<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Affidavit of Sadhvi Pragyan Singh Thakur</b>
C.R. NO. I - 130/08
(RE-NUMBERED AS C.R. No. 1 - 18/08 at ATS)
State of Maharashtra: Complainant
Thru' ATS
Sadhwi Pragyan Singh Thakur & Ors: Accused
I, Sadhwi Pragyan Chandrapal Singh Thakur, Age 38 years, Occupation - Nil,
residing at 7, Ganga Sagar Apartment, Katodara Road, Surat, Gujarat State do
hereby state on solemn affirmation as under:
1. I say that I am a resident of Madhya Pradesh. My parents live in Surat,
Gujarat where they shifted residence a couple of years ago. I say that for
some years now, I found myself becoming increasingly detached from the
material world and correspondingly found tremendous comfort and solace in
Spiritualism. Accordingly I decided to renounce the material world and
become a Sanyasin. On 30.1.2007, after performing the appropriate Hindu
Religious rites and prayers I became a Sadhwi. I say that ever since then, I
have been residing in a ashram at Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh. My life at the
Ashram almost exclusively consisted of prayers, meditation, yoga and the
reading of spiritual texts. At the ashram I did not watch TV channels and
had practically no access to newspapers.
2. I say that apart from my activities at the ashram, I travelled chiefly
around North India for the purpose of religious discourses and sermons. In
connection with these latter activities, between 23.9.2008 and 4.10.2008, I
was in Indore where I stayed at the residence of one Annaji who is my
disciple. In the evening of 4th October, 2008, I returned to my ashram in
3. I say that on 7.10.2008, when I was at Jabalpur Ashram, I received a call
from a police officer from the ATS, Maharashtra, called Mr Sawant, who
wanted to know about my LML Freedom vehicle. However, I told him I had sold
it long back and not concerned with it. However, he insisted me to come down
to Surat as he wanted to question me at length about it. I was reluctant to
go to Surat by leaving the Ashram and insisted for him to come down to
Jabalpur, but he refused and told me to come down to Surat as early as
4. I further say that accordingly I travelled to Surat by train via Ujjain
and arrived at Surat on 10.10.2008 early in the morning and my disciple Shri
Bhimbhai Pasricha had to receive me at Railway Station and I went to his
place at Atop Nagar.
5. I say that here at about 10 AM, I met officer Mr Sawant who had
apparently travelled to Surat to trace the ownership of a LML Freedom two
wheeler and I questioned him as to what had happened to my vehicle and why
you are asking about it. I say that I it was at this point time, Mr Sawant
told me that my vehicle had been allegedly planted with the explosives and
subsequently detonated in Malegaon in the last week of September. I also say
that it was here for the first time, I came to know that my old vehicle had
been allegedly used in Malegaon blast, which was completely shocking to me.
I confirmed to Mr Sawant that the LML Freedom 2 wheeler of the colour and
number, he mentioned had once belonged to me.
6. I say that in Surat during the course of my interrogation with Mr Sawant,
I mentioned to him that the LML Freedom two wheeler once owned by me was
subsequently sold to one Sunil Joshi of Madhya Pradesh way back in October,
2004 and that Mr Joshi had paid me Rs 24,000/- for the same. I had also
signed the necessary TT Form for RTO transfer in October, 2004 itself. I
categorically asserted to Mr Sawant that since October, 2004 I had no
control over the vehicle or its movements and usage.
7. I further say that in spite of my answers, Mr. Sawant repeatedly asked me
how the vehicle reached Malegaon and how it came to be involved in the bomb
blast on 29.9.2008. I repeatedly replied that I could not answer his
questions as I had no control of the vehicle since October, 2004.
8. I also say that Mr Sawant however informed me that he did not believe me
and that I would have to accompany him and his ATS team to Mumbai for
further interrogation and he assured me that after such interrogation I
would be free to go back to my ashram.
9. It is significant to mention that I was not formally arrested on
10.10.2008. Even though no formal summons to attend as a Witness was served
upon me to make my self available for interrogation in Mumbai, and even
though I was within my rights to insist that I be interrogated at the place
where I reside ie Jabalpur, trusting Mr Sawant and having nothing to hide, I
agreed to accompany the ATS team to Mumbai. I say Mr Sawant told me take my
father along with me. However, due to his old age, I told him it was not
proper take down him to Mumbai and suggested that my disciple, one Mr
Bhimbhai Pasricha, in whose very residence my questioning was being done by
the ATS. I further say that at 5.15 PM myself, Mr Pasricha and the ATS
officer left Surat and reached Bombay on the very night of 10.10.2008. In
Bombay I was taken straight away to the ATS office at Kalachowkie.
10. Thereafter for two days I was detained and interrogated by the ATS team
in Mumbai. The questions were repetitive and directed at somehow involving
me in the bomb blast in Malegaon on 29.9.2008. My answers remained constant
11. I further say that on 12.10.2008 the ATS changed the mode of
interrogation and became extremely aggressive with me. At first they asked
my said disciple Mr Bhimbhai Pasricha to beat me with sticks, belts etc, on
my palms, forehands, soles, etc. When Mr Pasricha refused to do so, he was
severely beaten by the ATS. Ultimately with the greatest reluctance, he
complied with the ATS orders but obviously being my disciple, he exerted the
very minimum of force on me. He was then pushed aside by a member of the ATS
squad knows as Khanwilkar, who then himself commenced beating me severely
with a belt on my hands, forearms, palms, feet, soles, causing me bruises,
swelling and contusions in these areas.
12. I say that from the 13th onwards, I say that I was beaten during the
day, night and midnight. On two occasions I was even woken up in the early
hours of the morning at 4 am and questioned about my knowledge of the
blasts. On these occasions, I was beaten by a senior officer having a
moustache, whom I can identify. In addition I was subject to vulgar abuse
and obscene language by members of the ATS team interrogating me. My Guru
was abused and my chastity was questioned. I was physically and verbally
traumatised to the extent that I wanted to commit suicide.
13. I further say that on 14th taken out for the examination at a far away
place from ATS and was brought back in the afternoon and that I day I had no
meeting or even knowledge about Mr Pasricha.
14. I say that on 15th October, after noon, both myself and Mr Pasricha were
taken by ATS vehicles to Hotel Rajdoot in Nagpada locality of Mumbai and
were kept in Room Nos. 315 and 314 respectively and we were made to sign the
Hotel Entry register, however, we did not pay or deposit any money with the
hotel manager, which was done by the ATS.
15. I say that after putting into this hotel I was asked to make phone calls
from mobile No. 94066 00004 and from one more mobile instrument not
belonging to me to speak couple of persons including one of my female
disciple and I was asked to say that I was in a hotel in Mumbai and hale &
hearty and was doing fine. I say that at that time, I did not know why I was
made to say so. I would reveal the name of my female disciple at an
appropriate time.
16. I say that as a result of the custodial violence/torture, mental stress,
anxiety that were developed in the process, I was subjected to, I developed
acute abdominal and kidney pains. I lost my appetite, became nauseous and
giddy and prone to having bouts of unconsciousness. In view of this, within
few hours after putting in Rajdoot Hospital, I was removed from the ATS
office and was taken a hospital which learnt it to be Shusrusha Hospital
wherein I was kept in ICU. I say that within half an hour Mr Bhimbhai
Pasricha came down to Shushrusha Hospital with some ATS men and my Hospital
admission forms, and other medical examination forms, etc were signed by
him. I say that Mr Khanwilkar deposited money to the hospital management for
me, which I learnt from Mr Bhimbhai. I say that after some time Mr Pasricha
left the Hospital along with the ATS men and thereafter I have no contact
with of any nature.
17. I say that I underwent a treatment over here for 3 to 4 days. I say that
as my condition did not improve, I was taken to another hospital whose name
I cannot recall. This hospital consisted of a high rise building where I was
treated for 2 to 3 days. I say that no female police constable was by my
side either in Hotel Rajdoot or in either of the two hospitals.
18. I say that both at the hotel and the hospitals, I was carried on a
stretcher and my face was always covered with a black hood to avoid my face
from being seen. From the second hospital, I was brought back to the ATS
office at Kalachowkie.
19. I say that I was finally arrested on 23.10.2008 and produced before the
Chief Judicial Magistrate, Nasik on 24.1.2008. I was remanded to police
custody on that date till 3.11.2008. Up to the 24.10.2008 and even sometime
thereafter, I was denied access to a Lawyer or any member of my family. A
polygraph test was conducted on me while I was in illegal detention prior to
23.10.2008. Thereafter a second polygraph test was conducted on 01.11.2008.
On 04.11.2008, after I was remanded to Judicial custody on being presented
before Nasik court on 03.11.2008, I also say that a Narco analysis test was
also conducted on me.
20. I say that both the lie detector test as well as the Narco analysis test
were conducted with out my consent. Never the less all these investigative
tests have only established my innocence in the Malegaon bomb blast that
took place on 29.9.2008. I finally was allowed to meet my sister Mrs
Parthibha Bhagwan Jha on the evening of 02.11.2008, who had brought
vakalatnamas of Advocate Ganesh Sovani who was engaged by my sister and her
husband Mr Bhagwan Jha and had met him couple times in that week. This
meeting was not conducted in private since members of the ATS stood within
hearing distance of my sister and myself. I met my Advocate Ganesh Sovani
for the first time in the court room of this Hon'ble Court very briefly for
4 to 5 minutes prior to the arguments commencing on my remand application on
21. I say that this period of 4 to 5 minutes was too short for me to give
complete instructions as to what had transpired from 10th October onwards,
about my vehicle, my stay at Kalachowkie, my illegal detention, the
ill-treatment mitigated to me by ATS men, the beating job that was forced on
my disciple to beat me, but which he carried out reluctantly, without any
force, etc. I say that for this reasons, all the details had not reflected
in the hand written application that was placed on record by my advocate Mr
Sovani, for paucity of time to give all these instructions.
22. I say that on the evening of Wednesday 12.11.2008, I was allowed to meet
my Advocate Ganesh Sovani for about 5-6 minutes again in the presence of
female staff of Byculla jail. I say that again on 13.11.2008 I was allowed
to talk to my said lawyer for 8-10 minutes to give him some more details.
Thereafter, on Friday 14.11.2008 evening at about 04.30 PM, I was given
nearly 20 minutes to talk to my said lawyer at length, and it was during
this period I could narrate my entire ordeal with the ATS which is
reproduced hereinabove.
23. I unambiguously state that I am totally innocent of any offence
whatsoever. In particular I have no connection with the Malegaon bomb blast
of 29.9.2008. While my former ownership of LML Freedom 2 wheeler, which was
allegedly used in the Malegaon bomb blast entitled the ATS to interrogate
me, that agency was not entitled to subject me to the treatment mentioned
hereinabove. Their conduct discloses a blatant violation of statutory
provisions of law, custodial abuse and violence, mental and physical torture
and prolonged illegal detention. The ATS are fully aware that I am innocent.
It appears however that they have a mandate from their political superiors
to necessarily implicate me with Malegaon blasts with a view to suggest that
Hindu Religious extremists were resorting to terrorism. The prolonged
illegal detention, custodial abuse and physical torture were designed to
compel me to confess to crimes I had not committed. This attempt of false
implication persisted for the entire period between 10.10.2008 and
02.11.2008 . During this entire period I was deliberately isolated from my
family and denied access to Lawyers. I say that no arrest panchanama was
done after my arrest on 23.10.2008 and I was never asked about the names,
addresses and telephone / mobile Nos. details to whom I would like to convey
my arrest. I say that attention from my illegal detention was sought to be
diverted by the ATS by daily leaking information regarding my involvement
which was manifestly false and only indicated the malafide nature of the
24. I say that While I was thus painted as a sinister mastermind of the
Malegaon blasts, a role which has now been subtly reassigned by the ATS to
Lt Col Purohit - crippled and vulnerable as I was by the detention, abuse
and torture, I could not protest my innocence. Nor was I allowed access to
family, friends and Lawyers who could have done so.
25. I say that it is necessary that a detailed enquiry of my illegal
detention, custodial torture, etc needs to be done and for which I am ready
and willing to get subjected to any such medical test or tests and I also
want the ATS officers, who interrogated me, tortured me, etc should also be
put to the same tests.
26. I say that the ATS has caused blatant violations of my human rights and
I should get a justice and they need to be adequately dealt with as per the
provisions of law.
27. In the circumstances I now pray for the following relief:
a) that the ATS be directed to submit an explanation for my detention
without authority of law between 10.10.2008 and 23.10.2008;
b). that enquiry/investigati on be conducted into my accusation made
hereinabove on oath, regarding custodial torture/violence and mental and
psychological abuse;
c). that such investigation as referred to in (b) above, include a polygraph
test, as well as Narco analysis on me to determine the veracity of my
d). that such investigation to include a polygraph test and narco analysis
on officers of the ATS named by me, and also of those officers whose names,
I do not know, but I can identify, for they subjecting me to mental and
physical abuse during custody as well as others to be identified by me;
e) that a report be called for from the ATS for the reasons of my admission
in two hospitals ( Shusrusha an another) and the medical treatment undergone
by me at the said two hospitals;
f) The ATS be directed to disclose the reasons for my stay at Hotel Rajdoot
at Mumbai.;
g) For such further and other reliefs as may be fit and proper in the facts
and circumstances of the case.
Filed in court on 17.11.2008
<b>Reply to Pragya torture charges, court tells ATS</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->A day after it denied the Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) the custody of three key accused in the Malegaon blast case, the special MCOCA court directed the state to file its say on the allegations of physical and mental torture made against the ATS by Sadhvi Pragya, Lt Col Prasad Purohit and other accused in the case.
Though the MCOCA court has not set a deadline for the Prosecution to file its reply, Tuesdayâs development is rather significant, considering that the MCOCA court had on Monday denied ATS the custody of the three key accused Sadhvi Pragya, Lt Col Purohit and Ajay Rahirkar in the face of allegations that the investigating agency was not only torturing the accused but was also using third degree methods to extract confessional statements from the latter (the accused).
In a related development, Additional Sessions Judge YD Shinde also referred the application filed by Sadhvi Pragyaâs counsel Ganesh Sovani requesting the court for necessary steps to take care of his clientâs health, to the Chief Medical Officer at the Byaculla Central Jail in south Mumbai, where Sadhvi is currently lodged.
âIn my application, I have asked for a thorough medical check-up of my client in view of the fact that she has lost considerable weight while she was in ATSâ[ custody and that of late she has been on a liquid diet. I have also requested the court to provide her necessary medicines. If necessary, I have also asked the court to direct the prison authorities to move my client to a Government hospital,â Sovani told The Pioneer here in the evening.
The courtâs directive to the State to file its say should be viewed in the light of serious allegations of custodial harassment and torture made by accused Sadhvi Pragya, Lt Col Purohit and Ramesh Upadhyay against the ATS interrogators.
Indian Government is joke, if any shame left fire these sick Babus.
<b>NHRC seeks Sadhvi report, ATS chief gets death threat</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Meanwhile, the NHRC has sought a report from the Maharashtra government on alleged custodial torture of Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur, who was arrested in connection with Malegaon blast.
The Commission sent notice to Maharashtra Chief Secretary Johny Joseph and <b>Director General of Police A N Roy</b> on Monday following a complaint about the alleged violation of human rights during the ATS custody of the accused and directed them to submit a factual report on it.
The Commission asked the officials to submit the report within two weeks, NHRC sources said.
Now it is clear why ATS is behaving like jerks, well Roy is involved. Now get Justice Banerjee to close deal and Chatterji to scream in Parliament.
NHRC took months to show up its face, had it muslim or Christian they must be doing tap dancing by now.
11-26-2008, 02:26 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-26-2008, 08:16 PM by Husky.)
All from http://vivekajyoti.blogspot.com/2008_11_01_archive.html
1. Radha Rajan and Sandhya Jain
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>The Indian Constitution, due process and Human Rights is only for Christians and Muslims in this country</b>
from: Radha Rajan
date: Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 1:34 AM
subject: <b>Army on the warpath</b>
Shabnam Hashmi, Shabana Azmi, Harsh Mander, Sandeep Pandey, Arundhati Roy, Praful Bidwai, Kuldeep Nayyar and co. who HAVE NOT spoken for Sadhvi Pragya and Lt. Col. Purohit which just goes to prove that the indian constitution, due process and human rights is only for christians and muslims in this country.
Forget them, their activism is bread, butter, jam and caviar activism and depends on how much jam and how much caviar. But what abt the NHRC and the National commission for women? where are these blighted organizations? I have known several instances when these two organizations ahve jumped feet first holding their nose into an issue concerning minorities suo motu.
Raped nuns get full media publicity to describe in graphic detail how they were raped but a Hindu sadhvi is fair game.
Permit me to puke. And next time don't ask stupid questions about Hindu rage. At least the army is on the warpath. If htere is any one of you who knows any sefving or retired army man pl pass on the message that Lt. Gen. Niranjan Malik is approaching the moribund-for-hindus NHRC.
-- RR
* * *
Gen Malik sent me a complaint he has already lodged. I think we can get some retd Army officers also into the proposed march to Human Rights Commission this Friday, or even a few days later, if that makes better logistics.
Let's let them know what we think of their role in ignoring Human Rights violations against nationalist Hindus.
Sandhya Jain<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->When our army starts fighting for Hindus (=Bharatam) instead of for psecularism (=christocolonial oppressors), people may stand a better chance.
Anyway, with or without them.
2. <!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Why the UPA is wallowing in muck and throwing it at Hindus.
This government has to go. It has too many dangerous elements behind the scene wreaking havoc.
<b>ATS -- There is method in their madness.</b>
There is indeed method in this insanity but if all Hindu organizations remain firm, don't relent, dont give in, and don't maintain silence, this plot will collapse. This government has to go. It has too many dangerous elements behind the scene wreaking havoc. They don't care for the character of this nation is destroyed, if an alien culture is superimpsed on this Hindu Bhumi. We are fighting for the survival of this Bhumi. Someone told me this evening that this is a war no side can win. I disagree. Hidnu nationalists must win this war for the sake of this Hindu Bhumi and we must begin by formulating jaw-dropping answers to all their dirty shots.
-- RR
* * *
from: Radha Rajan
date: Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 1:47 PM
subject: ATS - There is method in their madness.
<b>Let's take this step by step so that there are no doubts at all about why the UPA is wallowing in muck and throwing it at Hindus.</b>
First the ATS arrested Sadhvi Pragya because like the dumb woman that she is, she used her own motorbike to plant RDX. The arch plotter who master-minded the malegaon blasts doesnt have the brains to steal a bike - ideally the bike of a Muslim if she wanted the ATS to think jihadis did it.
Next the ATS went panting after Sameer Kulkarni - where is Sameer now?
Then the ATS saw another cat, and losing interest in the cat they had been chasing then, they race after Major Upadhyay. Where is Major Upadhyay now?
Then there was someone called Raicker. No more raicker now just as there is no more Kulkarni or Upadhyay.
Then the ATS started after <b>Mahant Avaidyanath</b> but this was no domestic cat, it was a big cat and when it bared its teeth and challenged the ATS to come get him, the ATS decided that discretion was the better part of valour and went racing after little known multi-faceted Dayananda Pande.
Now the ATS is not an independent artist performing at will. Its strings are pulled elsewhere and I have a nasty suspicion about who is pulling the strings - dont look for the usual suspects. This one keeps very very low profile, crawls out of his hole selectively, but is a known strategist. And that is why I think the idea behind the ATS wild-cat chase is very very diabolic and well strategised.
Now who and what is the ATS targeting? Abhinav Bharat (associated with Savarkar), the sadhu samaj <b>(the UPA tasted blood with the Kanchi acharya let's not forget),</b> mahant Avaidyanath who is associated with the Ramjanmabhumi issue, with A unknown sanyasi named Dayanand Pande who may have known the members of the Amarnath sangharsh samiti and the armed forces.
<b>The man who is pulling the strings of the ATS is himself being pulled either by his fears or his greed. I suspect the latter.</b>
<b>If there is one thing the world is afraid of it is Hindu nationalism which alone can deal effectively with jihad and the evangelising church.</b> And that is why there is this feverish return to gandhi, gandhigiri. And that is why repeatedly the TV channels in their panel discussions is throwing Gods and savarkar at Hindu panelists. The devilish startegist ahs succeeded so far because not one of the panelists has confronted Godse and Savarkar full-tosses head-on.
<b>The idea is to frighten/repulse ordinary Hindus away from Hindu nationalism. But while the TV channels will throw Savarkar and Godse at us they will not throw Aurobindo and Tilak at us. Think about it all of you. Tilak, Aurobondo, Savarkar - they all thought alike, almost identically.</b>
(Except on the matter of Ze Oryans, I think. I mean, wasn't it Tilak who had some book on "Oryans from the Arctic" or wherever - No, they're from Middle-Earths's own star-shaped isle <i>Numenor</i> *dammit* - while Aurobindo naturally asked "Oryans Who?")
Then the string-puller wreaked vengeance on persons associated with important Hindu issues and institutions which had slighted the UPA govt.
<b>Ramjanmabhumi - Mahant Avaidyanath, dangs district of Gujarat which was in the news for successfully challenging the obscene, evangelising church -- Swami Aseemanand (remember Swami asaram Bapu who was harrassed not long ago?) and Dayanand Pande for his alleged association with the jammu protestors.</b>
Remember the <b>armed forces'</b> sharp and unambiguous refusal to divulge the religious composition of the armed forces? The UPA and Sachar were stupid to ask for this information and for the first time that I know, the armed forces asked the government to go climb a tree. I am sure the diabolic strategist was nursing the slight. To compund matters further, the armed forces took a strong and firm position on the sixth pay commission. The UPA had egg on its face on this issue too.
The idea was to throw tons of muck on Hindus everywhere who were asscoicated with any politicised Hindu issue. The devilish strategist did not dare to take on the armed forces in their entirety. So it targeted a Hindu in the armed forces - the damage to the prestige and dignity of the armed forces was just as effective as rubbishing them wholly.
Now why?
To thwart any attempt to alter public discourse on Hindu issues - they dont want a change in the idiom, the parameters of discussion and above all they don't want a change in the character of indian polity. And that is why I suspect that the string puller is himself being pulled by other hands.
If you keep repeating Hindu terror, hindu terrorists then you can generously like Salman Khursheed, say OK no hindu terror, but no Islamic terror also.
Promptly one of our own obligingly told us let us over TV let us say jihadi terror and not islamic terror as the jihad is not islamic.
The idea is to sanitise public discourse and idion on terrorism of the phrase islamic terrorism. Also to neutralise the adage not all muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are muslim.
Next discredit narco-analysis so much that the only recourse available to the ATS to get to the bottom of jiahdi attacks will be given up and Hindus will welcome the rejection of narco-analysis.
<b>Erode public confidence in high institutions - sanyasis and army. This is typical of all low-life. If they cannot lift themselves up, they will drag them down to their level.</b>
Defaming the army and the police takes me back to two events -- the meeting that Nirmala Deshpande and Admiral Ramdas arranged in madras with 150 Pakistanis among whom were retired army men. One of them, Gen.Karamat Ali declared, don't take too much pride in your army. There will come a day when your army will be as defamed as the Pakistani army.
Just as the UPA govt beleives in equal--equal of unequals, there are elements in the UPA who want to reduce the Indian Army to the status of the Pakistani army.
<b>The second meeting was in 2004 in Chennai when the incumbent NSA presided over a meeting where Chris Patten</b> was Chief Guest and another meeting where he presided over a meeting calling for independent monitoring of police force. This meeting was addressed by Prof. Lustgarten and he told us that the report calling for such an indeendent monitoring wa s prepared by guess who - Chris patten of course. Dont blame me for smelling a dirty rat.
There is indeed method in this insanity but if all Hindu organizations remain firm, don't relent, dont give in, and don't maintain silence, this plot will collapse. This government has to go. It has too many dangerous elements behind the scene wreaking havoc. They don't care for the character of this nation is destroyed, if an alien culture is superimpsed on this Hindu Bhumi. We are fighting for the survival of this Bhumi. Someone told me this evening that this is a war no side can win. I disagree. Hidnu nationalists must win this war for the sake of this Hindu Bhumi and we must begin by formulating jaw-dropping answers to all their dirty shots.
-- RR<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>The country needs a big change, where Sant Shakti and Jan Shakti come together: Yoga guru Ramdev</b>
Urgent need for a âregime change at the Centre when the country goes to elections in the coming monthsâ.
Panipat, November 17: Yoga guru Baba Ramdev and Sangh Parivar leaders like Ashok Singhal and Sadhvi Ritambhara on Sunday made a strong pitch for âregime change at the Centre when the country goes to elections in the coming monthsâ.
The entire saffron brotherhood, including the chief ministers of BJP-ruled states of Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh, was present to protest against what they called <b>âattempts to target Hindus in the name of Hindu terrorâ.</b>
[...]<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->It is terror <i>against</i> Hindus. There is zero evidence of any "Hindu terror".
BTW, where is - dang it, what was its name - ravish (EDIT: self-censored mean play on his name; didn't mean for it to go to print). What happened to its "See, Hindus are terrorists... RaRaRa".
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>The ATS and the media are panting up at Purohit with Kashmiri Muslims now joining the panting brigade.</b>
from: Radha Rajan
date: Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 9:09 AM
subject: Someone somewhere is listening
Someone somewhere is listening to sane voices, that was evident today. Sadhvi Pragya appeared in court in her revered saffron robes, was not hustled, her face was not covered like those jihadis being brought to court and she was not jostled and pushed around. This time, the woman police behind her, maintained a respectful distance.
<b>Arnab Goswami must listen too. His channel has been spouting the drivel self-styled, self-proclaimed guru when referring to Pujya Swami Dayanand Pandey.</b> Dear Arnab, in Hindu religious tradition, we dont need to make miracles after death and be beatified by motivated tinpot dictators to become a saint/sadhu.sadhvi. We can choose the time ourselves. In Hindu tradition, we can have our Gurus proclaim 'tat tvam asi' and lead me towards self-knowledge or I can do it myself. Self-styled, self-proclaimed? Of course. Tomorrow if I choose to take up sanyasa and wear saffron, who has the right to question me?
(Not just Arnab Goswami, but Offstumped too. The following is from the latter: "that self proclaimed Sankaracharya a.k.a Dayanand Pandey". While fake "swamis" exist - of crypto or communistic varieties - does Offstumped know it to be fact in this case, or are they just expressing 'precautious' opinion.)
Meanwhile happy hunting. Like my silly dogs chasing cats which climb a wall and laugh down at the panting idiot, The ATS and the media are panting up at Purohit with kashmitri Muslims now joining the panting brigade. We are laughing.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The Congress-dominated Central and Maharashtra govts have unleashed a sinister plot to undermine the institutions of police and defence forces
The UPA is deliberately demoralising and communalizing the security agencies.
I view this as the UPA's revenge against the Services on at least two counts. One was the firm refusal of both the police and the defence services to furnish the UPA government with religion-based data on serving personnel. The second was the protest by Police and the three Defence Chiefs against the recommendations of the Sixth Pay Commission. While the Police had to pipe down, the Defence Chiefs have proved difficult to tame.
-- CAPT (Retd) H. Balakrishnan,I.N.
* * *
Lt Col Purohit is falsely framed on the basis of some inadmissible evidence reportedly recieved through Sadhvi Praghya's Narco tests. This needs to be legally challenged. It violates both the Human rights and the specific constitutional provison under Art. 20 (3) of the constitution of India. No one, least of all after medicinal injection, can be forced to become a witness against oneself.
Hence, all that is happening is only to please a particular vote Bank (of the Muslims) and therefore, all of us must rise and oppose such sordid and obnoxious conduct of the state.
RV Bhasin
Advocate Supereme Court
* * *
Whoever is doing this is seriously undermining high institutions and when, not if the case collapses in the courts, it will be so much muck on the face of the maharashtra govt and the central govt. But the damage would have been done. <b>Hindus will fight back and fight back with determination but what about the army?</b>
-- RR<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->About last line: Radha is making me look a parrot, and an inept one at that...
I too have been wondering when the army would finally take sides, because whether they will it or no, the battle lines are drawn.
Will the Indian army continue to be sepoy to christocolonial British and be willingly bled in foreign soils (previously in WWI, now assigned to 'peacekeeping' training tours in Afghanistan when our own Assam is on fire along with its Hindus) or stand up for their Hinduism and Hindus in Bharatam. I was of the opinion that such questions would require no thought to answer - not on the part of Hindus in the armed forces anyway.
6. <!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->From: balakrishnan hariharan
Date: Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 6:47 AM
From: Shri RV Bhasin,
Supreme Court's considered opinion in LAW.
"In the matter of alleged Malegon Blast and alleged involvement of Sadhvi Praghya and Lt. Col. Purohit."
I am a NDA Graduate from Pune in the Year 1955. I know perfectly well how the Military runs in particular reference to an officer ever being able to have access to any kind of Military held RDX. No military officer, unless he is a 'COMBATANT', can ever reach the Military stock of RDX, for which tremendous procedures are strictly applied. (COMMENT: Lt. Col. Purohit belongs to the 'Army Education Corps', which is 'NON-COMBATANT'.)
The technique of Bomb Making is never part of any Military traning of soldiers or officers. Bomb manufacturing is the reserve domain only of the 'ORDNANCE FACTORIES' over which the Military has no control and it comes under the Director Gen. of ordnance factries, reporting directly to the department of defence production in the Ministry of Defence.
Lt Col Purohit is falsely framed on the basis of some inadmissible evidence reportedly recieved through Sadhvi Praghya's Narco tests. This needs to be legally challenged. It violates both the Human rights and the specific constitutional provison under Art. 20 (3) of the constitution of India. No one, least of all after medicinal injection, can be forced to become a witness against oneself.
Hence, all that is happening is only to please a particular vote Bank (of the Muslims) and therefore, all of us must rise and oppose such sordid and obnoxious conduct of the state.
Advocate Supereme Court
Reference your edit "Busting terror strikes" -- (TNIE-13 NOV).
You wrote, rather pompously, if I may add, "That two soldiers, both senior officers, one retired and one serving, SHOULD BE INVOLVED IN BOMB MAKING AND TERROR ACTIVIITES---".
I hope you won't mind my asking 'Where is the proof 'for all that you have ' secularly' declared? Anyone, with a reasonable intelligence can see that the ATS is on a 'Fishing Expedition'. That much emerges quite lucidly on a reading of all the 'secular' Indian English dailies.
On Times Now T.V. on 12 Nov, the anchor declared that the 'ATS is LEAKING INFORMATION TO THE MEDIA'. And, he went to state that all the media stories are based on the 'leaks'!!
Echoing the T.V Channel's view, is the blogspot 'offstumped' which recorded: "The careless media reporting in the Malegaon Blast Case is but a symptom of the larger malaise that ails the public debate on Terrorism. It also raises troubling questions on the ATS' credibility and motives in leaking out multiple versions of the truth."
Going further, journalist Sandhya Jain wrote in a Delhi based English daily recently: "In a move fraught with danger to India's sovereignty and territorial integrity, the Congress-dominated Central and Maharashtra governments have unleashed a sinister plot to undermine the institutions of the police and the defence forces. These two grids literally hold the nation together, particularly in these troubled times when internal and external threats savage the citizenry so remorselessly. By using the Maharashtra Anti Terror Squad (ATS) to target, arrest and malign certain retired and serving army officers, whose only crime is alleged or real links with reputed nationalist families like the Savarkars, the UPA is deliberately demoralising and communalizing the security agencies. At the risk of sounding offensive, I view this as the UPA's revenge against the Services on at least two counts. One was the firm refusal of both the police and the defence services to furnish the UPA government with religion-based data on serving personnel. The second was the protest by Police and the three Defence Chiefs against the recommendations of the Sixth Pay Commission. While the Police had to pipe down, the Defence Chiefs have proved difficult to tame."
(As usual, the bright jewel of Hindu Dharma that is Sandhya Jain is right. There are obviously a few entities in the Maharashtra ATS - very likely cryptos or christo-bribed infiltrators - that are staging this entire thing to undermine the ATS' and police general credibility in nabbing terrorists. Hindus should be wary of the unwarranted assumption that apprehended islamaniacs need not be involved in terror acts just "because" some planted elements in the ATS saw to it that the ATS got it utterly wrong in the non-existent matter of Hindu Terror.)
More pertinently, Purohit was studying Arabic at the Army Education Corps, Pachmarhi, MP, for the last 18 months. He thus completely lacked the mobility required to plot or procure RDX or any weapon, as alleged. Furthermore, as Purohit was deputed by Army Intelligence to learn Arabic, it was doubtless so he could do cyber-intelligence on Arabic websites reputedly used to transmit messages to jihadi cells in India and other places. An officer working fulltime to legitimately combat terror had no logical reason to plot to kill innocent Muslim civilians. Not unless the ATS can prove that he is a psychopath.
And yet, despite the foregoing, the verdict of the 'very secular edit writers 'at TNIE: "INVOLVED IN BOMB MAKING AND TERROR ACTIVITIES". Can there be anything more 'mailicious' and 'malevolent' towards 'THE ONLY PAN-INDIAN INSTITUTION' in India today?
And here is a piece of sage and sane counsel from Arun Shourie in his "WHERE WILL ALL THIS TAKE US?" - "The media must see what the following passage from Mitrokhin's volume implies for itself: 'According to KGB files,by 1973 it had TEN INDIAN NEWSPAPERS ON ITS PAYROLL (which cannot be identified for legal reasons) as well as a press agency under its CONTROL. During 1972 the KGB claimed to have planted 3,789 ARTICLES in INDIAN NEWSPAPERS - probably more than in any other country in the non-Communist world. According to its files, the number fell to 2,760 in 1973 but rose to 4,486 in 1974 and 5,510 in 1975'. Shorie continues: 'As the KGB could, COULD THE CIA NOT?"
In his book - "Can You Trust the Media?", Adrian Monck , Head of Journalism at City University London, wrote: "The public itself has always held the fourth estate in the contempt which it deserves."
How very true in this case of the TNIE acting as the prosecutor, jury and Judge - and deciding WITHOUT AN IOTA OF PROOF!! CHEERS TO 'SECULAR' INDIAN JOURNALISM.
And, on a small and 'minor matter' of ranks in the Services. A 'Senior Officer 'is one who has attained the rank of a Major General / Rear Admiral / Air Vice Marshal. And yet you term a serving Lt.Colonel and a retired Major (much junior to the ranks mentioned above) as 'senior officers'. Just goes to show your edit writers' 'ignorance' of the ethos of the Services. And you PONTIFICATE!!
CAPT(Retd.) H.Balakrishnan,I.N.
<b>What is the Truth, Mr. Prime Minister?</b>
Arvind Lavakare
Monday, 24 November , 2008, 14:38
<i>Arvind Lavakare may be 71, but the fire in his belly burns stronger than in
many people half his age. The economics post-graduate worked with the
Reserve Bank of India and several private and public sector companies before
retiring in 1997. His first love, however, remains sports. An accredited
cricket umpire in Mumbai, he has reported and commented on cricket matches
for newspapers, Doordarshan and AIR. Lavakare has also been regularly
writing on politics since 1997, and published a monograph, The Truth About
Article 370, in 2005.</i>
Malegaon has become a maze --- a maze wherein it's become impossible at this
stage to differentiate between what is true and what is fictitious about the
bomb blasts in that town in Maharashtra on September 29 this year.
Over the last few weeks, the state's Anti-terror Squad has probably created
a record of sorts for the India police with almost one startling public
revelation a day, only to have egg on its face soon enough.
<b>At the moment of writing this, it seems as if the Maharashtra ATS has not
only been out of its depth on the matter but out of its head as well. Sad to
say, even our daily media, supposed to be the fourth pillar of democracy,
has been sucked in by sheer sensationalism into that mindless whirlpool</b>.
In the beginning one had accepted the possibility, however remote, of a
sadhvi being one of those who had a hand in the Malegaon blast. The first
news had said that it was her motorbike that was used to plant the bomb. But
it soon enough transpired that she had sold the two-wheeler four years ago
to a man named Sunil Joshi and signed the relevant papers for transferring
its ownership. Even then the ATS kept pointing at the sadhvi with a finger
of guilt, publicly disclosing that it had a transcript of her several phone
calls expressing her apprehension over the sale of her two-wheeler. One
still thought it possible that the sadhvi had something to hide, especially
when the chief district judge in Nashik (a city in Maharashtra) granted the
ATS demand for remanding her to police custody.
<b>The shocking truth came when Mahesh Jethmalani, an eminent crime lawyer,
came on Times Now television and told viewers that the police remand
applications against the sadhvi had absolutely no evidence against her</b>. When
asked about the telephone transcripts which the Maharashtra ATS had publicly
spoken about, the lawyer smiled and said that there was absolutely no
mention of any telephone conversation in the remand applications.
An aside in the above TV news item was the <b>TV anchor's perverse persistence
on knowing why Jethmalani had chosen to represent the sadhvi</b>. The latter's
reply was polite, saying that the accused's family had approached him; he
would have been justified in telling the anchor that why he took the
sadhvi's brief was not his business and beyond the subject of the question
being debated. The little incident showed up how our media looks with dark
suspicion even on something that doesn't concern it.
<b>Jethmalani's disclosure on the utter lack of evidence against the sadhvi
opened up a can of worms regarding the Maharashtra ATS investigations" in
the Malegaon blasts of 2008</b>.
See, for instance, the ATS giving the sadhvi two forensic tests ---
psychological profiling and polygraph (lie-detector) --- even without
elementary evidence of guilt. And, as it later transpired from the sadhvi's
affidavit on oath, the 38-year-old woman was detained by the police from
October 10 but was formally arrested only on October 24 --- a shocking
illegality on the face of it. A queer associated event was that Sunil Joshi,
(the alleged buyer of the sadhvi's ), had reportedly been shot dead by two
men exactly 10 months before the Malegaon blast, but Joshi's cell phone,
taken away by one of his murderers who were later apprehended, has not been
traced as yet. <b>"Off the record, officials said that there had been pressure
'right from the top' to go slow in the matter" reported The Indian Express
in its Mumbai edition of November 21.</b> "Pressure from the top" to avoid
checking on the phone of someone who had purchased the guilty bike from the
allegedly guilty sadhvi? Strange, very very strange.
See, again, the ATS revelation that Lt.Colonel Purohit, whom it suspects of
being a "mastermind" behind the Malegaon blast, was also behind the
Samjhauta Express blast of February 2007. That bomb blast tragedy had not
showed up any trace of RDX --- 60 kgs of which Purohit is alleged to have
stolen from Army Stores and part of which he supposedly used in the Malegaon
blast as well as for the train tragedy. That the ATS was quick to deny this
allegation is one proof of its bumbling ways.
Now consider the ATS allegation that Purohit had stolen 60 kgs of RDX. Now
that quantity is just too big to be hidden in the records of Army Stores or
Ordnance factories --- unless it was the ATS belief that there's no such
thing as security and record keeping in those two military units. And 60
kgs!! Do you know that that quantity is "enough to blow up Parliament,
Rashtrapati Bhawan, South and North Blocks and still have ammunition to
spare." (Ashok Malik, an ex-Assistant Editor of The Indian Express, in The
Pioneer, November 20.) The Maharashtra ATS must be a nut to think that an
army colonel would be so stupid to steal what he didn't need.
<b>Y.P.Singh, a retired senior police officer of Mumbai, was at a loss on TV to
explain away the Maharashtra ATS public allegations without any hard
evidence in support. He thought one reason for the ATS attitude was
"overzealousness.</b>" He did not specify the cause of that "overzealousness" or
what other reason could have prompted the ATS to be as blindfolded as it has
been found to be.
There are more such twists and turns to the ATS tales revealed so far. Its
hypothesis so far has been utterly child-like: "spit and scoot" as someone
so devastatingly put it. <b>Apparently under some pressure to nail certain
non-Qoranic elements of our society as "terrorists", the ATS has found the
simplest possible way of leaking its "discoveries" to the media</b>. And the
media, 24x7 and all others, have lapped up the muck without any cross
questioning. <b>Today's media men and women, it seems, don't believe in wearing
thinking caps but only in "Breaking News".</b>
It's a great national shame, therefore, that L.K.Advani's expression of
outrage at the facts expressed in the sadhvi's affidavit on oath has
prompted the Congress --- and the English media therefore --- to pass the
judgment that Advani and his BJP are "politicising terrorism" and "thwarting
the ATS investigations".
<b>Indeed, the Congress is apparently happy with the unending, unsupported
allegations which the Maharashtra ATS has been levying.</b> Why else would the
Congress proclaim that the investigations of the ATS in a state ruled by it
prove that the party is not soft on terror as alleged by the BJP ever so
often? Clearly, the Congress has just not understood the cause of Advani's
outrage at the facts in thesadhvi's affidavit. Nor, sadly, has our 24x7
The Prime Minister was gracious enough to heed Advani's expression of
outrage and to send the National Security Adviser to brief him on the
matter. <b>Unfortunately, the PM himself had not apparently read the sadhvi's
affidavit! Wasn't it the same PM who had last year confessed his inability
to sleep over the plight of an alleged terrorist held in custody in far away
Australia? Do the arrested person's book of faith result in different
emotions in our PM?</b>
<b>Do tell us the truth of the entire ATS on Malegaon, Mr. Prime Minister? Is
it an investigation or an inquisition? Do tell us. Please. </b>
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Y.P.Singh, a retired senior police officer of Mumbai, was at a loss on TV to
explain away the Maharashtra ATS public allegations without any hard
evidence in support. He thought one reason for the ATS attitude was
Ofcourse ATS is now headed by Bengali, as usual they are first hindu hater brain-washed by commies.
<b>President's brother refused to undergo lie detector test: CBI</b>
Now, when they will do brain-mapping of India's President. She is head of criminal syndicate family.
What a bunch of fools !
Chandan Mitra
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh: Perpetrator or victim? Will the Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad please make up its mind? Till some days back, we were informed by "sources" in the ATS, colourfully played up in sections of the media that the alleged Malegaon bombers' links led right up to the top of the Sangh Parivar hierarchy.
In other words, senior RSS functionaries were suspected of hatching the so-called Hindu terror plot, but chose obscure organisations (read Abhinav Bharat) and little known religious personalities to execute their plan. So much so, that the name of a front-ranking RSS leader, namely Indreesh who was active in the Amarnath Shrine agitation in Jammu, was being volubly whispered in various circles as the ATS' next target.
If media gossip is to be believed, a full-proof plot had been hatched by the ATS in collusion with other investigative agencies to systematically implicate the RSS in the entire supposed conspiracy. Since the ATS' vivid imagination has been running riot from October 11 when Sadhvi Pragya was illegally detained, the RSS angle seemed a logical enough part of what most Hindu-minded people all along believed was a totally fabricated, politically directed investigation. But if the alleged Malegaon bombers' links could be traced to the RSS, it would have served the Congress well. Apart from putting the BJP on the back foot in the ongoing State and forthcoming general elections, it could have tarnished the Sangh's image forever.
But since the entire frame-up was a figment of the ATS's imagination anyway, the facts failed to quite add up. Unable to find any substantive evidence against the alleged bombers, the investigators began to lose the plot somewhere. The crude attempt to nail Lt. Col. Shrikant Purohit for the Samjhauta Express blasts evaporated sooner than methylated spirit poured on a saucer. The absurdity of a man first pilfering a whopping 60 kg of lethal RDX from army depots, then lifting it alone to throw the heavy bag into the Jhelum from a railway bridge for his cohorts to pick it up from the river downstream, set the country giggling in sheer disbelief.
The Army, though, was not amused. Not only did it indignantly rebut the charge of pilferage, but also pointed out that the security forces neither stock nor casually throw around vast quantities of lethal explosives. Further, assuming that the RDX had indeed been pilfered wouldn't the Army itself raise a hue and cry and track down the thief?
Red-faced, the ATS quietly dropped the Samjhauta Express charge, penitently arguing that it was merely "exploring" such a possibility. By the time this retraction came, the Pakistani media went to town shouting from roof tops, "We told you so!" The Pakistanis were entitled to this jubilation for an Indian agency had ended up absolving them of the accusation of promoting terror in India.
South Block was in jitters because the Government had cited the Samjhauta Express bombing as a definite instance of Pakistani hand in terror operations in this country. ATS had thus successfully made a laughing stock of India before the entire world, which now found Islamabad's insistence that jehadi terror in India is purely home grown more credible than New Delhi's claims in the past.
Even as the ATS was grappling with this self-goal came Sadhvi Pragya's affidavit in a Nashik court. Her account makes chilling reading and every Indian must hang his head in shame at those revelations. Although widely publicised in the Marathi media, the affidavit was predictably blacked out by the sneering, secularist national media. The Pioneer was the only English newspaper to reproduce it in full. The document outraged not only our regular subscribers but millions world over. Our website in fact crashed that day because of the relentless downloading of the affidavit not just in India but also by the Indian diaspora.
Her credible narrative pointed to unbelievable violations of human rights -- physical and psychological violence, disregard for the frailty of her medical condition, illegal detention for a fortnight before her formal arrest (which is when most of the excesses were committed) and denial of her right to legal aid as well as flouting of the Supreme Court's directive requiring a woman constable's mandatory presence during a woman suspect's interrogation. Human rights groups and bleeding-heart NGOs who feign so much outrage over Gujarat, allege Batla House was a fake encounter, and breast-beat over other so-called atrocities on minorities, did not even whimper.
Had LK Advani not raised the issue last Tuesday and followed it up by referring to it in every public forum he attended, the unspeakable brutalities perpetrated on Sadhvi Pragya may never have come into the public domain.
Steadily cornered by a succession of boo-boos, the ATS has finally hit upon a new theory. Its latest leak suggests that the alleged Malegaon bombers actually intended to liquidate senior RSS leaders. The list includes the very same pracharak, Indreesh, who till a week ago was the supposed ideological fountainhead of the Hindu terror conspiracy! According to the new yarn, the "Hindu terrorists" decided to eliminate Indreesh and Mohan Bhagwat, RSS sarkaryavah (General Secretary) and No 2 in the organisation, apparently because of their "soft line" towards Muslims.
This leads us squarely back to the question posed at the outset: Was the RSS masterminding this so-called terror plot, or was it the plotters' intended target?
Surely, it couldn't be both. But then official investigative agencies are skilled at the art of concocting the most extraordinary tales. For example, the UC Banerjee Committee on the Godhra train attack happily concluded that the kar sevaks had become so possessed with the idea of committing mass suicide that they themselves set two bogies of Sabarmati Express on fire!
Although there seems not an iota of truth in the daily litany of (shifting) charges levelled by ATS "sources", it is possible that some hotheads are upset that the RSS has not called for a retributive counter-jihad against Islamists. The fact is that the RSS does not do such things and usually engages only in social service, specialising in education and disaster management. Are we supposed to believe that some people, part of the extended saffron parivar, had no understanding of the RSS' character and got agitated because the Sangh did not want to raise a standing army of Hindu vigilantes? The day may not be far off when demands for brain mapping of some officials of various investigative agencies and their political masters will start to be raised.
The ATS' objective, howsoever misplaced, is clear. Now that the BJP has decided to unmask the Government's conspiracy and the case of Sadhvi's torture has outraged public sentiment, it wants the BJP to back off. ATS thinks the BJP will be horrified that the ultra-Hindus wanted to kill RSS leaders and drop the issue like a hot potato. One is reminded of screen villain Ajit's inimitable dialogue in Yaadon ki Baraat: "What a bunch of fools!"
1)PM Sleeps well as Sadhvi is tortured?
Kanchan Dasgupta, Pioneer
2) Why are Hindus Angry?
Tarun Vijay
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Wages of politics of cynicism</b>
Balbir K Punj
For more than a month the Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad was pre-occupied with chasing âHindu terroristsâ and, it would appear, had little time for anything else. In fact, the ATS claimed that 90 per cent of the force was busy investigating the September 29 Malegaon bombing. All this while, Indiaâs enemies were plotting a bloodbath in Mumbai.<b> The myth of âHindu terrorâ, built-up by sections of the UPA and the Maharashtra Government for short-term political gains, has had a macabre and grotesque fall-out. Negligence has proved deadly, and resulted in perhaps the most venomous terrorist attack in Indian history</b>.
Today the State and Union Governments stand exposed. It is important to recognise the long-term damage that their dirty-tricks have caused. <b>A new term â âHindu terrorâ â has been added to the security lexicon. The world so far recognised only âIslamic terrorâ, with Pakistan as its source. Now India is home to both Islamic and Hindu terror, if the Indian Governmentâs own agencies are to be believed.</b> On the issue of terror, India and Pakistan have been placed at par.
All this must rank as the most destructive achievement by any Government anywhere. What Pakistan could not achieve after decades of labour â paint Hindu-dominated India as a factory of terror â the âsecularistsâ and their political leaders have done it in a matter of few weeks. Till recently, after every terrorist strike in India, the investigations invariably led to Pakistan and the infamous ISI. Gradually the rest of the world had come to believe the Indian charge that Islamic Pakistan was exporting terrorism to non-sectarian India. The participation of local Muslims in ISI-sponsored attacks in India used to be nominal. <b>However, thanks to the UPAâs vote-bank politics, since 2005, nationalist Muslims stand marginalised and radicals within the community are setting the agenda. The periodic terror strikes in India are no longer an exclusive ISI enterprise. They have largely been indigenised â of course, under the supervision of a global terror machine.</b>
Unwilling to face up to this, the âsecularistsâ sought to maintain a bogus balance. They ignored the fact that all participants in such terror strikes were Muslims, claiming inspiration from the holy Quran and arguing that they were killing âinfidelsâ as part of their religious duty. The faith-based motivations of the terrorists led to the term Islamic terror.
<b>To counter-balance Islamic terror secularists had to discover â or invent â âHindu terrorâ</b>. The expected political gains were a welcome byproduct. While Muslim terrorists were responsible for popularising the term Islamic terror, <b>the credit for coining the term âHindu terrorâ goes to the UPA</b>. For no one else has attributed terrorist actions to the service of Hinduism.
<span style='color:red'>Let us review the brief history of âHindu terrorâ. Mr Sharad Pawar, a senior member of the Union Cabinet, alleged on October 5, 2008, that there were âdouble standardsâ in police action against terror: âMuslims were being targeted as terrorists but no action was being taken against âHindu terrorâ groups. Mr Pawarâs statement had come in the wake of the Malegaon bombing of September 29. How did Mr Pawar know the identity of those responsible for Malegaon terror strike even before the investigations had concluded is something that remains a mystery.</span>
Obviously the investigations now followed the lead given by the Central Minister. <b>The job of the ATS was easy. All it had to do was cook up âevidenceâ on the lines indicated by the powers that be. The âevidenceâ may not have been sufficient to stand court scrutiny but selective leaks to the media, on a daily basis, were enough to generate confusion and create the myth of âHindu terrorâ. It was vindication for those who fervently desired the discovery of such a phenomenon for their own vested interests.</b>
Mr Pawar was not being original in floating this devious theory. Prior to the 2007 Gujarat Assembly elections, Ms Sonia Gandhi had used the description âmaut ka saudagarâ for Mr Narendra Modi. <b>Mr Digvijay Singh, the Congress general secretary, has frequently harped on the theme of âHindu terrorâ.</b>
In order to sustain the plot to demonise Hindus, the Maharashtra ATS improvised several sub-plots. In the process, the Indian Army was traduced as a rogue force, one in which a middle-level officer could pilfer 60 kg of RDX. Worse, it was made out as if the so-called âtheftâ had remained undetected till the âace investigatorsâ of the ATS had uncovered it. <b>So the Army is not only infested with âterroristsâ but also totally unprofessional in its management of arms and ammunition. Could there be a worse indictment of the armed forces?</b>
<b>After the details of torture and inhuman treatment meted out to the so-called âHindu terrorâ suspects â that included a sadhvi and a serving Army officer â became public, there was mass outrage. The ATS was now forced to manufacture a new spin. Without an iota of evidence, it alleged that the accused were conspiring to kill top leaders of the RSS, since they found the Sangh âpro-Muslimâ and non-violent in its approach to ideological opponents.</b>
With this, the ATS hoped to drive a wedge within the Hindu political family. But the reverse happened and the RSS saw through the ATSâs game plan. <b>One unintended consequence of this has been that the RSS has got the ATSâs endorsement as a law-abiding organisation, committed to peaceful activism, contrary to what âsecularistsâ have been trying to establish for decades</b>.
The onus of convincing a sceptical public of this fantastic and outlandish âconspiracyâ to assassinate RSS leaders rests on the Maharashtra ATS, now deprived of its inspirational leader. All that it has produced so far is the laptop of Lt Col Purohit. The computer hard disk apparently has files containing recordings of the conspiracy. This sounds not just illogical but downright bizarre. Would an Army officer with several years of Military Intelligence experience store details of a conspiracy of this nature?
Rather than chase trivia, the Maharashtra Government and the ATS would have been better served enhancing intelligence gathering. The colossal attack on Mumbai over the past two days has made it clear that jihad â and not any âHindu terrorâ pipedream of the ruling political establishment â represents a threat to India. Let us focus on this enemy, and avenge the martyrdom of Hemant Karkare and his valiant colleagues.
punjbk@gmail.com <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Nov 28 2008, 04:51 AM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ Nov 28 2008, 04:51 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Mr Sharad Pawar, a senior member of the Union Cabinet, alleged on October 5, 2008, that there were âdouble standardsâ in police action against terror: âMuslims were being targeted as terrorists but no action was being taken against âHindu terrorâ groups. Mr Pawarâs statement had come in the wake of the Malegaon bombing of September 29. How did Mr Pawar know the identity of those responsible for Malegaon terror strike even before the investigations had concluded is something that remains a mystery.
do a narco on the semi-paralyzed taskara. beat him to the point that the ugly b@st@rd reveals all or becomes completely paralyzed.
Sharad Pawar is a major problem, this low life scum is behind high price of Indian grocery outside India. He is the one who forced to stop export of grains outside India but created his own family company to export grain in higher price. End result high price of products from India and low price for Indian farmers. Then SOnia benji asked Gadha SIngh to write off farmers loans.
11-28-2008, 06:25 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-28-2008, 06:39 PM by Husky.)
<!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Nov 28 2008, 04:51 AM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ Nov 28 2008, 04:51 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin--><!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Wages of politics of cynicism</b>
Balbir K Punj
Let us review the brief history of âHindu terrorâ. Mr Sharad Pawar, a senior member of the Union Cabinet, alleged on October 5, 2008, that there were âdouble standardsâ in police action against terror: âMuslims were being targeted as terrorists but no action was being taken against âHindu terrorâ groups. Mr Pawarâs statement had come in the wake of the Malegaon bombing of September 29. How did Mr Pawar know the identity of those responsible for Malegaon terror strike even before the investigations had concluded is something that remains a mystery.
Obviously the investigations now followed the lead given by the Central Minister. <b>The job of the ATS was easy. All it had to do was cook up âevidenceâ on the lines indicated by the powers that be. The âevidenceâ may not have been sufficient to stand court scrutiny but selective leaks to the media, on a daily basis, were enough to generate confusion and create the myth of âHindu terrorâ. It was vindication for those who fervently desired the discovery of such a phenomenon for their own vested interests.</b>
Mr Pawar was not being original in floating this devious theory. Prior to the 2007 Gujarat Assembly elections, Ms <span style='color:red'>Sonia Gandhi had used the description âmaut ka saudagarâ for Mr Narendra Modi.</span> <b>Mr Digvijay Singh, the Congress general secretary, has frequently harped on the theme of âHindu terrorâ.</b>
<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->[right][snapback]90894[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->Creating the perception has long been in the planning. They all took their cue from their christian queen, who was no doubt told by gawdly inspiration/the vatican fatcat on how best to apply jesuitry in their attempts to undermine Hindu Dharma.
11-29-2008, 10:58 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-29-2008, 11:05 AM by Husky.)
Via http://offstumped.nationalinterest.in/2008...malegaon-probe/
1. The christo scheming is up one notch. Christian inquisition now has finally come up with some further lies in an attempt to drown out the truths of christotorture of Hindus that were revealed recently.
<i><b>Christo</b></i>media HT reports:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Suspects were trained to lie</b>
<b>Stavan Desai & Presley Thomas</b>
Mumbai, November 26, 2008
âInjure yourself if you have toâ; âcomplain of tortureâ; âmake personal, embarrassing allegations against the police in court.â
These are some instructions members of the radical Hindu group Abhinav Bharat â under investigation for its involvement in the Malegaon blast â were given at a training camp conducted by Lt Col Prasad Purohit at Pachmarhi, Madhya Pradesh, earlier this year.
The September 29 blast in a crowded marketplace in Maharashtraâs powerloom town claimed six lives.
<b>Investigators found details of these training sessions in Purohitâs laptop, which was recovered after his arrest on November 5. Hindustan Times had access to the armymanâs detailed lecture notes. Officials said at least 30 senior Abhinav Bharat members attended these sessions, referred to in the laptop as personality development workshops.</b>
(Previously the ATS said they found nothing on his laptop. Now that they have had it for a while they have installed all kinds of christian inquisitional 'evidence' in there.)
The allegations made by Purohit, Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur and the other co-accused at the special Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act (MCOCA) court on Monday are very similar to the instructions in Purohitâs sessions.
âWith his military intelligence background and knowledge of interrogation procedures, this strategy to derail investigation in the event of being arrested was designed by Purohit,â said a police officer involved in the probe.
<b>Maharashtra Director General of Police A.N. Roy said these are delay tactics. âIt is becoming common to level allegations against investigators, to slow down the probe and to make investigators wary,â he said.</b>
The court on Monday denied the Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) custody of seven of the 11 accused, a major setback and embarrassment for the police. The sadhvi was the first to file an affidavit that the ATS had tortured her.
<b>âItâs a procedure straight out of the Al Qaeda manual. Once a precedent is set, everybody follows suit,â said advocate Raja Thackeray, who specialises in criminal matters.</b>
(And a crypto draws another straight line between AQ and bogus "Hindu Terrier", just like their christomasters from RAND would have taught them to do.)
The allegations are similar to those made by the July 11/7 train blasts accused and Indian Mujahideen members, arrested for their links with the blasts in Ahmedabad and Delhi.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Christians must be paying AN Roy and his gang a lot of money. Just like they must be paying their christian slave Ragdip Sardesai for insinuating that "Hindoos would have done it" in the latest terrorist attacks on Mumbai.
2. http://offstumped.nationalinterest.in/2008...malegaon-probe/
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->âPerhaps I am being unfair,â says a <b>senior Maharashtra Police official</b>, who has handled several counter-terrorism investigations, <b>âbut it feels like I am being expected to have something new for journalists every day, and if I donât theyâll just make something up.</b> I just cannot conduct a criminal investigation if I have to provide daily public dispatches on what Iâm doing.â
Police officers complain that they often end up carrying the can for the <b>media misreporting.</b><!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Examples of christomedia making something up: point 1 above.
3. From www.thaindian.com
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--> Gujarat wanted to question Malegaon blast accused: Modi
November 26th, 2008 - 12:18 am ICT by IANS -
New Delhi, Nov 25 (IANS) Accusing the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance government of being âsoftâ on terror, Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi Tuesday said his police department was denied permission to interrogate the Malegaon blast accused, including an in-service army officer.âWhen we arrested terror accused in Gujarat, we allowed interrogation by other states. But when we sought to interrogate the Malegaon terror accused, we were denied the permission,â Modi said, addressing an election rally here.
Speaking about the alleged torture of Sadhvi Pragnya Singh Thakur, a blast accused, by Mumbai Anti Terrorism Squad, Modi said: âSonia Gandhi herself is a woman but she allowed it to happen. This shows there is something wrong here.â
Continuing his tirade against the Congress and its âsoft stand on terrorâ, Modi, campaigning for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), also spoke about the Batla House shootout between the police and alleged terrorists.
âA Delhi Police officer was martyred during the encounter but this government is defending terrorists arrested from the Batla House. Some politicians are even demanding judicial probe,â he said sarcastically at the BJP rally in Kalkaji, south Delhi.
Modi said the Delhi government had failed to provide security to women, children and senior citizens.
Electricity charges have been hiked âfour times in the last few years but in Gujarat, it has not gone up even onceâ, he told a gathering of nearly 1,500 people who waited for over 90 minutes to listen to Modi.
Earlier in the day, Modi was disallowed to hold a rally in Balmiki Basti in the New Delhi constituency where BJPâs Vijay Jolly is contesting against Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit.
âSonia Gandhi can hold rallies, Mayawati can hold rallies but there is problem in Modi holding rallies,â he said.
The Gujarat chief minister said he had met Dikshit a few days back. Though Dikshit talked to him nicely, âshe had told me not come to her constituency⦠I thought she was joking. But today I realised it was not a jokeâ.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
4. http://www.uniindia.com/unilive/unisite.ns...E5?OpenDocument
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>BJP alleges Congress hand in Assam blast</b>
Created on : 11/26/2008 4:36:04 PM (NORMAL )
Guwahati, Nov 26 (UNI) The BJP today accused the Congress of having a hand in the serial blasts in Assam on October 30, which left more than 80 people dead.
Releasing a series of photographs of the main accused Bimal Mushary with several topmost leaders of the Assam state Congress, BJP national vice-president Bijoya Chakravarty and MP Rajen Gohain alleged that the Congress had a definite hand in the blast.
The main accused, Bimal Musahary, is a Congress activist and very close to Assam Revenue Minister Dr Bhumidhar Burman, who is also the seniormost in the Cabinet after Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi.
''These photos clearly show that mastermind of the blast Musahary was patronised by state leaders like Dr Bhumidhar Burman and state general secretary Haren Das. These are not private photos but all of them are from public functions,'' Mr Rajen Gohain said, while addressing a news conference.
He asserted to raise the matter on the floor of Parliament when it reassembles after the recess.
''It is a very serious matter. The Congress has a clear agenda and they want to lay the blame on a particular tribe for all the violence in Assam while protecting its own vote bank,'' Mrs Chakravarty said.
Police has already arrested Bimal Mushahary and has been consistently maintaining that Bodo militants were behind the blasts and a dozen of them were also rounded up, but the confusion has not been cleared yet.
''The investigation has been politically handled by Congress.
They somehow want to protect the Jehadi elements for their vote bank. They had been doing it since the last Udalgiri communal violence and masterminded it to happen in such a manner that during the election the Muslim votes come in their favour,'' Mr Gohain said.
He alleged that Jehadi elements were constantly being encouraged by Congress ministers like Rakibul Husain and said the minister had done so to win the vote bank. However, he did not furnish any proof on this statement.
''The Congress, for the sake of power, has compromised national security. Now what more proof do you need when the main culprit of the Assam blast was a Congress functionary,'' Mrs Chakravarty said.
Meanwhile, Congress, on the defensive, admitted that Musahary was a Congress Seva Dal office bearer but he was no longer with the party.
''He was a Congress Seva Dal leader but was no longer with us,'' Assam government spokesman Pradyut Bardoloi said.
However, Mushahary's family members admitted that he was fully involved with the Congress and produced certificates. His wife alleged that ''in this hour of crisis, the party abandoned my husband after using him''.
The Congress had been alleging that BJP and RSS activists were involved in instigating mob violence at the sites after the blasts.
''This is false. I arrived on the scene almost ten minutes after the blast. As a former MP I was supposed to be there and I had gone there. No public leaders dared to come there for more than hour.
Yes, I voiced the same feeling as that of the thousands of others that this government failed to protect,'' Mrs Chakravarty said.
The Congress had alleged that Mrs Chakravarty had tried to storm the Assam capital complex with the charred bodies of the victims, which allegedly sparked the mob violence.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<b>Court rejects plea for probe into âHindutva terrorâ </b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Friday rejected at the admission stage itself a writ petition filed by <b>Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind(JUH) Delhi unit president Maulana Arshad Madani </b>for a probe by an independent agency into all acts of âHindutva terrorâ from 2001.
The petitioner said the state investigating agencies did nothing even after clear evidence emerged of the involvement of Hindutva fundamentalists. The Chief Justice told Mr. Madaniâs counsel: âIt is for the state to do what it wants. They [police] are conducting an enquiry and it is being done by a special team. Have you got evidence against any of them [Hindutva groups]? How can you say that investigation is not being conducted properly?<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Sonia's stooges at work.
Here is connection between Sonia+Congress+Madani ---> terror towards Sadhvi
12-07-2008, 07:38 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-07-2008, 07:47 AM by Husky.)
^ Mudy's post
<!--QuoteBegin-Pandyan+Dec 5 2008, 11:36 PM-->QUOTE(Pandyan @ Dec 5 2008, 11:36 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->ATS broke Lt Col. Purohit's knees
Good riddance Karkare criminal and other criminal ATS gang members, have a nice death.
[right][snapback]91450[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Christo inquisitions in Europe were famous for breaking people's legs (and arms) too. They used special christian torture devices - not sure about what they're called in English (I thought it was the rack?)
What did the christos - or their Psecular Arm - use in this case?
Once your knees have been broken, even when they're 'healed', they won't be of much use in high-strain situations (carrying weight, endurance running).
It may soon be the case that Dharmics will have to be protecting the Hindus in the army. Inversion of the Sapta Samurai. But at least the regular Hindu populace is not so far psecularised that they are confused about what is Dharma and what is not.
12-31-2008, 08:25 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-31-2008, 08:28 AM by Bodhi.)
<span style='color:red'>Letter from Undertrial No. 12504 </span>
Swami Amritananda Dev Tirtha
31 Dec 2008
[On 25 December 2008, Swami Amritananda Dev Tirtha, Shankaracharya of the PoK-based Sri Sharada Sarvagya Peeth, managed to convey a letter to his followers, alluding to his sufferings and humiliation in police custody, a mirror image of the degradation of Hindus in secular India. The letter, written in Hindi, has been translated by Sandhya Jain, Editor, www.vijayvaani.com]
India, the fourth-most populous nation in the world, the sole Hindu nation, yet also a divided India, weighed down by secularism, feels guilty about being a Hindu nation. Since the last 1200 years, ignorant of its united strength, this society which lacks the courage to speak the truth and has much experience in evading the lessons of history, suffering much humiliation and aggression, is now searching and struggling for its identity.
In this connection, I, the symbol of Hindu Samajâs identity and faith, anointed Jagadguru Shankaracharya, Anantsri Bibhushit Swami Amritananda Dev Tirtha (born Sudhakar Dhar), Shankaracharya, Sri Sharada Sarvagya Peeth, Jammu Kashmir (PoK), in the present circumstances, unhappy at Hindu Samajâs worthless, indifferent, disbelieving and faithless leadership, am writing this letter. Because, via the Mumbai Anti-Terror Squad, Hindu society is being misled and their cruel and dehumanizing atrocities towards me â from propagating a fraudulent identity of Dayanand Pandey, which was never my name, and calling me a self-declared Sant, Mahant, or Pujari ââ have forced me to accept the commission of certain crimes:-
1] My saffron robes were removed, I was denuded and kept wetted in an air-conditioned room for three days and given electric shocks.
2] The Sri Yantra and religious books (including Japuji Sahib) used for my personal puja were trampled upon and thrown in a gutter.
3] Three men would stand upon my legs and hit me with belts on the soles of my feet, till I fell unconscious.
4] Meat was pushed into my mouth and I was told that it was cow-flesh (beef).
5] I was forced to read certain scripts, and then my voice dubbed, and audio-video tapes produced.
6] I was threatened that pornographic CDs would be made about me [i.e., by computer simulation] to defame me in Hindu society.
These are just some examples. I lived 17 days in their custody, and you can yourself imagine what they would have done to me.
If ATS had any proof against me, why did they need to cook up fake evidence against me? ATS said, âhere we will kill you, outside Muslims will kill you; you have to die in any case, so accept your crimes.â They made me mug up the answers of questions and then did a narco-analysis.
In these circumstances, I hope that Hindu society will accept and read this letter as proof of the truth of its Dharmacharyas.
It would be appropriate to mention here that the root and ancient seat of the Shankaracharya parampara, Sri Sharada Sarvagya Peeth, lies in gram Shardi, taluka Attumukam, district Neelam, divided Indiaâs northern-most state of Jammu Kashmir, in the 48% territory seized by Pakistan. Not only was this seat lost because of this Pakistani seizure, but over the last 60 years, that regionâs lakhs of Hindus have in lost their human rights, been denied basic civic amenities, and are running from pillar to post without social or governmental assistance.
Three resolutions to take back Pak-Occupied Kashmir are gathering dust. This attitude of secular governments is known to the Islamic nations and Islamic leadership, as a result of which a policy of oppression is being followed, and in India, Islamic conversions are taking place with the support of Pakistan and other Islamic nations. The result is that 18-20 years ago, lakhs of Hindus were compelled to abandon Kashmir; they found refuge in other Hindu states of the nation. But today, in seven coastal states, Hindus are a minority of less than 10%. So if the same type of flight of Hindus takes place in other states, where will they take refuge?
Eminent thinkers of this fear-ridden society, the Kashi Vidwit Parishad, Dandi Sannyasi Seva Samiti, the faith-loving and reputed persons of Kashi, joined hands and organised a Sarvajanik Samaroh, and re-established Sri Sharada Sarvagya Peethâs lost Shankaracharya parampara. The challenge was to stop the oppression and flight of Hindus of PoK; share the sufferings of resident Hindus of PoK and help them get justice and their rights; encourage Kashmiri Pandits to return to the Valley; and remind the Government of the three Parliamentary resolutions to reclaim PoK. Thus, on 16 May 2003, I was anointed Shankaracharya and charged with these responsibilities. Since then to the present day, combating all kinds of dangers and threats, I have been fulfilling my responsibility. A special report on this may be read in the 17 February 2008 edition of the RSS mouthpiece, Organiser.
The Jammu region of a Bharat divided on the basis of religion, from the time of independence itself, has become the kasauti (touchstone) of secularism. There, the anointment of a Shankaracharya can expose official secularism. Driven by this fear, the Central and State Governments have sought to use the Abhinav Bharat programmes and in my official capacity as Kashmir Shankaracharya, used the ATS to cook up evidences and incriminate me.
Therefore, via Hindu society, I appeal to the Respected President and Respected Judiciary to permit me to commit suicide, because after this kind of humiliation, I am dying a slow death every second. And, because of the events that befell me, which I take as a sign of the heavy dangers facing the society, I hope that the suicidal Hindu society and its leadership will be alert and awake.
With this hope and conviction, and with my blessings
Swami Amritananda Dev Tirtha
Srimad Jagadguru Shankaracharya
Sri Sharada Sarvagya Peeth, Kashmir, Bharat
[Note: The noble souls who receive this letter, are hereby requested, via the media, to approach the Hindu people of their respective areas to acquaint them with this reality. Because, on account of the ATSâ orders, none of my letters are going out of the jail. This letter is being conveyed via the good offices of Smt. Himani Savarkar. For additional information, please do contact her. Please demand a judicial enquiry into these incidents and appropriate punishment of the guilty.
For those who seek additional information about me, please search the internet for âSwami Amritananda,â and see the following websites:
Swami Amritananda Dev Tirtha
U.T. No. 12504
Arthur Road Central Jail, Mumbai, Maharashtra]
12-31-2008, 10:16 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-01-2009, 05:30 AM by Husky.)
^ Translation of Swami Amritananda's declaration on how he was tortured and humiliated by the Christo Inquisition carried out by the christo-infiltrated ATS of Maharashtra.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->from propagating a fraudulent identity of Dayanand Pandey, which was never my name, and calling me a self-declared Sant, Mahant, or Pujari<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->I am dreadfully sorry I ever assumed that Swami Amritananda Dev Tirtha's name was "Dayanand Pandey" and that I referred to him as such elsewhere in this thread/forum. I allowed myself to be misled by disinformation. I should have known better than to ever trust secular 'Hindoos'.
Having said that, I never entertained the notion that he was an imposter/self-declared. Of course, others at IF are even less guilty of this.
<!--QuoteBegin-Bodhi+Dec 31 2008, 08:25 AM-->QUOTE(Bodhi @ Dec 31 2008, 08:25 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin--><span style='color:red'>Letter from Undertrial No. 12504Â Â Â Â Â </span>
Swami Amritananda Dev Tirtha
31 Dec 2008
4] Meat was pushed into my mouth and I was told that it was cow-flesh (beef).
6] I was threatened that pornographic CDs would be made about me [i.e., by computer simulation] to defame me in Hindu society.
In these circumstances, I hope that Hindu society will accept and read this letter as proof of the truth of its Dharmacharyas.
Therefore, via Hindu society, <b>I appeal to the Respected President and Respected Judiciary to permit me to commit suicide, because after this kind of humiliation, I am dying a slow death every second.</b> And, because of the events that befell me, which I take as a sign of the heavy dangers facing the society, I hope that the suicidal Hindu society and its leadership will be alert and awake.[right][snapback]92485[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->1. The meat or beef does not matter. It is clear from his declaration that he did not (nor ever would) willingly put it into his mouth or swallow. Nor did he do it out of mere ignorance. He was forced into it entirely against his will by the greatest adharma in the world.
As this is Kali Yuga, I am sure the Gods will not find him the least bit tainted by this. I certainly don't.
2. No real Hindu would *ever* believe that this (or any real Swami) had anything to do with sleaze. Christo dawaganda doesn't work. Only christoterrorist priests are in the sordid business of attacking women and children and are of course into pornographic material. Another hobby of christos is to implicate innocent heathens in the same. That is what christos regularly do: since they cannot clear their own leaders' names (because these are guilty), they try to create the notion in the public mind that respected heathens are at the base christolevel as well.
3. Hindus ought to agitate for this Swami's instant release from the christoterrorist inquisition and from his wholly invalid incarceration.
An ABSOLUTE NO to his request for suicide until he is liberated and has seen for himself to what extent Hindu society values him and needs him. He is NOT tainted. He - all Hindu swamis - are inviolable. No filth can ever stick on self-realised people whose very thoughts, words and actions are meant only to elevate all those around them along with themselves.
The christians who have been inquisitioning our Swami Amritananda have *expressly* employed such means as would either
(a) kill him (he was previously administered such an overdose of the narcotics that he lost consciousness, see Bodhi's post in this thread)
or, failing that,
(b) make him suicidal by mental torture of the acutest kind - torture specially designed to inflict the most self-despair in Hindus and Hindu Swamis.
Once he is liberated from the christoclutches, he must be made to realise that the induced effects of such mental torture have no bearing on the way his people or his Gods perceive him. He has NOT failed Dharma.
And oh yes, it IS christians who have been inquisitioning him - every action of the perpetrators is a testimony to this: no actual secular or even psecular person would be so pointedly vindictive as to on purpose inflict the most painful treatment on another person even if it be on the much hated Hindus. (Hindus have certainly never treated other Hindus in this way, because force-feeding beef to Hindus is a particularly christoislamic method and not even mildly Hindu Hindus would resort to this.)
Only christos and islamics do such things as what Swami was subjected to and only christoislamaniacs find abominable delight in torturing heathens and other heretics (e.g. the inquistions, islamic torture of Hindus in the Bangladesh war). And of these two kinds of the rabies-infested, only christos use the method of psecularly apprehending Hindus on false charges and then torturing them, as they did previously with Kanchi Shankaracharya. The only difference is that they have learnt from their mistake last time: this time, they have taken care to hide their vile ideological identity, while in the case of the Kanchi Swami it was public fact that <i>christo</i>terrorists tortured him.
But there are further clear indicators (traffic lights) to incriminate christianism in this Christian Inquisition of Hindus, such as how the christoterrorist element in the Maharashtrian "ATS" tried to apprehend the anti-missionary Swami Asimanand (who works for the benefit of Hindus in Gujarat) under the fabricated "Hindu terror" christolies.
01-04-2009, 08:24 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-04-2009, 09:46 AM by Husky.)
Oh, who could be torturing Sadhvi, Swami Amritananda, Retired army officer Upadhyay and officer Purohit and the others?
<b>Evangelism & Conversion Methods </b>
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Police and Police Stations  ( 1 items )</b>
Police and Police stations are fast becoming agents of conversion. Police threaten the society to convert or face the brunt.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Religious conversion in AP police station</b>
PDFÂ Â Â Â | Print |Â Â Â Â E-mail
Wednesday, 11 April 2007
source: Eenadu, April 11,2007
( Can the police inspector G R Reddy go to this extent without the blessings of the Chief Minister Y S Rajasekhar Reddy?)
Christian literature on the walls
Victims are forced to read Bible
Police inspector attacks the journalists
Newstoday, Hyderabad, Begumpet: Police who are supposed to protect the people, law and order are fast becoming the centres of controversy and creating troubles. The proof is events ongoing on in Begumpet Police station. The police here have converted this police station into a platform for Christian teaching and Christian religious conversion. The walls in this police station are covered with verses from Bible. The victims who approach this police station are forced to read bible.
Police case if you don't read the bible verses
Normally women victims of domestic violence approach this police station. Under normal circumstances, both the victim and husband and counselled to comprise and come to an understanding and only if the counselling fails a case is registered. But in this police station the procedure is totally different. Victims who approach the police station for help are forced to read the bible verses written on the walls. The abuser or defendent is called to the station and forced to read bible. They are warned with rigorous punishment if they disobey. The police are achieving their wish by threatening severe mauling.
Inspector abuses media people
Responding to complaints from victims various TV channels including ETV-Eenadu visited the police station on tuesday. The inspector G R Reddy started abusing newspeople who were video recording the writings on the walls and interviewing victims. While abusing the newsmen with foul language pushing away the cameras he said " Shoot whatever you want. I will remove my shirt, I will remove my pant. shoot it!" He immediately got the walls whitewashed. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Page has a screenshot of the original Telugu contents of the Eenadu article.
Similarly there are christoterrorists in the Tamizh police (like those who tortured Kanchi Shankaracharya).
Indian police being infiltrated and taken over by christoterrorists, just like police and army in modern South Korea (and Ancient Rome):
<b>Buddhism under Siege in Korea, Chronology of Events January 1997-December 1998</b>
via http://freetruth.50webs.org/D4d.htm (which highlights all occurrences of christian "apologies" after their terrorism in red)
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>June 1997</b>.
Human feces were scattered around the Dharma Hall in the Special Forces School under the Ranger-commando Force. Candidates for Noncommissioned officers who tried to attend dharma meeting had to write a letter of self-criticism. It was revealed that the officer in command forced the candidates without religion to believe in Christianity and applied unspoken pressure on Buddhist candidates. Buddhists organized Countermeasure Committee against Oppression of Buddhism and protested strongly. Defense Ministry issued an apology under the name of its minister.
<b>February 16, 1998.</b>
<b>Marine Corps Commandant Tobong Chon says that he would make the Marine Corps soldiers of Christ</b> at a ground-breaking ceremony of a church for the Second Division of the Marine Corps. Buddhists made a strong protest against the incident. Marine Corps Commandant sends a letter of explanation stating that the incident was found groundless through self investigation under the directives of the Chief of Naval Operations (March 13, 1998) and promises to prevent any recurrences of the kind (March 14, 1998).
<b>May 16, 1998.</b>
Police investigator following a tip without evidence about organized gangsters barge into a dharma hall where a special ritual is in progress, put handcuffs on a monk and take him to the police station without an arrest warrant using violent language in front of the worshippers. This case is now on trial.
(Compare above with the character assassination the christoterrorists did to Kanchi Shankaracharya
And oh look - S Korean christoterrorist police behave just like christoterrorists in Orissa did to Swami Lakshmanananda during their <i>previous</i> attempt on Swami's life - when the cretins lay in wait for the Swami 
<b>August 29, 1998.</b>
<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Four policemen from Public Security Division of Seoul Metropolitan Police rough up Ven. Song Kwang at the entrance of Chogyesa Temple, the main headquarters temple of the order in Seoul at 9:30 am. The police had been blocking the driveway of the temple and he asked them to step aside so he could drive in and park. They hit him and used abusive language in response. Outraged lay people struggled with the police and a few people received injuries.</span> The police escaped the scene when the protest by lay people escalated. Immediately after the incident, Police Chief Kim, Yonghwa and Kim, Hongjun, Director of the Public Security Division visit Chogyesa to make formal apology and to promise that police involved in the incident will be disciplined. The four perpetrators of the violence visited Chogyesa later that afternoon and apologized to the victim and laypeople involved and performed many prostrations in the temple.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->This is what christians do. Their only law is that of their non-existent scary terrorist "gawd". Who knows why they are allowed in the police force and army in the first place.
The same link has more examples of how christoterrorist "policemen" who were supposed to be guarding the vulnerable S Korean Bauddha temples from the continuous christoterrorist attacks would let all of it happen anyway - in broad daylight.
Nun identifies main accused in rape case
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->PNS | Bhubaneswar
The 29-year-old nun on Monday turned up in the high-security special jails at Choudwar to participate in the Test Identification Parade (TIP). She identified the two accused including the main culprit Mitu Patnaik who had committed the crime. <b>The Crime Branch had arrested Mitu Patnaik from Kerala</b>. The nun was allegedly raped at K Nuagaon on August 25.
The nun reached the jail along with the father who was an eyewitness to the incident. She reached the jail at 1.20 pm. In presence of the Magistrate, the nun identified the main accused Mitu among the 90 plus people, who were paraded by the Crime Branch of Orissa Police for the TIP, which continued for nearly two hours.
Earlier, the police brought all the 10 accused from Baliguda on Saturday and lodged them at a special cell. She immediately identified the accused Mitu, who had raped her. The nun also identified Kartik Pradhan, another accused, sources said.
The Crime Branch arrested Mitu Patnaik, Saroj Ghadai and Munna Ghadai from Palghat area of Kerala in October, 2008. In the first week of October, the Crime Branch had also arrested five people - Kartik Pradhan, Santosh Pradhan, Juria Pradhan, Biren Kumar Sahu and Tapas Kumar Patnaik in this connection.
Later addressing a Press conference, IG Crime Branch Arun Ray said the TI parade was successful. "We will soon submit the chargesheet in this connection," she said.
However, the nun did not tell any thing to the police and left the place after the parade.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Who was giving protection to the rape accused in Kerala?
01-23-2009, 05:55 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-23-2009, 06:01 PM by Husky.)
3 related items.
Enough time has passed since the Mumbai attacks, for the <b>Christian Inquisition of the Hindus</b> to continue:
1. http://rajeev2004.blogspot.com/2009/01/sec...s-unabated.html
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Monday, January 19, 2009
<b>"Secular" witch hunt continues unabated against Hindu nationalists</b>
(They are CHRISTIAN witch hunts of Hindus)
The consequences of UPA's obsession with framing absurd and concocted charges against "Hindu terrorists" while simultaneously neglecting to act against actual Islamist terrorism were evident in the bestial Jihadi invasion of Mumbai.
Apparently, Karkare's conspiracy theory is alive and well under the regime of tinpot Nehruvian Stalinist dictators
  "........According to another senior officer, the case at Nashik will be registered for conspiracy and waging war against the nation. The case pertains to a "conspiracy meeting'' where the accused can be seen discussing the preparations for the blast in a 14-minute video film. A man in his early sixties is shown in the video, saying that the bombs should be planted on Eid when all Muslims gather for namaz............"
The "SECULAR" absurdity has no end, apparently. The fingerprints of the Stalinist Kaangress dirty tricks department are all over this thing. Only a semi-literate Kaangress gasbag could have conjured up this hilarious
"conspiracy meeting" where Hindu nationalists are planning to blow up Mohammedans in some nondescript target and actually video tape the proceedings of their "conspiratorial discussion" to serve as "evidence" in the prosecution by ATS. And these idiots expect us to believe their mumbo jumbo?
Posted by karyakarta92 at 1/19/2009 08:57:00 PM
Labels: jihad, Kaangress, secular progressive, terrorism, UPA
<b>1 comments:
M. Patil said...
  Looking at the past leaks of ATS, this "conspiracy meeting" could be where all the participants will be shouting "Bharat Mata Ki Jai". This clearly is a crime under
  Stalinist Congress.
  It is amazing that all these 11 people are charged with conspiracy, where as no one who actually committed the crime has been arrested.
  Why is it that all the reports take words of poice as gospel?
  1/20/2009 9:43 AM<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Refers to the following TOI article. Note particularly how the christoterrorists insist on still calling Swami Amritananda by the false name they have devised for him. What kind of real police case will invent fake names for people and incriminate them? Only christian ones.
2. timesofindia.indiatimes.com/Mumbai/ATS_to_file_a_fresh_case_in_Malegaon_bomb_blast/articleshow/4003943.cms
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>ATS to file a fresh case in Malegaon bomb blast</b>
20 Jan 2009, 0000 hrs IST, <b>Mateen Hafeez</b>, TNN
MUMBAI: The ATS is now planning to register a fresh case in the Malegaon bomb blast case. The fresh case pertains to one of the conspiracy
meetings held at Nashik, leading to the blast. Lt Col Purohit, <b>Dayanand Pandey,</b> Sudhakar Chaturvedi who have been named accused in the blast case, will be booked in the Nashik conspiracy case along with five others. These five people, two from Mumbai and three from Nashik, will be tried only in the conspiracy case.
A senior police official said they did not want to make it part of the Malegaon blast case as the police do not have sufficient evidence to try these five people in the larger conspiracy. However, a section of policemen say that this could weaken the Malegaon blast case because it would divide the evidence in two cases.
According to another senior officer, the case at Nashik will be registered for conspiracy and waging war against the nation. The case pertains to a "conspiracy meeting'' where the accused can be seen discussing the preparations for the blast in a 14-minute video film. A man in his early sixties is shown in the video, saying that the bombs should be planted on Eid when all Muslims gather for namaz.
The film was shot by <b>Pandey</b> and stored in his laptop, which was seized by the police after his arrest. The ATS has also received the forensic report of two laptops seized from Purohit and Pandey.
<b>The squad has several film clips, which were shot by Pandey</b> when visitors and followers would come to meet him. Other clips include footage of politicians, bureaucrats, senior police officers and personnel from the intelligence department. "We are considering filing a separate case of conspiracy against the accused in Nashik where this meeting was conducted in 2007. The accused will be booked in a new case,'' said an IPS officer.
If registered, it will be the fifth case against Purohit and the third against Chaturvedi. Purohit was first booked in the Malegaon blast case, then the Matunga police registered a case of preparing a fake army ID, the third case was lodged with the Nashik police for submitting false documents to obtain an arms licence and the fourth case, pertaining to forgery, was registered by the Pune police.
"The video CD is part of evidence that proves how the suspects hatched a conspiracy for multiple blasts across the country. If this evidence is given in another case, it might weaken the Malegaon blast case as the proof will be divided," said a policeman.
The anti-terrorism squad is all set to file a chargesheet in the September 29 Malegaon blast case on Tuesday. Initially, the 11 accused were charged under conventional laws but later the ATS invoked the stringent MCOCA. Thus the case is before a special MCOCA judge in Mumbai. The defence lawyers have challenged the applicability of the special law to the case saying it was imposed by the police only to force confessions out of the accused. <b>Since MCOCA was applied, the ATS had 180 days, instead of the three month given to the police under ordinary laws, to file a chargesheet in the case.</b> Once it is filed decks will be clear for the court to frame charges against the accused and start the trial.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
3. Is it christian? Oh yes, yes it is. Check out the report of the Italian Vatican mouthpiece for Asia called AsiaNews.it
Note the motto/mission of the catholic terrorist site is visible at the top of the site:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Asia. Our common task for the New millennium.
(From: "Rise, let us be on our way" by John Paul II)
(^ That was the Pope's signal to his sleeper catholics in India that it was time they started going on conversion overdrive: that is, time to murder Hindu civilisation. Opus Dei isn't the only catholic christian gangster convention you know. 'Lay' catholics are too.)<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Anyway, the following is what the above christoterrorist paper has writtten. Lying for gawd, like when they murdered the Hellenistic=Greco-Roman civilisation.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->» 01/22/2009 18:10
<b>Anti-terror trial: Malegaon bombers planning a Hindu state</b>
Prosecution submits more than 4,000 pages of evidence against people accused of carrying out the bomb attacks that killed six and wounded 70 in September last year. The group was also preparing other attacks in order to subvert the legal order. A former BJP member of parliament attended some of the groupâs secret meetings.
Mumbai (AsiaNews/Agencies) â The people behind the Malegaon blasts were organising an underground movement to promote Hindu nationalism and set up a Hindu state (Hindu Rashtra).
On Tuesday the Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) presented evidence to the Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act (MCOCA) Court against 14 defendants involved in the attack that killed six people, wounding 70, in Malegaon, a city in Maharashtra, on 29 September 2008.
The 4,300-page charge sheet submitted by the Maharashtra ATS not only contained the counts of crimes against the accused, but also transcripts of conversations in which the latter discussed secret plans to âsow the seed for revolution.â
The document reported that the group held meetings in various cities of the country, including one in September 2007, attended by B.L. Sharma, a former member of parliament for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and a leader of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP).
Based on transcripts from a video found on the laptop of <b>self-styled religious leader Dayanand Pandey</b>, police argued that the defendants were planning to set up a vast subversive group.
(Let me guess: oh, who could have invented the rumour about the Swami being self-styled and called "Dayanand Pandey".)
The transcripts also indicate that Sharma discussed when and how to recruit new members. The former BJP lawmaker is also said to have encourage the group in their plan, urging them to maintain secrecy, suggesting they might achieve their goals in a five-year period.
In the tape the groupâs leader, Army Lieutenant Colonel P S Purohit, said that the ârevolution should not be only in Maharashtra or Delhi. Until the web is fully spread across the country, we cannot implement this revolution.â
<b>In the short run the group planned to carry out attacks to frighten the population and force non-Hindus to convert to Hinduism.</b>
The next hearing in the case is scheduled for 12 February when the judicial custody of 11 of the 14 accused ends.
The Malegaon trial has become a major embarrassment for Hindu nationalist parties who had initially claimed that the two blasts in September were the work of Islamist or Maoist groups.
However, right from the start the trail of clues led to Hindu nationalist leaders.
(There have been NO CLUES so far. Yet christoterrorist paper is lying through its teeth. That's christoism for you. Only christo torture, christoinquisition and christo-planting of fake 'evidence' the way christos manufactured their fake relics in the past and forged documents like St Justin Martyr forged the hand of Aurelius I think it was.)
When a 38-year-old man, who had become a Sadhu or Hindu ascetic in 2007, was arrested early in the investigation along with a Hindu woman, it became clear that Hindu nationalists were behind the attacks.
(Note how for the christos, the Swami and Sadhvi are the number one target, even in their 'news' papers.)<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Interesting to compare the christo TOI article with the other christo (Asian.It) article. The former is meant to sound more secular in order to reach a varied audience in India.