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The Real Indian IQ
Nothing new there, standard leftist delusions all repeated by Gould or Diamond before him.

Quote:Incomplete men

Liberals are a putrid and noxious bunch. Sadly, as we discussed before, they are pretty widespread in academia. Liberal is merely another more dignified name for communist or leftist. The liberals live in a paradoxical world. Some profess to viscerally hate religion, whereas in reality they end up mouthing a secular version of their dominant meme: exclusivist Abrahamism. This is not surprising because following the footsteps of the great Hindu intellectuals Shri Ram Swarup and Sitaram Goel, and later the prolix Balagangadhara of Ghent we realized that the communism was but a secularized version of the basic Abrahamistic meme. We find that liberals of very different hues showing this immaturity at different levels of discourse. Let us consider a diverse set of examples to illustrate this:

1) Jared Diamond- kalashajA and me had discussed his 2nd book after reading it with some eagerness (biased positively by the first one). We soon realized that this book was not universalist history but a politically biased affair that prevented him from making proper scientific inferences. Due to his hidden communist bias (coming from a deeper Abrahamic belief of “equal before G-d” ) he thought that geographical contigency directs human history without altering the human biology at a genetic level. He is resoundingly proven wrong by the most recent studies that the differences between human races is indeed due natural selection.

2) Stephen Gould and Dick Lewontin- Both are respectable evolutionary theorists with a decent understanding of the heart of biology. Yet both were communists (cloaked as liberals) which prevented them from understanding the significance of the evolutionary theory for human diversity. Their politics made them oppose science even though it stared on their face and they tried to hide behind statistical smoke screens to provide a false respectability to their positions. So they sang the song all humans are equal and the environment makes them different.

3) Richard Dawkins- A great popularizer of the evolutionary theory and the proposer of the meme concept is a closet leftist . This again made him ignore many aspects of intra-human differentiation and support Islamists ! In his case the loss of a religious identity has been replaced by a fanatic atheism where he literally worships a new crypto-Abrahamistic entity “humanism” with a convert’s zeal.

4) PZ Myers- a minor scientist and major pamphleteer, but I hear from aurvasheyI that he is almost as popular as the others on the web. Lately he has been taking anti-Hindu stances. We wonder if he can take a similar stance against Judaism- I doubt he would last long. His stuff is another blind anti-religious blather similar to Daniel Dennett, whose ignorance prevents him from understanding some really commonsense stuff about things like consciousness. Myers profound blindness is a good example of the liberal’s missionary zeal where in he literally shows the zeal of an Islamist towards a new religion dubbed as “science”.

In conclusion liberalism has made otherwise excellent scientists incomplete men. It also speaks rather badly of these scientists because it shows that they are actually unable to pursue scientific thought to its conclusion because of their inability to give up their political figments. These incomplete men are victims of the Abrahmisitic meme. The meme had imprisoned their ancestors and kept them in a state of intellectual servitude for a millenium or more. Then science disrupted this meme and showed it puerility. But these mlechChas having no philosophical or cultural scaffold larger than Abrahamistic delusions, felt rudderless upon its collapse. As a result they needed something to take its place and give them a “Weltanschauung”. Sure enough the Abrahamism returned in a secular form- communism or leftism- that provided them with the needful pillar for support. Thus, unable to percieve, leave alone understand, the philosophy of life they wander around spreading hate like walking graveyards.


Quote:The same Jared Diamond then wrote a book called Guns, Germs etc. It was one hell of a politicallly correct book about equality of humans in face of environmental differences. It was one piece of leftist sophistry complete with the aspersions at Brahminism and fullsome praise for Abrahamism in developing “scientific temper”. While Diamond laughed away to the bank fooling the public with his “equal-equal” nonsense that is so common amongst leftist American academics the public was fooled. Luckily for us this bluff was exposed by a recent paper by Wang ET et al that showed that in the last 40-10,000 years, i.e. the time frame in which the humans emigrated out of Africa, we have undergone natural selection in atleast 1800 genes. These genes include numerous genes relating to immune response, reproduction and neural function. The implication of this are explosive. Thus we are likely to expect hardwired differences in disease resistance, intelligence/behavior and reproductive behavior/strategies in different populations of the world probably as local adaptations to their different environments.

Hence, unlike Diamond’s contention that the local enviroments acted on a blank slate of human physiology, humans actually diversified through local differentiation via natural selection to make most of the environment. It is for this reason the trajectories of human populations the world over was so different. Importantly, the populations left behind in Africa, and to some extant the early populations of India and Australia were not a part of many of the changes sweeping through populations elsewhere. So contrary to Diamond’s assertions one must give a careful though to the now increasingly clear possibility that the rise of agriculture and pastoralism actually went hand in hand with natural selection for particular behavioral, immunological and reproductive changes that made the rise of things like urban civilization possible.

A superficial glance at the list of genes: ASPM (a brain size effector), different glutamate and glycine receptors (GRM1, GRM3, GLRA2), synapse associated E3 Ub-ligase RapSyn, serotonin transporter (SLC6A4), two olfactory receptors OR4C13 and OR2B6 suggests that many aspects of human behavior and intelligence are by default going to be different between populations. Interestingly, the olfactory receptor diversification suggests that there may be populations differences literally in the way we smell things. This stark realization of human inequality make us understand many things that otherwise mystify the PC social scientist.

That would be just a subset of Liberals.
2009 US, National Merit Semifinalists, total 16000

IQ cut off = 139. roughly same as for MD seat

Virginia - Total = 395

Muslims = 5

Hindus = 21 ( 5% )

Indiana = 257

Muslim = 1

Hindu = 11 ( 4% )

Florida = 800

Muslim = 10

Hindu = 34 ( 4% )

Texas = 1303

Muslim = 20

Hindu = 89 ( 7% )

CA = 2100

Muslim = 14

Hindu = 136 ( 7% )

Now this Hindu cohort was born in 1993, when Hindus were 0.2%, They are showing over-representation of 20X
In Canada, the Indian diaspora, is more like the UK Indian diaspora, lots of sikhs, and not high IQ selected

Whereas the Chinese Canadian diaspora is more high IQ selected, lots of Hong Kong millionaires fleeing communist takeover.


Second generaration Chinese with college = 70 %

Second gen Indian with college = 65%

white = 35%
[quote name='Bharatvarsh2' date='20 August 2010 - 08:01 AM' timestamp='1282271005' post='107975']

Nothing new there, standard leftist delusions all repeated by Gould or Diamond before him.


Agree. There is no doubt that , all populations that emigrated out of Africa have definitely evolved differently, in response to the different environments they faced. Evolution of these populations has happened on several attributes. Olfactory, lingual, audio-visual and spatial and all kinds of other attributes. It is commonly believed ( with good reason ) that Australian aborigines have excellent spatial ability to help them navigate the vast desert of Australia. Jews have better language/number skills than White europeans, White europeans in turn have better 3D Spatial perception and cognition than Jews on an average.

Blacks from Africa, have good sprinting capabilities, but not much of long distance endurance running though. The list goes on. Of course, it is hard to quantify and say definitively that one race is better than another in one attribute, only statistical averages that vary. I personally think there is also the part that random chance and initial conditions play in gene evolution.

One has to look at the populations of Papua New Guinea. There hundreds of tribes evolved seperately from each other, in isolation each having some traits that are dominant. Apparently, cannibalism and homosexuality are traits that have evolved in some of the tribes and not in some other tribes.

- Krishna
[quote name='Krishna' date='03 October 2010 - 06:48 PM' timestamp='1286111415' post='108648']Jews have better language/number skills than White europeans, White europeans in turn have better 3D Spatial perception and cognition than Jews on an average.[/quote]

Just curious. What is the difference between Jews and White Europeans? Both of them look same to me. If you show me identically dressed European Jew and European White, I can't distinguish between them. I am not sure if you can.
[quote name='shamu' date='04 October 2010 - 10:44 AM' timestamp='1286168778' post='108667']

Just curious. What is the difference between Jews and White Europeans? Both of them look same to me. If you show me identically dressed European Jew and European White, I can't distinguish between them. I am not sure if you can.


To a fair extent, I can visually pick out jews from whites, just as we can pick out brahmins vs non-brahmins visually in South India

Genetically, Ashkenazi jews are a 50% blend of Arabs with 50% of Greeks-Italians
[quote name='Krishna' date='03 October 2010 - 06:48 PM' timestamp='1286111415' post='108648'] that Australian aborigines have excellent spatial ability to help them navigate the vast desert of Australia. Jews have better language/number skills than White europeans, White europeans in turn have better 3D Spatial perception and cognition than Jews on an average.

Blacks from Africa, have good sprinting capabilities, but not much of long distance endurance running though.

- Krishna


east asians have the best spatial perception ,tropical asians and native australian have the best memorization capacity.

then why ethiopians and kenyans ,living in mountains,finish the maraton on the first places?

bulky bantu africans are good at sprint,skinny ethiopians are not that good.They are not good at swimming because of heavy bone structure.

[quote name='shamu' date='04 October 2010 - 10:44 AM' timestamp='1286168778' post='108667']

Just curious. What is the difference between Jews and White Europeans? Both of them look same to me. If you show me identically dressed European Jew and European White, I can't distinguish between them. I am not sure if you can.


I easily distinguish between jews and europeans.However are many rabbis that look very proto-slavic 'ukrainian' looking.
[quote name='HareKrishna' date='06 October 2010 - 08:41 PM' timestamp='1286377415' post='108708']

east asians have the best spatial perception ,tropical asians and native australian have the best memorization capacity.

then why ethiopians and kenyans ,living in mountains,finish the maraton on the first places?

bulky bantu africans are good at sprint,skinny ethiopians are not that good.They are not good at swimming because of heavy bone structure.

I easily distinguish between jews and europeans.However are many rabbis that look very proto-slavic 'ukrainian' looking.


Native australians dont have good memory, if so, they would have a high IQ

What they have is increased vision at the expense of IQ

Many rabbis look ukrainian, since the slavs under the urgings of their bishops, preferentially raped women of rabbinical families

The Levite caste of jews has a high proportion of R1A - Y DNA, due to slavic rape
[quote name='G.Subramaniam' date='07 October 2010 - 06:19 AM' timestamp='1286412072' post='108721']

Many rabbis look ukrainian, since the slavs under the urgings of their bishops, preferentially raped women of rabbinical families

The Levite caste of jews has a high proportion of R1A - Y DNA, due to slavic rape


any evidence to support this?

i supposed that khazars who converted to judaism en mass 1000years ago give this R1a and slavic look.
[quote name='HareKrishna' date='07 October 2010 - 10:48 PM' timestamp='1286471416' post='108732']

any evidence to support this?

i supposed that khazars who converted to judaism en mass 1000years ago give this R1a and slavic look.


The khazars were turkic, not slavs, there is virtually no trace of turkic dna in modern ashkenazi jews

Most Ashkenazi jew Y-Paternaal DNA is J1

Except the Levites are 50% R1A ( Slavic - Brahmin )
[quote name='G.Subramaniam' date='08 October 2010 - 06:23 AM' timestamp='1286498739' post='108740']

The khazars were turkic, not slavs, there is virtually no trace of turkic dna in modern ashkenazi jews

Most Ashkenazi jew Y-Paternaal DNA is J1

Except the Levites are 50% R1A ( Slavic - Brahmin )


khazars were turks yes,but majority of their subjects were caucasian of slavic look.

but there is no evidence that slavs raped jew womwen .

again,were is the evidence.?
hey guys,i have a nice iq test

this will truly show your personal iq,no guessing,no hidding.

after you get your result make a print screen whit your result and put it here

Doesn't allow copying. The result for me was 132.

What was yours?
your result cant be trusted if you didn't put a print screen whit your result as requested <img src='http://www.india-forum.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Sad' />
If trust is the issue, you can never trust the results people claim. People can always rig that using graphic editing tools.

One thing I felt about this IQ test is that that test would be easy for people who take different aptitude tests, and for people who has engineering back ground. The test would be difficult for people from general arts or medicine background. So, I doubt if that test really reflects the real IQ of people.

BTW, what was your score?
im from an architecture and design background but the test is for general iq so your job dont matter much.

the results was as follow:

-my result 112

-my brother 119

-my brothers wife 132

-my christian friend 92

-my mother 96

-my atheist friend 116

others refused to do the test.
Regarding picking Jews from White Europeans, i meant to distinguish between those of European Jewish Ancestry and those of European non Jewish, white/Christian ancestry. Yes, i have seen jews of North European ancestry look a little less fair skinned than caucasians and sometimes urly haired. But again, many southern europeans would fit the bill of this looks as well.

Regarding, G. Sub response that he can pick Jews from white europeans, i am not sure i can do that easily in USA atleast, with all this mix of races from around the world. If i see a little less white with a curly look and sharp nose, he might be a north african or italian or Jordanian or even an Iranian. However, if i were to go Northern Europe and go to a predominantly white city where Jews also lived ( and no other immigrants lived ) i guess i would be able to pick them out.

I got IQ scores anything from 125 to 141 in the many free tests i took in the last few years. Not sure what to make out of this wide variation!
Just to add another angle to this discussion, i had tested my genes in the Genographic project of National Geographic and got my haplogroup as R2. And i joined an online forum for all R2s, r2dna.org.

Guess what , where the majority of R2s come from ( after India and Pakistan ) ? It is mostly Jewish and Greek/Turkish folks. These jews are Askhenazi ( i think ) scattered in the USA, but mostly of Central European/Russian/Ukrainian origin. And the other R2s are from Turkey and eastern Greece.

Needless to say, in this r2dna forum, some of these of Turkish/Greek origin folks are trying deperately to prove that their R2 is very different from the Indian R2!. Obviously they do not want to have to do anything with Indians, but the haplogroup clearly shows they are R2. SO they come up with all kinds of fancy migration routes to prove that they do not have Indian blood.

As a FYI for folks here, R2 haplogroup along with R1 originated in Central Asia, and R1 is the mother haplogroup of R1a and R1b, the modern European genes. r2 is considered a cousin of these and the folks mostly are found in Central Asia, Iran, and India/Pakistan.

I am curious what is with the rape of Jews by Slavs? Is it true?

- Krishna

( I do understand this forum is for IQ, but in any discussion on IQ, the haplogroups and genes invariably turn up as an another factor !)

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