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Twirp: Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Rep Pakistan 5

[center]<b><span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>PAKISTAN'S PROGRESS TOWARDS BECOMING AN ECONOMIC HUB</span></b>[/center]

[center]<img src='http://www.nation.com.pk/uploads/news_image/original/Maxim_Cartoon_7629.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />[/center]

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War of all war had started -
<b>Four soldiers killed, 12 injured in South Waziristan operartion</b>

Now my question, Are they serious looking for Osama or just a show?

<!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Oct 17 2009, 11:01 PM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ Oct 17 2009, 11:01 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->War of all war had started -
<b>Four soldiers killed, 12 injured in South Waziristan operartion</b>

Now my question, Are they serious looking for Osama or just a show?

<b>Mudy Ji :</b>

You already know the answer : It is all a show!

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They had created environment for full scale civil war.

from Paki fora
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Political analysts say Nawaz Sharif is playing double game. He deliberately missed the last night special briefing. If the SWA operation does not succeed or heavy civilian casualties occur or any movement against the operation is started, He would say look I was not there when the decision was made. The same logic he has been using for Kargil Operation. If that operation succeeded, NS was the first person to take full credit.

Keep in mind that NS has met OBL 6 times in 90s.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->A 4and half hour long briefing held in PM house and attended by all leaders of political parties including Shehbaz Sharif, Ch Nisar, Asfand Yar, Dr. Farooq Satar, etc. A team of PA headed by COAS briefed the audience on over all security situation. The ISI chief give details on intelligence network work.

The political parties and PA jointly discussed the upcoming operation (starting from Sunday-GEO TV). It was decided that S/Punjab will be monitored very closely. PA asked permission to take action anywhere in Pakistan on solid intelligence without wasting time to seek political support. The permission was unanimously granted. PA has also discussed some new security measures for rapid reaction to any incident. details were not given.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<b>Diwali Celebration in Pakistan</b>
Iran is now accusing Pakistan of terrorism!
<b>Iran: US, Britain, Pakistan linked to militants</b>
Iran accuses US, Britain, Pakistan overbombing AFP/Al-Alam – This image grab taken from Iran's Al-Alam TV shows Iranian General Nur-Ali Shushtari addressing a
By ALI AKBAR DAREINI, Associated Press Writer Ali Akbar Dareini, Associated Press Writer – 1 hr 1 min ago

TEHRAN, Iran – The chief of Iran's Revolutionary Guard on Monday accused the United States, Britain and Pakistan of having links with the Sunni militants responsible for a suicide bombing that killed five senior Guard commanders and 37 others.

Iran's president said those behind Sunday's bombing are hiding across the border in Pakistan, and in a phone call with his Pakistani counterpart on Monday he demanded their arrest.

A Sunni rebel group that has waged a low-level insurgency in southeastern Iran to protest what it says is government persecution of an ethnic minority in the region claimed responsibility for the attack. The claim was posted Monday on an Islamic Web site that usually publishes al-Qaida statements. Its authenticity could not be verified.

Jundallah has carried out sporadic kidnappings and attacks in recent years — including targeting the Revolutionary Guard and Shiite civilians. In Sunday's attack, a suicide bomber with explosives strapped around his waist struck as the Guard commanders were entering a sports complex to meet tribal leaders to discuss Sunni-Shiite cooperation in the Pishin district near the Pakistani border.

Revolutionary Guard chief Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari said Monday that the Sunni rebel group, known as Jundallah, or Soldiers of God, is at work to disrupt security in Iran and he vowed to deliver a "crushing" response.

"New evidence has been obtained proving the link between yesterday's terrorist attack and the U.S., British and Pakistani intelligence services," state TV quoted Jafari as saying. "Evidence shows that U.S., British and Pakistani intelligence supported the group."

He said the attack was "undoubtedly" planned and ordered by the three nation's intelligence services and that a delegation would soon travel to Pakistan to present evidence.

Iran often blames Western countries, especially the U.S., of stoking unrest among the country's religious and ethnic minorities — allegations those nations have denied. Iran has also claimed that Jundallah receives support from al-Qaida and Taliban militants that operate across the border in Pakistan's Baluchistan province, where Baluchi nationalists have been waging a militant campaign for independence from the Pakistani government.

Several analysts who have studied Jundallah say the group likely receives inspiration and material support from Baluchi nationalists in Pakistan. But they say there is little evidence of an operational relationship between Jundallah and militants, including al-Qaida and the Taliban, that operate across the border.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had harsh words for his Pakistani counterpart, Asif Ali Zardari.
"The presence of terrorist elements in Pakistan is not justifiable and the Pakistani government needs to help arrest and punish the criminals as soon as possible," state TV quoted Ahmadinejad as telling Zardari Monday.</b>

"We've heard that some officers in Pakistan cooperate with the main elements behind such terrorist attacks and we consider it our right to demand these criminals from them," he was quoted as saying.

Zardari telephoned Ahmadinejad to strongly condemn the suicide attack, said a statement from the Pakistani president's office.

President Zardari said the incident was "gruesome and barbaric" and bore the "signatures of a cowardly enemy on the run."

He said both Pakistan and Iran have deep historical ties and he assured that Pakistan will continue to support and cooperate with Iran in curbing militancy and fighting extremism and terrorism.

<b>In a sign of how heated the situation has become, an Iranian lawmaker representing the capital of Iran's southeastern Sistan-Baluchistan Province called on the Guard to carry out military operations inside Pakistan to root out militants. It's unclear whether such an operation would be considered.</b>

In the Internet claim of responsibility, a statement in the name of Jundallah said the attack was carried out in "retaliation for the Iranian regime's crimes against the unarmed people of Baluchistan."

He was referring to the area populated by ethnic Baluchi tribes, who follow the Sunni branch of Islam and are a minority in predominantly Shiite, Persian Iran.

The statement also identified the man it said carried out the attack as Abdel-Wahed Mohammadi Sarawani, suggesting he is from the small town of Sarawan, 25 miles (40 kilometers) from the Pakistani border.

It also accused the Iranian government of executing many people merely because they are Sunnis or Baluchis.

In May, Jundallah said it sent a suicide bomber into a Shiite mosque in the southeastern city of Zahedan, killing 25 worshippers.

Sunday's attack, however, would mark the group's highest-level target. It also raised questions about how the attacker breached security around such a top delegation from the Revolutionary Guard — the country's strongest military force, which is directly linked to the ruling clerics under Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

The victims included the deputy commander of the Guard's ground forces, Gen. Noor Ali Shooshtari, as well as a chief provincial Guard commander, Rajab Ali Mohammadzadeh. The others killed were Guard members or tribal leaders, it said.

Iran was planning a funeral Monday in Zahedan for nearly all of those killed, state media reports said. A second service will take place in Tehran on Tuesday for one of the commanders, Shooshtari.


Associated Press Writers Asif Shahazad in Islamabad and Maamoun Youssef in Cairo contributed to this report.

<b>Panic selling at KSE; Index plunges by 427 points</b>

KARACHI : <b>The benchmark KSE-100 Index took a nosedive Monday as Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) witnessed panic selling in view of the deteriorating law and order situation in the country.

The Index plummeted by 427 points to close at 9,411 on the first trading of the week.</b>

Today’s trade began in the positive zone but later reports of selling by foreign investors in banking and fertilizer sectors turned the numbers red.

Jehangir Siddiqui Global market said that market capitalization at KSE decreased by 4.3 per cent which is the lowest since February 25 this year.

Trade volume was recorded at 210 million shares today.

Arif Habib Securities was today’s volume leader which gained paisas 91 to close at Rs49.50.

<b>Market analysts see a further correction of 400 to 500 points in the coming sessions.</b>

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<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Iran is now accusing Pakistan of terrorism!<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Jundallah head is in Pakistan, as Dawood and others.
<b>Pakistan cuts deal with anti-American militants</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Under the terms agreed to about three weeks ago, Taliban renegades Maulvi Nazir and Hafiz Gul Bahadur will stay out of the current fight in parts of South Waziristan controlled by the Pakistani Taliban. They will also allow the army to move through their own lands unimpeded, giving the military additional fronts from which to attack the Taliban.

In exchange, the army will ease patrols and bombings in the lands controlled by Nazir and Bahadur, two Pakistani intelligence officials based in the region told The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because revealing their identities would compromise their work.

An army spokesman described the deal as an "understanding" with the men that they would stay neutral. The agreements underscore Pakistan's past practice of targeting only militant groups that attack the government or its forces inside Pakistan.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--> <b>Deepak expresses reservations over Waziristan operation</b>
Updated at: 1302 PST,  Monday, October 19, 2009
NEW DELHI: Indian army chief expressed reservations over ongoing operation against extremists in Waziristan.

According to Geo News, Indian Army Chief, General Deepak Kapoor said New Delhi has reservations over Waziristan operation.

Indian army is prepared to cope with the risks likely to come up due to Taliban factor, Kapoor said.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Terrorists trying to blow up Karachi petroleum terminal arrested. Belong to TTP.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Explosion in Islamic University, Sharia & Law Department

<b>Two suicide attacks strike Pakistan university: 5 dead, 18 injured</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The bombing of Islamabad's International Islamic University was the seventh major militant attack in just over a fortnight and the first since the military launched what officials vowed would be a knockout blow against the Taliban.

Two explosions seconds apart rocked a male teaching faculty and women's cafeteria of what is one of the <b>largest Islamic universities in the world, attracting Muslim students from around the world, around 3:00 pm</b> (0900 GMT).

"We are in a state of war. They will make every effort to destabilise the country. These so-called Islamists are enemies of Islam and enemies of Pakistan," Interior Minister Rehman Malik said at Islamabad's main hospital.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Now they are killing each other. <!--emo&Big Grin--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo-->
<b>Indian PM warns of worsening regional security</b>

New Delhi, Oct 20 (PTI) <b>Noting that both state and non-state actors are engaged in the "business" of terrorism, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today said regular Intelligence reports had warned of "imminent attacks" in the country and security forces needed to be prepared to meet any challenge</b>.

Addressing the top commanders of three Services here, he also said that the situation in India's immediate neighbourhood had worsened, apparently referring to the developments in Pakistan which he did not spell out.

He referred to last year's Mumbai attacks and the terror strike at the Indian Embassy in Kabul earlier this month, which he said was "yet another grim reminder of the forces" that India is pitted against.

<b>"There are both state and non-state actors involved in the business of terrorism. India is a democracy and an open society and is, therefore, sometimes highly vulnerable,"</b> Singh said.

Pakistan is worried about -

1. Major IAF assets deployed near Pak boarder along with Indian Strike force deployment.
2. Indian Defence Minister yesterday's remarks " We are ready to face attacks from Taleban or non-Taleban
3. Iranian Chief of Revolutionary Guards " Hand over the culprit of Sundays suicide attack or we will catch them inside Pakistan.
4. Afghan Taleban vow to hit back and support TTP in SWA and NATO/USA removes check posts
<b>Countrywide schools, colleges closed</b>

ISLAMABAD : <b>All the educational institutions of Sindh and the NWFP province including Azad Kashmir will remain closed till October 24</b> following the bombings at Islamic University of Islamabad. <b><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>But, the Punjab government announced to close indefinitely all the educational institutions.</span></b>

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[center]<b><span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>7 + 22</span></b>[/center]

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<b>Work on Indus Refinery stopped on security fears</b>

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->KARACHI : Work on 93,000 barrels per day Indus Refinery Limited (IRL) <b>has been put on hold after the project’s sponsors completely backed out in the wake of deteriorating security situation in the country,</b> company chairman told The News.

“Original partners are no longer with us and now I am in search of new investors,” Sohail Shamsi said, adding the refinery had been left half built. <b>“First, it were the riots after the assassination of Benazir Bhutto that forced contractors to stop work and then terrorist attacks which have scared away our partners.”</b><!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

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<b>It's in the KORAN</b>


<b>KSE-100 plunges another 321 point</b>s<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->KARACHI: Pakistani stocks ended more than three per cent lower on Wednesday at one-month lows on fears of more militant attacks in retaliation for an army offensive against Pakistani Taliban militants, dealers said<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
They know this will lead to civil war.

<b>Students Terrorised</b>
All schools, colleges closed nationwide

* Three women among six killed in first-ever attack on students as twin suicide bombers hit Islamic University Islamabad
* 25 female students among 29 injured
* <b>Punjab closes</b> educational institutions indefinitely while NWFP, Balochistan

They know Punjab is target.

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