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Christian Faith Healing Centre In Kerala
If you think ‘COMA’ type stories are possible only in the Western world, think again. In Kerala, the church is involved in murders of the christian faithful, who come to their faith healing centre. Recently in Tamil Nadu, four bishops stole Rs 40 crore meant for the Tsunami victims and some of them are arrested under goondas act. Kidney sale is a fact in Tamil Nadu and some 500 poor persons were forced to sell their kidneys to the christian hospitals operating there.

On 10 March 2006, the Kerala High Court issued an order with an ultimatum to the government to make a thorough investigation on the public allegation against the Christian Divine Retreat Centre in Muringoor in Kerala state, India. Justice Padmananbhan Nair has ordered the government to make a thorough investigation about sexual abuse, homicide, foreign exchange violation, forceful conversion, abduction, intimidation and imprisonment of unwilling residents at the center. The court decided to conduct the inquiry after receiving a complaint from a former christian employee of the centre. Some of the inmates had made two video CDs and sent a letter to the court for necessary action against the christian faith racket that was going on in Kerala with political and police protection. Divine Retreat Centre, started in the eighties, is a christian mafia faith healing centre. For several years, the general public and civic leaders have complained against Muringoor Christian center about the foreign currency violation, sex abuse, misdemeanor, felony, forceful conversion, murder, rape and abduction and medical malpractice committed at the center. The Kerala christian Churches are organized on the lines of Italian mafia and have undue influence on the government and government officials have turned a deaf year to the public plea against the anti social activities at the Center. Reluctantly, government has appointed IG Winson M Paul to investigate the Muringoor Divine center. The Marxist communist government of Kerala ordered only a partial investigation for fear of Christian backlash.

One of the Muringoor Divine Center Director George Panackal filed a law suit demanding one crore rupees for the police investigation and the High Court had dismissed the frivolous law suit. Pinaroy Vijayan, General Secretary of the Marxist communist Party, who was recently caught with live cartridges at Chennai airport, paid a visit to the Center and praised and admired their activities in public thus endorsing their illegal activities.

Many inmates were murdered for their wealth and the centre used to secretly cremate murdered bodies at the corporation graveyard in Kalamassery. Divine Retreat Centre is involved in illegal foreign funding to criminal and other activities. Many inmates were gone missing from this christian mafia centre over the years. It has been stated that almost twenty bodies have been burnt in the last four years alone. Dasan, the watchman of the corporation graveyard in Kalamassery said that he used to get Rs 750 for burning each body and that it was the same person who used to bring the bodies from the divine centre always. A christian doctor, Dr Thankamma Francis of the divine centre was the doctor who always used to issue death certificate to all those bodies cremated secretly. It should be noted that christians are not cremated in Kerala and are buried. The police investigation was carried out in Divine Retreat Centre on 30 September and 1 October 2006.

Sonia Gandhi had put christians in many states as the Inspector General of Police and Kerala is also a christian by name Winson M. Paul. The Kerala government had put Winson M. Paul for enquiring the illegal activities in the Divine faith healing centre and constituted a police team under him based on the court directive. Several public servants such as Inspectors General of Police and the wife of a State Minister are closely associated with the functioning of the Divine Centre. They are also members of the Advisory Body of the centre. A group of senior IAS, IPS and other government officials of Kerala are working behind this 'underworld' operations of the faith healing centre. This centre receives huge funds from the Social Welfare Department of Kerala government. Some 9000 people are on the voters list of the christian faith healing centre.

The congress party in India is christian controlled. The Italian catholic christian, Antonia Maino alias Sonia Gandhi is the president of the congress party of India. The congress party of Kerala state is headed by a christian who is a front man of a Dubai based audio video piracy firm that operates on a much bigger scale worldwide than that of Dawood Ibrahim’s set up in Dubai. Christian politicians of Kerala like Umman Chandi and K.M.Mani were funded by this centre. Congress party members boycotted the Kerala assembly proceedings when police raided the christian faith healing centre in Muringoor, Kerala. The christian leaders like K M Mani tried to paint that police misbehaved towards christian patients including women at the centre to divert the public attention from the main issue of dozens of murders in the christian faith healing centre. The christian K.M. Mani was a former law minister and claimed that police violated norms in the Criminal Procedure Code and harassed HIV/AIDS patients who were being cured at the Divine faith healing centre. K. M. Mani, on 3 October 2006 at the Divine Retreat Centre stated that the faith healing centre has become an oasis for the poor, sick people abandoned by medical science and a home of refuge for the mentally challenged people. He said that he always visited the centre as he also felt mentally challenged at times.

After cornering the private education field in Kerala with the political clout, the Kerala christians are now concentrating on medical field to raise funds for the christian conversion work going on in India manned by the Kerala christians. With the advent of AIDS the christian church concentrated on faith healing to make money. The faith healing centers are a method to extract the last drop of blood from AIDS patients, drug addicts and the like. The christian priests and nuns, who form the slave labor force of the church runs educational institutions and medical centers. The christian priest Fr.Augustine Vallooran, a Director of Divine Retreat Centre was arrested by the police.

A Christian fanatic has issued a death threat to Justice Padmanabhan Nair for ordering the state government to probe the unlawful and anti social activities of the Muringoor Christian Divine Center. The Marxist endorsement reinforced the Center to continue illegal activities and motivated the Christian extremist to issue death threat against Justice Padmananbhan Nair. The death threat was sent to Justice Padmanabhan Nair from an Ernakulum Telephone Booth. The death threat was specifically made to Justice Padmanabhan Nair warning him that he will be murdered for ordering investigation against the illegal activities and forceful homicide at the Christian Divine Center. The death threat against Justice Padmanabhan Nair shows the danger to India from the radical Christianity of India and its unholy nexus between the Marxist Party.

The Kerala christians, who call themselves as Syrian christians and claim that they are decedents of Brahmin converts of St. Thomas, are the typical example of the christian frauds. The history of Christianity is crowded with crimes against humanity of the most horrendous kind. As many as 23,000 blatant forgeries and foisting of pious frauds were done by christians. Starting with Jesus Christ, the entire doctrinal and institutional edifice of Christianity rests on a series of staggering swindles and lies. The book ‘Native life of Travancore’ written by The Rev. Samuel Mateer F L S and published in 1883 have a chapter called Syrian Christians from page 158. Rev. Samuel Mateer while traveling throughout Kerala had stayed in many places and had talked with many of the Kerala Syrian christians. He found that none of the converts have heard of Jesus Christ and does not know why a cross was being worshiped. Kotarakara Syrian church doorway was sketched in his book and it shows a cock engraved along with the cross and armed figures. The book clearly indicates that the Syrian Christians of Kerala are the untouchable Hindu caste called ‘Paraya community’ converts. The marriageable ages of boys were 10 years, and that of the girls were 7 years. The married couple can enter the house only after ‘nellum niram’ and with the lamp in the hand of the girl. The women make ‘kurava’ a shrill cry during this time. Fasting for the dead are kept for a year by a relative in the family. Syrian Christians consult sorcerers and offerings are made to the demons (Hindu Gods). When the head of the untouchable Hindu Paraya community is dead, as per the customary caste law of Parayas, they bury the corpus of the deceased head Parayas or moopan in sitting posture instead of the usual practice of keeping the dead body in lying position. Primitive burial practices of Parayas are still being practiced by the Syrian christians in Kerala. The Syrian Christians of Kerala bury the corpse of their christian bishops in the same manner as the Hindu Parayas who bury their head Parayas or Moopan. The historical records and even the burial patterns show that Syrian christians of Kerala are Paraya converts. Syrian Christians of Kerala maintained the ritual of offering obsequies for the souls of the dead ancestors as that of the practice of Parayas. The obsequies for the dead ancestors contained blood, flesh and intoxicating drinks. These are all typical local Kerala customs of Paraya community. Pope Benedict XVI in 2006 said that St Thomas had preached Christianity in "western" India and did not visit Kerala. The Kerala Paraya christian converts created two conflicting stories to show that they are of higher Hindu caste converts to Christianity. One group of Paraya christians, created a story that they were converts of Brahmins, by St. Thomas who had arrived in Kerala in 52AD. This fake St. Thomas story is proved to be a fraud after the present Nazi Pope Joseph Ratzinger, who was a Hitler Youth and head of Opus Dei, told that St. Thomas visited the present Pakistan and never went to Kerala. This crooked Paraya christians of Kerala operating from Tamil Nadu even created martyrdom for St. Thomas in Chennai, in a fake story in which st. Thomas was killed by a Brahmin. They destroyed the Kapileswara temple near the seashore with the help of Europeans and constructed a St. Thomas church using some of the temple stones. These Paraya christians of Kerala created a St. Thomas mount in Chennai from where they are now selling sacred Thomas sand by the kilos, claiming that Thomas walked all over that area. Another group of Paraya christian converts of Kerala claims that they are refugees from Syria in AD 352, and created fake copper agreements in Portuguese language from Kerala Kings to prove their arrival etc. The Paraya christians of Kerala, and the terrorist muslims of Kerala migrated to Tamil Nadu to further their activities. Christians along with the British created and propagated the Aryan invasion theory which convinced the black Tamils that they are an inferior community different from the fair Brahmins. This propaganda has created a Dravidian movement in Tamil Nadu and created Tamil Terrorists like E.V. Ramasami Naicker also known as Periyar or EVR. In Tamil Nadu and Kerala many dirty criminal Christian frauds happened. The International Institute of Tamil Studies, sponsored and funded by the Government of Tamil Nadu, had published in 1985-86 a book titled Viviliyam, Tirukkural, Shaiva Siddhantam Oppu Ayu. The writer of the book was a Christian by name M. Deivanayakam. The University of Madras had conferred a doctor’s degree on the author for writing this dissertation. The thesis propounded by him was that the ancient Tamil saint, Tiruvalluvar, had become a disciple of St. Thomas and converted to Christianity. N. Krishnaswami Reddiar, a retired judge’ of the high court denounced Deivanayakam’s book as “trash in the name of research.” The visit of St. Thomas to India was a myth, and wondered how a book like that by Deivanayakam could be published by an institute set up by the Government and honored by the University of Madras with a doctorate. Dr. R. Nagaswami, eminent archaeologist, also censored the institute and the university for sponsoring a spurious thesis, and said that the St. Thomas story “was a ruse to spread Christianity in India which is now confirmed by the Pope himself. Deivanayakam had collaborated with Dr. R. Arulappa, the Catholic Archbishop of Madras, in writing another but similar book, Perinbu Villakku, published in 1975. The Archbishop had also tried to prove that Tiruvalluvar had come in contact with St. Thomas during the latter’s travels in South India, and converted to Christianity. But he had gone much further, and forged ‘evidence’ on palm-leaf scrolls in support of his thesis. He had employed a Hindu scholar of Christianity, Ganesh Iyer, for this purpose, and paid him to the tune of 15 lakh rupees. The fraud had been exposed when someone put the police on the trail of Ganesh Iyer. The case had dragged on in the Madras metropolitan court from 1980 to 1986 when Ganesh Iyer was sentenced to ten months’ imprisonment on various counts. But Dr. Arulappa had got him acquitted by means of a civil suit for compromise filed in the Madras High Court at the same time that the criminal case was going on. Ganesh Iyer had spilled the beans soon after.

Christian Slave traders of yesterday are the human rights activists of today. Christianity a trillion dollar business built on fraud and Greatest Cover Up in History. Christians are a fifth column community in India. Kerala Paraya Christians moved in to Tamil Nadu to create fake histories because they found that Tamilians left in Tamil Nadu have low IQ or no IQ at all. Nehru’s illegitimate child was growing up in a christian orphanage in Bangalore, and this enabled them to blackmail Nehru to allow the missionaries to have conversion by gun, in the North East states of India. Antonia Maino coming from the lowest strata of Italy and an illiterate girl, working as a barmaid in UK was presented by Opus Dei and KGB in front of Rajiv Gandhi to continue the hold of christians in India. Christians who worked as the agents of the British were en masse killed in Delhi, during the first war of Independence in 1857. Recently christian members of Indian Parliament elected from all states had attended a meeting of a christian terrorist group of North Eastern states. This christian terrorist group of North East calls for the creation of christian nations out of North East India and the christian MPs promised them help. Recently Manipur’s congress party chief minister Ibobi Singh donated Rs 1.5 Crore to christian separatists. US Senator Barbara Boxer and ex President Jimmy Carter calls for Nagaland to secede from India. You have to understand that the Christian missionaries and militants have been working for years to bring most of the states of the northeast to secede from India to become a separate Christian country, even if it means by force and brutality. For example, few people seem to be aware that in the small state of Tripura alone, over 10,000 people have been killed in the past 20 years by Christian militants through what you could call ethnic cleansing. The killing is done to instill fear in those who are not Christian, or who do not want to separate from India. And these militants are often supported by the Christian groups who provide money and reasoning for what they do. Southern Baptist Church forcing conversions at gun point. The Baptist Church in southern USA and the Presbyterian Church of the UK fund the Baptist Christian terrorists that are active in India's North-East. Ex-Chief Election Commissioner, T.N. Seshan, told this in a discussion in 1993. the terrorist groups like NLFT. The Christian Groups in America that fund armed insurgents in north east India to carry out ethnic cleansing and killing in India should be declared as terrorist organizations by the Indian government. Billy Graham well known Baptist leader openly praised the christian naga terrorists who had killed some 300,000 Hindus in North East. The Nagas, The NLFT, The NDFB are all Baptists are christian terrorists and interestingly they all share terrorist camps with islamists of Al-Quaida. Christianity is the result of a huge conspiracy and is the single most dangerous organization on earth that caused the death of half a billion humans in the name of religion. Islam pales in to insignificance as a terror organization in front of Christianity with only seventy five million human beheadings to its credit.


http://www.haindava keralam.org/ PageModule. aspx?PageID= 2885&SKIN=C
Pope pops St Thomas bubble in Kerala, November 24, 2006 http://www.cybernoon.com/DisplayArticle.as...y_standard11461
Indians demand answers from Sonia Gandhi on her links
Terrorists in North-East India get support from America

church backing Tripura rebels



Here is a Baptist website
Exodus from Manipur continues


Dutch support revealed for rebels", www.tehelka.com/channels/investigations/2000/oct/9/in100900dutch.htm .
Terror in Tripura etc
NSCN's dinner diplomacy with Christian MPs

It would be better to post news articles on this so people can make a more informed opinion. Could you please post some news articles reg this ? Thanks.

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