[size="3"][url="http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2011-10-01/edit-page/30230007_1_underweight-children-maternal-mortality-mortality-rate"]The child malnutrition myth[/url]: TOI, [/size][size="3"]Oct 1, 2011[/size]
[indent][size="3"][quote name="Arvind Panagariya (Professor, Columbia University)"]In the early 2000s, when the 55th (1999-2000) round of the expenditure survey showed a surprisingly sharp decline in poverty over its predecessor survey, the reform critics descended on the finding like a ton of bricks. Their critique eventually led to a healthy debate, important new research and eventual downward revision in poverty reduction numbers by the reform advocates themselves.[/size]
[size="3"]In total contrast, almost no objections have been raised to the absurdly high estimates of malnutrition in India trumpeted by journalists, NGOs, politicians and international institutions within and outside India. Not a day goes by without some TV channel or newspaper running the headline that the world's fastest growing economy suffers worse malnutrition than sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).[/size]
[size="3"]In terms of vital statistics such as life expectancy at birth, infant mortality and maternal mortality, India fares better than all except one or two of the SSA countries with comparable or lower per capita incomes. So it is puzzling that, according to World Health Organisation (WHO) statistics, it suffers from higher proportion of underweight children than every one of the 48 SSA countries and higher rate of stunting than all but seven of them. Such countries as the Central African Republic, Chad and Lesotho, which have life expectancy at birth of just 48 years compared with India's 65, have lower rates of stunting and underweight.[/size]
[size="3"]If you still do not believe the absurdity of these malnutrition numbers, compare Kerala and Senegal. Kerala exhibits vital statistics edging towards those in the developed countries: life expectancy of 74 years, infant mortality rate of 12 per 1,000 live births and maternal mortality rate of 95 per 1,00,000 live births. The corresponding figures for Senegal are far worse at 62, 51 and 410, respectively. But nutrition statistics say that Kerala has 25% stunted children compared to 20% of Senegal and 23% underweight children relative to 14.5% of the latter. In Punjab, which has a life expectancy of 70 years and is the breadbasket and milk dairy of India, 37% of children are stunted and 25% underweight.[/size]
[size="3"]To make sense of this nonsense, we must look at how the stunting (and underweight) rates are calculated. To classify a child of a given age and sex as stunted, we must compare his height to a pre-specified standard. The WHO sets this standard. In the early 2000s, it collected a sample of 8,440 children representing a population of healthy breastfed infants and young children in Brazil, Ghana, India, Norway, Oman and the United States. This "reference" population provided the basis for setting the standards.[/size]
[size="3"]As expected, when comparing children of a given age and sex even within this healthy sample, heights and weights differed. Therefore, some criterion was required to identify stunting and underweight among these children. In each group defined by age and sex, the WHO defined the bottom 2.14% of the children according to height as stunted. The height of the child at 2.14 percentile then became the standard against which children of the same age and sex in other populations were to be compared to identify stunting. A similar procedure applied to weight.[/size]
[size="3"]The key assumption underlying this methodology is that if properly nourished , all child populations would produce outcomes similar to the WHO reference population with just 2.14% of the children at the bottom stunted and underweight. Higher rates of stunting would indicate above normal malnutrition. So the million-dollar question is whether this assumption really holds for the population of children from which the estimate of half of Indian children being stunted is derived?[/size]
[size="3"]As it happens, the answer to the question can be found buried in a 2009 study published by the government of India. The latest estimate for stunting in India has been derived from the third National Family Health Survey (NFHS-3). The report draws a highly restricted sample from the fuller NFHS-3 sample consisting of 'elite' children defined as those 'whose mothers and fathers have secondary or higher education, who live in households with electricity, a refrigerator, a TV and an automobile or truck, who did not have diarrhoea or a cough or fever in the two weeks preceding the survey, who were exclusively breastfed if they were less than five months old, and who received complementary foods if they were at least five months old'.[/size]
[size="3"]If the assumption that proper nutrition guarantees the same outcome as the WHO reference population is true, the proportion of stunted children in this sample should be 2.14%. But the study reports this proportion to be above 15%! The assumption is violated by a wide margin.[/size]
[size="3"]The implication of this and other facts is that Indian children are genetically smaller on average. A competing hypothesis - which says that nutrition improvements may take several generations - fails to explain how, without a genetic advantage, the far poorer SSA countries, which lag behind India in almost all vital statistics, could have pulled so far ahead of India in child nutrition. Moreover, the trend of the stunting proportions based on WHO standards, available for India since the late 1970s, would suggest that nearly all those born in the 1950s or before - the writer included - are stunted![/size]
[size="3"]Either way, the statistic that half of Indian children today are stunted needs to be viewed far more sceptically and investigated more deeply. The right treatment requires a right diagnosis.[/size]
The other myth they propagated and got exposed was that 20% of Indian population have AIDS.
[size="3"][url="http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Ultrasounds-to-blame-for-skewed-sex-ratio-in-India-UN/articleshow/10272061.cms"]Ultrasounds to blame for skewed sex ratio in India: UN[/url] : TOI, Oct 8, 2011
[/size][indent] [size="3"]Quote:MUMBAI: An overwhelming majority of the 117 million "missing" girls in Asia are from India and China, the United Nations has observed. And it has laid the blame for this phenomenon squarely on the ultrasonography machine, which has been a topic of debate and heartburn in Mumbai.[/size]
[size="3"]The problem does seem acute in Mumbai. Its child-sex ratio stands at 892 girls for every 1,000 boys, which is not only much worse than the all-India figure of 914 girls but is also poorer than the Vietnam figure of 899 girls for every 1,000 boys under the age of six. The statistics released by the United Nations Population Fund on Thursday offer some cold comfort; China appears even more casual about the future of its girl child - with only 847 girls born for every 1,000 boys - but the UN mentioning India and China in the same breath does not speak too highly of India's efforts in this sphere, say experts in Mumbai.[/size]
[size="3"]The UN observation comes at a time when the state government, the Bombay high court and Mumbai activists have been racking their heads to tackle the skewed child sex ratio in Mumbai. The court is, in fact, hearing a case filed by radiologists who are aggrieved with the BMC's recent diktat against use of portable ultrasound machines; and the state government is toying with a revolutionary method of giving incentives to couples whose third child is a girl.[/size]
[size="3"]UNFPA says that 102 to 106 boys should be born for every 100 girl children. But the fact that fewer girls are born every successive years, say health activists, means that technology is being misused to determine the sex of the unborn child and thereafter to abort it if it's a girl. UN's observation about ultrasound machines underlines this.[/size]
[size="3"]C Laxmi, who runs Sparrows, said that the UN observation was the result of work done by various health groups in exposing how ultrasound was being misused to determine the gender of the unborn child. "In the '80s, we raised our voice against amniocentisis. The Maharashtra government and then the rest of the country banned it except for medical emergencies," she said. Now, a review of a two decades showed that little had changed for the girl child. "Everything we fought for was forgotten. So we realised we need to make a louder noise about sonography's misuse so that the authorities hear us," she added.[/size]
[size="3"]Doctors are, predictably, not happy with the UN observation that marks their tool as the culprit. "Ultrasound has been around for decades. If it's such a widely used tool for sex determination then girls should have disappeared in larger numbers by now," said Indian Radiological & Imaging Association president Dr Jignesh Thakker.[/size]
[size="3"]Stating that doctors are "sitting ducks" for activists, Thakker says that the missing girls issue is more about a society that wants a girl child. "If the state government decides to make the silent observer (a software to keep track of all scans) a must for ultrasound machines, even the we will see falling child sex ratio. It's about a mindset that needs to be changed and not technology," he added.[/size]
[size="3"]A doctor who didn't want to be identified said that the government would do well to look at abortion figures instead of looking at ultrasound scans. "If girls are not being born and are presumably being killed before birth then someone is allowing couples to abort them. Why cannot the government plug that situation," he asked.[/size]
[size="3"]Laxmi believes the reason the girl child campaign is not taking off is because they are a non-existent constituency. "They are not born. So how can they keep up a sustaining campagine for their lives," she added.[/size]
[size="3"]Dr Thakker felt the government should implement pro-girl child schemes as done in states of Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh. "There are about 8,000 ultrasound machines in Maharashtra. Instead of seeking to spend Rs 40,000 each on installing a silent obeservaer software in these machines, the government should invest this sum on the welfare of the each girl child."
Since 1851, the Christian population of Goa has been facing a continual decline. Consequentially, the percentage of the Christian population (once a majority) has been shifting in favour of the Hindus. As per the data available, Christians constituted 63.83% (232,189 individuals), whereas Hindus comprised just 35.42% (128,824 individuals) in the 1851 census.[26] The next census was carried out in 1881, according to which Christians were 58%, while Hindus were 42% of the population.[26] The percentage of the Christian population went on declining in the subsequent censuses for the years 1900, 1910, 1921, 1931, 1950, and 1960, with the percentage of Christians in the censuses being 54.83%, 54.76%, 52.29%, 49.00%, 42.18% and 38.07%.
De-xtianisation of goa, due to hindu counter-breeding
[size="3"]^ or is it also due to hindu immigration?[/size]
[quote name='sumishi' date='10 October 2011 - 08:02 AM' timestamp='1318213472' post='113243']
[size="3"]^ or is it also due to hindu immigration?[/size]
Immigration is secondary
The primary mode is counter-breeding
Only Muslims have a policy of massive breeding. They are exhorted to pray 5 times a day and to proliferate in plenty. Islamic emphasis is on the above dictum and in its reward hereafter. Polygamy is inbuilt in this religion and they will enforce polygamy wherever they can seize power (Darul Islam).
The Christians do not have such a policy due to their addiction to materialism. Christianity is based on the principle of guilt and its exhortation on people to repent and forgive. Once you repent or forgive as the case may be you have a clean slate. No limit is placed on the number of times you can repent/forgive. Christianity thus places emphasis on the here rather than the hereafter. This principle of 'here' and its consequent material pursuit is the reason that they do not reproduce themselves sufficiently and this naturally causes their decline in Europe and in America. Hindus are also afflicted by materialism thanks to their imbibing secular ideas from the Christians and this will tell on their population growth.
Chinese communists have inflicted fatal injury on their progeny by their strict one child policy. Its present day glory will cease by the next generation.
[quote name='Savithri' date='10 October 2011 - 11:21 AM' timestamp='1318225398' post='113246']
Only Muslims have a policy of massive breeding. They are exhorted to pray 5 times a day and to proliferate in plenty. Islamic emphasis is on the above dictum and in its reward hereafter. Polygamy is inbuilt in this religion and they will enforce polygamy wherever they can seize power (Darul Islam).
The Christians do not have such a policy due to their addiction to materialism. Christianity is based on the principle of guilt and its exhortation on people to repent and forgive. Once you repent or forgive as the case may be you have a clean slate. No limit is placed on the number of times you can repent/forgive. Christianity thus places emphasis on the here rather than the hereafter. This principle of 'here' and its consequent material pursuit is the reason that they do not reproduce themselves sufficiently and this naturally causes their decline in Europe and in America. Hindus are also afflicted by materialism thanks to their imbibing secular ideas from the Christians and this will tell on their population growth.
Chinese communists have inflicted fatal injury on their progeny by their strict one child policy. Its present day glory will cease by the next generation.
The following may be read in conjunction with this thread:
[url="http://koenraadelst.blogspot.com/2011/10/clash-of-civilizations-cancelled.html"]Clash of civilizations cancelled[/url]
by Koenraad Elst
Quote:And in cases where Muslims do follow Christians (or, most ahead, the Japanese) to a fertility figure below replacement level, a threshold recently crossed in Iran and in Bosnia, the fact that it happened much later among Muslims assures further comparative demographic gains before a net population decline sets in. Thus, in Iran the number of children including girls has grown rapidly in the preceding decades, so now the number of young mothers is still rising and even with fewer than 2.1 births per woman, the number of births also continues to rise. And when that number finally starts to decline, it will still for many years be higher than that of elderly Iranians dying, so in the authorsââ¬â¢ estimate, Iranââ¬â¢s population will still rise another 20 million or so before levelling off. Even if the reproductive conduct of Muslim societies cannot be described as ââ¬Ådemographic aggressionââ¬Â, it does lead to a steady rise in Muslim percentage in practically every country concerned
shri Elst points to some interesting factor.
10-10-2011, 06:25 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-10-2011, 07:11 PM by Husky.)
Quote:This principle of 'here' and its consequent material pursuit is the reason that they do not reproduce themselves sufficiently and this naturally causes their decline in Europe and in America. Hindus are also afflicted by materialism thanks to their imbibing secular ideas from the Christians and this will tell on their population growth.
This is wrong. I don't know how it is with Dutch catholics in this generation, but until the 2nd-to-last gen, catholics in Europe used to multiply to retake the (especially uncatholic) regions for the "True" - i.e. catholic - christendom. Even in NL, when the Protestants had started having 2 kids max per couple, the many catholic families I knew had already had about 4 or 5. Even in my gen, some were still the products of 5-children families.
Of course, secularisation of that generation and subsequent ones then took over, and with the loss of religion, they would also have let go of the "breed to spite the protestants" programme. So I think that if these were to have children, they would be about 2.0.
[Now the various AmeriKKKan christian cultists have mounted an attack on even the Dutch, Scandinavians and Germans (South America and Australasia): because christianism can't stand vacancies. Besides, the even-lam er-than-established-christianisms AmeriKKKan christocults (pentacostals, southern baptists, 7th day adventists, morons I mean mormons, etc) think that catholicism - as well as anglican and several other protestantisms - are all going to hell (they think catholicism is especially EviL).
In fact, with my own eyes I have seen a NW European ex-atheist converted into a looney speaking-in-tongues american christocultist. But Europe's dechristianisation is still slightly unstable. And I personally know of non-American European-origin people - in their early twenties - who've started following American christocults and are now breeding to have 10+ kids. (I kid you not. And their mothers had as many, their cousins have as many and they are themselves aiming for the same. They're aiming to retake de-christianising nations for jeebus. Oh, and they do arranged marriages: meeting potential spouses from their church for a handful of - chaperonned - dates before they have to decide if this is "the one". All this aggressive multiplying and arranged marriages are ordained by their church.) It's very creepy.]
Anyway, from what I recall reading, the 2/3 Protestant Germany was - until nazi rule - worried about a catholic demographic takeover: the pope did instruct his own sheep to multiply for him, but that was superfluous when the catholics were themselves on fire to reclaim Europe for the true christendom. Then the great blessing for christendom in Germany came in the form of the catholic Hitler who refused to have such factionalism and made a lot of effort into getting his bickering christian sheep to put all their protestant suspicion and catholic scheming behind them, and to unite for the sake of a glorious Arisch christian Germany. (There are direct references in his writings - and in that of his mouthpieces - to the serious discord that existed between the two major Churches of Germany.) He even got the Popes on his team, and to relent and stop seeing protestantism as its major enemy. But that was only in W Europe of course (Arisch Europe. Slavic people weren't considered remotely Arisch yet then. And would not be until for some decades after nazism.)
Of course, in the E of the continent and in the Slavic realm beyond, there existed orthodoxy, which catholicism would not forgive (and which catholicism had tried its brutal best to genocide during the nazi era).
More recently - some years after 2000 - the eastern orthodoxy appears to have been misled I mean forgiven catholicism and joined hands - at least temporarily - to fight the dechristianisation of Europe. This happened but a few years after Greek, Romanian and Ukrainian orthodox called the visiting Pope and his religion the devil and satanism respectively. I think I read that, in a more recent year still, the Greek orthodox archbishop thereafter had an amiable chat with his papal infallibleness - perhaps he accepted the recently-invented infallibility rule? and stopped calling it the bishop of rome and recognised it as the vicar of christ at last - No??? But I think they were united on at least one thing: preventing dechristianisation (and even heathenisation) of Europe. Still, some Greek monks were Not Happy with all this fraternising with the Great Nemesis of eastern orthodoxy: catholicism, the Great Inculturating Terror. Especially since everyone - except those with a very short memory - knows that catholicism cannot be trusted. And that it has always hated orthodoxy for correctly refusing catholicism's claim to a greater authenticity.
To add to that,
In India, the church wants the christian women to marry Indian men in states where the Hindus are a majority: both because the skewed ratio in some places favours such alliances, also because of the nature of secularised males of heathen origin - they don't mind their wives controlling the religion of the offspring.
In places where christianism is a highly competitive percentage (like in Kerala), the church tells its christian flock to out-multipy islam in order to retain the state it has worked hard to conquer for christ.
If you notice in all this, it's non-religious western people and heathen people who do not multiply for their way of life and who are targeted by christoislamism for demographic outbreeding.
- The former do not do ideological multiplying: western non-religious people are generally not ideological (not speaking of militant atheists here, since many are agnostics or apathetic, and many natural western atheists are not militant, but are private atheists).
- The latter do not do ideological multiplying either: e.g. Hindus used to want many children because it was considered a good thing (they considered it a blessing and it was a great goal of Hindus' life to have many children and even more grandchildren - certainly as per stotras). This was the case until 2 gens back, after which it appears the 2.0 pattern began.
[quote name='Amatya Rakshas' date='10 October 2011 - 04:49 PM' timestamp='1318245089' post='113252']
The following may be read in conjunction with this thread:
[url="http://koenraadelst.blogspot.com/2011/10/clash-of-civilizations-cancelled.html"]Clash of civilizations cancelled[/url]
by Koenraad Elst
shri Elst points to some interesting factor.
Iran and Bosnia were war-torn recently. Iran alone lost more than a million men in the Iran-Iraq war incited by the U.S.
[quote name='Husky' date='10 October 2011 - 07:20 PM' timestamp='1318254173' post='113255']
To add to that,
In India, the church wants the christian women to marry Indian men in states where the Hindus are a majority: both because the skewed ratio in some places favours such alliances, also because of the nature of secularised males of heathen origin - they don't mind their wives controlling the religion of the offspring.
In places where christianism is a highly competitive percentage (like in Kerala), the church tells its christian flock to out-multipy islam in order to retain the state it has worked hard to conquer for christ.
One Kerala Christian told me that Msulims are growing in Kerala and it is worrying.
He seemed to show oncern as if he is a western person and looking after western interest instead of Indian interest
[quote name='acharya' date='11 October 2011 - 05:41 AM' timestamp='1318291381' post='113259']
One Kerala Christian told me that Msulims are growing in Kerala and it is worrying.
He seemed to show oncern as if he is a western person and looking after western interest instead of Indian interest
Christianity is committing harakiri by its fanciful multi-culturalism. I am particularly referring to the Christians' attempt to persuade Hindus to change their God but not their culture. It will prove to be their undoing in due course!
In Christian countries in some parts of Europe they are suddenly waking up to the fact that it (multi-culturalism which in their countries is truly freedom to Islamists) is self-defeating but the capitalist pursuit (or rather pursuit of wealth - which is always by stealth! - and the individual freedom to do so) is working against it. (The disastrousness of the global capitalism is a much bigger topic, for example the question such as can religion (as the westerners know) survive in capitalist countries and if so what would be its role? etc. etc.).
In India Christianity will die in due course (in the next 50 years?) but Islam would continue to be a bigger threat.
[url="http://expressbuzz.com/world/us-birth-rates-decline-amid-recession/323347.html"][size="4"]US birth rates decline amid recession[/size][/url]
[size="3"]Refreshing perspective on "Overpopulation" <img src='http://www.india-forum.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=' ' />
The following is from the TOI editon of 31/10/2011
![[Image: line-horizontal-black-fade.gif]](http://i1219.photobucket.com/albums/dd436/sumishi2009/Design%20Clips/line-horizontal-black-fade.gif)
06-16-2012, 10:06 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-16-2012, 10:08 AM by G.Subramaniam.)
Jewish counter breeding defeats islamic breeding
the fertility rates of young Arabs in Judea and Samaria has converged ââ¬â at three births per woman ââ¬â with the respective fertility rates of young Israeli Arabs and Jews, while (mostly secular) Jewish fertility rate trends upwards and Arab fertility rates trend downwards.
In fact, Israelââ¬â¢s 2012 Jewish fertility rate ââ¬â three births per woman ââ¬â is higher than all Arab countries, other than Sudan, Yemen, Iraq and Jordan, which trend downward. The average Israeli-born Jewish mother exceeds three births.
Current world political environment may drastically reduce world population.
Financial stress are main factor worldwide. I think next 3-5 years we may see less growth due to financial and political unrest worldwide.
09-01-2012, 06:21 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-01-2012, 06:25 AM by G.Subramaniam.)
The 1872 census of Bengal--the first to be conducted in this area-- indicated that Bengal was inhabited by large number of Muslims. It showed that 48 percent of the total population in Bengal were Muslims, the majority of whom lived in East Bengal.
In the year 1872, in the first census conducted, Bengal's Hindu population stood at 50.1% and Muslims 48.8%. In 1881 Muslims attained majority population wise.
Talking to rediff.com, Siddiqui explains that Modi is not supportive of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh's idea of Akhand Bharat because it will have a Muslim majority due to Pakistan and Bangladesh's current demography. The RSS's dream of Akhand Bharat is no more Modi's dream, says Siddiqui. Modi, in the interview, speaks about the idea of a Sanskrutik Bharat now.
No Akhand Bharat
The Gujarat chief minister rejected the idea of the RSS and other Hindu organisations of uniting India, Pakistan and Bangladesh to form Akhand Bharat because it would only lead to a Muslim majority in the region. It would be a continuous source of friction and tension, he said. Those with an imperialistic mindset in Pakistan were campaigning for the unification of these countries. ââ¬ÅYour mouth must be watering these days because you want to make a Muslim majority nation in the name of Akhand Bharat,ââ¬Â he told Shahid Sidiqqui.
Instead of Partition, Indian muslims may try for Akhand Bharat