Post 5
(1) [color="#FF0000"]"Would they lie to establish AIT?[/color] Would western academia** and intelligentsia go to any lengths in order to claim Indian history and achievements as the west's own?"
Why yes, yes of course they would: You know they would. See the precedent in the theft from Indian astronomy and maths for Europe, documented by CK Raju and others. Same MO.
Summaries of their findings and related insights on twitter:
Thievery is what they do. It's who they are. It's all they are. Their sole and greatest accomplishment is getting away with it, i.e. successful history-rewriting.
And of course claiming all of Hindu history (i.e. claiming the Hindoo heathenism from its very foundations) for Europe is the bigger prize. And steppist AIT secures just this very thing for them.
Hindoo heathenism/its fruits and claims to fame are absolutely the prize. Barely any steppist IEist is after Iran. Europe finished claiming Greek and Roman civilisation long ago. And every aDNA paper trying to trace IE or from any geography vaguely involving it has all been after India: IIRC every Harvard and even some Copenhagen ones all ended with how it proved or didn't yet prove AIT into India or foreshadowing that the next paper may prove it. They hoped to have made their case by the Norasimon paper, but the results didn't even make it to underwhelming.
Anyway, returning to how western IIEists need to claim India through AIT, not just for US foreign policy of balkanising India and converting it for Republican conservatives' monogawd, but for Eurocentrism's self-aggrandisement. If once Eurocentrists have established AIT in the public consciousness, even if they were to have to eventually admit that this and that part of maths or whatever was stolen from Hindoos, and not to recent Europeans' credit after all, it no longer matters as they can always argue "it was the 15% of our European steppe component that was behind the achievement of the miscegenated Indians - as if the remaining 85% could have done any of it". They factually think this and even say this. They already prance about fantasizing that their ancestors had something to do with the Mahabharata and other delusions of IE moronism. You know, typical nazi fantasies
It's amazing how they always make this argument. Whether for any pretty Indian face ("AIT explains it!") or nowadays even accomplishments etc ("must be some 2%-15% steppe 'oryan' ancestry involved that made this possible"). EVERYTHING is a self-aggrandising act: Eurocentrists never compliment but to pat their own back. They never credit others, but to re-transfer the credit back to themselves. It's called supremacism and it's a peculiar mindset entirely incomprehensible to heathens, though we can recognise it even if we'll never understand it.
** With some decent exceptions, who remain honest. But I'm talking about the rule here, not the exception.
Because the honest people who studied PIE never won out*: it's the dishonest majority among the steppist IEist thinktank that wants Europeans to come out on top and will do anything to get there. Just as they did with math and everything else documented in the twitter threads above.
So even decent Europeans who would not plagiarise in the colonial era, and those in our era who kept insisting that the stamboom model for PIE is not a given let alone that the rest follows, are never the ones who control Hindus' destiny. The demons do that. They've been and continue to be the architects of Hindus gradual eclipse and demise. Because they're the only ones who want the ends badly enough that they're fine with any means that will get them there.
Even when they admit anything, it is still for the reason of appropriation: e.g. Robin Bradley Kar, who wrote that paper Dhu found on how Western Law and Western Civilisation originated in the IVC, was still all about how this was magically "western" a.o.t. eastern.
(2) There's now further reinforcement for my pre-existing understanding on why Harvard and other IEists always supports islamania in India, even arguing in the early 2000s that AIT was also morally necessary because otherwise Hindus would genocide islamaniacs in India (but remain forever silent on the actual ongoing genocide of Hindus by christoislamaniacs).
The reason for steppist IEists' - not just christians but atheists too - major support of islamania against Hindus is even seen in some of the twitter links above: islamania literally ended all progress made by Hindu scholars in India, thus leaving the field open for the west to develop on the stuff they plagiarised from India with no more competition.
For the same reason, promoting christianity is another great help for them: besides murdering heathenism, it breeds a society of utter imbeciles (not just the speaking-in-tongue buffoons, but the whole self-loathing class was generated by christian mis-"education" in India, the smooth-talking imbeciles infesting media and most areas of life etc). This is also apparent in the twitter links above. Christianity creates 3rd worlds, as we know.
Remember Europe in the dark ages, which would never have got out of it without a brush with the heathen world.
And even if Hindus don't all fall for christianity, islam will bludgeon Hindus to death. So of course western IEists support their twin friends christianity and islamania to conquer India and overcome Hinduism, so that even if AIT is ever disproven, it won't matter: Indians being converts won't care to look into it in any serious fashion, and understand that the west stole their identity in broad daylight, just as they did Indian maths etc.
Just like christoislamics have a total apathy for the theft of maths and other achievements from Hindus for (Indo-)Europeanism/oryanism, they won't care about what AIT actually made them lose. (Like how Pathans were originally claiming to be purer "oryans" than Hindus from Bharatam because of having more steppe and closer to C Asia, all while not caring for the religion from which words like Arya were derived.) It's not christoislamics' heritage after all.
Non-Christian western IEists promote christoislam to supplant Hindu heathenism, so they can claim its accomplishments (or even Hindoo heathenism itself) is theirs without ever being opposed or denied again: so they become the sole inheritors.
Heathens would leave other heathens alone if they can't do them any good. Not try to steal their identity. But what can one expect from people who are forever christoconditoned: an exclusive breeding product of the unnatural people who converted and then genocided the true native Europeans, Europe's heathens. In their failure to restore their own heathenism they have to spitefully or invariably (whichever) destroy - either through subversion (IEism) or outright - other heathenisms. What a curse they are. Hilarious when they pretend to know heathenism better than heathens, as if IEist reconstruction ever made anyone a heathen. When the fact is that heathens have existed and known their Gods=heathenism intimately since long before IEism was invented. IEism's track record is also clear: Eurocentrist steppists prance about lecturing how their knowledge of linguistics and their Euro language provides a better understanding of the Vedam than Hindoos (then how come our very Vedic Gods know lay Hindoos but are unknown and unknowable to them alien demons?) let alone Hindoos whose job is the Vedam, and steppist wannabe heathens wax delusional about how their reconstructed balto-slavic-greek-indo-iranian made-up religion is more real and better realised by them than Hindoos know Hindoo heathenism=Gods. (Well, those people are never going to regain their region's heathenism, bahaha.) Such a black hole of interminable moronism is something for Hindoo heathens and their heathenism to look forward to under IIEism.
(3) Someone who has a similar opinion to me on this matter. To be fair, non-heathens born to heathen parents are no different in this from ex-christoislamics like Joe Agneya. Both often argue similarly, but the former has drifted off from heathenism and ought to at least know better, while the latter has come closer (having left christoislam) and so one is slightly more lenient as they may not know better on why this rankles.
Indian Hindu atheists do this regularly. Only difference is they use the word "Hindu" to claim all things Hindoo heathen, while Joe uses "Indian" while also being an atheist.
* All things Hindoo religious are exclusively Hindoos' and belong to the Hindoo Gods - no cultural appropriation or encroachment allowed. Temples, sacred temple properties, yoga and other religious and ritual practices, stotras & mantras, yatras, "arts" (=religious observances) including sacred Hindu dance and drama styles, our sacred drawing/painting/sculpting/depicting styles, carnatic and northern Hindu traditional songs, our sacred music system styles and instruments, our traditional clothing & item wear, our sacred and our traditional food items, sacred literature and treatises, etc, etc. All deeply religiously Hindoo. Not remotely secular nor all-Indian nor all-Dharmic. Not for sharing with unheathens and nonheathens. Cultural appropriation by non-Hindoos (i.e. non-Vedics) banned. (Attempts at) subversion banned.
* Similarly all religious/sacred things of other Dharmic religions like their temples, unique dress (Sikh turban) are theirs alone. No cultural appropriation by others, e.g. no christian appropriation of Sikh turban allowed - it's not a fashion item, but religious.
* All Dharmic wear for Dharmics alone. Cultural appropriation by non-Hindus/non-Dharmics banned.
* All shared Dharmic sacred spaces for Dharmics alone. Encroachment by non-Hindus/non-Dharmics banned.
* Hindoo health and scientific treatises. Not to be appropriated or subverted. Treatments may be applied to all to help them.
* Our Cows and all other animals are sacred (sarvaatman), also sacred sites, plants, water systems, mountains. Entire Bharatam. Must be respected by all calling themselves Indians. All should try to preserve the land and its wildlife and plant forms. Unless treated well, they become forfeit to any maltreaters.
* Our Hindoo festivals are ours and sacred. No interference allowed.
* All contributions by Hindoos for betterment of world - and marked as such - can be used by any after obtaining permission (except if at war, civil or external, then off limits for enemies: Hindoos need to stop being a charity store to enemies). Achievements are still feather in Hindoo heathens' cap onlee. (E.g. famous historical Hindoo mathematicians were heathens who loved their Gods and are therefore direct kin of all Hindoos attached to the Hindoo=Vedic Gods.) Must not allow everyone to always run off with heathen achievements, and often Hindoo persons' heathenism even gets obscured by secular/christoslamicommunist history-writing like wackypedia [which is OFS/Soros controlled]. So non-Hindoos not allowed to mask Hindoo heathens' heathen identity and accomplishment(s) under secular titles like "Indian".
(1) [color="#FF0000"]"Would they lie to establish AIT?[/color] Would western academia** and intelligentsia go to any lengths in order to claim Indian history and achievements as the west's own?"
Why yes, yes of course they would: You know they would. See the precedent in the theft from Indian astronomy and maths for Europe, documented by CK Raju and others. Same MO.
Summaries of their findings and related insights on twitter:
Thievery is what they do. It's who they are. It's all they are. Their sole and greatest accomplishment is getting away with it, i.e. successful history-rewriting.
And of course claiming all of Hindu history (i.e. claiming the Hindoo heathenism from its very foundations) for Europe is the bigger prize. And steppist AIT secures just this very thing for them.
Hindoo heathenism/its fruits and claims to fame are absolutely the prize. Barely any steppist IEist is after Iran. Europe finished claiming Greek and Roman civilisation long ago. And every aDNA paper trying to trace IE or from any geography vaguely involving it has all been after India: IIRC every Harvard and even some Copenhagen ones all ended with how it proved or didn't yet prove AIT into India or foreshadowing that the next paper may prove it. They hoped to have made their case by the Norasimon paper, but the results didn't even make it to underwhelming.
Anyway, returning to how western IIEists need to claim India through AIT, not just for US foreign policy of balkanising India and converting it for Republican conservatives' monogawd, but for Eurocentrism's self-aggrandisement. If once Eurocentrists have established AIT in the public consciousness, even if they were to have to eventually admit that this and that part of maths or whatever was stolen from Hindoos, and not to recent Europeans' credit after all, it no longer matters as they can always argue "it was the 15% of our European steppe component that was behind the achievement of the miscegenated Indians - as if the remaining 85% could have done any of it". They factually think this and even say this. They already prance about fantasizing that their ancestors had something to do with the Mahabharata and other delusions of IE moronism. You know, typical nazi fantasies
It's amazing how they always make this argument. Whether for any pretty Indian face ("AIT explains it!") or nowadays even accomplishments etc ("must be some 2%-15% steppe 'oryan' ancestry involved that made this possible"). EVERYTHING is a self-aggrandising act: Eurocentrists never compliment but to pat their own back. They never credit others, but to re-transfer the credit back to themselves. It's called supremacism and it's a peculiar mindset entirely incomprehensible to heathens, though we can recognise it even if we'll never understand it.
** With some decent exceptions, who remain honest. But I'm talking about the rule here, not the exception.
Because the honest people who studied PIE never won out*: it's the dishonest majority among the steppist IEist thinktank that wants Europeans to come out on top and will do anything to get there. Just as they did with math and everything else documented in the twitter threads above.
So even decent Europeans who would not plagiarise in the colonial era, and those in our era who kept insisting that the stamboom model for PIE is not a given let alone that the rest follows, are never the ones who control Hindus' destiny. The demons do that. They've been and continue to be the architects of Hindus gradual eclipse and demise. Because they're the only ones who want the ends badly enough that they're fine with any means that will get them there.
Even when they admit anything, it is still for the reason of appropriation: e.g. Robin Bradley Kar, who wrote that paper Dhu found on how Western Law and Western Civilisation originated in the IVC, was still all about how this was magically "western" a.o.t. eastern.
(2) There's now further reinforcement for my pre-existing understanding on why Harvard and other IEists always supports islamania in India, even arguing in the early 2000s that AIT was also morally necessary because otherwise Hindus would genocide islamaniacs in India (but remain forever silent on the actual ongoing genocide of Hindus by christoislamaniacs).
The reason for steppist IEists' - not just christians but atheists too - major support of islamania against Hindus is even seen in some of the twitter links above: islamania literally ended all progress made by Hindu scholars in India, thus leaving the field open for the west to develop on the stuff they plagiarised from India with no more competition.
For the same reason, promoting christianity is another great help for them: besides murdering heathenism, it breeds a society of utter imbeciles (not just the speaking-in-tongue buffoons, but the whole self-loathing class was generated by christian mis-"education" in India, the smooth-talking imbeciles infesting media and most areas of life etc). This is also apparent in the twitter links above. Christianity creates 3rd worlds, as we know.
Remember Europe in the dark ages, which would never have got out of it without a brush with the heathen world.
And even if Hindus don't all fall for christianity, islam will bludgeon Hindus to death. So of course western IEists support their twin friends christianity and islamania to conquer India and overcome Hinduism, so that even if AIT is ever disproven, it won't matter: Indians being converts won't care to look into it in any serious fashion, and understand that the west stole their identity in broad daylight, just as they did Indian maths etc.
Just like christoislamics have a total apathy for the theft of maths and other achievements from Hindus for (Indo-)Europeanism/oryanism, they won't care about what AIT actually made them lose. (Like how Pathans were originally claiming to be purer "oryans" than Hindus from Bharatam because of having more steppe and closer to C Asia, all while not caring for the religion from which words like Arya were derived.) It's not christoislamics' heritage after all.
Non-Christian western IEists promote christoislam to supplant Hindu heathenism, so they can claim its accomplishments (or even Hindoo heathenism itself) is theirs without ever being opposed or denied again: so they become the sole inheritors.
Heathens would leave other heathens alone if they can't do them any good. Not try to steal their identity. But what can one expect from people who are forever christoconditoned: an exclusive breeding product of the unnatural people who converted and then genocided the true native Europeans, Europe's heathens. In their failure to restore their own heathenism they have to spitefully or invariably (whichever) destroy - either through subversion (IEism) or outright - other heathenisms. What a curse they are. Hilarious when they pretend to know heathenism better than heathens, as if IEist reconstruction ever made anyone a heathen. When the fact is that heathens have existed and known their Gods=heathenism intimately since long before IEism was invented. IEism's track record is also clear: Eurocentrist steppists prance about lecturing how their knowledge of linguistics and their Euro language provides a better understanding of the Vedam than Hindoos (then how come our very Vedic Gods know lay Hindoos but are unknown and unknowable to them alien demons?) let alone Hindoos whose job is the Vedam, and steppist wannabe heathens wax delusional about how their reconstructed balto-slavic-greek-indo-iranian made-up religion is more real and better realised by them than Hindoos know Hindoo heathenism=Gods. (Well, those people are never going to regain their region's heathenism, bahaha.) Such a black hole of interminable moronism is something for Hindoo heathens and their heathenism to look forward to under IIEism.
(3) Someone who has a similar opinion to me on this matter. To be fair, non-heathens born to heathen parents are no different in this from ex-christoislamics like Joe Agneya. Both often argue similarly, but the former has drifted off from heathenism and ought to at least know better, while the latter has come closer (having left christoislam) and so one is slightly more lenient as they may not know better on why this rankles.
Read between the lines. The fellow wants to secularise the heritage of the Hindus, because to him ââ¬Åall Indians are equal heirs of all Indiaââ¬Â. He employs some semantics to his favour by using the term ââ¬ËBharatiyaââ¬â¢.
Quote:Joseph T Noony
÷ Mar 17, 2020
My first & last identity is 'Bharatiya'. Religion, state & language do not come anywhere near my first allegiance. I can freely admire, judge & reject the history of any part of India with equal freedom. Because all Indians are equal heirs of all India. That is how it should be.
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7:07 AM ÷ Dec 17, 2020÷Twitter for iPhone
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Indian Hindu atheists do this regularly. Only difference is they use the word "Hindu" to claim all things Hindoo heathen, while Joe uses "Indian" while also being an atheist.
* All things Hindoo religious are exclusively Hindoos' and belong to the Hindoo Gods - no cultural appropriation or encroachment allowed. Temples, sacred temple properties, yoga and other religious and ritual practices, stotras & mantras, yatras, "arts" (=religious observances) including sacred Hindu dance and drama styles, our sacred drawing/painting/sculpting/depicting styles, carnatic and northern Hindu traditional songs, our sacred music system styles and instruments, our traditional clothing & item wear, our sacred and our traditional food items, sacred literature and treatises, etc, etc. All deeply religiously Hindoo. Not remotely secular nor all-Indian nor all-Dharmic. Not for sharing with unheathens and nonheathens. Cultural appropriation by non-Hindoos (i.e. non-Vedics) banned. (Attempts at) subversion banned.
* Similarly all religious/sacred things of other Dharmic religions like their temples, unique dress (Sikh turban) are theirs alone. No cultural appropriation by others, e.g. no christian appropriation of Sikh turban allowed - it's not a fashion item, but religious.
* All Dharmic wear for Dharmics alone. Cultural appropriation by non-Hindus/non-Dharmics banned.
* All shared Dharmic sacred spaces for Dharmics alone. Encroachment by non-Hindus/non-Dharmics banned.
* Hindoo health and scientific treatises. Not to be appropriated or subverted. Treatments may be applied to all to help them.
* Our Cows and all other animals are sacred (sarvaatman), also sacred sites, plants, water systems, mountains. Entire Bharatam. Must be respected by all calling themselves Indians. All should try to preserve the land and its wildlife and plant forms. Unless treated well, they become forfeit to any maltreaters.
* Our Hindoo festivals are ours and sacred. No interference allowed.
* All contributions by Hindoos for betterment of world - and marked as such - can be used by any after obtaining permission (except if at war, civil or external, then off limits for enemies: Hindoos need to stop being a charity store to enemies). Achievements are still feather in Hindoo heathens' cap onlee. (E.g. famous historical Hindoo mathematicians were heathens who loved their Gods and are therefore direct kin of all Hindoos attached to the Hindoo=Vedic Gods.) Must not allow everyone to always run off with heathen achievements, and often Hindoo persons' heathenism even gets obscured by secular/christoslamicommunist history-writing like wackypedia [which is OFS/Soros controlled]. So non-Hindoos not allowed to mask Hindoo heathens' heathen identity and accomplishment(s) under secular titles like "Indian".