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Khairlanji Massacre
The linked blog and the accompanying news it carries with pictures is infinitely barbaric. The source of the news and pictures the blogger has used seems to originate from lankaweb.com a virulently anti-hindu (anti tamil translating to anti-hindu, pitting Buddhists vs Hindus and many other things really). The title of both items (Lankaweb and blog) are therefore oppurtunistic. But I'd like readers to read the report which seems fair. It mostly eschews on name calling but reports sincerely on brutal massacre of a lower caste family(even admitting the perpetrators were OBCs which is really pointless in such a gruesome act).

This in many ways is reality that people of lower castes do face. It also is symbolic of what is important to our media (Jessica, Mattoo) and what is purposely left largely unreported.

Here is more info on the incident, unfortunately again from a blog.

WARNING: The links are graphic in nature
Watch Tower: Khairlanji: How the other half dies?

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->It is also alleged that the local MLA who belongs to the BJP was also instrumental in instigating the perpetrators and then helping them hush up the case. It is not surprising that the BJP-Shiv Sena leadership which is ever ready to put the ruling coalition on the mat has maintained complete silence over the incident. The Nitin Gadkaris or the Mundes or the Thakres have not even condemned the barbaric killings of the dalits. In fact to defuse and deviate people's attention from the spontaneous and militant assertion of the dalits, the Bhandara district units of the Shiv Sena and Bajrang Dal have joined hands to raise a counter agitation to protest rape of an upper caste woman by a dalit man.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

CBI to investigate Khairlanji massacre: Local police charged as co-accused

I hope there is justice for the brave lady, the boys and the little girl <!--emo&:furious--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/furious.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='furious.gif' /><!--endemo-->
<b>Chandrabhan Prasad in the Pioneer
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->It was not just the savagery associated with the Khairlanji killings that shocked the Dalits of Maharashta and the world over. It was not merely rape and muder. It was essentially a holocaust.

<b>About five dozen Kunbis raided Bhaiyyalal Bhotmange's house on September 28. It was a caste attack on Bhaiyyalal's family. Watched by the entire village, Surekha, 45- year-old wife of Bhaiyyalal, her 17-year-old daughter, and two sons were dragged out to the chaupal.

Amid cheers from the Kunbi men, women and children, the mother and daughter were first stripped. While they were being raped for about an hour, the Kunbi elders stood to give the culprits a standing ovation.</b> <!--emo&:furious--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/furious.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='furious.gif' /><!--endemo-->

Did such things happen in Hitler's regime? In full public view, four people were butchered. This is India's social holocaust, where dominant Kunbis, a listed OBC caste inflicted humiliation while killing.

<span style='color:#CC6600'><b>Atrocities on Dalits follow a pattern, often of a pan-India nature. Most Dalit killings are accompanied by inflicting humiliations. For instance, if the caste society decides to rape a Dalit woman, or target her dignity, attempts are made that more and more people came to know of it. That's the reason a rape is preceded by stripping the victim. Sometimes, there will be no physical injury, only humiliation. The idea is to convey a message - that, Dalits ought to know their social positioning. <!--emo&:furious--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/furious.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='furious.gif' /><!--endemo--> <!--emo&:furious--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/furious.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='furious.gif' /><!--endemo--> <!--emo&:furious--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/furious.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='furious.gif' /><!--endemo--> The Khairlanji medievalism is just one case in point. Such acts of barbarism are common all over India and it is just that this savagery caught the media attention and we are shocked.
As the news of Khairlanji savagery spread, the Dalit youth in Maharashtra got restless. While Dalit politicians slipped into rat holes, a new churning began among the Dalit social groups. As the motherland of Dalit movements, Maharashtra Dalits this time decided to confront. Closing down the Nagpur city will remain a landmark event in the life of all Dalit movements. Maharashtra Dalits have once again set a standard for Dalits all over India.

In a way, the recent Dalit uprising in Maharashtra is a signal for a new political mood in the Dalit genex - fight back. This is the return of the panthers - the Dalit Panthers of the early seventies. Although the Dalit Panther movement remained confined to Maharashtra, its echoes reverberated in Dalit consciousness all over the country.

With a flavour of militancy, the Dalit Panther movement had resurrected the esteem of the Dalits. The message that 'We must confront' caste dominance got instant approval. As the movement gained ground in Maharashtra, Dalit consciousness took a quantum jump. It slowly translated into a "we can confront" the caste dominance.

The movement was born to a special political context. As the only Dalit party of that time, the Republic Party of India (RPI) had given a new hope to anxious Dalit masses. It had won five Assembly seats in Maharashtra and 10 in UP in 1967. The party's influence had galvanised the Dalits.

But Dalit hopes didn't last as the RPI began splitting. The RPI leaders were swallowed by Congress and Jan Sangh. Feeling betrayed, the anxious Maharashtra Dalits looked for a new platform. That's when the Dalit Panther was born. Most founding leaders of the new movement came from outside the RPI.

Sadly though, the Dalit Panther movement met with a similar fate and the leaders were swallowed by the Congress and Shiv Sena. A brave attempt to revive the RPI was made when Dalit activists forced all factions to merge a few years back. That too didn't last long.

Today, an average Maharashtra Dalit feels betrayed. Most Dalit politicians have lost respect and credibility.

The recent uprising by average Dalit activists and participation of women signals a new Dalit mood - independent, assertive, and combative. It seems, the Dalit Panther has made a comeback. In all probability, something new, refreshing and futuristic will emerge from the Nagpur uprising.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-utepian+Nov 23 2006, 04:50 AM-->QUOTE(utepian @ Nov 23 2006, 04:50 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->
This in many ways is reality that people of lower castes do face. It also is symbolic of what is important to our media (Jessica, Mattoo) and what is purposely left largely unreported.

Here is more info on the incident, unfortunately again from a blog.

WARNING: The links are graphic in nature

<!--emo&Sad--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif' /><!--endemo--> <!--emo&Sad--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Off topic but one news gets attention rest goes unnotice.
Terror stalks banks of Chambal <!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->
The latest of the kidnappings took place from villages Gari Tedawali and Ranchorpura, located on the banks of the Chambal

All the captured belong to the Brahmin community leading to the suspicion that the act could be the handiwork a gang with enmity to this community.

Three months ago Narain Hari Sharma, son of the former MP from Morena, was kidnapped and kept captive by the dacoits. He was released a month ago reportedly after the payment of Rs.4.50 lakhs as ransom.

<b>Chambal dacoit demands Rs.3.3 mn ransom </b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Parihar, who was once a police informer, used to rear cattle and was a farmer before he turned a dacoit. He killed a Brahmin family that had encroached upon his land in 2002.
No pictures but what I have heard it was brutal murder.

3 days back again he had kidnapped 7 Brahmins male from different village in Madhya Pradesh.

All above don't even make news in any mainstream paper.

Tussle is between Parihar and Gujjar both are OBC but victims are Brahmins.

In every case police had done nothing whether its dalit or Brahmins.
Problem are politcians and lack of will not to protect citizens.
Horrible news. Heart goes out to the victims. Hope justice is swift and criminals are strung up from the nearest pole.

Mudy: A blogger called 'barbarindians' from India has been tracking pseudo-secular reporting for a while. A post related to this episode: do you like snuff pictures?
Now they will get more reservation , just imagine ....

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Horrible news. Heart goes out to the victims. Hope justice is swift and criminals are strung up from the nearest pole.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Are you expecting swift justice? I don't think so, Criminals are from OBC and now they are new kings and most precious vote bank after Muslims.

Regular NGOs are silent, we are not seeing regular Teestat, Azmi, Roy, Chatterjee screaming from roof tops for Moron Singh resignation or stalling parliament. Even Queen is mum. That is great thing about vote bank power.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Protests over Khairlanji killings spontaneous: Patil</b>
<b>Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister R R Patil today said the protests in Nagpur and elsewhere against Khairlanji dalit killings were "spontaneous reactions" and had "nothing to do with naxalites".</b>

"I deny having said that naxalites were behind the protests. Some sections of the media distorted my comments," Patil, who holds the Home portfolio, told reporters here.

"I had said that as per preliminary reports, it appeared that naxalites would take advantage of the protests," he said.

The member-secretary of Maharashtra State Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes Commission M R Patil has submitted a preliminary report on Khairlanji killings to the state govermment, he said.

Two policemen have been made co-accused in the case, based on the reccomendations made by the Committee, he added.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->It is also alleged that the local MLA who belongs to the BJP was also instrumental in instigating the perpetrators and then helping them hush up the case.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I think all p-sec guys will never miss golden opputunity to kill them. Nothing happened so they are not involved.
No other media had even pointed towards them infact Kangess are saying

<b>Opposition trying to make capital out of Dalit killing: Cong</b>

<b>Maharashtra govt hands over Khairlanji probe to CBI</b>

<b>Khairlanji protests: Cops look for the invisible hand </b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Have the front activists of ultra-Leftist groups taken over the protests against the Khairlanji killings? That is the question nagging the Nagpur Police though.
“These kinds of protests are generally organised by leaders wanting to take credit for the same. We do not know any such leaders here. So, who are the people who instigated the mobs yesterday is what we trying to find out,” said Commissioner of Police SPS Yadav here today. “It was an entirely new kind of protest organisation. Handbills were distributed first — through backdoors — and suddenly there was a crowd of some 3,000 people in Indora,” Yadav said.

The handbills categorically declared that henceforth the agitation won’t be allowed to be led by any politician and it called upon the Dalits to exact justice for themselves. “The Hindus will rape and kill our daughters and sons. Shall we remain mute?” it asked.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->It was not just the savagery associated with the Khairlanji killings that shocked the Dalits of Maharashta and the world over. It was not merely rape and muder. It was essentially a holocaust.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Holocaust? Interesting!

I was reading through the blogs, sometime after this multiple rape-murder, and one thing was immediately obvious: while the actual incident was real, raw and reprehensible, the rhetoric from the leftist blogosphere was artificial and contrived.

One has to remember that Kanshiram and Kancha Iliah had framed a peculiar term: Dalit-Bahujan. (The word Bahujan meant backward castes - basically OBCs). The idea was to create an alliance between the two to "interrogate" upper-caste "fascism". Now, after Khairlanji, many of the self-same idiots who were advocating Kancha Iliah's ideas have changed their tune: they are attacking the Powars and the Kalars, the dominant OBCs of that village, by calling them "Savarna castes".

So, which is it? Are they Bahujans or Savarnas? How did they determine them to be Bahujans then? On what basis, other than the categorization as OBCs by the various govts? And now, how are they classifying them as "Savarnas"? Is there a scripture, that has a list of all those jati-communities that belong to a varna? Nothing. It was always nothing. The rhetoric from the pro-Dalit blogosphere is a case study in how words may be hijacked to suit their latest argument.
Link<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->just stop inciting other
hai mr deshpande u people are just to find to find some incident and highlight it as if it is happening every where. I will narrate a incident where dalits have occupied land (the way to the fields) of panchayat . They wouldnt allow the farmeres to move and one in the season and pleas to evict them could not be done because of people like u. for the sake of three families atleast 400 families were suffering and they occupiers openly say that they would kill any one who dare to move on that land and book cases against farmers as SC/ST attrocites act.. so tell me how to solve the problem. The police would never come , since they say it is not their domain . if we go to court ,i bet even my great grandson will not hear the judgement. So only hope is to take the law into hands, do u agree or not please mail me on dv1c@yahoomail.com<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
link<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->A protest march led by Dalit leader Jogendra Kawade passed off peacefully.

The middle-aged farmer's wife Surekha, young daughter Priyanka and two sons Sudhir and Roshan were stripped and beaten to death by an enraged group of men and women Sep 29 in village Khairlanji in Bhandara district about 80 kilometers from here.

<span style='color:blue'><b>The immediate provocation for the mostly non-dalit villagers was that Surekha and Priyanka had testified against 15 of them in a case of beating up of one Siddharth Gajbhiye - also a Dalit and a kin of Surekha - earlier that month.

In a belated action on Siddharth's complaint, the police had arrested the 15 villagers Sep 29 and released them on bail the same day.

Siddharth, a well-to-do Dalit and 'police patil' of the neighbouring village, often stood by Bhotmanges and interceded on their behalf in a long drawn land dispute.</b> </span>

Accompanied by some 40 others immediately on being freed on bail, the 'implicated' 15 marched straight to Bhotmange's house and butchered the family in an orgy of violence that lasted two hours.

Unseen by the enraged crowd, Bhaiyyalal witnessed the nerve-shattering brutality for about half an hour from a distance and then fled to a neighbouring village in a state of shock that rendered him speechless for over a fortnight.

Naked bodies of the four Bhotmanges bearing multiple wounds were found the next day in a nearby canal.

Wednesday's press conference brought a rare experience for reporters as they waited with bated breath for full five minutes that Bhaiyyalal took before he could gather wits and words to speak - apparently reliving the nightmare of Sep 29.

Unending stream of tears rolling down his cheeks, he narrated the horrendous story of reprisal amid sobs and long pauses - of how the dominant people in the village asked for a ten meter patch from one side of his five acre farm for road construction and then a larger one passing through it and how he went on making concessions to avoid a fight.

<b>"They (the villagers) were angry because we lived our life our way without saluting them or generally without submitting to their domination", Bhaiyyalal said.

"They hated us because we did well with our five acre farm; because my son and daughter went to school and perhaps because we kept aloof", he said. </b>

Accusing the police of being hand in glove with the powerful in the village, Bhaiyyalal said nearly half of the people in the crowd that killed his family including the village sarpanch and upsarpanch are moving scot-free.

The police had a tough time arresting some 40 odd persons for the violence perpetrated against the hapless Dalit family under the cover of darkness as no one in the village of a population of 800 is ready to testify.

<span style='font-size:16pt;line-height:100%'>Only three of the 175 households in the village - including that of Bhotmanges - belong to the Dalit community, the others coming from Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes.</span>

An exasperated home minister of Maharashtra, R. R. Patil, who visited Khairlanji nearly a fortnight after the incident, had told reporters that the police would be constrained to punish the entire village population if they don't cooperate in the process of investigation.

The government has suspended three policemen including a sub inspector for dereliction of duties in the case, instituted a CID probe and hinted at handing it over to CBI if the CID probe fails to dig out the truth.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Not only leftist are calling them "Savaran" but reporting this as a clash between Buddhist and Hindus.

New Dalit leaders are taking lead, where is Udit Raj?
Yes. And perpetrators are just branded 'upper castes'.

Reports TOI: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/NEWS/In...682,curpg-1.cms
Reading through the story, this is not even a caste atrocity:
The immediate provocation for the mostly non-dalit villagers was that Surekha and Priyanka had testified against 15 of them in a case of beating up of one Siddharth Gajbhiye - also a Dalit and a kin of Surekha - earlier that month.

In a belated action on Siddharth's complaint, the police had arrested the 15 villagers Sep 29 and released them on bail the same day.

Siddharth, a well-to-do Dalit and 'police patil' of the neighbouring village, often stood by Bhotmanges and interceded on their behalf in a long drawn land dispute.

Accompanied by some 40 others immediately on being freed on bail, the 'implicated' 15 marched straight to Bhotmange's house and butchered the family in an orgy of violence that lasted two hours.
So, there is this:
1. a land dispute
2. the mother and daughter had testified against 15 of the villagers in a criminal complaint.
3. the "implicated 15" - implicated in the criminal complaint as noted above - were mainly involved in the rape-murder.
4. Nothing happened to the other 2 "dalit" and ST families in the village, as far as I can tell.

In effect, this family was pinpointed for this crime, because of longstanding disputes between the family and some of the other villagers.

Media and blogs are twisting this into caste, political and religious conflict, it is just a horrible crime took place in rural India.
But in Madhya Pradesh it is a caste conflict.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Mudy, this is Maharashtra. It is confusing, because there appears to be another Khairlanji in MP. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
No I am talking about Chambal area where OBCs are kidnapping randomly Brahmin males for ransom or land grab.
<b>Dalit beaten to death in Jehanabad, one injured</b>
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Jehanabad, November 23, 2006
A dalit was beaten to death and another seriously injured by upper caste land owners in a village in Jehanabad district on Thursday, police said.
Ramlakhan Manjhi was beaten to death while Dularchand Manjhi was grievously injured during the incident, they said.

We were beaten up by some upper caste land owners for refusing to work on their fields, Dularchand told reporters at a hospital.

He alleged that they were tied with ropes and later assaulted.

An FIR has been registered in this connection, police said.

This is caste or class issue ?
<b>Dalit girl burnt to death by man accused of rape</b> <!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Hoshangabad (MP), Nov 23: A minor Dalit girl was allegedly burnt to death by a youth at Sahalwada village near here after she refused to withdraw a complaint of rape against him, police said on Thurdsay.
Alleging that Rajput had links with politicians, the Madhya Pradesh unit of the Congress has demanded a high-level probe into the incident.

"Crimes against Dalits are soaring in the state," Congress spokesman Manak Agrawal said in a release in Bhopal and demanded the resignation of Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan for failing to control such crimes<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Do you think only one female faced this type of crime in one day in whole India? Only selective crime makes news, rest no one care.

Now this happened in non-congress state so it will be in media.
They have not used same language for Maharastra.

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