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Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 6
Especially the bits highlighted in blue and red in the 2nd half of the pasted article, which are about how Constantine's Laws instituted the diplomatic immunity that the criminal christian clergy (and "education") enjoys to this day even in court. Interesting court system in America...


Quote:Never ending sexual crimes of Christians clergies and teachers on children!

16/02/2010 15:43:13

Written by

[color="#0000FF"]Hans Atrott (from Klaipéda, Lithuania), author of „Jesus‘ Bluff – The Universal Scandal of the World“[/color] ( PublishAmerica,Baltimore, MD, USA, 2009, 583 p) info@yeshu.net

· [color="#FF0000"]Crimes of Abuse on children[/color] already reported from Christian “Apostles”, i.e., [color="#FF0000"]is as „old“ as Christianity is[/color]

· Pope’s Declaration of wanting to prevent Abuses of (Christian) children is just a Fuss of Perfidy–

· [color="#FF0000"]SRICTLY BAN Christian clergies and teachers from children’s education – the risk of sexual crimes on them is likely[/color]


At present, Catholic Irish bishops are gathering with the pope in the Vatican on account of an Irish report proving that in Christian-Irish orphanages sexual abuse and rape of children by Christian clergies was the rule, in fact, for decades if not centuries. A victim called that what he had to suffer in Nazi camps during WW II “a tea party” compared to the “love” he had to endure by Christian clergies.[ i]

At the same time, in Germany Catholic schools admit the same crimes on hundreds of children entrusted to them for education. We know that already in the U.S.A., Catholic sect paid hundreds of millions of US-Dollars in order to free itself from becoming prosecuted by the law enforcement authorities. Indictments on Christian clergies because of sexual abuses are also reported from Australia and France. From other Christianly conditioned countries, there are no such reports because the Christian clergies (argot: „good shepherds“) do not commit those crimes but because Christian sect can provide impunity to itself as it could do so in Australia, North America, Ireland, France or Germany, in former times. Where there is Christianity, crimes of sexual abuse are the rule and the absence of such crimes an exception…

Sexual misdemeanor and crimes are as „old“ as Christianity is. Already, Christian Eucharist of very early Christians was known as sexual scandals so that several Christian councils even forbade it.[ii]- There are early Christian – not Pagan or anti-Christian – scriptures like, for example, „The Acts of Peter“ relating that the little daughter of a gardener became entrusted to religious lessons to Simon Peter. Suddenly, she was found as a corpse. The „St.“ Murderer afterward praises her death, e.g. by alleging what seductions (of Satan) the girl now becomes spared by being dead...[iii] Christian criminals and murderers not only as “benefactors” but even as “saints” …! The Christian „saint“ (Simon Peter) also murdered because of greediness. According to Ac 5:1-10 a couple (Hananias and Saphira) Peter murdered since they did not deliver all their properties to (greedy) Christian sect. Sexual misdemeanor even is reported from Jesus „Christ“. In the second century, a sexual licentious Christian sect („The Carpocratians“) in Egypt referred its sexual wantonness to the original gospels of Mark in which Jesus was reported having spent a night as „naked man with naked man“. Clement of Alexandria (150-215) contests this information but advises his fellow Christian even to perjure that „The secret Gospel of Mark“ was written by the „apostle“ Mark…[iv] He did not do so by dicing… In 1945 a lot of suppressed early Christian scriptures were detected in Nag Hammadi (Egypt). Christian sect tries diverting attention from these debunking scriptures by fervently „discussing“ the scrolls of Quran. The latter have nothing to do with Christianity (but with Judaism). Among the redetected Nag Hammadi scriptures, there is one reporting how the left eleven disciples visited her boss lonely hiding on an Isle presumably in the Mediterranean Sea as pearl seller while he was lied having ascended into heaven “to god’s right”... Even there, he did not do it without a young boy.[v]

The Christian „martyrs of the truths“ have been sexual criminals since ever, from the outset, i.e. even the founders of this sect are sexual criminals. [color="#0000FF"]Early Christians rightly were regarded as a dangerous species of criminals until Christian emperor bestowed impunity to them. In addition he handed over social buisiness to Christian sect. Hereby, Constantine deliberately wanted felons to appear as "upholders of moral standards" or the evildoers as “benefactors” to "the poor in spirit" (Mt 5:13). Today, it is a milestone regarding efficiency of Christian conditioning of humans. In many Christianly conditioned countries at least regarding sexual criminality, the slaves (argot: „sheep“) do not accept impunity for their slaveholders (argot: „Good Shepherds“). At least partly, Christianly conditioned countries do not accept impunity for Christian clergies and teachers, whereas other parts still are doing. The latter are the countries, e.g. in Southern Europe, Latin America or Africa, that do not report those Christians’ crimes. When Christian emperor Constantine in 305 made Christianity the only allowed religion in ancient Rome, he successfully turned the Christian clergies‘ reputation from felons to „martyrs of the truths“ and „preachers of love“ by bestowing impunity to them and punishment of "blasmphemy" to those who did not cringe before those furtive criminals....[vi] Constantine forbade the courts to rule against the statement of a Christian clergy.[vii] This impunity for Christian criminals worked for millennia and even in those countries like, for example, in the U.S.A. of the 20th century. The U.S.A. is used to praising itself as a role model for democracy. For instance, in the 1960ties there was a murder on several colored people in Birmingham (Alabama, U.S.A.). Among the murderers, there was a Christian clergy. The murderers became acquitted because the members of the jury took the view that a Christian priest cannot become condemned of murder, even if he commits a murder (in recent years the case became reopen and the clergy – now more than eighty years of age – became a life sentence…). Those who have fallen for this sophisticated Christian sham are surprised of that what they hear today, e.g. the immense sexual crimes of Christian clergies and teachers.[/color]

[color="#800080"](The faithful christian emperor Constantine's laws still apply. So many of his laws still apply.)[/color]

This sort of impunity even is refused in Ireland, today. For Christian sect, it is a completely new situation. The pope affirmations to impede those crimes in future are ridiculous and the usual fuss of perfidy that shall make "the poor in spirit" (Mt 5:3) to trust in their evildoers... [color="#FF0000"]As long as there will be Christianity, there will be crimes, especially, sexual ones.[/color] [color="#0000FF"]Only impunity can render the impression of „martyrs for the truths“ and “benefactors” to Christian clergies…[/color] [color="#FF0000"]In a sense, the Christian sect still enjoys impunity[/color]. If they could accuse their rivals, e.g. the Muslims, Hindu, Scientology Church or Freethinkers etc. of such crimes, they (the Christian “good shepherds”) are used to perpetrating, they certainly would not only demand that those rivals are to ban from children’s education and the social buisiness but also become forbidden as organized crime… Although the pope on March 12, 2000, admitted crimes outdoing all other organized crimes together, the Christians, nevertheless, are presume to prohibit Scientology Church and Asian religions in France and Germany. By the way, if the French fairly would apply their new law on religions, the first sect that is to prohibit would be Christianity… [color="#0000FF"]Protect our children from sexual abuse first means to ban Christian educational and social facilities…[/color] [color="#FF0000"]The sexual abuse is perpetrated too often as one can call it a (single) vitiation of Christianity.[/color] On the other hand, the Germans even punish John Bull if he inadvertently stumbles upon a web page showing child pornography. However, nothing happens to the Christian criminals abusing children, really and not only virtually. Punishment becomes replaced by words of hypocrisy and perfidy that the criminals never will do it, again -- what they always are used to feigning... [color="#0000FF"]Criminals are also those who allow, provide and finance "fresh flesh", i.e. children, for the Christian sexual abusers, although knowing the risk. It is a matter of course, that the Christians – very deft at perfidy -- will affirm that they never will do again what they committed and are going to perpetrate… It’s always the same old story.[/color] Detailed information how Christian (sexual and other sorts of) criminals became “upholders of moral standards” in the book of Hans Atrott “Jesus Bluff – The UniversalScandal of the World”.[viii]


[ i] See: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment...381318.ece

[ii] G. W. Foote AND J. M. Wheeler say: “Even in the time of Paul the celebration of the Eucharist was the occasion of some scandal.” “Trials took place before competent tribunals, and the Christians were punished. When we know that the Agape were prohibited by several councils because of the scandals to which they gave rise, it is difficult to exonerate the early Christians from these grave charges. “ Ibidem

[iii] THE ACTS OF PETER, From "The Apocryphal New Testament", M.R. James, Translation and Notes Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1924, Chapter II. On: http://wesley.nnu.edu/biblical_studies/n...ctpete.htm, see also: www.bare-jesus.net/e4032.htm

[iv] See: The Secret Gospel of Mark, ed. by THE GNOSTIC SOCIETY LIBRARY, Gnostic Scriptures and Fragments, on: http://web.archive.org/web/2000120900370...y/secm.htm, last call:10/02/2008

[v] Ed. THE GNOSTIC SOCIETY LIBRARY, The Nag Hammadi Library, The Acts of Peter and the Twelve Apostle, Translated by Douglas M. Parrott and R. McL.Wilson, on: http://web.archive.org/web/2000120900370.../actp.html

[color="#0000FF"][vi] G. W. Foote AND J. M. Wheeler say: “He (Constantine) gave to the bishops the privilege of being tried by their peers, and their episcopal brethren were their judges even when they were charged with a capital crime. He originated the notion that clerical impunity was better than a public scandal, and declared that if he surprised a bishop in the act of adultery, he would cast his imperial mantle over the holy sinner. Montesquieu alleges that Constantine even ordained that, in the legal courts, the single testimony of a bishop should suffice, without hearing other witnesses.” Crimes of Christianity, vol. 1, chapter: 1,London, Progressive Publishing Company, 1887, electronically published on: http://www.ftarchives.net/foote/crimes/c1.htm -

[/color][color="#800080"](The bold bit is confirmed by Joseph Wheless who quotes from the Laws of Constantine. See below.)[/color]

[vii] See: Ibidem

[viii] H. Atrott, Jesus’ Bluff – The Universal Scandal of the World (M. Magnes)”, on: www.publishamerica.net/product 87475.html
Exactly. Keep kids away from christianism (=terrorism) and christians.

Confirmation for Montesquieu's statement from Foote & Wheeler that "Montesquieu alleges that Constantine even ordained that, in the legal courts, the single testimony of a bishop should suffice, without hearing other witnesses" comes from another source that quotes directly from orders issued by Constantine:


Quote:From Forgery in Christianity, by Joseph Wheless:


Laws of Constantine


Quote:[Besides the] laws for the redress of injuries done to Christians; such as release of prisoners and those in servitude, and the restoration of property

- "The Church is the heir of those who leave no kindred; and free gifts to it are confirmed";

- "Those who have purchased property belonging to the Church or received it as a gift, are to restore it." (Eusebius, Vita Constantine, N&PNF. Bk. II, chs. xxiv-xliii.)

- "Granting Money to the Churches." (Ib. Bk, x, ch. vi.)

- "Catholic Clergy exempt from Certain Civic Duties." (Code Theod. xvi, 2, 1; 313.)

- "The Catholic Church freed from Tribute." (Id. xi, 1, 1; 815.) "Clergymen freed from Financial Burdens." (Id. xvi, 2, 2; 319.) "The Church allowed to Receive Bequests." (Id. xvi, 2, 4; 321.)

[color="#0000FF"]- "Bishop's Powers as Judges and Witnesses": "Whatever may be settled by a sentence of bishops shall ever be held as sacred and venerable ... All testimony given, even by a single bishop, shall be accepted without hesitation, by every judge, neither shall the testimony of any other witness be heard, when the testimony of a bishop is brought forward by either party"! (Const. Sirm. i; 333.)[/color]

- "The Day of the Sun a Time of Rest." "All judges, and city folk and all craftsmen shall rest on the venerated day of the Sun." (Cod. Just. iii, 12, 2; 321.)

[color="#800080"](Already creeping up on Sol Invictus' day to convert it to non-existent jeebus' day, as would happen not long after.)[/color]

Why do Hindus put up with christianism: why are Hindus such push-overs when it comes to exposing christianism? (Although I will admit that Hindus and other Dharmics are better than other Indians when it comes to the sham.)

As far as I can tell, only Hellenes and the Lithuanian of the above article are still willing to openly expose christianism, completely, whole-heartedly, with no mistaken notions of sparing it ("poor christianism"). The Hellenes especially continue to do an amazing job even today.

There appears to be no fight in Hindus. And when there is, it's not the right kind of fight. And then it's not the right sort of reasoning. Not the right points of criticism, not the right arguments.

Hindus need not re-invent the wheel. Others have done all the work before us, and have never been gainsaid - only silenced in the fires, where their books, their words, were burned, though some survived in excerpts against christianism's will.

Need just repeat them.

People more knowledgeable said what needed to be said. Ought to grab the pieces that remain, fill in the blanks with the obvious and Repeat. The arguments will never be more accurate, more authentic, more effective - more heathen. They say what Hindu voices ought to have said of their own accord - but which Hindus today are too christo-conditioned to be able to come upon, let alone say.

I so wish Hindus would stop playing cowards, stop silencing themselves and each other.

That the pseculars are irrecoverable cowards everyone knows (secularism is invisible christianism; it is mental dhimmitude=mental submission/succumbing to christianism). And I expect nothing of "Indians" or the "nationalism is the new national religion - unity at all costs" types. Nor of the kind that selectively blames "white christians" and "white christianism" (the who and the what? <img src='http://www.india-forum.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/blink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':blink:' />) - they could not be more wrong.

All the original heathen voices that denied christianism were what the obviously christoconditioned (and they alone) would call "white". *Actually*, they're ancient GrecoRomans - called *Hellenes*. And no better voices have been heard against christianism. And no better minds have arrayed themselves against it. And this too is not because of them coincidentally being brandable as "white" today. It is because of their being consciously, unapologetically, fully, unsubvertedly heathen. Unconverted; not the least bit of their minds conquered by and into christianism even subconsciously.

Have no expectations of others. But Hindus, Dharmics... why the cowardice? Why the succumbing to secularism=protectionism of christianism? Why accuse all that is peripheral, all except christianism - the core itself? Why do they silence themselves.

One day Hindus may have no right to say it - just as how one day the GrecoRomans ceased to have the right to say it. Because Night Falls Fast.

So ought to say it while they can. The freedom to expose it exists only while Dharmic India is unconverted (once Constantine is done transforming the nation, there is no going back).

Christ=christianism is a genocidal lie. Jesus christ never existed. Christianism is terrorism.

Or, as the professional said so much better, even in translation to English -

Emperor Julian opens his Contra Galilaeos (Against the Jeebus-peddlers) with (repeat):

Quote:"It is, I think, expedient to set forth to all mankind the reasons by which I was convinced that the fabrication of the Galilaeans [color="#800080"](=Julian's term for christians)[/color] is a fiction of men composed by wickedness."
And later in the same text he writes:

Quote:"But if you can show me that one of these men [Jesus, Paul, etc.] is mentioned by the well known writers of that time, -these events happened in the reign of Tiberius or Claudius-, then you may consider that I speak falsely about all matters."
Somethings are worth parroting.

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