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Rama Setu -2
As the "national media" is busy mourning death of their beloved scion of Bhutto family, grand daughter of the Diwan of Junagadh who did not want Junagadh merge with India, they have completely ignored this massive event in Rohini Swarna Jayanti Maidan of Delhi. The massive rally, which was attended by at least 2 Lakh people, and probably by 3-4 Lakhs, was a stage where leaders from all sort of political affiliations and religios sects came together to launch the renewed movement to protect Rama Setu.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->दिल्ली में दहाड़ने पहुंचे रामभक्त
Dec 30, 01:05 am

पश्चिमी दिल्ली, जासं। रोहिणी स्थित स्वर्ण जयंती मैदान में रविवार को होने वाले रामसेतु रक्षा महासम्मेलन में देश के विभिन्न हिस्सों से रामभक्त दिल्ली पहुंच चुके हैं। शनिवार शाम तक करीब एक लाख लोग सम्मेलन में हिस्सा लेने के लिए दिल्ली में अपनी उपस्थिति दर्ज चुके हैं। रविवार सुबह तक दिल्ली से सटे राज्यों से भी लाखों रामभक्त पहुंच जांएगे। रामभक्तों को दिल्ली के विभिन्न हिस्सों में दो हजार से अधिक धर्मशालाओं, कम्युनिटी हालों, मंदिरों व स्कूलों में ठहराया गया है। दिल्ली में ठहरे लाखों रामभक्तों के लिए भोजन की व्यवस्था दिल्ली के हिंदू परिवारों ने की है।

Jagran in above reports that at least 1 lakh participants from far away states had reached Delhi on Saturday itself, while the participants from the neighbouring states and Delhi itself are not included in this number. At least 2000 hotels, lodges, dharmashalas, schools have been booked. Food for outsider Rambhakt-s was reported to be coming from Hindu homes of Delhi.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->इसमें लाखों की संख्या में लोगों के जुटने की संभावना के मद्देनजर प्रशासन ने रोहिणी के मुख्य रास्तों को पहले ही आवागमन के लिए बंद कर दिया था। इस स्थिति में मेट्रो ही लोगों को आयोजन स्थल तक पहुंचाने तथा रोहिणी के अन्य हिस्सों में ले जाने का एकमात्र साधन थी। लोगों ने इसका पूरा उपयोग भी किया।

रामभक्तों को भी मेट्रो की सवारी रास आई। महासम्मेलन में हिस्सा लेने के लिए बड़ी संख्या में आए रामभक्तों ने मेट्रो की सवारी का आनंद लिया। इससे डीएमआरसी को लाखों का मुनाफा तो हुआ ही, मेट्रो की लोकप्रियता भी सामने आई। डीएमआरसी के मुताबिक शाहदरा-रिठाला मेट्रो लाइन पर रविवार को कुल 4.15 लाख लोगों ने मेट्रो की सफर का लुफ्त उठाया। यह संख्या अन्य सप्ताहंत के दौरान यात्रा करने वाले यात्रियों के मुकाबले 55 हजार ज्यादा है। इससे मेट्रो को 52.50 लाख की कमाई भी हुई। मेट्रो प्रशासन का दावा है कि यात्रियों की सुविधा के लिए रविवार को तीन अतिरिक्त मेट्रो ट्रेनें चलाई गई।

In other report Jagran says: People also used Metro to reach the rally venue - this number itself is huge. Total 4.15 Lakh people used Metro to reach Rohini. The number is 55K above the average for other weekends.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><span style='color:red'>रामसेतु पर विहिप ने जुटाया संतों व राजनेताओं का समर्थन</span>
Dec 31, 12:23 am

नई दिल्ली[रामनारायण]। रामसेतु मुद्दे को राम जन्मभूमि आंदोलन की तर्ज पर गरमाने में विश्व हिंदू परिषद सफल रही है। उसने इस मुद्दे पर भाजपा समेत पूरे संघ परिवार को तो एक साथ जुटाया ही है, शिवसेना, अकाली दल व अन्नाद्रमुक जैसे दल भी उसके साथ आ खड़े हुए हैं। देश भर के हिंदू संत समाज के साथ जैन, बौद्ध व सिख धमाचार्य भी उसके साथ खडे़े हैं। इस व्यापक समर्थन व दिल्ली के स्वर्ण जयंती पार्क में उसके आव्हान पर उमड़े लाखों लोगों से मिली ताकत से विहिप ने केंद्र सरकार को कठघरे में खड़ा कर दिया है। उसने केंद्र को चेतावनी भी दे दी है कि यदि 16 जनवरी को सुप्रीम कोर्ट में राम सेतु मामले पर दिए जाने वाले शपथ पत्र में वह राम के खिलाफ गई तो गांव-गांव में सरकार की ईंट से ईंट बजा दी जाएगी और पूरे देश में उग्र आंदोलन छेड़ा जाएगा।

<b>डेढ़ दशक पहले विहिप ने राम जन्मभूमि आंदोलन को लेकर चार अप्रैल 1991 को दिल्ली के वोट क्लब पर जो रैली की थी, यह रैली भी संख्या की दृष्टि से लगभग वैसी ही थी।</b> हालांकि इसमें उस तरह का भावनात्मक ज्वार नहीं था, लेकिन इस बार मुद्दा आस्था के साथ व्यापक राष्ट्रीय हितों का होने से यह संख्या काफी मायने रखती है।

The rally resembled a similar rally that was held at Boat Club Delhi in 1991 for Ram Janma Bhumi issue, which preceded the events in Ayodhya later that year.

केंद्र में सत्ताधारी कांग्रेस व उसके सहयोगी द्रमुक ने भगवान राम के अस्तित्व पर जो सवालिया निशान खड़ा किया था, उससे आहत हुई भावनाओं का ज्वार भी इस इस विशाल जनसमुदाय में दिखाई दिया। इसलिए सम्मेलन को राजनीति से दूर रखने के बावजूद कुछ वक्ताओं के निशाने पर कांग्रेस अध्यक्ष सोनिया गांधी आ ही गईं। जनता पार्टी के नेता सुब्रमण्यम स्वामी ने अन्नाद्रमुक सुप्रीमो जयललिता का संदेश पढ़ते हुए कहा कि, 'जयललिता देश की मिंट्टी की महिला हैं कोई इटली से आई विषकन्या नहीं।' योगी आदित्यनाथ भी सोनिया गांधी के खिलाफ आग उगलने में पीछे नहीं रहे।

Subramanyam Swami reading a letter from Jayalalitha, and Yogi Adityanath in his speech targeted Sonia.

सम्मेलन में राजनेता आए जरूर, लेकिन केवल श्रोता बनकर रहे। संतों, विहिप व राष्ट्रीय स्वंयसेवक संघ के नेताओं को ही बोलने का मौका मिला। जो प्रमुख लोग नहीं आ सके उनके संदेश आए जो मंच पर पढ़े गए। इनमें पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी, अकाली दल के प्रमुख व पंजाब के मुख्यमंत्री प्रकाश ंिसंह बादल, अन्नाद्रमुक की सुप्रीमो जयललिता, माता अमृतानंदमयी, शकंराचार्य स्वरूपानंद, शंकराचार्य निश्चलानंद सरस्वती व शंकराचार्य भारतीतीर्थ के संदेश शामिल हैं। सभी ने रामसेतु तोड़े जाने का विरोध करते हुए इसकी रक्षा के लिए छेड़े गए आंदोलन का समर्थन किया। वाजपेयी ने अपने संदेश में कहा है, 'आज की रैली से प्रकट हुई संकल्प शक्ति सरकार को सद्बुद्धि प्रदान करेगी। मैं सरकार से अनुरोध करता हूं कि वह जिद छोड़कर रामसेतु को ऐतिहासिक राष्ट्रीय धरोहर के रूप में संरक्षित रखते हुए अन्य वैकल्पिक योजना बनाए। आस्था व विकास विरोधाभासी नहीं हैं।'

AB Vajpayee, Akali dal supremo Badal, Jayalalitha, Mata Amritanandamayi, Shankaracharya Swarupanand, Nishchalananda, and Bharat Tirth sent their messages which were read out by their representatives.

सम्मेलन में साध्वी ऋतंभरा व प्रवीण तोगड़िया ने जहां अपने भाषणों से जनता की भावनाओं का ज्वार जगाया, वहीं संघ प्रमुख सुदर्शन ने एतिहासिक, वैज्ञानिक साक्ष्यों के साथ रामसेतु को तोड़कर नहर बनाए जाने होने वाले नुकसानों का तार्किक व्याख्या की और कहा कि यह नहर आर्थिक दृष्टि से भी भारी नुकसानदेह साबित होगी। सम्मेलन में अलग से बनाए गए मंच पर उपस्थित राजनेताओं में भाजपा अध्यक्ष राजनाथ सिंह, वरिष्ठ नेता मुरली मनोहर जोशी, अरुण जेटल, सुषमा स्वराज, विजय कुमार मल्होत्रा, सुब्रमण्यम स्वामी, शिवसेना सांसद चंद्रकांत खैरे के साथ भाजपा शासित राज्यों के चार मुख्यमंत्री राजस्थान की वसुंधरा राजे, उत्तराखंड के भुवनचंद्र खंडूरी, मध्य प्रदेश के शिवराज सिंह चौहान व छत्तीसगढ़ के रमन सिंह भी उपस्थित थे।

Shiv Sena MP, 4 Chief Ministers, and many BJP leaders were seen on stage besides others.


RSS Sarasanghachalak's address:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->कतई नहीं टूटने देंगे रामसेतु : सुदर्शन
Dec 31, 12:14 am

नई दिल्ली, जागरण संवाददाता। समुद्री परिवहन को आंशिक आर्थिक नुकसान से बचाने के लिए देश के करोड़ों हिंदुओं की आस्था से खिलवाड़ नहीं किया जा सकता है। रामेश्वरम में रामसेतु को हम कतई नहीं तोड़ने देंगे। यह उद्घोष राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ के सरसंघचालक केसी सुदर्शन ने यहां राजधानी में रोहिणी के स्वर्ण जयंती मैदान में जनसमूह को संबोधित करते हुए किया। रामेश्वरम रामसेतु रक्षा मंच के आह्वान पर यहां जुटे लाखों लोगों के बीच दो सूत्रीय प्रस्ताव पारित कर रामसेतु को संरक्षित ऐतिहासिक राष्ट्रीय धरोहर तथा रामेश्वरम को 'पवित्र तीर्थ नगर' घोषित करने की केंद्र सरकार से मांग की गई, ताकि रामसेतु की सुरक्षा पर भविष्य में भी संकट की आशंका न रहे।

श्री सुदर्शन ने कहा कि रामसेतु को हाथ भी लगाया गया तो गंभीर परिणाम होंगे। उन्होंने कहा कि रामसेतु का प्रश्न केवल हिंदुओं की भावनाओं से ही जुड़ा नहीं है, इसे मुसलमान और ईसाई भी 'आदम का पुल' तथा 'एडम्स ब्रिज' कहकर उसे आस्था से देखते हैं। रामसेतु को बचाने के लिए मदुरई और रामेश्वरम में हिंदू, मुसलमान और ईसाइयों ने मिलकर सभाएं कीं और सुप्रीम कोर्ट में भी याचिकाएं दायर कर पक्ष रखने की अनुमति मांगी।

श्री सुदर्शन ने कहा कि केंद्र सरकार का यह तर्क कि रामसेतु को तोड़कर नहर बना देने से जहाजों को श्रीलंका से होकर नहीं आना-जाना पड़ेगा और इससे 440 समुद्री मील कम चलना पड़ेगा, को नौ सेना के कप्तान एच. बालाकृष्णन की रिपोर्ट पहले ही झुठला चुकी है। इस रिपोर्ट के अनुसार खुले समुद्र में जहाज 12 समुद्री मील प्रति घंटा चलते हैं, वहीं नहर से इसे निकालने पर यह गति छह मील ही रह जाएगी। इसके अलावा सेतुसमुद्रम नहर में से केवल 32 हजार टन तक के ही छोटे जहाज आ-जा सकते हैं, जबकि आजकल ज्यादातर 80 हजार और एक लाख टन के जहाज चलते हैं। इस तरह परियोजना के लाभ को सरकार काफी बढ़ा-चढ़ाकर बता रही है।

उन्होंने बताया कि हिंद महासागर में जो सुनामी की लहर आई थी, उसे रामसेतु ने रोककर उल्टी दिशा में प्रवाहित कर दिया था। इससे आंध्र प्रदेश और तमिलनाडु के कुछ गांव बुरी तरह प्रभावित हुए थे, लेकिन केरल का समुद्री तट पूरी तरह से बच गया था।

आंदोलन के प्रमुख सूत्रधार एवं विश्व हिंदू परिषद के अंतरराष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष अशोक सिंहल ने कहा कि रामसेतु के प्रकरण ने समस्त देशवासियों के सामने प्रश्न खड़ा कर दिया है कि राम ऐतिहासिक महापुरुष हैं या काल्पनिक पात्र? यह प्रश्न उन लोगों के द्वारा खड़ा किया गया है जो अपने स्वार्थ के लिए राम के अस्तित्व एवं भारत की प्राचीनता को स्वीकार नहीं करते। राम के अस्तित्व को नकारना हिंदू संस्कृति और भारत के अस्तित्व को नकारने के समान है। राम के बिना भारत की कल्पना भी नहीं की जा सकती। उन्होंने सभी राजनीतिक दलों से अनुरोध किया कि वे वोट बैंक तथा जाति, क्षेत्र व भाषा की राजनीति से हटकर रामसेतु की रक्षा के लिए आगे आएं और रामजन्मभूमि मंदिर के निर्माण में भी सहयोग प्रदान करें। महासम्मेलन में आए रामभक्तों से भी विहिप अध्यक्ष ने अपील की कि यहां संतों द्वारा रामसेतु को लेकर दिए गए संदेश कि 'केवल रामसेतु ही भगवान द्वारा निर्मित नहीं है, बल्कि पूरा देश ही राम का है' को वे जन-जन तक लेकर जाएं।

इस अवसर पर विहिप के अंतरराष्ट्रीय महामंत्री डा. प्रवीण तोगड़िया, एस. वेदांत, साध्वी ऋतंभरा, जगतगुरु शंकराचार्य दिव्यानंद तीर्थजी महाराज समेत कई साधु संतों ने विचार रखे। महासम्मेलन में भाजपा अध्यक्ष राजनाथ सिंह, पूर्व केंद्रीय मंत्री मुरली मनोहर जोशी, अरुण जेटली, सुषमा स्वराज, विजय मल्होत्रा, विजय गोयल, भाजपा के प्रदेश अध्यक्ष डा. हर्षवर्धन, मुख्यमंत्री शिवराज चौहान, अर्जुन मुंडा समेत कई नेता मौजूद थे।

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Saffron storm brews over Ram SetuFULL COVERAGE
Hemendra Singh Bartwal, Hindustan Times
Email Author
New Delhi, December 31, 2007
First Published: 02:30 IST(31/12/2007)
Last Updated: 04:28 IST(31/12/2007) 

The Sangh Parivar, with the BJP in tow, issued an ultimatum to the UPA Government on the Ram Setu issue threatening to launch a violent agitation on January 16 if the Centre decided to tamper with the bridge-formation off Rameshwaram to create a shipping channel. The Centre is scheduled to communicate its decision on the matter to Supreme Court on that day.

At a mega rally in Rohini, attended by top BJP leaders, VHP’s Pravin Togadia threatened: “Be ready. The battle will be fought in six lakh villages across the country… If, in its affidavit submitted to the court on January 16, the government refuses to change its plan, hum eent se eent baja dengey (we will destroy, brick by brick) …Remember we are the people who had reduced Babar’s structure to rubble in a matter of four hours.”

The rally on Sunday led to traffic jams for hours in different parts of the city with thousands of vehicles carrying Sangh and BJP workers from neighbouring states entering and exiting the Capital.

<b>Significantly, BJP prime ministerial candidate L.K. Advani, who had led the Ayodhya movement, was conspicuous by his absence despite having been invited by the VHP. The party leadership, which had been kept away from the Ram Setu movement so far, was invited in full strength to the  gathering by the VHP bosses.</b>
But they were neither allowed to sit on the main dais with RSS chief K.S.Sudarshan , VHP supremo Ashok Singhal and top Hindu religious heads nor permitted to address the meeting.

<b>Advani , who was earlier expected to attend the rally after returning from Himachal Chief Minister Prem Kumar Dhumal's oath-taking ceremony in Shimla, did not turn up eventually as he is believed to be offended at such a courtesy not being extended to a leader of his stature.</b>

This has highlighted once again the animosity that continues to exist  between him and the VHP leaders despite the RSS-led saffron family's recent resolve to downplay its internal differences with the BJP and project a united front at a time when they are faced  with  Assembly polls in several crucial states and the big electoral battle for the Centre in the near future.

Otherwise, led by BJP president Rajnath Singh, many senior leaders of the party including Arun Jaitley , Sushma Swaraj and Murli Manohar Joshi  were present at the mega-rally aimed at sending a message to all political parties that they could not afford to ignore the sentiments of the Hindu community.Also present were chief ministers of four BJP-ruled states - MP, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh and Uttarakhand -  three of which will go to polls next year.

Messages from ailing BJP patriarch Atal Bihari Vajpayee, AIADMK leader Jayalalithaa ( a prospective ally) and Punjab Chief Minister Prakash Singh Badal supporting the Ramsetu movement were read out at the meet.

The meeting passed a resolution vowing to prevent the Centre from inflicting damage upon the revered Ramsetu .It also raised the demands that the Ramsetu be declared a protected historical heritage site and Rameshwaram be conferred the status of a holy pilgrimage town.

Senility affecting Advani? Hopefully is it just because this meet was organised by VHP, even still he should have made an appearance. How can hindus support Advani if he does not show support to an important hindu cause as Ram setu?
<img src='http://in.jag.yimg.com/epaper/jagran/20071231/10/DEL30cnt20-1_1199077816_m.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Senility affecting Advani?<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
VHP leadership don't like Advani and Modi.
A slideshow of a few images from the mega rally held in New Delhi on Dec 30 2007.

Wishing everyone a happy 2008.
<b>Mil Gaye Ram!</b>

Tracing evidence of Lord Ram and his times
Report: Rahul Sinha
Adapted by: Deepak Nagpal
<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>“Ram Sethu fully qualifies to be declared and protected as ancient national monument”: J. Jayalalithaa</span>

Expressing her support to the Ram Sethu Raksha Manch, the former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister and AIADMK chief J. Jayalalithaa sent the following message to the VHP president Shri Ashok Singhal. We reproduce the full text:

International conventions have consolidated the solidarity of nations in preserving historical/archaeological sites and India, being a party to these conventions, is obliged to preserve heritage sites like the Ram Sethu.

Dear Shri Ashok Singhalji

Right from the day the Ram Sethu bridge demolition issue came into focus, I have been issuing statements pointing out how the destruction of the bridge would be a grave threat to the environment, the flora and fauna of the region, apart from posing a very real danger of extinction to the marine life in the area, thereby seriously affecting the livelihood prospects of the fishing community for whom marine life is the only source of income. The historic and legendary association of the bridge with Lord Ram is deeply enshrined not only in the minds and hearts of the people of India but indeed in the minds and hearts of Hindus living all over the world.

Quite apart from the religious significance and historical importance of the Ram Sethu, and leaving aside the argument as to the origin of the bridge, whether it is man-made or a natural formation, it is an undeniable truth that the bridge is one of the wonders of the world and should be preserved for its value as a World Heritage Site. No government has the right to destroy this bridge, which is why my government refused to accord environmental clearance for the Sethusamudram Ship Canal Project despite enormous pressure from the central government.

When the union government recently constituted a committee to examine the project afresh before submitting a report to the apex court, I felt it was my duty to bring to the notice of the people the following facts:

This committee can hardly be described as a committee of experts as is being claimed by the union government. At least three of the members are historians and they can only vouch for the historical validity of the Ram legend. One represents NEERI (National Environmental Engineering and Research Institute) which, being an interested party, is bound to have biased views. One member, R.S. Sharma, is a witness in the Ramjanmabhoomi case. Shri S. Ramachandran, the chairman of the committee, has already expressed his views publicly supporting the Sethusamudram Project. He cannot be expected to take a different or unbiased view now. All these facts hardly inspire any public confidence about the neutrality of the members of the committee. More ominous is the fact that there are no social scientists to discuss the problems of the coastal people, particularly fishermen. To discuss navigational issues, there are no maritime or naval experts. There are no defence personnel to discuss security concerns, especially when the Sethusamudram Ship Canal becomes an international seaway. There are no oceanographers to discuss ocean currents and their effects especially as it comes within a tsunami-hit area. There are no economist to discuss economy-related issues especially when the Sethusamudram Project is being touted as one that will economically uplift Tamil Nadu. These conspicuous and glaring omissions raise serious doubts about the credibility of the committee and the possible veracity of its report.

While setting out the above facts, I made a demand that the committee be disbanded.

In this context I had also pointed out that the Sethusamudram Ship Canal Project as conceived would be of little use to the nation, as it would have a centrifugal effect on the economy, navigational tonnage of ships, the environment and the sentiments of the widest sections of our people.

I had also filed a writ petition in the Supreme Court under Article 32 of the Constitution of India to protect the Ram Sethu, a structure of immeasurable historical, archaeological and heritage value from being destroyed, in the garb of carrying out an infrastructure project, on the following irrefutable facts.

Ram Sethu would fully qualify to be declared and protected as an ancient national monument, because it falls within each one of the parameters laid down in the definition of “ancient monument” in the 1958 Act.

The Rama Sethu, which in geographical terms is described in various survey maps and historical texts as “Adam’s Bridge”, by reason of its antiquity and unique features qualifies to be treated as a World Heritage Site.

In a recent satellite image. NASA of the USA has spotted the ancient bridge and confirmed the physical existence of the bridge, which is a crucial structure of a bygone era, dating back millions of years and is estimated to be over 17,50,000 years old.

The bridge is of immeasurable sentimental value to millions of people in India and Hindus living all over the world and hence the structure is worthy of protection purely from a historical and archaeological standpoint.

The Sethusamudram Ship Canal Project proposes to dredge the shallow ocean floor near the Dhanuskodi end of Rama’s Bridge, to create enough leeway for ships to pass through the channel and will cut through the bridge, thus damaging it.

International conventions have consolidated the solidarity of nations in preserving historical/archaeological sites and India, being a party to these conventions, is obliged to preserve heritage sites like the Ram Sethu.

Even during the tsunami devastation the Ram Sethu bridge acted as a natural barrier, preventing direct devastation, thus establishing its utility in the ecological/geographical preservation of the area also.

I wish the rally to be held on 30.12.2007 in New Delhi by the Ram Sethu Raksha Manch all success as it reflects the strong sentiments of the vast majority of the people of our country.

With kind regards
Yours sincerely
J. Jayalalithaa

<span style='color:red'>Rama Setu by the National Poet Sri Maithili Sharan Gupt </span>

Mahakavi Sri Maithili Sharan Gupt is rightly known as the Rashtra Kavi (national poet). His remarkable poetry reflects the deepest national ethos of Bharat and his simple yet impactful words never fail to awaken the patriotic energy of its readers.

'Bharat-Bharati' is one of his most towering marvels, which always inspired the freedom fighters and nationalists. It contains the poet's reflections on the past his thoughts on the future of Bharat and Bharati - India and Indic.

In this large volume, at one place he says:

भूगर्भ से जब तब निकलती वस्तुयें ऐसी यहाँ -
जो पूछ उठती हैं कि ऐसी थी हुई उन्नति कहाँ?
वह सिन्धु सेतु बचा अभी तक, दक्षिणी मन्दिर बचे,
कब और किसने, विश्व मे, यों शिल्प-चित्र कहाँ रचे?

{Every now and then such artifacts are unearthed by excavations,
which provoke us and ask, 'where else was such evolution achieved?'
Sindhu Setu is intact so far, and so are our wondrous temples in the South
Where else have such architectural marvels been etched, by whom and when!}

Sri Maithili Sharan Gupt also wrote 'Saket'. It is a unique narrative of Ramayana by Urmila, Lakshmana's wife who stayed back in Ayodhya, separated from her husband during his forteen-years exile with Rama. In Saket, Urmila is made to describe the turn of events during those years with focus on happenings in Ayodhya. Saket is still considered a classic today.

In Saket, Sri Gupt has described Setu Bandhan as follows:

तब लंका पर हुई चढाई, सजी रिक्ष-वानर सेना,
मिल मानो दो सलिल-राशियाँ उमडी फैलाकर फेना!!
भंगभित्तियाँ उठा उठा कर सिन्धु रोकने चला प्रवाह
बान्धा गया किंतु उलटा वह, सेतु रूप ही है उत्साह!!
नीलनभोमण्डल-सा जलनिधि, पुल था छायापथ-सा ठीक,
खींच दी गई एक अमिट-सी, पानी पर भी प्रभु की लीक!!

{Then began marching to Lanka the decorated armies of riksha-s and vaanara-s,
Together, both appeared as if two separate seas simultaneously on tide!
Ocean came forward to halt them by raising huge wall-like waves,
However, ocean was itself bound. Setu - but an icon of courage!
Setu - shining just like a starry-way, on the blue-sky-like ocean,
An un-erasable signature of the Lord etched even on the water}

See the full text of the report in Tamil at this URL.

Source: Maalai Murasu (Evening edition of Daily Thanthi), Madurai Edition, Jan. 8, 2008
<b>Rama Setu: Govt. affidavit will be delayed, Karnataka elections are coming</b>
January 9, 2008 by kalyan97
Translation of the Tamil newspaper report:

<b>In Supreme Court… Rama Setu: Govt. affidavit will be delayed, Central Govt. hesitant because of coming Karnataka elections Since assembly elections are due to be held in Karnataka state, Central Government is likely to delay the submission of their affidavits on Rama Setu case pending in Supreme Court. </b>

New Delhi, Jan. 7, 2008-

Central Government is likely seek another 3 months' extension of time to submit their counter affidavits. This is the advice given by Congress leaders to PM Manmohan Singh. In view of the coming Karnataka assembly elections, the advice is not file any affidavits at present.

There was widespread boiling of emotions in the nation because of the earlier affidavits filed and later withdrawn by the Central Government. As a consequence, the work in Rama Setu area for the Setusamudram Channel Project has been stayed. Supreme Court had noted that the Central Government will appoint a committee of persons in regard to this issue.

Committee's statement The committee was chaired by Vice Chancellor of Madras University. This committee received suggestions and proposals and forwarded them to the Central Government. On this basis, Central Government has been engaged in drafting affidavits to be submitted when the case comes up for hearing as scheduled by the Supreme Court on Jan. 16, 2008.

Last time, Culture Ministry of Central Government had stated that Ramayana, Sri Rama, Rama Setu were all imaginary; this statement led to boiling of emotions (kondalippu). Immediately the affidavit was withdrawn but the issue has taken a gigantic shape all over India.

It is also said that the victory of BJP in the recent elections in Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh is also because of this issue. Similarly, in the recent Mahasammelan held for Rama Setu Protection, Central Government has been warned NOT to submit any affidavit which involves the destruction of Rama Setu.

Taking all these factors into account, <b>the Central Government affidavit is being directly prepared by the Prime Minister.</b> The opinion of the Congress leaders was communicated to the PM that this affidavit should not be submitted on Jan. 16 in the Supreme Court;.

Supreme Court should be asked to give 3 more months' extension of time. In particular, the issues of objectionable statements had led to the criticism of the Culture Minister Ambika Soni; she herself is reported to have prevailed upon the PM in this regard.

Elections are due to be held in Karnataka soon. People are saying that ther is a sympathy wave is in place in favour of BJP because of the denial of opportunity to BJP to form a coalition Government. If BJP uses the Rama Setu as an election issue, there is every chance for further decline in prospects of Congress.

To prevent this, the Congress party people have asked for delaying the submission of the affidavit by another 3 months. It is expected that the elections in Karnataka will occur in April. PM has been advised to submit the Central Government affidavit after this date.

Some among Tamilnadu MPs are said to have insisted upon completing the Setusamudram Channel project only in the current alignment (that is, destroying Rama Setu) and have insisted upon the Central Government affidavit being submitted accordingly. They also insisted that the affidavit should be submitted when the case comes up for hearing on Jan. 16 in the Supreme Court.

But, the Central Government is concerned not only about the Karnataka elections but also the fact that this issue is being discussed intensely in northern India. Support for saving Rama Setu has also increased within Tamilnadu.

So, Ambika Soni and other Congress high command leaders have reportedly advised Tamilnadu MPs to go slow on the latters' demands and not to insist upon the immediate submission of the affidavit but to ask for extension of time for submitting the affidavit. DMK MPs in particular have reportedly been so advised on behalf of Ambika Soni.

Source: Maalai Murasu (Evening edition of Daily Thanthi), Madurai Edition, Jan. 8, 2008
I dont think opposition parties should let congress get away with such delaying tactics. It's obvious they don't want it to hamper their election result. What a bunch of slimeballs...they question the existence of Sri Ram but don't want it to get in the way of the vote.

The BJP should keep turning the screws and this matter should always be kept in the forefront....lest the electorate forgets.

<b>Experts' report set to reignite Ram Setu row</b>
10 Jan 2008, 0102 hrs IST ,Mahendra Kumar Singh , TNN

SMS NEWS to 58888 for latest updates
NEW DELHI: The stage is getting set for renewed hostilities between UPA and Sangh Parivar over the Sethusamudram project with T R Baalu's Shipping Ministry touting the report of experts to say that no man-made structure (Ram Setu) existed.

The report will enable Baalu's DMK leadership to renew pressure for early commencement of the project at a time when the Sangh Parivar has upped its ante on it amid all indications that it may be an issue in the armoury of the rejuvenated BJP.

The government constituted a 10-member committee of "eminent" persons headed by S Ramachandran, vice-chancellor of Madras University, to examine the Sethusamudram ship canal project in the wake of the furore over the Centre's affidavit doubting the historicity of Lord Rama.

The report says, "As per the geological, geographical and remote sensing investigations carried out so far, the Adam's Bridge area is of natural origin with a particular stratigraphic sequence, formed due to marine geomorphological and coastal shoreline processes. Studies by Geological Survey of India also confirm this."

The government has defended the Rs 2,427-crore project that will dredge a channel in a narrow strip of sea between India and Sri Lanka, claiming that it will help reduce distance and cut costs for freight traffic.

It, however, has been vociferously opposed by the Sangh Parivar, besides conservationists who are concerned about the repercussions on the marine ecology.

After its wins in Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh, BJP, which has accused the government of insensitivity towards the beliefs of the majority community and of attempting to destroy evidence of the existence of a 'sethu' (bridge) believed to have been built by Lord Rama, has indicated its desire to use it as one of the themes for the coming elections.

Incidentally, Ramachandran also headed the monitoring committee on the Environment Impact Assessment for the project.

Making a strong pitch for the project, his report suggests that most of the apprehensions are based on wrong presumptions and not on any fact or scientific data.

The committee has argued that no archaeological studies have been undertaken in the Ram Sethu/Adam's Bridge area. "As yet, no evidence pertaining to archaeological remains of any manmade structure are known from this area," the report stresses.

However, the expert panel has recommended that archaeologists should be associated during the dredging work of the project in the Adam's Bridge area in order to report and recover artifacts and archaeological features, if any.

<b>Lord Rama: Fact or Fiction</b>
By Stephen Knapp

As of late, in the year 2007, the idea of whether Lord Rama exists or not has been called into question, by no less than some of the politicians in India. So it is a wonder how such persons can be accepted as leaders of the people of India who should be concerned with preserving and protecting the culture of the country. Obviously, they are neither concerned nor aware of the depths of information that can be found in support of the traditions for which India is especially known. Or, they are really attempting to dismantle or destroy the authority of the timeless nature of the civilization of the country.

In regard to Lord Rama, the point about ancient history is that the farther you go back in time, the fewer references you can use that actually refer to the incident in history. There may be many commentaries, but few quotations to the actual events.

However, when it comes to the Ramayana and the history of Lord Rama, there have been numerous authors who have accepted the Ramayana as a history of ancient events. For example, the first Governor General of India, Sri Rajaji, wrote on the Ramayana and called it a history, as also did the English Indologist Sir William Jones. Various other western authors have made a study of the culture and history of the Ramayana, such as Philip Lutgendorf in his book Rama’s Story in Shiva’s City, California University; Joe Burkhalter Flueckiger and Laurie Sears in The Boundaries of Traditional Ramayana and Mahabharata Performances in South and Southeast Asia, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; W. L. Smith on Ramayan Traditions in Eastern India, University of Stockholm, and others.

There are also numerous places that are indicated as the locations where various events happened in reference to the pastimes of Lord Rama and Sita. Thus, they are accepted as historical sites. I have personally visited many of these places, such as Ramesvaram, Nasik, Hampi, and others where there are particular locations and sites that are related to the events that took place in the life and adventures of Lord Rama. Many people accept these sites as the locations for the events described in the Ramayana. So how can this be unless there are not some reality behind it?

However, why is there not more archaeological evidence that points towards Rama’s existence? Because such an effort has not been made in India and systematic excavations have never been carried out, says historian Nandita Krishnan. She says that to doubt the existence of Rama is to doubt all literature. There is little archaeological or epigraphic evidence for either Jesus Christ or Prophet Mohammed, who are known only from the Bible and Koran respectively. Does it mean they did not exist? If Rama performs miracles such as liberating Ahalya, the Biblical story of Jesus walking on water or the Koranic tale of Mohammed flying to heaven on a horse are equally miraculous. Such stories reinforce divinity.

She also describes in summary what areas the events of Lord Rama’s life took place. She explains: “The Ramayana is geographically very correct. Every site on Rama's route is still identifiable and has continuing traditions or temples to commemorate Rama's visit. Around 1000 BC or earlier, no writer had the means to travel around the country inventing a story, fitting it into local folklore and building temples for greater credibility.

“In 1975 the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) unearthed fourteen pillar bases of kasauti stone with Hindu motifs near the mosque at Ayodhya; reports of the excavations are available with the ASI. Rama was born in Ayodhya and married in Mithila, now in Nepal. Not far from Mithila is Sitamarhi, where Sita was found in a furrow, still revered as the Janaki kund constructed by her father Janaka. Rama and Sita left Mithila for Ayodhya via Lumbini. In 249 BC, Ashoka erected a pillar in Lumbini with an inscription referring to the visits by both Rama and Buddha to Lumbini. Ashoka was much nearer in time to Rama and would be well aware of his facts.

“Rama, Lakshmana and Sita left Ayodhya and went to Sringaverapura - modern Sringverpur in Uttar Pradesh - where they crossed the River Ganga. They lived on Chitrakoot hill where Bharata and Shatrughna met them and the brothers performed the last rites for their father. Thereafter, the three wandered through Dandakaranya in Central India, described as a land of Rakshasas, obviously tribes inimical to the brothers' habitation of their land. Tribals are still found in these forests. The trio reached Nasik, on the River Godavari, which throbs with sites and events of Rama's sojourn, such as Tapovan where they lived, Ramkund where Rama and Sita used to bathe, Lakshmankund, Lakshmana's bathing area, and several caves in the area associated with their lives in the forest.

“Rama then moved to Panchavati near Bhadrachalam (AP), where Ravana abducted Sita. The dying Jatayu told them of the abduction, so they left in search of Sita. Kishkinda, near Hampi, where Rama first met Sugriva and Hanuman, is a major Ramayana site, where every rock and river is associated with Rama. Anjanadri, near Hospet, was the birthplace of Hanuman (Anjaneya); Sugriva lived in Rishyamukha on the banks of the Pampa (Tungabhadra) ; Sabari probably also lived in a hermitage there. Rama and the Vanara army left Kishkinda to reach Rameshwaram, where the Vanaras built a bridge to Lanka from Dhanushkodi on Rameshwaram Island to Talaimannar in Sri Lanka. While parts of the bridge - known as Adam's Bridge - are still visible, NASA's satellite has photographed an underwater man-made bridge of shoals in the Palk Straits, connecting Dhanushkodi and Talaimannar. On his return from Sri Lanka, Rama worshiped Shiva at Rameshwaram, where Sita prepared a Linga out of sand. It is still one of the most sacred sites of Hinduism.

“Sri Lanka also has relics of the Ramayana. There are several caves, such as Ravana Ella Falls, where Ravana is believed to have hidden Sita to prevent Rama from finding her. The Sitai Amman Temple at Numara Eliya is situated near the ashokavana where Ravana once kept her prisoner.

“All the places visited by Rama still retain memories of his visit, as if it happened yesterday. Time, in India, is relative. Some places have commemorative temples; others commemorate the visit in local folklore. But all agree that Rama was going from or to Ayodhya. Why doubt connections when literature, archaeology and local tradition meet? Why doubt the connection between Adam's Bridge and Rama, when nobody else in Indian history has claimed its construction? Why doubt that Rama traveled through Dandakaranya or Kishkinda, where local non-Vedic tribes still narrate tales of Rama? Why doubt that he was born in and ruled over Ayodhya?

“Rama's memory lives on because of his extraordinary life and his reign, which was obviously a period of great peace and prosperity, making Ramarajya a reference point. People only remember the very good or the very bad. Leftist historians have chosen to rubbish archaeology, literature and local tradition.”

Nandita Krishnan also adds that “Nobody believed that Homer's Iliad was a true story till Troy was discovered after extensive archaeology. Unfortunately, the sites of the Ramayana and Mahabharata have now been built over many times and it may never be possible to excavate extensively either at Ayodhya or Mathura.”

To further verify this aspect of the history of Lord Rama, Pushkar Bhatnagar concludes that geographical evidence for the epics is abundant. There still exist many places like Rameshwaram, Kishkindha, Kurukshetra, Hastinapura, etc. where the visits of Rama and Krishna are a basic part of local folklore.

Lack of archaeological evidence is no excuse for denying the existence of history, sums up Bhatnagar. "If the buildings of that time over 7000 years ago do not exist today, can we just infer that civilizations and personalities of that time also did not exist?"

In literature, we have the Ramayana and other texts such as the Puranas which also relate and verify the history and existence of Lord Rama. People from many other regions of the world have also accepted the Ramayana as worthy of attention, devotion, and historical evidence. For example, we can see the affects of the Ramayana tradition in many countries who have adapted their own form of the Ramayana and worship of Lord Rama, especially in the countries of Southeast Asia. These include Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia (Capuchia), Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam. Other areas can also be found where the influence of the history of Lord Rama is in affect, such as the continent of Africa was once known as Kushadvipa for having been ruled by Kush, one of Lord Rama’s sons.

The other fact is that many millions of people feel the reciprocation from Lord Rama whenever they engage in devotion to Him, or read the Ramayana, or hear the Ramayana in a katha, or watch a television show or movie about Him, or go to one of the temples dedicated to Him. This cannot be denied or neglected. Just because we have insensitive politicians who cannot perceive this reciprocation does not mean that we all are so spiritually undeveloped. This dedication and reciprocation has spread throughout the world.

There have also been astronomers who have identified the approximate time of the Ramayana by the descriptions of the stars and constellations as given in the Ramayana, or even in the Bhagavata Purana and other texts. Pushkar Bhatnagar, author of the book Dating the Era of Lord Rama, claims that there is a significant amount of information available to prove that Rama was a historical personality. He says, “Valmiki, who wrote the Ramayana, was a contemporary of Rama. While narrating the events of the epic, he has mentioned the position of the planets at several places.” He explains that by using recent planetary software, it has been possible to verify that these planetary positions actually took place precisely as specified in the Ramayana. These were not just stray events, but the entire sequence of the planetary positions as described by Valmiki at various stages of Rama’s life can be verified today as having taken place.

Bhatnagar goes on to explain: “This information is significant, since these configurations do not repeat for lakhs of years and cannot be manipulated or imagined so accurately, without the help of sophisticated software. The inference that one can draw is that someone was present there to witness the actual happening of these configurations, which got recorded in the story of Rama."

Bhatnagar provides the following quote from the Ramayana: “Rama was born on the Navami tithi of Shukla Paksha of Chaitra masa (9th day of the increasing phase of the moon in the lunar month of Chaitra). At that time, the nakshatra was Punarvasu, and Sun, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter and Venus were in Aries, Capricorn, Libra, Cancer and Pisces respectively. Lagna was Cancer and Jupiter & Moon were shining together. — Ramayana 1.18.8,9

The conditions can be summarized as follows, according to Bhatnagar:
1. Sun in Aries
2. Saturn in Libra
3. Jupiter in Cancer
4. Venus in Pisces
5. Mars in Capricorn
6. Lunar month of Chaitra
7. 9th day after New Moon (Navami Tithi, Shukla Paksh)
8. Moon near Punarvasu Nakshatra (Pollux star in Gemini constellation)
9. Cancer as Lagna (Cancer constellation rising in the east)
10. Jupiter above the horizon

According to the Planetarium software, it provides the following date: Sri Rama Navami - 10th January 5114 BCE - Birth Day of Rama, Observation at 12.30 p.m.

Bhatnagar continues: “By using a powerful planetarium software, I found that the planetary positions mentioned in Ramayana for the date of birth of Lord Ram had occurred in the sky at around 12.30 p.m. of 10th January 5114 BC. It was the ninth day of the Shukla Paksh of Chaitra month too. Moving forward, after 25 years of the birth of Lord Ram, the position of planets in the sky tallies with their description in Ramayana. Again, on the amavasya (new moon) of the 10th month of the 13th year of exile the solar eclipse had indeed occurred and the particular arrangement of planets in the sky was visible. ( Date comes to 7th October, 5077 BC). Even the occurrence of subsequent two eclipses also tally with the respective description in Valmiki Ramayana. (Date of Hanuman’s meeting Sita at Lanka was 12th September, 5076 BC). In this manner the entire sequence of the planetary positions gets verified and all the dates can be precisely determined.”

Although this provides verification of the existence for Lord Rama according to calculations as given in the Ramayana, some people feel the timing for the day and year of His birth may be different than what the planetarium software indicates. For example, Vedic astrologer Nartaka Gopala devi dasi points out that "Regarding the calculation of Lord Rama’s birth as 10th of January 5114 BCE - Birth Day of Rama, Observation at 12.30 PM, there are 2 reasons why this cannot be correct. His rising sign, or lagna, is Cancer. That places Aries in the tenth house, and He has the Sun in Aries. The placement of the Sun in any birth chart will tell the time of day of the birth. Sun in the tenth house means birth at noontime (approx. 11 AM to 2 PM). There are no exceptions to this. (Lord Krishna appeared at midnight, the Sun is in Leo, 4th house for Taurus rising. Birth at 6 PM means 7th house Sun. Birth at sunrise means 1st house Sun.) Also, in Lord Rama’s chart the Sun is in Aries, and the dates for Sun in Aries are fixed, which means the same each year on April 14th to May 13th. So how did the January 10 date come up? These two Jyotish corrections are common sense that any Vedic astrologer would immediately see." So there may be a difference in what the planetarium software suggests. This also corroborates why we who follow the Vedic calendar celebrate Lord Rama's appearance in April-May each year. So the traditional date appears accurate.

Furthermore, some people feel that the appearance of Lord Rama took place many thousands or even millions of years earlier, in the Treta-yuga. For example, the Bhagavata Purana clearly states that Lord Rama became king during Treta yuga (Bhag. 9.10.51). We have been in Kali-yuga for 5000 years. Before this was Dvapara-yuga which lasts 864,000 years. Before that was Treta-yuga, which lasts over 1,200,000 years. Thus, according to this, the existence of Lord Rama had to have been many thousands of years ago. And if Lord Rama appeared in one of the previous Treta-yugas, it would certainly indicate that Lord Rama appeared several million years ago. And this is exactly what is corroborated in the Vayu Purana.

In the Vayu Purana (70.47-48) [published by Motilal Banarsidass] there is a description of the length of Ravana’s life. It explains that when Ravana’s merit of penance began to decline, he met Lord Rama, the son of Dasarath, in a battle wherein Ravana and his followers were killed in the 24th Treta-yuga. The Roman transliteration of the verse is:

tretayuge chaturvinshe ravanastapasah kshayat
ramam dasharathim prapya saganah kshayamiyavan

The same Ramayana that gives the planetary descriptions (on which the above calculation is based) also tells that Lord Rama came in Treta-yuga. The Matsya Purana (47/240,243- 246) is another source that also gives more detail of various avataras and says Bhagawan Rama appeared at the end of the 24th Treta-yuga.

There are 1000 Treta-yugas in one day of Brahma, and it is calculated that we are presently in the 28th cycle of the four yugas (called divya-yugas, which is a cycle of the four yugas, Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga, Dvapara-yuga, and then Kali-yuga) of Vaivasvata Manu, who is the seventh Manu in the series of 14 Manu rulers who exist in one kalpa or day of Brahma. Each Manu is considered to live for 71 such divya-yuga cycles. So, without getting too complicated about things, from the 24th Treta-yuga to the present age of this 28th cycle of Kali-yuga, there is obviously a difference of millions of years when Lord Rama manifested here on earth. This gives the period of Lord Rama approximately 18 million years ago. Furthermore, the planetary positions mentioned in the Ramayana would also have occurred multiple times in history prior to the calculated date. Of course, few people may believe this unless they are already familiar with the vast lengths of time that the Vedic literature deals with.

Nonetheless, maybe there is further reason why we should accept that Lord Rama appeared millions of years ago. In the Valmiki Ramayana, Sundara-Kanda (or Book 5), Chapter 4, verse 27, [Gita Press, Gorakhpur, India] it explains that when Hanuman first approached Ravana’s palace, he saw the doorways surrounded by horses and chariots, palanquins and aerial cars, beautiful horses and elephants, nay, with four-tusked elephants decked with jewels resembling masses of white clouds.

Elsewhere in the Valmiki Ramayana, Sundara-Kanda (or Book 5), Chapter 27, verses12, an ogress named Trijata has a dream of Lord Rama, which she describes to the other demoniac ogresses upon awakening. In that dream she sees Rama, scion of Raghu, united again with Sita. Sri Rama was mounted on a huge elephant, closely resembling a hill, with four tusks.

The question is how could there be a mention of the elephants with four tusks unless Valmiki and the people of his era were familiar with such creatures? A quick search on the Encarta Encyclopedia will let us know that these four-tusked elephants were known as Mastodontoidea, which are said to have evolved around 38 million years ago and became extinct about 15 million years ago when the shaggy and two tusked Mastodons increased in population. Now there’s something to think about, eh? So this would mean that the specific planetary configuration that is described in the Ramayana, and is verified by Pushkar Bhatnagar, may have indeed happened, but at a time millions of years prior to merely 10,000 years ago.

In this way, as we go through the evidence, we can see how Lord Rama was an actual historic personality, as described in the Ramayana and in other Puranic texts. Nonetheless, there will always be those for whom no matter what you present for verification, it will not be enough. Some just won't believe it. Some will, some won't, so what, let's move on. But many in the world already accept the authority of the Ramayana and other Vedic texts for the verification of the existence of Lord Rama.

Jaya Sri Rama!

You can also read the summarized version of the Ramayana as found here on my website.

[Available at: www.stephen- knapp.com]

Ambika Soni wants to protect Braj Bhoomi.."associated with Lord Krishna"
<!--QuoteBegin-Shambhu+Jan 13 2008, 01:51 AM-->QUOTE(Shambhu @ Jan 13 2008, 01:51 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->http://vivekajyoti.blogspot.com/

Ambika Soni wants to protect Braj Bhoomi.."associated with Lord Krishna"
[right][snapback]77060[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Shambhu, do you have the exact link? I can't locate the specific page where the Catholic Soni is temporarily saying she wants to protect the sacred Krishna site in order to pretend she is not gunning for Hindu Dharma with that congressi christo-plan to take down RamarSethu.
<!--QuoteBegin-Husky+Jan 13 2008, 04:11 AM-->QUOTE(Husky @ Jan 13 2008, 04:11 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin--><!--QuoteBegin-Shambhu+Jan 13 2008, 01:51 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Shambhu @ Jan 13 2008, 01:51 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->http://vivekajyoti.blogspot.com/

Ambika Soni wants to protect Braj Bhoomi.."associated with Lord Krishna"
[right][snapback]77060[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Shambhu, do you have the exact link? I can't locate the specific page where the Catholic Soni is temporarily saying she wants to protect the sacred Krishna site in order to pretend she is not gunning for Hindu Dharma with that congressi christo-plan to take down RamarSethu.

Here ya go!
Thanks k.ram...

Me too: thanks for the link.
Ravana body inside Srilankan cave.
above is being continuously broadcasted by Zee news since yesterday. their team went to SLanka for the coverage.

The "airports" and the portraits of Vibhishana in Lankan parliament were impressive, and also the "aircraft repair shop sites".

The sculptures in the ancient bauddha vihara-s depicting the rAjyAbhisek of vibhishan by Rama were very good. Interesting were the five "airports" and other sites spread in different areas of Lanka, showing the signs of some very ancient burns, of a very similar type at each site, at similar depth. The commentator claimed this was probably the sabotage fire by Hanumana to burn down the strategic sites of Ravana. Also an ancient pratima depicting the vimana, which looked like mechanized garuda was also interesting.

SLanka tourism dept's interest in the above story was quite visible.

Watch out for firecrackers tomorrow when the deadline for the UPA govt to submit the modified affidavit in Supreme Court ends. It is understood that MMSingh has directly supervised the affidavit this time. Also probably the fake committee's report running into volumes will also be submitted.

My guess, given the winds blowing in TN and after the defeat in Guj and HP, UPA is likely to bow down or at least lie low for now on Rama Setu. May Surya Narayana grant the villains sadbuddhi.
Youtube video regarding Ram Setu. Showing the true face of upa and its allies
Sorry if posted earlier.
ok, so they will lie low for now.

<span style='color:red'>Ram Setu: Centre seeks more time from SC to file affidavit  </span>

Zeenews Bureau

New Delhi, Jan 16: In an apparent attempt to buy more time the Centre on Wednesday sought at least two more weeks from the Supreme Court for filing the expert committee report over the Ram Sethu also known as Adam`s Bridge.

The Centre’s plea has come at a time when the apex court was all set to hear a number of petitions demanding the Ram Sethu to be declared as a monument of national heritage.

Former Union Minister and Rajya Sabha member Dr Subramanian Swamy is one of the petitioners who are seeking a heritage status and also want the Centre to declare a moratorium on the issue.

The petitioners had earlier opposed the demolition of the Ram Sethu to complete the Sethu Samudram project, citing the fact that crores of Hindus believed that Lord Rama built this bridge with the help of his army of monkeys to reach Sri Lanka.

In view of the wide spread opposition to the Sethu Samudram project, the apex court has already restrained the government from demolishing Ram Sethu.

The Tamil Nadu government is already under scanner for filing an affidavit questioning the very existence of characters and events described in Ramayana.

In fact state’s Chief Minister M Karunanidhi is facing Contempt of Court proceedings for holding Tamil Nadu bandh on October 1 last year defying the orders of the apex court.

As of now, the Union government is also not keen on to proceed further on the highly vexed issue, as assembly elections in several states are scheduled to be held in the second half of this year. 


<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->NDTV Correspondent
Sethusamudram project: Centre may change position
Thursday, January 10, 2008 (New Delhi)

The Centre has been forced to rethink its position on the proposed Sethusamudram project to dredge a shipping channel between India and Sri Lanka that threatens the Ram Setu.

The affidavit would be prepared by Cabinet Secretary and three other secretaries.

The decision was taken at a meeting chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. The Culture Minister Ambika Soni and Shipping Minister Baalu attended meeting.

The government has decided to avoid another controversy by getting the shipping and culture ministries to file a single affidavit on the project.

For this, it will ask the Supreme Court for more time.


<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Sethu issue to come up in SC

Sam Daniel
Wednesday, January 16, 2008 (Chennai)
The Sethusamudram controversy will figure in the Supreme Court on Wednesday with the three-month deadline for the Centre's response on the issue coming to an end.

But the government is likely to ask for two more weeks' time to file its affidavit so that it could come up with a face-saving agreement, between the Shipping ministry, which is pushing for the expert committee report, which concluded that the Ram Setu was not man-made.

The Culture ministry, which says no archaeological study, endorses this stand.

But as the wrangling continues in Court, here is another point to ponder.

Will shipping companies use the controversial Sethusamudram Channel after completion? Well the answer could be a big no.

While the ruling DMK is spearheading the project, a state-owned shipping company has refused to entertain an RTI petition on this in Tamilnadu, giving credence to the view that the project may not be economically viable.

Even a Shipping company owned by the Tamil Nadu government seems to have not made up its mind on using the Sethusamudram Channel after its completion.

On a petition filed under the RTI, the state owned Poompuhar Shipping Corporation has no answer on possible savings in distance, time and fuel by their vessels sailing from the West to the East coast of India.

This denial of information on technical grounds has led this petitioner a retired IAS officer to believe that an inconvenient truth is being withheld that could expose the economic unviability of the project.

Precisely what maritime experts have been harping on. Activists are now demanding a white paper on this aspect from the Central government.

''This corporation which will derive maximum mileage, I thought would have worked out all of this. They say the information is not available in the records of the Poompuhar Shipping Corporation,'' said AK Venkata Subramanian, Catalyst Trust.

''It is surprising. Any organisation worth the salt will think ahead for the next five years or ten years,'' he added.

''By sailing through the Sethusamudram Channel, a shipping company loses nineteen lakh rupees from Kolkotta to Tuticorin,'' said Captain H Balakrishnan, Maritime expert.

The project aims at providing a continuous navigation channel between the East and West coast of India, without circumnavigating Sri Lanka.

But the delay in implementation could cost the project forty percent more, touching a whopping four thousand crore rupees, and the channel could become all the more expensive to use.

But the DMK's Shipping Minister, TR Baalu, is sticking to his guns, and says the project will be a boon to his home state.

Even as the central government is fighting the Ram Sethu issue in the Supreme Court, the shipping companies in Tamil Nadu seem to have their own reservations about the much-hyped project.

And it is not just Poompuhar Shipping Corporation, NDTV contacted six private companies as well. None of them are willing to echo the Shipping Ministry's claim that it will be economically viable.


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