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The Real Indian IQ
HP math

First language of Student and language of test not same for more than 60% of students = 327

First language of Student and Language of test same for all students = 401

TN math

First language of Student and language of test not same for more than 60% of students = 344

First language of Student and Language of test same for all students = 378
TN Math

School has computers = 380

School has no computers = 322

HP math

School has computers = 352

School has no computers = 314
In summary, the Indian PISA test is fraudulent

Based on

Insufficient sampling

Skewed Sampling towards Rural schools , govt schools, linguistic minority kids,

and many other tricks to avoid sampling brahmins and upper castes and high end private schools

This has been done because this has been influenced by leftists, to magnify Indian problems

and based on the low Indian PISA score, they have already demanded more funding for

Govt schools ( even though they underperform Private schools drastically, ) and they are also demanding

increase in Govt school teacher salary, even though these parasites make 5X more salary than Private school teachers

In short, this is a repeat of the gutter inspector report of Katherine Mayo's 'Mother India'
IQ summary from CA national merit winners and CA STARS population data

Using National Merit list = 135 IQ and SD = 15

It is assumed that the Jewish population is 2% of the white population

The Indian population is 4900, and it contains about 500 muslims from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh

I am ignoring this muslim population and spreading the caste numbers among the rest, which would

give a safety margin of 1 - 2 IQ for Indian castes

White = 97

Muslim = 97

Jat Sikh = 97

Patel = 97

Syrian Xtian = 97

Japanese = 97

Mid-Level Hindu Dravidian Caste = 105

North Indian Kayasth scribe = 105

North Indian Rajput = 109

South Indian Nair Rajput = 109

Indian - California Caste Blend = 109

East Asian = 109

Jew = 110

North Indian Merchant = 110

North Indian Brahmin = 112

South Indian Brahmin = 117
Errors in PISA 2009 Indian scores - part 1


For reference I am comparing this against the World Bank report 'Indian Shining, Bharat Drowning'

Making an accurate sample is very difficult in Indian populations, due to effects of caste and poverty

However, I am assuming that the World bank report sampling has not been gerrymandered

In Math, the TIMMS score is as follows

Orissa Avg = 404

Rajasthan Avg = 382

For reference,

Iran Avg = 411

Philippines Avg = 378

Norway = 461

Per Avg scores, these states show up as lower-middle income countries


If we move from Avg scores to High International Benchmark Scores of 550

In Iran, 3% cross this level

In Philippines 3% cross this level

In Orissa, 9% cross this level

In Rajasthan, 4% cross this level

In Norway, 10% cross this level


So at the Avg Level, these states look like Iran and Philippines, at the High end, they look like Norway


The Average Indian scores like Iran, and the Top Indians score like Norway, there is a very distinct High End IQ bulge that is absent in countries with the same Average score


At the bottom end,

Orissa 5th percentile = 240

Rajasthan 5th percentile = 220,

At the bottom end, these states look like black Africans


Lets now look at the PISA Math scores for TN and HP

TN - 5th percentile = 241

HP - 5th percentile = 223

TN - 50th percentile = 351

HP - 50th percentile = 338

TN - 95th percentile = 468

HP - 95th percentile = 458


If we compare the TIMMS for Orissa and Rajasthan vs PISA for HP and TN, we notice that the bottom end is identical

The mean has shifted down by 50 points and the top end has shifted down by 100 points.


Next we will investigate why the mean and top-end have down-shifted

One explanation is that per the WIPRO report, TN has the worst, most dumbed down state curriculum and TN scores below the Indian Average, while Orissa despite being much poorer scores near the top for all Indian states, in Govt schools
Errors in PISA 2009 Indian scores - part 2


My hypothesis is that the downshift in the mean and top-end scores is due to deliberate gerrymandering to lower the PISA score. The low PISA score would in turn raise a clamor for more govt money to go to Public schools and Public school teacher salaries. This is in line with leftist NGOs. This gerrymandering could easily be done by a low to mid-level official who had infiltrated the Indian PISA team



Has the complete PISA report


Table A.2: Population coverage indices

This shows that in most countries 1% of the schools were sampled for PISA

However, the TN, HP data is so bad, they dont have a clue on what the sampling ratio is

Table A3,

TN had 143 schools appearing for PISA

HP had 66 schools appearing for PISA

Whereas in Costa Rica, 180 schools appeared for PISA

Table A4

TN PISA had 3210 students

HP PISA had 1616 students

Costa Rica PISA had 4578 students

The Population of TN is 65 million, and the Population of HP is 7 million and the population of Costa Rica is 4 million

PISA has no idea, what fraction of the total population of TN and HP were sampled

My first alert is the very small sampling in TN and HP
Errors in PISA 2009 Indian scores - part 3



is an interactive website to look at how PISA score changes under various factors


My first concern is whether PISA over sampled linguistic minorities deliberately to lower the score

In HP, the medium of instruction is Hindi and the linguistic minorities are Tibetans and Punjabis

In TN, the medium of instruction is Tamil the main linguistic minority is Telegu


In the interactive PISA site,

under School variables, SC08Q01 asks 'Is the test language same as the first language of the child'

This would catch linguistic minorities, for example a Telegu child in a Tamil classroom, answering a PISA exam set in Tamil


A Tibetan or Punjabi child in a Hindi classroom, answering a PISA exam set in Hindi

Category-1 means over 60% of the students are from a linguistic minority and Category-6 means all students are from the linguistic majority


In Tamil Nadu, 75% of the student sample was in Category-1 and they scored 344 mean for PISA math, and

only 20% of the student sample was in Category-6 and they scored 378.

In any good sampling system, 95% should be in category-6 and just 5% of student sample in Category 1

The PISA mean was 351. But for Tamil students answering PISA in Tamil, the score was 378

The gerrymandering artificially reduced score by 27

At 378, the math score is same as Rajasthan in TIMMS


In HP, 83% of the student sample was in Category-1 and they scored 327 mean for PISA math

and only 10% of the student sample was in Category-6 and they scored 401

In any good sampling system, 95% should be in category-6 and just 5% of student sample in Category 1

The PISA mean was 338, but for Hindi students answering PISA in Hindi, the score was 401

The gerrymandering artificially reduced score by 63

At 401, the math scores equal Orissa in TIMMS
Errors in Indian PISA score - Part 4


The next area where gerrymandering has occurred is in over-weighting rural areas and in the urban areas, deliberately selecting bad schools


Among the school variables, the relevant factor is 'school community'

and is represented by question = SC04Q01


Category-1 = Village

Category-2 = Small Town

Category-3 = Town

Category-4 = City

Category-5 = Large City


I would normally expect the score to go up by 10, at each step, A 10 score is about 1.5 IQ

The reason is that as you get more urbanised, the schools get better, healthcare gets better, the percentage of upper-caste, higher IQ segment increases and other similar factors


In Himachal Pradesh,

67% of the sample is Category-1 or village with a mean math score of 329

15% of the sample is Category-2 or small town, with a mean score of 379

18% of the sample is Category-3 or town, with a mean score of 339

0% is Category-4

0% is Category-5

I smell a rat here.

First they have given 67% weighting to village and 0% weight to both City and Large City

Instead of seeing a rise of 10 points as we go from Category-2 to Category-3,

There is a drop of 40 points going from Small Town to Town

They must have searched for the worst slum school in Town


In Tamil Nadu,

44% is Village with mean math score of 332

9% is Small Town with score of 337 ( just a gain of 5 is fishy )

28% is Town with mean score of 366

12% is City with mean score of 386

7% is Large City with mean score of 376 ( A fishy loss of 10 instead of gain of 10 at this step )

Tamil Nadu is a highly urbanised state with Village and Small Town combined at about 25% of population

whereas this survey has given them 53% weightage

Also in TN, brahmins are heavily urbanised and most are in the large City category , which has been under weighted


In both states, with proper rural-urban weightages, I would expect scores to rise by about 20 or 3 IQ
Errors in Indian PISA score - Part 5


The next variable is School Variable = Public or Private School = SC02Q01

In India, the only kids who go to Public school are the starving kids who go for

mid day meal

Even the working poor send their kids to some sort of private school



Govt School, Math score = 331, 85% of sample students

Private school = 379 , 15% of Sample students



Govt School, Math Score = 334, 60% of sample students

Private School = 378, 40% of sample students


A minimum gain of 45 from switching to Private schools
Errors in Indian PISA score - Part 6


So what is the real Indian PISA Math score very conservatively



Removing Linguistic minorities = 401

Removing Rural Bias = 20

Removing Govt School Bias = 20

Safety factor = -10

HP corrected Math score = 431



Removing Linguistic Minorities = 378

Removing Rural Bias = 20

Removing Govt School Bias = 20

Safety Factor = -10

TN corrected Math Score = 408


Improvement beyond this will require better teaching curriculum, better nutrition, and more sampling of upper castes to get a correct idea of the Top end potential
Errors in Indian PISA score - Part 7


So what is the real Indian PISA Math score realistic



Removing Linguistic minorities = 401

Removing Rural Bias = 20

Removing Govt School Bias ( mid-day meal for starving ) = 45

HP corrected Math score = 466

Implied IQ = 100 - 15 x 0.34 = 95 IQ



Removing Linguistic Minorities = 378

Removing Rural Bias = 20

Removing Govt School Bias ( mid-day meal for starving ) = 45

TN corrected Math Score = 443

Implied IQ = 100 - 57 x 15 = 91 IQ


Improvement beyond this will require better teaching curriculum, better nutrition, and more sampling of upper castes to get a correct idea of the Top end potential
Calculating Average Indian IQ from PISA

TN raw math PISA score = 351

TN implied IQ = 100 - 1.5 x 15 = 78

HP raw math score = 338

HP implied IQ = 100 - 1.62 x 15 = 76

Indian Avg IQ based on raw PISA = 77


Next step is to remove the bias caused by the PISA sample having

75% bilingual kids

( Tibetan kids facing Hindi PISA exam and Telegu kids facing Tamil PISA exam )

TN mono-lingual = 378

Implied IQ = 500 - 1.22 x 15 = 82

HP mono-lingual = 401

Implied IQ = 500 - 15 = 85


Next there is a 40 point difference between scores for 'Village' and scores for 'Large city'

In HP and TN, The village category is over-represented by a factor of 4

Even worse, in HP, City and Large City are entirely removed from the survey sample

So adding an urban correction of 20 ( half the village-large city difference )

TN semi-urbanised mono-lingual = 378 + 20 = 398

Implied IQ = 85

HP semi-urbanised mono-lingual = 401 + 20 = 421

Implied IQ = 100 - 0.79 x 15 = 88

Current Indian IQ = 86


Next we look to the future as malnutrition is removed

The only Indian kids who go to govt school is for the mid-day meal,

If they are not starving they go to private school

Private schools score 45 more than govt schools and thats the future as poverty reduces


HP - future - semi-urbanised- mono-lingual = 401 + 20 + 45 = 466

Implied IQ = 95

TN - future - semi-urbanised - mono-lingual = 378 + 20 + 45 = 443

Implied IQ = 91

Future Indian IQ = 93

Given the huge bias in sampling towards over-representing the lower end IQ,

by the poverty pimp NGOs, I am certain that none of the CBSE or Cambridge schools

that serve the top 15% are included in the survey

And they have an entirely different IQ profile and cause an IQ bulge at the top end
2012 California National Merit, Total = 184

This cohort was born in 1995

Per California STARS website, total Indian kids in grade 11 was 4900

This 4900 also includes about 500 muslims from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh

National Merit cut off = 135 IQ, ( good guess )

SD = 15

Total SIB kids = 600 ( good guess )

SIB winners = 89

Ratio = 15%

Implied IQ = 135 - 16 = 119

Total NIB kids = 250 ( good guess )

NIB winners = 19

Ratio = 7.6%

Implied IQ = 135 - 21 = 114

Combined Brahmin kids = 850

Combined brahmin winners = 108

Implied IQ = 135 - 17 = 118

North Indian Merchant Kids = 600 ( good guess )

North Indian Merchant winners = 26

Ratio = 4.3 %

Implied IQ = 135 - 25 = 110

NI kayastha kids = 100 ( good guess )

NI kayastha winners = 2

Ratio = 2%

Implied IQ = 135 - 30 = 105

NI rajput kids = 300 ( good guess )

NI rajput winners = 12

Ratio = 4%

Implied IQ = 135 - 26 = 109

Patel kids = 600 ( good guess )

Patel winners = 3

Ratio = 0.5%

Implied IQ = 135 - 38 = 97

Jat Sikh kids = 600 ( good guess )

Winners = 4

Ratio = 0.67%

Implied IQ = 135 - 37 = 98

Nair kids = 100 ( good guess )

Winners = 4

Ratio = 4%

Implied IQ = 135 - 26 = 109

Total kids, R1A gene pool = 3150

Total winners , R1A, Aryan gene pool = 159

Ratio = 5%

Implied IQ = 135 - 24 = 111

Syrian Xtian kids = 200 ( good guess )

Syrian Xtian winners = 1

Ratio = 0.5%

Implied IQ = 135 - 38 = 97

Hindu Mid-Level Caste Dravidian kids = 900 ( good guess )

Winners = 24

Ratio = 2.4%

Implied IQ = 135 - 29 = 106

Total Dravidian kids = 1100 ( good guess )

Winners = 25

Ratio = 2.2%

Implied IQ = 135 - 30 = 105

Total Indian kids = 4900

Muslims = 500

Aryan cluster = 3150

Dravidian cluster = 1100

Fiji, Caribbean Indians = 150, these are likely caribbean and Fiji indians from Nishad pool

Nishad IQ = 88

National Merit cut off = 135

Distance = 47 IQ = 3.1 SD

only the 99.9th percentile will pass

or 1 in 1000

If there were 1000 Nishad kids, 1 would pass

There are only 150, and therefore zero pass


India's Best Schools

Total of 70 schools in 7 Indian cities surveyed


We shall look at schools which score more than 9.0 out of 10 in studies

The caste blend matters a lot more than school facilities

Chennai had 9 schools, 5 of which were SIB dominated

Delhi had 3 Schools, 1 of which was SIB dominated

Mumbai had 3 schools

Chandigarh had 1 school

Kolkata had 1 school




Mothers International = 9.50 = Khatri ?

DPS RK Puram = 9.60 = SIB ??

Spring Dales, Daula Khan = 9.40 = Khatri ?

Incidentally DPS, Mathura Road = 8.10, vs 9.60 for DPS at RK.Puram, the only difference is caste blend




Scottish = 9.30

Cathedral = 9.20

Campion = 9.00




South Point = 9.00


Hyderabad, has none above 9


Bangalore, has none above 9




Carmel Convent = 9




DAV Gopalapuram = 9.70, SIB

Don Bosco = 9.20

Padma Seshadri = 9.70, SIB

Vidya Mandir = 9.40 , SIB

Chettinad Vidyashram = 9.30, SIB

Church Park = 9.20

Good Shepherd = 9.10

Holy Angels = 9.10

Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan = 9.0 , SIB
The interesting thing to note is that virtually all the non-chennai academic stars are convents

and this leads to psec phenomenon of deracinated Hindu elite

The only other place than Chennai to find a top performing Hindu school is Delhi

all 3 winners are Hindus schools

DAV network is around for 100 years, but only the Chennai DAV is an academic super star, due to SIB

Now I am going to go out on a limb. North Indians seem to love bling and pay fancy fees for fancy private schools

when the best academic school in the country is a DAV. Granted DAV-Gopalapuram is heavily Tambrahm, every other caste could benefit from DAV teaching methodology and DAV is fairly cheap in terms of school fees

In Chennai, around 1955, there was a Tam-brahm revolt against xtian convents,

And this led to formation of Vidya Mandir, Padma Seshadri, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, all academic star

Another interesting Chennai academic star is Chettinad Vidyashram

It is run by Chettiars, but teaches Hindu culture. It is located in a Tambrahm enclave and has

and entrance exam, which in itself skews the students towards Tambrams

Also lots of famous rich schools are missing from the list and are rip-offs
In curriculum quality , useful for handling PISA,

TN board = 1

CBSE = 9.5

ICSE = 14

Comparisons between ICSE and CBSE

ICSE provides a good overall development; the focus on literature is good. The CBSE concentrates more on Math and Science, which gives that slight edge for the engineering competitive exams.

“In ICSE projects on various subjects are an integral part. Also, there’s a clear emphasis on English literature whereas in CBSE, English is functional, communication-based “ says the Principal, Sri Kumaran’s Children’s Home. Kumaran’s offers ICSE and CBSE syllabuses to its students.

It is said that the ICSE syllabus is more extensive, and that the CBSE is more intensive. To elaborate, in the CBSE system of teaching, there are more objective kind of questions, which prepares students for national level competitive exams. ICSE is more liberal and gives a good choice of subjects. One can opt out of math and science in ICSE, not so in CBSE. The ICSE course develops thinking and analytical skills in a student because it is extensive.
The main advantage of ICSE over CBSE is as follows

The ICSE is run mainly by the Anglo-Indians

So the syllabus has a lot more emphasis on English Language

ICSE is only for English Medium

To score well in PISA, you need language fluency,

which ICSE will provide in English

CBSE has a dual mode curriculum, both English medium and Hindi medium

So the English language syllabus is dumbed down in CBSE and this makes it harder to score

well in PISA

I would say that until 10th grade, ICSE is superior, whereas CBSE may be better for 11th and 12th
The CBSE syllabus follows the concentric curriculum, where the topics taught are built on top of what was taught the year before last. For example, in Science, the topics motion, force, and pressure are presented in the 6th standard and the ideas of force, frictional force, and pressure are dealt with in more detail in the 8th standard.

The ICSE board follows the spiral curriculum approach. First the basic facts of a subject are learned, then more details are introduced. The basics are re-emphasised many times over to help get them into long-term memory. “What the student studies this year is built on top of what was learnt the previous year,” says Nitya Ramaswami – Head child development and Academics at the Zee schools


At least till 10th ICSE is far more rigorous

and all things being equal, ICSE will much score more in PISA than CBSE
For 10th board exam

ICSE has 3 individual science papers = Physics, Chemistry, Biology

whereas CBSE has 1 combined science paper

Thats because CBSE at 10th is dumbed down to promote the lower iq masses

At 12th it is a different story, CBSE has a dedicated science stream and tightens the screws and catches up with ICSE
Several PISA like tests are being introduced in India, and most of the top-level schools are using them


What is common about these tests?

They stress on application of knowledge rather than knowledge per se.

Focus on reasoning, thinking, interpretation of data.

Standardised tests.

Objective, multiple choice

Offered in different subjects depending on the test (English, Math, Science, Computers.

Schools offer different tests. Some offer IAIS and some ASSET. Some kids enroll individually for these tests if the school does not offer them

These tests are made appropriate for the Indian context to some extent Many of these tests provide schools diagnostics and metrics about how students did in general and how to improve.

IAIS (International Assessment for Indian Schools)

AKA (also known as) Macmillan or University of South of Wales, Australia Test


Dates: Aug 28, 29 2009

Subjects English, Computer Science, Math, Science

Classes 3-12

One of the toughest tests in the spectrum

Asset testing



Core Subjects: English, Maths and Science

Optional Subjects: Social Studies and Hindi

Based on the Indian curriculum (CBSE, ICSE and state boards)

Detailed Skill-wise feedback with customized letter for every student

Conducted in the school during school hours

Schools choose to take the test in Summer (July-August) or Winter (December)

Similar to IAIS. But supposed to be slightly easier.



Grade 1-12

Around Oct 6th

Our school offers only the Informatics Olympiad (computers + general reasoning).

But they offer Informatics, Science, English and Mathematics.

Relatively easy compared to IAIS.

Any other information??

Offered in most traditional Indian schools. CBSE schools.

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