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State News And Discussion - 3
Mayawati is very smart, she will use and abuse INC and will play her own game. Her only interest is PM seat. One day she will be PM.
[url="http://janamejayan.wordpress.com/2011/01/16/diabolical-treachery-of-the-congress-perpetrated-on-the-people-of-karnataka-through-the-governor/"]Diabolical treachery of the Congress perpetrated on the people of Karnataka through the Governor[/url]
[quote name='Savithri' date='13 January 2011 - 01:37 PM' timestamp='1294925370' post='110237']

Jagan is still organizing his strength by going on his 'odarppu' yathra while being visible centre-stage on current economic issues affecting the largely agrarian state. He will be a 'gentleman' until he is sure that in the ensuing election the Congress won't be a contender let alone be returned to power.

The Congress Party has no clue as to how it can stop the desertion of its legislators in both Telengana and non-Telengana regions.

By the way Telengana is a Muslims and Maoist dominated/infested area compared to the rest of Andhra. The BJP is ill-advised to support the creation of Telengana.


The legislators think they have better prospects from Jagan than Congress leadership. Also his force is near while Congress leaders force is far even if its greater. So its their best interest to stick to Jagan unless Congress goes after him with full force. They are like Pakjab feudals and will kowtow to display of force. All feudals are alike.
[url="http://www.telegraphindia.com/1110120/jsp/nation/story_13468178.jsp"]Deoband Modi pat upsets clerics[/url]
Quote:New Delhi, Jan. 19: The praise from the chief of Deoband’s Dar-ul-Uloom seminary for Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi has riled Muslim leaders and opinion-makers.

Separately, most of them demanded that the chief of one of the Islam world’s most well-respected seminaries, Maulana Ghulam Mohammed Wastanavi, should either recant his endorsement for Modi or apologise to Muslims.

Wastanavi is from Gujarat and did an MBA in Maharashtra.

His election against two veteran contenders of Deoband was seen to mark a generational shift at the seminary in more ways than one.

Barely four days after taking over, he told an English daily that the Muslims of Gujarat must move forward instead of getting obsessed with the 2002 violence and stated there was no discrimination against Muslims in development in the state.

Maulana Khalid Rasheed, the Nani imam of Lucknow’s Aishbagh Idgah mosque, said: “The statements are highly irresponsible. Modi sponsored one of the most horrific genocides in India for which the US refuses to give him a visa. Secular Hindus are still fighting for justice to the victims. The Deoband Maulana is otherwise a good person. But he has undermined the institution’s prestige.”

Kamal Farooqi, a former minorities commission chairman and a member of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board, said: “His (Wastanavi’s) job is to issue religious edicts and not give a clean chit to a person no secular Hindu in India will appreciate.”

The Shahi Imam of Delhi’s Jama Masjid, Syed Ahmed Bukhari, said he would explore the possibility of “confronting” him with other clerics if he did not apologise quickly.

The only person to back Wastanavi is Zafar-ul Islam, the editor of an English daily Milli Gazette and former head of the Muslim Musharawat.
Sonia Gandhi/Congress miss use of Governor of Karnataka had reached to a pathetic level. She is behaving worse than Indira. Her corrupt ministers are in cabinet and she is using Governor with bogus claim. Well, in future BJP should use same to topple Congress CM. I think agenda is to impose President rule , so that they can control 2012 election. AP is gone case.
[url="http://www.dailypioneer.com/312554/A-Congress-kotwal-called-HR-Bhardwaj.html"]A Congress kotwal called HR Bhardwaj[/url]

Kanchan Gupta
The state unit of the CPM said the “only way to protect the interests of the common man in Tamil Nadu would be to defeat the Congress-DMK alliance and end the octopus-like domination of the media, television and film industry by chief minister M. Karunanidhi’s family”.

For this, an alliance of like-minded parties such as the AIADMK was necessary, it said.

The CPM also announced a panel to discuss seat-sharing with the AIADMK. http://www.telegraphindia.com/1110126/js...495124.jsp

In the 2006 Assembly elections, the CPM was in the DMK front and had contested 13 seats. It won nine.
Politicsparty guy thinks TMC will win the upcoming WB polls without INC help. Expect INC to bring/explore Gorkha land issues. Are there any reports of PC meeting Gorkhaland leaders?
Quote:[url="http://www.dailypioneer.com/315861/Chiranjeevis-PRP-merges-with-Congress.html"]Chiranjeevi's PRP merges with Congress[/url]

February 06, 2011 10:02:48 PM

IANS | New Delhi/Hyderabad

In a major realignment of political forces in Andhra Pradesh, Telugu superstar K. Chiranjeevi Sunday announced the merger of his Praja Rajyam Party (PRP) with the ruling Congress after a meeting with Congress party chief Sonia Gandhi in the national capital.

The actor-turned-politician said there was "no opposition" from within his three-year-old Andhra regional party to the merger.


[b]The PRP has 18 legislators in the 294-member assembly. The Congress with 156 members, enjoys a slender majority.

"PRP will now merge with Congress. As of now, Chiranjeevi is part of Congress family," Union Law Minister, M. Veerappa Moily told reporters here, with the Telegu superstar Chiranjeevi standing by his side.

Asked if he expected a cabinet berth, Chiranjeevi said, "I don't expect anything. It is their (Congress) duty to allocate..."

He will be new CM. And will divide Jagan votes.
[quote name='Mudy' date='06 February 2011 - 11:37 AM' timestamp='1297009782' post='110591']

He will be new CM. And will divide Jagan votes.


Chiranjeevi is in no way will be able to divide Jagan's votes. Chiru is just over and his role for INC is also forced to be done with. The INC in AP is trying to be relevant and force to fight. That is top priority. Once that is achieved and if the time extends another year and half, probably it hopes that Jagan will wither away.

I believe that TRS will also merge into INC. Basically when ever the next election happens it will be between INC and TDP with no vote dividers. Jagan also will be either merged with INC or will be put behind bars etc.

This whole this is way different from other states where INC has actually nurtured parties dividing its opposition. In AP it is removing the once it has created because it is a situation of mother fish getting swallowed by the small fishes.

Once again I don't see any future for Chiranjeevi. It is all over.
Then who will be new CM, if not Chirnjeev. Only option Molly or Reddy (former minister).
There will be no new CM under the current plan. If there is a crisis that is not being visualized now then there may be a chance of new CM. For now it will be KKR and he will be their henchman.
[url="http://www.rediff.com/news/slide-show/slide-show-1-congress-will-be-deavstated-in-up-polls-says-secret-survey/20110208.htm"]Cong will be devastated in UP, says secret survey[/url]
Quote:In a stunning discovery, the Congress finds itself losing ground in India's most populous state. While Rahul Gandhi tries hard to rebuild the party in the Hindi heartland, a survey commissioned by the party paints a very grim picture of the future.

A survey conducted to gauge the mood of the electorate in Uttar Pradesh has shaken up the top leadership of Congress like never before. The writing is on the wall: the Congress will hopelessly lose Uttar Pradesh to Mayawati.

If elections are held today, Mayawati will become chief minister again with a larger majority.

In a likely repeat of Bihar, the Congress party is poised to drop to single digit with an all time low figure of 9 seats out of 405 in the UP assembly elections, scheduled to be held in 2012, according to a comprehensive survey commissioned by the party. Uttar Pradesh, the most crucial state for the Congress and the Gandhi family, is showing radical preferences.

In spite of party general secretary Digvijay Singh's hyper activism to create a loyal Muslim vote bank for the party, Muslims in UP seem to have decided to ditch Congress en-masse. In spite of Rahul Gandhi's frequent visits to Dalit homes, they are just not ready to ditch Maywati yet.


While the survey shows the Congress slipping to fourth position, the Bharatiya Janata Party is at the second position with 72 seats while the Samajwadi party is at 40 seats -- but only if it has an alliance with Ajit Singh's Rashtriya Lok Dal, which is at 13 seats, bettering even the Congress party's tally.
You should read UP survey in conjunction with the Nitin Gadakari's replies during his detailed interview with ETV and also yesterday's Daily Pioneer article. BJP's survey puts Maya as clear winner but BJP will get 130 seats. INC survey also puts Maya as winner but the second position of BJP is only with 72.

BJP for the first time in planning to go with a Brahmin CM in UP. The game is simple:

Mullahs - split between BSP and SP. (It would be good if Mullahs move more towards SP instead of Maya)

Brahmins - move to BJP. (This to make sure that whether you win or not INC should not win. Also it reduces Maya)

Yadavs - SP

OBCs- Splits and may vote for BJP inspite of BJP's move towards Forward Castes.

INC - None
Important thing - If Jaya wins TN that will be a game changer as several things will unravel in Indian politics.
Jaya is a unpredictable nutcase, crazy woman.
Pioneer article mentioned above.

Quote:NATION | Tuesday, February 8, 2011 | Email | Print | | Back

BJP plans to wean away Brahmins

February 09, 2011 3:17:20 AM

Kumar Uttam | New Delhi

The BJP is ready with its ‘Mission Uttar Pradesh’ that sets the target for the party to wean Brahmins away from the Bahujan Samaj Party and check Congress’ upsurge in the State.

Desperate to end its long wait to return to power in the State, where it has been reduced to a marginal player, BJP’s strategy in UP is to present a united face of its State leadership, play to the upper caste gallery and rejuvenate its cadres.

Starting with national vice-president Kalraj Mishra’s appointment as head of the campaign committee, the BJP intends to shortlist several ‘winnable’ candidates from upper caste, particularly Brahmins, to make inroads into Mayawati’s vote bank. The 70-year-old Mishra may eventually be projected as BJP’s Chief Ministerial candidate in the 2012 Assembly elections.

“Brahmins’ influence over UP politics is quite disproportionate to their numerical strength. They have been our traditional voters and we need to consolidate on that. Surveys have already begun at the ground level to identify good candidates,” a senior BJP leader privy to the party’s strategy told The Pioneer here on Monday.

BJP, though, is worried that Congress not only threatens to eat into the upper caste vote share but can actually make a difference to the final tally, if the last Lok Sabha election results are anything to go buy.

“The only advantage that we have over the Congress is that unlike them we have a solid cadre base. Successive electoral losses have demoralised them and our principal target it to rejuvenate them by at least presenting a united face of the leadership”, the party leader said.

Sources claim Mishra’s appointment was done in consultation with all factions of the central leaders having some stake in UP politics and the state leadership. Moreover, party president Nitin Gadkari has asked party leaders to bury their hatchets in the larger interest of the party.

The effect was quite visible at a recent rally in Kanpur where, for the first time in recent past, the entire state leadership attended a rally. Not many central leaders participated in it.

The party is seriously considering a proposal to take out a yatra — though its nomenclature could be different — simultaneously from different parts of the state. Kalraj would obviously lead one of them and former BJP president Rajnath Singh, who also happens to be a former CM of UP, would undertake another.

Party leaders also see a ray of hope in findings of recent surveys, which suggests delimitation, that has changed profiles of the constituency, has brought BJP in direct contest with its rivals — BSP, SP and the Congress — in at least 283 seats of the State.

The change is also attributed to the reason that number of seats where the ‘anti-BJP votes’ were the deciding factor has also claimed to have reduced drastically.

So this is what accounts for the BJP to get 130 seats vs 72 seats of the INC survey.
Quote:Darjeeling unrest spreads, hills continue to smoulder [url="http://www.dailypioneer.com/316792/Darjeeling-unrest-spreads-hills-continue-to-smoulder.html"] link[/url]

February 10, 2011 2:11:02 AM

Saugar Sengupta | Kolkata

The ‘Queen of Hills’ continued to smoulder a day after police shot two pro-Gorkhaland agitators, triggering widespread violence in Darjeeling district and adjoining areas.

Two persons were killed on Tuesday when police opened fire at GJM supporters, who tried to break prohibitive orders at Sipchu in the Doars region. A third person, who received bullet injuries on Tuesday, succumbed to his wounds on Wednesday.

While the forest department bore the brunt of Tuesday’s turmoil, the situation continued to be the same a day later. A forest checkpost at Ghoom Bhanjan and a forest bungalow at Jorebangla were set on fire by angry crowds. On the whole, the department said, “around a dozen” of its properties had been burnt down.
Quote:February 15, 2011 6:34:12 AM

[url="http://www.dailypioneer.com/317697/Ktaka-HC-upholds-suspension-of-rebel-legislators.html"]K'taka HC upholds suspension of rebel legislators[/url]

IANS | Bangalore

The Karnataka High Court on Monday upheld the disqualification of five Independent legislators who rebelled against Chief Minister B.S. Yeddyurappa and reduced his government to a minority.

The ruling by Justice Mohan Shantangouder, Justice S. Abdul Nazeer and Justice A.S. Bopanna comes as a morale booster for the beleaguered chief minister. The bench unanimously upheld the Oct 10 order of speaker K.G. Bopaiah disqualifying the legislators for rebelling against Yeddyurappa.

Four of the Independents - D. Sudhakar, P.M Narendra Swamy, Venkataramanappa and Shivaraj Tangadagi - were ministers at the time of the rebellion while the fifth, Gulihatti Shekar, had just been dropped from the ministry.

The five lawmakers said they would soon move the Supreme Court, challenging the high court ruling.
[url="http://www.haindavakeralam.com/HKPage.aspx?PageID=13280"]Saffron Surge in Tamil Nadu (Images)[/url]

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