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The Hindutva Intellectual Tradition
I have opened this thread to discuss trends in the post-nineteenth century Hindu intellectual tradition.

1. Since the Hindu intellectual tradition is 'experiential' and inherently different from (monotheist-derived) ideologies, does it even make sense to speak of an Hindu intellectual tradition? Are the so-called western standards and stupendously elaborate theories truly bankrupt (as many suspect that they are), and thus it is a fools errand to expect Hindu output along the same lines?

2. Do Indian anti-colonial social analysis (eg RM, Balagangadhara), anti-colonial geopolitical analysis (Sandhya Jain), and Indian sociopolitical analysis (Kanchan Gupta, Arun Shourie) have the potential to morph into full-blown counterparts and alternatives to the hallowed western pretenders? Do the nouveau Indian historical analyses have such potential or is it merely enough to demolish the Thapars and Witzels?

3. Why are the seculars pressing the point of the supposed intellectual bankruptcy of Hindutva? Is it merely an abusive tactic?

4. Is heathenism a valid resurgence plank among the formerly colonized?

5. Have certain Hindutva intellectual traditions been appropriated and thus silenced as evidences of positive Hindutva creativity for the youth?

6. Are the Indian youth intellectually restless and looking for an intellectual outlet? Is this the reason for constant media, secular, and western demonization of hindutva intellectual output?

Please post more questions and answers.....

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