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Radical Islam and internal security
<b>Pak leader links terror to madarsas</b>
New Delhi, June 1: A politician whose party is a partner in Pakistan’s ruling coalition today <b>surprised a conference on terrorism here by declaring that madarsas in his country were “breeding grounds” of terror.</b>

Hasham Baber, additional secretary-general of the Awami National Party, said political sermons, not just lectures on Islam, were delivered in such institutions in the federally administered tribal areas, bordering Afghanistan.

<b>“The breeding grounds should be removed because on Fridays, it isn’t Islam that is taught but political sermons. Both Afghanistan and India will benefit,”</b> he told the conference organised by Jama Masjid United Forum. The Speaker of Afghanistan’s senate, Safghadullah Mojaddedi, was also present.

<b>Most reacted cautiously to the comments. </b>The Jama Masjid’s imam, Syed Ahmed Bukhari, made it clear that Baber had only expressed his “own views” about affairs in Pakistan.

<b>Assam chief minister Tarun Gogoi disagreed with Baber</b>, saying madarsas in his state weren’t teaching terror.<b>Social activist Teesta Setalvad spoke of the threat from “Right-wing Hindu schools in tribal areas” and about the kind of “mob terrorism” seen during the Gujarat riots</b>. <!--emo&:roll--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ROTFL.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='ROTFL.gif' /><!--endemo-->

Muslims being stereo-typed in India, says Mohd Haneef

June 03, 2008 10:51 IST

Mohd Haneef, who was imprisoned in Australia on false charges of terrorism last year, feels an apology by Canberra for the treatment meted out to him would make Indians happy.

The Bangalore-based doctor criticised "stereo-typing of Muslims as terrorists or sympathisers of terrorists" as was done in his case and cautioned that such an "unfortunate" tendency was creeping into this country, too.
I don't expect an apology (from the Australian government) for that matter as such but definitely, people of India who supported me throughout (the ordeal) would be delighted if they (Australia) come out with that (apology)," 28-year-old Haneef said.

Haneef, who was working at a hospital in Gold Coast in Australia, was arrested in July last year in connection with a failed terror attack in Britain. He spent nearly a month in detention before charges against him proved wrong. He thanked the Indian government and people for supporting him during his days of ordeal in Australia.

"I acknowledge the support I received from the Government of India during my ordeal. The government and the people of the country stood by me," he said.

Asked whether he would seek any compensation from the Australian government for the ordeal he underwent there, Haneef did not rule it out, saying his lawyers will take a ecision in this regard.

The doctor, who returned home soon after charges against him were dropped, seems little interested in going back to Australia.

"I feel comfortable here. I'm at peace in India. I'm not leaving my profession," Haneef said, adding that he planned to go for higher studies very soon.
Haneef's wife Firdous Arshia, who was with him, said she and his family will not allow him to go back to Australia.

"He (Haneef) will practice in India. I don't want him to go. His mother does not want him to go. Family members don't want him to go," she said, adding "any mother or any wife won't let her son or husband to go after such a big thing".

Asked about ongoing probe into the goof-up in his case in Australia, Haneef said the new government has made an initiative and launched a probe to bring the fact into light.

"I hope the probe into the bungling of the case will come out with real facts," he said. The physician, whose wife is a software engineer in Bangalore, was critical of "stereo-typing Muslims as terrorists or sympathisers of terrorists" and said such ideologies should be thrown out from this world.

"Fingers are pointed at Muslims even before they are found guilty of involvement in such acts," he said, while noting that he himself was a "victim of stereo-typing of Muslims even though not being associated with that kind of acts of terrorism."

Voicing concern over such labelling, he said, "It is happening in India. The community is being targeted here also which is very unfortunate."
"The country and people should not believe this ideology of stereo-typing person or religion," he emphasised.

I understand Dr.Haneef's regret at the stereo-typing of his community. In 1947, once Pakistan was created, Hindus and Sikhs were stereo-typed as "wicked", as "non-beleivers", and either killed or sent out. Kashmiri Pandits, likewise, were stereo-typed, most of that community driven out of Kashmir from their homes, although many were pro-Kashmiri.

Even in advanced or developed countries, the non-muslim majority is confused and puzzled by terrorism. They know that the motivation for terrorism is "religious" - spurring the hatred some muslims feel towards non-muslims. Verses have been quoted from the Qu'ron to show that violence towards non-muslims is part of Islam's teachings.
All security agencies in the West, do stereo-type, because they are so nervous. In the USA and Europe, it is not easy if you have a muslim name, to get visas or jobs. The vetting process is quite severe.
Should the world-economy suffer a radical down-turn due to this high oil price, there may be further back-lash in the West against muslims. Non-muslim opinion in countries like Australia is hardening against the muslims. The Australian govt. is under pressure to reduce the number of muslims coming in - according to news reports there.
It is important for muslim organisations to take the initiative to control terrorism. Ulema Deoband is setting a good example by making a clear declaration that terrorism is UN-ISLAMIC. We need more such Islamic organisations to take a clear stand.

Dr Haneef has chosen his islamic identity above being Indian.

Muslims are least profiled considering India is worst victim of Islamic terror.

The problem we are facing today are because of:

1. Politicians are NOT handing Islamic terror for Votebank, thus creating a sense of outrage.

2. Victims of terror are NOT even mourned- 711 went completely unnoticed by UPA govt and psuedo media.

3. There are VERY VERY BIASED PRO JEHADI INTELLECTUALS masquandering as "liberals" in India. People like Teesta Javed Khan Seetalvad. THEY NEVER CONDEMNED ISLAMIC TERROR.

4. There are two Islamic countries in India's border that are doing great mischief.


All these make Indian Muslims more ghettoized. But yes, its true, most Muslims in India are not terrorists.

Then the question is, why media, Govt donot take strong action against jehadis who are miniscule?

Muhammad of Ghazni also looked upon his numerous invasions of India as the waging of a holy war. Al' Utbi, the historian of Muhammad, describing his raids writes :

" He demolished idol temples and established Islam. He captured ...... cities, killed the polluted wretches, destroying the idolaters, and gratifying Muslims. ' He then returned home and promulgated accounts of the victories obtained for Islam. ....... and vowed that every year he would undertake a holy war against Hind " Mahommed Ghori was actuated by the same holy zeal in his invasions of India. Hasan Nizami, the historian, describes his work in the following terms :

" He purged by his sword the land of Hind from the filth of infidelity and vice, and freed the whole of that country from the thorn of God-plurality and the impurity of idol-worship, and by his royal vigour and intrepidity left not one temple standing

Taimur has in his Memoir explained what led him to invade India. He says:

" My object in the invasions of Hindustan is to lead a campaign against the infidels, to convert them to the true faith according to the command of Muhammad (on whom and his family be the blessing and peace of God), to purify the land from the defilement of misbelief and polytheism, and overthrow the temples and idols, whereby we shall be Ghazis and Mujahids, companions and soldiers of the faith before God. "

Mahommad bin Qasim's first act of religious

"The slaughtering of ' infidels' seemed to be one thing that gave Muhammad particular pleasure. In one attack on Chand Rai, in A. D. 1019, many infidels were slain or taken prisoners, and the Muslims paid no regard to booty until they had satiated themselves with the slaughter of the infidels and worshippers of the sun and fire. The historian naively adds that the elephants of the Hindu armies came to Muhammad of their own accord, leaving idols, preferring the service of the religion of Islam. "

Not infrequently, the slaughter of the Hindus gave a great setback to the indigenous culture of the Hindus, as in the conquest of Bihar by Muhammad Bakhtyar Khilji. When he took Nuddea (Bihar) the Tabaquat-i-Nasiri informs us that:

" Great plunder fell into the hands of the victors. Most of the inhabitants were Brahmins with shaven heads. They were put to death. Large number of books were found......... but none could explain their contents as all the men had been killed, the whole fort and city being a place of study. "

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>HuJI man spills the beans</b>
Sumit Saxena | New Delhi
<b>Indians [Muslim] trained in Pakistan, routed through Bangladesh</b>
Now, Harkat-ul-Jihad-al Islami (HuJI) is using Indians to take the lives of their fellow countrymen in terror-related activities. Contrary to popular perception that most terror operations in India are carried out by Pakistani or Bangladeshi operatives, a recently-arrested HuJI militant has revealed that his outfit recruits local youth for spreading terrorism and for providing human resources and other logistic support. 

This revelation by Mohammed Iqbal alias Abdur Rehman, a HuJI militant arrested recently in the national Capital with significant quantities of RDX, has sent alarm bells ringing in the intelligence agencies. According to sources in Delhi Police's special cell, youth drawn from various parts of the country are sent illegally into Pakistan for training and then used to carry out explosions and other destructive acts within India. In this context, many central Asian countries have become a favoured route for terrorist organisations to send militants to various training camps in Pakistan, the sources added.

"To overcome growing international pressure, the ISI wants to recruit more Indians for their operations. The Pakistani agency is doing it to sway away the needle of suspicion from Pakistan and Bangladesh. HuJI has stopped recruiting Bangladeshi nationals for its operations in India and security agencies have discovered that the Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) has emerged as a strong support base for providing human resources and other logistic support to HuJI," said police sources.

An increasing number of Indians are being considered and sent for training in camps organised by the ISI across Bangladesh and Pakistan.

The serial bomb blasts in Jaipur, in which around 70 persons were killed, reflect the strong ties between HuJI and SIMI, and the support offered by other organisations. "After carrying out deadly bomb explosions, the terrorists often escape to Bangladesh. With the help of ISI, a Bangladeshi passport is arranged. Later, a trip is made to Pakistan to get a travel endorsement on the Bangladeshi passport," say intelligence sources.

"We are keeping a close watch on the activities of all terrorist organisations active in this part of the world. With the help of intelligence, we had apprehended Mohammed Iqbal and recovered explosives buried in the Capital. HuJI has become a key terrorist organisation and they have completely shielded their movements and modes of communication with other terrorist outfits," said Karnal Singh, Joint Commissioner of Police, special cell.

<b>The Indian nationals recruited for terror operations are initially sent to Iran and then to Pakistan, as both the countries have a porous border. The movement occurs at the Zahedan expressway in Iran, located near the south-western border of Pakistan, and also through the hilly terrain of Iranshar near the Pakistan border</b>. After completing their training in Pakistan, the groups come back to India via Tehran. The intelligence agencies are struggling to identify these movements from across the country.

"The agencies have no clue about the movement of these groups from India. HuJI is arranging all these trips to Pakistan. Even JeM and LeT are acting in cohort with HuJI leaders and comply with all the latter's directions. In fact, JeM and LeT have become faceless organisations in all terror operations in India," the sources said. SIMI has elected another leader to head the organisation and started mobilising youth from across the country. Even the members who had quit the organisation have been approached to re-join, they added.

<b>The militant organisations are consistently making efforts to influence youth from various parts of India to join militancy. An entire web encompassing all the segments of a minority community is on the radar of terrorists</b>. The intelligence agencies have also discovered that people from all Indian States, except those from J&K, are preferred by these terrorist organisations.
Even in this forum we are screaming for atleast four years, Indian Muslims are actively involved in terrorism/Jihad, only Indian leadership is sitting with eyes, mind shut.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Muslim mob sets upon Hindus at Ganga Sagar

Pioneer News Service | Kolkata

In what is being viewed as a CPI(M) ploy to shift focus from burning issues and gain back confidence of minorities, who had shifted their loyalties during panchayat election, the police on Friday arrested 15 Hindu pilgrims to Ganga Sagar but let go a Muslim mob, mostly CPI(M) supporters, who on Thursday night attacked and burnt down an inn at Ganga Sagar Islands before assaulting local police men.

The crowd armed with sharp-edged weapons attacked the inn --- near Kapil Muni temple --- and beat up pilgrims at around 7 pm, said police sources. A few policemen deployed were also manhandled when they tried to intervene. Tapan Ghosh and Sunder Das, both workers of Hindu Sanghati, were also beaten up. The four-hour ordeal continued till a larger contingent of police force headed by the Kakdwip BDO and SDPO arrived.

The mob was led by Sheikh Ismail, a CPI(M) member and chairman of the local panchayat, police sources conceded but refused to arrest the culprits. "Such was the condition that the pilgrims were trembling and even the BDO was injured," said a source and added finally RAF had to be called in. "The police refused to lodge FIRs against the attackers who burnt down three rooms rented by the RSS for pilgrims," said sources.

"What was more agonising was instead of booking the offenders the police arrested the victims. At least 15 of them were arrested and booked under non-bailable sections, BJP State secretary Rahul Sinha said. Meanwhile, thousands of BJP workers led by Sinha on Friday staged a blockade at Esplanade in Kolkata. Later, 526 of them were arrested and released later. "The Left Front Government has become weak," Sinha said, adding that the CPI(M) is trying to appease the minority community by playing a "partisan game."<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<b>Liberty abridged </b>

The Pioneer Edit Desk

Ahmadiyas are Indians, too

<b>The cancellation of a conference of the Ahmadiya community by the Andhra Pradesh Government last Sunday is a gross infringement of the secular principles on which the country is founded.</b> The State Government cancelled this conference, which was to be held at the open air Lalitha Kala Thornam in Hyderabad, by citing a patently spurious 'technical' reason -- that there was a "major breakdown" in the electricity supply line. <b>This would have held more water had it not been that several fundamentalist Muslim organisations, which are not particularly representative but claim to be so, had threatened to besiege the place if the Ahmadiyas were allowed to hold the proposed meeting.</b> Clearly the Congress Government in the State was eager to oblige these organisations and thus appease mullahs as part of the party's minority appeasement policy that subverts India's secular polity and divides its society along communal lines. <b>This abject capitulation is in keeping with the manner in which the Congress-led UPA Government at the Centre has been pandering to Muslim fanatics under the cover of 'secular' politics.</b> Such capitulation flies in the face of constitutional guarantees and is unacceptable. Followers of every religion, faith and sect are free to practice and preach their beliefs in India; by disallowing the Ahmadiya conference, the Government of Andhra Pradesh, which has sworn to uphold the Constitution of India, has abridged this fundamental right and thus harmed the cause of liberty. <b>Indeed, what the Congress has done is to legitimise the persecution of Ahmadiyas by fundamentalist Muslims -- what is widespread in Islamic countries where theocracy prevails over democracy, has now been given official recognition in India</b>. Coming as it does in the wake of Bangladeshi dissident writer Taslima Nasreen being hounded out of this country simply because some mullahs and their cohorts wedded to intolerant Islam and given to violence in the name of Islam willed it so, <b>the cancellation of the Ahmadiya meeting only serves to confirm, if at all confirmation was needed, that the Prime Minister's "Muslims first" policy is in reality "Muslim fanatics first" policy.</b> In the process, India has been shamed, though not for the first time on account of the Congress's perverse notions of 'secularism'.

The Ahmadiyas are as Islamic as those Muslims who deny them the right to practice Islam and thus denude them of their religious identity. In any event, it is not for a secular state to decide who is or is not a Muslim -- or, for that matter, a Hindu, a Christian or a Sikh -- nor is it incumbent on a secular state to accept the primacy of one sect over another. <b>What the Andhra Pradesh Government has done, and knowingly so, is to set an extremely dangerous and sinister precedent.</b>

Its decision will embolden fanatics to force their warped perception on both the state and society. To prevent this from happening and to dampen the spirit of those who are celebrating the suppression of the rights of Ahmadiyas in free India, everybody who cherishes liberty and pluralism must protest against the Andhra Pradesh Government's decision. <b>It would be nice to see our self-righteous human rights activists speak up in support of the Ahmadiyas</b>. It would also be in order for the Opposition to rally support for this persecuted community, <b>unless it is as desperate as the Congress to stoop to any extent for a fistful of votes. </b>
Don't know enough about the Ahmadiyas, but from the little I remember coming across they're less fanatic and violence-prone than the mainstream (koran-based) terrorist islam. That's if I haven't altogether confused them with the Bahai.

Anyone <i>know</i> their beliefs on the following - and whether these are majority, uniform or whether the extremes are powerful enough to take over the moderates among them:
1. Jihad vs live-and-let-live
2. Dar-ul-islaming other nations and people, especially us
3. Views on kaffirs (including views on "idolatry")
4. Any subversion and terrorism plans of their own
5. Absolutism of their monotheist god
6. Literal take on Koran
7. Views on reforming Koran

If they fall on the positive side of those (and related) points, I think I could consider being friends. Anyone who won't ever attack us (or others like us), I don't see the point of antagonising.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Hindu man set on fire in East London 'for dating Muslim girl'
Thursday, 19 June 2008

Police were appealing for witnesses today following the attempted murder of a man who was doused in petrol and set on fire in east London.

The 20-year-old, who is fighting for his life in hospital, was torched as he sat in his car in Forest Gate.

It is believed the Hindi victim, who suffered 65 per cent burns in the attack, was targeted because he was dating a Muslim girlfriend.

He had just parked his car, a green Honda Prelude, in St George’s Road when he was approached by the suspect or suspects and had petrol poured over him before being set alight.

He managed to get out of the vehicle and was discovered nearby before being taken to hospital and transferred to a specialist burns unit where he remains in a critical condition.

A police spokesman said: “Officers were called to the scene at 6am last Thursday to reports of a man on fire.”

DI Sam Faulkner, from the violent crime unit at Forest Gate said: “This was a very nasty attack and the victim remains in a critical condition.

“We are appealing for witnesses or anyone with information to come forward and would particularly like to hear from anyone who saw the suspect making off.”

Two men aged 20 and 21 have been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder and released on bail.

Today's appeal comes as a 15-year-old girl and a man in his 20s are both still critically ill after being set alight in two separate attacks in the Greater London area last weekend.

I suggest that all of you read Maloy Krishna Dhars website

A massive muslim jihad / civil war is imminent

He has a map of hundreds of jihadi cells all over India


In a way, any country with a muslim presence will have a civil war
as the muslim % inches towards critical mass

We did not learn the lessons of 1947, lets hope our losses can be minimised

The only question is when the muslim ghettos will burst into open revolt

I hope that a lot of seculars feel islamic love up close

The map shows that muslim jihadist ghettos are more common in secular ruled states

They even have bases in Punjab
Ahmedias (or Qadiyanis) swear by the koran *but* say they have a last prophet Ahmed someone from the 18th century (from Qadian, occupied bharat). This pisses off the real 'faithful', for whom the child molester mohd is the last and final prophet. Pak has declared Ahmediyyas non-muslim and it is generally open season on any ahmediyya when it comes to legal disputes etc.

Ahmediyyas have renounced violent jihad, which adds to the heartburn among the genuine-article ones.

I am sure they hate idolatry etc. to show how real of a muslim they are inspite of the later-than-last prophet. However, as people who have been at the receiving end (no pun intended) of offerings of Peace from the peaceful, I think their worldview is more tolerant than that of their pure brethren.
Abdus Salam, pure-land's winner of the Nobel Prize was an Ahmadiyya, he was kicked out for not being Mad-Mo's true follower. Which is really funny, pakis managed to kick out the only intelligent being born amongst them.
<!--QuoteBegin-G.Subramaniam+Jun 21 2008, 06:44 AM-->QUOTE(G.Subramaniam @ Jun 21 2008, 06:44 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->I suggest that all of you read Maloy Krishna Dhars website

A massive muslim jihad / civil war is imminent

He has a map of hundreds of jihadi cells all over India


In a way, any country with a muslim presence will have a civil war
as the muslim % inches towards critical mass

We did not learn the lessons of 1947, <b>lets hope our losses can be minimised</b>

The only question is when the muslim ghettos will burst into open revolt

<b>I hope that a lot of seculars feel islamic love up close</b>

The map shows that muslim jihadist ghettos are more common in secular ruled states

They even have bases in Punjab
[right][snapback]83115[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->What are the chances that 'our' losses can be minimised to (or at least extended to include) psecular people like Sanjeeebus Sabhlok and Kamal Hassan? Will they feel the love?

For pro-islami psecular terrorist Kamal Hassan (and muslimah Khooshboo who's married to a 'Hindu' husband), see
"Two cases and two faces of Indian actors involving themselves against Hindu religion"
"Kamal Hassan- Apologetic when Jihadi Feelings Hurt; Arrogant when it's Hindu Sentiments!"

This is the page with the SCARY maps that G Sub posted about.
<!--QuoteBegin-Pandyan+Jun 21 2008, 08:03 AM-->QUOTE(Pandyan @ Jun 21 2008, 08:03 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Abdus Salam, pure-land's winner of the Nobel Prize was an Ahmadiyya, he was kicked out for not being Mad-Mo's true follower. Which is really funny, pakis managed to kick out the only intelligent being born amongst them.

Dont waste sympathy on the Ahmediyas

In 1920, they murdered Lekh Ram, an Arya Samajist who was doing shuddhi for

The Deendar Anjuman terrorist group was originally affiliated with the Ahmediyas

The Ahmediyas participated with glee in all the 1947 riots

Zafratullah khan who was the Pakistani ambassador to the UN for the Kashmir dispute
was an Ahmediya

Only in 1953, with Pakistan secure and no further need of Ahmediyas
did the Sunnis start to attack Ahmediyas
Very honestly I expect Kerala, West Bengal and Assam to islamically secede

The commies of kerala and west bengal will feel islamic love
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Very honestly I expect Kerala, West Bengal and Assam to islamically secede

The commies of kerala and west bengal will feel islamic love<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Massive illegals from Bdesh are changing demograpghy of whole India.
West Bengal is lost cause.
<!--QuoteBegin-G.Subramaniam+Jun 21 2008, 09:10 AM-->QUOTE(G.Subramaniam @ Jun 21 2008, 09:10 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Dont waste sympathy on the Ahmediyas
Of course not. What is true is all Muslims are the same no matter what denominational garb they use to cover up their intentions.
Welcome to mooghalistan. (<- The sign held up by kkkongress)

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Sunday, April 13, 2008
<b>followers of religion of peace gang rape a 13 year old hindu girl in mumbai for a year</b>
apr 13th, 2008

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sriram

Hi rajeev,

We dont need to go to pakistan to see atrocities on hindus being comitted.this is in mumbai.

13-year-old allegedly gangraped for over a year



Posted by nizhal yoddha at 4/13/2008 06:17:00 AM <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Has mid-day archived it?
<!--QuoteBegin-Husky+Jun 27 2008, 09:05 PM-->QUOTE(Husky @ Jun 27 2008, 09:05 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->http://rajeev2004.blogspot.com/2008/04/fol...peace-gang.html
<!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Sunday, April 13, 2008
<b>followers of religion of peace gang rape a 13 year old hindu girl in mumbai for a year</b>
apr 13th, 2008

13-year-old allegedly gangraped for over a year



Posted by nizhal yoddha at 4/13/2008 06:17:00 AM <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Has mid-day archived it?[right][snapback]83453[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Found a copy on Sulekha:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>13-year-old allegedly gangraped for over a year</b>
posted 2 mnths ago | 22 Views | View Source: Mid DayShareThis

Swati Sonavne (name changed), mother of 13-year-old Sunita Sonavne (name changed) was shocked when doctors at a private hospital in Ghatkopar on Thursday told her that <b>Sunita was five months pregnant. When she questioned Sunita, she was told that she had been raped multiple times by five men for the last one and a half year.</b>

The five men had warned her to not to talk about it to anyone or they would harm her and also defame her and her parents’ image. Her mother took her to Ghatkopar police station and filed a complaint on Friday. The police have also arrested four of the five accused while one is absconding.

<b>Sunita told her mother that the five men were Allah Rakha Sayyed (20), Munir Shaikh (19), both her school mates, Liyakat Khan (30), son of the landlord in whose house the Sonavnes live and Shaukhat Ali Shaikh (24) and Munna Sayyed,</b> staying in their locality. The five had been allegedly raping her since November 2006. The five people were everyday visitors to their home. Sunita identified the men in front of the police.

Sunita’s mother took her to the hospital after she noticed some changes in her body. Also, Swati had been complaining of stomach pain. When she was taken for a medical checkup, the doctors told her mother that she was five months pregnant.

The men allegedly had sexual relations with her <b>when her parents went out for work. Said F Pawar, police inspector at Ghatkopar police station, “We have registered a gangrape case against five men. We have arrested four men, while Munna is still wanted.”</b><!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Note how the pro-terrorist media use "alleged" in the title. That is dhimmitude brought on by psecular ruling class of India: a woman's witness in islam is worth 1/2 that of the man. There are 5 faithful islamic males (terrorists) in this case, so her witness would be worth 1/10 - but only if she were a muslimah. But Sunita's a kaffiri Hindu and so she doesn't even count to the psecular press who is not only dhimmi in itself but wants all of Hindu India to be dhimmi too.
Note also how in that final para, the pro-islamiterrorist press uses the words "The men allegedly had sexual relations with her". "Sexual relations" is used for consensual intercourse, whereas this is a case of gang rape, about which Sunita only kept quiet because - like true followers of allah - the faithful five threatened her.

<b>ADDED:</b> Islamiterrorists are the same as christoterrorists. Bharatvarsh had earlier posted how a Hindu woman was raped by a christoterrorist and then the courts made the terrorist marry her (what???????) and then he and his christoterrorist family started torturing her in order to force her to convert:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->"Sumitra Mallick has lodged FIR with us alleging that she was tortured and forced to convert. <b>We have investigated. We cannot confirm conversion, but found that she was tortured and money was demanded from her.</b> So, we arrested her father-in-law," said S Dalei, Officer- in- Charge, Mohakalapara Police Station.

Padia is said to have allegedly <b>raped Sumitra and was arrested by the police in June 2005. To escape punishment, he married her in the presence of police in a court.</b> After which, he was granted bail. (ANI)<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->(Again, note the psecular media's use of 'alleged' in this rape case when the christoterrorist was found guilty.)

This is what people possessed by christoislamism do.

Regarding this news, I believe some posters on this thread and others have mentioned how kaffir women are women of the "left hand" (?) and therefore anything goes.

I'm sure they are not even slightly bit remorseful since as per their twisted ideology, what they did wasn't haram, nay, it was in the best traditions of the prophet.
India's Moderate Muslims See Pe
By Rama Lakshmi
Washington Post Foreign Service
Sunday, June 29, 2008; Page A16

UMRED, India -- On his way out of the town mosque, through a green archway, Ghulam Sarwar Sheikh was handed a copy of the community newspaper. Quietly glancing over the front page, he sighed. The article that had caught his attention was about a series of bombings in an Indian city last month that killed 80 people and injured more than 150.

A previously unknown group, calling itself the Indian Mujahidin, claimed responsibility for the attack. It blamed the Hindu-led government for deliberately delaying justice for Muslim victims of religious riots.

"These are dangerous times. We cannot trust anybody," Sheikh, a 28-year-old taxi driver, whispered as other worshipers around him nodded in agreement. "We are holding on to our teenage boys by a very fragile thread. We have to protect them from outsiders who come to change our moderate ways."

Sheikh's concerns reflect the growing anxiety among Indian Muslims, a minority in this country of more than 1 billion people, following a series of bomb blasts carried out by radical Islamic groups over the past three years. Many in his community are proud of their moderate tradition and wary of straining the social fabric of this multi-religion nation. As a result, they and other Indian Muslims are starting to guard against Islamic groups that advocate stricter interpretations of the religion.

The modest prayer hall of Sheikh's mosque, for instance, has posted a painted sign warning outsiders to stay away. The sign lists the names of stricter Islamic groups, whose members are not welcome in the mosque.

In the past two years, several mosques here in the Indian state of Maharashtra have taken similar measures.

About two-thirds of India's 130 million Muslims are Barelvi Sunnis. In addition to attending mosques, they follow the mystical strain of Islam known as Sufism and attend shrines of Sufi saints -- seen by more conservative Muslims as blasphemous.

Shabeeb Rizvi, a professor at Rizvi College in Mumbai who is researching Islamic ideologies in India, said the Barelvis have increasingly felt besieged by Islamic groups with stricter interpretations of Islam, particularly Wahhabism, a conservative school of Islam that originated in Saudi Arabia.

"Most of the Barelvi Sunni mosques are in a dilapidated condition, and the groups loosely connected to Wahhabi ideology donate money for repairs, appoint their own priest and slowly begin to take over," Rizvi said. "About 30 percent of their mosques have been taken over by front organizations of Wahhabi ideology in 10 years. This brings a new aggressiveness to the Indian Muslim landscape."

Two years ago, a violent clash broke out at a Barelvi mosque in the town of Chimur, also located in Maharashtra, over ideological differences among the worshipers. Those with more conservative views took over the mosque, and the others are now building a new one, replete with a sign warning that not all are welcome.

The group now in charge of the mosque does not advocate violence of the sort that has inspired fears among moderate Muslims. Rather, the head cleric said in an interview that his group simply did not approve of Muslims who visited Sufi shrines and wanted to enlighten them.

"We do not belong to any group. We are just good Muslims," Abid Husain said. "But our doors are open. We do not put up signs."

Mohammad Samdani Misbahi, leader of an Umred mosque, passes a list of Islamic groups whose members are barred.
Mohammad Samdani Misbahi, leader of an Umred mosque, passes a list of Islamic groups whose members are barred. (By Rama Lakshmi -- The Washington Post)

Most Islamic groups that embrace Wahhabism or other strict versions of Islam do not support violence. And not all religious-based violence in India is carried out by Muslims. Last week, for instance, two Hindus were arrested in connection with a pair of explosions in suburban Mumbai. A Hindu nationalist tabloid, meanwhile, has urged Hindus to form suicide squads.

Still, Indian officials fear that members of more radical Muslim groups are seen as prey by organizations that do support violence.

"Muslims in India have always followed a moderate tradition. There have been no calls to violence in the mosques. But we can no longer remain complacent. A few have begun giving shelter to terrorists, helping put together the explosives and pressing the timer device," said a senior intelligence officer who has investigated several of the bombings in Indian cities over the past three years. The officer spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media.

He said about 300 Indian Muslims have been arrested or detained in connection with about a dozen bombings that have ripped through India since 2005.

In various interrogation sessions, the officer said, the radicals confessed to being driven by two specific episodes in recent Indian history: the 1992 demolition of a mosque by a Hindu mob, and sectarian killings in the western Indian state of Gujarat that left more than 1,000 Muslims dead in 2002.

"Terrorism is born out of the womb of injustice," said Akhtarul Wasey, the head of Islamic studies at Jamia Millia Islamia University in New Delhi. "In spite of all this, Indian Muslims still have faith in the secular and democratic Indian state."

The violence, along with the police scrutiny, has led Indian Muslims to react in different ways. Some, like those at Sheikh's mosque, have closed their doors to outsiders. Others have publicly denounced terrorism.

One of the most pronounced responses came from the Deoband school, an influential 19th-century Islamic seminary that issued a religious edict against terrorism. The seminary has held nearly a dozen anti-terrorism conferences over the past several weeks.

"It is our religious duty to tell people that terrorism cannot be jihad. It is not a holy war," said Mahmood Madani, a member of the Indian Parliament and a prominent leader of the school. "There are so many bomb blasts in India today. Innocent people are dying. We are doubly concerned because Islam is being used to carry them out."

Many Indian Muslims say that a tradition of moderation is the strongest deterrent against terrorism.

In Sheikh's town, a small grave said to belong to a Sufi saint attracts about 50 people a day, many of them Hindus. Next to the grave, there is a portrait of the saint placed on a rickshaw covered with flowers and golden glitter. In thousands of similar Sufi grave-shrines in India, devotees offer embroidered sheets, incense sticks and coconut oil, and tie threads on intricately carved walls. They also sing and sway in a trance at these shrines.

"We believe that we cannot dare to approach Allah directly. No direct dialing for us. The prophet and these saints are our intermediaries," said Mohammad Hamid Engineer, who founded a small group called Iman Tanzim eight years ago to preserve the Barelvi Sunni way and identity in India. The group urges many mosques to hang signs at their doors warning conservative groups to keep out and publishes a community paper. "We follow rituals that were born here on this land."


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