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Amarnath Land Deal
Exiles in ghettos keep fire blazing


Muthi (Jammu), Aug. 24: They live eight, often ten or twelve, to a room. To call them rooms is a stretch; hovels is more appropriate — barely six by eight, the asbestos ceilings knocked low over them, a vast and suffocating narrow-laned warren. They do with temporary power pulled on illicit lines, they have little access to water, they share unsanitary community bathrooms. They live marooned in the putrid discharge oozing from them, amid foraging pigs and pie-dogs.

These are Kashmiri Pandits uprooted from their Valley moorings two decades ago, and Muthi, on the forsaken outskirts of Jammu, is their home — a blistered tinderbox of frustration and rage, spewing communal pus. In Muthi, and other similar “migrant camps” littered around Jammu, could lie some of the clues to why this crisis has caught fires that refuse to die.

It’s so angry, it doesn’t even want to talk. “Go away, just go away,” protests P.N. Dhar, a former government employee and community leader. “What have you come here now for? To use us to douse the fires those (expletive deleted) Kashmiri Muslims are lighting up? Too late, now it’s our turn to light the fires, to get some notice from this country.”

Men from the ghetto have gathered around Dhar and it is instantly evident they have unspent payloads of fury and hatred accumulated over the years; they are now letting it off.

“This country has only been bothered about (expletive deleted) who carry Pakistani flags and spit on patriots,” says Sahabji Chrungoo, originally from Baramulla. “Nobody came when we were thrown out, nobody bothered when we were killed, nobody listened when we warned secession had gripped Kashmir. But how long could you have ignored it? This had to happen. If we have to light fires now to get attention, so be it. But this time, we will have it our way.”

As an unprecedented regional-communal conflict consumes the state, the Valley’s ousted Kashmiri Pandits have become Jammu’s sword-arm in battle. It’s a sword smelted in decades of unassuaged grievance and of rancour and prejudice. It’s a sword that has verily stabbed the celebrated and inclusive notion of “Kashmiriyat” to death and invoked in its place a ghoulish spectre of intolerance that threatens to extend the current rift.

Agnishekhar, convener of Panun Kashmir, the umbrella body of ousted Pandits, isn’t even remorseful or apologetic about pronouncing “Kashmiriyat” dead.

“What about it?” he asks combatively. “Where is composite culture when all Hindus have been driven out of the Valley, out of their homes and farmlands? They killed Kashmiriyat, not us. Don’t expect secularism of us when you are pandering to all shades of Islam and anti-nationalism in the Valley. Who is secular in the Valley that Jammu is being called communal in contrast? Those who are unleashing cries of Nizam-e-Mustafa (Islamic rule)?”

The Panun Kashmir leader won’t openly admit it, but the strident “Bam-Bam Bole” movement across Jammu is an hour of vindication that he is loath to let go of.

“We have been waiting for this for long,” he says. “Jammu didn’t exactly welcome us when we were driven out of the Valley in 1989-90, we haven’t had it easy here. But now Jammu seems to have understood what the problem with Kashmiri Muslims is, it has risen and we are with Jammu. This is not about land in Amarnath, this is about a deeper malaise of which Amarnath is only a symptom. Kashmir has held India to ransom for too long, now it is our turn. Half the Kashmiri leadership deserves to be put behind bars for sedition, we deserve to be reinstated to our homes.”

Does he realistically believe, though, that he and his fellow Pandits can make their way back to the Valley laden with such loathing? That they can even, in this surcharge, visualise the “yatra” to Amarnath proceeding next year?

“That is for the government to ensure,” Agnishekhar says. “Why does the law of the land not run in Kashmir, can Indians not go there? The government and secularists of this country have nothing to say of the anti-national Islamists of Kashmir, all they can do is blame us. What for? For agitating with the national flag?”

As his Muthi compatriots gather, a little clutch that has mushroomed in minutes, Agnishekhar, also a Hindi writer of fair renown, crossly throws off the burden of bigotry from his doorstep.

“I was once known as a progressive writer, until they threw me out for protesting the ouster of Pandits and began calling me a religious zealot. But should I not even protest my circumstances? Won’t you if you were thrown out of home? Hum aah bhi karen to ho jaate hain badnaam, woh katl bhi karen to charcha nahin hota (I get defamed if I so much as complain, they commit murder and yet get no blame).”

Agnishekhar claims no allegiance to the BJP or the Hindu rightwing, he’s been a Congressman all his life, paid obeisance to Nehru. He does concede, though, that today his worldview is closer to the Hindu rightwing.

“Where are Nehru’s children, where is the Congress, feeding the Muslim communalists of the Valley?” he asks. “It’s the BJP that helped us in crisis, if anybody did, we have to be grateful. And now we have to fight its battle to the very end.”

The assemblage behind him, virulently anti-Muslim and sporting saffron bandannas, is ominously nodding approval.

Hurriyat stooge Geelani on Rediff

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Under the guise of "Operation Sadhbhavana," the army has usurped huge parcels of land and seems to be expanding its network. I have information that the army has seized 23 acres of land for opening a school in Pahalgam. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
And what information does Geelani have about the thousands of homes and property confiscated from the Kashmiri Pandits - over a dozen years ago. None I believe. It's probably some harem for friends of Geelani or a guest-house for hosting wine-cheese party with our bleeding hearts.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->I know the schools are meant for Kashmiris. But they are also meant to make them sing Vande Mataram and not offer namaz.
Can't namaz can be offered in mosques or homes? Or shouldn't we be secular and push for even bhajan-kirtans and prayer-choirs along with namaz in schools?
And for the schools built by rupees paid for by Indian citizen would it be so bad if kids sang 'Vande mataram'? Geelani's never objected to chants of 'jiye pakistan' so why this crocodile tears over kids being made to sing patriotic songs on Indians?

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The aim of these schools is to turn Kashmiri children into pure Indians.
Ah, this I see is a problem for Geelani sahib. If Kashmiri children are 'pure Indians' like rest of kids in India, and like 'pure Indians' they strive for a better life via education and hard work, Geelani sahib will have to shut down his shop. Ain't it? No more free dole from tax paid by 'pure Indians'. No more z-level security provided by 'pure Indians'. No more TV cameras around, no more phoren trips, no more govt gaadi, bangla, makan etc.. you get the picture.
It's in best interest of Geelani and his types to see that Kashmiri kids are in a perennial state of turmoil and grow up to be either (i) jihadis or (ii) street thugs/enforcer for Geelani. Shame on such leaders and shame on our political leadership which feeds such vipers.
A photographer picked up by RAF and police, taken to PS and beaten up with 3rd-degree like a criminal.

Many such stories are coming to light where police is targeting the specific youth who had been active in the movement.

<img src='http://l.yimg.com/ki/epaper/jagran/20080829/09/jmu28jkcd16-c-2-1_1219982530.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

जम्मू, संवाद सहयोगी : श्री अमरनाथ भूमि वापस लेने के लिए चल रहे जनांदोलन को कुचलने के लिए पुलिस ने अब क्रूरता की सारी हदें पार कर दी हैं। जम्मू के एसएसपी का पद्भार संभालने के बाद मनोहर सिंह ने लोगों से वादा किया था कि अगर वह संयम से काम लेंगे तो पुलिस उन पर कोई कार्रवाई नहीं करेगी, लेकिन इसके विपरीत ही हो रहा है। आंदोलनकारियों को तो पुलिस पहले भी अपना निशाना बना ही रही थी अब राह चलते लोगों को भी पुलिस ने उठाना शुरू कर दिया और उन पर झूठे मामले दर्ज कर रही है। इतना ही नहीं पुलिस उनके साथ एक प्रोफेशनल अपराधियों जैसा व्यवहार कर रही है। उन पर थर्ड डिग्री का भी प्रयोग कर रही है। ऐसे ही कई मामले सामने आ रहे हैं जिनमें पुलिस ने राह चलते लोगों को सिर्फ बेरहमी से पीटा ही नहीं उन पर मामले भी दर्ज किए हैं। रिहाड़ी में फोटोग्राफर का काम करने वाले युवक मुन्ना पर भी पुलिस ने उस समय अपना कहर बरपाया जब वह अपनी बहन के घर से वापस जा रहा था। मुन्ना के अनुसार मंगलवार शाम करीब छह बजे वह अपनी बहन के घर शालामार से परेड की तरफ पैदल ही जा रहा था कि पहाडि़या मोहल्ले में रैपिड एक्शन फोर्स के जवानों ने उसे व एक और व्यक्ति को पकड़ लिया। मुन्ना ने बताया कि आरएएफ के जवानों ने उन्हें पीटा और परेड चौकी ले जाकर उन्हें पुलिस के हवाले कर दिया। बाद में वहां पर परेड चौकी इंचार्ज दिपांकर सिंह ने भी उन पर थर्ड डिग्री का इस्तेमाल करते हुए पीटा। पुलिस की पिटाई से जब वे अधमरा हो गया तो उन्हें रात करीब साढ़े ग्यारह बजे पक्का डंगा पुलिस स्टेशन में बंद कर दिया गया। परेड चौकी इंचार्ज ने उन पर उसी रात फूड जंक्शन में आग लगाने का मामला भी दर्ज कर दिया, जबकि उनका कहना है कि उन्हें छह बजे पुलिस ने पकड़ा था और जंक्शन में आग आठ बजे के बाद लगी थी। वीरवार को पुलिस ने कोर्ट से जमानत मिलने के बाद उसे रिहा कर दिया।
Former Army Chief Malik pitches in The nation and its 40 hectares

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->On August 8 when Syed Ahmed Shah Geelani was shouting pro-Pakistan and religious slogans in Srinagar, about 100 km to the north, Colonel J. J. Thomas with his quick reaction team was trying to prevent Pakistani terrorists from entering J&K. <b>Thomas and his two colleagues were killed in that encounter.</b> The encounter was reported by a few media channels. <b>There was no reaction by any political leader or a civil rights activist. </b>Three days later, the defiant anti-national veteran and other ‘Azadi’ leaders (one known for murdering air force personnel) were arrested before they could lead another anti-national rally. Everyone screamed ‘crackdown’!

A dig at nutty Roy
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->This week, a young fiction-writer-turned-activist writes that ‘denial of Azadi is delusion’. She accuses India of administering ‘military occupation for 18 years’ and causing ‘years of repression in which tens of thousands have been killed, thousands have been disappeared, hundreds of thousand tortured, injured, raped and humiliated’. Political leaders — Abdullah, Muftis, Azad and their colleagues — who were elected and ruled the state during this period and should be answering, let that accusation pass! When our political leaders and administrators convert a 40 hectares land dispute into a ‘secession’ issue in 60 days and award-winning romantic authors rabidly endorse that, I feel it is time to introspect India’s nationhood and governance.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->That the crisis in J&K is a result of crass political opportunism, naivety and administrative procrastination, if not slumber, is well known. The governor, Congress, PDP and NC leaders tried to gain vote banks over the temporary allotment of 40 hectares near Baltal. All of them are sidelined today because the secessionists have taken over the situation.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->India’s problem is that nationalism and patriotism are forgotten words today. As in our historical past, we remain inward-looking, fixing each other rather than the outsiders. Ernest Renan wrote, “What constitutes a nation is not speaking the same tongue, or belonging to the same religion or ethnic group, but having accomplished great things in common in the past, and the wish to accomplish them again in future.” We, the people of India need to pursue our national interests collectively and passionately, whatever the cost. In the interest of Indian nationalism, regional and communal identities and diversities have to be underplayed, not over-emphasised. We need to be realists; not moralists or pessimists.
Gag on media in J & K. Where are those who shout from rooftops about free speech?
J&K: Newspapers question SAFMA's silence

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Leading newspapers like Greater Kashmir and Rising Kashmir Daily have questioned the silence of South Asian Free Media Association on the crackdown on newspapers in the Valley. They have questioned the credibility of the organisation that professes to fight for the cause of press freedom.
<span style='color:red'>Government Concedes to Samiti Demands, At Last. All Demands of Jammu Agitators Accepted. State agreed to grant the earmarked land for exclusive use of Amarnath Shrine. </span>

Samiti immediately suspends the agitation that had entered 62nd day today, and people have simultanuousely erupted all over jammu in celebrations. Now Curfews are imposed to curb the celebrations.

More Details awaited.
Must Watch, Spread the Link:

'A. The State Government shall set aside for the use by Shri Amarnathji Shrine Board, exclusively, the land in Baltal and Domail (Compartment No. 63/S, Sindh Forest Division) comprising an area of 800 kanals, traditionally under use for the annual yatra purposes.

B. The proprietary status/ownership/title of the land shall not undergo any change.

C. The Board shall use the aforesaid land for the duration of the yatra (including the period of making the required arrangements and winding up of the same) for the purpose of user by various service providers according to its needs and priorities.

The aforesaid land shall be used according to the Board's requirements, from time to time, including for the following:-

i) Raising of temporary pre-fabricated accommodation and toilet facilities by the Board;

ii) Establishment of tented accommodation by private camping agencies (locals, permanent residents of the state);

iii) Setting up of the shops by shopkeepers (locals, permanent residents of the state);

iv) Facilities for Pony Wallas and Pithu Wallas;

v) Provision of healthcare and medical facilities;

vi) Setting up of free Langars by private persons and groups which are licensed by the Board;

vii) Facilities for helicopter operations/ parking of vehicles;

viii) Arrangements of security by local police/para-military forces and other security agencies as per the arrangements in place here-to-fore; and

ix) Undertaking measures relating to soil conservation, land protection and preservation of ecology. '
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Jammu exults, stir over </b>
Mohit Kandhari | Jammu
<b>Agreement reached over land for Amarnath yatra</b>
Jammu witnessed renaissance early on Sunday. Drummers spilled on to streets, hundreds of people found a good reason to wave the Tricolour and danced in small groups and sweets were distributed freely and crackers burst to celebrate the victory of the "united Jammu's new-found political voice" after the Amarnath Yatra Sangharsh Samiti (AYSS) suspended its 61-day "mother of all agitations" immediately after inking an agreement with the Governor's four-member committee after a seven-hour meeting.   

The fourth round of talks began on a positive note in the backdrop of the peace formula proposed by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh after evolving a consensus among Kashmiri politicians in New Delhi. The talks, which started around 9 pm on Saturday after being postponed twice on Thursday and Friday, continued till the wee hours of Sunday and witnessed many twists and turns.

The final call was made around 1.30 am, when members of the core committee of the Sangharsh Samiti also arrived at the guesthouse and sat down with the <span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Governor's panel to broker a peace formula without compromising on the core issue of restoration of land to the shrine board. </span>

Around 4.30 am, the members emerged from the meeting room and announced that an agreement had been reached. <span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>The State panel agreed to set aside 800 kanals of land for the exclusive use of Sri Amarnath Shrine Board (SASB) at Baltal and Domail during the pilgrimage season without changing its proprietary status/ownership/title.</span> Immediately after the news was flashed on TV screens, hordes of people came out of their houses in jubilation and greeted each other.

The Samiti activists present outside the venue chanted "bhum bhum bole", burst crackers and danced to drum beats. The festivities, however, did not last long as the entire Jammu district was put under curfew immediately after the announcement to prevent any militant attack.

Meanwhile, Sangharsh Samiti convener Leela Karan Sharma expressed satisfaction over the development. "It is victory for the people of Jammu and their belief. I thank these people and the media for extending support to the Samiti," Sharma said. He also paid his tributes to the "martyrs" who sacrificed their lives during the agitation.

Special programmes were organised across Jammu where women and children participated in large numbers and hailed the agreement. "Jammu is reborn and no political leader or party dare take Jammu and its people for granted," the locals said.

<b>The jubilant residents defied curfew restrictions at several places to attend the 'victory rally' organised by the Sangharsh Samiti. Holding the Tricolour, they marched toward the rally venue to celebrate the victory, but were prevented from moving beyond a point. At certain places, para-military forces and police had to use water cannons and teargas shells to disperse the residents</b>. The curfew was lifted later in the day and the residents lit candles to express their happiness.

Meanwhile, addressing a Press conference at the end of the seven-hour meeting at the State Guest House, State panel chairman Dr SS Boleria and Samiti convener Leela Karan Sharma announced that the shrine board would continue to discharge its responsibilities as per the Act and supervise all arrangements of the pilgrimage with the State Government's support.

Boleria said the board would use the land for the duration of the yatra, including the period needed to make the required arrangements and winding them up, for use by various service providers according to its needs and priorities.

Both the sides agreed that the land should be used according to the board's requirements. It includes "raising of temporary pre-fabricated accommodation, establishment of tented accommodation by private camping agencies and setting up of shops by shopkeepers (locals, permanent residents of the State) and facilities for ponywallahs and pithuwallahs".

<b>The Government also agreed to examine the Samiti's 14-point charter of demands, which include withdrawal of criminal cases during the period of agitation and provisions for compensation to the families of the deceased and to the injured on a "time-bound" basis. As per the agreement, appropriate packages of financial assistance to compensate losses to the transport sector, trade and industry, horticulture, hoteliers and tourist operators would be examined.</b>
Not clear, its looks like its not lease but temp arrangement. It will be only during Yatra time.
No lease.

I don't understand why Mr Fool Moron Singh refused at first place?
This time Jammu had called Kashmir Valley and Congress bluff.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Boost for nationalist forces, PDP looks for a place to hide </b>
Kumar Uttam | New Delhi
The nationalist forces got a major boost in Jammu and Kashmir with Sunday's accord over the Amarnath land issue -- a controversy which eventually turned out to be a battle between separatists and the others. And, the first-of-its-kind of polarisation of social and political outfits has finally seen separatist voices being overruled by nationalist opinion.

The two-month-long movement has not only isolated the separatists but also the People's Democratic Party (PDP), which did not waste time in whipping up "communal and regional sentiments" ahead of the crucial Assembly elections. The PDP was quick to denounce the eagerly-awaited agreement as "unilateral" and said it "did not take care" of the sensitivity of the majority community.

In a release issued in Srinagar, PDP leader Mehbooba Mufti said any decision on the matter should have been taken only through consensus.

"The Jammu appeasement policy will increase the alienation of the Kashmiris," she said. Her agony has its genesis in the severe blow her party suffered in Jammu and adjoining districts with the PDP leaders and office bearers resigning en masse following her stand on the Amarnath land row. Jammu and adjoining areas account for more than 35 Assembly seats.

Mehbooba Mufti and her party would now depend heavily on support from separatists and similar elements in the Valley to remain the "kingmaker" after the next Assembly polls.

The separatists were, on expected lines, towing her stand. The coordination committee of the separatist outfits came out with a statement in Srinagar, saying, "Although the land issue has no importance for us at the moment, we reject the agreement."

But so fierce had been the mass movement in Jammu that Farooq Abdullah, whose National Conference was against allotment of land to the Sri Amarnath Shrine Board, had to welcome the agreement as "a very good sign".

<b>"I see it as a very good sign. The hatred that was developing between communities in the State has come to an amicable end," said Abdullah, whose party hopes to return to power in the State.</b>

<b>Politically, the Jammu agitation would benefit the BJP the most. The party, which has just one MLA in the State, had openly supported the "mass movement" and is believed to have won new sympathisers. The party's grip over Jammu city and adjoining areas is firmer than before and it expected to translate into electoral gains in the forthcoming Assembly elections.</b>

However, senior BJP leader LK Advani said the (Amarnath) issue should be recognised in "its true form". <b>Advani told reporters here that he had written to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh that it was "not a Hindu versus Muslim issue, not Jammu versus Kashmir... It is surrender to the pressure of separatists".</b>

<b>"And, therefore, when the Prime Minister wrote to me that he agreed with this analysis and also stated firmly that under no circumstances will the Government take a decision under pressure from separatists, I felt satisfied that now we will reach a solution," Advani said</b>.

RSS chief KS Sudarshan also welcomed the agreement reached over the Amarnath land row, which had disturbed the peace in the Valley for over two months. "Sudarshan has welcomed the agreement, which allows the shrine board to make temporary use of 40 hectares in Kashmir during the yatra period," a release issued in Nagpur said.
Jammu and Delhi residence should be very very carefull because now they will be soft target of Indian Muslim.
<span style='color:red'>Full text of the Amarnath Accord</span>

PTI | August 31, 2008 | 18:30 IST

The Amarnath row had been solved after an accord was signed.

Following is the text read out by Governor's advisor S S Bloeria and Shri Amarnath Sangarsh Samiti convener Leela Karan Sharma during a joint press conference on Sunday morning.

1. The Shri Amarnathji Yatra, which has been going on for many centuries, is a shining symbol of communal harmony and brotherhood in Jammu & Kashmir and reflective of the state's composite heritage. The Yatris have been welcomed with open arms by the people of both Jammu and Kashmir divisions and all required facilities have been made available for them.

Sadly, certain decisions of the state government relating to the Yatra created misunderstandings which led to controversy and agitation and loss of many precious lives. Apart from the damage to property, there has been a colossal loss to the state's economy in different sectors like transport, trade, industry, horticulture and tourism.

2. The Yatra to Shri Amarnathji Shrine has traditionally benefited a large number of local residents, many of whom have crucial dependence on this annual pilgrimage for their livelihood.

3. There has been no occasion in the past on which the state government has failed to provide the required support for the conduct of the Amarnathji Yatra. On the contrary, the extent and nature of governmental support to the Yatra has been progressively enhancing, from year to year.

4. In view of the need to seek a peaceful resolution of the fundamental issues, to settle all existing doubts and clarify the continuing responsibility of the Shri Amarnathji Shrine Board (SASB), the Governor of Jammu and Kashmir had constituted, on 6 August, 2008, a four-member Committee comprising: Dr. S. S. Bloeria, Advisor to Governor Justice

(Retd) Shri G. D. Sharma Prof. Amitabh Mattoo, Vice Chancellor, University of Jammu Shri B. B. Vyas, Principal Secretary to Governor and Chief Executive Officer, Shri Amarnathji Shrine Board.

5. The Committee held three rounds of discussions with the four-member Committee nominated by the Shri Amarnathji Yatra Sangharsh Samiti (SAYSS) which comprised:- Shri Tilak Raj Sharma, Brigadier (Retd), Suchet Singh, Prof. Narinder Singh and Shri Pawan Kohli.

6. The Governor has also held discussions with the leaders of political, social, religious, academic and other organizations in the Kashmir Valley. The predominant view, emerging out of the consultations, is that the Amarnath Yatra, which is a centuries old tradition of J&K's rich composite heritage, will continue to be welcomed and supported by the people of Kashmir, in every possible way.

It was also felt that while the Shrine Board could continue to use the land, as in the past, for Yatra purposes, nothing should be done to alienate or transfer the land. While an assuring convergence of views has emerged, the Governor is committed to continuing the consultative process to ensure against any remaining misunderstanding whatsoever on an issue which has earlier led to serious misperceptions and human and economic loss.

Based on detailed discussions and deliberations held in the recent weeks, the following framework of action for resolving the issue relating to the use of land for the period of Yatra by the Shri Amarnathji Shrine Board, at Baltal and Domail, has been agreed to:-

A. The State Government shall set aside for the use by Shri Amarnathji Shrine Board, exclusively, the land in Baltal and Domail (Compartment No. 63/S, Sindh Forest Division) comprising an area of 800 kanals, traditionally under use for the annual Yatra purposes.

B. The proprietary status/ownership/title of the land shall not undergo any change.

C. The Board shall use the aforesaid land for the duration of the Yatra (including the period of making the required arrangements and winding up of the same) for the purpose of user by various service providers according to its needs and priorities.The aforesaid land shall be used according to the Board's requirements, from time to time, including for the following:-

i. Raising of temporary pre-fabricated accommodation and toilet facilities by the Board;

ii. Establishment of tented accommodation by private camping agencies (locals, permanent residents of the state);

iii. Setting up of the shops by shopkeepers (locals, permanent residents of the state);

iv. Facilities for Pony Wallas and Pithu Wallas;

v. Provision of healthcare and medical facilities;

vi. Setting up of free Langars by private persons and groups which are licensed by the Board;

vii. Facilities for helicopter operations/ parking of vehicles;

viii. Arrangements of security by local police/para-military forces and other security agencies as per the arrangements in place here-to-fore; and

ix. Undertaking measures relating to soil conservation, land protection and preservation of ecology.

7. It has further been agreed that the Board shall continue to remain responsible for the overall arrangements of the Yatra on both the routes during the Yatra period, including all arrangements as mandated under the provisions of the Shri Amarnathji Shrine Act, 2000 AD.

8. Apart from the above, the Committee set up by the Samiti had, during the course of discussions, presented a fourteen-point "Charter of Demands" for consideration by the state government.

The main demands relate to withdrawal of criminal cases against various persons during the period of agitation, provision of compensation to the families of the deceased and to the injured and working out of appropriate packages of financial assistance to compensate losses of the transport sector, trade and industry, horticulture sector, hoteliers and tourist operators.

The state government has agreed to examine all these demands in an appropriate manner on time-bound basis.

9. In particular, as regards the registration of criminal cases against various persons during the period of agitation, it is agreed that all cases of non-serious nature which shall mean bailable and compoundable will be withdrawn.

The remaining cases will be reviewed, on the merits of each case, by a Committee headed by Shri Anil Goswami, Principal Secretary (Home) within 60 days. Till the completion of this process, no action will be taken in such cases. Also, specific allegations of atrocities on agitators, based on prima-facie evidence, could also be looked into by this Committee.

10. Ex-gratia relief will be extended in favour of the next of the kin of the deceased and in favour of permanently disabled and the injured in all cases covered under the existing rules of the state government.

11. Further, a Working Group, under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary will address all compensation issues relating to both Jammu and Kashmir Divisions and the Central government will be approached for extending financial support to the state government for this purpose within a period of two months. To make the exercise meaningful, one representative from each of the affected sectors will be associated with the deliberations of the Working Group.

12. The Shri Amarnathji Shrine Board will be reconstituted keeping in view the provisions of the Act and the past precedents.

13. It is agreed that the Law Department in the state government will examine the issue of disposal of LPA in terms of the understanding made herein above within one month.

Sd/- Sd/-

(Lila Karan Sharma) (Dr. S. S. Bloeria)

Convenor Advisor to Governor of J&K

Shri Amarnath Yatra Sangharsh Samiti

<b>Video: Shri Amarnath Movement 2 - Bravery and Defiance</b>

Jammu Erupts in Celebration.

<img src='http://l.yimg.com/ki/epaper/jagran/20080901/10/jmu31cnt17-c-4-1_1220245144.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

Diwali to be celebrated for 3 nights from today. 63 lamps to be lit in every house representing each day of the movement.

<img src='http://l.yimg.com/ki/epaper/jagran/20080901/10/jmu31jkcd32-c-3-1_1220245231_m.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

<img src='http://l.yimg.com/ki/epaper/jagran/20080901/10/jmu31jkcd25-c-3-1_1220245230_m.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
<img src='http://l.yimg.com/ki/epaper/jagran/20080901/10/jmu31jkcd10a-1_1220245233_m.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

Leela Karan Sharma and other Samiti leaders announcing victory at a press conference at Gita Bhawan Jammu
<img src='http://l.yimg.com/ki/epaper/jagran/20080901/10/jmu31jkcd46-c-3-1_1220245219_m.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

<img src='http://l.yimg.com/ki/epaper/jagran/20080901/10/jmu31jkcd49-c-2-1_1220245220_m.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

Every road led to Vijay Rally announced by Samiti to be held in every town.

<img src='http://l.yimg.com/ki/epaper/jagran/20080901/10/jmu31jkcd15-c-3-1_1220245220.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

<img src='http://l.yimg.com/ki/epaper/jagran/20080901/10/jmu31kth9-c-3-1_1220245215.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

<img src='http://l.yimg.com/ki/epaper/jagran/20080901/10/jmu31udm9a-1_1220245216.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
Congratulating commercials from local businesses, like the one below appeared in papers and on walls:

<img src='http://l.yimg.com/ki/epaper/jagran/20080901/10/jmushriraghuindustries-1_1220245221_m.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
<img src='http://l.yimg.com/ki/epaper/jagran/20080901/10/jmu31jaa-23-c-3-1_1220245196_m.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

<img src='http://l.yimg.com/ki/epaper/jagran/20080901/10/jmu31jaa-01-c-3-1_1220245191_m.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

<img src='http://l.yimg.com/ki/epaper/jagran/20080901/10/jmu31jaa-02-c-3-1_1220245193_m.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
Samiti congratulated Hindi newspapers for their role during the movement. Activists marched to their offices and thanked the reporters, photographers and editors for their complete support. It was their contribution that the English media could not succeed in its efforts to suppress the Jammus opinion. Celebrations at Jagran's Jammu office:

<img src='http://l.yimg.com/ki/epaper/jagran/20080901/10/jmu31jaa-18-c-3-1_1220245189_m.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

<img src='http://l.yimg.com/ki/epaper/jagran/20080901/10/jmu31jaa-15-c-4-1_1220245169_m.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
Community kitchens continued for one last day... but serving a feast! Ladies busy preparing dishes.

<img src='http://l.yimg.com/ki/epaper/jagran/20080901/10/jmu31jaa-19-c-2-1_1220245190_m.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

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