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Christian subversion and missionary activities -2
<b>CIA and missionaries - just a few related things:</b>

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Joshua Project II is a continuation and expansion of the original plan. Its professed aim is to "highlight all the least-reached peoples (non-Christian) of the world and to help build ministry networks and partnerships focusing on these people." The constant research and updating of ethnographic data from India should ring alarm bells within the intelligence agencies in India. In fact, the project maintains its "peoples lists" in cooperation with the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. The Southern Baptists, as will be seen later, have traditionally worked hand-in-glove with the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). India's ethno-cultural data collected by the project is categorised by them as 'Security Level 2' because there is a danger to Indian and foreign missionaries if data relating to their conversion activities is made public.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Data on India: the CIA connection</b>
The "spying out" missions that generated the vast ethnographic data of the Indian people also involved detailed study of Dr KS Singh's 'People of India Project' that was launched in 1985 by the Anthropological Society of India (ASI). Under Singh's leadership, the ASI undertook an ambitious project to chart one of the most far-reaching ethnographic studies in the 20th century. Five hundred scholars spent over 26,000 field days to compile information for these volumes. This gigantic research work came handy for American and Indian strategists to draft their evangelical plans for India. According to Luis Bush, "Never before has this kind of information on India been so carefully surveyed, prepared, well published and distributed…We do not believe it is accidental. God is allowing us to "spy out the land" that we might go in and claim both it and its inhabitants for Him."

The data collected by experts from Wycliffe/Summer Institute of Linguistics, World Vision (WV) and the International Mission Board/Southern Baptists to compile the Joshua Project Peoples list included a detailed and comprehensive list of the people groups in India as well. Though this may appear normal international research activity - generating ethnographic profiles of non-Christian people groups in the 10/40 window - there are unseen dangers inherent in the compilation of such accurate people-group profiles.

The CIA has publicly admitted to having used Wycliffe/SIL and the Southern Baptists for covert intelligence operations in many parts of the world. The cosy relationship between the Wycliffe and CIA is documented exhaustively in a book Thy Will Be Done written in the 1990s by Gerald Colby and Charlotte Dennett. The book documents joint CIA-Wycliffe missions to source anthropological data from Latin America. Here's a quote from the book: "SIL had helped gather anthropological information on the Tarascan Indians that ended up in Nelson Rockefeller's intelligence files. The files contained cross-references to reveal behavioural patterns among Indian peoples in everything from socialisation (including aggressive tendencies) and personality traits, drives, emotions, and language structure, to political intrigue, kinship ties, traditional authority, mineral resources, exploitation, and labor relations. Rockefeller called these data the Strategic Index of Latin America." The question that will rattle not only the Indian government, but also outrage the Indian citizens is whether the American-funded "spying missions" carried out by Indian and foreign missionary agencies through more than a decade has resulted in the preparation of a 'Strategic Index of India' at the CIA headquarters?

Wycliffe, the Southern Baptists and World Vision have all been active in India as well. Could it be mere coincidence that Southern Baptists who are amongst President Bush's most loyal supporters, played an active role in the "spying out" missions? In fact, Colby and Dennett's book features a missionary of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, William Carlsen, who admits that he gave an eight-hour briefing to the CIA on Thailand's tribal areas. In the mid-1970s when the CIA's penetration of American missionary agencies made international headlines, the agency passed a self-limiting executive order to refrain from using foreign missionaries for intelligence gathering operations. Incidentally, it was George Bush Sr who in his first action as the new CIA director declared on February 11, 1976, that he would ban the practice of enlisting "clergymen and newsmen as intelligence agents." But this was just public grandstanding, doublespeak to save the CIA not only from embarrassment, but protect its operations in Latin American countries such as Guatemala, Nicaragua and El Salvador. As soon as this announcement was made the CIA granted itself a private waiver. This was confirmed in April 1996 when the then CIA director, John Deutch, testifying before a Senate intelligence committee, said that the agency could waive the ban in cases "unique and special threats to national security."<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->General help for the CIA from the detailed evangelical mapping of India:<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->In India's case this "standardised data coding" has been married to IMA's survey. This has been used to such a degree that even the diverse language groups of India have been divided into PIN codes. The ability to send evangelists that are familiar to language and culture greatly facilitates the speed at which conversion can happen. It is also cost effective since tactics can be formed at home base. This also enables any Christian missionary organisation anywhere in the world to source any ethno-cultural or ethno-linguistic data on India at the click of the mouse. So let's say if one of Bush's Christian evangelical cronies wants to check out which missionary organisation is working with the Banjaras in Nalgonda, Khammam and Krishna districts in Andhra Pradesh, all he has to do is plug into this highly guarded database. It will tell him how many Banjaras were converted to Christianity over a specified period, the names of Indian Christian researchers working in community and which evangelical ministry coordinating the exercise of "saving souls". Just about any detail he wants is available on demand. Obviously, it flows the other way as well. So assuming that somebody at the CIA headquarters wants information on a particular district or region all that needs to be done is to call up Bush's mentor Rev Billy Graham. Graham will in turn log into databases maintained by a network of American Evangelical Missions. All this can happen in seconds and this is how technology has made evangelical activities so potentially dangerous.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->They therefore know the ground stats of India in greater detail than the average locally residing Indian.

The above excerpts come from the article 'Bush's Conversion Agenda for India: Preparing for the harvest ...' which has probably been posted here often already. It's compulsory reading. I've only extracted the bits to do with the CIA-missionary connection.

Just found a page that focuses particularly on the CIA-missionaries issue:
titled <b>On The CIA And Christian Missionaries</b>

Concerning the <b>Wycliffe/Summer Institute of Linguistics</b> (made blue in text excerpted somewhere above, and also mentioned in article of 2nd link):
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Mission today. </b>
IN A HOST OF COUNTRIES, from Southeast Asia to nearly the whole of Southern America, in countries such as Malaysia, Mexico, Guatemala, Brazil, Paraguay, Venezuela, Bolivia, U.S. funded missionary organizations and evangelists continue to bring destruction, unhappiness, and diseases to native peoples such as the Moï, the Maya-Quiché, the Huichol, the Yanomami, the Panaré, the Aché even today [LM]. Among the more notorious organizations are the <i>Summer Institute of Linguistics</i> and the <i>New Tribes Mission (NTM)</i>, these two "virtually dividing the whole of Latin America, where tribal people remained to be reached, into their spheres of interest." [LM105].
Activities like these are supported with funds provided by zealous evangelist organizations in the U.S., such as the "<b>Wycliffe</b> Bible Translators of Arkansas."
<i>[LM] N.Lewis, The Missionaries</i>, New York: McGraw-Hill 1988.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->From: http://web.archive.org/web/20040122120208/...eo/mission.html Mission: Possible - If You are a Missionary, then Genocide is Your Profession page from The Christian Heritage<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->And as pasted in an earlier post, The NTM missionaries were banned from Venezuela, not just for genociding the country's native Americans:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->"They will leave Venezuela," said the president. "They are agents of imperialist penetration. They gather sensitive and strategic information and are exploiting the Indians. So they will leave, and I don't care two hoots about the international consequences that this decision could bring."<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The controversial group [NTM] has been accused of prospecting for strategic minerals on behalf of transnational corporations and of the forced acculturation and conversion of indigenous people.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->From: http://www.eco-action.org/ssp/news/16100501.html NTM Missionaries Kicked Out<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->( http://freetruth.50webs.org/D4a.htm )

Missionaries have been used in wars, as well as in strategies for getting foreign countries and their governments to collapse. The following socialist (communist) site briefly mentions the close cooperation between the CIA and hired christian mercenaries (missionaries):
<b>Nicaragua Twenty-five Years Later</b>
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->This policy, which came to be known as the “Reagan Doctrine,” supported surrogate armies in Angola, Afghanistan and Central America, particularly Nicaragua, to roll back the Soviet “empire” by attacking it at its weakest points.
This ideological battle was waged in Nicaragua not by the U.S. army but by CIA operatives, private contractors and right-wing <b>Christian missionaries</b>. Using the U.S. embassy in Honduras, with Ambassador John Negroponte in charge, the CIA recruited, supplied, armed, trained and directed a proxy army initially based on Somoza’s ex-National Guard (first trained by Argentina and Honduras).<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Also consider <b>Sandhya Jain's recent article 'American pie in Nepal'</b>, posted by Mudy in the Nepal thread (post 186).
And there's USAID funds Used for Conversion Programs in Nepal - an article from <b>1999</b> at http://christianaggression.org/item_displa...S&id=1097365718
USAID is mentioned in detail in the complete version of the first article ( Bush's conversion agenda for India )
Sorry to bring up the ever-nauseating topic of christianity's abuse, but just came across a lot of unpleasant news that is nevertheless informative:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Philippines Church apologises for sex abuse</b> (2002)
The Philippines Catholic Church has apologised for sexual abuse by hundreds of its priests over the last 20 years.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->When sexual scandals involving Catholic priests in the US came to light earlier this year, the Philippines media began reporting on abuses by local priests.
(I think it is precisely because India is not converted yet, that such events in Indian churches only rarely breaks into the news. Besides, christos in Sonia government and the christo ibn-cnn and other media in India won't want the negative publicity stallling their 'India for christ' conversion drives.)

Monday's statement was the first official response from the Church in the Philippines, where at least 85% of the 76 million-strong population is Catholic. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->It's not only the once-pagan Asian country of Phillipines that is thus horrendously marred by the introduction of christoislamism.
<b>Hong Kong</b> too is having a bad time:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>HK investigates new child abuse claims</b> (2002)
Hong Kong police have said they are investigating new allegations of child sex abuse involving Catholic priests.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Also
- http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/1967892.stm <b>More HK priests accused of abuse</b> (2002)
- http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/2026716.stm <b>Former HK priest charged with abuse</b> (2002)

This icky religion should be kept away from Asia and the rest of the unconverted world.

Those pieces of news linked to a whole stream of BBC reports on the catholic church's sexual terrorism against kids and women. Including:
- http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/2077422.stm <b>Catholic priests sorry for NZ abuses</b>
- http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/2042698.stm <b>Record award for Church abuse victims</b>
- http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/2035823.stm <b>Church admits hush payments</b>
- http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/2046070.stm <b>Bishops agree sex abuse safeguards</b> (Too late)
- http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/2043022.stm <b>US bishops sorry for sex abuse</b> (Too late. Disband)
- http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/1885380.stm <b>Pope denounces 'evil' sex priests</b> (Too late. Disband.) Pope is to blame hence evil, having the power to stop it but doing nothing except vocalising/sermonising at best: first the popes tried to hush it up; then insisted the church, not the law, should have the right to 'try' the priests - again protecting the priests involved; then they just denounce their own priestly paedophiles and rapists as 'evil'. Again, this does zip.
Also, if the pope denounces 'sex priests' as 'evil', then what about all the rapist and paedophile popes in the past? ( http://freetruth.50webs.org/C2a.htm#EarlyPopesSummary )
When will he excommunicate all of them publicly?

As ever, the following is just the tip of the iceberg:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Tuesday, 23 April, 2002, 16:42 GMT 17:42 UK
<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>A global scandal</span>
[Image caption:] The Pope has denounced the "sins of our brothers"
(Enough apologetics from the pope and his media-men. Time to close down the business, it's infested with rats.)

Although the sexual abuse scandal engulfing the Catholic Church in the US has received the most media attention, similar cases have occurred in other countries.
Most of the cases centre on Europe and Latin America, where the Church remains a pillar of the established order in many societies.

<b>The countries involved include: </b>

<b>Australia:</b> Australia's most senior churchman, Sydney Archbishop George Pell, was forced to admit offering thousands of dollars to the family of alleged child victims of sexual abuse by priests.
From our archive: Bishop admits abuse money offer

The Church has publicly apologised to British and Maltese child migrants who suffered physical and sexual abuse in religious institutions between the 1930s and 1960s.
From our archive: Australian church apologises to child migrants

<b>Austria:</b> The Church has admitted that accusations of paedophilia levelled against its former head, Archbishop of Vienna Hans Hermann Groer, are substantially true.
From our archive: Austrian bishops label cardinal a paedophile

<b>France:</b> In 2001, a court gave a three-month suspended sentence to Bishop Pierre Pican, who was accused of covering up for a paedophile priest.
From our archive: Bishop convicted in paedophile case

<b>Ireland:</b> Bishops have backed a wide-ranging investigation into child abuse over the past 60 years after more than 20 priests, brothers and nuns were convicted of molesting children. The Bishop of Ferns resigned following heavy criticism of his handling of sex abuse allegations.
From our archive: Irish cardinal 'regrets' abuse

<b>Poland:</b> The hint of scandal has even reached the Pope's native land, where a Roman Catholic archbishop has been accused of sexually abusing seminarians and priests. He denies the allegations.
From our archive: Polish archbishop 'molested students'

<b>South Africa:</b> The head of the Church has admitted that about a dozen priests have been accused of sexually abusing children, but that the cases happened "many years ago".
From our archive: South Africa's Catholics admit sex abuse

<b>UK:</b> The Church in England and Wales has set up an independent committee to advise it on how to stop sexual abuse after a number of cases involving paedophile priests. The Archbishop of Wales resigned after criticism of his handling of paedophile cases.
From our archive: Catholics tackle paedophile priests

<b>Brazil:</b> Church officials in the world's largest Roman Catholic country have admitted that paedophilia is a problem. "The problem of sexual appetite is one that afflicts every human being," said Bishop Angelico Sandalo Bernardino.

<b>Mexico:</b> The Church has been accused of covering up cases of sex abuse and even paying money to silence the victims. One cardinal was lambasted by the country's press after suggesting that the church should not wash its "dirty laundry" in public.
<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->And on this same BBC page ( http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_depth/1945848.stm ), see the numerous links on the right-hand side:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Roman catholic abuse scandal</b>
<i><b>US abuse</b></i>
- Bishops' solution http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/2046289.stm
- Cardinals' remedies http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/1949141.stm
- Vatican role http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/2046198.stm
- US fears http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/1944738.stm
- Finances hit http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/1923484.stm
- Bitter divisions http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/from...ent/1940044.stm

<i><b>Around the world</b></i>
- Suing the Pope http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/corr...ent/1879407.stm
- Church shaken http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/1917451.stm
<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Even so, all of the above are but a few instances of the sexual violence of the Catholic Church in those few years, mainly 2002 - not even taking into account the many other christian denominations. Though abuse is organised (at denominational church level) in other christian denominations, it is institutionalised (at Vatican level, which is head of all catholic churches) in catholicism.
<b>Bouquet from BJP, brickbats from the church for CM Virbhadra</b>

Reaching India using the Internet
Web evangelism strategies for Indian Christian outreach

"Praise be to the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle."
Psalm 144:1

Please ask your favorite Indian Christian site to link to this page

The Internet is a powerful medium to reach the rapidly-growing generation of computer-using Indians. At the end of 2002, there were nearly 8 million web users in India, which is expected to rise to 40 million in 2005. This may seem small in comparison with the 1 billion total population, but it is more than the total population of many smaller countries, and it is increasing rapidly. This is a huge opportunity which must be taken up: P G Vargis and Vishal Mangalwadi make an urgent appeal for this.

Indian web users are a group not easy to reach by other means – young and educated professional and business people of higher caste, yet who may be often open to outside ideas. Although the majority are English speakers, there is an increasing demand for web pages in Indian languages. The Bible is available online in Malayalam | Hindi. Tamil | Kannada.
Other resources

* India Resources 777
* India Gateway
* Engaging Indian Culture
* India Mail – weekly email prayerletter
* Ethne Magazine – outreach strategy
* Free evangelistic papers in worldwide English for India
* Radio training courses for evangelistic radio
* Teaching computer skills – method of outreach in India
* Pastors resources
* Gospel India Network
* In Search of Peace
* Free church-planting booklet
* Share your faith with a Hindu

However, the Web can only be used effectively when we understand the nature of this medium. Just as TV is not radio with pictures, so the Internet is not just a way of delivering tracts on a computer monitor. Unlike radio, TV and literature – which are "push" mediums – the Internet is a "pull" medium which draws people in – but only on the basis of what interests them.

It is therefore a waste of time merely to create web-pages explaining the Gospel – because most Indians are not searching for such pages. Different strategies are explained in this Guide, which are being already being used to effectively reach millions around the world. In particular, we believe that the 'Bridge Strategy' is the one which can best touch Indian web users, for example, looking at Bollywood films. Sadly, there are very few evangelistic pages written for Indians, yet the potential is huge.

The Internet has become a powerful tool for us to use in evangelism. These resource pages explain strategies for using it - principles of communication which often apply equally to other forms of outreach too. You can also easily integrate these pages into your own site with a few lines of code.

<img src='http://guide.gospelcom.net/pics/graymatrix.gif' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

The lower-left oval shape represents a group of people who are fairly
resistant and lack knowledge. The challenge is to use approaches which
reach down as far as possible into the bottom left-hand corner!

Conclusions from the Gray Matrix

* Effective evangelism is not only about giving people more knowledge. We must help them move from a position of antagonism (or just not caring), to feeling enthusiastic and interested. People will probably not move up the scale, unless they have first moved across to the right-hand side.

* Anything which moves people from left to right, is as 'evangelistic' as something which moves them up the scale. This is very important for groups of people who are strongly against the Gospel. They will usually not be willing to move up the scale until their antagonism is reduced. They will probably also have misunderstandings about the Gospel message, which must be carefully explained. Acts of Christian service and friendship can often reduce antagonism. For instance, on the mission field, educational, medical or well-digging projects often lead to an openness to the Gospel. In a local church situation, mothers and baby clubs, youth groups, or hospital visiting do the same. For some people-groups, apologies offered for the past actions of so-called 'Christian' nations are also healing hurts and reducing antagonism to the Gospel.

* We can define roughly where a person, or group of people, is situated on the scale. This helps us to choose the best approach to reach them. For instance, the oval shape on the left- hand side represents a person or group of people who are resistant to the Gospel and understand little of it.

* Someone who has no knowledge of the Gospel will not understand Christian language and jargon. A big failing of much evangelism is the use of words and ideas which only Christians understand. It is also important to understand what other religions believe.

* Pressures of society and culture, and the strategies of the Enemy, will tend to pull people down towards the bottom left-hand of the scale. God's purpose is to draw people to the top right-hand side by His Spirit, through the witness of his people.

How the Gray Matrix helps us with online evangelism

* We must assume that people have zero Christian knowledge. We therefore need to avoid using Christian jargon words. "Most Christian literature... begins too far along the evangelistic process; it assumes that the reader has at least some basic knowledge of Christianity and biblical concepts," said the director of a very effective literature outreach recently in Interlit magazine. We live in a post-Christian culture. Since most people have never attended church, been to Sunday School, or learned anything of the Bible in school, they have a complete lack of knowledge or understanding, and no biblical framework in their minds. Any 'spirituality' that people have, is usually shaped by New Age ideas.

* For people who may be antagonistic or uninterested, we must work hard to identify with their feelings. We must avoid a 'preachy' approach, and instead place ourselves at their level, in their shoes, relating to their interests and language. This is sometimes called "contextualization". It has nothing to do with compromising or watering down the Gospel. Catherine Booth, co-founder of the Salvation Army, said,

"God forbid that I should ever teach any adaptation of the Gospel. But I contend that we may serve it up in any sort of dish that will induce the people to partake of it."

Contextualization is important to communicate with those of other faiths or none. "You never know till you try to reach them how accessible men are; but you must approach each man by the right door."�(Henry Ward Beecher)

* Sites which are obviously 'Christian' in style, language and graphics, will mainly reach people who are already seeking, who have some knowledge and enthusiasm and probably a church background. This is one of the biggest barriers which prevents sites from fulfilling their true potential and touching people who are 'un-churched'. It is possible to express most Christian truth without using any Christian words other than 'God', 'Jesus', 'Bible' and 'heaven'. Better to use 'God' than 'the Lord', and 'Bible' rather than 'the Word of God' because these terms are more neutral.

* Almost every other Christian word or concept can be expressed in non-religious words. If it is essential to use a religious word, define it. When Words Get in the Way explains this well - every Christian writer should print it out.
* Christian organizations involved in online evangelism may be wise to choose a different name to brand themselves for a non-Christian readership, than that they use for their Christian supporters.</b>

* Of course, even a site which is written entirely for Christians (as is this one) should still offer an explanation of the Gospel for non-Christians who happen to visit. See the meaning of life link in the contents menu, which is also available for you to link to if you wish.


The "Kingdom Now" teaching is that of having a "State Church," or if you will, a Church State, having a Church that is in control of the Government. The concept of a "State Church" is an unholy mixture, an abomination which attempts to combine the kingdom of God and the domain of Satan - who is the god of this age, into one entity... It's man's attempt to create a Theocracy without God's permission or participation...



Acharya, this is what someone with a similar moniker wrote on BR on the Evanjehadi thread:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->In one company I worked they had internal discussion of sending money for the Orissa hurricane to only people who convert.
Acharya, if you are the same person who wrote the above, you should publicize the name of the company, if it is small enough. I understand it may not be the company's official policy, but if it is a small company, it will serve as the company's unofficial policy anyway.

If it is a large company, then I understand that it is mostly individual bias and unlikely to be company policy. In which case, perhaps you should consider naming atleast some of the individuals.

Of course, I understand if you don't want to, especially if it will automatically lead to disclosure of your identity to any lurkers.
Bouquet from BJP, brickbats from the church for CM Virbhadra
BY ASHWANI SHARMA -February 12, 2007 <!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->A daily newsletter from the states: The Congress
government in Himachal Pradesh has passed a legislation — the Himachal Pradesh Freedom of Religion Bill 2006— which marks forced religious conversion, especially of Dalits and tribals, as a punishable offence. The Bill, which was passed by the state Assembly in its Winter Session recently held at Dharmshala, now awaits Governor V S Kokje’s assent. According to the legislation passed, a minimum of two years imprisonment or a fine of Rs 25,000, or both will be imposed on anyone found guilty of abetting and indulging in conversion from one religion to another by use of force, inducement or fraudulent means.In case of conversion of women and those from Dalit and tribal communities, the punishment would be three years’ RI besides a fine of Rs 50,000.
<b>The figures presented in the Assembly by the CM, who also happens to be the minister in charge of Home, show that nearly 500 conversions have taken place in
the state in the past four years. Of these, at least 400 are in Shimla district — including Rohru and Chirgaon areas represented by the CM. Those converted  were mostly tribals, Buddhists and Dalits. Most conversions have taken place in interior and backward areas of the state. Shankar, a handicap from Shimla’s downhill vicinity where several leprosy-affected families dwell, was the first to raise his voice against conversion when a missionary group tried to convert him in 1998-99. He also lodged a complaint with the local administration regarding this. Hindu organisations, particularly the Vishwa Hindu Parishad and the RSS, allege that there have been several other cases of conversion that have gone unreported in the past 10 years. “The actual figures are frightening,” said Ganesh Dutt, an RSS activist.</b>
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Bouquet from BJP, brickbats from the church for CM Virbhadra
BY ASHWANI SHARMA -February 12, 2007 A daily newsletter from the states: The Congress
government in Himachal Pradesh has passed a legislation — the Himachal Pradesh Freedom of Religion Bill 2006— which marks forced religious conversion, especially of Dalits and tribals, as a punishable offence. The Bill, which was passed by the state Assembly in its Winter Session recently held at Dharmshala, now awaits Governor V S Kokje’s assent.

Nice!! Real Nice. <!--emo&:thumbsup--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/thumbup.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='thumbup.gif' /><!--endemo--> Something similar in other indian states where the hindu congress leader stands up would be great. Let every party be pro-hindu and make hindutva politics obsolete.
Re HP anti-conv bill <!--emo&:cool--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/specool.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='specool.gif' /><!--endemo-->

Heh! Any Congresswallas listening? Appeal to the Hindu vote bank by doing more of the above. You will not regret it.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Heh! Any Congresswallas listening? Appeal to the Hindu vote bank by doing more of the above. You will not regret it.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
They have no choice, otherwise they will lose big time. All because of Demography of HP. Majority are Hindus , Known as land of Devi and Devtas and people are proud of Hindu culture and Hindusim.
<b>California Pastor Stole the Whole Church</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->RIPON, Calif. (Feb. 12) - For nearly a decade, members of Ripon's First Congregational Church bared their souls to Pastor Randall Radic. But clearly it didn't work both ways. There were certain things he wasn't telling them.

That became obvious a year ago, when Radic pleaded guilty to betraying his flock and secretly selling the church and its rectory out from under them.<b> He used the money to buy himself a brand-new black BMW and a laptop - exploits he later chronicled in a cheeky, almost gleeful blog about his double life as a sinner</b>.

"We didn't know anything until we got a call from the bank that he had bought a BMW," said David Prater, who led the church board during Radic's tenure<b>. "He drove that car right down Main Street."</b>
<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--> <!--emo&:roll--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ROTFL.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='ROTFL.gif' /><!--endemo--> <!--emo&:roll--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ROTFL.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='ROTFL.gif' /><!--endemo-->

Shanghunny Menon's "History of Travancore from the earliest times".

South Travancore was one of the earliest outposts of protestant evangelism in India.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Soon after the Governor's [George Harris, Governor of Madras] departure [from a visit to Trivandrum in 1858], the deputy Peishcar Shungoonny Menon [author of this account] rejoined his division in the south, but he had the mortification to find, that, during his absence fresh misunderstanding had arisen between the Hindus and the Shanar converts. The spirit of hostility between these two sections of the inhabitants had lain dormant for some time chiefly-through the interference of the Sircar authorities, but it seemed to have been again roused up, and the disputes this time were of a more serious nature. The Peishcar's efforts to throw oil on the troubled waters and bring matters to a satisfactory conclusion proved in the long run abortive; although he succeeded in restoring harmony between the parties temporarily.

The misunderstanding had originated entirely from the Shanar Christian females assuming the costume of high caste Hindu females. They had been doing this from the early days of their conversion, and instead of endeavouring to suppress what might eventually cause serious complications, the Missionaries encour­aged them and fostered among them a spirit of hostility against the high caste Hindus. The Sircar had been necessitated, in 1814, to interfere and legislate for the future guidance of the Shanars, but notwithstanding this during a period of fifteen years there were quarrels on various occasions between the parties. Matters now looked serious and the interference of the Government seemed to be again called for. There had been a legislative enactment in 1829, at the very commencement of the reign of the greatly renowned Maha Rajah who died in 1022 M.E. (1847 A.D.) In this enactment, it was clearly laid down that the female Shanar converts were at liberty to cover their bosoms with a jacket, and a strict pro­hibition was laid down against their adopting high caste Hindu costumes; but the aim of the converts had been persistently to defy the higher class Hindus and to despise their brother Shanars, who professed Hinduism (certainly with a hidden motive), and the converts were supported all along by the Missionaries whose intention apparently was to introduce English customs as if they were in civilized England instead of Travancore. They also claimed perfect toleration and liberty for their converts, without taking into consideration the time, the country, the nature of the Government, and their own position in foreign land and the consequence was that it was difficult to settle the dispute at once, while on the part of the Shanars there was an open defiance of the laws of the land, which, on account of the encouragement they received from the Missionaries, it was difficult to curb. And the Travancore Government, being reluctant to come in contact with the Missionaries, owing to its regard for the paramount power, desisted from taking active measures, and the result was that the Hindus  and the  Shanar converts and their respective  supporters openly assumed hostile positions against each other.

Such a feeling existed between the parties from the earliest period of  the Mission works in south Tra­vancore, but by the strong protection and toleration afforded to the promotion of the Christian Missions by the  Travancore  Government,  the  work  of  the Missionaries  progressed  most  rapidly,  and  in the course of the next thirty years conversions to Christi­anity  increased, and in the  villages  in  Nanjenaud and the adjacent districts numerous Chapels, Churches and Schools were built.    These places were crowded with large numbers of Shanar converts, and Catechists commenced to itenerate  through all Hindu villages with  their  tracts  and  books  and began  preaching to  the Hindus.    This circumstance  must  naturally have roused the jealousy of the Hindus, while the converts instead of keeping themselves within bounds, took advantage of their support by the Missionaries and began to prove themselves a source of annoyance to the Hindu portion of the people, by openly defying them whenever there was an opportunity and the result was the complication above alluded to.

It is a matter worthy of particular remark, that the Mission work of conversion in south Travancore was mostly, if not exclusively, confined to the Shanars, Parayars, and other low caste people, who form but a minor portion of the population of the districts, while conversions among the higher orders were seldom effected. At the same time, while the Church Mission Society in the north did its work quietly and without endeavouring to introduce reforms violently, the London Mission in the south seemed to pursue quite a different policy for nearly half a century.

The system adopted by the London Mission savoured more of the undue and illegitimate exercise of power than persuasion and well meant endeavours to impress upon people the truth of the principles of religion, and hence, the chief cause for the Hindus to be dissatisfied with them and to consider their proceedings offensive.

This fact can be seen from a fact connected with the founder of the London Mission in Travancore, the Reverend Mr. Ringeltaube, who, on paying a visit to the then Dewan Valu Thamby, for the express purpose of endeavouring to obtain a footing for the London Mission in Travancore, in 1806, being asked by the minister what religion he professed, the Reverend gentleman answered " Colonel Macaulay's Religion,"* instead of saying the Christian religion or the religion established by Christ, who He was, when and how Jesus Christ was born, what wonders and miracles Christ had performed in the world, how He became the Saviour of mankind, how He suffered, and how His resurrection took place aftex His crucifixion and burial and so on. Let the reader note the severe rebuke implied in the following remark which that great Hindu Statesman made on hearing what Mr. Ringel-taube said about his professing " Colonel Macaulay's religion," " I never knew that there was such a religion" said the Dewan, meaning of course, a religion invented or professed by a private individual, for Christianity was in existence in Travancore for more than a thousand years before that period.

Acting under such selfish principles, it is no wonder that the Missionaries considered themselves to be entitled to respect from the Hindus. Why the Society did not think of proceeding in a more conciliatory manner with the Hindu portion of the population, and why they endeavoured to create in the Hindus a spirit antagonistic to the Christian religion are points for inquiry.

* See Revereed Mateer's Land of Charity, page 262.

The very illustration in Mr. Mateer's work, page 277, will show plainly how the females of the Shanar con­verts were taught to imitate the costume of the higher class Hindus, while there are numerous modes of costumes adapted for Christians which would be more desirable from a European point of view. It is clear that this style of costume adopted by the Shanar converts was with the express object of annoying the Hindu section of the population of the districts.

The costume in question was not the only cause for offence which the Shanar converts gave to the higher classes; but in various other ways they rendered them­selves obnoxious to the Sudra community.

For instance, one Shanar Puthathan Cutty and his wife, Eshakee, were the cultivators of  Madom Pillay, a Sudra landed proprietor.  These became converts and left Madom Pillay's service,  and  Puthathan  Cutty subsequently became a Catechist under a Missionary, and his wife assumed a costume similar to that  of Madom Pillay's wife.    Now, both the Catechist and his wife came to Madom Pillay's house and began to converse with him, on terms of equality, commencing a discussion with Madom Pillay on the  subject of religion and calling him  "an ignorant man"  and a sinner (as all the heathens are put down by the Mission people in the vernacular, in the category of " Agna-nikul" ignorant men).    Was it possible  for  Madom Pillay not to resent the impertinence of those who were but lately his dependents; and their  sole ob­ject in coming to his house—the wife dressed in a costume similar to that of Madom Pillay's wife—must have been to cause him annoyance ?  It is also worthy of note that on a quarrel ensuing between the Shanar converts  and  Madom  Pillay,  the  Missionary who used to support him, espoused the cause of the Cate­chist and appeared himself before the authorities and adopted measures for the punishment of Madom Pillay in which favored by the advantages of his color and position  he  succeeded.    Here  is  a solution of the question why the Missionaries are considered by the Hindus as acting partially towards the converts and prosecuting the Hindus.  Besides if even a reasonable

complaint were made by Sircar official, he would be represented by the Missionaries as partial and in a communication to the Resident denounced as corrupt, unprincipled, and so forth. The Missionaries at the same time did not hesitate to drag the Government into the discussion. The Missionaries by their writings can make the world believe that terrible persecutions against Christianity are carried on in Travancore, and the British Government invariably gives credence to statements thus disseminated, and being the paramount power, they can come down upon the Travancore Sircar with rebuke and strong disapproval,* ignoring the fact that Christianity as professed by the Syrians and Roman Catholics existed in Travancore from time immemorial. A convincing instance in support of this statement shall be given presently.

* Mr. Whitehouse reported the case of Aroomanayagum, a converted slave, who was beaten by his master Madom Pillay, and another Sudra for attending Christian worship. Although the serious injuries inflicted on the poor man were certified in detail by the Court physi­cian, Dr. Reed, a mere nominal fine of only 5 Rupees each, was inflicted by the Magistrate on his assailants. But an appeal being made to the Madras Government, the fines were increased to seventy Rupees and the Travancore authorities were reproved for their unjust lenity.— Mateer's " Land of Charity," page 296.

Though the matters connected with the upper cloth dispute between the Shanar converts and the Hindus were temporarily adjusted by the exertions of the deputy Peishcar, yet the disputes broke out again in a short time and several quarrels and disturbances took place between the parties in the markets and thorough­fares where the females of Shanar converts appeared in Hindu costumes. Just at this time, the Dewan Madava Row paid a visit to the south and finding the serious nature of the rupture between the parties, he issued a proclamation on the 27th December 1868, as a precau­tionary measure and with the view of preventing fur­ther disturbances. The tenor of the proclamation was that, it was clearly wrong to violate ancient usages ; that the law laid down for the observance of the parties concerned, by a royal proclamation in the year 1829, should be respected; that whoever infringed the law „ would be liable to severe punishment, that Shanars were to bear the same in mind and act accordingly; that Sudras and people of the higher caste were not to do anything themselves against the Shanars and cause a breach of the peace, and that should they commit anything contrary to the law, due riotice would be taken of their conduct.

This proclamation had nothing new in it. It was entirely founded upon the enactment passed under the judicious advice and counsel of Colonel Munro in 1814, and in 1829, with the full concurrence of the able Resident, Colonel Morrison, C.B.

The rules prescribed by the Circular Order of 1814, and the proclamation of 1829, were precisely the same, and were calculated to prevent collisions and preserve peace between the contending parties. The sum and substance of those rules were that Shanar females, converted to Christianity should wear the costume worn by other Christian females, i.e., jackets similar to those used by the lace-making Shanar females, as represented in the " Land of Charity," page 272, but no prohibition whatever had been issued against the convert females covering their bodies. Those rules were observed and matters went on smoothly for about thirty years. The Missionaries, for the time being, were contented with these rules, and preferred to wait for an opportunity to get them amended in a manner favoring the aims and fancies of the Shanar and Parayar converts.

Under these circumstances, Dewan Madava Row's judicious proclamation was considered by the Mission­aries as a proof of his " gross and unconcealed par­tiality," and they therefore at first petitioned the Maha Rajah and then the Madras Government praying for the cancelling of the Dewan's proclamation, the Circular Order of May 1814, and the proclamation of February 1829.

By this time, Lord Harris, the Governor of Madras retired, and was succeeded by Sir Charles Trevelyan, before whom the question was laid for decision. His Excellency seemed to have taken a one-sided view of the question, and without giving the matter calm and deliberate consideration, and reflecting on the real meaning of the Circular Order and proclamation alluded to, came to the conclusion that the privilege of covering their bosoms had been denied to the females of the Shanar converts by the Travancore Government, and under this impression wrote in the following decisive terms to General Cullen :—

" I have seldom met with a case in which not only truth and justice, but every feeling of our common humanity are so entirely on one side. The whole civilized world would cry shame upon, us if we did riot make a firm stand on such an occasion. If anything could make this line of conduct more incum­bent on us, it would be the extraordinary fact that persecution of a singularly personal and delicate kind is attempted to be justified by a royal proclama­tion, the special object of which was to assure to Her Majesty's Indian subjects, liberty of thought and action so long as they did not interfere with the just rights of others. I should fail in respect to Her Majesty, if I attempted to describe the feelings with which she must regard the use made against her own sex of the promises of protection so graciously accorded by her.

" It will be your duty to impress these views on His Highness the Rajah, and to point out to him that such prohibition as those conveyed in the Circular Order of May 1814, or in the proclamation of the 3rd of February 1829, are unsuited to the present age, and unworthy of an enlightened Prince."

This communication from the new Governor startled the old General, and he pressed upon the Maha Rajah to pass an act in accordance with the views of His Excellency but by adopting such a sweeping measure, the Maha Rajah apprehended still greater evils, and, consequently, after due and long deliberation and con- , sultation with the able Dewan, a new royal proclama­tion was prepared and published in July of the same year 1859, making further concessions to the Shanar females in the matter of their dress. But this con­cession did not imply any permission to the convert females to assume the costume of Brahman women. The Missionaries were not quite satisfied with this proclamation, but it sufficed to check further disturb­ances on the score of dress.

The spirit of the Missionaries in this matter is evident from the Rev. S. Mateer's work entitled " Land of Charity;" Chapter XII, pages 295-306. In his quasi-sensational writings, the Reverend gentleman animadverts rather strongly, and it must be said, with a good deal of unfairness, on the proceedings of a Government which had tolerated Christianity hundreds of years before protestantism came into existence and which had protected the very London Mission itself from its cradle, so to speak, and this in a country whose people and sovereign prof ess orthodox Hinduism.

The unfair animadversions of the Missionaries cast a reflection on .the reputation of the Maha Rajah and of his Government and created an unfriendly feeling between them and the Hindus, who charge them with want of gratitude, after they had been allowed to work freely and open Missions in their land.

How to Evangelize Tibetan Buddhists in the West

Michelle Vu

As thousands of Tibetan Buddhists and admirers of the religion prepare to welcome the Dalai Lama this spring to the United States, a missionary group is setting out to educate Christians about the eastern religion and how to share Christianity with Buddhists.

“The Dalai Lama’s visit to the U.S. this spring is certain to heighten awareness about Buddhists,” noted David Housholder, a missionary and educator with Interserve USA. Housholder has lived in India, Thailand and Nepal for more than 20 years, working among Tibetan Buddhist people.

“It will be a perfect time to defend and share the Christian faith with recent immigrants, high school and college students strongly influenced by Buddhism, and everyday Americans who have woven the Eastern religion into their personal philosophy and world view,” he added.

According to Housholder, author of the new book Jesus in a New Age, Dalai Lama World, the best way to evangelize a Tibetan Buddhists is to start off by being their friend.

“Really be a genuine friend; listen to their story and hear and understand what they mean when they use spiritual terms,” said the South Asia missionary. Housholder said that Tibetans have experienced a traumatic history with the Government of Tibet in exile and Tibetan refugees dispersed throughout the world.

He also recommended inviting Buddhist believers to Bible studies.

“One thing they respect is sacred books of other religions, which includes the Bible,” explained Housholder. “They often respond positively when you invite them to a study of the Bible.

“You should go not with the attitude of teaching them what you believe, but allow them to read and question and let the holy spirit cause them to fall in love with the Lord Jesus through the Scripture.”

However, it is difficult to convert a Tibetan Buddhist, according to Housholder. For Tibetans, their religion is inherently linked to their culture and identity so they are very reluctant to convert. In South Asia where Buddhism is often the dominant religion, villages have expelled whole families when only one member converted to Christianity.

Besides social pressure, another obstacle is that Tibetan Buddhists have a different understanding of spiritual terminology than Christians. Housholder said that Buddhists do not understand terms such as God, sin, new birth, salvation, heaven and hell the same way Christians understand them.

For Buddhists, there is no such thing as a soul, which Christians consider a person. Buddhists view the soul similar to a rainbow composed of many elements but not existing in a distinct form.

“The Buddhists have the concept of emptiness, there is no essential reality, whereas Christians believe there is something very concrete that God has created and a future that he will extend the ideal form of that creation,” explained Housholder.

Tibetan Buddhists contrast with Christians by focusing on how a person lives his life rather than what he believes. Consequentially, Buddhism is a ritualistic religion that some say is more of a lifestyle than a religion.

Housholder concluded that westerners have to be aware that though Buddhism is sometimes presented as a system of meditation to help one relax and feel fulfilled, Christians need to know the spiritual activity being promoted and be able to respond Biblically.

Interserve USA, a Christian professional mission organization, is focusing on educating Christians ahead of the Dalai Lama’s spring tour through its new book Jesus in a New Age, Dalai Lama World and by hosting educational seminars for Christians in the location.


We have two threads on Anti-India NGOs list. Which contains everything.


OK. Thanks. <!--emo&Smile--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
<img src='http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/6044/ejdv7.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
Some good news at least:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>PIL seeking subsidy for Christians dismissed</b>
Kochi, Nov 23 (2006): The Kerala High Court today dismissed a writ petition seeking subsidy for Christian pilgrims to undertake pilgrimage to Israel and Palestine on the lines of the Haj subsidy to Muslims.

Dismissing the PIL filed by Francis Albert, General Secretary, [missing the rest and strangely attached to:] 'Llk industry in the country and rules to the amendments would be finalised after consulting silk producing states.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--> <!--emo&:guitar--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/guitar.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='guitar.gif' /><!--endemo-->

The same editorial problem with this piece of news at:
It also breaks off this piece of news and has it attached to another.
<b> Salvation Army and Evangelism Strategy for India </b>


<b>Strategies in the Past</b>

The first two Protestant missionaries arrived on Indian soil on 9 July 1706. They began by setting themselves to learn the language of the people. <b>They then identified a potential target group and the strategic position for their mission.</b> Adoption of orphan children, or purchasing them from their guardians, was the first social work, forming the nucleus of a small orphanage. The children were baptised and brought up as Christians.

As soon as the missionaries were proficient in the language they entered into discussions with Hindus and began to preach the gospel to them. Any European who could speak an Indian language fluently and was interested in discussing Hindu religious beliefs was highly regarded in those days. They never lacked an audience.

As the work expanded, establishment of charity schools to give a Christian education and also of a printing press to print school textbooks and other Christian literature were given priority. <b>Schools became one of the most effective means of mission. As the years went by, many missionaries came and established their church denominations. New strategies were devised</b>, such as street preaching, cottage meetings, prayer groups and Bible study. For The Salvation Army, ministry among lepers and resettlement of criminal tribes helped us to enter deeply into the community.

After India gained independence, political and social changes reduced the effectiveness of many of these means of mission. Some were banned. The recent religious upheaval in the country will also have an extensive impact. Immense efforts will be required to find new ways and means of ministry.

<b>Strategies for Today</b>

The old idea that evangelists should devote themselves wholly to spiritual work, preaching the gospel to non-Christians, and that the Indian church itself should be responsible for supplying its own material needs, will find a new shape. Many of the strategies applied previously may still be relevant. But recently published guidelines for pastors and evangelists drafted by the National Christian Council of Churches in India clearly indicate the changes which will unavoidably take place in the new millennium.

<b>As far as The Salvation Army is concerned, new ways must be found to ensure that officers are fully engaged in mission.</b> Consolidation of spiritual life and unity in Christ for the soldiers in the corps, thus demonstrating the presence of Christ, will greatly help mission outreach, as will the individual exemplary Christian life which produces the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

We need to be more open to other religions but without syncretising or compromising the fundamentals of the Christian faith. We need to avoid confrontation and words or deeds which are provocative to other religions.

Triumphalism over new believers must also be avoided. Serious study of religious practices and cultural sensitivities to know which should be retained and which abandoned by new believers will be crucially important. It used to be said that if a married woman became a Christian she should take off the thali (a chain of marriage). This caused conflict with her husband, untold misery in the family and sometimes even led to the suicide of a child.

Application of Paul’s strategy, as seen in Acts 17, will help the sons of the soil to realise that Christianity is not an imported religion, but one which is already in the culture, custom and community, since God is not far from each one of us (Acts 17:27). This, as part of a master plan of evangelism, which also includes various kinds of social work and development, is the way forward into the new millennium.

And a lot more on this site...
<b>The Jungle of Christ</b>

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->This article is titled "The Jungle of Christ" because there is a labyrinth of Christian television evangelists ( Evangelist: a person who brings the gospel to pagan people or nonbelievers) engaged in a <b>massive worldwide well planned, organized onslaught against Hindus</b> and Muslims in an effort to convert them to Christianity.

The purpose of this paper <b>is to alert non- Christians about the people involved in this assault on their religions, as well as their plans and methods</b>. At the present time the research <b>I have been doing has yielded more information on India because the people involved feel more secure in their progress to convert Hindus</b>. The information of their assault on the Muslim religion is somewhat more secretive and guarded; however, Muslims should not feel complacent as the plans, methods and objectives of their assault on Islam are slowly surfacing.

<b>The following a list of the organizations engaged in wholesale evangelism</b> ( The preaching of the gospel ) as well as the organizations that comprise their support systems. This list only includes organizations referred to in this paper.
<b>Conversion Agenda</b> - AD2000 and beyond

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