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Year 2012 -satya/dwapara Yuga
Also here is an interesting article from an Indian freelance researcher who seems to have stumbled upon a significant correlation between solar flares and earthquakes.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--> Of tremors and solar flares

By M. Harish Govind

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM NOV. 22. A freelance researcher has suggested that there could be a correlation between seismic tremors and heightened solar activity coinciding with a full moon or new moon.

Rajagopal Kamath, an LIC official based at Kollam, has gone on to "predict'' a moderate earthquake in the Kerala region during the next two months during full moon or new moon as a severe geomagnetic storm is in progress.

Mr. Kamath says he has been observing the changes in the sun's activity and its impact on seismic activity in the South Indian region for the last four years. He has found what he calls a surprising "link'' between solar activity and earthquakes.

The most recent case was that of the November 8 tremor experienced in Kannur. The tremor, which measured 3.2 on the Richter scale, occurred on a full moon day in the wake of a severe geomagnetic storm that began on October 30.

Mr. Kamath also points to the quake of 4.7 magnitude on December 12, 2000, in the Idukki-Kottayam area and the devastating quake of January 26, 2001, in Gujarat. These quakes also occurred during a full moon and a new moon timed with the solar maxima or intense solar activity as part of a 11-year cycle.

``A solar flare has not always been followed by a quake, but a quake was always preceded by a flare, that too during the solar maxima. The sun is now very active and a quake cannot be ruled out,'' says Mr. Kamath.

The solar flares result in coronal mass ejections that send large amounts of charged particles towards the earth.

These particles interrupt satellite communications and cause severe geomagnetic storms.

The solar flare of August 25, 2001, coincided with a quake in Thrissur district on that day. The flare on September 24, 2001, preceded the Gujarat quake by about 72 hours.

Mr. Kamath says that though quantitative proof is lacking to support his theory, seismologists can conduct a study regarding a possible correlation.

``All that I can say is that there is a chance for a tremor in an area where seismic pressure is on the rise when a solar flare is on and the full moon is approaching,'' he says.

Seismologists, however, point out that more data is needed on solar flares and tremors at a global level to prove or disprove such a correlation.

Says Kushala Rajendran of the Centre for Earth Science Studies here, "one should be able to relate it to not only micro-tremors, but also large earthquakes recorded all over the world.''

Mr. Kamath was in the news last year when he questioned the Archaeology Department's claim regarding the antiquity of a sailing vessel, which was discovered at Thaikkal near Cherthala.

He had pointed out certain technical flaws in the dating and subsequent studies had proved that the ship was not as old as was claimed.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

NASA predicts huge solar flares directed towards earth between 2010 and 2012

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Solar Storm Warning


March 10, 2006: It's official: Solar minimum has arrived. Sunspots have all but vanished. Solar flares are nonexistent. The sun is utterly quiet.

Like the quiet before a storm.

This week researchers announced that a storm is coming--the most intense solar maximum in fifty years. The prediction comes from a team led by Mausumi Dikpati of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). "The next sunspot cycle will be 30% to 50% stronger than the previous one," she says. If correct, the years ahead could produce a burst of solar activity second only to the historic Solar Max of 1958.

see captionThat was a solar maximum. The Space Age was just beginning: Sputnik was launched in Oct. 1957 and Explorer 1 (the first US satellite) in Jan. 1958. In 1958 you couldn't tell that a solar storm was underway by looking at the bars on your cell phone; cell phones didn't exist. Even so, people knew something big was happening when Northern Lights were sighted three times in Mexico. A similar maximum now would be noticed by its effect on cell phones, GPS, weather satellites and many other modern technologies.

Dikpati's prediction is unprecedented. In nearly-two centuries since the 11-year sunspot cycle was discovered, scientists have struggled to predict the size of future maxima—and failed. Solar maxima can be intense, as in 1958, or barely detectable, as in 1805, obeying no obvious pattern.

The key to the mystery, Dikpati realized years ago, is a conveyor belt on the sun.

We have something similar here on Earth—the Great Ocean Conveyor Belt, popularized in the sci-fi movie The Day After Tomorrow. It is a network of currents that carry water and heat from ocean to ocean--see the diagram below. In the movie, the Conveyor Belt stopped and threw the world's weather into chaos.

The sun's conveyor belt is a current, not of water, but of electrically-conducting gas. It flows in a loop from the sun's equator to the poles and back again. Just as the Great Ocean Conveyor Belt controls weather on Earth, this solar conveyor belt controls weather on the sun. Specifically, it controls the sunspot cycle.

Solar physicist David Hathaway of the National Space Science & Technology Center (NSSTC) explains: "First, remember what sunspots are--tangled knots of magnetism generated by the sun's inner dynamo. A typical sunspot exists for just a few weeks. Then it decays, leaving behind a 'corpse' of weak magnetic fields."

Enter the conveyor belt.

see caption"The top of the conveyor belt skims the surface of the sun, sweeping up the magnetic fields of old, dead sunspots. The 'corpses' are dragged down at the poles to a depth of 200,000 km where the sun's magnetic dynamo can amplify them. Once the corpses (magnetic knots) are reincarnated (amplified), they become buoyant and float back to the surface." Presto—new sunspots!

All this happens with massive slowness. "It takes about 40 years for the belt to complete one loop," says Hathaway. The speed varies "anywhere from a 50-year pace (slow) to a 30-year pace (fast)."

When the belt is turning "fast," it means that lots of magnetic fields are being swept up, and that a future sunspot cycle is going to be intense. This is a basis for forecasting: "The belt was turning fast in 1986-1996," says Hathaway. "Old magnetic fields swept up then should re-appear as big sunspots in 2010-2011."

Like most experts in the field, Hathaway has confidence in the conveyor belt model and agrees with Dikpati that the next solar maximum should be a doozy. But he disagrees with one point. <b>Dikpati's forecast puts Solar Max at 2012. Hathaway believes it will arrive sooner, in 2010 or 2011.</b>
"History shows that big sunspot cycles 'ramp up' faster than small ones," he says. "I expect to see the first sunspots of the next cycle appear in late 2006 or 2007—and Solar Max to be underway by 2010 or 2011."

Who's right? Time will tell. Either way, a storm is coming. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

<!--QuoteBegin-Raju+Apr 17 2007, 04:06 PM-->QUOTE(Raju @ Apr 17 2007, 04:06 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->NASA predicts huge solar flares directed towards earth between 2010 and 2012

<!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Solar Storm Warning

When the belt is turning "fast," it means that lots of magnetic fields are being swept up, and that a future sunspot cycle is going to be intense. This is a basis for forecasting: "<b>The belt was turning fast in 1986-1996," says Hathaway. "Old magnetic fields swept up then should re-appear as big sunspots in 2010-2011."</b>

Like most experts in the field, Hathaway has confidence in the conveyor belt model and agrees with Dikpati that the next solar maximum should be a doozy. But he disagrees with one point. <b>Dikpati's forecast puts Solar Max at 2012. Hathaway believes it will arrive sooner, in 2010 or 2011.</b>
"History shows that big sunspot cycles 'ramp up' faster than small ones," he says. "I expect to see the first sunspots of the next cycle appear in late 2006 or 2007—and Solar Max to be underway by 2010 or 2011."

Who's right? Time will tell. Either way, a storm is coming. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->


My recollection of the 1987 is one of a sudden change into an extremely hot year. There was severe drought in few states. That 1987 drought is still considered the greatest drought that India had in the century. I still have images fresh in my memory, while returning to Delhi from Calcutta after summer vacations, of dried up cattle carcass lying on either side of the rail tracks along stretches in UP.
As per above reports, we might not always be so lucky.

In 2003 something similar happened, but fortunately earth just received just a fraction of the flare.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The associated coronal mass ejection (CME) came out of the Sun's surface at about 2,300 kilometres per second (8.2 million km/h). <b>Only part of the CME was directed towards Earth</b> <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->


<img src='http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/39533000/gif/_39533355_solar_flare_416.gif' border='0' alt='user posted image' />


Those CMEs flares etc are not a cause for worry as long as earth's magnetosphere remains intact. Earth has faced many direct hits with large CMEs and a person on ground perhaps merely noticed his TV channels becoming noisy. To date worst impacts have only caused some power outages and possibly some satellite damage due to EMP kind of effect.

The speed of CME/flare plasma seems daunting, but they are extremely dilute when they hit earth's magnetosphere. Those charged particles don't much penetrate earth's magnetosphere and are sent spiralling down earth's magnetic field lines creating aurorae. The x-rays, UV rays gamma rays etc also get absorbed or scattered. Thats why astronauts in earth orbit are safe from flares, while those outside the magnetosphere, say on moon could be in danger when facing a flare.

Also that picture from BBC is not correct. A typical CME expands to about 2000-4000 times earth size when it hits earth's magnetosphere. And it primarily just wraps around the magnetosphere and goes away. Magnetosphere just gets hammered and distorted causing a geo-magnetic storm, but not much lasting damage is done.
IIRC earth has never been in the direct line-of-sight of a massive solar flare ever. The biggest Solar Flare ever recorded in history in 2003 found Earth receiving only a glancing blow from the flare.

However this is nothing compared to what would have happened if the flare had been targeted directly towards Earth. This is the 2010-12 scenario.
Many spacecrafts (outside earth's magnetosphere) have been hit by and passed through centers of many flares, big and small, and their magnetic/particle data is available.

In short, undue worries about flares are misplaced, unless you happen to be outside earth's magnetosphere without a radiation suit. Of course power grid instabilities and satellite failures can occur during a big flare.
Solar 'superflare' shredded Earth's ozone

The largest solar flare in the last 500 years may have shredded Earth's ozone layer to a greater extent than human-made chemicals have in recent decades, new research suggests, but the effect was only temporary. If such a flare occurred today, it would likely be even more damaging to the ozone and could increase the rate of skin cancer around the world.

On 1 September 1859, the Sun expelled huge quantities of high-energy protons in a 'superflare'. The event was seen on Earth by an observer who noticed a white spot on the Sun suddenly brighten for about five minutes.

When the magnetic storm struck Earth, fires started in telegraph stations due to electrical arcing in the telegraph wires. The northern lights, or aurorae borealis, were reportedly seen as far south as Florida in the US.
from above link by Raju:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->This breakdown caused global atmospheric ozone levels to drop by 5%. In comparison, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other chemicals have depleted the levels by about 3% in recent years
However, unlike CFCs and other ozone-depleting chemicals, which can persist in the atmosphere for some time, the flare-induced ozone thinning probably lasted for just four years,<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

EMP effects of flares are well known, and a big flare can cause arcing/sparking damaging satellites, and as reported, possibly for electrical equipment on ground too. Electric grid failures have happened during flares.

But even with that superflare of 1859 the damage was not significant at all. And ozone level dropped only 5% for 4 years, not really a big deal.
But they are not sure,

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->the flare-induced ozone thinning probably lasted for just four years, the researchers report<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
A 5% drop in ozone lasting forever (not only 4 years) increases UV exposure by say a few % more, so skin cancer rates may go up few % more. Is that a big deal.

Also most of the ozone damage will be near the polar regions, not uniformly over the globe, and not many humans live in the polar region.

I would be more worried about a large enough flare related EMP that can damage commnucations & power lines etc.
<img src='http://www.polereversal.com/images/stories/041802mag_flip.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

NASA Claims Polar Shift Due In 2012
Written by Administrator
Friday, 09 December 2005
Solar System - Did you notice? In February 2001, the Sun did a magnetic polar shift. The next one is due again in 2012. NASA scientists who monitor the Sun say that our star's awesome magnetic field flipped 22 months ago, signaling the arrival of a solar maximum. But it wasn't so obvious to the average human. ImageThe Sun's magnetic north pole, which was in the northern hemisphere just a few months ago, now points south. It's a topsy-turvy situation, but not an unexpected one. "This always happens around the time of solar maximum," says David Hathaway, a solar physicist at the Marshall Space Flight Center. "The magnetic poles exchange places at the peak of the sunspot cycle. In fact, it's a good indication that Solar Max is really here." The Sun's magnetic poles will remain as they are now, with the north magnetic pole pointing through the Sun's southern hemisphere, until the year 2012 when they will reverse again. This transition happens, as far as we know, at the peak of every 11-year sunspot cycle -- like clockwork.

Earth’s magnetic field also flips, but with less regularity. Consecutive reversals are spaced 5 thousand years to 50 million years apart. The last reversal happened 740,000 years ago. Some researchers think our planet is overdue for another one, but nobody knows exactly when the next reversal might occur. ImageAlthough solar and terrestrial magnetic fields behave differently, they do have something in common: their shape. During solar minimum the Sun's field, like Earth's, resembles that of an iron bar magnet, with great closed loops near the equator and open field lines near the poles. Scientists call such a field a "dipole." The Sun's dipolar field is about as strong as a refrigerator magnet, or 50 gauss (a unit of magnetic intensity). Earth's magnetic field is 100 times weaker. When solar maximum arrives and sunspots pepper the face of the Sun, our star's magnetic field begins to change. Sunspots are places where intense magnetic loops -- hundreds of times stronger than the ambient dipole field -- poke through the photosphere. "Meridional flows on the Sun's surface carry magnetic fields from mid-latitude sunspots to the Sun's poles," explains Hathaway. "The poles end up flipping because these flows transport south-pointing magnetic flux to the north magnetic pole, and north-pointing flux to the south magnetic pole."

The dipole field steadily weakens as oppositely-directed flux accumulates at the Sun's poles until, at the height of solar maximum, the magnetic poles change polarity and begin to grow in a new direction. Hathaway noticed the latest polar reversal in a "magnetic butterfly diagram." Using data collected by astronomers at the U.S. National Solar Observatory on Kitt Peak, he plotted the Sun's average magnetic field, day by day, as a function of solar latitude and time from 1975 through the present. The result is a sort of strip chart recording that reveals evolving magnetic patterns on the Sun's surface. "We call it a butterfly diagram," he says, "because sunspots make a pattern in this plot that looks like the wings of a butterfly." In the butterfly diagram, pictured below, the Sun's polar fields appear as strips of uniform color near 90 degrees latitude. When the colors change (in this case from blue to yellow or vice versa) it means the polar fields have switched signs.

The ongoing changes are not confined to the space immediately around our star, Hathaway added. The Sun's magnetic field envelops the entire solar system in a bubble that scientists call the "heliosphere." The heliosphere extends 50 to 100 astronomical units (AU) beyond the orbit of Pluto. Inside it is the solar system -- outside is interstellar space. "Changes in the Sun's magnetic field are carried outward through the heliosphere by the solar wind," explains Steve Suess, another solar physicist at the Marshall Space Flight Center. "It takes about a year for disturbances to propagate all the way from the Sun to the outer bounds of the heliosphere." Because the Sun rotates (once every 27 days) solar magnetic fields corkscrew outwards in the shape of an Archimedian spiral. Far above the poles the magnetic fields twist around like a child's Slinky toy. Because of all the twists and turns, "the impact of the field reversal on the heliosphere is complicated," says Hathaway. Sunspots are sources of intense magnetic knots that spiral outwards even as the dipole field vanishes.

The heliosphere doesn't simply wink out of existence when the poles flip -- there are plenty of complex magnetic structures to fill the void. Or so the theory goes.... Researchers have never seen the magnetic flip happen from the best possible point of view -- that is, from the top down. But now, the unique Ulysses spacecraft may give scientists a reality check. <b>Ulysses, an international joint venture of the European Space Agency and NASA, was launched in 1990 to observe the solar system from very high solar latitudes. Every six years the spacecraft flies 2.2 AU over the Sun's poles. No other probe travels so far above the orbital plane of the planets. "Ulysses just passed under the Sun's south pole," says Suess, a mission co-Investigator. "Now it will loop back and fly over the north pole in the fall."</b> "This is the most important part of our mission," he says. Ulysses last flew over the Sun's poles in 1994 and 1996, during solar minimum, and the craft made several important discoveries about cosmic rays, the solar wind, and more. "Now we get to see the Sun's poles during the other extreme: Solar Max. Our data will cover a complete solar cycle." www.PoleReversal.com
Last Updated ( Friday, 06 January 2006 )

Solar cycle of 22 years is a well known phenomenon. Every 11 years solar poles flip completing a cycle in 22 years.

Sunspots and solar-flares also follow this and appear strongly every 11 years during a period called a solar maximum. At solar maximum magnetic field develops a strong azimuthal component and looks less like a dipole. In the interim when poles fully recover and the field looks dipolar, then that is called a solar-minimum, since sunspot/solar-flare activity is minimal during that phase.

So, 2012 solar-maximum is nothing special as such, apart from a coincidence with Mayan calendar.

I would be extremely sceptical about anything earth-shaking happening during 2011-2012 related to solar phenomena.





check this link
A very interesting read. It touches many concepts and I really suggest a read.


The Galaxy and Harmonic Resonance
Fascinating Physical Proofs of Ascension
by David Wilcock

We know that the Sun is actively pumping out spiraling energy waves that drive the planets and moons in their respective orbits. Both Bode's Law and the new Stoneking Resonance theories show that the planets are spaced out in the natural Diatonic musical proportions relative to each other.[1] The very first extra-solar planetary system that we discovered, which was around pulsar B1257+12, also shows these same proportions.[2] The proportional phenomenon supports the idea that every star is pumping out energy waves that create similar planetary systems, as this kind of resonance obviously could not be caused by random groupings of gas and dust.

Then, just like the principles of a hologram or a fractal, within the larger waves from the Sun are subtler, smaller waves. And these are also based on the same musical principles. They all branch out, forming waves upon waves and getting smaller and smaller.

In the optimal planetary system, where there are no major cataclysms or interruptions, there is a specific distance from the Sun where the tiniest spiraling waves will gather a planet's natural materials together to form the DNA molecules of life. The DNA is the wave, and the wave is the DNA.

That DNA is formed in the process of planetary evolusion may sound ridiculous, but it can effectively be proven by something known as the DNA Phantom effect. Dr. Vladimir Poponin put DNA in a tube and shone a laser through it, and to his surprise he realized that it actually captured the light and caused it to spiral through the helix, as if it were a crystal. Even more amazingly, when Dr. Poponin removed the DNA, the light continued spiraling on its own![3]

For light to form a DNA helix on its own should of course be impossible - unless the light itself had become harmonically tuned to some naturally existing frequency in the energy of space around it. To me, this says that the spiraling light energy of DNA was there first, and the physical molecules simply formed around the spiraling energy once the planet was at the proper frequency position. The Galaxy is ''tuned'' to form human DNA in planetary systems wherever it gets the chance.

The theory of the Evolution of Species is being disproven because the DNA molecule is just too complicated to have arisen by ''natural mutations.'' Dr. Crick, one of the original discoverers of the DNA molecule, later proved mathematically that it is absolutely impossible for evolution to have ever even begun to produce DNA in the short amount of history that we have as a planet.[4]

So now, we are moving into a new position. Microbiology experts tell us that 97 percent of our DNA is apparently un-used,[5] but I have been told that more and more of the chain is ''unzipping'' for those who are able to handle the new fourth-density energy structure. These people may not physically look any different, except perhaps more attractive in subtle ways, but internally they will develop greater depths of emotion, perception, intuition, and sensitivity.

Some of the younger people will actually develop telekinesis or the ability to ''see dead people.'' Many others often find that their bodies will no longer tolerate foods of lower vibration, and they are impelled to eat diets high in fresh organic fruits and vegetables.

So as you drift farther away from your parent star, your planet enters into different vibrational energies and will support life in higher densities.

As Ra explains[6], there is an Octave of eight major densities. This is the same as if you played the white keys on the piano, the Diatonic scale. The Octave can also be broken down into a system of 13, which can be seen by playing the Chromatic scale of white and black keys together. There are many densities within densities. Each of these vibratory frequencies corresponds to a specific plane of existence - and/or a specific level of consciousness.

Another teaching of Ra is that all people have higher selves, a sixth-density future incarnative self that is guiding their life and guiding their physical incarnation from the future. The Higher Self basically says, ''Look, I know that you're going to evolve to become me. I'm looking back into my past at myself, but I also know that you have free will. I don't necessarily know all the choices that you will make on a day-by-day basis to eventually get to be me, where I am now. So I'm going to help you get to this point. I'm going to show you how to get to where I am, knowing that it's myself that's evolving.''

That is what dreams are.

Dreams are a very high level, distilled message from the Higher Self that comes through to the individual in the language of metaphor. It doesn't matter whether you understand your dreams with your conscious mind or not. It doesn't matter whether you remember them or not. Your dreams communicate with your fourth-dimensional or fourth-density astral self, which I believe is the same self that Edgar Cayce was using to do his medical readings.

It's your astral self that goes through the dream experience. So it's as if you have multiple levels of your being that are doing different things, things that you're not aware of. They're doing all sorts of work, and they're buzzing around - and yet it's all part of you, at the same time.

And this is a very mind-expanding concept because you realize how much more you are than your physical body. You realize how much more you're loved and how much more of yourself there is.

The keystone to all of this that we're talking about - to everything I mentioned so far - is the idea that evolution must come on a mass scale. Ascension is not simply restricted to an idea like the Christians' saying there is going to be this ''rapture,'' where Jesus comes back and ushers in a thousand years of peace. It's a cosmic event, and has been prophesied in almost every major religious and spiritual tradition that has existed on the face of the Earth.

In my new career as research director for the ''Time of Global Shift'' tour, I provide references to back up these assertions.[7] Let's talk about some of these now.

We'll start with Dr. Alexey Dmitriev from the Russian National Academy of Sciences. Dmitriev did work with tornadoes showing that in the presence of a tornado there are very high electromagnetic fields, visible light, and ball lightning. And there are all sorts of cases where the tornado causes the physical objects to fuse into each other - where matter actually becomes able to permeate other matter. Dmitriev cites cases where two burnt and charred wooden boards were fused together by a tornado, even though they would crumble at the slightest touch. There were pebbles that had gone through glass without breaking the glass; pieces of straw that went through a window and got stuck in the window without breaking it.[8]

All this weird stuff is happening that shows that matter is able to disappear or become permeable to other matter in the presence of a strong enough field.

Then we look at the Bermuda Triangle. In a triangular area off the coast of Florida between Puerto Rico, Miami, and Bermuda, there have been planes lost as well as ships. It hasn't really been active since the 1970s, but certainly it was before then. And we're not just talking about marine vessels that disappear, and you can say, ''Okay, well, it sank.'' We're talking about airplanes that are on radar and have radio contact, and suddenly they're just gone.

In certain cases there have been people who disappear and then reappear. There was a case in the late 1969 where a National Airlines 727 passenger aircraft flying into Miami had lost all radar and radio contact for 10 minutes. Of course, the air traffic controller was highly freaked out by this.

Ten minutes went by and communication came back on. The air traffic controller asked them where they had been, and they didn't know what he was talking about. They had no perception of anything's having happened. And when they landed, it was discovered that every single timepiece in the entire aircraft - everybody's watch, every chronometer, you name it - had lost 10 minutes! It was as if they basically just winked out of our existence for 10 minutes and then came back.[9]

The more we investigate these vortex phenomena, the more we see that some strange things are happening.

Another vortex phenomenon case involved a group of young hippies who were camped out inside Stonehenge when the stones were struck by lightning. Witnesses saw them all disappear, leaving only the charred pegs of their tents.[10] I believe that the higher energy vibration of the lightning activated the vortex that Stonehenge had been built to harness, which in turn caused this to happen, and I think that the creators of Stonehenge probably used these effects for travel through space and time.

So apparently Stonehenge and the Bermuda Triangle are places where, at certain times, the amount of gravitational and vibrational energy coming out of the Earth exceeds that going into the Earth. You could think of these areas as being akin to holes that have been popped in a plastic bag filled with water - for a certain amount of time, the water would flow out very quickly.

And you can see that in those two locations, there is a history of incidents suggesting that matter has been transmuted in the presence of such an energy vortex.

What we are leading to is that the entire energy of the Solar System is increasing, and that at some point, it will reach a level where it will transmute all life on the planet. That is when Ascension will be manifest.

Research is now suggesting that the Sun is like a hole that has popped in the energy field of the Galaxy, allowing energy to flow out in a given area; that's why we see it as bright white light.

They've already proven that there's no nuclear furnace going on in there. The amount of neutrinos that the Sun gives off is far too low for it to be the byproduct of a nuclear reaction. There are missing neutrinos. They've known about this for 30 years, and the problem is not being solved - those missing neutrinos simply don't exist!

So the Sun is not a nuclear furnace. The Sun basically represents cosmic energy, the true energy of Creation.

What this means is that the Sun is like a pinhole in space where the energy is flowing out - just like the pinhole in the bag of water we spoke about earlier, or what you would see in the Bermuda Triangle.

And in higher levels of vibration, you see a lot more than just the pinhole of the Sun; you see all the vibrations that surround it. These appear as concentric spheres of energy, like ripples on a pond, which are connected by a spiraling coil of energy that expands on out to drive the orbits and rotations of the planets and moons. Everything meshes precisely together like one giant set of gears. This coil from the Sun has been studied and measured. NASA refers to it as the ''Parker Spiral.''[11]

Right now, we can only detect these fields with instruments as a form of magnetic energy.

There are many, many crop-circle formations that show these energy systems of sacred geometry and concentric, expanding spheres connected by spirals. So ''they'' are definitely trying to give us a message. The recent 900-foot long Milk Hill crop formation mirrors the Sun's expanding spiral energy patterns. It contains 409 different circles and was actually displayed on CNN Headline News, as its sheer size and grandeur attracted attention.[12]

And what I am saying is that when the energy in the Bermuda Triangle rises, for example, matter changes. When the energy that the Sun is producing rises, the spiraling coil wave from the Sun actually expands, pushing the planets into spheres of energy that maintain a higher frequency of vibration. My research suggests that the actual physical sizes of the planets expand spontaneously when this happens - not hugely, but enough.

You can see this in hindsight by going to the idea that if you shrink the radius of the Earth to 55 or 60 percent of its current size, all the continents fit together like a jig-saw puzzle; there's no left-over space. That's called Global Expansion Tectonics.[13]

So as the planet gets farther away from the Sun, it expands on this spiral of energy that the Sun is pumping out at a very slow speed, and it gradually inches farther and farther away. That's why the Ancients said that Earth's year used to be exactly 360 days long, and that they only begrudgingly added the last five and a quarter days after the fall of Atlantis. Five days is just a tiny bump compared to what can happen.

So the farther away you get from the Sun, the more you break into higher levels of vibration represented by a bigger sphere. As the Earth punches into a higher level of energy based on its position to the Sun, it expands in size, because as it moves into that higher energy, the energy within the core actually expands.

What also happens is that this energy ''zaps'' all the creatures that are on the Earth, because the increase in the wavelength of the planetary spiral is accompanied by a spontaneous burst of energy from the Sun - a burst that has qualities of both radiation and intelligence. The ancient Hindus referred to this burst as the ''Somvarta fire at the end of an Age.''

So what has happened in the past, at about 50-million-year intervals, is that all the life that had been on the Earth spontaneously dies. And then, all of a sudden, this higher order of creature shows up. The geologists call this ''punctuated equilibrium.''[14]

A very recent study published by Dr. Bruce Runnegar and other UCLA astrobiologists supports the theory I am discussing. It's been all over the mainstream news since the end of June. The researchers looked at the planetary orbits and ran them back through time with computer simulations that were very precise. To their surprise, they discovered that 65 million years ago, at the time of the most recent mass extinction (of the dinosaurs), there was what they referred to as a ''chaotic change in the resonant frequencies of the Solar System.'' This chaotic change suddenly jostled all the orbits of the inner planets.[15]

While we're here, we should add that all geologists know that the continents broke apart at this time, having once been a single landmass. We also know that the worldwide sea levels suddenly decreased at that time. This was obviously the Earth's sudden increase in size. The hardened crust of the land broke apart, and all the seas drained off into the new cracks, lowering their worldwide levels.

And remember that the geologist's have discovered that every time you have a mass extinction, you also have a mass speciation - that is, new species arise. That's another aspect of what happens when this energy ''zaps'' us, causing the planets and their orbits to expand.

For example, there is no ''missing link'' between Neanderthal man and Cro-Magnon (modern man) because what happened was that Neanderthal got ''zapped'' and spontaneously evolved. They grew much larger brains and lost the clumsiness of their bodies.

This is where it gets kind of strange. This anomalous change, this spontaneous evolution in the presence of new energy, is also happening to the whole Solar System. In other words, it's not just that the Earth is drifting away from the Sun to go into a new position. At the same time the Sun, also, is ready to break out into a new level of energy in the Galaxy. This doesn't always happen. According to Ra, right now we are actually arriving at the end of a 75,000-year galactic cycle at the same time that we are arriving at the end of a more common 25,000-year planetary cycle.

As a galaxy evolves, expanding spheres of energy continue to engulf the stars in that galaxy with higher and higher levels of vibration. This is now causing the intergalactic space around our Solar System to become more and more highly charged. This charge is in turn absorbed by the Sun and radiated throughout the Solar System. So the current ''shift'' is really a unique event for all forms of vibrational life in our area of the Galaxy, not just for those on Earth.[16]

Here are some measurable changes in our Solar System which suggest that this evolutionary leap is going to happen soon:

We're having solar activity never before witnessed - at least not in recorded history. We're having sunspot activity on a scale never before seen. We're having radiation emissions, proton emissions and other anomalous energy bursts. All of these things are stepping up in frequency in a way that's never before been seen. In fact, the solar emissions are getting so intense that they are frying many of our satellites. In certain cases we are unable to measure these solar emissions because we never expected that they would get this high, and all our scientific models have to be revised. [17]

Another thing that I think is really interesting is that the actual quality of the space between the planets is changing. The space between the planets is actually conducting energy better.

The meaning of this is actually quite simple: The Sun releases charged, radioactive particles, such as energetic protons. NASA used to have very convenient scientific models for how long it would take those protons to travel to the Earth. Now, in some cases these protons are traveling up to 400 percent faster than the models expect.[18]

So what's happening is that the Sun itself is actually changing. Its magnetic field is actually getting larger. Its energy is changing. The energy between the planets is changing, conducting the Sun's energy faster. Particles are moving faster through space. The actual visible plasma energy in space between the planets is getting brighter.

Dmitriev's work shows that the planets themselves are changing. They are undergoing changes in their atmospheres. For example the Martian atmosphere is getting sizably thicker than it was before. The Mars observer probe in 1997 lost one of its mirrors, which caused it to crash, because the atmosphere was about twice as dense as they calculated, and basically the wind on that little mirror was so high that it blew it right off the device.[19]

Also, the moon is growing an atmosphere that's made up of a compound Dmitriev refers to as ''Natrium.'' Dmitriev says that, around the moon, there is this 6,000-kilometer-deep layer of Natrium that wasn't there before.

And we're having this kind of change in Earth's atmosphere in the upper levels, where HO gas is forming that wasn't there before; it simply did not exist in the quantity that it does now. It's not related to global warming and it's not related to CFCs or fluorocarbon emissions or any of that stuff. It's just showing up.

The planets are experiencing sizable changes in their overall brightness. Venus, for example, is showing us marked increases in its overall brightness. Jupiter has gotten to have such a high energetic charge that there is actually a visible tube of ionizing radiation that's formed between Jupiter and its moon, Io. You can actually see the luminous energy tube in photographs that have been taken more recently.[20]

And the planets are having a change in their magnetic fields. The magnetic fields are becoming stronger. Jupiter's magnetic field has more than doubled. Uranus's magnetic field is changing. Neptune's magnetic field is increasing.[21] These planets are becoming brighter. Their magnetic field strength is getting higher. Their atmospheric qualities are changing.

When the Voyager 2 space probe flew past Uranus and Neptune, the apparent north and south magnetic poles were sizably offset from where the rotational pole was. In one case, it was 50 degrees off, and in the other case the difference was around 40 degrees, both of which are pretty big changes.[22]

The overall changes could essentially be broken down into three categories: Energy field changes, luminosity changes, and atmospheric changes.

On the Earth, we're seeing the changes even more completely. For example, Michael Mandeville has done research that has shown that the overall volcanic activity on the Earth since 1875 has increased by roughly 500 percent. The overall earthquake activity has increased by 400 percent just since 1973. [23]

Dr. Dmitriev did a very elaborate calculation of natural disasters. He showed that if you compare the years 1963 through 1993, the overall amount of natural disasters of all different kinds - whether you are talking hurricanes, typhoons, mud slides, tidal waves, you name it - have increased by 410 percent.

There's a study by Dr. Mike Lockwood from Rutherford Appleton National Laboratories in California, who has been investigating the Sun. He has discovered that since 1901, the overall magnetic field of the Sun has become 230 percent stronger than it was before.[24]

So, all in all, what we're seeing is a lot more than just what they call Earth Changes. Some people get into the idea that there is an interaction between the Earth and the Sun that's going on here. Very, very few people are aware of the work that is being done in the Russian National Academy of Sciences in Siberia, specifically in Novosibirsk, where they are doing this research. They've come to the conclusion that the only possible thing that could be causing this energetic change all throughout the Solar System is that we are moving into an area of energy that is different - that is higher.[25]

Now, check this out. The Sun itself has a magnetic field, of course, and that magnetic field creates an egg around the Solar System, which is known as the heliosphere. The heliosphere is shaped like a teardrop, with the long and thin end of the drop pointing in the opposite direction from the direction that we're traveling. It's just like a comet, where the tail is always pointing away from the Sun.

The Russians have looked at the leading edge of this heliosphere, and they have observed glowing, excited plasma energy there.[26] This plasma energy used to be 10 astronomical units deep (an astronomical unit is the distance from the Earth to the Sun, 93,000,000 miles). So ten astronomical units represents the normal thickness of this glowing energy that we used to see at the front end of the Solar System.

Today, that glowing plasma has gone to 100 astronomical units deep. Although Dmitriev's paper does not give an exact timeline, we can assume that this increase happened in the same 1963 to 1993 period as the increase he found in natural disasters. Whenever it happened, that's a 1,000 percent increase in the overall brightness of the energy at the front end of the Solar System.

And this means that the Solar System itself is moving into an area where the energy is more highly charged. That higher-charged energy is in turn exciting the plasma and causing more of it to form, so you see more luminosity, more brightness. This energy is then flowing into the Sun, which in turn emits the energy and spreads it out along its equatorial plane, which is called the Ecliptic. This in turn is saturating interplanetary space, which causes the solar emissions to travel more quickly and charge up the energy on the planets.

And this is conscious energy that is changing how the planet works, how it functions, and what kind of life it supports. The harmonics of the DNA spiral itself are altering. That's the real, hidden cause of spontaneous mass evolutions in previous epochs of time.

All this is happening all at the same time, and it's all working up to a crescendo where there is going to be a sudden shift.

In other words, we will get to the point where we are so far into the new level of energy that there will be a sudden expansion of the basic harmonic wavelengths that the Sun emits as it radiates energy out of itself. This increase inenergy emission will change the basic nature of all matter in the Solar System. The planets are pushed slightly fartheraway from the Sun and the atoms and molecules that make them up actually expand in terms of their physical size.

So what we are basically talking about here is conscious energy that changes how the planet functions and what kind of life it supports.

And when we realize that we are more than our physical bodies, we have no need to be afraid of this energetic change. When this new energy comes out of the Sun, we will naturally be transported into a higher level of our own being. Our physical body becomes irrelevant at that point. We are much more than that.

As we've alluded to before, the blast of energy that will come is conscious. It will look like fire, but it's really conscious energy.

Here's another example of how this happened in the past. In a previous geologic era on Earth [the Paleozoic], the predominant species was this little crab called the Trilobite. They got blasted - you find in the fossil records that they were all killed. But what you don't see is that their group soul evolved into whatever the next stage of evolution was.

The dinosaurs got blasted. Their souls turned into mammal souls. So nobody goes anywhere, nobody is actually extinguished. We can find the bodies and it looks cataclysmic, it looks horrible - but all they really do is just bump up another notch and start to inhabit different bodies.

If you're very attached to your physical body, you might say, ''Well, what would I be without it?'' You might see this as traumatic, but in fact your experience could be looked at as Soul graduation.

People are saying, ''I'm doing my spiritual growth. I'm doing my path. I'm walking in my truth. I'm trying to grow spiritually, I'm trying to evolve.'' Evolve to what? Grow to what? Are we just going to keep reincarnating over and over again as humans? No.

Is the Earth going to remain in this vibrational level where human beings will blow up bombs, poison its waters, pollute its atmosphere, kill its creatures, and cut down all the trees? No. The Earth is not expected to go through this.

The Earth is an evolving being, too. The difference with the Earth, unlike a regular human lifetime, is that it goes through a very premeditated, very obvious course of its evolution. As it orbits around the Sun, and as the Solar System orbits around the Galaxy, the extraterrestrial races that are in higher dimensions know exactly when these changes are going to happen.

That's why they're here now, because basically they're aware that this is going on, and are standing by to assist us. They're aware that, just as the vortex of energy has caused airplanes to disappear in the Bermuda Triangle, when the Sun's energy bumps up another notch, matter on Earth will be transmuted. The Sun's energy can cause matter to just physically transmute.

When transmutation occurs, creatures like animals and plants may appear to be dead, but what happens to the human body will actually be alchemical transmutation. So it's not as though there's going to be all these fried corpses lying around. When the energy hits you, you transform. Your body will actually transmute itself.

There is a parallel in the Shroud of Turin, where certain researchers have found that Jesus' body burned a complete three-dimensional image of itself into the cloth. And they found through experimentation that such a burn could only be caused by an instantaneous blast at a very high temperature, ''zapping'' the cloth like an X-ray film.

The basic date for the ''shift'' corresponds to the end of the Mayan Calendar - December 2012.

Ra makes the suggestion that the Mayan Calendar was given to the Mayans by high-level sixth-density extraterrestrials so that they would have a tool with which to time the passage of these cycles. It's a good thing to know how these cycles work, because they are tied in with history (see Ra article).

The only thing that matters is how much Love you are willing to share.

It would be so easy to miss this fantastic opportunity to participate in the evolution that is happening here and now on our planet.

The media is bent on creating a reality where our happiness is contingent on the acquisition of new products. We seek the best jobs and the highest status as we succumb to the mass illusions of ''consensus reality'' and ''winning the game.''

Each of us has the choice to create our lives so that we may participate in the Utopian world that will manifest on Earth after this Ascension process has completed - a world without poverty, hunger or pain; a world where full-body levitation, spontaneous healings, instant telepathic communication, and abundant Love are the law of the land.

This is the world that Jesus promised us in John 14:12, when he said, ''As I do these things, so shall you do them, and greater things.''

It comes back to question: What are you going to hold o nto? You have to leave behind the physical life in order to participate in the Ascension. You have to be willing to move into a life that is spiritual. You have to be willing to give up the things that you once thought were important - your car, your material effects, your earthly status, your earthly fame and power - because you're basically only going to take yourself. You can't bring anything with you. No money, no credit cards, no gold coins.

When you leave your body and move into these higher realms of consciousness, all those earthly things will be meaningless. When you get out of this world without these braces, guess what? Your memory will be your sole companion.

And then you will realize that the only thing that ever mattered was how much love you were willing to share while you were incarnated on Earth.

The Spirit of Ma'at wishes to thank Terry Brown for her work in transcribing the tapes from Wynn's three-hour interview with David.

[Edgar Cayce and David Wilcock] David Wilcock believes that he is a reincarnation of Edgar Cayce. But he's not insisting on this (see pictures at left - you decide). Like Cayce, David does ''readings,'' but rather than health, the subject matter gives a 'higher self'' overview of information that the individual needs to help in evolution of consciousness.

David has focused on the mission of bringing cutting-edge scientific research to bear upon the subject of indigenous prophecy, UFOs, and the coming ''shift'' that Gregg Braden and others also talk of. Like many others who are concerned with planetary ascension, he sees a Golden Age coming soon for humanity.

In addition to immersion in hard science, especially the physics of the cosmos, David ''channels'' an entity known as Ra, who has spoken through others, as well. Channeled information received on ascension from Ra (by another source, L/L Research), is in this magazine at The Universe According to Ra, also written by Wynn Free.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->India’s first unmanned mission to the moon, the Rs-386 crore Chandrayaan, is expected to happen in March 2008, and the manned mission in 2014. Mars is indeed a tougher prospect, but Nair puts it simply, “Our GSLV can carry about 500 kg to Mars. <b>If the Centre clears the project, we can lift off in 2012</b> (<i>but postponed to 2014</i> ) .”<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->


<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The massive solar flares making the tectonic plates brittle – can these plates collapse in 2012?
India Daily Technology Team
Sep. 20, 2005

According to scientists and geologists some thing is wrong with the Sun. The million year cycle and polar reversal in the Sun is causing some massive solar flares. The electromagnetic storm is reaching the earth sporadically and the effect will just escalate as we move towards 2012.

This is causing massive alarms in the scientific communities in the whole world.

The solar wind, according to some experts, is making the tectonic plates brittle. The brittle lithosphere of the earth is major source of concern.

According to some studies, the stress load that can be absorbed by the earth’s crust may not be sufficient if elasticity of the crust goes down due to solar wind and higher temperature from the Sun.

The worst-case scenario is that the plates will crumble along the weak spots – the faults. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
A lot of articles are there in India Daily, I suggest wherever they have pointed and specific reference they be taken seriously.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Why are Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) and China National Space Administration (CNSA) tight lipped about recent encounters with UFOs?

Prem Hazarika, Special Correspondent
November 01, 2004

Indian sky has been the scene of numerous UFOs in recent days. According to some of the Indian Space Research Organization officials who are officially tight lipped there are lots of excitement about this topic. Many are hinting that in 2012 there will be an official landing in six different countries all over the world. India is one of the six chosen. The UFOs are mainly performing scouting missions to establish contacts with Indian Government and military. India is being told on how to tackle the nuclear, space technology and other advanced technologies.

India is definitely going to gain from these recent encounters. One of the ISRO engineers recently spoke about India’s most advanced secret project on anti-gravity propulsion systems and the fact that some scientists are in the process of studying this advanced technology in a package form. When asked what he really meant by “package” form, his reply was readymade technologies made easy for absorption and utilization instead of invention.

In addition, Indian Air Force personnel also indicated some interesting projects in Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, India’s premiere organization for avionic research, development and production. Three of them were interesting on anti-gravity propulsion and making crafts weightless. The stealth technology project was also interesting – the mechanism of making flying objects invisible real time.

It is true that ISRO engineers and technicians were in different location of Himalayas and they are still doing something near India China borders. It does not make sense that they are preparing a spacecraft-launching site in Haimalayas. Then why are they so eager to position themselves in Himalayas?

Interestingly Chinese Space Organization – CNSA (China National Space Administration) has also undertaken similar activities on the other side of Himalayas. Sources say they have undertaken similar projects. And China is also one of the six nations where such landings will take place in 2012.

<b>For some reason, like USA and Russia (back then Soviet Union) China is also backtracking on manned lunar exploration! In Beijing, among some Government inner circles, there is a profound rumor that China is being “told” to abandon any manned space journey above 100 miles from earth till 2012</b> .


Lot of Indiadaily articles contain fake reports. Just put the links so that people can read it but we dont want discussion on those things.
Solar fares, tectonic shifts and other natural events will be foretold.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->23 END-OF-THE-WORLD PROPHECIES:


Christians have predicted several events that many believe are related: the second coming of Jesus, the war of Armageddon, the arrival on earth of the Antichrist, the Tribulation, the Rapture, some horrendous natural disaster, etc. Jewish, Islamic, psychic, occult and other predictions have been offered as well. 18

We have listed over 7 dozen past predictions of the end of the world which have one factor in common: none ever came true. There is every likelihood that most (perhaps all) of these future predictions will not materialize either.

We have been criticized by some of our readers for whipping up hysteria about the end of the world. Our intent is the exact opposite: we want to dampen the level of panic. We hope that by listing many dozens of past predictions -- all of which have failed -- that people will realize that some very important individuals have been totally wrong when they predicted the end of the world. End of the world predictions have been common throughout Christianity and other religions for almost 2000 years. It is probable that none of the following predictions of the date of the end of the world will come true. We will be very surprised if they do.

Predictions of TEOTWAWKI (The end of the world as we know it):
<b>- 2010+</b> In early 2005, Roderick C. Meredith, leader of the Living Church of God wrote in his church's magazine Tomorrow's World that the end of the world is near. He said that events prophesied in the Bible are "beginning to occur with increasing frequency....We are not talking about decades in the future. We are talking about Bible prophesies that will intensify within the next five to 15 years of your life." This prophecy, or a local sermon based on it, may have been partly responsible for triggering a mass murder in Brookfield WI on 2005-MAR-12. Church member Terry Ratzmann, who was experiencing serious depression and facing unemployment, shot 11 people, killing 7, and then killed himself at a church service. 8
<b>- 2011-SEP-29</b>: Harold Camping, president of Family Radio is reported as predicting that the end of the world will occur sometime during the eight day Feast of Trumpets in 2011. This is an eight day festival each fall in the 5th day of Ethanim, the seventh month. He has completed a book "Time Has an End: A biblical History of the World 11,013 BC – 2011 AD," Vantage Press, (2005).
<b>-  2011-NOV-11</b>: We received an Email from "A.H." who believes that the end of the world will happen on 11/11/11. His reasoning is that "...this is the only date until the next millennium that has the same number "1" in the date." Actually, it is the only date until 3011 which is made up of the repetition of pairs of the same digit. We are skeptical. Recall that the Gregorian Calendar is based on the year 1 CE having being arbitrarily chosen. It occurred four to seven years after Jesus birthday, when nothing much of world impact was happening. With an arbitrary beginning, it doesn't make a lot of sense to assume that the end of the world would happen at some magical combination of numbers in the Gregorian date, like the first day of the year 2000, or 11.11.11.
<b>-  2012</b>:
- Michael Drosnin, author of "The Bible Code," found a hidden message in the Pentateuch (the first five books in the Bible) that predicts that a comet will crash into the earth in 2012 and annihilate all life. As a minimum, I suspect that at least one species will survive: cockroaches. A prediction a decade or two in the future is an ideal one for an author to make. By then, almost all of the eventual book sales will probably have been made and the author would have deposited all or almost all of the royalty checks in his bank account.
bullet  Kev Peacock predicts that the Sun's magnetic field will reverse, and induce a reversal of the Earth's field. This will cause massive geothermal and tectonic catastrophes. Something will happen to the mythical island of Atlantis.
bullet  2012-DEC-21: The Mayan calendar expressed dates in the format: This means:
- 6 Baktun, an interval of 144,000 days,
-  19 Katun (generations) of 7200 days,
- 18 Tun (years) of 360 days,
-  5 Kin (days)

The example cited represents 1,007,305 days from the start of their calendar. J. Eric Thompson determined that the first day of their calendar ( was on 3114-AUG-11 BCE according to the Gregorian calendar. 5 This was when they believed that Venus was born. Another source says that this happened on AUG-13 of the same year. Mayans also had a "Great Cycle of the Long Count" of 13 Baktuns or 5,125.36 years. Many interpreters believe that the Mayans expected that the universe would last exactly that length of time. That is, they anticipated the end of the world at the Winter Solstice. 2012-DEC-21 or in their notation. 6  John Jenkins has determined that on this date, there will be "an extremely close conjunction of the winter solstice sun with the crossing point of Galactic Equator and the ecliptic." This is an event that will not be repeated for thousands of years. Author Carl Johan Calleman disagrees that the Mayan calendar predicts the end of the world. He writes that "the Mayan calendar is about the progress of evolution, not about the end of the world." 1
<b>--  2012-DEC-21</b>: Terence McKenna predicts that at "the moment of the solstice and the heliacal rising of the galactic center, levels of planetary novelty will exponentially increase." The results of this "ultranovel event" are difficult to predict, but may include "Hyperspatial Breakthrough, Planetesimal Impact, Alien Contact, Historical Metamorphosis, Metamorphosis of Natural Law, Solar Explosion, Quasar Ignition at the Galactic Core." Some of these don't sound too healthy for life on earth. 2  I am personally hoping for the latter, because it would take many years for any effects of that ignition to impact earth -- long past my life expectancy.
bullet  2012-DEC-24: A visitor to our web site predicts that on this day, one third of the Oort cloud will rain down on the earth. The Oort cloud is a incredibly large collection of comets that encircle the solar system. Devastation would be total.
bullet  2014: According to Sun magazine for 1999-DEC-21, Pope Leo IX (1513-1522) wrote on 1514: "I will not see the end of the world, nor will you my brethren, for its time is long in the future, 500 years hence."
<b>- 2016</b>: An article in Weekly World News describes a find by a Professor Lloyd Cunningdale of Salt Lake City who was excavating with his students at the site of the famous Donner party disaster of 1847. The latter were a group of settlers bound for California who became trapped by snow in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Cunningdale and students have found a time capsule left by the settlers which contains many predictions for the future. They predict that nations will abandon traditional methods of conflict and resort to the use of biological warfare. In 2016, one such disease will spread and kill all of the humans on the planet. 3
<b>- 2017:</b>
-  The "Sword of God Brotherhood" believes that Armageddon will occur in 2017. The Prophet Gabriel has told them this. Only their own members will survive to repopulate the world. All of the others (including you and me) will "perish in hellfire." 4
bullet  Daniel's Timeline bases their calculation on the concept of Jubilee years which occur every 50 years. "" The most recent three Jubilees were:
-  1867 when the Jews were emancipated in Austria and Hungary.
-  1917 when the Ottomon rule ended and the Balfour Declaration was created.
-  1967 when the Six Day War occurred.

They predict that the next and final Jubilee year will be 2017 "the time of the restitution of all things." 9
<b>-  Before 2018:</b> The web site "A Nightmare for Everyone and the Countdown to 2000," predicts that an asteroid and comet will hit the earth, sometime between the re-creation of Israel in 1948 and 2018. See: http://www.geocities.com/
bullet  2020s or 2030s: Bill Joy, co-founder and chief scientist of Sun Microsystems predicted the end of humanity in within 20 or 30 years, in an article in the 2000-APR issue of Wired Magazine. He wrote that leading-edge technologies such as robotics, genetic engineering and nano-tech may soon lead to the extinction of human society. 5
<b>-  Before 2024:</b> A web site titled "Fire from the sky: Meteors and Biblical Prophecy," predicts that a meteor (actually a meteorite) "could" hit the earth sometime between 1998 and 2023. This would cause fireballs of debris, tidal waves, supher [sic] dioxide, a "red tide" in the oceans, and a dust cloud.
<b>-  2028-OCT:</b> Asteroid "1997 XF11" will approach close to earth. At first, scientists were concerned that there was a small probability that it might impact earth. However, data from 1990 has indicated that it will miss earth by about 600,000 miles. 6 Still, this is a near miss, as astronomical distances go.
bullet  About 2028: A visitor to this web site from Norway has analyzed biblical chronologies and determined to his satisfaction that "Jesus became Messiah [about the year 28 CE] exactly 4000 years after Creation." He believes that God created the world to last 6,000 years. Thus, the end of the world will happen about 2028. Actually, various theological sources estimate the date of Jesus' execution between 28 and 33 CE. 30-APR-07 is a common date. So, the millennium of Jesus' resurrection would occur between 2028 and 2033, with the most likely date being 2030-APR-07.
<b>-  2029: </b>Mike Flipp believes that God has been communicating with him by sending him signs all based on the number 2. He wrote in an Email: "And then on April 26th, 2005 EXACTLY 2 years worth of getting signs of 2's, I got the Grandiose Sign of the Aceptable Year of the Lord - Luke 4:19." The sign is that Jesus will return in the year 2029. He does not kinow the month, day, or hour. See: http://www.two.cc
<b>- Before 2038:</b> The environmental group, Greenpeace, predicts massive starvation due to uncontrolled population growth. Global warning will melt the polar ice caps and cause massive coastal flooding. Thousands of plant and animal species become extinct.
<b>-  2038: </b> The book "The Bible and the Future" predicts that "large percentage of the world's population will die in a series of severe punishments from God" at this time. See: http://www.alltheearth.com/
bullet  2047-SEP-14: According to The Church of !BLAIR!, the human race will probably be terminated at 3:28 AM (Soho, England time). The church teaches, with tongue firmly in cheek, that if the human race does not discard their plastic conformity, then the Gods will withdraw their protection. The Gods don't want us to worship them; they don't want sacrifices or even offerings. They just want us to rid itself of our excessive "Normalcy". At that point, Astro-Lemurs (extra-terrestrials similar in shape to lemurs, but with rainbow colored bodies) will attack the entire human race and beat them to death with gigantic burritos. You have been warned. ;-)
<b>- 2060:</b> Sir Isaac Newton, Britain's greatest scientist, analyzed the Bible, which he believed contained God's secret laws of the universe. He concluded that the end of the world will happen in the year 2060. According to Malcolm Neaum, the producer of a TV documentary on Newton: "He spent something like 50 years and wrote 4,500 pages trying to predict when the end of the world was coming. But until now it was not known that he ever wrote down a final figure. He was very reluctant to do so."  26
<b>-  2076:</b> Bede the Venerable, an 8th century Christian theologian computed Jesus birth as 3,942 years after the world's creation. The 6,000 year millennial week will thus end in this year.
<b>- 2076: </b>Some Sufi sects expect the end of the world in this year, which is the year 1,500 in the Muslim calendar.

There is a purpose for this thread and it will be used as a demonstration to show how the western media controls an event and uses media to drive what it wants for its goals.
Acharya, I will just put one more India Daily article. Just because a lot of what is left unsaid by the govts & mainstream media, find (<i>atleast</i>) crude explanations here. viz Why are all new manned missions being postponed to a date beyond 2012. etc


Mihir Sen
Dec. 29, 2006
Negotiations are on with future manned travel to Moon, Mars and so on. There was a reason why Russia and America stopped lunar missions. There was reason why no one dared to travel to Mars on manned mission. There are reasons why the pictures from Apollo mission in Moon look fictitious.
In December 21, 2012 something will change. The world will secretly use the help of the extraterrestrials to avert massive disaster for out civilization.  <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

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