<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Anti-Modi website:
From: Kamala Visweswaran <kvis@mail.utexas.edu>
Subject: Gujarat Anniversary op-eds and letters
To: newsouthasia@yahoogroups.com
Date: Feb 28 2005 17:11
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Just to remind you that today February 28-March 2 marks the third
anniversary of the Gujarat violence. If some of you can get op-eds placed
on this theme, linking it to Modi's upcoming visit, that would be good. We
have heard that Modi will probably be travelling widely in the U.S.
We are working to get the letters on-line so that other faculty can sign.
If you are willing to help with this, let me know (otherwise it may take
us a few more days). In the meantime the AAHOA letter is now up on the
Coalition Against Genocide website. CAG is coordinating the campiagn
around Modi's visit.
Kamala Visweswaran
Associate Professor,
Anthropology Department
University of Texas, Austin
Austin, TX 78712
Just to remind you that today February 28-March 2 marks the third
anniversary of the Gujarat violence. If some of you can get op-eds placed
on this theme, linking it to Modi's upcoming visit, that would be good. We
have heard that Modi will probably be travelling widely in the U.S.
We are working to get the letters on-line so that other faculty can sign.
If you are willing to help with this, let me know (otherwise it may take
us a few more days). In the meantime the AAHOA letter is now up on the
Coalition Against Genocide website. CAG is coordinating the campiagn
around Modi's visit. http://coalitionagainstgenocide.org/index.php
Kamala Visweswaran
Associate Professor,
Anthropology Department
University of Texas, Austin
Austin, TX 78712
Not one word against the thousands who died in the very same Gujarat in 60s or 70s 80s under the likes of Congress CMs - Desai, Amarsingh or Solanki. Selective activisim one must say.
Will someone with decent writing skills and some time at hand write to Kamala the defination of "Genocide". Lavakare had debunked this 'genocide a long time ago ( link here)
More of a question..
Sulekha has introduced another org thru a column
Out of the Lenses of Babes by Sonali Mayadev Thatte
The website being promoted is
http://www.volunteermatch.org/ which is funded by ttp://www.knightfdn.org/default.asp
What do we know of this orgs ?
Moornam on Sulekha made this comment on above column..
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->In the early nineties, a series of documentaries about "child labour in India" came out in the west. Some desis (do they crave so much for attention?) started gushing over the issue, wiping their tears, tch tch, kuch karna chahiye, the west must do something. Sandeep Pandey of Asha fame was all over the place. Do something. Fix the problem. Poor children. Chacha Nehru ke bachche.
Well - the west did something. They banned all carpet and embroidery imports from India. Little was known about the fact that the biggest beneficiary of this ban was Pakistan, whose exports in this area surged. Later, it came to light that it was Pakistan who produced these documentaries. Now Sandeep Pandey has moved on to cause destruction someplace else. Of course, child-labour still persists in India.
The same happened with documentaries in late 90's involving environment degradation in TamilNadu due to shrimp harvesting. A Norwegian shrimp company was behind this documentary - got the imports from India stopped, and bagged the contract.
Fool me once...
Shedding ignorance should not be termed as cynicism.
M. Nam <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
An interesting blog on Naxals:
link: http://naxalwatch.blogspot.com/
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Pakistani ISI using Habib Bank to fund Maoist-Naxal movement </b>
[ SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2004 02:51:21 AM ]
Recent intelligence reports of strong <b>Maoist-Naxalite nexus has posed new threat to the internal security of India as a whole and that of five statesâ Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Uttaranchal, West Bengal and Sikkimâin particular</b>. These states touch the Himalayan kingdom along a 1751 km border. The development means trouble in future and the Union government has taken a serious note of this, said Union minister of state for home Sri Prakash Jaiswal while talking to TOI on Friday night. <b>Central and state intelligence agencies have recently submitted reports on camps along the border to train suicide bombers and women, digging of trenches, procuring arms from Peopleâs War Group (PWG) outfits in Andhra Pradesh and plundering of forest wealth from India</b>.
What had actually caught the attention of Delhi were reports suggesting <b>ISI backing to Maoist through "friendly" business relations between the Habib Bank in Pakistan and Himlayan Bank in Nepal. Habib Bank is identified as a funding agency of the ISI. "The recent past, say last two years, have witnessed excessive and aggressive intrusions of Maoists into India and the situation is so grim that even the Nepalese of Indian origin have begun migrating back to India,</b>" Jaiswal said
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Fourth Vedic Workshop at UTexas
Pasted below is the first announcement (btw, why such a late
announcement?) of the Fourth Vedic Workshop being organized at the
University of Texas. The organizer, Patrick Olivelle, a Sri Lankan
Christian, who is a big name in old style Indological studies and
claims to promote "authentic" views. Many regard Mr Olivelle's
writings as deeply anti-vedic, as evidenced by some of the reviews of
his book on Upanishads on Amazon.com.
"This is a literal translation without any soul. Olivelle doesn't
have the heart at the right place to translate mystical writings of
the Upanishads. He should stick to Jesuit material."
"This translation pays no attnetion to traditional Upanshadic
scholarship in India, is totally Germanic (i.e., indological,
colonialist), misrendering terms with a Christian or at least
theistic bias, e.g., the Isha Upanishad, where Shankara's long
commentary on the first verse is totally ignored."
So it would be nice if genuine Hindu scholars attend this event by
submitting proposals.
Subject: Fourth Vedic Workshop
First announcement of the Fourth Vedic Workshop, which will take
place in Austin, Texas, at the University of Texas, from Thursday,
May 24 through Sunday, May 27, 2007. In accordance with the theme of
the workshop, "The Vedas in Culture and History," we invite papers
that explore the relation of Vedic texts to the social and political
history of the Vedic period, to religious movements of early India,
to various facets of material and intellectual culture in India, and
to the later traditions of India.
We will be establishing a website for the conference, and when we do,
we will send a more formal and complete announcement. We did want to
send you this preliminary notice, however, so that, if you would be
interested in attending, you can mark these dates on your calendar.
We are planning to schedule sessions of the workshop from Thursday
morning through Sunday evening, so we hope that participants will be
able arrive on Wednesday, May 23, and depart on Monday, May 28. For
additional information, you are welcome to contact either Patrick
Olivelle (jpo@...) or Joel Brereton
(jpb@...) at the University of Texas.
We hope to see you in Austin.
All the best,
Patrick Olivelle
Joel Brereton
More on Patrick Olivelle
From: Rakesh Sharma <rakeshfilm@gmail.com>
>Reply-To: Rakesh Sharma <rakeshfilm@gmail.com>
>Subject: "The Final Solution": A film about the Gujarat Genocide in 2002 (MAY 12th SCREENING)
>Date: Fri, 6 May 2005 00:06:21 -0400
>Please forward to your friends in New York.
>"The Final Solution": A film about the Gujarat Genocide in 2002.
>www.rakeshfilm.com <www.rakeshfilm.com>
>Film showing, followed by a discussion with the Director, Rakesh Sharma
>and three New School University classes.
>Place: Tishman Auditorium,
>66 W. 12th St.
>Date and Timings: May 12th
>Film Screening: 6-8 pm
>Discussion with the filmmaker: 8-9 pm
>"Final Solution" is an award-winning film that portrays the workings of
>the Hindu Right in Gujarat, India in the perpetration of the 2002 genocide
>of Muslims in the state. Drawing explicit analogies with Nazi Germany in
>the ways the state encouraged and justified violence, the film provides a
>chilling portrait of the organized and premeditated nature of the
>genocide, and how continuing violence and discrimination continues to
>reshape the state of Gujarat in political, religious, and social terms.
>The film was banned in India for several months after its release.
>Participating classes:
>Professor Anne Murphy's classes: Religion, Colonialism, Nation -
>GHIS 6820 and The Making of Modern India - LHIS 3009
>Professor Vyjayanthi Rao's class: Globalization and Violence - GANT 6054
>Sponsored by: the South Asia Forum, New School University and the
>Southern Asian Institute, Columbia University.
If anyone Hindus are in New York they should attend this and ask hard questions to this traitor, it is very important that the American public does not get taken in by this propaganda. Please attend this if u can and forward the message to any Hindus that live in New York.
Bay Area Premiere of a Documentary Film
by Pervez Hoodbhoy and Zia Mian
Produced for the Eqbal Ahmad Foundation, 2004 (45 minutes)
Followed by a Discussion with Dr. Hoodbhoy
Saturday, August 7, 2004 at 6 p.m.
Building 200, Room 002, History Corner, 450 Serra Mall, Stanford University, Stanford.
Sunday, August 8, 2004 at 4 p.m.
2040 Valley Life Sciences Building (VLSB), University of California (UC), Berkeley.
(The documentary runs 45 minutes; the event is FREE. Contributions are welcome to cover costs) Limited seats, arrive early to ensure your seating.
Co-Sponsored by the Friends of South Asia with:
<i>Asia/Pacific Research Center at the Institute of International Studies, Stanford.
ARC/India Program in School of Humanities and Sciences, Stanford
<b>EKTA, ASHA Stanford</b>.
Associated Students at University of California(ASUC) in Berkeley.</i>
Nationalism and religion have entangled the fate of Kashmiris, Pakistanis and Indians for over 5 decades. After four wars, Kashmiris and their land are divided between Pakistan and India, the source of recurring crises. Many feel that the next war may be a nuclear war. In this tragedy, each side tells the story of the injustice and violence of the other, and feels only the suffering of their own. This path-breaking independent documentary film, made in Pakistan, challenges us to look
at Kashmir with new eyes and to hope for a new way forward.
Interviews of key figures and ordinary people from every side, rare archival footage and computer animations weave together a rich and moving narrative. We hear leading Kashmiri militants voice the frustration of their hopes for democracy and their desperate <b>rebellion against oppressive Indian rule</b>. We see how <b>Pakistan's relentless determination to confront India created an Islamic holy war that brought terror and death to Kashmir.</b> {New Spin} </i><b>Radical Hindu leaders </b>in India and Islamic militants in Pakistan explain their shared conviction that Kashmir is part of a greater struggle that knows no limits. We discover how amid rising religious passions, governments in India and Pakistan seek to build national identity through cultivating prejudice and hatred towards the other. We explore how creating and changing bitterly contested borders offers little prospect for peace and justice.
The film chronicles the wars, the failed efforts at peace and the daily toll this failure exacts on those caught on the frontline of this dispute. It shows how India and Pakistan's dramatic nuclear tests spurred the conflict to new heights, and explores the ways in which India's great power ambitions, and the interests of the Pakistani army, continue to make peace so elusive.
Rejecting the national ambitions of Kashmiris, Pakistanis and Indians alike, the film offers a vision of a shared future for all of South Asia built on a common humanity.
"A compelling fresh look at an age old problem that could be the spark of a nuclear war." Ahmed Rashid, author of Taliban
"This film violates the grand narrative of nationalism on all sides. It shocks with its unfamiliar humanity." Khaled Ahmed, Daily Times
Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy
Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy received his bachelor's degrees in electrical engineering and mathematics, master's in solid state physics, and Ph.D in nuclear physics, all from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He has been a faculty member at the Department of Physics, Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad since 1973.
In 1984 he received the Abdus Salam Prize for mathematics and, earlier, the Baker Award for Electronics. In 2003, Dr. Hoodbhoy was awarded UNESCO`s Kalinga Prize for popularizing science in Pakistan with TV serials and his film `The Bell Tolls for Planet Earth` won honorable mention at the Paris Film Festival.
He is chairman of Mashal, a non-profit organization that publishes books in Urdu on women's rights, education, environmental issues, philosophy, and modern thought.
Dr. Hoodbhoy has written and spoken extensively on topics ranging from science in Islam to education issues in Pakistan and nuclear disarmament. He produced a 13-part documentary series in Urdu for Pakistan Television on critical issues in education, and two other major television series aimed at popularizing science. He is author of "Islam and Science: Religious Orthodoxy and the Battle
for Rationality", now in 5 languages. His writings have appeared in Dawn, The News, Frontier Post, Muslim, Newsline, Herald, Jang, and overseas in Le Monde, Japan Times, Washington Post, Asahi, Seattle Times, Post-Intelligencer, Frontline, The Hindu, and Chowk Magazine.
He has been an engaged speaker at more than twenty US campuses including MIT, Princeton, Univ. of Maryland, and Johns Hopkins University. He has appeared on several TV and radio networks (BBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, PBS, NPR, Fox) to analyze political developments in South Asia. (Source: Peace and
World Security Studies website (PAWSS) {<i>another PISS</i>}, Hampshire College, Massachussetts.)
Dr. Hoodbhoy lives in Islamabad, Pakistan.
Dr. Zia Mian Zia Mian is a physicist and member of the research staff at Princeton University's Program on Science and Global Security. His work focuses on nuclear weapons and nuclear power issues, especially in South Asia.
His work is published in technical journals and magazines, as well as newspapers in a number of countries. He is the co-editor, most recently, of Out of the Nuclear Shadow with Smitu Kothari.
Earlier books include Pakistan's Atomic Bomb and the Search for Security and Making Enemies, Creating Conflict: Pakistan's Crises of State and Society. He has previously worked at the Union of Concerned Scientists in Cambridge, MA, and the Sustainable Development Policy Institute in Islamabad.
He has taught at Princeton's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, at Yale University, and at Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad. In addition to his research and writing, he is active with a number of civil society groups working in the area of nuclear disarmament and with the peace movement.
Directions and Parking at Stanford:
450 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA It is at the intersection of Serra Mall and Lausen Mall (between Galvez St and Palm Drive)
Parking is free on saturday evenings. Available at the Oval near Serra Mall and Palm Drive; near Galvez and Serra Mall;At Campus Drive and Roth Way.
Directions and Parking at Berkeley:
2040 VLSB, University Drive, (West entrance) Oxford and University Ave, Berkeley, CA
Coming on University Ave from I-80/880, drive east to the end of University Ave; Park anywhere near the intersection of University and Oxford;
Enter the West entrance to the campus and walk into the campus along University Drive.
Valley Life Sciences Building (VLSB) is near the west side of the UC Berkeley campus.
VLSB is the second large building on your right.
Street Parking is free. Paid parking available inside the campus; at Oxford and Kittredge;
at Oxford and Addison.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Indo-Pak Peace Solidarity March in San Francisco
<b>Friends of South Asia
Association for India's Development (AID) - BayArea
Alliance of South Asians Taking Action (ASATA)
American Muslim Voice
Pakistanis at Stanford
Pakistan American Alliance
Progressive Muslim Union of North America</b><!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
EKTA (FOIL) has only one agenda and one agenda only - Gujarat. Anything about Gujarat is anathema.
Ladies and Ladaaz, presenting the latest Gujarati victim of FOIL attack - the delicious and harmless Undhiu!
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Aggressive Vegetarianism
Ram Puniyani
Recently while travelling on the early morning flight from Mumbai to Ahmadabad, I overheard my co-passengerâs non vegetarian breakfast being denied by the flight steward on the ground that on Mumbai Ahmadabad route, non vegetarian food is not served. The same got confirmed a few days later when the management of the said airlines publicly stated that since the passengers on this route are mainly vegetarians, and in case of some slip on the part of airlines staff if the vegetarian passengers if by mistake is served the non vegetarian food, it will be hurting their religious sentiments.
Similarly during one of the trips to Ahmadabad when sipping tea with one of the young IT professional friend in his rented accommodation, I was aghast to see the landlord barging into the flat and making headway straight to the kitchen, inspecting something and going away. I could not hide my amazement and asked the young friend as to how someone can come and straight to your kitchen and inspect your utensils, and that too even without the courtesy of asking your permission. He replied that it is more or less a routine practice in the city where the landlords or landladies keep a watch whether the tenant is cooking non vegetarian food.
Also one house hunter in the city of Mumbai was surprised that the real estate agent inquired about his food habits before showing him the flats for sale. He was also told that the particular housing complex where he wanted to buy the house, they had the unwritten (? written) rule that non vegetarians will not be permitted in the housing complex.
By now it has become a routine for one to hear in different workshops and seminars that Muslims are having aggressive mentality because they consume Non vegetarian food. There is a hidden sentence in this which comes out easily when probed further that the real reason for their having aggressive mentality is that they eat beef. It comes as an addition that since cow is holy for the Hindus, they at the same time are hurting the sentiments of the Hindus.
This trend is picking on from last few years more strongly. One can roughly say that it runs parallel to the rise of communalism and communal violence in society. It has become rooted in stronger fashion, post Babri demolition along with demonization of Muslims reaching a new high.
Two issues have been deliberately intertwined in the social common sense. One is the non vegetarian food causing violent tendencies and the second, the eating of beef by Muslims and there by hurting the sentiments of Hindus. It is very clear that the definition of non vegetarian food varies from place to place and community to community. Eggs are passé for some vegetarians and strict no for others. Some regard sea food, fish and the like as vegetarian while for others it is non vegetarian food in all sense of the meaning. Today World over roughly more than 80-90% of the population is Non vegetarians so to say. While Muslims in India are the object of wrath, apart from other things, also for eating beef, the Europeans and Americans do get away easily in this psyche despite having beef as their staple diet. In the countries and people who follow the biggest apostle of non violence ever, Lord Gautam Buddha, the consumption of non vegetarian food is no less in quantum. For that matter right here there are innumerable communities for whom beef has been a part of the food habits, non vegetarianism being prevalent in most communities and even amongst those who feel that Muslims are aggressive because of eating non vegetarian food the prevalence of eating non vegetarian food is substantial.
A section of community has been discarding non vegetarian food in a very strong way. Amongst these sections of middle class, traders in particular are taking the wows of vegetarianism. There are political over and undertones also in this âhate Non vegetariansâ thinking. One can go to the extent of saying that Vegetarianism is also being used as a social and political weapon to browbeat the minority community. No doubt one has the choice of shifting to vegetarianism with full commitment, but to be intolerant to the non vegetarians and to label the Muslims as having violent personality due to the food habits is a part of political campaign.
Historically speaking beef was the staple food in Vedic times (Cow is essentially food, Atho Annam Via Gau). D.N. Jha in his classic book on the ancient Indian food habits shows that it was with the rise of agricultural society that the restriction was brought in on cow sacrifice by Lord Buddha. The primary goal was to preserve the cattle wealth. The ardent follower of Buddhism, Emperor Ashok, in one of his edicts to the royal kitchen orders that only as many animals and birds be killed as are necessary for the food in the kitchen. This was to put a break on the animal sacrifice which was part of the Brahminical rituals. It was as a reaction to this that Brahminism came up to project cow as mother to show that it also has concern for cattle. One can make an interesting point a la Kancha Ilaihâs âBuffalo nationalismâ, as to why only cow was selcted to have the exalted place as a mother, why not Buffalo? Has the colour politics something to do with this. Needs investigation!
Than as far as the violent personality and food is concerned, not much scientific literature is available to prove the correlation of food with the violent tendencies. Violence is a personality trait, in the realm of psychology, which is shaped by familial, social and political circumstances. It also keeps changing according to the situation. A quiet person can take to arms and violence when faced with adverse physical situation. A person with a history of violent behaviour can change to quiet behaviour, without change of food habits, with the change in circumstances.
There are systems of medicine, the traditional oneâs which classify food according to the Satwik (leading to pure, quiet persona), Tamsik (increasing anger) and Rajsik (royal) but it hasnât been vindicated beyond stray empirical assertions. It is more than understood in the modern system of medicine that the psychological traits have all to do with the circumstances at all the levels, family, social and political. Despite some people holding on to human nature and type of food, it is far from being vindicated by any of the modern scientific studies.
There are groups of people taking to vegetarianism, the vegans, on health grounds, which one can understand. The element of religiosity is not mixed up here. Neither are these people intolerant to the ones who consume non vegetarian food. The phenomenon being observed amongst the sections around, in the places influenced by Hindu right, operates at the level of religiosity. Vegetarianism here is a part of oneâs religion so to say. Being mixed up with religion it becomes associated with emotions and thatâs where the strong rejection of non vegetarians in the neighbourhood. How this has been turned as one more tool of demonization of Muslims is a matter of amazement for the writer of these lines. One also feels like complementing the rumour mill of rumour spreading society, which has achieved this feat of using the food habits as yet another tool of spreading hate.
Dr. Asghar Ali Engineer, the pioneer of Human rights, narrates a story about Mahatma Gandhiâs Muslim friendâs son visiting his Ashram on the day of Bakar Id. Gandhi the vegetarian, ordered for the non vegetarian food to be brought for him as for his Muslim friendâs son as it happened to be associated with his festival. It is another matter that the Muslim boy in deference to the rules of Gandhijiâs Ashram insisted that he will have no non vegetarian food in Gandhiâs ashram. Respecting each others sentiments comes alive in his best form here. One sees the similar respect for âothersâ sentiments in the will of Babur also who writes to his son Humayun that since Hindus respect cows he should not let the cows be slaughtered during his reign.
What a contrast to the present atmosphere where the Vegetarianism is propagated and imposed in such an aggressive way. One is not sure whether Non vegetarian food leads to aggressive tendencies or rather one can say violence is in the mind and mind is shaped by social situations. One can certainly say that those propagating vegetarianism in such a fashion are intolerant to the hilt, and thatâs for sure. One will like to be informed, Narendra Modi, who presided over one of the worst carnages of present times, is he a vegetarian or a non vegetarian. This writer will wait for the answer!<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->While Muslims in India are the object of wrath, apart from other things, also for eating beef,<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I am just wondering how they will react when Pig are cooked in their house.
This guy level of hatred against Hindus is amazing.
AID : Activities of Balaji Sampath at IIT Chennai
From an eyewitness
I first heard about AID in my first year at IIT. It was the time they were starting , and naturally, as is the common practice today too, their introductory notice will attract anyone interested in helping the people of India. Added to it was the emblem with Gandhiji, and I could not help missing the first programme they organised. I remember that it was a movie show, on some social issue, probably organised together with the NSS of the institute.
I don't remember much of the other details , but what I remember clearly was that one claims made was that AID runs a tuition center in Tharamani, a village outside IIT. I knew that NSS runs tuition centers, but this was new info to me. Indeed during the programe, they gave pamphlet saying how we could help, and one was money, another volunteering. I was interested in volunteering and so approached one of the co-ordinators, and offered help. I asked him what exactly was my work, and where is the center' His reply was something in this line "As of now, we don't have a center. But we have the Tamil Nadu Science Forum's(TNSF) project of developing some softwares for village education"! Some how, it did not strike me that it could be a deliberate attempt to mislead, I thought it was just a slip. But the AID lies were only starting there.
This particular one, the tactic is very clear- those who want to check it up properly, they will tell the truth. For others, who are too busy to volunteer, can donate money. By the way, I remember a friend of mine from IIT sending me AID newsletter of this year, and she asked me about AID. The newsletter claims that
there is a tuition center at Tharamani with 70 kids. I asked her to go and verify if there is a center, and decide for herself. I did not hear from her ever since.
Another BIG claim made by AID is the following. "AID is related to TNSF, similar to Kerala Shastra Saahitya Parishad(KSSP), who were instrumental in making Kerala 100 percent literate state". This is a very misleading statement. The literacy campaign in Kerala was a government programme. In two phases, under two governments, it took nearly a decade. Govt money was used. People from various walks of life volunteered. I have a friend of mine, living a few miles away, who volunteered, who had nothing to do with KSSP. True, some of there volunteers might have done some work, esp as this organisation is basically a leftists organisation, and communist govt was for once involved in the programme. But to claim that they are responsible for the literacy of Kerala is nonsense. In fact these people get involved in more of political matters than anything else. (and TNSF, they claimed is like KSSP) The initial experience prevented me from volunteering for AID, but I did try to attend their functions. The next one I remember (chronolgy might be wrong), is the AID skit arranged during Saarang, the cultural festival of IITM. With lots of goofs, it was something people laughed at, but more so, may be for the idea. I believe its one of AIDs std skits, as it was screened in my University a few months before. I don't remember the name of the skit, but basically it was about what would have happened if we were able to change some events.
Now the first event was the death of Gandhiji. Let's assume it did not have any political intentions, but then when the character Godse came to the stage,he had a big red Tilak marked on his forehead! Now that was something I took some time to understand.
From what I remember from "Freedom at Midnight", Godse was kind of an atheist. even if not, he was not, for what i know, one who would put a tilak and walk around, esp when u go to kill Gandhiji. Leave it to you to decide, if AID had some motive or not.... So far - I wouldn't say so good- but not really bad. And then came the big moment. AID organises a screening of Anand Patwardhans movie "In the name of Raam". They put up notices in all hostels. The notice I remember was so anti Hindu and inflammatory, and faced lot of opposition from almost all hostels, that they had to remove that one, and make an altogether new, mild one. To know more about the movie, see http://www.geocities.com/satyawaadi/ram.html The movie was screened, and AID had announced that a discussion will follow- a discussion, mind you, not a lecture. The big wig of AID Balaji Sampath, comes to the stage (eh, I thought its a 'discussion') and starts addressing the audience- not invite questions... He starts off , and after saying that AID organised an anti BJP rally and all that, he says
"You have to understand the fact....". Now that's a very nice way to start. as though what he is saying is Gospel truth . Let's call this the BS method, as we will have to use this abbreviation a lot. to continue "...the fact that the entire ramjanmabhoomi movement was an attempt by the sangh parivar, to cover up its casteism, and anti backward casteness". That was the first shock that day. Myself
belonging to a backward caste , I have always been sympathetic to the temple cause, and was convinced of the dirty games played by the leftists after I read "RJM vs BM" by Koenraad Elst (btw, these leftists have tried a lot to throw dirt on the scholarship of Dr Elst, not by attacking the facts that he presents in his books, but by general shouting). the second part of the book is available at http://www.voi.org/books
A volley of questions followed and people started arguing with him. He started dismissing each of their (and mine, as i too had started arguing) facts as "those are exceptions. what i am saying is the actual truth in general". another of the BS method (or shall i call it AID way- recently a friend of mine who attended, probably for the first time, an AID discussion , told me that he was amazed at the way these people coin their own theories to fit their needs ). Unfortunately, because of the short notice, I could not get the books needed, and none of the others had bothered. On the other hand BS would have been quite prepared- but then based not on facts , but BS (or AID) theories
Some body got so angry that he stood up and said "So then let's all get converted to Christianity. BS gave a vague smile....(might have been deeply happy
inside at the proposal) Another of his showpieces was, whom he claimed something like "an history scholar". This lady, did not seemed to give any historical data, but just nodding her head for whatever BS was saying, and saying her own propaganda. Now, its possible that she was, whom BS later married- Kalpana, a JNU graduate and active in a leftists women's organisation
Now people had by now understood their political motives and had started shouting "communists" Initially they denied, but at some point the lady got so irritated that she said "there is nothing wrong with being communist". fine, if u believe so, but why did the admission come so late, that too after apparent denials? You could have come under the banner of CPI, or is CPI=AID ?
Now do I need to show how much anti Nationals the commies are- sorry, they are Nationalists, big time, but Chinese Nationalists, as Rajeev Srinivasan says in his column http://www.rediff.com/news/2002/jun/21rajeev.htm and Marx indeed justified Bristish rule in India, called India a semi barbaric country (those who think so should probably go thro' the Gandhian Dharampal's "The Beatiful Tree" and the "Rise and Fall of Great Nations" by Paul S Kennedy - I have gone thro' the first and have seen seen some statistics being quoted from the second), and probably even said that Communism can be spread in India only by diluting the Hindu ethos (My attempts to find the actual wordings did not succeed) and ya, what to speak of Rajane Palme Dutt, often referd to as "Father of Indian Communism" , who wrote one full book "India Today" about how things should be in India, all sitting in England, and not having visited India, till much after he finished his work . I get memories of Max Muller, who never visited India, but was paid by the British,(10,000 pounds ????) to discredit Hinduism by his Aryan Invasion theory , something as much not based on facts as BS theories..
Now the second and bigger shock was coming. BS goes on to say "After all not all people worship Rama. Most Dalits in TN worship Ravana and considers Rama as the villain ". This was taking things too far, and did get the most fitting reply, from none other than the (private) security to the screening hall, who apparently fitted into the very same category BS was mentioning . He said "Saar Appudiyellam
sollakkoodathu, Raman Thaan Nammoda Daivam " (Sir,please do not say things like this. Ram only is our God) . This time BS was speechless. I wonder why his theory of "you are an exception" did not work here - may be the polite way the person who put it, or may be the big applause that followed
But BS was not ready to give up. One after the other, he was bring out the "casteism of sangh parivar". I don't know if this fool doesn't know that one of the objectives of sangh parivar is to unite Hindus beyond their castes and to get rid of that system. O ya, there is another thing that he said too. Whatever backward castes supporters are there for the temple, is only to cover up its casteism. I donno how this theory works, but its probably not much different from what they normally say whenever they see lot of backward castes support causes like this "They are being used by the sangh Parivar "
Now, what was his "Ravana -God" theory ? If at all there are Dalits who worship Ravana, is he and the likes of him not trying to use him. And ya, I must tell u a secret. The sangh parivar paid me a huge sum for supporting the temple cause. Do you want some of that money for AID? I know even though you people keep
saying "we have nothing to do with religion" and all, one of the big collection that AID gets for the concerts its organise is by sitting with tickets in the local temple(atleast that's what an AID vol here told me). Basically , the same commie funda. Take money and use it against the very people from whom you take it. BS takes out his next weapon. Ekalavya. one usual thing taken up by commies. Now please note that the good part of the Puranas, the commies believe were all a myth. But for incidents like ekelavya's, it is surely a case a caste discrimination, Oh well, not just that a discrimination of Hindus against the tribes. One of the commie in the ASHA discussion group (more about this later) had to say that one tribe in MP does not use thumb in archery, and that is because they are descendants of ekalavya! no proof what so ever... The belief that ekalavya was discriminated was pefectly correct, not just that, has to be exploited, but the Hindus belief that Rama existed is "nonsense and baseless" anyway, one sangh supporter from the crowd (he had actually made BS eat his words quite some time, and was clearly better in arguments except for his rather poor English speech) asked him what he had to say about Ekalavya sports fest or so organised by the sangh. BS says its a cover up- the commies can "use" his name, but none else!!
Now BS resorts to a book. He says (all this while he has been addressing from the stage, any one oppossing him has to shout from the back)"let me read u out something from this book ..." People started shouting "Which commies ' book is it ?" . I clearly remember BS turning to the front page of the book , taking a look and saying "No no, this is written by Golwalkar ". Now that was another of BS trick. What he meant was, the passage he is going to read was written by Golwalkar. But the question raised, and the way BS looks at the front cover, makes u believe he is holding Golwalkar's book.
It turned out the book he was holding was " Khakhi shorts and.... " - I don't remember- written by the likes of Romila Thappar, known for bluffing, and distorting history to fit the leftists view point. of interest will be http://www.voi.org/general_inbox/pramod/...e_mem.html
and http://www.voi.org/ indology review section Now BS reads out a sentence from the book, which was a written by Golwalkar . I think it was something like "In India there will be communal harmony only when Muslims starts respecting Hindu Gods and vice versa".BS started arguing "why should it be so. Why should a Muslim worship a Hindu God "
I asked him if he considers that statement relevant in the aftermath the communal tensions due to Muslims refusing to sing (and allow singing) Vandemaataram, because Qoran says they should not bow anyone but Allah( by the way, Bhaarat for many Hindus is God). He said "No no, the case you are saying is an exception ". Oh, sorry sir, I did not know that I am in the plane in which BS theory is valid ....... anyway, AID had to stop its 'discussion' as the hall had to be closed down. AID started facing stiff oppossition in the campus. In fact during Saarang AID had kept a donation box, and had collected quite some sum (no receipts given, no idea where this money goes - if u ask, they will ask u to come to their meetings and find out- mind u people from outside the city and even state come for saarang ) Even those who had put only 10 rupees started going and demanding their money back.
But AID "continued its activities", until may be a year or more later the IITM chapter was dissolved for "lack of volunteer support " Couple of words about another vol in my hostel. He was supposedly the co-ord for some teaching section of AID, but by his own admission, has never gone to a tuition center run by AID . On Aug 15, I see a sticker on his door, of a tricolour flag. Green on top, Saffron in the bottom (Since its a wheel at the center, U actually need to know , can't guess...). So I knock on his door and ask him "Eh man, what is this ?". He replies "Eh, you don't know what it is ?". I said " I am not so sure ". He started kind of laughing at me "Eh, you don't know what this is......" . I said "It doesn't appear to be what I think it is " at this moment, he paused, took a better look, and with a vague smile asked me "Eh which colour comes on top daaa...?"
The queen of fiction Arundhati Roy who landed into trouble for building her own bunglow on a reserved land says:
India "boom" an environmental disaster <!--emo&  --><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='rolleyes.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Was not sure where to post this. Anyway have you guys heard of the current controversy raging in france about a new book called "A Black Book of Psychoanalysis". Ever since I have heard of this I can only think of the porn-peddlers who invented all kinds of sh1t about indian moms and kids, Ganesha etc.. Though a google search will reveal more. Here is a representative article..
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->French psychiatrists donât take Freud criticism lying down
From Hugh Schofield in Paris
A WAR of words has erupted among French psychiatrists after the publication of a âblack bookâ that lambasts the teaching of Sigmund Freud and blames his followers for setting back mental health care in France by decades.
In a country that is one of the last redoubts of pure Freudian psychoanalysis, the book has been like shock treatment for many in the white-coat establishment who accuse the authors of grovelling to the âAnglo-Saxonâ trend towards behaviour-based mental therapy.
The news magazine Le Nouvel Observateur, which published extracts of the 800-page work last month, was bombarded with letters charging it with âfascist rhetoricâ and leading a âcommunist-styleâ propaganda campaign.
One leading psychoanalyst described the book as a âfanatical chargesheet placed firmly in the camp of the revisionistsâ, while another accused its authors of âscientismâ â an excessive belief in the power of science.
The Black Book Of Psychoanalysis â How To Live, Think And Get On Better Without Freud, follows a critical path that is well-trodden in the US and Britain, where experts have long since questioned the veracity of Freudâs case studies as well as the validity of his ideas. In France, around 70% of French psychiatrists base their treatment of depression, phobias and other mental ailments on Freudian theory.
Most countries now use of cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) â which works by helping a patient understand and overcome patterns of behaviour. Pure French Freudians see this as a superficial mechanism designed to return patients to usefulness in the results-based societies of âle monde Anglo-Saxonâ.
Authors of the Black Book â 40 experts from 10 countries â trace the Freudian domination of France back to May 1968 when followers of the master and his French disciple Jacques Lacan took control of the psychiatric establishment. France is the worldâs biggest per capita consumer of anti-depressants and tranquillisers as the result, the authors claim, of the failures of the couch-and-notebook school and the lack of any alternative.
One section of the book entitled âVictims Of Psychoanalysisâ contains painful accounts from French mothers of autistic children. Freudian theory had it that autism was caused by the motherâs âunconscious wish that the child should not existâ.
<i>Sounds familiar ?</i>
A Swiss doctor accuses the French mental health authorities of being responsible for the deaths of more than 10,000 heroin addicts up to the mid-1990s by refusing to countenance methadone treatment. This was deemed by Freudians as a crude way of suppressing the symptoms of the problem, rather than addressing the inner cause.
âThe total control of the psychoanalysts over the domain of addiction in the 1970s and 1980s led to a veritable ideological imperialism,â writes Jean-Jacques Déglon.
According to the book, only last year Freudians persuaded the health ministry to suppress a report from the National Medical Research Institute which attested to the effectiveness of cognitive behaviour therapy.
In the view of the critics, Freudian psychoanalysis is not a science but a hermetic cult âimmunised against proofâ which has inflicted untold damage on the nationâs mental health by opposing treatments that are known to work and by enforcing a politically correct âpensee uniqueâ across the country.
But the Freudians see the book as an attempt to introduce new-fangled American theories into France. Treatments such as cognitive behaviour therapy â they say â are dehumanising, merely conditioning the patient to overcome his symptoms and render him âproductiveâ again.
Freud, they argue, recognises human complexity. âThe individual is always alone. Freudian theories give him a white stick with which to move forward in thought,â says Alain de Mijolla, a historian of psychoanalysis.
18 September 2005
Came in email. My first thought was to post this in the humor thread but decided otherwise since ultimately, the joke's on us <!--emo&  --><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif' /><!--endemo-->
For getting the status of an intellectual, the caste, religion, sex, age, language or any other regional or linguistic parameters are not a criteria.
* It is easy to get the status, if you are a Hindu who always criticizes his own religion and sanathana dharma
* Your education qualification, actual intelligence, vocabulary, position, etc do not have any bearing for getting the status
.* You should always be little and denigrate Indian heritage and culture, whenever you get opportunity or even by creating opportunity.
* Always make fun of Hindu dharma and ancient Hindu scholars, saffron colour, Omkar, temples and priests
* You have to make the show that you have the authority to criticize Hindu dharma.
* Try to find a good place in the electronic media screen and print media.
*Keep a charisma for attracting the media people; give them whatever they need for doing so.
* Keep the relation with them very strong.
* Tell always the positives about other religion while degrading and denigrating Hindu dharma.
* This will give a good image as an ââ¬Ëimpartial and unbiased scholarââ¬â¢
* You will automatically become famous as a pakka secular leader and other intellectuals push you up.
* What ever you say- think- or do look only for your personal benefit.
* Take the opportunity to understand the future benefits also, even if the ruling ministers and ruling party change.
* Speeches should be so designed to get maximum clapping/ applause from the audience.
* Keep appropriate facial _expression depending upon what and where you say.
* Create an impression that you are a sincere and dedicated leader of the common man.
* Use as much confusing words as possible so that in future you can easily change you words, opinions and visions.
* Select words in such a way that nobody understands what you really mean by saying so.
* If anything wrong happens in the future from your expressions you can easily put all the blame on the media.
* You should never quote anything from Indian heritage or ancient Indian books because it is cheap to quote indigenous knowledge.
* Quote always the Russian, Chinese or even from Iraq leaders.
* If you are compelled to quote from India, quote only from Jawaharlal Nehruââ¬â¢s words.
* For justifying your view point take quotations from great (late) foreign scholars even if they have not told so.
* This will help you in the long run because those leaders will not come back for questioning you.
* You should only be careful to note that when and where you are quoting.
*Use as many quotations as possible from foreign scholars of your status for denigrating Indian heritage and culture.
*You can use even outdated scientific data and observation for this purpose.
*You can add your own words while quoting their words, because nobody is going to verify those statements.
* Only try to create an impression that your quotations originally belong to a great foreign scholar. * Inform indirectly, the audience that you also read books.
* your speech, or writing should never give any doubts to your audience or readers about its authenticity and originality, even if it belongs to others.
*Never praise the past ââ¬â present and future India.
*Never do so for Sanskriti and make it a point that you never quote from Sanskrit books.
*Keep this in mind even if you are delivering lecture in Sanskrit institutes.
* You can see many intellectuals of your type in almost all the Sanskrit institutes, Ayurveda colleges and Vaastu gurukulam
*share your views with them for further degrading our cultural heritage.
* If you have time to spare tell all the memorable negatives about Hindu dharma in Sanskrit institutes also. So that people will appreciate you secular, rational and scientific vision which can even fetch you some Sanskrit based awards.
* Due to the circumstances, if you are forced to say something good about our heritage, take all precaution and say as though you are quoting from a foreign leader.
* But create an impression, that you are also an authority to talk about India and inform indirectly that you also know about Indian culture at an equal level to some of our prime ministers.
* Keep in your mind that even when you protest against cocoa cola, Pepsi and American multinationals use similar words against Indian contribution to science or technology.
* Appreciate only foreign scientists and scholars, if possible from Russia or China.
* Belittle and denigrate Indian scientific and technological heritage whenever and wherever possible and encourage younger generation to do so.
* But make sure that your children are studying in reputed excellent dharmic institutes where Indian culture is taught to the core, preferably outside your State.
* If you have the qualification to read the school books and happen to read any heritage knowledge in the syllabus, proclaim that it is Hindu fundamentalism and the protest against the move towards Saffronisation, Hinduisation, Indianisation and so on.
* If you have enough followers and they have courage, declare a Hartal against all type of saffronisation.
* If you are quoting the words of someone, try to make sure that the name of the scholar is not familiar to the audience, and also see that the book is not available in printed form.
* Tell that the ââ¬Ëparticularââ¬â¢ scholar said it in Rangoon or Korea, in 1938 Feb 28th.
*Make sure that nobody verifies your statements or quotations
* Since your future as an intellectual remains exclusively on how many press conferences you hold and press release you give, make sure that at-least one per week is done.
* You can get sponsorship for the expenses without any difficulty
* Express your shock through media on the sad and sudden demise of other intellectuals.
* Try to become one of the speakers for giving felicitation address in as much meetings as possible.
* Praise the organizers as much as possible, which will benefit you in the course of time.
* Try to participate in funerals processions, chain making, group running for building patriotism, etc. if possible be in the front.
* Stand near by the famous people so that your photo also will appear in the media.
* You elevate all useless (of course useful for you) fellows, in return they will elevate you, so help each other
* Always put the first signature in mass memorandum, preferably in presence of the media photographers.
* Do not follow law and order; this can get a place in media easily.
* You have to say that you are violating the law and order for the people.
* Even if you lack professional or technical qualification, try to get a seat as syndicate or senate member of the Universities, or at least as Devaswom Board president, or Chairman, etc which does not need any qualification and quality. Getting higher position as the Toddy Workers Welfare Board, Fisher Men Welfare Board, etc., need higher qualifications.
* If the press reporters or general public ask some general question to you, say ââ¬Ëyou know much better than meââ¬â¢ and save yourself.
* If the situation goes little negative and more questions flow on the same subject, tell something about Aryan Invasion.
* If the situation further worsens and more questions come, criticize the caste system in Hindu dharma.
* If nothing else is available for saving yourself from the press people tell something negative about Amma, Swamy or Guruji, and declare that all the present problems in India are created by them
*Make sure to tell good about Mother Teresa, Bukari Imam and St Xavier Francis, even though he has destroyed 480 temples and converted thousands of Goan Hindus to Christianity in Goa.
*Or as the last tool, before attempting a walk out, tell that all the problem including Tsunami, Katrina, Rita, Wilma and the Plague in Surat and Iraq problem are all created by Sangha Parivar organizations.
*Talk like a genius who can speak about any subject at any time.
* In foreign countries, before delivering lectures, do not ââ¬Ëdrinkââ¬â¢ too much, even if the organizers are giving free
* See that your tongue is not slipping while delivering lecture.
* Make sure that you read from paper, in foreign countries if you have consumed drinks beyond the limit.
* Remember that it is natural many intellectuals consume more when they visit foreign countries, because better quality and unlimited quantity liquor is available free of cost for the guests.
*Still keep a ââ¬Ënatural seriousnessââ¬â¢ of an intellectual in your face.
*If you are sure that your control on leg and tongue is loosing, give the written matter to one of your colleagues to read, if he has a better control over his body.
* Create an impression that you are not ââ¬Ëspeakingââ¬â¢ because of jetlag or you are tired
* Tell in one line that ââ¬ÅI am not well and hence giving the paper to so and so to read my messageââ¬Â.
* Try to build your own style in using words and hand action during speech
* If you cannot build an original set of natural action during for the speech, copy the method followed by someone who is no more.
*Try to build up associations ââ¬Ëfansââ¬â¢ or followers.
* Criticize any Indian at any level either going up or down, but keep a minimum standard while criticizing a foreigner.
*You should always remember that the memory of the ââ¬Ëreacting peopleââ¬â¢ is less and really memorizing people will not react.
*Whenever you are contradicting your own earlier statements, inform the audience that it is because of their ignorance they feel that you are contradicting the earlier statement.
*Make the audience feel that you know about India also.
* While talking something about India, ask what happened in 1936 Feb 29 ( after making sure that it is a leap year), as though something happened on that day.
*If you are forced to resign from some position due to your criminal background, tell that it is for the people you threw the position and tell that let the people decide on your quality.
*Declare those statements with dignity and at low voice.
*If you get some negative points on others from the newspapers, use those statements appropriately in your speech. Create an image that you are also aware about what is happening around us.
* Make the people aware that you know what are all happening in Iraq, Houston, Iran, Korea, Lanka and also in Mizoramââ¬Â¦
*Quote something from Ethiopia and never say anything negative about Tianen men square or Cuba.
*Never say any negative about Kashmir and Nagaland or the activities of the minorities in those States.
*Tell anything negative about Military or police action in Kashmir or Nagaland making sure that you do not touch anything against minorities.
*Even if you have to say something about minority fundamentalism, say that it is due to majority fundamentalism.
*At times when you have to tell something about yourself, tell politely with tears in eyes that you are a freedom fighter, and son of the great freedom fighter so and so (give the name) who worked with Mahatma Gandhi and Jinna.
* You have to say proudly that you have inherited the dharmic values from your parents, also patriotism and nationalism, which is in your blood.
*Whenever you have to apologize do it boldly and say that you are apologizing for the people and nation.
*Express your gratitude to the great scholars for elevating you to this level after making sure that those people are already dead.
*While expressing your gratitude, try to become over polite and if possible weep or make weeping sound.
* Create an impression that you are a simple man.
*At the time of apologizing create a philosophical environment by quoting Bhagavad-Gita, even if you are quoting wrongly, no body is going to ask any questions because generally the audience who come to listen to your speech, will be ignorant about Geetha.
*Whenever you have to change your vision and opinion, tell that opinion is not iron pestle. Hence change and changing the opinion are the rule of the nature.
*You can even suddenly jump from atheism to religion, because everyone of the atheists does it in the last part of their life.
* If you feel bad for doing so, tell that you have done it for your wife.
* Also inform that you will repeat it for your wife, so that no body will criticize you.
*While delivering lectures to Christians tell that in the next janma you want to be Christian, to the Muslim audience tell that you want to become a Muslim, in the next janma.
*Tell them, in your speech that Upanishads and Vedas are taken from Koran and Bible.
*Try to attend ââ¬Ëall religious meetââ¬Â as a representative of Hinduism and tell negative about Hinduism. It will be printed in big letters in media.
*Learn two or three lines from Koran or Bible and quote appropriately for getting the applause.
* Give as much good messages from Hindu books and tell that these are all from Koran and Bible.
* You will definitely get many more chances.
* Remember many speakers are charging Rs.3000+ TA + ââ¬Ësomethingââ¬â¢ for delivering such lectures against Hinduism in Kerala.
*If you are a failure as an ââ¬Ëintellectual speakerââ¬â¢, write books by copying from some old foreign books in full or chapter wise.
* Remove few lines here and there add something special, without grammar mistakes, give a novel title and release the book.
* Take sponsorship from wherever possible it will fetch you the livelihood for many generations.
* Take the 50 :50 share, if you are giving the inauguration session for contract.
*Spend some money for getting a court ban on the book, file a petition, this will give enough publicity for the book.
* Intentionally put few controversial lines in the book, so that getting a ban becomes easy.
*There are many Christian writers who write about Hinduism, they will help you how to write on the subjects in which you are fully ignorant.
* You can start writing against Hinduism first, with their help, so that the marketing is easy and building your career also becomes easy.
* Many churches and Christian agents will help you directly and indirectly for propagating your anti Hindu messages.
* Be in contact with the media people, whenever you are travelling.
*Offer a cup of tea or something and keep the friendship strong always.
*Build relationship with five star hotel owners, workers, toddy shop workers union, minority leaders during travelling from place to place.
*This relation will have life long benefit for an intellectual.
*When you get some award, tell that at this age you are not thinking about the award.
* Give some money to some organization and tell them to give half of that as an award to yourself.
* It is the easiest method for getting awards.
*When you stand for receiving the award, keep a philosophical facial _expression that you are much beyond the level of accepting an award.
* By following these techniques, you can spend your manushya janma fruitfully for making enough money, position, name and fame, even though it may not have any use for anyone other than yourself.
*Definitely some ministers will inaugurate your bust/ statue for the crows to sit.
* They may also venture to put your name for some drainage canals.
*Support the minorities always even when they destroy temples, go for terrorism, do anti national activities, attack police or media persons.
*Keep silence against all minority mooted terrorism.
*Always justify the bomb blasts, killings, storing weapons in houses and religious institutes, if done by minorities.
*Do not say anything about foreign fund flow for conversion and terrorism.
*Partake in hartal for releasing the terrorist leaders and put your signature in mass memorandum.
*Be an active human right activist for minorities only.
* Support UGC salary for the urdu and Arabi teachers in Madrasas even though they are illiterate.
*Support grant for building Madrasas, mosques, and pension for mullahs and moulavis.
*If a Hindu priest is murdered, do not utter even a single word, but a sand particle fallen on minority priest, straight away blame Hindu fundamentalists.
*If any Hindu institute is taken over by government justify it with powerful words.
*If minority gundas attack the press people, tell to suspend the police or taking action against the police even though they were 200 kilometres away from the site of attack.
*Always speak against the atrocities against minorities by majority community and police, particularly when the election season approaches.
*If the heritage subjects are to be included in the syllabus, divide it 1:1:1 for Hindus, Christians and Muslims.
* For the Muslims support Arabian history and for the Christians something from the life of St George, St Philomena or something what happened in Jerusalem.
* If your supporters destroyed public property, say that it is the second freedom struggle.
* If others did so tell that it is against democracy.
* If your followers attach police or police station say that it is the second Chowri Chowra.
*If your followers happened to be a killer, make sure that he gets the pension for freedom fighters.
*Justify Gherao, hartal, bandh if and only if your followers did it.
* When you approach to old age, tell that you are not an anti hindu.
*Declare that your wife going to temple and you accompany your wife in the old age are personal affairs.
*When you follow religious customs, make it sure that no one tells it publicly.
* Select your own cast for the post of son in law and daughter in law, even when you fight vigorously against cast system.
* If you are an atheist, say that even in Russia and China people go to Budha vihar. So you also follow their footsteps and that too for seeing what is happening in Hindu temples.
* You should know that all intellectuals, atheists and progressives in Kerala go to temple when they cross the age of 65.
* You have also to find a suitable justification for that like Kerala intellectuals.
*Remember that for getting the certificate of an intellectual, no quality or qualification is required.
* Neither poorva janma punyam, poorva janma karma phalam, blessings of your parents or blessings of your gurus nor even your horoscope factors.
*You should only learn how to use your eyes, ears and tongue.
*You should have a thick skin and highly flexible tongue, suitable friends and adjustable wife.
*All the above special qualities are given only to very selected people by the creator. Hence the intellectuals are very few in numbers.
*If you fall within this, you can spend this janma lavishly, under others expenses, without working much, with name and fame. Your janma can be made useful to you and your family, by cheating others and making everyone fools.
*Let god bless all intellectuals who are the assets of India for misguiding all the good people.
The list leaves out the most important qualification and prerequisite to becoming an intellectual in India:
The burning desire to earn money without working too much. Church, Saud, Dawood...pay a lot if you play your cards right.
This is line with another list I have always carried. Here's the recipe to turn into a perfect Indian intelectual.
You believe...
1. There is no God but Mahatma Gandhi, and Nehru is His Prophet.
2. Majority communalism is worse than minority communalism. Hindu communalism is worse than Muslim and Christian communalism.
3. Dams and Factories are the modern Temples of India.
4. India is a Multi-national state.
5. Hinduism is the opiate of Indian masses.
6. Secularism is the greatest good, to which all other goods are subordinated.
7. If you are not Secular, you are Communal.
8. Marx, Mullah and Missionary are the Trimurti of Secularism. Secularism leads to omniscience.
9. Majority communalists have no human rights. Minorities, including their communal elements, have special privileges.
10. Hinduism is a colonial construct, or it is not really a religion. Tribals are termed as Hindus only when they rape nuns.
11. It is "Progressive" and "liberal" to eat beef.
12. Secularism has its own prophets, scriptures, pilgrimage centers, liturgy.
13. Children should be indoctrinated with Secularism when they are young. Falsification of history is permissible for the sake of secularism.
14. Conversion out of Hinduism is a fundamental right of human beings. Conversion to Hinduism is communalism. Acculturation of Tribal Hindus with mainstream Hindu culture is Sangh conspiracy.
15. Secular Jihads, Secular Crusades and Secular Pogroms are all kosher when attacking Hinduism.
16. Hindu lives are cheap. According to Sharia, they are worth 1/16 the life of a Muslim, according to Secularism, they are worth even less.
17. Secularists cannot be Hindu. They can call themselves of 'Hindu descent', or 'Hindu and Muslim' or 'good humans' or 'Good Muslims' or 'Good Christians', but never, never, as 'good Hindus'
18. All Hindu acts of self assertion are Hindu fanaticism. All Hindu organizations that do not say 'all religions are equally good' are Hindu Nazis.
19. All charities that do not cater to Minority victims are fascist. However, it is OK for NGO's or other charities to cater to minority communities preferentially.
made my day
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<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Was not sure where to post this. Anyway have you guys heard of the current controversy raging in france about a new book called "A Black Book of Psychoanalysis". Ever since I have heard of this I can only think of the porn-peddlers who invented all kinds of sh1t about indian moms and kids, Ganesha etc.. Though a google search will reveal more. Here is a representative article.. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Rajeshji sorry for the late response but I recently took Introductory Psychology and what became clear is that a lot of Freud's theories have no empirical evidence whatsoever, they are neither provable nor falsifiable, a lot of it is BS that is not accepted by serious psychologists who work their asses off conducting serious research instead of making up fancy theories, what made Freud popular was not the validity of his theories but the obsession of general public with his weird explanations many of which were sexually suggestive, this was an era in which sex was still a taboo and it excited people when he talked about such things openly.
Another malicious campaign by "stopfunding" walas against HSC. Hey, how about stopspreadingSmear for change?
Email from HSC
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Please forward the facts about HSC liberally (also if you send the report by the attackers of HSC, please send this with it).
<b>Facts on HSC</b>
Over the last 17 years, HSC has become a strong and vibrant organization. Today, HSC is a voice of Hindu youth across college campuses and the community. HSC enjoys the blessings and support of prominent community members, spiritual personalities, professors, political and business leaders, and even celebrities.
<b>Diversity in HSC:</b>
HSC is open to anyone regardless of their religion, race, gender, sexual orientation or national origin. In fact, many of the 81 HSC chapters have non-Hindu, non-Indian founders/officers. To give you some instances:
1) Over 60% of HSC members/participants are female
2) Most HSC chapters in North America have been instrumental in organizing Inter-faith peace meetings on campuses.
3) HSC at University of Minnesota was started by Samantha Chandler, a Native American female
4) HSC at Florida International University (Miami) was started by Jennifer Schulke, a Caucasian American female
5) HSC at Cornell University was started with the help of a Caucasian American student named Gregory Costanza, who was also the president
6) HSC at University of Virginia had a Muslim officer, Samiur Rehman a few years ago
7) Habiba Akhtar, past officer of the HSC chapter at CCNY (City College of New York) is a Muslim
8) Ali Khan, a Muslim, was an active officer in the HSC chapter at Virginia Commonwealth University
9) University of Pittsburgh chapter's officers include Rhajiv Ratnatunga, a Sri Lankan Buddhist, and Jason Eisensmith, a Korean American
10) The past co-president of HSC chapters at Rutgers University (New Jersey) is a Sikh named Gagandeep Singh
11) The founder of the HSC chapter at University of Massachusetts is a South African
12) Joel Brown, the co-founder of the brand-new HSC chapter at the University of South Florida is a Caucasian American
13) A past officer of HSC chapter at Hunter College (New York) is a Yugoslavian female (Sonja Nikolic). Three of the past presidents at Hunter are of Caribbean origin (Guyana and Trinidad)
14) Sarah Poulette, secretary of the HSC chapter at Colgate University (New York), is a Caucasian American
15) University of Maryland - College Park, University of Pennsylvania, University of Minnesota, Brandeis University, etc. have had officers with Caribbean and Jewish backgrounds
16) A key National PR representative of HSC was Pekky Marquez, a Venezuelan Hispanic
17) A key National Seva representative of HSC was April Jones, an African American. She was also an HSC chapter officer at University of Maryland Baltimore County
18) HSC's Vision is inspired by 3 Universal Vedic principles: a) Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam: The entire creation is one family; b) Ekam Sat Viprah Bahuda Vadanti: Truth (God) is one; sages call it by various names c) Sarve Apri Sukhina Santu, Sarve Santu Niramayah: Let everybody be happy, healthy and blessed
The above are some examples of the religious/ethnic/other diversity that constitutes the HSC family.
<b>Who runs HSC?</b>
1) HSC is an independently run and independently funded 501©(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization, with its own mission, vision and constitution
2) HSC has been independently run since 1993 and it obtained a tax-exempt, non-profit status from the IRS in 2003
3) HSC has its own organizational structure. The national representative body in HSC is the collective voice of nearly 50 students and young professionals drawn from different regions/chapters in US and Canada. These 50 HSC volunteers operate in different teams like CRA (Chapter and Regional Activities), NetSEVA (Network of Students for Education and Volunteer Activities), PRO (Public Relations and Outreach), Media, and Samskar (our newsletter)
4) HSC chapters have their own chapter boards and are given the freedom to organize events based on the interests of students at their respective universities and colleges. Each chapter follows the constitution as well as the rules and regulations set by its university or college. The national body provides help in terms of ideas, speakers, funds, publicity materials, etc.
5) When HSC was started in 1990 by 3 students, they got very little support from adults in the Indian-American community. In fact, there was no national Indian/Hindu organization that could provide HSC with resources like intellectual speakers/Swamijis, books, etc. The only non-sectarian Indian organization with a pan-American presence that offered to help them was the VHP-America (VHPA). The elders/uncles/aunties in the VHPA offered to support HSC as a project, helping HSC with resources like speakers/swamijis, books, etc. Once HSC was started up, it become an independently run organization within 3 years, in 1993
<b>Who supports HSC?</b>
1) HSC takes great care to maintain cordial relations with all Hindu temples and organizations in America, be it Chinmaya Mission, BAPS, Gayatri Parivar, Barsana Dham, Ramakrishna Mission, Art of Living, Arsha Vidya Gurukulam, Indian Temple and Cultural Society of North America, ISKCON, Arya Samaj, VHPA, etc. - we treat them all equally. We also maintain good relations with many Buddhist, Jain and Sikh organizations. A good case in point is the Global Dharma Conference 2003, organized by HSC in conjunction with other organizations. Over 2000 delegates from over 40 Hindu and non-Hindu organizations attended the 3-day event.
2) Besides our relations with Hindu/Indian organizations in America, we also maintain relations with youth organizations like NHSF (UK) and HSFN (Netherlands) in Europe as well as youth organizations in Malaysia, South Africa, etc. We also have HSC inspired organizations in Trinidad, Australia and New Zealand that strive to learn about Hindu Dharma and heritage and unite Hindu youth in their respective countries.
<b>The Global Dharma Conference 2003</b>
In 2003, HSC organized the Global Dharma Conference. It was the largest conference of its kind organized by Hindu and non-Hindu youth together. One of the aims of the conference was to ponder upon the ideals of "Dharma" - principles and acts that, if followed, can bring about peace & harmony all over the world. This conference was a prime example of our non-sectarian policy.
<b>Some highlights:</b>
* HSC was the main organizer of the conference. The conference had over 40 supporting and co-sponsoring organizations from around the world. These organizations came from various backgrounds - Hindu, Jain, Buddhist, Sikh, Native American, Indigenous people, African Elder Traditions, Zoroastrian, Vegetarian/Vegan, New Age, etc.
* Over 60 speakers spoke at the conference.
o Some of the speakers include:
§ Dalai Lama (via video recording), HH Sri Shankaracharya of Kanchi (via video conference), President of India Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam (via video conference), James E. McGreevey (Former Governor of New Jersey), Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi (Former Human Resources Development Minister of India), Kiran Bedi (Super Cop <"Super cop" is not an official title. Find her official title> of India), Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Bawa Jain (UN Secretary General for the Millenium Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders), actress Goldie Hawn (via video conference), Brother Reuben Thuku (Theosophical Society of Africa), Fu-Kiau Bunseki (scholar on African Elder Traditions), and Swami Dayananda Saraswati (Arsha Vidya Gurukulam), amongst others.
* The conference hosted a highly acclaimed and unprecedented Inter-Faith meeting where speakers from Hindu, Jain, Sikh, Buddhist, Jewish, Christian, Zoroastrian, Native American and African Elder religions agreed on a need for "Mutual Respect and Acceptance" and "Universality of Humanity".
* The musical artists who performed at the conference included Muslims and Catholics like Ustad Zakir Hussain (Tabla) and Sarah and Andrea Foreman (Shanti Shanti Sisters). (In fact our HSC National Camps have also hosted Ustad Amzad Rehman and Ustad Raj Jamil)
<b>Savants and Sages Speak of HSC...</b>
<i>"Hindu Students Council is doing a wonderful job. It is imperative that dharmic principles be impressed in the minds of all Hindu youth, and you are fulfilling this admirably in colleges throughout USA. Understanding and practicing dharma, these youth will stand strong for Hinduism here in the West and make a difference." </i>
- Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, Founder of "Hinduism Today"
<i>"Hindu Students Council is a dynamic group of young Hindus dedicated to preserving and promoting the knowledge and values of Sanatana Dharma." </i>- Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri), Director, American Institute of Vedic Studies
<i>"I am indeed extremely happy to associate myself with the HSC movement in the West. Swami Vivekananda's inspirational power is working through each of the students for the establishment of Hindu Dharma in its right spirit throughout the world for peace and blessedness of the entire mankind." </i>- Swami Shuddhananda, Founder, Lokenath Divine Life Mission, India & USA
<i>"I am very pleased to state that in HSC I find a dedicated group of sincere, honest, and loving youth who are committed to keeping the torch of Hindu heritage glowing and not only in the United States, but also worldwide." </i>- Bansi Pandi, Author of "The Hindu Mind"
<i>"Hindu Students Council has an amazing degree of success in promoting and disseminating the religious, cultural and spiritual values of the Hindu Dharma." </i>- Swami Jyotirmayananda, President, YOGA Research Foundation
<i>"The growth of Hinduism in the West obliges today's Hindu youth to face a twofold challenge: to preserve the uniqueness of the Hindu Heritage and to reaffirm its universal values. HSC will undoubtedly play a vital role in meeting these challenges." </i>
- Swami Tadatmananda, Arsha Bodha Center, New Jersey
<i>"I am happy to see the Hindu Students Council is providing a venue for Hindu students to explore their spiritual heritage. The programs and events hosted by HSC help to broaden and deepen appreciation for our Bharatiya philosophy and its practical application in daily life." </i>
- Nikhileshwari Devi, Barsana Dham, Texas
<i>"Increased awareness of the glorious Hindu Heritage, greater self-confidence (and self-esteem), motivation to gain a deeper understanding of the whole of life, guidance in self-improvement, and a collective ability for social action are being promoted by the well conceived programs of HSC." </i>- Swami Chidananda, Chinmaya Mission of San Jose, California