabad working in the Gulf. There were also reports of linkages with Bosnia.

<b>Whenever there has been a major jihadi incident in south India, the police investigation has been bringing out a Hyderabad link, thereby indicating that Hyderabad serves as the GHQ of the pro-Al Qaeda jihadis in the South.</b>

During the visit of President George Bush [Images] to India in March, 2006, Hyderabad was one of the cities which saw anti-US demonstrations by sections of the Muslim community.

<b>Some Muslim demonstrators allegedly carried photos of bin Laden and shouted pro-bin Laden slogans.</b>

If we do not get out of our denial mode and act firmly against the extremist and anti-national elements, a 9/11 is waiting to happen in our homeland.
<b>Terror spreads but Govt won't revive tough laws</b> <!--emo&:cool--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/specool.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='specool.gif' /><!--endemo-->
<b>List of victims in Hyderabad twin blasts</b>
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Bombs made in city, switch in Nalgonda </b>
Hyderabad, Aug. 26: Police has found out that the bombs used in the twin blasts of Saturday were put together in the city and the detonators were manufactured by AP Explosives Ltd in Nalgonda district. AP Forensic Science Laboratory director O. Narasimha Murthy said that the explosive material in the bombs was ammonium nitrate (slurry) mixed with emulisfier. It was made by a Nagpur firm. Police, meanwhile, picked up four youth from the old city on suspicion. The youth were identified by witness descrpitions at Gokul Chat Bhandar, which saw the bigger of the two blasts on Saturday. Witnesses said that they had come to the eatery with a bag a few minutes before the blast.

When contacted, director-general of police M.A. Basith said, “You ask the commissioner. Why do you ask me?” He refused to reveal details of the probe. All the bombs were similar. <b>About one kg of slurry was stuffed into a curved wooden container covered with metal sheets. Iron ball bearings weighing about 700 grams were found in the bomb. An alarm clock was used to detonate them</b>.

“Slurry is commonly used by terrorists but the use of a curved container for powerful impact is not seen much,” said an intelligence bureau official. An APFSL expert added that the curved shape was used to create a ‘wave’ which would add to the impact. “The bomb was definitely placed to kill people and not to create panic,” he said. “Slurry explodes at a speed of 3,000 to 4,000 metres per second,” said CLUES team in-charge Suresh Kumar. <b>The police believes that some of the alleged ISI activists who were released from jail two months ago had links with the Student Islamic Movement of India (Simi). Sources close to investigation said that police has clues about the involvement of Simi in the blasts after the questioning two of the employees of Gokul Chat bhandar.</b>

A senior police officer told this correspondent that the Intelligence Bureau had informed the State officials after the twin blasts that a Bangladesh-based terror outfit reportedly contacted some of the youth of Hyderabad and a representative of the organisation met a city-based activist of Simi recently in the country. <b>Elsewhere, police picked up one Mustafa Ahmed, owner of a meat shop at Bibnagar in Nalgonda district, for interrogation</b>. He was later released. A case was registered against him in Nanded in 2000 and another case was registered in Aurangabad under the Arms and Explosives Act. Nalgonda additional superintendent of police Venkateswara Rao said that investigations revealed that <b>he had no connection with Pakistan’s ISI. </b>

However, police are verifying whether Mustafa had any links with Moulana Naseeruddin of Tehreek Thafuz Sher E Islam, who is now in jail. “There is a factory manufacturing ball bearings in the area,” said Mr Venkatsewara Rao. “We have questioned them but there are no leads.” Nagpur police also conducted searches at Amin Explosives at Gandhibagh area. However no arrests were made.

Police is verifying whether any employee of the company had links to Hyderabad. <b>“One Sohail belonging to Amin Explosives was interviewed</b>,” said a police officer. Bomb experts of the National Security Guard visited the blast sites at Gokul Chat and Lumbini Park, apart from sleuths of the Intelligence Bureau, Central Bureau of Investigation and Central Forensic Science Laboratory. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<b>LeT, JeM hand suspected in Hyderabad blasts: Govt</b>

Hahahah!! Govt announced this within 10 min of blast, it means no action and everything will be back to square.

In place of blaming Pakis, they should start arresting Indian Muslims; they are involved in every terrorist act within India. It is impossible to blow Indians in pieces with Indian Muslim help or direct involvement. Appeasement and vote bank policy is destroying India.

Now surviving Indians should wait to be killed by fellow Indian Muslims.
<b>NGOs, charities new face of terror in Hyderabad</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->New Delhi: The face of Brand India and the target of two consecutive terror attacks, Hyderabad, is in the radar of not just terror groups, but of another source as well - NGOs.

North block has been tipped off that five Indian charities are being investigated by the US government for money laundering, narcotics and terror funding.

Shockingly, four of these charities are based in Hyderabad and the fifth in Guntur.

Just six months ago, the National Security Advisor had admitted at an international conference that: "An important source of funds to jehadi terrorist outfits are religious charities and contributions go to fund terrorist activities.''

The source of these funds is Dubai -- the very city which sent the biggest consignment of fake currency in recent memory to Hyderabad through a suspected Dawood aide.

Rushing to assure that investigations are underway, the Hyderabad Police Commissioner has said, "One UAE citizen has been arrested as have four Hyderabadis.''
Finally some progress reports.

Telugu Portal reports. (If you want link go google.)

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>As police hunt for terrorists, Hyderabad shuts down</b>
Published on Monday, August 27th, 2007at 7:22 am | Andhra, Nation 

Tags: Andhra. Hyderabad/New Delhi: A nationwide hunt was underway Monday for the terrorists who massacred 42 lives in the worst terror attack in south India as Hyderabad observed a shutdown in memory of the dead and the injured.

Dozens of people were still in hospitals in Hyderabad, some in critical condition, after being injured in the near simultaneous horrific bombings at an open-air theatre and an eatery in the city Saturday evening.

<b>Indian Home Secretary Madhukar Gupta said it had been established that RDX and another explosive called Neo Gel 90 were used in the blasts, after being brought in from Nagpur in Maharashtra.</b>

Even as investigators wait for the forensic report on an unexploded bomb that was found in a nearby theatre to take the probe ahead, <b>authorities are convinced that terrorist groups outside India were responsible for the blasts.</b>

“Some possibilities have been identified and expressed which investigative agencies will be working on. It is not a new thing that there are elements who are outside this country, organisations outside this country, who have been trying to fuel these activities,” Gupta told IANS.

<b>Home ministry sources pointed the finger of suspicion at the Bangladesh-based Harkat-ul-Jihad-i-Islami and the Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammad.</b> “We are pursuing some vital leads to confirm our suspicions,” said one official.

<b>Ten special teams have been formed to investigate the blasts.</b> Some policemen have gone to Aurangabad in Maharashtra, and Bidar and Bangalore in Karnataka to hunt for leads.

<b>The 42 dead - most died at Gokul Chat, a well-known eatery - included three children and six women besides seven engineering students from Maharashtra and two railway policemen from Madhya Pradesh.

The number of injured who required hospitalisation was put at 70.</b>

The police have picked up 10 people, including a few employees of Gokul Chat, for questioning. They include three suspects who reportedly provided iron balls for making the bombs.

<b>In Nagpur in Maharashtra, Sohail, the owner of Amin Explosives, was taken into custody.</b>

<b>Police alleged that the Neo Gel 90 explosive used </b>in the unexploded bomb recovered from a cinema theatre after the twin blasts <b>was made by his company.</b>

Hyderabad, India’s biggest IT hub after Bangalore, shut down Monday to protest the terror bombings. But hoax bomb calls through the day kept security agencies on the edge.

Three hoax calls as well as two bomb scares sparked by unclaimed bags were reported, triggering panic. One such call was made to the Andhra Pradesh state secretariat, the seat of the government.

The entire complex - housing the offices of the chief minister and his cabinet colleagues - was evacuated while the police complete with sniffer dogs conducted a thorough check. But no explosives were found.

The Lumbini Park, a stone’s throw away from the secretariat on the banks of the Hussain Sagar Lake, was one of the sites of the twin blasts Saturday.

The response to the statewide shutdown, called by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), was almost total in the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad. Life came to a near halt.

Only a few buses plied while schools, shops and business establishments, banks, cinema theatres were shut.

It also affected life throughout Telangana region of northern Andhra Pradesh. <b>But the response was lukewarm in Rayalaseema and the coastal regions.</b>

After the May 18 blast at the historic Mecca Masjid in Hyderabad that claimed nine lives, the city had received dozens of such calls. Five people were killed then in police firing.

<b>The police have said they would not allow cinema theatres without metal detector facilities to open in Hyderabad. Only half a dozen of about 100 theatres in the cinema-crazy city have metal detectors to check visitors.

Shopping complexes have also been ordered to install metal detectors.</b>

The warnings followed intelligence reports that more terror attacks could be expected in <b>southern India, the country’s economic powerhouse</b>.

Chief Minister Y.S. Rajshekhar Reddy said available information pointed to the involvement of terrorist groups based in Bangladesh and Pakistan.

“The external agencies and external terrorist organisations are responsible for this,” he told reporters in Hyderabad.

Refusing to bow down to terrorism, a large number of citizens took part in a candle light demonstration Sunday night at Lumbini Park - where the first bomb went off.

Leaders of all political parties joined a peace meeting Monday. They paid tributes to the victims and vowed not to succumb to terrorism.

Telugu Desam Party leader and former chief minister N. Chandrababu Naidu asked Rajasekhara Reddy to quit, saying he had failed to prevent bomb attacks despite intelligence warnings in the wake of the Mecca Masjid bombing.

–By Mohammed Shafeeq and Murali Krishnan, IANS

This one is for the Economic times dork editor who headlined "Hyderabad still in shock" and those who supported him here.

From Deccan Chronicle, 27 Aug.2007.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Resilient Hyderabad bounces right back

Hyderabad, Aug. 26: That terrorists cannot break the power of resilience of Hyderabadis was amply clear on Sunday as citizens returned to their chores hardly 12 hours after the twin bomb blast that left a trail of death and destruction on Saturday evening. Shops, markets and malls opened as usual on Sunday morning and thousands of people were seen doing brisk shopping. The fear of another attack was visible on their faces but the power of resilience and the age-old Hyderabadi tradition of brotherhood overshadowed it.

The attendance was large at most of the marriages that were performed in twin cities on the auspicious muhurat of Sravana Nakshatra coinciding with the birth star of Lord Sri Venkateswara, the presiding deity of Tirumala. About 3,000 marriages were performed in Hyderabad and Ranga Reddy district. The police made elaborate security arrangements at VVIP weddings including that of former chief minister and Telugu Desam president N. Chandrababu Naidu’s son Nara Lokesh at Hitex at Madhapur.

Security was stepped up at Public Gardens where the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams conducted its mass wedding Kalyanamasthu programme. Crackers were burst at a few weddings sending a strong message to terrorist outfits that they would not dampen their high spirits through  acts of terror. “Bursting of crackers when the city is in deep trouble seems unreasonable. But we want to celebrate the wedding and thus send a message to terrorists that we will not be cowed down by blasts. Our will power is stronger than the explosives terrorists explode,” businessman E. Ramakrishna Raju told this correspondent.

The Sultan Bazaar-Koti area, where one of the two bombs went off, did not show any signs of panic, leave alone terror. Women were seen in large numbers shopping in the locality. Sultan Bazaar-Koti, dotted with thousands of ready-made garment and fancy shops, is a favourite shopping spot for women from middle classes. The stretch of road between Koti bus stop and Women’s College bus stop is also famous for hawkers selling a variety of fruit at throwaway prices.

The All-India Religious Leaders’ Association conducted a prayer meeting at Masab Tank in which representatives of all religions participated. Moulana Muhammad Hafiz Fayyaz Ali, imam of Masjid al-Jabir in the holy city of Mecca, who was in the city on a private trip, led the all-religious prayer meeting. “Hyderabad is a historic city known for its tolerance. The Hyderabadi tehzeeb teaches us peace and brotherhood. Hyderabadis have once again proved that no one would shake them with acts of fear,” religious leaders’ association president Moulana Peerzada Shabbir Naqshbandi said.

Rev Samuel Jakr of the Methodist Church said terrorists had no religion and they would do anything to create a sense of fear psychosis among people. “But we will not be affected by such threats. Hyderabad has sent a strong message by returning to normalcy immediately after the blast. The city is known for communal harmony and it will stand by it come what may,” he said. Senior priest Pandit Krishna Murari of Sri Mahalakshmi temple in Mangalhat called upon people to expose the sinister designs of terrorists to create discord between Hindus and Muslims.

Politicians too joined the religious leaders in promoting peace and communal harmony in the aftermath of the bomb blast. Leaders of all political parties have decided to hold a peace meeting at Ravindra Bharati on Monday at 4.30 pm to announce that Hyderabadis are one and no one could separate them on the basis of religion and caste.

not so phast,
here is post #5
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->If it is INC, we will never know who did it, If it is MIM, investigation will blame ISI and if it is newly formed party, then some poor guy will be put in jail and end of story.

till now this is a fact story. <!--emo&Tongue--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tongue.gif' /><!--endemo-->

Third party is old wine (SIMI) in new bottle (with left).

some day back, KK had mentioned Hyderabad as a cradle of Islam in India.
Moulana Muhammad Hafiz Fayyaz Ali, imam of Masjid al-Jabir in the holy city of Mecca, was in Pakistan few days back, when they had stampede.

Anyway, Govt is between comatose and sleep mode.
<b>PM suggests permanent fund for victims of terror attacks </b>

So he is telling Indians, we are not going to do anything to protect Indian life except terrorist and if he is Indian Muslim, I will even lose my sleep.
But rest of dead Indians we will pay, this I call Babu wisdom.
Half under table half over the table. If I can recall, Mumbai victims and their family are still waiting for money from Babus and govt.
Why and how Babus and minister families miss happy hours?
Check this here media and police are making stories and diverting from investigation
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Three detained for questioning </b>
"These elements or organisations are clearly outside the country and they resort to fuelling such kinds of activities", Gupta said adding "but what is more important is to nab those who planned it and those who executed it".

Bangladesh-based Harkat-ul-Jehadi Islami (HuJI) has links with both LeT and JeM and security agencies claimed <b>Abdul Sahil Mohammed, based in Karachi, was instrumental in organising the blasts through two of his men who had been trained in manufacturing bombs by a HuJI militant codenamed Hamza</b>.

The sources said investigations were being carried out at the Nagpur firm from where Neogel-90 explosives had been manufactured and sold.

<b>Throughout July and early August, Mohammad left dozens of Internet-chat messages for his Hyderabad operative, asking them to go ahead with the plans he had earlier authorised</b>.

Though neither the targets nor the identities of these operatives could be established but Saturday`s Hyderabad blasts were said to be a part of his plans, the sources said.

<b>Mohammad was recruited to the outfit after the 2002 communal riots in Gujarat by his relative Rasool Khan who also worked for underworld don and global terrorist Dawood Ibrahim.</b>

read these comments
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->"Repeated requests by the police for the detention of several dozen suspected HuJI sympathisers were also shot down by the state government authorities due to the fear that such an action would fuel communal tension." What is really sickening is that the jihadis involved in these blasts are from india only and thanx to the great politics of the countrythey are bound to grow - akshay 

I suspect that Shivraj Patil is behind these blasts. Butneither of us has any proof. So why do the authorities come with names when they really don`t have any evidence at all? The people of India should know that in the Common Minimum Program a deal was made that not a single case of muslim terrorism should be solved because this government needs the vote of these criminal muslims. - S. Patil 
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Hyderabad joins BJP's protests </b>
Omer Farooq | Hyderabad
The Statewide strike called by the BJP in protest against Saturday's deadly blasts in Hyderabad evoked a mixed response in Andhra Pradesh. While in Hyderabad, it was almost total with people responding spontaneously and keeping shops and business establishments closed, it had partial impact in the districts of Telangana. However, in the coastal Andhra region the call had no impact.

Police took hundreds of BJP activists and its affiliated organisations, Bajrang Dal and VHP, into custody when they tried to forcibly close some shops and stopped buses and other vehicles. Roads had comparatively thin traffic.

State BJP president Bandaru Dattatreya, national secretary Indrasena Reddy, party legislator G Kishan Reddy and other leaders were taken into custody when they tried to barge into the secretariat, which functioned normally. In the morning, Indrasena Reddy tried to lead one group inside the secretariat but the security closed the gate and Dattatreya and others repeated the same in the afternoon.

The policemen, led by <b>Deputy Commissioner Shaikh Mohammed Iqbal, took the demonstrators into custody. </b>About 100 workers were taken into custody in the afternoon, he said.

Earlier, the BJP leaders laid flowers at the scene of the blast at Gokul Chat at Kothi and observed two-minutes silence as a mark of respect for the victims. Later, they held a demonstration on the road and shouted slogans against Pakistan and Bangladesh, ISI and its agents. They also burnt the effigy of terrorism and the flags of Pakistan and Bangladesh. "Down with ISI, down with terrorism," they shouted


<b>The BJP strike call affected the normal life in Nalgonda, Medak, Karimnagar, Warangal, Nizamabad and Adilabad districts. But the port city of Visakhapatnam and commercial capital Vijayawada remained unaffected</b>.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--emo&:furious--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/furious.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='furious.gif' /><!--endemo--> <!--emo&:furious--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/furious.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='furious.gif' /><!--endemo--> <!--emo&:furious--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/furious.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='furious.gif' /><!--endemo-->

The Congressi traitor government is the most communal of all. When the government will not protect Dharmics from the terrorists but rather repeatedly insists on turning a blind eye on - no, even coming out in <i>full support of</i> terrorists, they have the gall to accuse Hindu protesters (and the naturally resulting outcry) of being communal.
Gotta love that slogan "Let us all be secular". What, do they really want Dharmics to say "Yes, we'll be secular: We'll be as secular as islamics (or christos) are"? Now <i>that</i> would scare the communazis and the cangressi losers into some insomnia. ('Twould have to be an insomnia maintained in silence though, because they'll be in a catch-22 when it comes to explaining that statement...)

I wouldn't put it beyond the Kongress if it were trying its best to foment a situation where Hindus will retaliate. Though perhaps next time, Dharmics will channel their retaliation in the form of voting out the KKKongress and KKKommunists permanently - inspite of US' keen wishes, interests and efforts to foist at least the first on us again. And if Sonia and her minions were to feel suicidal after that, I'll try my very best to restrain myself from stopping her (or her doormats) from throwing themselves off the holy Fatican balcony if she has truly set her non-existent heart on it... Maybe it will work like with lemmings. You know, those creatures that regularly commit mass-suicide (presumably an in-built safeguard of nature to control their exploding population numbers): when one jumps over, all the others follow suit. And the KKKongress, they all follow their leader, don't they?

Congress, 'secularism', the hypocritical christian sharade of 'HUMAN RIGHTS - but (fine print) only for christoislamics'. <i>Blow that.</i>
They're only too eager to see bodies of dead Hindus littering India. Who said they've changed the tune of 'it's either the koran or the sword'/'cross or the sword' (the second is as per the christos of Portugal, by their own admission). The sword is now double-edged though, with terrorism on one hand and, on the other, the very partial voice of psecularism encouraging that same terrorism. Nothing's changed from that earlier christoislamism, nothing but the carefully-crafted coy vocabulary these specialists in wordy-warfare use, and the finely-honed skills of enabling genocide-through-diplomacy that they so happily employ.
The dossier of a terror mastermind

Man from Assam held; old terror hand suspect
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Mohammed Abdullah, who is from Assam, was taken into custody after residents of Bowenpalli in Secunderabad caught him under “suspicious circumstances”, said an IANS report. Abdullah had injuries on his head and hands.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Bilal (also known as Mohd Abdul Sahil) is also a key suspect in the Mecca Masjid blasts in Hyderabad on May 18, the Varanasi blast and the attack on the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore.
Didn't Teesta and some self appointed spokesman for the NRI India community issue press release that "Hindu fundamentalists" were responsible of Mecca Masjid blasts? Where are they now?

NGOs, charities new face of terror in Hyderabad

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->North block has been tipped off that five Indian charities are being investigated by the US government for money laundering, narcotics and terror funding.

Shockingly, four of these charities are based in Hyderabad and the fifth in Guntur.

Just six months ago, the National Security Advisor had admitted at an international conference that: "An important source of funds to jehadi terrorist outfits are religious charities and contributions go to fund terrorist activities.''

The source of these funds is Dubai -- the very city which sent the biggest consignment of fake currency in recent memory to Hyderabad through a suspected Dawood aide.

Rushing to assure that investigations are underway, the Hyderabad Police Commissioner has said, "One UAE citizen has been arrested as have four Hyderabadis.''

Meanwhile, intelligence officials say more counterfeiters are waiting offshore:

Rs 1.73 crore of fake Indian currency was seized from Kuala Lampur.

And Rs 2.63 crore has been seized from Colombo

Just how much of the money that has been smuggled into Hyderabad is meant for funding terror is not clear.

What's clear though is the fact that with a haul of Rs 2.36 crores, Hyderabad leads from the front amongst southern cities in the fake currency racket, followed by Chennai and Bangalore.

Terror groups indoctrinated in the Jamiat philosophy have been operating sleeper cells for the past nine years from Hyderabad alone and that's not just because Hyderabad represents brand India, but because terrorists want Hyderabad along with Junagadh and Kashmir to secede from the Indian state

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