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Amarnath Land Deal
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Artists Welfare Association Jammu supports the protests by conducting roadside acts dispaying the injustice to and suppression of the People of Jammu. Directors and Writers creating plays which will be played outside the state as well.

पोल खोलेंगे नुक्कड़ नाटक
जम्मू : श्री अमरनाथ श्राइन बोर्ड भूमि मामले में पुलिस की बर्बरतापूर्ण कार्रवाई के खिलाफ कलाकारों ने भी अब आवाज उठा दी है। बुधवार को आर्टिस्ट वेलफेयर एसोसिएशन जम्मू ने बैठक कर कई स्थानों पर नुक्कड़ नाटक, गोष्ठियां आदि करने का फैसला किया। इसमें लोगों को भूमि मामले के प्रति जागरूक किया जाएगा। नाटकों में बताया जाएगा कि किस तरह पुलिस जनता की आवाज दबा रही है। इस संबंध में आर्टिस्ट वेलफेयर एसोसिएशन जम्मू की डा. कमल शर्मा की अध्यक्षता में बैठक हुई। इसमें महासचिव बलजीत सिंह रैना, प्रवीन केसर, मदन रंगीला, नीलम कुमार, विक्रम सिंह एवं अन्य ने कहा कि लगभग डेढ़ महीने से चले आ रहे इस आंदोलन में पुलिस और प्रशासन का कोई भी कार्य ऐसा नहीं रहा है जिसकी सराहना की जा सके। कलाकारों ने मीडिया के खिलाफ उठाए गए कदमों की भी आलोचना की। उन्होंने कहा कि आंदोलन के खिलाफ जो भी कार्रवाई की गई उसे रंगकर्मी अपने तरीके से लोगों तक पहंुचाएंगे। वरिष्ठ निदेशक दीपक ने कहा कि वह इस पूरे मामले पर एक नाटक लिख रहे हैं और जल्द इसका मंचन भी करेंगे। कलाकारों ने अमरनाथ संघर्ष समिति का पूरा सहयोग करने का निर्णय लेते हुए कहा कि उन्हें समिति की और से जो भी जिम्मेदारी सौंपी जाएगी वह उसे पूरा करेंगे।
Somebody send Pakistani Sikh PM of India some bangles and black paint for his face and donkey from Pakistan who can take him back to his birth place with no return sticker.
I think he is scared of Muslims who kicked him and his family out of Pakistan.
Bhajan Kirtan on the roads.

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Villagers turning violent now. leaving urbans protesters behind in numbers.

ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में भी दहाड़े आंदोलनकारी
रामगढ़, संवाद सूत्र : अमरनाथ भूमि विवाद से उपजे विवाद की चिंगारी ने ग्रामीण इलाकों में भी उग्र रूप लेना शुरू कर दिया है। इस मुद्दे को लेकर सेक्टर रामगढ़ के हर सीमावर्ती गांव से बुधवार को हजारों की तादाद में ग्रामीण इलाकों के लोगों ने कस्बे रामगढ़ में आकर रोष जताया तथा राज्यपाल वोहरा, पीडीपी तथा नेकां के पुतले जलाए। बुधवार सुबह गांव महाल अड्डे पर अमरनाथ संघर्ष समिति की ओर से जोरदार प्रदर्शन किया गया व राज्यपाल के पुतले जलाए गए। इसके अलावा सेक्टर के गांव नंगा, पखेचक, नंदपुर से भी सैकड़ों प्रदर्शनकारियों का जलूस कस्बा रामगढ़ पहुंचा। इसमें शामिल लोगों ने राज्यपाल तथा पीडीपी के खिलाफ नारेबाजी की व उनके पुतले जलाए। अमरनाथ संघर्ष समिति के बैनर तले प्रदर्शन कर रहे ग्रामीणों का बस एक ही नारा था कि लाठी गोली खाएंगे जमीन वापस दिलवाएंगे। प्रदर्शनकारियों का कहना है कि अमरनाथ संघर्ष समिति सदस्यों को लाठियों गोलियों का सामना करना पड़ रहा है, लेकिन जम्मू की आवाज को कोई लाठी गोली दबा नहीं सकती और अगर जम्मूवासियों को अपने हक के लिए बलिदान भी देने पड़े तो वह पीछे नहंी हटेंगे। जिसका सबूत सांबा में हुई झड़प में सामने आ चुका है। प्रदर्शनकारियों के प्रति प्रशासन का नकारात्मक रवैये को देखते हुए हर जम्मूवासी इस जंग में अपना बलिदान देने के लिए तैयार है, लोग जमीन वापसी की जंग में बराबर तरीके से हैं। वहीं, गांव महाल अड्डे पर संघर्ष समिति के सदस्यों ने धरने पर बैठ कर अपना रोष जताया। उन्होंने कहा कि जब तक श्री अमरनाथ श्राइन बोर्ड को छीनी हुई जमीन वापस नहीं दी जाती, तब तक उनका आंदोलन और यह धरना प्रदर्शन जारी रहेगा। उन्होंने चेतावनी दी कि यदि उन्हें भूखहड़ताल भी करनी पड़ी तो वे पीछे नहीं हटेंगे।

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<span style='color:red'>What is there to talk About?

Sangharsh Samit rejects the proposals from center for talks. Says there is nothing really to talk about. Just give the Amarnath Land to Hindus, and recall the Hindu-insulting Vohar. The statement given after the Samiti meeting Held in Geeta Bhawan Jammu says.

On Mehbooba Mufti's statement that Indians should not lose the entire Kashmir for mere 800 Kanal Land: Samiti statement said that actually Indians are quite willing to lose the ilk of Mahbooba Mufti. Give our Land, Go.</span>

भूमि लेकर ही थमेगा आंदोलन

जम्मू/श्रीनगर, जागरण टीम : अमरनाथ संघर्ष समिति ने एक बार फिर साफ शब्दों में स्पष्ट कर दिया है कि श्री अमरनाथ श्राइन बोर्ड को भूमि वापसी ही मुख्य मुद्दा है और भूमि लौटाए बिना आंदोलन का रुकना संभव नहीं। रही बात बोर्ड के पुनर्गठन की तो इससे मसले का समाधान होने वाला नहीं है। उधर, अमरनाथ संघर्ष समिति को बालटाल और दोमेल का दौरा करने की पेशकश करने के एक दिन बाद ही राज्यपाल एनएन वोहरा ने समिति से बातचीत व मौजूदा विवाद का सर्वमान्य हल निकालने की दिशा में एक और पहल की है। उन्होंने चार सदस्यीय समिति का गठन किया है। संघर्ष समिति ने बालटाल में भूमि देखने के राज्यपाल के फैसले को नामंजूर करते हुए कहा कि मुख्य मुद्दे से हटकर कोई बात नहीं की जा सकती। आठ सौ कनाल भूमि के लिए कश्मीर हाथ से मत गंवाओ के पीडीपी प्रधान महबूबा मुफ्ती के बयान का जिक्र करते हुए समिति ने कहा कि जम्मू के लोग भूमि के लिए महबूबा मुफ्ती को गंवाना मंजूर करेंगे।

बुधवार को समिति की गीता भवन में बैठक हुई जिसमें प्रधानमंत्री की सर्वदलीय बैठक में न बुलाए जाने, राज्यपाल के भूमि देखने के न्यौते व स्थिति पर विचार-विमर्श किया। बाद में पत्रकारों को संबोधित करते हुए समिति के कनवीनर लीला करण शर्मा, तिलक राज शर्मा और ब्रिगेडियर सुचेत सिंह ने कहा कि इस समय मुख्य मुद्दा भूमि वापस करने का है जिसको लेकर जन आंदोलन चल रहा है। बोर्ड के पुनर्गठन का मसला बाद का है। समिति ने राज्यपाल को पत्र भेजकर स्पष्ट कर दिया है कि वह मुख्य मुद्दे से हटकर जमीन देखने के लिए तैयार नहीं है। कश्मीर में बंद और हिंसा का जिक्र करते हुए उन्होंने कहा कि यह जानबूझकर किया जा रहा है। केंद्र की नीतियां हमेशा ही कश्मीर केंद्रित रही हैं। कश्मीर में जरा-सी बात होती है तो केंद्रीय टीमें दौरा करने पहुंच
Seeing that Jammu can no longer he held back, Hurriyat floats the proposal of bifurcating the state on communal lines. Says 2 and half districts of J&K where Hindus are in majority can form a separate state. Says Kishtwar, Ramban, Punchh, Rajauri and Doda should remain in Kashmir. Says Muslims of these areas are not safe anymore. (In reality, Muslims of these districts are taking active part in Jammu agitations.)

<span style='color:red'>हुर्रियत का सांप्रदायिक विभाजन का प्रस्ताव</span>

श्रीनगर, जागरण ब्यूरो : अमरनाथ श्राइन बोर्ड की जमीन के बहाने राज्य पर कश्मीरी कट्टरपंथियों के वर्चस्व के खिलाफ जम्मू में भड़के जनाक्रोश को एक विशाल राष्ट्रीय आंदोलन में तब्दील होते देख कश्मीर के इस्लामी चरमपंथियों को अब जम्मू हाथ से निकलता दिखने लगा है। इसलिए हर धर्म, वर्ग एवं समुदाय के लोगों के स्वत: स्फूर्त समर्थन से जारी इस जनांदोलन में फूट डालने के लिए अलगाववादी मुस्लिम संगठन हुर्रियत कांफ्रेंस ने दुष्प्रचार का एक सोचा-समझा नया दांव खेला है। जम्मू संभाग में कथित सांप्रदायिकता के विरोध के नाम पर उसने राज्य को सांप्रदायिक आधार पर ही बांटने का प्रस्ताव दिया है। बुधवार शाम हुर्रियत मुख्यालय में पत्रकारों को संबोधित करते हुए मीरवाइज मौलवी उमर फारूक ने कहा कि जिस प्रकार जम्मू, कठुआ और सांबा में फिरकापरस्त ताकतें हिंसा फैला रही हैं, उससे यह स्पष्ट हो गया है कि वहां मुस्लिम सुरक्षित नहीं हैं। यदि जम्मू को अलग राज्य का दर्जा मिलता है तो हमें कोई ऐतराज नहीं, बशर्ते इसमें जम्मू और कठुआ समेत सिर्फ ढाई जिले ही शामिल किए जाएं। उन्होंने कहा कि पुंछ, राजौरी, डोडा, भद्रवाह, रामबन और किश्तवाड़ के मुसलमान खुद को अकेला न समझें, हम उनके साथ हैं। गौरतलब है कि इससे पूर्व पीपुल्स डेमोक्रेटिक पार्टी की अध्यक्ष महबूबा मुफ्ती भी हुर्रियत की भाषा दोहरा चुकी हैं। अभी कुछ ही दिन पहले जम्मू राजभवन में राज्यपाल एनएन वोहरा के साथ हुई सर्वदलीय बैठक में महबूबा ने भी जम्मूवासियों को सिर्फ ढाई जिले लेकर चुप बैठ जाने की सलाह दी थी। यह भी विदित हो कि जम्मू के संघर्ष में हिंदुओं के अलावा मुस्लिम, सिख एवं ईसाई बिरादरी के लोग भी कंधे से कंधा मिलाकर चल रहे हैं।
A bit on CNN IBN sagarika gozer who was moderating a debate between Ashok Pandit, Filmmaker and Sajid Lone. Pandit made some very blunt and unambiguous points. 'This whole land is our land. If Valley people have problems with it, let them go to Pakistan and settle down in POK'. Gozer would not let him speak.

Switch to this debate, it is on right now. I have not seen such face of Gozer gone pale on air suddenly.
amarnAth yAtra : A travelog

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The stream liddar

The next morning like the presence of pati driving off the pAsam, the bondages, the sun drove off the cold weather. It was quite warm in fact. That is why the layered clothing is suggested for mountaineering, as it gets warm a few layers could be removed and when it gets cold more could be added. The climate at the high altitudes change quite drastically in very short time. That day's trekking started off at 7.30 am after a small breakfast. As earlier there were quite some Indian military men on the path. Their presence was a moral boost to many yatris. They were greeting the yatris bam bam bole and were encouraging the yatris. They also helped the old yatris to cross certain difficult passes. After walking a couple of kms felt quite tired. As long as this feeling was not there the climbs were quite easy. Started thinking, "Oh God if there could be a horse may be it would be helpful." Within half a km a horse that was standing down the riverside was quite tempting. Still did not want to cover the entire distance by horse. So booked the horse just to reach over the mahagunas top from there. The other devotee who was coming along decided to walk. Though there was feeling that should walk all the way to our Lord's abode the thought that the ultimate aim should be to reach in the Lord's abode in time was consoling.

But it was true. The horse took to the top of the mahagunas well within an hour. This is the highest altitude point in this trek. It is at an altitude of 4276 Mtrs from the mean sea level. From this point again decided to cover the remaining distance by walk. There were even small kids aged around 7-8 years were walking praising the Lord bam bam bole. From this point till poshpatri it is a downward slope. The walk was initially on the ridge of the mountain with a deep slope on one side. From poshpatri to panchataraNi it is more or less the same level. By the time reached in panchataraNi it was 1 pm. In the tent booked by the yatra service people, changed the old pant and T-Shirt and shedding off some more load from the bag continued the journey. From here it is just 6 km to the covetous abode where we want to worship the Lord, Who dances on the snow mountains.

The first sight of the Holy cave

When started off from panchataraNi the legs started pleading for a horse ride. But the Lord amarnath had decided to call strictly by walk near the holy cave. All the horsemen few horsemen at panchataraNi refused to come to the cave. From this point actually is a climb. The path initially looked very smooth gradient. So started walking enjoying the flow of the sideby flowing river. Soon was seen the climb that took to the peak of the mountain. The tired leg made the mind just get shocked how this pass could be crossed. It looked a real mountainous job ! It appeared there was hardly any energy left. But the lovely Lord was calling ! With so many pauses continued the climb. There were a few horses coming down and one of them free. Asked the horseman whether he could take to the cave. But when the Lord was determined that this path near the abode has to be covered only by foot which horseman would come ! That horseman just refused and went off. Mind screamed to the Lord, "Oh God help me." Certainly He blessed by giving the determination to move, but if He has to do everything without our hard effort then what exactly are we good for !! The 2 to 3 feet path went up and up. With very frequent halts was inching forward. The trekking bag which was carrying some chocolates, water etc also appeared heavy like the good karma though may be helpful at times is still a burden on the shoulders. The military man encouraged, "Be brave, move ahead." Somehow got over this pass and the path was less steep afterwards. (Later came to know about many devotional acquaintances - quite old, who said they walked up the complete way to the cave from panchataraNi !! When the Lord blesses why can't one do it. It is the feeling of ease and determination that brings up people easily through the Lord's grace.)

After about a km there was a path joining this one. That comes from sonamarg to the holy cave. This is a shorter route as compared to this traditional route, but is more steep and very near to the Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. When the mind was full of fatigue and body was inching forward one of the person from the yatra service who was returning after having the darshan appeared and said that the cave could be seen just if the curve was crossed. It was like the darshan of the great saintly devotees to the ones who are trying amidst their struggles to reach the Lord's bliss. As the curve got over there was seen the fruit for which all the effort was !! The marvelous sight of the Magnificent Lord's holy cave !! The mouth uttered bam bam bole, namaH shivAya. Now there was quite some refreshment in the mind. Praying the Lord moved ahead. The path was bifurcating here. For the ease took the one that was not going up. Actually the other one was the correct path and this one though takes to the holy cave is over the icy caves under which the stream runs. But nothing happened. Slowly moved forward towards the cave. Again the body started slowly affected by fatigue. The climate was slightly getting damp. The army men in one camp asked to sit near the fire for some time and gave some water. Though the legs were pleading for rest the Lord's abode was pulling. At one point the legs just refused to move ahead. The cave was just 1.5 kms away. But it was a climb again.

As we approach closer

There was a boy with a horse. The boy agreed to take for the first 1 km if he was given the high amount he was asking for. He agreed finally. But when the Lord has decided the reaching of the abode will be only by walk, what effect this agreement would have !! One of the person from our group was returning after having darshan of the Lord. He said the rate was too much and bargained for the return directly to panchtaraNi after having darshan, but the boy refused and went. Oh God, only Your will can succeed ! It was all quite interesting, the lovely Lord's play ! Slowly reached the bottom of the cave. It was the very fine evening time about 5 pm. Very nice time to pray the Lord. Walked up the stairs to the Lord's cave. Sprinkling the holy amaraga~Nga water went to the altar. <b>Oh here is that marvelous place ! This is the holy place of our heart stealing Lord; This is the holy abode worshipped by the sage bhR^i.ngi; This is the place where the Deathless Lord sits; This is the place where the Lord explained to the Goddess pArvatI His birthless - deathless character; This is the place where the Graceful Supreme Who wears the skulls of others indicative of His Ever-permanent existence blissfully reside to bless all the devotees who come to worship It in devotion. Salutations to this Peerless Lord ! Salutations to His liberating Feet !! </b>

Lord shrI amarnAth

The darshan of our beloved amaranAtha swamy could be had from mid July to mid August. Initially the shivali~Nga formed would be quite huge. It slowly melts off as the days pass. But the Unobscurable Lord is ever there blessing the devotees through Its subtle form. Adjacent to the Lord's seat one more li~Ngam gets formed which is the symbol of Goddess pArvatI. There are no yatris permitted to walkdown to pa~nchataraNi after about 6 pm. There are tents available near the holy cave also. But the yAtra service people had booked the tents at pa~nchatarani. So inspite of the love to stay in the Lord's holy abode, had to rush back. Pleaded to God, "Please bless to come to this holy abode of Thee atleast once more !!" Slowly climbed down the steps. Meanwhile couple of other pilgrims from the same yatra service joined. Now there was no choice the leg seemed to accept, had to take a horse ride back to pa~nchataraNi. Till the curve point where the view of the Holy Cave gets hidden kept looking back from the horse, the guhAvAsi's abode. When the horse stopped near the tents in pa~nchataraNi it was just the sunset. As the full moon was nearing, the illuminant moon was shining over the sharp peak at the backdrop. How beautiful is this Crescent Crowned Lord's world !

The bailgaNv temple - A glory of the past - today's view

Next day continued the journey on horse back to chandanwari and from there by jeep to bailgA.Nv. A well aged member of the yatra service who couldn't come up to the cave fell on the feet of all the yatris without considering the age. It is the respect for the Lord Who out of His mercy gave the darshan, granted a safe journey and sits blessing in our minds. It was just time for the pradhoSham (4) worship. Immediately after a nice bath went to the northern abode which was seen on the way to sing the glory of the Lord that gets reflected in the flowing streams and roaring waterfall and wrinkle clad lakes. Came to know over there the existence of an old abode in the same village on the eastern part. The next day morning we went to the eastern abode. Situated little bit elevated the temple is not quite visible from the main road. On reaching over at the abode there was a board stating the (damaged) temple was renovated by a regiment of the army. When we stepped in the sight was shocking. A marvelous temple called mAmaleshwar, very rich in its art, it tells stories of the antiquity, which indicated it should have been a magnificent one also in the earlier periods, but damaged to a very small structure just having the sanctum. Can the religious <b>atrocities of these terrorists be so shameful !! Entered the Sanctum and there was even more appalling sights. A very beautifully carved na.ndi (bull) sculpted with four faces with one face completely damaged was kept on a side. There were many such damaged idols. Oh God don't the barbarians who did this have atleast a little bit of artistic sense if not religious tolerance ?</b>

Probably this is the abode associated with the Lord leaving bull at this village en route to amarnAth cave. What would have happened to such ancient temples in chandanwari, SheShnAg, mahaguNAs, pa~nchataraNi ?! There are now not even traces of existence of Hindu temples in these places. Oh what is the curse that this cradle of shaivam which elevated the thoughts and souls of many has gone into this ruins ? Oh Lord rudra, the protector of the devotees may this land attain its glory once again and for ever as a lighthouse for the world, this is our prayer.

With a heavy heart completing the worship came out. As per the schedule the next destination was Srinagar. But there were reports of bomb blasts and troubles were expected as the next day was India's Independence day. The yatra service people decided to returned back to Jammu region. vaiShNo devi cave is just a few kms away from the Jammu Srinagar high way. Though this is also a cave on the mountain, this trek is not hectic and is on well laid down road, steps all throughout.

<span style='color:red'>In the base town of this holy place one very young hindu shop keeper was enquiring, "Does your state also has these kind of disturbances that we fear day to day ?" The longing for peace was melting the heart. Oh Lord, Preserver of Justice, let there not be disturbances in our state or in this person's state or in any part of the world. Let there be peace, peace, peace everywhere which enables the minds to enjoy the bliss of Thy Holy Feet !!</span>

bam bam bhole
jai amarnAth ji ki
namaH shivAya
Lalit Koul in Rediff
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->10,000 forest trees are chopped down to build the Mughal road in Kashmir. No one makes a noise.
Acres of land in the Kashmir valley are given to install mobile phone towers. No one screams.

Acres and acres of land in the Kashmir valley are allotted to lay sewage and drinking water pipes. No one objects.

But when 40 hectares of uninhabitable land is handed over to the Shri Amarnath Shrine Board to provide better facilities to the Amarnath Yatra [Images] pilgrims, all hell breaks loose.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Let us take a hard look at the arguments presented by the locals who opposed the transfer of land:

1. The allotment would have adversely affected the environment around the area. <b>One wonders where these tree-hugging environmentalists were when the same government allowed the felling of 10,000 forest trees to build the 89 km-long Mughal road.</b>

40 hectares of land that was going to be used to provide temporary shelters and night-time facilities to pilgrims was in fact going to help in proper maintenance of the current day waste that actually pollutes the environment. But who can argue with senseless politicians who instigate people to come out on the streets?

2. The allotment is the government's ploy to settle Hindus from outside the state to change the demographics of the valley. Look, who is talking! One has to only go back 18 years in the history and check who changed the demographics of the valley.

<b>Islamic terrorists changed the demographics of the valley by ethnically cleansing Kashmiri Hindus from the valley. I wonder where these we-do-not-want-to-change-demographics-folks were when Kashmiri Hindus were slaughtered and the valley's demographics were altered.</b>

One would like to ask a few questions: a. <b>Is 40 hectares of land enough to settle so many Hindus that it would change the demographics of the valley?</b>

b. By putting this argument of demographic change, are the valley's Muslims implying that Hindus are not welcome in the valley anymore? And I do not mean the Hindus from outside Kashmir. I mean the Hindus from the state of Jammu & Kashmir itself. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Another argument Kashmiri Muslims present is that the land cannot be allotted to the Shrine Board because Article 370 does not allow anyone outside of J&K to own land. Their argument is that since the J&K governor is the chairman of the board and he is an outsider, this transfer of land is illegal.

<b>How dumb does one have to be to understand that the land is transferred to the Shrine Board which is an institution based in the state of J&K and created by the J&K government. The land is not transferred to the chairman or the CEO of the board per se.</b>


<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->National Conference leader Omar Abdullah on a television debate on this issue asked why there is a need for land and new facilities when the pilgrimage has been going on for many years.

<b>Does Omar Abdullah mean to say that there is no need to improve the facilities provided during the treacherous pilgrimage? Is he implying that if the yatris were okay for so many hundred years, then why change and improve the facilities?

I have never heard him say such things with regards to the Haj pilgrimage. </b>Every year Muslims from Kashmir and the rest of the country want better facilities and subsidies for Haj pilgrims. But when it comes to providing better facilities to Shri Amarnath pilgrims, it becomes a sore point for Kashmiri Muslims and their leaders.


<span style='color:red'>A Pseudo-Secular with a Hindu-Sounding Name Writes:</span>

Jammu Is Not Burning

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The BJP, in any event, has a much greater stake than any other party, in not letting the kind of venom spouted by the spokespersons of the Samiti while appearing on national television news channels sticking to it as well. The BJP must realise that it is sure to antagonise all the right-thinking people by the readiness and the aggressive tone with which its votaries have been justifying the agitation.

The revoltingly rabid rantings by the Samiti members, to the extent of demanding that the Muslims of the Valley better migrate to Pakistan and stay there, has all the potential, if allowed to continue unchecked, of putting the Amarnath yatris at grave risk, if not setting India ablaze in a communal conflagration. The yatris need to be urgently saved from their friends.

<span style='color:red'>Compared to the incendiary declamations by the so-called protagonists of Amarnath yatris, the representatives of the Muslim outfits of J&K, whether main or fringe, have shown commendable moderation</span>, recalling how for more than a 100 years Kashmiris have treated the yatris with amity and respect, and given them protection and all the needed facilities, and how even now they are willing to extend the same hospitality.

<span style='color:red'>The most immediate issue to be taken up with the Samiti and those of their ilk is the acute hardship caused to the people of the valley by the scarcity of essential commodities, items of daily consumption, and even milk powder for babies and life-saving medicines caused by the so-called 'economic blockade'. If there had been any such call for a blockade, it is nothing short of economic terrorism deserving of the most stringent steps against the perpetrators.</span>

The Samiti people, however, vociferously deny there being any such blockade or their having given a call for it, but blockade or not, trucks carrying goods are held up in their hundreds on the only highway from the valley to the outside world. The visuals are there for all to see, and there is no reason why television news channels and media reports should indulge in misrepresentation.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Rightly or wrongly, General Sinha's obvious enthusiasm in catering to the well-being of the Amarnath yatris<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><span style='color:red'>It is puzzling that the Congress-led UPA government should have forgotten the shining examples set by Mahatma Gandhi  who never hesitated to meet a problem head on whether it was Noakhali, or Kolkata or Delhi</span> <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Send Mufti and family to Pakistan.
"rabid rantings"?? "spouted venom"?? "economic terrorism"?? "perpetators"??Who's is this gutter mouth? By his same token, those Gandhivadis (whom he regards) peacefully protest, hold dharnas, satyagrahas etc too are "economic terrorist"?

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->shining examples set by Mahatma Gandhi  who never hesitated to meet a problem head on whether it was Noakhali, or Kolkata or Delhi<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
With all due respects, let's not forget the equally shameful examples of 500,000 Indians killing each other as we divided the land in '47.
RSS sends Muslim delegation to Srinagar
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The 30-member delegation of the Rashtravadi Muslim Manch (or the Nationalist Muslim Front), a Sangh-backed outfit, was flagged off by RSS leader K S Sudarshan from the Red Fort here.

"The land allocated for the pilgrims needs to restored. This is not a view held by Hindus only but by people of all religions across the country," Sudarshan told reporters.

The delegation is slated to reach Lal Chowk in Srinagar and will hold discussions with different section of the society on the issue.

"We stand for the fact that Muslims in India love their motherland. Anyone who stands in our way is not a true Muslim or a Hindu," said Convenor of the Front Mohammed Afzal.

"If there is any Muslim in the valley who feels that Pakistan is his homeland, then we will respectfully leave him to the borders."
VHP calls for country-wide chakka-jam</b>

Jaipur (PTI): Demanding removal of Jammu and Kashmir Governor N N Vohra and restoration of land to the Amarnath shrine board, the VHP on Thursday called for a country-wide "chakka jam" for two hours on August 13.

All national highways would be blocked between 9 am and 11 am, VHP leader Jugalkishore told a press conference here.

"If anything positive emerged, VHP would reconsider its decision on chakka-jam.

"For the last 40 days life was paralysed in Jammu and 11 Hindus were killed during the agitation. The Congress-led UPA government is doing vote-bank politics to appease minority people," Jugalkishore said.

For temporary allotment of land to the Amarnath shrine board, a payment of Rs 2.31 crores was made to the J&K government, he said, adding that it was the present governor who did not seek advise of the board before withdrawing the land allotment.

When asked for his take on the issue, Sinha said, "There is a tremendous amount of misinformation. People do not know facts and have been making totally false allegations."

Clarifying his stand over the flak he received over that decision, Sinha said, "I did not take the decision to divert land for Amarnath Yatra. The decision was taken by the state government."

Blaming the People's Democratic Party for the ongoing situation at Jammu and Kashmir, Sinha said, "Mufti Mohammed Sayeed is known for his communal and anti-national activities. He and his party jumped onto the bandwagon to take on the leadership of this movement and the theatre was absurd. The party which sanctioned it now tries to do this."

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Listen to protesters </b>
The Pioneer Edit Desk
Centre must keep an open mind
<b>The Sri Amarnath Sangharsh Samiti, which is spearheading the ongoing protest in Jammu, cannot be faulted for dismissing Wednesday's all-party meeting as "meaningless". In </b>retrospect, it would appear that the meeting, called by the Prime Minister, was meant to provide a platform to Muslim leaders of Kashmir Valley to criticise the protesters and reiterate their communal views under the garb of 'secular' concern. Hence, National Conference patron Farooq Abdullah was heard wondering whether his family had done the right thing by deciding to stay back in India after partition while PDP chairperson Mehbooba Mufti was at her shrieking best, hurling invectives at Jammu's Hindu protesters and shedding ersatz tears over the 'plight' of Kashmir's Muslims. Others, not to be outdone by either Mr Farooq Abdullah or Ms Mehbooba Mufti, waxed eloquent on how the protest has turned 'communal' in 'secular' Jammu & Kashmir and similar gobbledygook. <span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Had it not been for the interventions by BJP president Rajnath Singh and his colleague Arun Jaitley, the all-party meeting would have become a conclave for unrestrained Hindu-bashing; </span>since the Prime Minister chose not to set the record straight, we can only assume that this is what he and the Congress had hoped for. Indeed, Mr Jaitley has pithily summed up the crisis that continues to snowball with each passing day: If Muslim-majority Kashmir has a 'psyche' of which we should be mindful, so does Hindu-majority Jammu have a 'psyche', which has been trampled upon in the most grotesque manner by those who insist Jammu & Kashmir is only about pandering to the Valley's Muslims. Governor NN Vohra's astonishing decision to snub Hindu aspirations and ignore Hindu sensitivities, obviously to either please his patrons in Delhi or carry out their instruction, by asking the State Government to cancel the order allotting 97 acres of land to the Sri Amarnath Shrine Board, as well as divesting the board of its responsibilities, is only the latest instance of Jammu's Hindus being given the short shrift in order to appease Kashmir's Muslims. In a sense, the Amarnath shrine land dispute has proved to be the tipping point. <b>Jammu's Hindus, smarting under Srinagar's high-handedness for decades and tired of brazenly biased Governors deaf to their appeals for justice, have decided that enough is enough</b>: Latent, simmering anger has boiled over into uncontrollable rage.

However, it is instructive to note that the protest in Jammu remains anchored in nationalism; this is in sharp contrast to violence in Kashmir which is firmly rooted in separatism. Faced with an economic blockade, whose merits are no doubt debatable, the Valley's Muslims are looking towards Muzaffarabad and not New Delhi for succour, and threatening to use the Srinagar-Muzaffarabad highway to transport their orchard produce -- this is sheer blackmail and must be met without any leniency being shown to them. Seen against this backdrop and in the context of the Congress's partisan politics, it is doubtful whether the proposed all-party delegation, led by Minister for External Affairs Pranab Mukherjee, will be able to break the deadlock that prevails in Jammu. The protesters have made it abundantly clear that they will settle for nothing less than the land being restored to the Sri Amarnath Shrine Board and Mr Vohra being recalled. This is not a maximalist position. If the Government is genuinely interested in an honourable and fair settlement, it should be willing to consider these demands with an open mind.
<!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Aug 7 2008, 01:35 AM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ Aug 7 2008, 01:35 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->In front Pakistan or China border they sit with Bangles and Heena and kill its own citizens.
Napunksak Indian Army killing Hindus while showing great "moral restraint" against Chinese and Pakis. I'm not exaggerating, this is exactly what some officer moron said to the press after Pakis opened fire at LOC. Meanwhile Chinese are firing on IA, 40KM inside Indian border, while these morons are killing Hindus. Totally modern day sepoys.

bhaarat me deshbhakti kee keemat jaan denaa kyo hai - Tarun Vijay on prabhasakshi
<img src='http://l.yimg.com/ki/epaper/jagran/20080808/09/jmu07cnt20-1_1218168547_m.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

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