Very funny..
But then the quote again..
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->In the galaxy of Hindu saints and sages, I dont see how one is more elevated than the other. This thinking of importance is egoistic thinking, and only egoists promote such views.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
was addressed to Sankara as the egoist ? or non-ex-monks like me ?
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->This year we are going to introduce free namakarana samskara and upanayana for those willing and wanting, to severel hundred dalit children in India. This is real reformation. Watch and see. And pleasingly humiliate yourself knowing that it didn't take a seer to do this.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I congratulate you on these efforts, and wish you success. I just hope you don't cause equal or more damage while doing something good, thats all. And during all this try to remember that you are trying to uproot the caste-bigotry, not induce it in a different form.
I do feel pleasingly humiliated to know that you can come up with such an eloquent expression. In the same spirit, if someone ever lets you wash a baby, I would advise them to keep an hawk eye on your conduct with the bath-water.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->And we want to bring international pressure on India to drop all these caste based reservations. Now why are YOU against this? I simply dont understand. Do you think that India will ever drop reservations without the thread of sanctions and embargo on its economy?<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
You live in an unreal realm, if you think something like this can ever happen.
Caste based reservations will go away in India only by two mecahnisms:
1. Judicial activism
2. Some kind of revolution that changes the political system
Barring these, political class is never going to root for undoing the reservations. For them it is one way street.
The best option is Judicial activism. As in the constitution, resrvations were meant to be for only first 10 years of the republic. They were not supposed to be perpetual. When Judiciary decides that reservations have served there purpose, it can force politicians to abolish it.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Like I said before, we could not care less even if all our beloved monasteries and temples are closed in India, if thats what it takes to reform Hinduism of these caste discrimination. But we are hoping this is not what it takes.
Go ahead. Call for the closure of any one matha that discriminates against you as a Hindu. I will back you.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I know you don't care. But I do. Your approach is destructive. Although often it is so unrealistic, that one hopes that only damage it may cause would be confined to castles in the air. Remember discrimination is not regarding caste only. And reforms are needed not only in the case of discriminative practices.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->This thing of the brahmins' group karma due to past discrimination, is something between the Lord and the brahmins. It has nothing to do with the rest of the Hindus. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
This is getting more and more interesting, and at the same time more and more ridiculous. What exactly is a "group karma" theory ? Is it a concontion of your religion, or is it something declared by the Shruthi? As far as my recollection of the Gita or the Brahmasutras go. The Karma of an Individual takes him thru various margas to either to Brahmaloka, or comeback to earth. You say <i>"due to past discrimination, is something between the Lord and the brahmins."</i> This is not only misleading, but also loaded with Asamanjatvam. If this theory has to be accepted, then you are justifying the islamic slave system, holocaust of the jews by hitler. You are preaching fatalistic theories which, according to you should apply only to brahmins and their sympathisers.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The rest of the Hindus as you can see is, while resentful, are not reacting. Therefore, please take it up with the Lord.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
The rest of the Hindus will not react even in the face of Danger. Kashmir is burning, and no Hindu cares. Assam Burns, and no hindu is even aware. Pakis are distributing nuke technology like pop and candies, and no hindu cares. Courtright pukes in the name of Psychoanalysis and no hindu cries. So please do not judge a situation by Hindu reaction. I have seen more reaction from a shy snail than from a spineless Tamil in this case.
Do not provoke us with "Taking it up with the Lord"... From your perch it's a skeptic 'do what you can', but when the Brahmins really wail out for Help from Above, the Help shall come. Do not think you are scoffing, you are asking for the unthinkable.
And I'm awaiting for details on the "<i>..we want to bring international pressure on India to drop all these caste based reservations</i>" bit <!--emo&<_<--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/dry.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='dry.gif' /><!--endemo-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->And we want to bring international pressure on India to drop all these caste based reservations. Now why are YOU against this? I simply dont understand.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
The fact that this statement is ludicrous, shouldn't blind us to the alarming mentality behind it.
Anyone who talks about bringing international pressure on India for whatever reason, is anti-India. No ifs and butts about it.
And for someone to think that I would support it is preposterous to the extreme.
India shall solve its problems by its own wisdom. No do gooders from abroad required, thank you.
In the galaxy of Hindu saints and sages, I dont see how one is more elevated than the other. This thinking of importance is egoistic thinking, and only egoists promote such views.
was addressed to Sankara as the egoist ? or non-ex-monks like me ?<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Okay, seriously now. This is very important.
I was not referring to Shankara. It is we who elevate Shankara and forget the dalit. This shows our mindset.
This episode shows that the dalit was fully aware of the mahavakyas and vedanta without any formal tutoring, and he had to demonstrate the truths to Shankara in a way that it would pierce him and make him realise. It shows that vedanta was already quite well known to the people then even dalits. It shows the dalit toying with Shankara as if he (Shankara) was a little boy marvelling with the wonder of his newfound toy (vedanta).
There is another angle here; this momentous event shows that we can only realise vedanta and advaita, if we were only able to apply it in real life, and acknowledge that we are no different from anyone else, even dalits. And that we are no better than a dalit. Hence my point, there is no better or greater than others, that Shankara is no better than any dalit.
It also hints that maybe being like a dalit is what it takes to realise this without any formal tutoring in vedanta. Living in poverty without any name and pride like a dalit, is what that takes to achieve this realisation.
As for us, until we see and acknowledge this, we have not realised, but just quoting texts and showing self importance. The truth and realisation lies in 'treating others as our equals, as ourselves'. When we realise this, we can hug and kiss a dalit or anyone as Amma does, welcome them into our homes, share the same meal in the same plate with them. It is at this point that all the bonds that fetter the soul breaks, all the mindsets blown away, all the prejudices ripped out by the roots.
Its only when we do this can we say, yes, I know vedanta and advaita, I know the truth of the mahavakyas! Till then its a make believe thing, and we talk to impress others and sooth our ego.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The best option is Judicial activism. As in the constitution, resrvations were meant to be for only first 10 years of the republic. They were not supposed to be perpetual. When Judiciary decides that reservations have served there purpose, it can force politicians to abolish it.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Yaawn. <!--emo&  --><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo--> Alright, lets wait another century for judicial activism to abolish job reservations. Meanwhile dont complain about it then as you have already accepted this condition, this karma.
If people can make a difference between Hinduism and India, very quickly they will realise that India is an anti-Hindu state and hostile to Hindus, them everything will fall into place sooner. And quickly they will realise that Hinduism does not belong to them and neither shall they presume to be its spokespersons.
We are saying that we the patrons of the religion, from any part of the whole, also have a say, and we have an interest in seeing the govts in India relinquish control over the 40,000 hindu temples and that fellow Hindus of whatever caste shall not be discriminated upon by other Hindus, Indians or the govts. And we mean it.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The fact that this statement is ludicrous, shouldn't blind us to the alarming mentality behind it.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I dont think you are even beginning to grasp the seriousness of the issues taking place and the momentousness of the kanchi episode. As the trial unfolds you will see the contained wrath of the people unleashed. Please take what I say seriously. You guys have screwed it up big time, so better make amends with the people right away.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->And I'm awaiting for details on the "..we want to bring international pressure on India to drop all these caste based reservations" bit<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Unfortunately, not many are for this idea, so we have to wait. Too bad. Indians are not serious enough to solve problems, just complain and complain onlee. <!--emo&  --><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Sunder, group karma is an expression to denote where more than one person shares a similar experience, condition or fate. An entire family is killed in a car accident, and we cognise that all had a similar karma to experience, or a group karma. All the tsunami victims shared a similar karma; they were born for the purpose of experiencing this. The pandava 6 had a similar karma for 13 years. Therefore we express it by saying 'a group karma' or group experience.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Do not provoke us with "Taking it up with the Lord"... From your perch it's a skeptic 'do what you can', but when the Brahmins really wail out for Help from Above, the Help shall come. Do not think you are scoffing, you are asking for the unthinkable.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I an neither scoffing nor being a sceptic. I say this in all seriousness with no malice to anyone. Better reach out to the Lord right away. The unthinkable is going to happen.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->You guys have screwed it up big time, so better make amends with the people right away.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Who are 'you guys' ? I am interested in knowing. Is it me or is it Viren oris it all 500 members of IF. or is it all 1 billion INDIANS. The problem with this kind of generalization is that no one person will ever accept responsibility for the acts of a mysterious ' you guys'. There is only one answer to this . it is individual responsibility for the acts of each individuaL. Having established individual responsibility for the acts of the individual, pl. do not exempt some individuals (dalits) simply because of their caste affiliation. Once you have the concept of individual responsibility,there are no ifs and buts. The individual is reponsible for the act regardless. If for example it is proven beyond a shadow of adoubt that the Kanchi acharya committed the murder he is alleged to have committed there should be no excuses just as there should be no excuse for a dalit committing acrime ( i am just a poor dalit I should be dealt with leniently).
So both quotes were talking about non-ex-monks like me evaluating the 'realisation' or importance of one person over the other. And while thinking Sankara was a great saint is egoistic thinking while thinking dalit is more realised then Sankara is a really cool thing. While one leads us to "differentiating based on OUR values" while the second one will somehow start making us think that all are equal.
This is actually an improvement. Pathmarajah has changed his position from "pack sacred thread" to "upanayanam for all willing and wanting".
<!--QuoteBegin-Pathmarajah+Jan 21 2005, 05:21 AM-->QUOTE(Pathmarajah @ Jan 21 2005, 05:21 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin--> <!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->And I'm awaiting for details on the "..we want to bring international pressure on India to drop all these caste based reservations" bit<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Unfortunately, not many are for this idea, so we have to wait. Too bad. Indians are not serious enough to solve problems, just complain and complain onlee. <!--emo&  --><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Unfortunately! <!--emo&:o--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohmy.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='ohmy.gif' /><!--endemo--> Wow, that's a new low Pathama.
I don't know what knowledge you have about India attempting to solve it's own problem to make a statement like that. Does it stem from the ignorance of facts or your arrogance to defend a position you've taken?
Religious issues aside, will let people more knowledagble than me comment on it, but I'm frankly appalled at the idea of any self respecting citizen of one country to covet solutions from outside it's border.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Like I said before, we could not care less even if all our beloved monasteries and temples are closed in India, if thats what it takes to reform Hinduism of these caste discrimination. But we are hoping this is not what it takes.
Go ahead. Call for the closure of any one matha that discriminates against you as a Hindu. I will back you.
Well, Pathma I am going to take you on your offer.
I believe discriminates against me as a Hindu who may have Vaishnava tendancies.
I demand that this website be immediately closed down. I naturally expect your support that you have so generously offered.
Remember, in the galaxy of Hindu websites, is not even a grain of sand. It may be able to reform itself, but following you, I just demand its immediate closure.
Rajesh, Regarding ex-monk, I would like to paraphrase Mark Twain's statement about how easy it is to quit smoking:
"It is very easy to take up SanyAsa. I have done it so many times."
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->There is only one answer to this . it is individual responsibility for the acts of each individuaL. Having established individual responsibility for the acts of the individual, pl. do not exempt some individuals (dalits) simply because of their caste affiliation. Once you have the concept of individual responsibility,there are no ifs and buts. The individual is reponsible for the act regardless. If for example it is proven beyond a shadow of adoubt that the Kanchi acharya committed the murder he is alleged to have committed there should be no excuses just as there should be no excuse for a dalit committing acrime ( i am just a poor dalit I should be dealt with leniently). <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Yes Kaushal,
Its individual responsibility. And nobody, not even dalits are exempted from crimes. <b>But the masses in India are not going to see it as an individual responsibility. That is what I am politely trying to say. </b>
The masses are going to see this kanchi issue as full verification that the brahmins have been lying to them for ages, playing a charade with all those quotes of guna, not janma, etc. This trial is going to give them a license and it will unleash a latent fury.
In all honesty, this is what is going to happen in the next several months/years:
1. the people are going to manhandle and drag the priests out of the garbhagriha, and throw them out; out of tirupathi, guruvayoor, kasi and even sabarimalai.
2. Matha heads are going to be dragged by their tufts with similar fates.
3. no need to elaborate on what will happen to their families.
Better get real folks. This is not a joke. My advice to brahmin families is to move to the cities, the north, and then, out of India. Please dont ask this again. You are making it very difficult for me. This is the beginning of a slow revolution, and its non brahmin, non dalit based but will hit out of brahmins, athiests, communists and pesudo-secularists. No one will be spared.
I dont know what you are talking about. Will you rephrase you question, if you have any?
Well Viren,
No I am not defending a position and it is not a question of self respecting citizens seeking solutions from outside its borders.
Frankly in this globalised world, does Hinduism belong to India? Does Islam 'belong' to Saudi Arabia? And do you think, the Hindu believers in the rest of the world have no say in what happens in the temples and mathas?
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->In all honesty, this is what is going to happen in the next several months/years:
1. the people are going to manhandle and drag the priests out of the garbhagriha, and throw them out; out of tirupathi, guruvayoor, kasi and even sabarimalai.
2. Matha heads are going to be dragged by their tufts with similar fates.
3. no need to elaborate on what will happen to their families.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Pathma, It is time for you to stop prophesizing and start arguing. You seem to be suffering from a prohecy-diarrhea.
Let me just say, I don't care about your prohecies. One can find prohecies dime a dozen on the web with a simple search. Every type of nut has his own set of pet prohecies. Just saying that something is going to happen because you say so, only shows bankruptcy of your ideas.
And what I know of India, you would end up a thoroughly heart-broken man if you took your own prophecies even half-way seriously.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Well, Pathma I am going to take you on your offer.
I believe discriminates against me as a Hindu who may have Vaishnava tendancies.
I demand that this website be immediately closed down. I naturally expect your support that you have so generously offered.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
What has happened to you, my friend? Have you lost you mind too! <!--emo&  --><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo--> I am really worried about you now, Ashok!
I said that 'call for the closure of any matha that discriminates against you', and I'll support that. is not a matha. <!--emo&  --><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
But I like your gung ho attitude. It is indeed refreshing.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Pathma, It is time for you to stop prophesizing and start arguing. You seem to be suffering from a prohecy-diarrhea.
Let me just say, I don't care about your prohecies. One can find prohecies dime a dozen on the web with a simple search. Every type of nut has his own set of pet prohecies. Just saying that something is going to happen because you say so, only shows bankruptcy of your ideas.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
You are right, and I apologise.
I wont do this again.
<!--QuoteBegin-Pathmarajah+Jan 21 2005, 12:14 PM-->QUOTE(Pathmarajah @ Jan 21 2005, 12:14 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin--> Better get real folks. This is not a joke. My advice to brahmin families is to move to the cities, the north, and then, out of India. Please dont ask this again. You are making it very difficult for me. This is the beginning of a slow revolution, and its non brahmin, non dalit based but will hit out of brahmins, athiests, communists and pesudo-secularists. No one will be spared.
Are you really saying that all Brahmins should leave India?
<!--QuoteBegin-Pathmarajah+Jan 21 2005, 01:32 PM-->QUOTE(Pathmarajah @ Jan 21 2005, 01:32 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin--> I said that 'call for the closure of any matha that discriminates against you', and I'll support that. is not a matha. <!--emo&  --><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Why shut down only discriminating mathas? Sounds like a pretty convenient stand you've adopted. Would qualify as reverse-discriminating? I can picture say Rosa Parks taking a firm standing against that lone discriminating Alabama bus and approving discrimination in other trains, hotels, clubs etc.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->No I am not defending a position and it is not a question of self respecting citizens seeking solutions from outside its borders. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
It is. Do you have any ideas on the existing laws and practices in India? Do you know as to how many of them are implemented and how many aren't? Any guess' on who's supposed to be implementing them and why they are or aren't? Any comments on reforms that prop up every couple of centuries and why they have or not sustained? Your posts so far seems to be targeted towards bringing 'reforming Hindusim' in India - if necessary with 'pressure from international groups'. This really has become a business and there are plenty of NGOs in India working with the exact same agenda. Is your position any different from authors like Dinesh D'Souza who have in past called on foreign powers to 'fix democracy' in India.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->And do you think, the Hindu believers in the rest of the world have no say in what happens in the temples and mathas?<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Doesn't matter whether you are Brahmin or not; if you are not on the Board of Trustees at a local temple your say in what goes around in the temples or mathas is pretty much limited. You are free to contest elections and bring out changes in mathas or temples. But then if some jingo decides to place all idols facing Mecca rather than the traditional east, then some will of course question the validity of such a move. Of course you are free to open your own temples and run it a manner you see fit and if you screw up no seer will issue a fatwa or a hukumnama on you.
Frankly you don't need an instiution or a seer or anyone between you and God. Pick up your Gita or a book of your choice, who cares. Don't miss the forest in woods (or was it the other way around?)
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Are you really saying that all Brahmins should leave India?<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Things are getting pretty bad with this kanchi issue. And its going to get a lot more worse. The resentful common man in India is not going to see this as an individual act. This issue is just going to give him a license to vent.
Most brahmins (90%) are okay and get along with the people, and the people respect them too. A few are orthodox, do not want to reform, and persistently insult the people with their attitudes. These folks will get in the way of the commoners. The only way out of this quandry is full reform. I am not meaning anyone in this forum or the vast majority of the brahmins.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->It is. Do you have any ideas on the existing laws and practices in India? Do you know as to how many of them are implemented and how many aren't? Any guess' on who's supposed to be implementing them and why they are or aren't? Any comments on reforms that prop up every couple of centuries and why they have or not sustained? Your posts so far seems to be targeted towards bringing 'reforming Hindusim' in India - if necessary with 'pressure from international groups'. This really has become a business and there are plenty of NGOs in India working with the exact same agenda. Is your position any different from authors like Dinesh D'Souza who have in past called on foreign powers to 'fix democracy' in India.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Sure the laws have to be implemented. But how many more years do you need before admitting failure?
I am talking about the reform in vedapadasalas, priesthood and monsteries. This must come from within. But how many more years do we have to wait?
Regarding international pressure, that is to remove the job reservation system which is itself entrenching casteism, as well as freeing the temples from govt control ONLY. Why do we have to view this negatively? I just dont see how the Indian govt is going to do this voluntarily. Unless they have a time frame to end reservations and control of temples.
I am not sure you are defending India or Hinduism. I'm making a clear disctinction between the two, and we are saying Hinduism is our business too. All of Hinduism, including the mathas, etc. You know the billions the catholic church paid to settle the phedophile cases? Why do you think temples and mathas and the govt cannot be suit for such sums for discrimination? Its coming.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Why shut down only discriminating mathas? Sounds like a pretty convenient stand you've adopted. Would qualify as reverse-discriminating?<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Go ahead and call for the closure of any institution that discriminates against you on race, caste or sex. Show how you have been discriminated.
Can anyone tell me what is the penalty for first degree premeditated murder?
How long after filing the charge sheets does it take for the trial to begin?
What is the normal duration for a trial like this?
Are temples and mathas in India covered by public liability insurance?
Has the HREC ever sold any temple, matha or their landed properties?
Has the HREC ever shut down any temple for lack of funds or whatever?
And does India have any cases filed or pending in the World Court? The river dispute with Pakistan maybe?
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Sure the laws have to be implemented. But how many more years do you need before admitting failure?<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Sorry, the time has run out.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->I am talking about the reform in vedapadasalas, priesthood and monsteries. This must come from within. But how many more years do we have to wait?<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Sorry, the time has run out. JS has only a small window of opportunity to appoint a third acharya, and probably one who is not from the current kamakoti peedam, an outsider sannyasin or even a sannyasini. This has happened before like in the Adichunchunagiri matha.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Regarding international pressure, that is to remove the job reservation system which is itself entrenching casteism, as well as freeing the temples from govt control ONLY.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Time is running out real fast here. International intervention is the way to go these days, whether terrorism, liberty or human rights when you are fighting adamant govts.
Those conspiracy believers like Sandhya Jain who said that JS is the greatest living reformist are quiet now, egg on their face.
All those auto rickshaw drivers and restaurantuers whom I blasted in the 90s for telling me repeatedly that 'those kanchi folks are just interested in money, power and women, and are criminals', now stand redeemed. My apologies to them. Apparently these common folks knew the reality just like the dalit in Shankara's case. I must pay attention to these folks from now on.
Thaipusam regards from Kuala Lumpur where one million Hindus including Indians, Chinese and Caucasions will congregate at a temple here carrying kavadis. The biggest single gathering in south east asia. Have any of you folks seen chinese and caucasians carry kavadis with their bodies pierced? Haro hara.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->I dont know what you are talking about. Will you rephrase you question, if you have any?<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
No questions. Just drawing attention of others to the inconsistency thats all. Your "forthrightness" is too shrill to let you hear anything. Am afraid you wont hear anything.
But just in case you can still hear - from your latest mumbo-jumbo am i to infer that now you have lost sympathy for JS AGAIN and think he is joker/criminal/etc ? If not then what does this mumbo-jumbo mean ? If yes then why this sudden change of heart ?