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Rama Setu -2
<!--QuoteBegin-k.ram+Feb 29 2008, 05:56 PM-->QUOTE(k.ram @ Feb 29 2008, 05:56 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Centre files fresh affidavit on Sethusamudram project</b>
Fri, Feb 29 04:30 PM

<b>The Centre says state policy cannot be decided on the basis of any faith.</b><!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Then why do these congresswallas give public money to the muslims for their haj. That is also an state policy made on the basis of the belief of the muslims that praying at mecca will nullify their sins.

<!--QuoteBegin-k.ram+Feb 29 2008, 05:56 PM-->QUOTE(k.ram @ Feb 29 2008, 05:56 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->The Centre also adds that this is a possible alignment for the Sethusamudram project and besides, the danger of tsunami will be minimised by coming out of this project.[right][snapback]79105[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
False and misleading statement. The project will increase the damage to the indian coastline if an tsunami occurs in the indian ocean region.
I've read articles stating that without Ram Setu, the monazite sands of Kerala would erode away by wave action. As we all know, India's Thorium reserves are concentrated in this area.

There are alot of ramifications to this and unfortunately, the UPA govt is plunging headlong into this like the Indo-US nuke deal.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The Centre says state policy cannot be decided on the basis of any faith.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Only fools can decide Shah Bano, why not they demolish Masjid or Makbra in Cannaught Circus, New Delhi. For those case Moron COngressi come out flashing secular card.
<b>Govt offers scant religious link for Sethu</b>

<i>The Union government filed its affidavit in the Supreme Court without addressing a key question: is the Adam's Bridge, or Ram Sethu, man-made or natural?</i>

Malathi Nayak and Krishnamurthy Ramasubbu

New Delhi, March 1, 2008: After weeks of dithering, seeking extensions and withdrawing previously filed affidavits, the Union government filed its affidavit in the Supreme Court without addressing a key question: is the Adam's Bridge, or Ram Sethu, man-made or natural?

Only two of 89 paragraphs of the affidavit discuss religion, largely leaving the court to decide the fate of a project that has been held up primarily because of opposition to it on religious grounds.

"The state respects all religions and faiths, but cannot make them a basis and instrument of State policy," the affidavit says.

Read the affidavit filed by the government

Part I http://hinduthought .googlepages. com/setuaffidavi t1.pdf (5mb)

Part II http://hinduthought .googlepages. com/setuaffidavi t2.pdf (5mb)

Part III http://hinduthought .googlepages. com/setuaffidavi t3.pdf (5mb)

Part IV http://hinduthought .googlepages. com/setuaffidavi t4.pdf (5mb)

Countless Hindus believe the walkway between India and Sri Lanka was made by Hindu god Ram and that belief has sparked massive protests against a government plan to dredge the Sethu to shorten shipping routes. The issue united disparate groups, such as the Vishwa Hindu Parishad and environmentalists, and the Bharatiya Janata Party, which is seeking to find a cause, especially in south India, and local fisherman who said their livelihoods were at stake.

Concerns also were raised over the fiscal soundness of the Rs2,600 crore project, as costs skyrocketed and loan terms expired.

In its affidavit, though, the government provided no evidence of the creation of the bridge. In addition, the Union government questioned why petitioners only approached the court in May 2007, some five years after the project had been approved. The rest of the affidavit details the history and background of the project—indeed, one proposal to dredge a canal dates back to 1860.

The government says the present dredging route was chosen after weighing ecological and environmental considerations.

Noting the report of the Committee of Eminent Persons, a group the government had convened to examine the issue, the Union government asked the court to resolve the sticky situation based on the committee's conclusions.

In some ways, petitioners fear that if the issue stays with the court, it will remain dormant, similar to the case brought against politicians alleging involvement in the Babri Masjid demolition. Alluding to this, Janata party leader and petitioner Subramanian Swa-my said, "Once the case gets stuck, the Ram Sethu is safe."

He expressed concern over the government not paying heed to the Madras high court's direction, later upheld by the Supreme Court, that the ministry of culture conduct an investigation into the ancient archaeological site and explain its religious and cultural importance.

"The government has not taken a clear cut stand and they have already destroyed their own case," claimed Swamy. "They are also looking to the courts to fish them out of this predicament. "

A senior counsel of the Supreme Court, who did not wish to be identified, said: "It is right that scientific evidence cannot be used to decide upon a matter of faith. How can one prove without doubt that Jesus was put on the cross? The court will say that the government is not addressing the matter presented by the petitioners and will refuse to vacate the stay" on the Ram Sethu project, he predicted.

On 31 January, the court gave the government a four-week extension to file its affidavit, after it withdrew its earlier two affidavits in September last year that included a controversial affidavit that stated there was no evidence to prove the existence of Ram.

(malathi.n@livemint. com)

<!--emo&<_<--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/dry.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='dry.gif' /><!--endemo-->
'The UPA-led government may just lose all the popularity it purchased through the Union Budget, thanks to its muddled handling of the sensitive Sethusamudram project off the Rameswaram coast in Tamil Nadu. Its lawyers have submitted a fresh affidavit before the Supreme Court giving the go-ahead to demolish the "Ram Setu" but withdrew their earlier stance on Rama being part of mythology and not history.'

UPA is ignoring majority population sentiments or I can say they had shown middle finger to Hindus all over world.
Indians should show them door ASAP.

Sri Rameswaram Ramsetu Raksha Manch (Sri Rameswaram Ramsetu Protection Forum), Sankat Mochan Ashram, Ramakrishna Puram-6, New Delhi 110022; Telefax 011-26103495, 26178992).

VHP/764/2008 Dated: March 03, 2008

Media statement of General Secretary of Sri Rameswaram Ramsetu Raksha Manch, Shri S. Vedantam and President of Vishva Hindu Parishad, Shri Ashok Singhal

The UPA government at the centre has decided to file an over smart and scheming affidavit with the Supreme Court of India that downright preempts the historicity of Ram. This insensitive and defeatist government stance is now all over the media. By this offensive and monstrous stand, the government has hurt the cultural sensibilities of crores of people of the country.

The government would remember, and it must not forget it, that a historic grand conference of 10 lakh people was held in Delhi on December 30, 2007 to register the demands for protection of Ram Setu and its declaration as a historic national heritage. Before that on September 10, 2007 when the Central Government in an affidavitto the Supreme Court had denied the existence of Ram and the Ramayana, the whole country responded with widespread and successful 'Chakka Jam' protests on September 12, 2007.

The Ram Setu Raksha Manch urges the entire Hindu society to take out motor-cycle and scooter rallies all over the country on March 04-05 (Tuesday and Wednesday), 2008 to express their opposition to the government decision to file affidavit in the Supreme Court on March 05, 2008 whereby it wants to get the stay order regarding Ram Setu vacated. The rallies should culminate in meetings to address the nationalist issue.

By averring these in an affidavit that there is no scientific proof of the existence of Ram Setu and that it is not man-made but a natural formation, the Government of India has again tried to reject the existence of Sri Ram. It has also conspired to trash various other historical evidences of lakhs of years that corroborate the truth of Ram Setu. Therefore, it is about time the people of the country put themselves on high gear to assert the historicity of Ram-Krishna and save their hoary and holistic beliefs, ethos and moorings.

This affidavit maintains a hush on the questions that the Hon'ble High Court and the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India had asked of the Government of India to expressly address in the affidavit pertaining to the Sethusamudram Shipping Channel Project (SSCP) and the Rama Setu.

The Hon'ble Courts had asked –

Why was the Ramsetu-breaking alignment picked out when the Government had 6 suggested alignments to consider? Why were not the other alternative routes taken into account?
The Government had been asked and its attention drawn to show cause as to why not the Ramsetu be declared a National Heritage? Has the Government got the matter examined to declare it a National Heritage site?

The Central Government has not at all addressed these questions in the affidavit.

The Central Government had already given a show of its infected mindset and vested interests by forming an Eminent Persons Committee that included only its handpicked 'Yes Persons'. Their anti-Ram and anti-Ramayan stance is now more pronounced by the report of the so-called Committee. There has been acute humiliation of the country and its scientists of standing by this line up of lies, as there are many so-called scientists/experts on this Committee who are pronouncedly anti-Ram and anti-Bharatiya culture.

Only recently the Government of India recommended many 'Namghars' (Places of Worship) situated on the 'Majuli Island' of River Brahmaputra to be declared as National Heritage centres. These institutions are about 350 years old. Also, when recently some people opposed and initiated a litigation to stop the ancient 'Jalli-Kattu' festival of Madurai region of Tamil Nadu ('Jalli' is 'Bull' and 'kattu' is 'Catch/contain' in Tamil. It is, therefore, the 'Bull Overpowering' festival by the agrarian society that depends upon 'Bull Power' for prosperity), in that matter the Government of Tamil Nadu approached the Supreme Court to save the celebrations from being stopped terming it as a subject of 'faith' (aasthaa) and tradition. The Supreme Court gave an order to the effect that aasthaa should be protected. But, in the case of Ram Setu, both these governments, under cover of so-called secularism, are opposed to recognizing it as a matter of 'faith' and, thus, being dishonest and playing with the cultural and civilizational sensibilities of the people of the country. Development can always be reconciled with such vital national sensibilities.

Today why is not the Ram Temple being constructed at Sri Ram Janma Bhumi and why is not the Ram Setu being recognized? The main reason is that the Government of India has a dirty mindset not to accept the historicity of Ram. In this way, by denying the existence of Ram, this secular gang is making efforts to diffuse the movement for construction of the Janmabhumi Temple. Its line is that there was no Ram, therefore, where is the question of Sriram Janma Bhumi, Ram Setru and the Ramayana?

They denied our Ram-Krishna, Vedas-Puranas and Sarasvati River and are now denying the Ram Setu – the empirical evidence of the times and exploits of Sri Ram – whereas Sri Ram is in fact a historical personage. After independence, the Government of India should have justifiably glorified the places that Sri Ram sojourned through during His exile days, and even today people celebrate hundreds of these places, but this government by denying the existence of Ram is bent upon destroying the existence of all these historic landmarks bearing the footprints of Ram that dot the North-South corridor. Now the Hindu society must be extremely vigilant.

In fact it would have been proper on the part of the Central Government that in line with the belief of Bharatiya culture it should have accepted the historicity of Ram and declared the Ram Setu as historic national heritage in the affidavit to the Supreme Court. Instead, it has committed a grave crime by doing gymnastics to re-assert its old stand of non-existence of Sri Ram with new jugglery of words.

The Government of India must refrain from getting the stay order vacated so long as the protection of Ram Setu is not ensured, as the impartiality of the Government is now under question in view of its behaviour with Hindus marked by crookedness and polluted mindset.

So long as the Ram Setu is not declared a historic national heritage, the strong movement for protection of Ram Setu would continue unabated. By utilizing their constitutional rights, the people of the country, would continue the movement for protection of Ram Setu and stop not till the goal is reached.

Released by Sri Rameswaram Ramsetu Raksha Manch

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The Supreme Court today fixed April 15 to hear the petition against the Sethusamudram project, asking the parties opposing it to file their reply to the fresh affidavit filed by the Centre.

A bench headed by Chief Justice K G Balakrishnan said that on April 15 it will further decide the date for further hearing on the matter. 

1.5 months more. <!--emo&Smile--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->

Five date extensions in seven months.

Since the dredging is stopped for several months now, and can not resume during the monsoon season which will set-in in May. Dredging can only practically start from November'08, ASSUMING the stay is vacated, ASSUMING dredger ships are available for lease, and assuming UPA lasts till then (total chances of all of these seem bleek).

Which means all the dredging the fools did is undone by the nature by then.

Let us hope the UPA govt is removed from power and Baalu-waalu are disposed off in the Indian Ocean by then.

Recover the whole money wasted from the fools, and declare Ram Setu a heritage.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Chief petitioner Subramanian Swamy said he plans to inform the court of his first reactions and ask the bench to dismiss the affidavit because it does not answer the court’s questions.

Before the case was transferred to the Supreme Court, the Madras high court had asked the government two questions about the project: Why was this channel alignment chosen among six alternatives? And has the ministry of culture conducted any research on the bridge’s cultural significance?

The Supreme Court upheld these questions when the case was transferred from the high court. Now, one withdrawn affidavit, four date extensions and seven months later, the government has still not responded, Swamy said. “The department of shipping has filed it when the Union government should have done that. It explains why this route was chosen in the context of the environment. But, when I raised that question (of alignment), I was looking for answers about its economics and national security implications,” he said. “They don’t even address the second question.”

Meanwhile, “we are preparing for a massive andolan (movement) if anyone attacks the Ram Sethu,” said VHP president, Ashok Singhal. “They have declared a war on Hindus and we will not stand by.”

<!--QuoteBegin-Bodhi+Mar 5 2008, 05:37 PM-->QUOTE(Bodhi @ Mar 5 2008, 05:37 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->1.5 months more.  <!--emo&Smile--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo--> 

Five date extensions in seven months.

Since the dredging is stopped for several months now, and can not resume during the monsoon season which will set-in in May.  Dredging can only practically start from November'08, ASSUMING the stay is vacated, ASSUMING dredger ships are available for lease, and assuming UPA lasts till then (total chances of all of these seem bleek).

Which means all the dredging the fools did is undone by the nature by then.
[right][snapback]79321[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Tataastu Bodhi.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Let us hope the UPA govt is removed from power and Baalu-waalu are disposed off in the Indian Ocean by then.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->You're being uncharitable Bodhi! What about his friends: poor Sonia, Ambika Soni and the whole gang? It's wrong to separate them from Baalu when he goes swimming one-way into Hindu Mahasagar. Let them all swim away from Bharat together, I say.
<!--QuoteBegin-Husky+Mar 5 2008, 06:00 PM-->QUOTE(Husky @ Mar 5 2008, 06:00 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->What about his friends: poor Sonia, Ambika Soni and the whole gang? It's wrong to separate them from Baalu when he goes swimming one-way into Hindu Mahasagar. Let them all swim away from Bharat together, I say.

<!--emo&Big Grin--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo--> all the more of them the better. sooner the better and farther even better, not be be seen or heard in Bharat ever again. these mosquitoes will be in the insignificant footnotes when history of Bharat will be re-written.
The so-called 300 / 3000 Ramayanas: The Dravidian propaganda By Vedaprakash
<!--QuoteBegin-Bodhi+Mar 18 2008, 01:30 PM-->QUOTE(Bodhi @ Mar 18 2008, 01:30 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->The so-called 300 / 3000 Ramayanas: The Dravidian propaganda By Vedaprakash
Read also this blog on the same subject
SMS "ram" to 53030, register your vote, forward this information to your friends in India.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->E-voting for Ram Sethu

Ram Sethu Raksha Manch has started electronic voting to get the Ram Sethu declared an international monument. Inaugurating the e-voting in Delhi, Shri Vinod Bansal, media incharge of Indraprastha VHP, appealed to the people to write “ram” in the write message box of their mobile phone and send it to 53030. After sending this message a confirmation SMS would be received. “We have stored these votes in a database and will present it to the authorities concerned at an appropriate time. A large number of SMS were sent by the VHP and Bajrang Dal workers the same day for the Sethu. The campaign is still on.  (FOC)


<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Ban on turban is violation of human rights: Sikh Sangat

The Shiromani Committee of Rashtriya Sikh Sangat, an apex body of the organisation, has condemned the ban imposed by the Government of France on wearing turban by the Sikh students and described it as an open violation of the human rights. The committee, which met in Shri Guru Harikishan Secondary School, Bharatpur (Rajasthan) from March 8 to 9, further said the ban on turban is part of the Christians’ conspiracy against the Sikhs.

In a resolution, the Committee demanded to declare the Ram Sethu a national monument and scrap the Sethusamudaram Ship Canal Project forthwith. The resolution said the destruction of Ram Sethu would be disastrous and the government must not destroy the Sethu. In another resolution the Committee demanded declaration of the martyrdom day of Guru Teg Bahadur the Shahidi Diwas and it should be celebrated as a national festival. The Committee also discussed in detail the celebration of 300 years of making Shri Gurugranth Saheb as Guru.

Shri Madhubhai Kulkarni, Akhil Bharatiya Bauddhik Pramukh of RSS and guide of the Sikh Sangat was also present at the meeting. Sardar Chiranjiv Singh, founder of the Sangat, Sardar Gurucharan Singh Gill, president of the Sangat and Shri Avinash Jaiswal, general secretary, also guided the delegates at the meeting.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Textual evidence (19th century) for a third s'ivamandiram located in the middle of Rama Setu

Kumara Guru Dasa Swamigal or Pamban Swamigal 1848-1929 had sung 6666 songs. In the compilation realated to tirthasthana dars'ana, (referred to in Tamil as Tiruvalam); in the second kaanda (kat.t.al.aik kavittur-aikal.), there is a song titled: Tiruccetumatti (In the middle of Rama Setu);

Translation from Tamil rendering is as follows:

In the middle of Rama Setu enveloped by the ocean and the clouds, is the s'ivalinga worshipped by vibhuti-wearing Rama, the Kaakutsa ; I bow down with love imagining S'iva in the form of  Kugesa Muruga who is searching for me and finds me.

This remarkable song emphatically provides literary evidence for the existence of a third s'iva linga on Rama Setu: one is at Rasmes'waram, the other is at Tirukkedees'varam (on the Talaimannar end) and the third is in the middle of Rama Setu.

This textual evidence matches with the tradition held sacred by people of the nation. Grandmothers recall with fondness that their ancestors had performed setutirtham at this Ramar Palam S'ivamandiram praying for the blessing of child-birth (magarperu).

It is the duty of Archaeological Survey of India to find this third s'ivamandiram.

This and other textual and archaeological evidences are contained in the Second Part of Setubandhanam (Ramar Palam), a book authored by R. Subbarayalu and published in March 2008 by Thanjavur, Mamannan Padippagam, 126 Natcattiranagar, Thanjavur 613005. All citizens of the world who adore the heritage of Sri Rama owe an immense debt of gratitude to Shri R. Subbarayulu for publishing updates of the gem of a work, a veritable garland of literary flowers adoring Sri Rama and Rama Setu or Setubandhanam.

This work adds to the evidence recorded in the Madras High Court's judgement of 19 June 2007 emphatically attesting to the ancient monument, Rama Setu.

It is possible that the cyclone which submerged some portions of Rama Setu in 1480 also submerged this third s'ivamandiram on Ramar Palam (Rama Setu).

Gyan.com - Setu Pictures
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Sethu project hearing set for April 29
Posted online: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 at 1033 hrs IST

New Delhi, April 15:
The Supreme Court on Tuesday posted April 29 as the hearing date on the Centre's plea to go ahead with the Sethusamudram project.

The Centre had on February 29 filed a fresh affidavit in the apex court seeking clearance to go ahead with the Sethusamudram project on the same alignment saying issues of faith cannot be resolved through scientific evidence.

The 60-page affidavit cleared by the Cabinet Committee of Political Affairs (CCPA), which was chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, had said that the opposition to the project which started two years back was "misconceived" and "unsubstantiated" and the court should "refrain from interdicting".

The Centre had said that a committee of eminent persons appointed on October 5, 2007 re-examined the entire project, including the six possible alignments to conclude that the alignment No-6 (Rama Setu) was the "best alternative" and to alter channel alignment at this stage would be "infeasible" as it would lead to huge loses to the public exchequer.

"The alignment No-6 (Rama Setu) is backed by sound environmental, navigational, engineering and trans-boundary considerations.

"Therefore, the assertion that the alignment has been arbitrarily resorted to and other viable alternatives have been deliberately left out for malafide reasons is wrong and baseless," the affidavit said seeking vacation of apex court's interim orders directing not to damage the 'Rama Setu'.


<b>Frivolous queries </b>

The Pioneer Edit Desk

Let's not question popular faith

The contentious Ram Setu issue has once again attracted controversy, this time in the Supreme Court. The questions raised by the Bench comprising Chief Justice KG Balakrishnan and Justice RV Raveendran, while hearing a bunch of petitions challenging the Sethusamudram Ship Channel Project, are gratuitous and in poor taste. The court has queried as to how the Ram Setu could be called a place of worship, adding, "Who does puja in the middle of the sea?" Nobody. But for millions of Indians Ram Setu is integral to their veneration of Ram and an indivisible part of their civilisational identity. To be fair to the bench, it has clarified that it was not expressing any opinion on the merits of the case. Those familiar with the working of the Supreme Court, or indeed other courts, are aware that they often pose uncomfortable questions that sound inimical to a party but are not necessarily reflective of bias on their part. Such questions do not necessarily make their way into court orders but are posed with the intention of seeking clarity on the issues before it. Yet, perhaps the bench could have rephrased these questions in a manner that would reflect greater sensitivity - popular sentiments cannot be entirely ignored by the executive, legislature or the judiciary, so long as it does not militate against the basic principles of the Constitution. It would also be pertinent to underscore the fact that the issue of Ram Setu is not at all about a place of worship in the middle of the sea where puja is performed. It is about a particular spot that people believe is the bridge Hanuman built for Ram to cross the sea to Lanka. There are many such sacred places - trees, groves, lakes, river banks and even mountains. Not all are worshipped but that does not diminish their sanctity. Also, those opposed to the destruction of Ram Setu - or call it Adam's Bridge if you must - have raised issues related to environmental and ecological concerns which belong to the secular domain. To raise frivolous questions would be tantamount to minimising these concerns. In any event, there are aspects of religiosity that are not defined by either rites or rituals associated with worship: Faith need not have a visible manifestation.

The point about Ram Setu which people often miss is that the question whether it is a crafted structure or a natural rock formation is totally irrelevant to the discourse. What is important is that the site is held sacred by a vast majority of Indians as it was held sacred by their ancestors. Such belief - which is not unique to either this country or Hinduism - cannot be held to strict tests of rationality. <b>If the faith of others is inviolable, so is the faith associated with Ram Setu. </b>
<!--QuoteBegin-k.ram+Apr 17 2008, 07:43 AM-->QUOTE(k.ram @ Apr 17 2008, 07:43 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->The court has queried as to how the Ram Setu could be called a place of worship, adding, "Who does puja in the middle of the sea?" Nobody.

skanda purANa’s third book, brahmakhaNDaM, opens with a section called setu-mahAtmya and the 48th and 49th verses from its first chapter known as setu-gamana-phalAdi-varNanam are:

setusaikatamadhyeyaH shete tatpAMsukunThitaH |
yAvantaH pAMsavo lagnAstasyAnge viprasattamAH || (48)
tAvatAM bramhahatyAnAM nASaH syAnnAtra saMSayaH |
setumadhyastha vAten yasyAngaH spR^syate-akhilaM || (49)


(48) One, who prostrates in the middle of the Setu's sandbank (setu-saikata-madhye), his sins becomes dulled. And ultimately his sins are subdued, O Best of the Dvija-s. (49) (So much so), that the grimmest sin that arises from killing a Bramhana, no doubt, even that is destroyed by performing rites there - (when) every part of the (sinner's) body touches the winds in the middle of the Setu ( setu-madhyastha-vAta).

here the text is specifically prescribing the actual rituals (puja) at the very rama setu (yes sir, in the middle of the sea if His Highness pleases). So absolutely, going by the textual evidence, the contention of Setu itself being a place of worship is undeniable.
I remember reading about a lineage of Sethupatis, charged with protection of the Rama Sethu. These continued into modern times.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><span style='color:red'>SC commences final hearing on Sethusamudram project</span>

The final hearing on Sethusamudram project today commenced in the Supreme Court with opponents of the project contending that the venture was cleared without a comprehensive assessment which involved demolition of "Ram Setu" having potential of being declared as ancient monument.

The first project of its kind in the world requiring cutting across of the seabed was granted green signal without comprehensive environmental impact assessment, risk evaluation and investigation to find out if that Rama Setu or Adams bridge was a man-made structure with religious faith attached to it, those opposing the scheme contended.

"The ASI should conduct intensive investigation to find out whether Rama Setu is a man-made structure or not," senior advocate K K Venugopal, appearing for former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa and Dandi Swami Sri Vidyananda Bhartiji, a monk of Sankaracharya order, said opposing the Centre's plea seeking vacation of the interim order directing it not to damage the Ram Setu.

"In the event of Rama Setu coming within the definition of monument after investigation, the Centre has a duty to declare it as a monument of national importance and the place as an archaeological site with the state government having responsibility to protect it," he submitted before a Bench headed by Chief Justice K G Balakrishnan.

However, the Bench, also comprising Justices R V Raveendran and J M Panchal, wanted to know from those opposing the project whether any application was filed before Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) for declaring Ram Setu as an ancient monument.

Janata Party President Subramanium Swamy and others, who have also challenged the project, replied in affirmative and said no decision has been taken yet by ASI on the applications. A petition signed by 35 lakh people was also submitted to the President, they said. Swamy said he had written a letter to the concerned minister for declaring "Rama Setu" as ancient monument.

Before the question was put up by the Bench, Venugopal had said the question of religious faith and sanctity attached with "Rama Setu" will not arise once the investigation by the ASI will prove that it was a man-made structure.

Further, for declaring the place as religious site it has to be established that people have religious faith --- which only exists in an individual's mind, he said.

The senior advocate said just like it is a matter of faith that Christ was crucified in Golgotha Hills in Jerusalem and needs no verification, the belief and religious faith of 800 million Hindus are attached to "Rama Setu."

Venugopal said the report of the Committee appointed by the Centre to review the project was inconsistent and clearly exposed a typical mindset.

"What is stopping them from conducting an investigation through the ASI," he said, contending that "there is a strong possibility that the structure was man made".

"Development projects are necessary for the progress of the country but not at the cost of ancient culture and civilisation," he said, opposing the report of the Committee and government's stand for seeking clearance for going ahead with the Rs 2,087 crore project.

Earlier, senior advocate Sriram Panchu, appearing for another petitioner O Fernandes, opposed to the project, also questioned the working of the expert committee.

He said that instead of conducting the ground work on the feasibility of the venture, it was only advising how the project could go on in the present form.


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