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Hindu Human Rights
Related to post 239 above:

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Hindus in Pakistan agree to pay jazia to Taliban</b>
04/06/2009 11:09:16  http://www.dnaindia.com/report.asp?newsid=1261811

Islamabad: In May, dozens of Sikhs living in the Orakzai agency were forced to move out after the Taliban demanded Rs50 million as jazia, or security tax, from them. Locals said the families were impoverished and left the area to avoid any Taliban action.

Less than a month later, the tax net has spread wider, to the Khyber agency tribal area. The Sikhs, Hindus, and Christians there have been told by the Taliban-backed Lashkar-e-Islam (LeI) to pay jazia in exchange for ensuring their security in the area.

Having already imposed the security tax on non-Muslims in the Orakzai agency in the tribal belt on the Afghanistan border, the Taliban forces in this area have empowered the LeI to charge the tax on their behalf, Khyber agency sources said.

The LeI commander has publicly announced that Sikhs and Hindus will be free to live anywhere in the area after paying this protection tax.

Reports suggest that most of the minority community members in the region have agreed to pay the tax instead of leaving the area, having lived there for decades.

Sources said several jirgas (meetings of elders) were held to settle the issue. One such meeting held last week, attended by the leaders and elders of the Sikh, Hindu, and Christian communities at Tirah Valley, resulted in the decision to pay up rather than move out.

Women, children, and handicapped persons have been exempted from paying the tax, which amounts to Rs1,000 per head annually.

The LeI militants have already started collecting jazia in Bara, Chora, Karamna, Bazaar Zakhakhel, and Tirah Valley of Khyber agency. Those refusing to pay, or not in a position to pay, are being forced to leave.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

One of the comments:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Hary Nambiar
<b>04/06/2009 22:36:09  start saving money!</b>
Our grand children may have the same fate. So begin saving money.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
1. http://rajeev2004.blogspot.com/2009/06/ind...s-lebanese.html
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Friday, June 12, 2009
<b>indian students state it's lebanese attacking them</b>
jun 12th, 2009


Posted by nizhal yoddha at 6/12/2009 11:38:00 PM 0 comments<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

2. http://rajeev2004.blogspot.com/2009/06/att...w-lebanese.html
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>attacks on indians: how lebanese mohammedan gangs are spreading peas in australia</b>
jun 12th, 2009

this is the report that girish pointed to, and i had read it in passing some years ago.

this policeman, tim priest, may well be a racist white bully -- that would be the claim the bleeding-hearts would make -- but his description of mohammedan gangs sounds painfully realistic.

it is these thugs who are attacking the indian students. you think vedanta or turning the other cheek would work with them? no, exterminating them like the vermin they are will work. shoot a few of them, the rest will quickly turn docile, like the weeping fellow tim priest describes. bullies behave themselves when there is the threat of violence applied to their bottoms.


also, let us remember what lebanese mohammedans did. in the 1950s, the lebanese christists and druze (the surviving remnants of the pre-christist and pre-mohammedan culture of lebanon) slightly outnumbered the mohammedans. in 30 years, the mohammedans seriously outbred the christists and druze. result? started with rapes and abductions of christist and druze women, and then ended up in 10 years of civil war.

the exact same thing that the 'peas' people brought to kashmir. they added the new trick of ethnic cleansing too.

the exact same thing they will do to kerala and wherever else peas prevails.

Posted by nizhal yoddha at 6/12/2009 10:38:00 PM 0 comments<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<b>ALERT-----Hindu Festival Attacked in West Bengal:; Hindus Killed and Multiple Hindu Women Raped !</b>

* A major Hindu festival in Burdhawan District of West Bengal by Muslim fundamentalists occurred on and after June 6th. We are investigating the incidents in details:

* The festival occurs over a large area and in several places Muslims attacked and tortured the Hindu pilgrims.

* Multiple Hindu women were gang-raped in the jute fields.

* Blood stains are found in the jute fields. It is suspected that many dead bodies are burried under soil.

* In nearby Patuli rail station, Muslims attacked Hindu pilgrims. Many compartments containing the Hindu pilgrims were broken.

* The whole incident is well planned and executed by a local political leader named Mohammed Khalilur Rahaman, a known Islamic fundamentalist and a leader of the Muslim community

* The final target of the whole series of events is to break the morale of the Bengali Yadav (Goala) community.

* Hindu Samhati Teams will be investigating the incidents on the ground and will submit detailed reports on the atrocities. Please help us with publicity and morale.


HinduSamhati also have the item that K.Ram pasted above crossposted in their blog at:
Two related items.

1. <!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Jun 29 2009, 10:06 AM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ Jun 29 2009, 10:06 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>'Taliban caller' asks Hindus in Pak to pay jiziya: Report</b><!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->An unidentified caller claiming to represent the Taliban demanded Rs 6 million as "jiziya" from the minority Hindu community of Battagram district in Pakistan's North West Frontier Province on Sunday.

The caller made the demand during a phone call to local Hindu leader Parkash. He asked Parkash, a doctor, to collect Rs 6 million from the Hindus in Battagram and pay the amount to the Taliban.

According to media reports, the caller said all minorities living in Battagram must pay "jiziya" or a tax levied on non-Muslims.
Well, I will advise Indian Hindus to start collecting Jiziya from Indian Muslims.

2. http://haindavakeralam.com/HKPage.aspx?P...876&SKIN=W
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>"Embrace Islam or pay Jazia"</b>
29/06/2009 09:38:49  Courtesy:www.satp.org

<b>Hindus in Battagram District of NWFP told to embrace Islam or pay tax</b>

Chief of the Hindu community in the Battagram city of Battagram District said on June 28 that the Taliban had threatened them to pay Jazia (tax) or accept Islam, Dawn reported. “It depends on you to choose between Jazia and Islam otherwise you would face abduction and suicide attacks,” Dr Oam Parkash quoted the Taliban as saying. He said that so far he had received two calls during the last two days: first by a Taliban commander and then by a militant. “They demanded Rs6 million from me,” the Hindu leader added. The Taliban is reported to have threatened that “if you or any other member of your community were kidnapped then we will not release the kidnapped person even after payment of Rs10 million as ransom”. Parkash said that he had made clear to both callers that the Hindus in the region were not in a position to pay such a huge amount. Parkash said that 15 Hindu families were living in Battagram but none of them had enmity with anyone in the District. “The government should take precautionary measures to protect the Hindu community as the Taliban have threatened even to target our place of worship in Battagram,” he added.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Taliban is just an extension of pukestan. TSP wants to terrorise the native Hindus. But it wants to do this in such a manner that the international community can't point to it, hence it uses its sockpuppet the Taliban.

India's move. Can tell TSP and BD to revert to Dharmic tradition or face Nukes. And mean it as much as Taliban means it.
Sounds as fair as their ultimatum, doesn't it? Doesn't it?
And since the islamaniacs started it, no one can say that I am being unreasonable. The islamics - what's the word - <i>inspired</i> me.
<b>The messy state of the Hindu temples in Pakistan</b>

Tuesday 7 July 2009

Of the 300 Hindu temples that Pakistan inherited in 1947 at the time of partition, hardly three dozen have managed to survive,many of whom are in ruins and set to disappear with the passage oftime if due attention is not paid to their maintenance.

Following the demolition of the historic Babri Mosque in India in 1992 by Hindu extremists, <b>over 200 Hindu temples were destroyed across Pakistan by angry Muslims</b>. Many of the Hindus living in Sindh and North West Frontier Province lost their homes as the largest outward migration of the Hindu community since Partition took place during these years. But despite all that, <b>Hindus still exist in Pakistan,numbering more than 2 million. The Hindu population is largest in theSindh province followed by the North West Frontier Province of the country, but there are Hindu communities dotted all over Pakistan who continue to suffer constant threats against their security, property and lives by extremist Muslims.</b>
Together with the apathy of the general public, the Hindus of Pakistan remain a forgotten and voiceless people who have to live a low profile existence and have to put up with many insults to their honour and dignity, without any safeguards. The Pakistani authorities rarely intervene to help their Hindu nationals, despite the fact that there are frequent reports of the kidnapping of Hindu women and children and looting of Hindu property, besides other forms of discrimination and persecution.</b>

As things stand, most Hindu temples in Pakistan are non-existent while idols in many ancient temples of historical importance are missing.The famous Temples at Katas, near Kalar Kahar, are in a dilapidated condition and require renovation. This is despite the fact that Pakistan had been already signed an agreement with India to restore the Katas temples. The temples had been falling into disrepair, and parts of them had been cemented before Indian leader L K Advani’s 2005 tour to Pakistan.
One of the Katas temples in Pakistan had even been converted into a library, though Katas is sacred to Hindus.

The Katas Raj temples are located on a hill six kilometres from ChoaSaidan Shah of the Chakwal district of Pakistan’s Punjab province.Katas is mentioned in the Mahabharata, one of the three major ancient Sanskrit epics of India. According to the Hindu religious belief, both Katas and Paskar (Ajmer) are the eyes of Shiva, one of their gods.Paras Nath Jogi drew his last breath on Katas which also holds great historical significance, being the place where renowned Muslim scientist Alberuni attempted to measure the circumference of the Earth, studied Sanskrit and wrote his “Kitab-ul Hind”.

Similarly, the Doodhwali Mata Mandir and the Sheetla Mandir in Lahore,the aapital of the Pakistani Punjab province, built before theinvasion of Alexander, are in dilapidated condition. The ancient idols at these temples have either been looted or are missing and the government has denied permission to install new ones in place of these. The Sheetla Mandir at Lahore, built before the invasion of Alexander, has seen many of its precious idols either looted or handed over to archaeological department. The Doodhwali Mata Mandir betweenthe Shah Almi and Lahori Gate in Lahore has somehow managed to survivein its dilapidated sanctum sanctorum.

The famous Parahlad Mandir and Jain Mandir near Anarkali in Lahore,which were largely damaged by fanatic Muslims after the demolition ofBabri Mosque in India in 1992, have been locked and an Islamic schoolis being run in its compound. Bhagat Hakikat Rai’s Samadhi in Lahore, where a fair used to be held every Basant day is also in a bad shape.However, the <b>Pakistan government is not allowing local Hindus to lookafter their desolate temples on the pattern of Sikh gurdwaras, for unknown reasons.</b>

<b>A terrifying existence</b>
Richard L Benkin

Why this silence on organised anti-Hindu violence in Bangladesh?

Reports began trickling out of Bangladesh this spring about an anti-Hindu violence in the heart of its capital carried out in three stages: March 30, April 17, and April 29. A community of approximately 400 Hindus was reportedly going about its business when “hundreds of Muslims” suddenly descended on them and demanded they quit the homes where they and their families had lived for the past 150 years. Witnesses also report that police watched passively while attackers beat residents and destroyed a Hindu temple.

And although every Hindu, as well as the international community, should have reacted with horror and outrage, neither did.

The Bangladeshi Government denied that any such thing happened, and local police captain Tofazzal Hossain declared, “No demolition of temple occurred. There was no temple there, only a few idols.” Yet, sources for the charge — Global Human Rights Defence at The Hague and the Bangladesh Hindu, Buddhist, Christian Unity Council, as well as several local human rights groups and newspapers — are highly credible, prompting our two-month investigation that confirms something terrible did occur, even if not exactly as described by initial reports.

For while not all 400 Hindus were made homeless, a significant number were, which is tragic enough, especially since many remain so months later. Nor has the Bangladeshi Government even bothered to deny that Hindus were beaten, some religious desecration occurred, or that police were present during the attacks. We also confirmed that the area attacked was located directly behind the Sutrapur Police Station in Dhaka and the Shiv Mandir only about 18 m from it; yet, the police did nothing to stop its destruction.

This is not about one terrible event, but about a system of legalised ethnic cleansing that has proceeded non-stop for decades and which places every one of Bangladesh’s 13,000,000-15,000,000 Hindus at risk. For despite Government protestations to the contrary, normal legal protections are suspended for Hindus and other minorities in Bangladesh who are often subject to arbitrary actions by the Muslim majority.

Two Hindus, Jogesh Chandra and Taraknath Das, originally owned the land in Sutrapur. They migrated to India in 1947 but before doing so, gifted it to the remaining Hindus; most of them their former servants. A local Muslim, Mahbubur Rahman, tried for years to seize it but could not produce the necessary legal fiction. But after Rahman’s death, his brother and nephews determined to do what he could not because they were politically well-connected.

They used their position to prevail upon police to demand written proof of ownership from the Hindus, which all parties knew they could not provide given their impoverished state and the nature of partition-era transactions. Nevertheless, that was all the Government needed to secretly void the Hindus’ title using Bangladesh’s Vested Property Act. This empowers the Government to declare any ‘non-Muslim’ land vested once its ownership is questioned, no mater how flimsy the pretext, and award it to any Muslim who then can seize it, as was done in Sutrapur.

Next, the police refused to pursue any prosecution in the matter, even though at least three separate crimes were committed: Land seizure, beatings, and religious destruction. The GHRD and other groups have lodged formal protests and brought the matter to Dhaka’s Metropolitan Police Commissioner, but he also “refused to take any action against the perpetrators of crime,” according to GHRD’s Jenny Lundstrom.

Nor did the cover-up stop there. Mr Zakir Hossain, chief executive of local human rights group, Nagorik Uddyog, told me that his organisation appealed to the Bangladeshi Parliament and Awami League MP Shuranjit Sengupta, but neither he nor his party has taken any action. All of the Bangladeshi officials I contacted refused to comment on the incident.

It would appear that these enforcers of the law have become enforcers of lawlessness, abetting crimes against minorities and sending a message that Bangladesh is a country where the law gives Muslims preferential treatment even if it means ignoring elementary standards of justice.

This explains how Muslims have been able to seize 75 per cent of all Hindu-owned land in Bangladesh. It also means that the reduction of Hindus from almost 30 per cent of the population to nine per cent has been no accident but a deliberate process of ethnic cleansing, which if unchecked, will rid Bangladesh of its remaining Hindu population in our lifetime. And nobody seems to care; the world’s self-appointed human rights arbiters remain shamefully silent.

Meanwhile, dozens of Hindu victims from Sutrapur, including mothers and their children, remain homeless. The lucky ones are flopping in different slums each night, but for others, as one victim put it, “We are now passing a miserable life with no home and very little to eat.”

Perhaps Americans and Europeans will think of her the next time they purchase a garment labelled, “Made in Bangladesh.”

-- The writer campaigns for minority rights in Bangladesh.

Anantha Nageswaran
Sent: Friday, July 24, 2009 7:15 AM
Subject: Something for fellow Singaporeans/Indians to do something about?

My dear brothers and sisters of Singapore and humanity in general,

We request your urgent attention!

Madana Mohan Das (a full-time Hindu Priest, IC No.: S9029832A, serving his compulsory National Service as a Private at Jurong Camp 1), is a Hindu Brahmin priest and as a priest, he has to follow strict dietary principles of our faith by not eating meat, fish, eggs, onion, garlic and mushrooms. We are not allowed any intoxication including coffee and tea. Our priests only eat food cooked as prayer offerings, technically called Prasadam.

When he was enlisted into Basic Military Training (BMT), he was allowed to have his food brought in from the temple. Upon completion of his BMT, he was posted as a driver. The commanding officer then made a request for him to be posted as a clerk so that he could be allowed to have his food brought from the temple and perform his national service without compromising his faith.

However we were told that this request was rejected and he has been disallowed to have his meals to be brought to him from the temple. We have sent a letter dated 15 May 2009 to Mindef about this situation but they flatly denied providing any assistance. He is allowed to book out of the camp every Tuesday and Thursday evening and the weekends. Only then has he the chance to eat a proper meal at the temple whereas the rest of the days, he is sustaining on dry ration brought from the temple on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

In the meantime, his superiors forced him to eat the food at his camp and have asked him to cut off his Sikha, the tuft of hair kept by Hindu priests. They charged him twice; once for food and once for the sikha. He chose to go for court marshal. He was told that the trial would be in two weeks’ time. While he was waiting for his trial, they suddenly arrested him without any charge and took him on the 20th of July, 2009, to the Detention Barracks (DB), the army jail for an indefinite period of rigorous punishment. But Madana Mohan Das is going on a hunger strike until death, inside the jail as he would not eat anything except Krishna Prasadam (sanctified food), being a full-time temple priest and monk all his life.

Is this justice? In the national service, the Muslims are given provision to have Halal food. The Sikhs are allowed to keep their long hair covered with a turban. Why then can't a Hindu priest be given facility to practice his religion peacefully? Is it because we are a minority that we can be played around with? Is this what our country's much-advertised multi-racial and multi-religious harmony stands for? We don't think so. But we are confused by this incident.

The victim is not against serving his national service, nor are we. We would like to emphasize that we fully support Madana Mohan Das serving his national service. But we are very much disturbed by the insensitivity shown by his superiors towards his religious faith.

Fervent appeals to different ministers of influential disposition were to no avail. So we are appealing to you people for support in a bid to uphold justice and basic human rights.

Therefore, we are here on a campaign to let everybody know about the injustice and religious intolerance shown to an 18-year old Hindu priest. We think that the citizens of Singapore in general, regardless of race, religion, caste, creed and color, agree that everyone has the right to practice his/her religion freely. We humbly request you to spread this word around for the sake of upholding justice. Please send this email to as many people as possible.

If you are in touch with any media people or some influential people or human rights activists or the like, please put it up to them immediately or if you are concerned about your security, you can refer them to us and we can go ahead with communicating with them.

Yours sincerely,

The Devotees at

Sri Krishna Mandir

No.9, Geylang Lorong 29, #03-02

(S) 388065

Tel: 62502280

Email: sri.krishna.mandir@gmail.com
Tattva Vit Das (H/P: 96404861)
Sri Krishna Mandir
9, Geylang Lorong 29, #03-02
(S) 388065
Tel: 62502280; Fax: 62507716
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Muslim gang extorting money from minority Hindus in Bangladesh</b>
13/08/2009 07:38:45  http://www.asianews.it/index.php?l=en&ar...o=2&size=A

Dhaka – Some 20 Hindu families from the villages of Kalibari, Kajir Hat and Keramotia, in the sub-district of Sonagaji, southern Bangladesh, have become the victims of extortions and blackmail by members of the local Muslim majority, this according to representatives of the local Hindu minority. They complain that young Hindu women are being abducted to extort money from their families.

Initially Jafar, Yunus, Saiful, Ripon, and other Muslims set up a criminal gang. Their first deed was to demand 45,000 taka (US$ 650) from the family of Nitia Das, in Kalibari.

When other Hindus resisted attempts to extort money, the gang began persecuting Hindu families in the area’s villages.

They abducted one young woman, demanding a ransom of 50,000 taka (US$ 725) for her release.

In a second case a family had to pay 25,000 taka (just over US$ 360) to get the release of the young woman involved.

A local Hindu, Boloram Das, who is related to the second kidnap victim, said that more threats have been made against local Hindus.

One of the gang members, Yunus, is now threatening to marry a young Hindu woman against her will and that of her family.

“Neither villagers nor police are willing to help us,” he lamented. In addition, “at least 20 Hindu families from the area are unable to go home.”

Human rights activist Dipal Barua said that attacks against minorities are very much on the rise in Bangladesh.

Strongly condemning violence, he called on the government to “take proper actions against the extortionists as soon as possible.”<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Cow protest in Selangor
Selangor officials to hold talks with residents; MB calls protest a deliberate attack on racial harmony
By Carolyn Hong, Malaysia Bureau Chief

KUALA LUMPUR - AS MALAYSIANS continue to angrily condemn Friday's provocative protest over the building of a Hindu temple, the Selangor government has promised to meet Muslim residents of the area to hear their complaints.

In an attempt to cool temperatures, Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim yesterday directed the Shah Alam city hall to hold an open discussion this week with the 'real residents' of the neighbourhood where the temple is to be built.

'This is not just to listen to their grievances, but also to allow the state government to explain the real facts for relocating the temple from Section 19 to Section 23,' he said in a statement yesterday.

He urged the people to remain calm, and called the protest a deliberate provocation to undermine racial harmony and political stability.

The protesters had brought the severed head of a cow, a sacred animal to the Hindus, and some had also stepped on it.

Photographs were splashed on the Internet but not in the mainstream media. The newspapers also made no mention of the cow's head in their reports yesterday.

The temple, which now stands in Section 19, was built 150 years ago within an estate. That was later turned into a Malay-majority housing area.

Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad, from the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) alliance, had previously explained that the temple is to be moved because the Muslims complained that it is just metres from their homes.

The new site will be at least 200m from the houses. But the protesters who gathered with the severed cow's head claimed that it would still be within a Muslim-majority area.

The protest had triggered outrage from Muslims and non-Muslims. Many Muslims had flooded the Internet with angry comments, saying that the act was against Islamic teachings.

Read the full story in The Sunday Times today.

Namaste everyone.

Please watch this video where muslim fanatics march with cow head and
insulting Hindus. It would be good if anyone who knows Malay language can
translate this. Please write letters, protest in front of Malaysian Embassy

Look at this video and police is just watching.


What happens when you condemn this even with a peaceful protest in Malaysia.
This is what happened.

2F&feature=player_embedded - Arrested for candlelight march

Click here to here the latest interview from Waytha Moorthyji on whats going on
in Malaysia. While he was giving interview, his wife and sisters have been
arrested by pro islamic Malay government.This can happen to anyone who lives in
a muslim majority country. So please do show support and solidarity.

http://sdfglobal.org/images/audios/Sep%2...9%20II.mp3 - Latest Interview

Also watch complete temple demolition video here.




Sanatana Dharma Foundation

arents seek justice in missing Hindu nurse’s case

* Colleague claims Bano married a Muslim man after embracing Islam

By Amar Guriro

KARACHI: Despite the passage of a month, police authorities and the provincial government of Sindh have completely failed in recovering a young Hindu nurse Bano.

According to details Bano went missing since the morning of August 16, 2009 when she left her home to attend her duty at a local welfare hospital. Though the police have arrested her coworker Gulzar, but there is no evidence of her presence. Gulzar told the police that she had accepted Islam and married her lover Jaffer, however, her parents fear that she is killed.

The Sindh Assembly was informed during the last session that incidents of kidnapping of Hindu community members, especially young girls’ and forced conversions have increased recently throughout the province. The assembly was also informed that in four months of the current year approximately 30 to 35 minority members had been kidnapped, one of them was killed and 18 Hindu girls had been converted to Islam.

“The incidents of kidnapping our community girls’ have recently increased alarmingly and despite our repeated protests and approaches to the higher authorities, nothing has so far been done to protect the community members,” said Narain Das, uncle of the kidnapped Bano and chieftain of Hindu Maheshwari community. “Kidnappers have recently kidnapped several girls as young as thirteen and fourteen years old.”

About 30,000 members of Hindu Maheshwari community are living in Kumbar Mohala in the historical town of Lyari. Bano was also a resident of the same area. She was working as a professional nurse at a local welfare hospital. Das told that on August 16, 2009, Bano told her family that there is a medical camp in Memon village and she is going with her hospital colleague Gulzar, but she never returned. “On the same morning Gulzar came to our house and asked for Bano, but when we said that she left with him, he refused and suggested her family to search in the mortuaries of local hospitals as he claimed that she might have committed suicide,” said Narain.

He blamed that the hospital owner might be involved in her kidnapping. “But the hospital owner and his wife are so influential that the police have not even registering the FIR against them, Gulzar told us that she accepted Islam and got married, we agreed if she really converted and got married at her own wish, but at least she must be produced before any court, so that her statement could be taken that she went on her own free will,” he demanded.

However, on contacting the Provincial Minister Dr Daya Ram Essrani, he said that a minority MPA has taken the issue to the Sindh chief minister and the CM has assured of her immediate recovery. He said the CM has assigned the Provincial Minister for Excise and Taxation Mukesh Kumar Chawala to look into the matter and report whatever is going on.

On contact the Provincial Minister for Minority Affairs Dr Mohan Lal condemned the incident and said that the current government would ensure the safety of all the minority communities living in the province. “I would personally talk to the police authorities and will ensure her release as soon as possible,” said Lal.

However, despite repeated attempts, Mukesh Kumar Chawal could not come on the line to issue the updates.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Malaysian Hindu woman forced to convert to Islam at age 7, prevented from reverting to Hindu Dharma at age 27</b>
nov 22nd, 2009

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ravi


In a spot after 'embracing' Islam as a minor
Bernard Cheah

[Image caption:
Kedah PKR Youth Deputy Chief Gooi Hsiao Leung (left) talking to Banggarma Subramaniam, 27 ( second left) and her husband S. Sockalingam, 31 (right), with the present of their children, Kanagaraj, 8 (center, back) and Hisyanthini, 2 (center, front). Both Kanagaraj and Hisyanthini are showing their birth certificates, which does not bear the name of their father's.]

GEORGE TOWN (Nov 19, 2009) : She was only seven when she was told to take an oath to embrace Islam and renounce her original faith.

Siti Hasnah Vangarama Abdullah, now 27, was in a government welfare home, Rumah Kanak-kanak in Taman Bakti, Kepala Batas, when she and several other children, some of whom were Chinese, were told by Perkim and the Penang Muslim Affairs Council to take the oath and renounce her original Hindu faith.

Born Banggarma Subramaniam, she practised Islam in the welfare home until the age of 15.

"I was more mature and realised what had happened, and started practising Hinduism again," she said in a press conference yesterday to highlight her plight.

Banggarma said ran away from the welfare home three years later, unable to cope with the stress of living in the home.

She married S. Sockalingam, 31, according to Hindu rites, but could not register the marriage as, according to the National Registration Department, she was a Muslim.

She also could not name Sockalingam as father of their two children, Kanagaraj, 8 and Hisyanthini, 2, in their birth certificates due to this.

"When I went back to the home in 2001 to collect my documents I was told that I was still a Muslim," she said.

Banggarma tried to change her name in her MyKad to her original name, but failed.

She and Sockalingam, who are residing in Tanjung Piandang, Perak, approached the relevant authorities to help her to revert to Hinduism, but their efforts were in vain.

They then turned to PKR Kedah's Deputy Youth chief Gooi Hsiao Leung for help.

Gooi, a lawyer, said no minor is capable of giving free consent to renounce his or her own religion and embrace Islam.

"At the age of seven, she would not have understood nor appreciated the meaning of the words in the oath. She could hardly even write and spell her own name," he told the press yesterday.

Gooi said the welfare home should have left Banggarma's original religion alone until she was old enough to decide for herself.

He said he would refer her case to the relevant authorities, and if necessary, take the issue to court.

Posted by nizhal yoddha at 11/21/2009 11:34:00 PM 0 comments Links to this post<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Quote:The establishment press quietly ignored the plight of Mizoram Hindus. Unfortunately there is no Hindu media to present facts deliberately suppressed by the Hinduphobic media.

"Following the arson and subsequent ethnic trouble, around 5,000 displaced Reang tribal have taken shelter in adjacent southern Assam and in northern Tripura. Most of the displaced men, women and children are still living either in the jungle or under the open sky.

Over 35,000 Reang tribal refugees have been living in six north Tripura camps since 1997 after they fled Mizoram following ethnic clashes with the majority Mizos after the killing of a Mizo forest official."

Quote:Candle-lit vigil to highlight the plight Sri Lankan Tamils

Date: 9th December 2009, Wednesday

Time: 6.30 pm to 7.30 p.m.

At the Global Human Rights Defence (GHRD) conference on 11/10/2009. British Hindu Organisations agreed to request the British Government to urge the Sri Lankan Government to release all the IDPs still being held in camps.

We will be holding a CANDLE-LIT VIGIL on 09.12.2009 (Wednesday) IN FRONT OF BRITISH PARLIAMENT(Parliament Square).

Please attend this event to show your solidarity. Candles will be provided.

If you live too far away to join us please write/forward this to your MP to join us.

We thank you for your support:

British Tamil Forum, Friends of Tamils, Hindu Council UK, Hindu Forum Britain, National Council of Hindu Temples, National Hindu Students Forum and Vishwa Hindu Parishad.

Please pass this on.

Bharti Tailor

Secretary General

Hindu Forum Britain

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Quote:Rajnish's widow 'missing'

Tribune News Service

Jammu, January 15

Anchal Sharma, aka Amina Yousuf, the widow of Rajnish Sharma, has been "missing" under mysterious circumstances from her in-laws' house here since early today.

Anchal had married Rajnish in a local court here on August 21 and on October 5 evening the youth was killed allegedly in police custody.

After Anchal and her in-laws filed a suit in the Supreme Court, the apex court issued directions to the state government to provide security to the deceased 's family.

Rajnish's mother, Raj Kumari, told this correspondent that Anchal had been missing since midnight. "Anchal told me yesterday that she had received threats on her cell phone. She woke up at about 3 a.m today and went to the washroom.Then, she went to get water from the kitchen and was missing since then", Raj Kumari said.

The family lives in a one-room rented accommodation in the Sarwal area. The members said Anchal was not wearing any woollens or slippers when she went missing.

"It seems to be a conspiracy hatched by the government because a number of senior cops and other officers are allegedly involved in the killing of my son and are under the scanner of the CBI. So, they played a trick and kidnapped Anchal, who was the main witness in the case of Rajnish's death," said Raj Kumari.

Anchal's sister-in-law, Kiran, said apprehensive of a foul play, at least four members of the family used to share a double bed. "Despite our being alert to unknown fears, some persons kidnapped Anchal," she alleged.

The family members also alleged that their security was cut without any reason. "The Supreme Court had issued orders to post at least five security personnel for our security, but last night, only one cop was present and even he was sleeping at the time of the incident. It clearly indicates the motive and nexus behind this," alleged Raj Kumari, and added a day before, there was not even a single security man at their house.

Raj Kumari also said that if the police failed to trace her daughter-in-law, she would immolate herself. The family members ruled out the possibility of Anchal disappearing on her own."Her parents are after her and there is no possibility of her going to them. She had changed her religion for my son and her father, Mohammed Yousuf Mirazi, will kill Anchal the moment he spots her," said Raj Kumari.

However, Randeep Kumar, SP, City (North) said: "There were proper security arrangements for the family as per the directions of the Supreme Court. We are investigating the matter and so far no case has been registered in this regard."

25 Hindu girls abducted every month, claims HRCP official

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

By By Rabia Ali


As many as 20 to 25 girls from the Hindu community are abducted every month and converted forcibly, said Amarnath Motumal, an advocate and council member of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan.

“There is no official record to support this statement, but according to estimates, in Karachi alone, a large number of Hindu girls are being kidnapped on a routine basis,” Motumal told The News. “The families of the victims are scared to register cases against the influential perpetrators as death threats are issued to them in case they raise their voice. So, the victims choose to remain silent to save their lives,” he said.

Motumal said the word ‘Hindu’ had become an insult and a kind of abuse for the Hindu community. “Almost 90 per cent of the Hindu community comprise poor and impoverished families whose needs and rights have been neglected by the ones at the helms of power,” he said, adding that since a majority of the people feel helpless, only a few families come to him with their cases.

A former MPA, Bherulal Balani, said that the Hindu girls, especially the ones belonging to scheduled castes, were mostly being abducted from the Lyari area. “Once the girls are converted, they are then sold to other people or are forced to do illegal and immoral activities,” Balani said. He added the perpetrators were very powerful and that was the reason that no cases were being registered against them.

The number of attacks against the Hindu community has increased in the interior Sindh during the last three months. At least nine incidents have been reported which range from forced conversion of Hindus to rape and murders.

In one incident, a 17-year-old girl ‘K’ was gang-raped in Nagarparker area. In another incident, a 15-year-old girl ‘D’ was allegedly abducted from Aaklee village, Tharparkar, and was forced to convert. About 71 families migrated from the village in protest against the girl’s abduction.

Moreover, the Hindu communities were not even spared on the occasion of their joyous festival of Holi as two girls, Anita and Kishni, were kidnapped in Kotri. Moreover, two Hindu boys, Ajay and Sagar, were abducted from another place on the same day.

One Amir Gul was murdered in the beginning of March in Tando Haider, Umerkot, allegedly by a landlord. Later in the month, a boy, Kishan Kumar, was kidnapped from Kandhkot, Jacobabad.

MPA Pitamber Sewani told The News that these acts were being done by certain elements who believe that these minority communities might support the government in the upcoming local bodies’ elections, and these elements want to harass them.

However, President Pakistan Hindu Council Ramesh Kumar criticised the minorities’ representatives for not raising their voice at relevant forums. He said that they were simply representing their respective parties and not the poor people. He added that poor economic conditions had led to an increase in kidnapping cases in the province, especially in the Kandhkot and Jacobabad areas.

Coordinator HRCP Task Force Sindh Dr Ashothama Lohano told The News the according to their one fact-finding report, the most affected persons of violence belonged to Hindu and Christian communities. He said that various reasons have been cited for this. “The recent wave of extremism is one reason, which has destroyed the harmony of the land of Sufis. Another reason is the destruction of the agriculture sector and small markets that has led to frustration and lawlessness. Yet another reason is that the elected representatives are working only for the party and not for the community,” Dr Lohano added.

He further said that minority communities were easy targets as the Hindus were generally hesitant to raise voice against the injustices. “When the Hindu communities become politically active, they are blamed for having Indian connections,” doctor Lohano said.

Quote:Malaysian High Court allows Hindu mother to keep her children

Friday, April 2, 2010,10:30

Ipoh (Malaysia), Apr. 2 (ANI): Kindergarten Malaysian Indian teacher M. Indira Gandhi, who is embroiled in a bitter custody battle with her Muslim convert husband, got a brief relief when a High Court ruled against her husband to obtain the custody of their three children.

Judge Wan Afrah Wan Ibrahim decided that there were no special circumstances, which warranted a stay of the custody order of children in favour of Indira Gandhi.

"If the father (Ridzuan) is dissatisfied, he has to appeal to the Court of Appeal," The Star Online quoted Indira's lawyer M. Kulasegaran, as saying.

Last Month, Wan Afrah had ruled that Indira was not a Muslim and, therefore, was not bound by the Syariah Court's decision to grant the custody of children to her estranged husband, Mohd Ridzuan Abdullah.

The judge also ruled that it was in the children's best interest to stay with their mother, especially since the youngest child was below seven and the older ones were under 21.

She decided that the custody of the couple's three children, Tevi Darsiny, 13, Karan Dinish, 12, and Prasana Diksa, 23-month-old, be given to their mother.

Of the three children, only Prasana is still living with her father after he took her away last April.

"I hope he (Ridzuan) abides by the decision and surrenders Prasana to me. Her birthday is coming up on April 8. She will be two. I want to hold her and shower her with kisses," Indira said.

Kulasegaran said Ridzuan must return the child to Indira even if he wants to appeal against the stay decision.

"If he fails to do so we will initiate contempt proceedings and he will face the prospect of a jail term," he said. (ANI)

Quote:Malaysian officers delay cremation of converted Hindu man

Seremban (Malaysia), Apr 8, 2010 (ANI):

Malaysia's Islamic Affairs Department officials policemen turned up to claim the body of a 49-year-old Hindu man at the Jalan Templer over a reported allegation that he had converted to Hinduism 20 years ago.

Raj Kumar Kutty, who was born to Muslim parents, died on Tuesday and his body was due to be cremated at 3 p.m. on Wednesday at the Hindu crematorium at Jalan Templer.

Several religious officers turned up and claimed that the deceased was born Moideen Kutty Mohd Ali and should be buried according to Muslim rites.

The family of the deceased did not dispute this, but then produced documents, including his identity card and marriage certificate, stating that he had converted in 1990, The Star reports.

They claimed that the deceased, a hotel employee, was married to a Hindu woman according to Hindu rites and had four boys with her, aged between 11 and 18.

However, they gave in to requests from the religious officers to delay the cremation so that they could produce evidence that Raj Kumar was still a Muslim.

Several hours later, the officers failed to show any proof.

The deceased's wife, P. Shanbagavalli, 45, lodged a police report claiming that her husband was a Hindu and that he had observed its way of life ever since she knew him.

She said they were married at the Sri Muthumariaman Hindu temple in Setapak Jaya.

An officer from the department, Mohamad Zulkarnain Abdullah, said that as far as they were concerned the deceased was still a Muslim.

He said the department would seek an order from the Syariah Court today to declare Raj Kumar a Muslim. (ANI)

Quote:Indian woman held in Saudi Arabia for husband's 'murder'

Vinod Sharma, Hindustan Times

Email Author

New Delhi, April 04, 2010


An Indian doctor in Saudi Arabia has been in solitary confinement with her infant child for nearly 18 days pending investigations into her husband's suspected murder, after he allegedly converted to Islam.

Traumatized by the ordeal of the young mother and her children, including a two-year-old daughter, the family is hoping against hope. Her husband, also a doctor in Najran, died on January 31. Suspicion that he was poisoned was raised a month later despite certification by a legal medical specialist under the health ministry that cause of death was "myocardial infarction" (heart attack). The spanner came while the family was preparing to leave for India with the body following clearance by the Indian Consulate General in Jeddah.

HT is withholding the identity of the deceased and his wife on the request of their extended Delhi-based family.

On March 1, the doctor was summoned to a local police station and told that her husband had embraced Islam before his death and for that reason she could not carry the body to India. A fortnight later, she was again made to report to the police and put in solitary confinement with her infant son, born to her on February 18.

According to family members, she had no inkling of her husband having changed or planning to change his religion. He even now remains a Hindu in his travel papers and documents with his employer.

A section of the Saudi media has attributed his wife's detention to another autopsy report stating that her husband died of poisoning.

"The report that's the basis of so-called new evidence hasn't been provided to the deceased's family and colleagues or the Indian Consul General in Jeddah," the family here claimed.

Traumatized by the ordeal of the young mother and her children, including a two-year-old daughter, the family is hoping against hope. On March 25, the Saudi Gazette reported that preliminary investigations had not brought out any foul play. It said the police were questioning the widow and another unnamed person.

The extended family, including the deceased's brother, has petitioned Minister of State for External Affairs Shashi Tharoor for help.

His office has since raised the issue with the Saudi mission here. While in Saudi Arabia earlier this week, Tharoor instructed Indian officials to pro-actively intervene in the matter.

"We are doing everything possible to help. But even engaging a lawyer to represent the case in faraway Najran is an expensive and difficult proposition," a senior MEA official told Hindustan Times.

The doctor's mother has been granted visa to be in Najran to take care of her granddaughter while her daughter remains in solitary detention with her son.

The doctor told her mother on being allowed a meeting that investigators had asked her who else was involved with her in the alleged crime.

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