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The Pioneer URL changes the day after, so i will post the full article for now and attempt to correct it tomorrow.

Putting Mulayam in charge of UP is halfway to handing it over to the terrorist state. The last time he was in power in UP he had weights attached to Karsevaks legs and had a fair number drowned in the river. The guy is no more than a bloody mercenary in the pay of the Pakis. I shudder to think he was Raksha Mantri in the UF ministry in the mid 90's.


Ayodhya compromise jolted

Sanjay Singh; Kamal Kant Gouri/ New Delhi

The Centre's attempt to find a peaceful solution to the Ayodhya imbroglio met with roadblocks on Wednesday - Vishwa Hindu Parishad leader Acharya Giriraj Kishore was arrested in Lucknow and the Uttar Pradesh administration began cracking down on the outfit's activists in Ayodhya.

Securitymen move to their positions in Ayodhya on Wednesday, ahead of Friday’s VHP rally -PTI

Concerned over the turn of events, Deputy Prime Minister L K Advani in the afternoon spoke to Chief Minister Mulayam Singh Yadav, who was away in Bhopal. Senior leaders in the Government are apprehensive that a high-handed approach on part of the State Government just might "complicate" matters, which in the long run, could "jeopardise" efforts to find a negotiated settlement to the Ram temple issue at Ayodhya.

Sources said Mr Advani advised Mr Yadav that the devotees be allowed free access to the Ayodhya city for Ram Darshan. This was following assurances by RSS chief K S Sudarshan that the VHP programme would be peaceful and would not break the law.

That was precisely the reason why the Centre did not accept the State Administration's demand for stopping or diverting all trains passing through Faizabad even as some Home Ministry officials endorsed the idea. Observers say both the Centre and the State Government should try and work out the modalities for a peaceful solution. Any high-handed action by the administration could have adverse effects, Mr Advani reportedly told Mr Yadav.

The Chief Minister, on his part, assured him that he would review the situation once he reaches Lucknow.

In a related development, Samajwadi Party general secretary Amar Singh met Mr Advani and discussed the latest situation. Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Mr Advani are constantly being updated on the developments by senior officials and Minister of State for Home Affairs Swami Chinmayanand, who has been acting as the Centre's interlocutor.

Even though the Centre is not happy with the attitude of the VHP, it appears perturbed over Wednesday's arrest of Mr Kishore in Lucknow and a crackdown on parishad activists in Ayodhya. Another stumbling block in the process is VHP's refusal to give a written request to the Centre or the State detailing their programme of October 17.

The VHP has a condition. It would commit itself to holding the programme at Karsewakpuram - three kilometres away from the disputed site - only if its detained activists are released.

Swami Chinmayanand in the evening indicated that he would take up the issue of the release of the activists with Mr Yadav.

The Government is also concerned over another aspect of the VHP programme - the proposed Sankalp Diwas. This comes during the country's festival season. In the days that precede Diwali, there usually is a great deal of cross-country movement of both men and material. Against this backdrop, a curfew-like situation in and around Ayodhya, causing inconvenience to ordinary citizens of the region and those using highways running through it, could invite popular ire for the Government.

Meanwhile, the supply of essential commodities like milk, fruits, vegetables and fodder from neighbouring districts to Ayodhya resumed on Wednesday after Swami Chanmayanand spoke to senior State officials in this regard.

As the Government brainstorms on a possible way out of the impasse, the VHP appears bent upon defying the authorities. VHP spokesman Veereshwar Dwivedi said small batches of Ramsewaks - 25 each - would take turns to have a darshan of Ram. "We will repeat 1991 and hold the programme on October 17 as announced, come what may."
[quote name='Kaushal' date='Oct 14 2003, 06:56 PM']
Quote:By that definition no country in this world is secular. Not one!

That is not entirely true . Most of the communist countries (before the breakup of the FSU) and a few even today like China, Albania, Vietnam, Cuba follow these precepts fairly faithfully. My point was just as the word secular is very popular with Communist countries, it is not so in the US as it is considered to be synonymous with anti-religious doctrine. Furthermore , Indian communists, unlike their comrades in China who happen to be first and last Chinese patriots and happy to be called jingos, do not follow these precepts. For the Indian communists basically secularism means there is nothing good that can be said about Hinduism (why - for no other reason than that it is the religion of the majority and their unity must be smashed at all costs). My contention is not that many countries follow such a brand of secularism , but that such a meaning for secularism is widely accepted as a secularist concept and that therefore secularism is not widely used as a philosophy or an ideology in America. You can glance at any newspaper and see how many times the word secularism pops up on any given day and compare the same to a english language newspaper in India. In India secularist dogma dominates the debate in english language media and is constantly hurled as a Brahmastra against bewildered Hindus who have always considered themselves pluralistic in their acceptance of other religious beliefs. [/quote]

U r right about the commie countries, they were indeed secular, by the book.

Now regarding the commies in India, my question is are they really secular?

If they were why this Hindu bashing? why putting down every thing Hinduism offers or values? Commies are supposed to be secular, so by the book they should bash anything & everything anti-commie not people of a particular religion. Since they are doing this how can they be commie, they become communal IMO. And if communal is the opposite of secularism these guys are non-secular, they very thing they preach against.

Quote:I agree with you that this is an acceptable definition of secularism namely equal treatment of all humans , regardless of religion, caste, creed etc and i would have no problem if this was faithfully applied in India. But that is not the case . There is no question that preferential treatment of minority religions is written into the constitution and under the guise of secularism they have been skimming of temple funds to subsidize the Hajj pilgrimage and subsidizing churches and masjids, all based on the supposition that the Hindu is either gullible or too meek to raise a voice in protest. Thus the secularism that is followed in India adheres to no definition and is an adhoc proposition made up to garner minority votes.

The article that you posted about mney earned from temples being diverted towards Haj / mosques / Churches was certainly news to me.

This idea of secularism cannot last for too long. It's not healthy for any community, neither for the nation. I hope these so-called secular groups realise that they are just isolating the majority more n' more, day by day and sooner or later it would come back to haunt them.
In some other forum one idiot secularist from AP now lives in US, declared that Muslim ruled period was best period in Indian History, wish they would have stayed and rest of population would have embraced Sufism. SHivaji only objective was to become King. Well lot of people went gang ho on him.

My concern is there are people who still think this way. How to change these idiots’ concepts?

[quote name='Mudy' date='Oct 15 2003, 10:20 PM'] In some other forum one idiot secularist from AP now lives in US, declared that Muslim ruled period was best period in Indian History, wish they would have stayed and rest of population would have embraced Sufism. SHivaji only objective was to become King.  Well lot of people went gang ho on him.


<img src='http://www.india-forum.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Big Grin' /> Maybe he should have migrated to Pakistan or any of those Gulf countries instead of US <img src='http://www.india-forum.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Wink' />

Seems there's a lot happening in Ayodhya am surprised this thread is not moving <img src='http://www.india-forum.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Sad' />
'Rambhakts' slip into Ayodhya, many arrested


Latest on Ayodhya:

1. Darshan of Ramlalla is being allowed in batches.

2. Orders have been issued to release all Ram Bhaktas

3. Ashok Singhal is released from the house arrest and is now free

4. Mulayam Singh has avoided to take a confrontational attitude which

has eased the tension and matters are simmering down.

5. Only dispute is about the site of the Sabha. VHP is closed mouthed

about their plans.

5 pm - October 17, 2003

G. V. Ashtekar
Muslim leaders warn of `counter-terrorism'

By Our Special Correspondent

MUMBAI Oct. 16. Muslim leaders warned here today of Islamic "counter-terrorism" in response to the "Hindu terrorism" of the VHP, RSS and threatened to move the United Nations to carve out a `safe haven' for Muslims in India on the lines of the Kurdish area in Northern Iraq.

Maulana Saiyad Musannah Miyan, chief patron of the Jamia Qadria Ashrafia, alleged in a statement circulated at a press conference that the Prime Minister was according "tacit endorsement" to the VHP and the RSS.

"It would be a mistake to imagine that Muslims in India are not capable of self-defence against religious terrorists," they said. They were reacting to the reported statement of VHP leaders that the Government action against its proposed rally in Ayodhya could start riots.

The statement, also signed by the Tanzeem Aimmae Masjid president, M. Khalilurrehman Noori, and the general secretary of the Raza Academy, Mohammed Saeed Noori, said: "Hindu terrorism would breed Muslim counter-terrorism, making India the largest breeding ground of terrorism in the world. It seems that the `War on Terror' initiated by the U.S. may have to be extended to India to fight Hindu terrorism."

It praised the Uttar Prades Government and the Chief Minister, Mulayam Singh Yadav, for the crackdown on the VHP activists. The statement applauded the Hindus who opposed the VHP and the RSS.
crossposted from Bharatnirbhaya - posted by Pramod Kumar

Howlers on Ayodhya

Here is another addition to the list of absurd, boring & secular analysis of the ASI report on Ayodhya. Some amusing excerpts are reproduced here. Not a single photo from the report has been published, only "artist's

impressions" of ancient pottery! For fear of letting the cat out of the bag?


Cover story

The unknown Ayodhya

Oct 19, 2003.

The Week


By R. Prasannan

After months of excavation in Ayodhya, the Archaeological Survey of India

found that a Hindu temple had existed under the debris of the razed Babri

mosque. A gladdened Vishwa Hindu Parishad is gearing up for another

agitation for constructing a Ram temple there. It has called for a special

session of Parliament by mid-October for legislation to facilitate it, and

devotees from one lakh villages are expected to converge on Ayodhya on

October 17. What exactly did the ASI unearth? Was part of its report

written on the orders of powers that be? What was life like in Ayodhya? The

Week unrolls a tapestry of life from 6th century BC to 21st century.

"If Ram was a historical figure, and if his date is older than that of

Achaeminid emperors, he could have been the ruler of an Indus valley

kingdom where Harappan cities had existed earlier."

"NO structure of a capital city has been unearthed by the ASI. No palaces,

temples, trading marts, assembly halls or stables. If they are there, they

could be lying elsewhere."

"Though Pasenadi bore the name of an ancient king of the Ikshwaku line,

says D.D. Kosambi, "he was not properly a Ksatriya... He was of low tribal


How did the legend of Ram and the Ikshwakus come to be associated with

Kosala and Ayodhya? Prof. E.J. Rapson has this explanation: "In the

Puranas, which were the common scriptures of the ruling Aryan peoples of

northern and western India, the traditional genealogies of the royal houses

have been collected and made to form a consistent whole. Not only are the

ancient tribes of the Rigveda and the kingdoms immediately descended from

them represented here, but the realms of Kosala (Ayodhya), Videha, Vaisali,

and Magadha, which were not Aryanised until a later date, have also been

brought into the scheme and furnished with a still longer and more august


"Styling themselves after mythical or ancient dynasties was a fashion among

kings of the post-Gupta period which witnessed a Hindu revival at the

expense of Buddhism. There was a clan calling themselves Ikshvakus in the

Andhra country. Their kings followed Vedic practices while their wives

patronised Buddhist sangha. They built the magnificent Nagarjunakonda. The

counter to this argument is: If Skandagupta wanted to wallow in Suryavanshi

glory, he would also have built a temple for Ram in the town he called

Ayodhya. "

"Glazed tiles have been found at the site. "Glazed ware was not at all used

in temples," says Habib. "

The VHP came on the scene in 1984 calling for removal of the mosque. Rajiv

Gandhi allowed shilanyas for a temple (1989); L.K. Advani began a rath

yatra (September 1990); and the V.P. Singh government fell (November).

Narasimha Rao allowed a kar seva on December 6, 1992. Kar sevaks pulled

down the mosque, installed the idol of Ram in a make-shift temple, and

smashed cameras of photographers.

An item recovered, and registered as No 982 from Trench ZE2, Layer No:

ZE1/ZE2 Baulkh, is a 157134 Fuji non-TV zoom lens made in Japan.
Don't know if this one fits in here ...

Is there a change in Muslim thinking?



Judging from a spate of articles that have been appearing in recent times, there are signs of major changes in the thinking of the Muslim world that command attention. For the purpose of this article reference will be made to two articles in The Times of India one by M Hasan Jowher (25 July), another by Firoz Bakht Ahmed (11 October), to yet another article, this one by M J Akbar in Asian Age (27 July) and finally to an important meeting held on 21 September in Delhi attended by over 150 Muslim intellectuals from different parts of the country and from different disciplines, who drew up a Memorandum which was later presented to the UN representative on Jammu and Kashmir, Frank Graham.

The meeting, incidentally, was organised by a committee consisting of many people prominent in Muslim religious, philanthropic, educational and cultural institutions, in intellectual discourse and in business, industry, commerce, the judiciary and law, not to speak of social work and the media. It is important to know what the Memorandum said, considering that it is almost the first time that the 'silent majority' among Muslims has come forward with its views. In the first place the Memorandum denounced the Two-Nation Theory, describing the concept of Pakistan as 'an emotional slogan' devoid of 'rational content' and 'disastrous for Muslims'. It said: 'If we are living honorably in India today, it is certainly not due to Pakistan which, if anything, has by her policy and action, weakened our position. The credit goes to the broad-minded leadership of India'.

The unanimously adopted 'Consensus Statement' declared: 'Bound by geography, history, cultural intercourse, political experience and religious affinity, we, the Indian Muslims, regard the people of Jammu and Kashmir as an inseparable and valuable component of the larger Indian community. We consider that the destiny of Jammu and Kashmir is indivisible from that of India'. And it added: 'So completely oblivious (is Pakistan) of our future that it is willing to sell us to slavery, if only it can secure Kashmir (where there is) a democratic movement and a democratic leadership... in sympathy with India. Pakistan's policy in general and its attitude to Kashmir in particular thus tend to create conditions in India which, in the long run, can only bring to us Muslims widespread suffering and destruction'.

This is about the first time that Indian Muslim leaders have spoken out so clearly on Jammu and Kashmir. M Hasan Jowher comes out even more strongly. Noting that from the 7th century through well into the 12 century Muslims produced world-class minds in several fields of knowledge, Jowher quotes Mahathir Mohammed saying that it is Muslim obscurantism that is responsible for halting Muslim progress.

As he put it: 'Ahmedabad's one million Muslims have only one girls college and none for boys. Of about 250 IAS and 150 IPS officers in Gujarat, there are just eight Muslims'. Jowher's remedy: 'While the privileged (Muslims) cultivate their paradise on earth, the poor have to do with sermons on puritanical religiosity and promises of eternal paradise as if misery on earth is the route to heavenly bliss. Collective myopia, mass hyprocrisy and insensitivity to suffering are thus legitmised. To become productive, Muslims must instead focus on Huqooq-al-Ibad (duty to fellow human beings and Muslim empowerment). This should merit temporal, secular practice keeping religion in the personal domain. Otherwise little will change'.

M J Akbar is more forthright. According to him 'it is a myth that Islamic law is not amenable to re-interpretation'. As he put it: 'Islam has always been a dynamic faith, not a static one and principles have been placed in context whenever needed'. And to strengthen his argument he quotes Mohammad Iqbal who wrote. 'The teaching of the Quran that life is a process of progressive creation, necessitates that each generation is guided, but unhampered, by the work of its predecessors, should be permitted to solve its own problems'.

Does this mean that there is a quiet re-awakening among Muslims? One does not know and it is too early to say. Firoz Bakht Ahmed laments the fact that education is not a priority for Muslims because (a) most of them are primarily agriculturalists (<img src='http://www.india-forum.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cool.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='B)' /> their belief that they are being discriminated against acts as a disincentive to learning and © social taboos prevented Muslim girls from going to school. But is the majority community responsible for Muslim backwardness? Why is there such an insistence that Muslims should learn Urdu?

In the first place Urdu is not the exclusive language of Muslims: It is a language common to Muslims and Hindus in those areas in north India ruled by Mughals. It can't be and it should not be the language of Muslims elsewhere whether in Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa or West Bengal. In these States Muslims should read, write and speak in the local language to be quickly accepted. This, apparently, is anathema to the Muslims who are paying a price for their exclusivity. Then there is the question of madrasahs.

When Hindu parents send their children to regular schools to make their way through life, Muslim parents send their children to madrasahs which are meant to impart religious instruction. How do such schools help to place Muslim children in the educational and societal mainstream? It comes as a shock that just in Maharashtra alone there are an estimated 2,637 madrasahs giving religious instruction to 1,98,406 Muslim students. How will knowledge of religion help these poor boys get jobs in an increasingly competitive world? Firoz Bhakt Ahmed has no answer.

But he insists that 'Muslims must not get left behind'. His solution is that 'Urdu should be made part of the syllabus of the LSSE Board, Kendriya Vidyalayas and Navodaya Vidhyalayas' though, happily he adds: 'As a minority community Muslims can't afford to be mediocre and spiritless. True, they should love Urdu but they must also make sure they are conversant in two other languages, namely English and Hindi or any other regional language. More than anybody else it is the responsibility of the Muslims to see that the community does not lose out on an enlightened education which is the only route to a secure future'.

This is wisdom. To blame Hindus or Hindutva or the government for Muslim backwardness will take Muslims nowhere. It is only when they forget the Two-Nation Theory, speak out loudly that they are Indians first and last, realise that Islam can be re-interpreted to suit the demands of modernity, release their womenfolk from thraldom and get into mainstream India through the medium of language that they can finally prosper. Apparently there is a new awakening among Muslims in India, even if it is slow in asserting itself, that progress is not only necessary but eminently possible. Once this is turned into meaningful action there can be no stopping the Muslims from rising to new heights. And it would then be a welcome development.

(The author is a veteran journalist

and chief of the Prasar Bharati)
It seems M V KAMATH have no idea that Sanskrit it taught in Kendriya Vidyalayas and Navodaya Vidhyalayas.

Does he want students to learn Urdu in place of Sanskrit?

Urdu is used only in part of UP and AP.

Later he will suggest add gurumukhi and bhojapuri also.

Total idiot. :baa
I am not sure that is what MV Kamath is saying. He is merely quoting the Muslim gentleman. In fact he recommends that most Muslims speak the local vernacular (e.g. Telugu in AP) rather than learn Urdu . That is the fastest route for them to be well integrated in the community.

Like MV Kamath, i am encouraged that Muslims are thinking along these lines (more non religious education and developing functional skills). The first realization should be that they themselves are responsible for the presumed backwardness that exists among Muslims. Where i differ from the Psecs is that i feel we should not sugarcoat the pill and call a spade a spade and make them realize that no government handout is going to solve the problem. The answer lies in pulling themselves up and joining the mainstream community in the gigantic task of nationbuilding and take pride in their citizenship responsibilities. Appeasement and vote bank politics will have exactly the opposite effect and will only embolden the Muslim community to remain aloof from the national mainstream
The september issue of Pragna Bharati has a special on the ASI report on RJB


It has articles By Dr.K and Dr.K. Elst among others.
<img src='http://www.india-forum.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/angry.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':angry:' />

Why is Ayodhya a hot topic among Indians in India and the world? What is wrong with Hindus demanding a temple at a site where now its been proven that a temple did exist.

As a comparison please allow me to use USA since it is the only democracy capable of comparison. In US there is a group that is fighting for cause of American Indians, to get back the land that belonged to them, to safeguard their heritage, customs and culture. Sadly this group is categorically stated as "Leftists"

While in India, BJP and other orgs demanding the same for Hindus is labeled as "RIGHTIST" While every Evil Commie, and Lazy Goddamned Liberal Leftist Elite is acting as a "RIGHTIST" and forcing their own agenda on Indians! What a folly.

Anyway it has become extremely convinient for politicians to manipulate and dictate hinduism as a religion. What we need is few good Holy Warriors of our own to blow up such people regardless of their beliefs. Its because of such false minded and evil people that there is no such decision on Ayodhya. I am waiting for the Commie Spin Doctors to somehow falsefy the ASI report.

Sit back and enjoy I guess.

Gill :music
[quote name='Gill' date='Oct 29 2003, 10:16 PM'] Anyway it has become extremely convinient for politicians to manipulate and dictate hinduism as a religion. [/quote]

Gill, Hinduism is like your first love. The more u try to supress the feeling the more it strengthens.

Hindusim survived thousands of years against foreign invasion, cultural assault.......many came many went, Hinduism still lives on. However we can't sit on our butt and pretend that everything is hunky dory. There were silent warriors, unanmed Heroes, probably in the thousands to whom we owe the survival of our religion. Now it's the time to find some of these Heroes for our future generation. And if we can't find one, we better start looking at the mirror!

Well said.

Daily I salute our ancestors, who suffered lot but managed to keep Hindu religion alive and well.
Thanks Mudy!

In the past we have lost to invaders, not because we were incapable of fighting but there were few among us, our own, who betrayed one another for petty gains and personal interests. To better their Personal interests they compromised on the bigger issues and now we are paying for it. I hope history doesn't repeats itself. And say I must, history would repeat unless we pre-empt it!

In this matter one must learn from the Chinese. No matter how much disagreement they have among themselves.....they would never put one another down in front of outsiders. It's unfortunate but we are still to learn this and apply in everyday life! <img src='http://www.india-forum.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Sad' />
I remember when I was young, my nanaji told me how india was "Sone Ki Chiriya". What went wrong? Why is it that post industrial revolution India is not a recognized face in development and technology?

How many Indians have won the Nobel Prize post-British enslavement?

Simply put we indians have been lead to believe that everything indian or hindu is nonsense, that its not productive. We and i included fell for this jargon. To enforce this feeling it was thrown upon us hindus that india matters not Hinduism. Well why is that?

By being a Hindu I am no less Indian than the commie b@st@rd looting people of Bengal yet preaching devil's [Stalin] writings.

Indeed we have to look at the mirror to find new leaders, new unnamed souls who will keep our way of life alive. Teach your children that we are the best, teach them to be proud of their culture and heritage. Teach them compassion yet also be able to strike when compassion is not shown from the otherside.

Tell them while thousands of miles away, Messihas took birth to spread the word of god, god him/herself took birth on our land and blessed us with teachings on how to live a perfect life and how dear this land is to god and its children.

Tell them about countless brave Hindus who over the centuries have laid down their lives to protect my religion, my land, my mother tounge.

Children are very important. please teach them the truth. Its only you and i who can preserve our Sanatan Dharm for future generations. Though we all have different views on Hindusim, and that is fine, though there is one fine line that we must all agree upon.

India is my religion and my religion is Hinduism. And to protect either we will follow Bhagvat gita and its teachings to the hilt.

Too much preaching for today, simply buy a Amar Chitra Katha and teach young ones about "Jhansi Ki Rani, Swami Vivekanand Ji etc.

Happy diwali to all and jai bhavani Graduate



‘Vigil’, public opinion forum came into being in Chennai, 18 years ago, in 1982, as a result of Shri Shivramji Joglekar’s visionary and persistent effort to bring together persons who wrote regularly to the ‘Letters to the Editor’ column in the English and the vernacular press. Shivramji’s life was committed to looking for and then bringing together people who were committed to public life and who gave their time to serve a social cause. One such effort was to bring together people who responded to issues by writing to the editors of magazines and newspapers. Shivramji had great respect for these persons because he thought they were concerned and responsible citizens of this country who responded to issues that they considered important to the well-being of the people or that which affected our national interests.

From this modest but significant beginning, ‘Vigil’ has evolved today into a vibrant and courageous public opinion forum, where the intelligentsia of Chennai gather together once every two months to listen to a lecture, debate or discussion on issues of national and topical import.

It has always been ‘Vigil’s’ endeavour to inform and influence public opinion on important national events, issues and policies, particularly on those issues, when it seemed that there had not been adequate national discussion or when vested interests in the media, academia and the bureaucracy have indulged in doublespeak and even misinformation, as it happened when India signed the WTO in 1994, with no national discussion on the implications of the agreement, and again when India conducted nuclear tests in May, 1998 .

In the last seven years alone, ‘Vigil’ has conducted meetings on issues as diverse as ‘The Hawala Scandal’, ‘Judicial Activism’, a day-long seminar on ‘The State of our nation’, ‘Death of ideology’ (in the context of the elections to the 11th Lok Sabha), ‘Annadaanam’, ‘Food and National Security’, ‘Roots of our Nationhood’, ‘Human Rights vs The War against Terrorism’, ‘The morality of religious conversions’, a one day inter-disciplinary meeting and a public meeting on Pokhran II, ‘What really happened in Kargil”, ‘The Civil War of Attrition in Srilanka’, a one day seminar and a public meeting on Jammu and Kashmir and on Ayodhya. Several other issues besides topical issues as on the national budget and a pre-election analysis of the manifestos of the major national political parties and formations were also discussed.

‘Vigil’ has presented from its forum to the intelligentsia of Chennai, only the very best of our experts, intellectuals and persons in public life. Reputed political commentators, persons from media, scientists, high ranking bureaucrats, police officers, noted members of the Bar, economists, retired army officers, intelligence officers and politicians have all been invited by ‘Vigil’ to speak from our forum in the last five years. Notable among our invitees were, Dr.B.Ramamurthi (neurosurgeon), Dr.M.S.Swaminathan, Shri Ram Jethmalani, Shri Habibullah Badsha (Senior Advocate), Shri S.Gurumurthy, Shri T.N.Seshan, Shri B.Raman (former Addl.Sec, Cabinet Secretariat), Dr. J.N. Dixit (former Foreign Secretary), Dr.Swapan Dasgupta (deputy editor, India Today, New Delhi), Ms.Arundhati Ghose (former Permanent Representative for India, U.N), Dr.Arun Shourie, Shri Cho Ramaswamy, and Shri.C.V.Narasimhan, IPS (former Director, C.B.I). We have also had Shri G.Parthasarathy, former Indian High Commissioner to Pakistan speak to us on the role of Pakistan and the international community in prolonging the tragedy of Jammu and Kashmir besides Shri I.D.Swamy, Minister of State for Home Affairs also speaking on the same issue.

‘Vigil’ believes that this nation’s social and political institutions are strengthened when organizations like ‘Vigil’ undertake the duty of informing the people on important national issues which impact upon our collective thinking and action. The present set of office-bearers would like to add a new dimensions to ‘Vigil’s’ role in national life as a reputed public opinion forum. In the last few years, the proceedings of very important meetings and debates have been forwarded to decision makers at the helm of affairs in New Delhi. We now plan to launch our own web site so that yet another dimension to ‘Vigil’s effort to inform and mobilize public opinion is added to its profile. This web site will not only provide our intellectuals with the invaluable material that we have preserved of our meetings and discussions over the years but will also provide them with important links on these issues which will enable them to garner more information. The web site is also intended to provide Indians at home and abroad with their own nationalist and patriotic forum to express their views on issues which they may want to discuss and which ‘Vigil’ may also raise. We also intend to make ‘Vigil’ an online discussion forum with experts moderating the discussions.

To achieve these ambitious objectives that we have set for ourselves, we solicit the active participation of the nationalist intelligentsia of India by way of their continued contribution through opinions, and suggestions for action, on the issues raised by ‘Vigil’; we also solicit financial help from corporate firms and industrial and business houses which may empathize with and endorse ‘Vigil’s' mission in the service of our country.

The profile of ‘Vigil’s members and office bearers are as follows:

G.R.Swaminathan, Secretary, ‘Vigil’, (Advocate, Madras High Court).

Radha Rajan, Joint Secretary,'Vigil'.

R.Ananthanarayan,Mangagement Graduate ,Director Vadyar boats private Limited.
'We should give up Ayodhya' [url="http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/cms.dll/xml/uncomp/articleshow?msid=262571"]http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/cms.dll...how?msid=262571[/url]

LUCKNOW: In an unexpected move, a newly constituted Muslim body has expressed its willingness to forgo claims to the site in Ayodhya where the Babri mosque stood till it was razed by zealots in 1992.

Constituted recently, the Ayodhya Jama Masjid Trust has even gone to the extent of agreeing to the mosque being rebuilt at an alternative site so that a Hindu temple could be built in its place.

"The (reconstructed) mosque should not even be named after (Mughal emperor) Babur, who was not only an invader and plunderer but one who slaughtered both Hindus and Muslims alike in India," Allama Syed Asghar Abbas Rizvi, who heads the trust, has stated in a letter to Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mulayam Singh Yadav.

A copy of the letter has been sent to J P Sharma, commissioner of the Faizabad division where Ayodhya is located, urging him to play an active role in brining about an amicable settlement to the contentious Ayodhya issue.

Rizvi's move has been slammed by the Babri Masjid Action Committee (BMAC), which has been demanding the mosque be rebuilt at its original site.

What is the locus standi of this self-styled Ayodhya Jama Masjid Trust, asked BMAC convenor Zafaryab Jilani.

Rizvi has favoured transferring the site - where the 'shilaniyas', or the groundbreaking for the temple, was conducted in 1989 - and the adjoining 47 acres of land to the Ramjanmbhoomi Nyas, which has been claiming exclusive right to build the temple.

Presently, a makeshift shrine stands at the site of the 16th century mosque that was pulled down on December 6, 1992.

At the same time, Rizvi said the government should allot 40 acres of land for constructing what could be called the Ayodhya Jama Masjid.

Rizvi has also raised another vital question.

"Can the idol of Lord Ram (the makeshift shrine) be removed if the court verdict went against the Hindus," Rizvi asked.

"After all, there is no case pending before any court for removal of Ram Lalla (the infant Ram)," he added.

The Allahabad High Court is currently hearing a case on the ownership of the land where the Babri mosque stood.

Rizvi was stated to have initiated the process for an amicable settlement of the Ayodhya issue earlier this year in association with the late Mahant Ram Chandra Paramhans, whose death a few months back put back the exercise.

He has also urged Chief Minister Yadav to set up an Ayodhya cell in his secretariat on the lines of that in the Prime Minister's Office in New Delhi.

His trust, he said in his letter to Yadav, "Should function as a nodal agency to facilitate and promote dialogue between the Ramjanmbhoomi Trust and the Ayodhya Jama Masjid Trust".

As a first step in that direction, Rizvi has invited Yadav to inaugurate a conference of Hindu and Muslim intellectuals together with Hindu sadhus and Islamic scholars at Ayodhya on November 30.

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