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International Conference On Indian History
This is the press release issued on the second day of the conference:


<b>‘Mahabharata War Occurred in 3067 BC’</b>
<b>‘Calculus is India’s Gift to the West’</b>

New Delhi January 10: A well-known Indian physicist has used advanced planetarium software and astronomical data detailed in the slokas of Mahabharata to conclusively date the ancient Indian epic to 3067 BCE.

Speaking at the ongoing International Conference on Indian History, Civilisation and Geopolitics 2009 (ICIH-2009) here, professor Narahari Achar said that most of the previous attempts at astronomical dating of the famous epic made the critical error of equating the Sanskrit word “Graha” with a planet.

“However, Graha actually meant not only a planet but any heavenly object moving through the sky that can ‘grasp,’ such as a comet or asteroid,” he said. “Once we understand this, all apparent confusion and contradiction in the planetary positions given in the Mahabharata disappears.”

Though the epic has been variously dated from 5000 BCE to 1000 BCE by historians, this is the first time that a scholar has taken into account the movement of planets excluding the comets to reproduce by simulation the astronomical references given in the Mahabharata.

“The year 3067 BCE arrived at by this method is consistent with the Hindu tradition and correlates perfectly with the time references given in Rigveda and Puranas for the epic,” Prof. Narhari added.

In his speech at the conference, Professor C.K. Raju revealed that calculus was an Indian invention that was transmitted by Jesuit priests to Europe from Cochin in the second half of 16th century. “Indian infinite series has been known to British scholars since at least 1832, but no scholar tried to establish the connection with the calculus attributed to Newton and Leibnitz,” he said.

Dr. Raju’s 10-year research that included archival work in Kerala and Rome was published in a book “Cultural Foundations of Mathematics.” It established that the Jesuit priests took trigonometric tables and planetary models from the Kerala mathematicians of the Aryabhata school and exported them to Europe starting around 1560 in connection with the European navigational problem.

“When the Europeans received the Indian calculus, they couldn’t understand it properly because the Indian philosophy of mathematics is different from the Western philosophy of mathematics. It took them about 300 years to fully comprehend its working. The calculus was used by Newton to develop his laws of physics,” Dr. Raju added. Ironically, some British scholars claimed credit for this research despite being warned against plagiarizing Professor Raju’s work.
Jagmohan's non-appearance on the first day (he was the chief guest!) was a big dissappointment. We kept calling his PA but he had his phone switched off. Finally, we got through and were told that Jagmohan was a bit unwell.

Finally Jagmohan arrived at the venue, had a quick look inside the auditorium and then promised to come on the last day. Let us see if he keeps his promise.

The last day has the valedictory session with JS Rajput (former director NCERT) and Subramaniam Swamy as chief guests. Hope Jagmohan arrives too.

The geopolitics sessions went off very well and were highly talked about -- Kanwal Sibbal, Bharat Karnad, etc. were all there.

Tarun Vijay excused himself at the last moment and did not attend the conference. This was taken badly by all of us.

Thanks, I have posted these on BRF also.
Was anyone video-filming any of it? If no one was, hopefully somebody can start doing it.
Asian Age has covered it today:

<!--QuoteBegin-Swamy G+Jan 11 2009, 06:45 AM-->QUOTE(Swamy G @ Jan 11 2009, 06:45 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Was anyone video-filming any of it? If no one was, hopefully somebody can start doing it.

All sessions are being video filmed and will be available on YouTube
Kudos to Kaushal <!--emo&:cool--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/specool.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='specool.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Anjani:please post YouTube video links when available.
Dr. Vepa's conference has given major takleef to our friend Michael Witzel. This is what he writes:

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->For your weekend amusement, though the repeated insistence on
"rewriting" of Indian history is really ... boring:

See: <http://tinyurl.com/8mofml>
"US-based engineer turned historian, Dr Vepa" says it all...

Like our long time friends mathematician Rajaram, bank employees Dr.
K. and Talageri, electric engineering Prof. S. Kak, medical
technician V. Agarwal (M.Sc.), astrologers like David Fawley
("Vamedeva") etc. etc. Likewise, K. Vepa: he has a PhD of the
University of Waterloo in Engineering Sciences & applied mechanics,
studied there 1968 — 1972.

*Anybody* in the Indian orbit can turn historian overnight, at the
drop of a hat. Preferably, after retirement...

Yesterday a conference on this topic has begun in Delhi:

tiny URL: <http://tinyurl.com/8mofml>

Interestingly, even IER/Westerner-baiter Sandhya Jain (rabid
columnist in the chauvinistic paper, the Organizer), had to comment:
"NONE of the persons mentioned is a historian!"

Sure, it is a *political* event that she should actually welcome :^)

Quote from Vepa's web site <http://www.linkedin.com/pub/dir/kosla/
vepa>: "The Indic Studies Foundation, based in the San Francisco Bay
Area, seeks to propagate a more accurate and rational approach to the
study and dissemination of the Indian Civilizational ethos in the world" and: "I have prepared educational materials and calendars for
dissemination to schools in India and the US."

Remember the CA schoolbook case? After failed attempts to rewrite history there,
this has been their new front...

Onward, Hindutva soldiers!



Day2: While I could not sleep well, thanks to Professor I was sharing the room with, and who does'nt know he snores, (and I hope he doesn't read this), the plenary session in the morning was surely very rewarding. Wonderful presentations by Prof Bhudev Sharma (founder president WAVES) and Prof C K Raju (Center fro Studies in Civilization, Delhi). Simply marvelous. Sharmaji quoting from the veda-s demonstrated many things including the concepts of numbers and number series and so on. Very interesting. Raju on his part, while maintaining that the "vedic mathematics" is a hoax, still demonstrated how Indian trigonometry is far superior to the European one which is taught these days in school. With a surgical analysis, he also showed many things which are wrong and can be easily corrected about the Indian education. Prof. ML Goel of International Studies, quite in the line of SR Goel (not related), presented a comparision of many aspects Jehad in Africa, Europe and India in medieval times, and how Hindu revival is unique.

So moved was elderly Prof Shivaji Singh chairing the session, that speaking with almost tears in his eyes, he jubilantly concluded that if Indian academia is producing such professors, then he was sure Witsel-Thapar's was the last generation of Hindu-hater academics worth the name, and that he was satisfied by the quality of young talents that is taking up the task of historiography, inheriting it from his own generation. He also laid stress upon the need for Indian talents from diverse fields to take growing interest with history, and said this is what would make a world of difference in the current struggle with the "motivated" history writing. He also said that events such as ICIH2009 are important in this regard, as they not only allow alternative platforms for such a collaboration, but a friendly environment to such talents.

Thanks to the friendly rUsI-Indologist and the learned nepAlI kAyastha scholar, both my temporary neighbours, insisting that I should sit through their lectures, I had to miss the great round table discussion on the 'New Indic Leadership - How?' which Elst and Kaushal and others led, and I was later told was a superb one. But anyways this one was great too. nepAlI scholar presented a paper which traced that how after the fall of bengal, sena rulers moved to himalayas and especially himachal, kumayun and nepal, and continued for several centuries later. I have to say that rUsI friend's paper was a disappointment to me, he spoke on the same age old Arya and Ethnos and Bible and so on... unfortunately (for him) the moderator was none other than Professor Bhagwan Singh, a very erudite scholar of R^igveda. Quoting from his memory with very precise pronunciation, from the fisrt veda, Professor quietened the rUsI friend. But at this point Shivaji Singh came to somewhat the rescue of his, and discussion turned to a dbate between the two elderly professors on some finer points...

Day3: Conference succesfully concluded.

Dr. Subramanian Swmay chaired the valedictory session, and spoke about Rama Setu, specially mentioning the half-truths and falses related to padma-purANa paraded in supreme court by GoI and how with help of scholars GoI was caught red-faced, an event that started their retreat in the court.

In his Vote of Thanks, Dr. Vepa thanked, besides others, India-Forum for conf success, and asked attendees to "give a big hand to", <b>particularly naming, Mudy, Viren, Rhytha, and Hauma Hamiddha</b> (in that sequence <!--emo&Smile--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo--> ).

(Meanwhile at least 2 speakers jubilantly quoted the shloka of vasudhaiva kuTumbakam of course not knowing where it came from. When I pointed the reality out, this professor got very angry, and lectured me upon the proper manners and right language. ("perversion of the real mening", the term I used, was objectionable to him). Other speaker, a respected security analyst happily took my input and was pleasantly surprised and expressed "relief" knowing the reality.)

Dainik Jagran jurnos were seen very active and covered the event well.
Sandhya Jain wrote to the above mentioned list, with a copy to vassel...

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Dear friends
One point I wish to make is that ALL Western scholarship rests less on academic merit and more on the military and fiscal power of the promoting nations. This was true in the Overt Colonial Era and is even more true in the Covert Colonial Era.

Now, with Covert Colonialism facing real challenges, the weasels are feeling uneasy, and hitting out blindly. We should ignore them and just do genuine work in the slow and steady scholarly way. If Indians cease to look West, refuse to cite Western scholars (esp those with known agendas), refuse to do Ph.D under them, must of their eminence will simply wither away.

The American Economy is a similar scam - and is coming unravelled faster than they can put it together again. On another list, friends revealed that one Harvard Don is somehow connected to the Satyam Scam in India. PriceWaterhouseCooper is already exposed.

Everything in the West worked till the pigeons came home to roost. We don't need certification from bandicoots.
Warm regards
Sandhya <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Dear X
Thanks, someone else also sent this to me. Now Witzel is a non-entity of the first waters (Harvard!!) and so is beneath contempt and need not be rebutted for personal lack of grace, and anyway has no academic credentials to speak of.
But how did he know what I said on a private group, I did not know he was a member of any group I am on? It is quite astonishing.

Warm regards
Sandhya <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

expect more fireworx...
Some vague paper in Shillong even carried an editorial on the conference, alleging a "faint odour of saffronisation."

Congrats and kudos to Kaushal! <!--emo&:beer--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cheers.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='cheers.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Raju on his part, while maintaining that the "vedic mathematics" is a hoax,



I have personally used vedic math for 1 year and I can vouch for its
accuracy and efficacy
Sandhya should not be surprised at the leakage

Unfortunately hindu society is cursed with a large number of traitors

A friend of mine who was working on rehabilitating hindu refugees from bangladesh told me, BD DGFI had gotten leaks from within the list
which was supposed to be carefully vetted
Most people who go into history , the JNU types are rather dumb
they went into history because they were too dumb to get into a technical field

Whereas Kosal Vepa being of technical background is sharper and using scientific methods
Congrats Kaushal for successfully pulling off this conference. Your focus and grit in getting the whole thing organized and worked out should be admired by all.

Bodhi- hope your presentation went off well.

We should distinguish between "Vedic" mathematics being useful/usable and it being of genuine vedic origin. The former is probably indeed true -- though like any quick arithmetic system needs a lot of practice. With regards to its vedic origins I can assure you that there is absolutely no evidence for it occurring in the AV or its auxiliary literature as it survives.
Finally I have regained IF access after a while...

I have personally used vedic math for 1 year and I can vouch for its
accuracy and efficacy <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
The fact that it is effective does not prove its vedic origin, anyone can come up with mathematical shortcuts to save time, but that doesn't mean the vedas have anything to do with it. The problem is not about its "accuracy and efficacy" but is claimed origins which are nothing but made up.

Its like writing a book on Vedic cuisine and talking about how to make samosas, and use tomatos, both of which are later foreign introductions into India. Sure, they may taste good, but they have nothing to do with the cuisine in Vedic times.

And props to the organizers of the conference.
<!--QuoteBegin-anjani+Jan 11 2009, 11:36 PM-->QUOTE(anjani @ Jan 11 2009, 11:36 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Some vague paper in Shillong even carried an editorial on the conference, alleging a "faint odour of saffronisation."


<!--emo&:bhappy--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/b_woot.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='b_woot.gif' /><!--endemo--> Every convicted murderer (at least the more sissy ones) starts squealing as he is being taken to the gallows. The bleating coming out of the Secular Indian Press is nothing but the same. They see their deaths approaching.

It will be a long battle, and the Rajdipsticks and their Italian Bahoo Networks will scream themselves hoarse for a long time. But people like me love the trend we see.

Anyway, Kosal garu, pranaam!
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->In his Vote of Thanks, Dr. Vepa thanked, besides others, India-Forum for conf success, and asked attendees to "give a big hand to", particularly naming, <b>Mudy, Viren, Rhytha, and Hauma Hamiddha</b> (in that sequence  ).

This forum is successful because of forum members and readers. Big hand to everyone.
Wonderful, it was a successful conference. I hope we can movtivate more people.
Educating people on Indic Civilization and future place of India is very important.

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