11-26-2006, 05:29 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-26-2006, 05:41 AM by Naresh.)
<img src='http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/images/2006/11/26/20061126_editorial.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
Cheers <!--emo&:beer--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cheers.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='cheers.gif' /><!--endemo-->
[center]<b><span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Kuwait bans visas for Pakistanis</span></b><!--emo&:flush--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Flush.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='Flush.gif' /><!--endemo-->[/center]
<b>KUWAIT (Online) - Kuwait government has imposed ban on issuance of visas of all kinds to five countries including Pakistan till further orders in the wake of deteriorating regional situation.</b>
A report published in a Kuwaiti newspaper reflects Kuwaitâs general immigration department of interior ministry has said visit visa will be issued for only one month.
The report added that the ban has been imposed on the issue of work permit visas to the citizens of five countries till further orders. <b>The five countries are Pakistan, Iran, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq.</b>
The restriction will remain in place unless regional situation returns to normalcy.
Cheers <!--emo&:beer--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cheers.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='cheers.gif' /><!--endemo-->
[center] <!--emo&:clapping--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/clap.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='clap.gif' /><!--endemo--><b><span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>The Asian age : Dr Ayesha Siddiqa</span></b>[/center]
<i>In India, Hu spoke about Beijingâs desire to befriend India and find an amicable solution to resolve their bilateral disputes. Hu also offered India bilateral cooperation in the field of civil nuclear energy, which is a major step in reducing the overall tension between the two countries</i>
It is after ages that Islamabad was decorated with such fervor to receive a foreign dignitary. The main roads were lit up at night and the garbage cleaned, all to welcome the Chinese President, Hu Jintao. The gracious welcome signified the importance of Chinaâs friendship for Pakistan.
Islamabadâs relationship with Beijing has remained reasonably steady since the early 1960s, especially in terms of the supply of conventional and non-conventional military technology. In the past seven years, Islamabad has also generously welcomed Chinese investment in Pakistan and made room for Chinese companies to exploit Pakistanâs real estate, agricultural, industrial and other resources. The guarantees given to the Chinese government and companies â for investing in underdeveloped areas such as Gwadar, and in the agricultural and corporate sectors â have often come at the cost of leaving the local entrepreneurs and the landless peasants vulnerable. Neither sector is happy with Chinese goods being dumped in Pakistanâs markets or with the concept of corporate farming.
Islamabad has resisted local pressure because it feels that it has to provide a market to keep China attracted to Pakistan. Since money makes the mare go, Beijing would not ignore a potential market for its goods and services. Economic progress is a top priority for Beijing, especially after the fundamental change in its policy in 1979. Pakistan and China are also significant partners in the defence sector and the Pakistani military has been a major recipient of Chinese weapons and production technology.
Even during President Huâs visit to Pakistan, both countries have signed various agreements to boost trade and to carry out joint development and production of weapon systems. An additional benefit to China of partnering Pakistan in the defence sector is that Islamabad has generously shared its technical experience and know-how to help China improve its weapons designs. The JF-17 Thunder project, which was gradually built on the old F-7 aircraft design, is one of the many examples of cooperation between the two.
However, President Huâs visit is significant in more than what it puts on Pakistanâs table. This is a trip which essentially defines the new parameters of Asian geo-politics. This new paradigm allows the two giants of Asia, India and China, to re-structure their relations and base it on mutual economic considerations. The underlying motivation is to allow economic realities to determine the course of geo-politics rather than the other way around. This is fundamentally different from the historical US-USSR Cold War framework in which political-ideological orientation determined economic and social realities.
Prior to his visit to Pakistan, Hu was in India and spoke about Beijingâs desire to befriend New Delhi and find amicable means to resolve their bilateral disputes. Hu also offered India bilateral cooperation in the field of civil nuclear energy, which is a major step in reducing the overall tension between the two countries. For China the over-riding reality is economics. Since New Delhi is planning to embark upon an ambitious plan to develop its civil nuclear sector through building a large number of reactors, this creates a market too important for China to ignore.
There are other mutual benefits as well, such as the possibility of a South-South transfer of technology in the future and fewer problems for India in getting approval from the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) once the case of India-US civil-nuclear agreement is put on the table. Since China cannot endlessly delay the India-US nuclear deal, it makes sense for it to benefit politically by reducing the tension between itself and India. The Chinese offer would certainly take the wind out of the idea that by offering technology to New Delhi, Washington would be able to build India as a strategic partner against China. The relations can be redefined in Chinaâs favour. If the relations between the two bigger Asian neighbours improve, there is always the possibility of Beijing benefiting from Indiaâs technological prowess in constructing larger civilian nuclear reactors.
In offering India cooperation in the nuclear field, Beijing seems to have recognised future developments in the region. A number of Western countries including the US and European states are seeking out India as a potential hub of technological and economic development. Partnering with India is considered beneficial for national economies. For Instance, the nuclear cooperation between India and the US would not only strengthen India technologically, but will also provide a market for the almost dead civil nuclear industry in the US which has not constructed new reactors in years. China, of course, sees itself benefiting from the windfall of Indiaâs development. Besides the nuclear programme, Chinese companies are also competing for contracts for developing numerous new seaports in India.
A possible cooperation between India and China will also change the dynamics of Asian politics, or even global politics. While the two Asian neighbours will compete with each other in claiming their share of politico-military prowess in Asia, there will be lesser chances of conflict. Perhaps, war will become redundant but not necessarily military and economic competition.
The development in India-China relations does not make Pakistan insignificant. In fact, the Hu Jintaoâs visit to Pakistan and a commitment to increase trade and sign other agreements is an indicator that Beijing wants to have Islamabad on board in terms of re-defining Asian geo-politics. But what Islamabad is expected to do is to reassess its priorities and its lager geo-political game plan. Pakistan will have to re-prioritise its strategic road map and look at bilateral relations with its bigger neighbours and its internal policies in terms of the economic dividends which lie in store for it. It will, perhaps, also have to abandon its obsession with equality with other bigger and more significant regional states. Indubitably, Pakistan is equal in terms of its sovereignty, but this particular term must not be confused with military, political and economic parity, which is a totally different ballgame.
Although, President Hu said he was committed to playing a âconstructiveâ role in negotiating peace between India and Pakistan, there are no signs that Beijing has the clout or will have the influence on New Delhi, even in the future, to help the two South Asian neighbours discuss a territorial solution of Kashmir. Also, in case of growing economic cooperation between Beijing and New Delhi, China will be less inclined to take on India on the issue of Kashmir. Greater economic cooperation between India and China will actually mean that Beijing will not be willing to push New Delhi on issues which hamper their bilateral economic equation. After all, both countries have also agreed to increase their bilateral trade and China will be Indiaâs biggest trade partner after the US.
Asian politics at large is being re-structured. One of the manifestations of easing of tension and improvement of relations between India and China is likely to create a centre of political gravity in Asia which will improve the significance of this region in global politics. This political centre will gain greater strength once Russia also swings back into better economic and political shape.
Surely, the changing geo-political contours have a space for Pakistan as a medium-sized military power which would benefit from the situation even more if it were to develop economically and put its house in order in terms of re-aligning its geo-political priorities. The policy regarding militants and militancy would certainly have to be re-assessed if Islamabad intends to get on board the Asian bandwagon.
<i>The author is an Islamabad-based independent defence analyst. She is also an author of a book on Pakistanâs arms procurement decision-making, and on the militaryâs economic interests</i>
Cheers <!--emo&:beer--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cheers.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='cheers.gif' /><!--endemo-->
One's in state of denial and other delusional.
India calls off its 'peacocks'
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->But the Indian Border Security Force has now ordered its guards to refrain from the provocative ritual of glaring, shouting and air-kicking and to restrict themselves to standard drill practice.
The "soft gesture" ahead of peace talks between Pakistan and India prompted great interest in both countries, which have gone to war three times since Partition. Commentators from both countries called for Pakistan's Rangers border guards to follow suit.
Yesterday however, the Pakistan army's spokesman, Maj Gen Shaukat Sultan, flatly rejected any change to their border procedure.
"Soldiers have been told to refrain from high-rise stomping of feet," said Commander Pradeep Katyal, the chief Indian official at Wagah. "The new gesture speaks of friendship, while the earlier body language bordered on hostility â a display of might."
He said that there had been no let-up in "aggressiveness" shown by the Pakistan Rangers.
11-28-2006, 04:36 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-28-2006, 04:40 AM by Husky.)
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->November 24, 2006
<b>PAKISTAN: Headquarters of the Taliban</b>
By Susanne Koelbl
The strongholds of the Taliban lie in the border region between Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Image caption:
Porous frontier: Security on the border crossing between Spin Boldak, Afghanistan and Chaman, Pakistan is weak and thousands make the crossing every year, including the Taliban.
To understand the war in Afghanistan, one must go to Pakistan. There, in Quetta, the leaders of the Taliban find safe harbor. Afghan President Hamid Karzai claims Taliban leader Mullah Omar is living there.
Quetta is located in western Pakistan. It is the capital of Balochistan, the largest and poorest of the Pakistani provinces. Somewhat like a lunar outpost, the 800,000-resident city is situated at an altitude of nearly 1,700 meters between the sand-brown peaks of Chiltan, Takatoo, Mordar and Zarghun. Quetta originally means "fort," and it has always been just that: a fortress, where opposing forces are battling for regional hegemony.
Quetta is considered the center of terror and resistance against the Americans and their allies -- the "occupiers" of Afghanistan. In the backrooms of radical parties and in the white-washed mosques whose towers spiral decoratively skywards, the elite of the holy warriors meet regularly to organize their comeback. Right out in the open streets -- between the market stalls with pomegranates and dates, the currency exchanges and the vats where meat and beans steam on open fires -- the Taliban recruit the holy warriors who will blow themselves up as suicide bombers in Afghanistan.
Quetta is also home to the "Command and Staff College," the elite school of the Pakistani military and the headquarters of the Frontier Corps of Balochistan with some 40,000 men. Both embody the power of the Pakistani General President Pervez Musharraf, America's most important regional ally in the war on terror.
What may seem like a contradiction -- the co-existence of extremists with the Pakistani government in the same place -- is perhaps best explained by a visit to the Shaldara Koran School in the Pashtunabad slum. Roughly 700 children of penniless parents receive a free religious education here, most of the time by memorizing the Koran in didactic lessons. Western intelligence services consider the madrassa to be one of the secret headquarters of the Taliban. Indeed, school director Maulana Noor Mohammed openly supports the jihad in Afghanistan.
His office is situated along a dusty downtown alley, a room in a narrow courtyard. The Sharia teacher is sitting bare-footed and cross-legged on a floor pillow; he is wearing white harem pants and a white shirt, his turban is as white as his long beard. For over 30 years, Noor Mohammed has been in the business of holy war. He wants to free Afghanistan of the "infidels" and erect a theocracy there. Then the movement will expand to neighboring countries "and finally to the whole world."
Image caption:
Taliban supporter Maulana Noor Mohammed: The movement will expand to neighboring countries and "finally to the whole world."
Islamic agitators like Maulana Noor Mohammed are not prosecuted in Quetta, as the Afghan and American governments have been demanding for months. On the contrary: He is a respected member of the community. As the Balochistani leader of the radical Islamic party Jamiat-Ulema-e-Islam he belongs to a politically influential alliance of Islamists, the Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal (MMA). When necessary, the MMA mobilizes people on the street against the government and threatens to destabilize the country, which is, after all, a nuclear power.
A servant brings a tin pitcher with green tea and sets down small porcelain bowls on the worn velour rug. An old-fashioned landline telephone sits on the floor. Men sneak in silently, they kiss Noor Mohammed's hands.
Mullah Dadullah, 40, the military head of the Taliban in southern Afghanistan was a former student of Noor Mohammed. He lost a leg in the war and organizes terrorist attacks. He deals with "traitors" who cooperate with the Afghan government by chopping off their heads, live on camera. "I am proud of him," says Noor Mohammed.
Under massive pressure from the United States, President Musharraf is now taking action against the Taliban. He ordered the bombing of a Koran school -- allegedly a "terror camp with terrorist activities" and many foreigners -- in the village Chingai on the Afghan border in the tribal region of Bajaur. Among the 80-plus casualties was the school's director, Maulana Liaqatullah Hussain, without a doubt a supporter of the extremists. But the victims also included students and innocent civilians.
After that, 15,000 people protested against Musharraf and the meddling of the US in their affairs, while leading Islamists swore revenge. Since then, the atmosphere in the tribal area has been fervid. "Now more than ever, Bajaur could become Talibanized, as could other tribal areas," says a lawyer who traveled through the region to investigate the incident with colleagues.
Not long ago, the British commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan, David Richards, paid a visit to President Musharraf in Islamabad. Previously, secret intelligence had trickled through: Videos and satellite images show training camps in Pakistan and document how terrorists, with the help of Pakistani security officials, slip through the border into Afghanistan unhindered. Recently imprisoned Taliban fighters testified that they were trained by agents of the Pakistani secret service Inter-Services Intelligence. The message was that the Pakistani president has to prove which side he supports.
Western allies have often demanded this of Musharraf, not always successfully. And the Pakistani president probably has no other choice but to play a double game. If he were to align himself fully with one side -- say, with the West -- then the jihadists could turn against him, plunging Pakistan into a wave of terror. This would also not be in the interest of the West.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->The whole world is on to the islamoterrorism of the TSP and their ISI.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>US spyâ shot dead in South Waziristan</b>
MIRANSHAH: Suspected pro-Taliban militants killed a cleric in a tribal area on the border with South Waziristan<b>, accusing him of spying for US forces operating in neighbouring Afghanistan, officials said Monday. Authorities found the bullet-riddled body of Maulana Gul Thaheem, 47, in a ravine in Makeen village, a security official told AFP</b>. A note found on the body said Thaheem âspied for Americans and he was a friend of Maulana Salah-ud-Din, and Maulana Hashim Khanâ, two clerics shot dead previously, accused of spying, the official said. Suspected militants have killed several tribesmen in the past few months, accusing them of spying for the US-led coalition forces across the border. afp
It seems they are killing non-ISI/Pak Army cleric.
<b>Musharraf not seen as reliable ally</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->WASHINGTON: A survey conducted by a leading American magazine has 68 percent of those questioned saying that as a partner Gen Pervez Musharraf is ânot always helpful, but is at least as good as the likely alternativesâ. The survey conducted by Atlantic Monthly found 23 percent of the respondents saying that since Pakistan is unwilling to crack down on militants, Gen Musharraf is a leader âin need of stepped-up pressure by the Untied Statesâ. <b>Only nine percent considered the Pakistani military leader as an âactive and indispensable ally in the fight against terrorist groupsâ. </b>Asked what type of government is most likely to eventually replace Gen Musharraf, 63 percent answered, âMilitary dictatorship,â while only 22 percent believe he will be replaced by a democratic government. <b>Around 15 percent said it would be an âIslamic theocracyâ that would replace Musharraf.</b> khalid hasan<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Very bad for Mushy. Is it a ploy/hint that, hunt for new dictator is on in USA.
Time had come to replace him.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Teenaged boys being âtrainedâ by militants</b>
The residents of the Frontier Region Dara Adamkhel have expressed concern about the future of their school-going children who are allegedly taken to an undisclosed location by a militant group preaching `hatred-basedâ education. According to the information gathered from the tribal area, many boys aged between 13 and 20 are taken for some time to the base camp of the unidentified militant group. Parents complained that the self-styled champions of morality, who have become active in Dara Adamkhel for the past few months, had taken children from schools and streets to the unknown location.
The parents and community people fear that their children may be motivated for training on subversive activities. Sources said that the group had focused its attention on schools to collect the children. Recently, two children were picked up from a school in the town. The boys came back after spending over 20 days at the unknown place. Locals said that Dara Adamkhel had become a hub of militants' activities and they had established their presence particularly in the villages perched along the rugged mountains. The militants warned people in some localities against sending their girls to schools and asked barbers not to shave off their customersâ beards. The barbers have put such notices at their shops.
The sources said that the group had increased their activities in four localities -- Bazi Khel, Shiraki, Bosti Khel and Zore Kali -- where they attracted teenaged boys to take them along.<b> "Unidentified people picked up my nephew, a sixth class student, from his school. He returned home after three weeks," said a tribesman. "We can't challenge the powerful extremists who enjoy all kinds of facilities. Even the local administration condones their training activities," complained a perturbed parent. "The boy does not tell us much about the activities of his captors. He keeps silent. He has not divulged anything about the mysterious people," he said. The sources said that the family members of some missing children had even gone to the North and South Waziristan Agencies and other areas in search of their sons. "I have searched various areas in the North, South Waziristan and Frontier Region Tank to find my child. I have also sought help from militants, but they have refused to share my worries. They asked me to leave the area,"</b> said a father.
<b>Pakistan Bond Ratings Raised by Moody's on Lower Debt </b>
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The upgrade in the South Asian nation's rating, which puts it on par with the Philippines, Indonesia and Jamaica, will improve Pakistan's standing as an investment destination and help the government lower borrowing costs. Pakistan's $129 billion economy is forecast to expand 7 percent this year, from 6.6 percent growth in the last fiscal year.
Pakistan's rising current account deficit, inflation and tax to GDP ratio arising from a narrow tax base are concerns, Moody's said. The current account deficit widened to $2.59 billion in the July-September period from $1.58 billion. The deficit could widen to $6.5 billion this year, from about $5 billion last year, KASB Securities Ltd. said in an Oct. 12 report.
``A substantial portion of extra government expenditure is being directed towards development spending and reconstruction following the 2005 earthquake,'' the report said.
Pakistan plans to spend about $5.2 billion in five years to rehabilitate 3 million people left homeless and reconstruct cities destroyed by the Oct. 8, 2005, earthquake in the country's northern areas. The quake killed more than 73,000 people. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
This news in very interesting. Why this gift?
<b>Pakistan tests nuke capable missile</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Islamabad, November 29: Pakistani forces conducted a successful test launch of a medium range, nuclear-capable Hatf 4 (Shaheen-1) missile on Wednesday, the military said.
The Shaheen 1 missile has a range of 700 km, the military said in a statement.
<b>"It was a successful test-launch. The missile has already been tested before. It is nuclear capable," </b>a military official said
Why they tested again? Any modiifcation or Hu gave them some free gift.
11-30-2006, 12:31 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-09-2006, 07:31 PM by Naresh.)
<!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Nov 29 2006, 03:28 AM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ Nov 29 2006, 03:28 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin--> <b>Pakistan Bond Ratings Raised by Moody's on Lower Debt </b>
This news in very interesting. Why this gift?
Mudy Ji,
As I see it you could be referring to two types of gifts :
1. Moodyâs upgrading of Pakistani Bonds : The lowering of Debt seems to be Shortcut Asisâ Creative Accounting â as the following figures from the State Bank of Pakistan tell a different Story :
<b>Pakistan's External Debt : USD BILLION</b>
<b>Total External Liabilities</b>
30/06/05 : 35,834
30/06/06 : 37,265
30/09/06 : 37,724
<b>Total Internal Liabilities</b>
30-June-05 : 2,133.081
30-June-06 : 2,296.869
From the above, you will see that both the External as well as the Internal have increased and as such Moodyâs premise possibly based upon Shortcut Asisâ Creative Accounting is a load of cobblers.
You will further note that the Permanent Debt has decreased by Pak Rs. 725 Million but the Floating Debt has increased by Pak. Rs. 162,070.7 Million and the Unfunded Dept has increased Pak. Rs. 2,442.5 Million i.e. the Total Internal Debt has increased by Pak Rs. 163,788.2 Million i.e. 163.7882 Billion.
Thus, <b>Who is fooling Who?</b> <!--emo&:flush--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Flush.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='Flush.gif' /><!--endemo-->
2. If you are referring to the news <b>Pakistan plans to spend about $5.2 billion in five years to rehabilitate 3 million people left homeless and reconstruct cities destroyed by the Oct. 8, 2005, earthquake in the country's northern areas. The quake killed more than 73,000 people</b> then I can say :
Well as per usual Pakistani Jernails and other Leadersâ Record is âOn Recordâ whereby hardly any of the funds received for previous Earthquakes-Floods-Other Calamities hardly reached the victims and in reality over 90% went to the Jernails and Other Leaders.
Cheers <!--emo&:beer--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cheers.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='cheers.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Moodyâs rating I think based on political give 'n' take. Not sure what is that deal.
Short cut may have manipulated data but don't forget who is heading World Bank, Yes, Paul Wolfowitz. His influence and state dept. may be factor.
Regarding Earth Quake, those who are dead can't claim and now jernails can fill pocket. Main problem is dam. That will damn lot of jarnails. <!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--> link
Paul Wolfowitz, the new head of the World Bank, has made good governance and the fight against corruption central themes of his presidency. He has suspended projects in several countries over corruption concerns in recent months, and the World Bank member governments agreed on a framework to combat corruption in Singapore. Yet it is not likely that the President's crusade against corruption will have any consequences for Pakistan, a frontline state in the Bush administration's war on terror. In spite of widespread repression and corruption, the World Bank announced in summer 2005 that it plans to increase its lending for the country's water sector tenfold between 2006 and 2010. If the Bank gets its way, this support will include $300 million for a mega-dam project like Kalabagh.
The annual meeting in Singapore was far removed from the ground realities in countries like Pakistan. "Throughout the world, there is a growing recognition that the path to prosperity must be built on a solid foundation of good governance," Wolfowitz told the government delegates.
Just as the Muzak in Singapore's shopping malls drowned out the original tunes, the struggles of small farmers and journalists in countries like Pakistan disappeared in the rhetoric of the annual meeting. As the World Bank prepares increased support for projects like the Kalabagh Dam, civil society activists will need to work hard for the drumbeat of ground realities to be heard through the development Muzak emanating from Singapore and Washington.
[center]<b><span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Pakistan growth creates wealth gap</span></b><!--emo&:flush--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Flush.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='Flush.gif' /><!--endemo-->[/center]
<b>Salman has a way with words. He also has a snappy dress sense, and a keen knowledge of the communications industry. He should be going places.</b>
In fact, Salman was going places, a rising success at the firm where he's been working in Karachi for the past two years.
That was until they brought the new guy in.
"He didn't know anything about the industry," Salman explains.
"But he comes from an important Pakistani family, one with land, power. Our aristocracy.
"The family made a call to my firm, told them to hire this guy, and that was that."
Salman says that since the new arrival was put in charge of his department, morale and output have both plummeted.
And he has particular reason to be bitter.
He is one of a growing number of Pakistanis who have lived abroad, but decided to come back to work in their homeland, and try to make their mark on its newly-growing economy.
<b>"With this kind of practice going on," he says, "I don't think this country will ever progress."</b>
<b>Big spenders</b>
That is a damning verdict on what, statistically at least, seems to be an extraordinary boom in Pakistan.
The world may have focused on the political ups and downs of the country's President, Pervez Musharraf.
But since the General took power in a coup seven years ago, his most radical actions have been on the economic front.
The country has swallowed the usual World Bank-recommended diet of privatisation, liberalisation and opening up of markets.
But what makes Pakistan stand out is the speed it has done this, and the extent of the change.
Growth has soared, foreign debt has been cut, and the nation's consumers have gone on one of history's greatest shopping sprees, splashing out in record numbers on anything from fridges and flats, to luxury cars.
<b>Bribes are rife</b>
The World Bank has given the programme a big thumb's up, and foreign investors show signs of renewed interest.
But as any economist in the country will tell you, this kind of growth can only continue if people are convinced that the old Pakistan ways of doing business - with corruption, bureaucracy, and an alarming level of regulation - is on the way out for good.
Factory worker Zobair is not convinced.
He acknowledges that things are improving.
Operations at his textile factory, he says, have recently been freer than ever from government interference.
Yet still it comes.
"Eighteen official inspectors visit every year," he says.
"It doesn't matter if you are complying with every regulation, they are after bribes.
"Things are getting better, but the pace of change needs to be increased."
<b>Remaining poverty</b>
Kaiser Bengali is concerned. A Professor of economics at Szabist University, <b>he took me to a village just 10 miles from Karachi City Centre</b>, to show me the people who he says have gained nothing from all the reforms.
<b>The village stank.
Filthy rubbish was piled up everywhere, there was no proper sewerage system, and, as locals explained, health care was grossly inadequate.
Many have no source of employment.</b>
Pakistan's Government insists the poor have also gained under the new economic regime, but Professor Bengali does not buy it.
Instead, he says, there has been an alarming growth in inequality.
"Try to imagine," he says, "a man who sees the expensive cars in the street, but comes home unable to feed his children, because he can't find work. He is angry.
"Or an educated man who cannot support his own parents. He becomes ashamed of himself."
<b>Angry responses</b>
And Professor Bengali has a warning.
"Anger may lead people into crime, or self harm. Suicide rates are going up," he says.
"But people also turn to religious radicalism. We see this in Pakistan every day."
Even the World Bank acknowledges that the perception of rising inequality may become a problem in Pakistan, and it is launching various programmes to mitigate the worst aspects of social deprivation.
But there is a special urgency to this task.
Pakistan is the venue for an escalating conflict between the State, and local militants with ties to Al Qaeda and the Taliban.
Only this month, a suicide bomber killed more than 40 soldiers at an army base, retaliation for the bombing of a madrassah, which left more than 80 dead.
It is possible that the World Bank and other development programmes will alleviate the poverty and desperation that make people easy recruiting targets for militants.
But it takes far longer to build a new water supply system, or a new village health centre, than it does to spread an angry message, or the tools to make a bomb.
Cheers <!--emo&:beer--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cheers.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='cheers.gif' /><!--endemo-->
<!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Nov 30 2006, 01:05 AM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ Nov 30 2006, 01:05 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Nareshji,
Moodyâs rating I think based on political give 'n' take. Not sure what is that deal.
Short cut may have manipulated data but don't forget who is heading World Bank, Yes, Paul Wolfowitz. His influence and state dept. may be factor.
<b>Mudy Ji :</b>
If Moody or Paul Wolfowitz or the US SD are going to be victim of Shortcut Asisâ manipulation then they lose their credibility as all the World & its Brother â as well as Sister â have access to the State Bank of Pakitanâs Web Site with information which â cannot be doubted â is being disregarded by the Pillars of the Worldâs Financial Society
<!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Nov 30 2006, 01:05 AM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ Nov 30 2006, 01:05 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Regarding Earth Quake, those who are dead can't claim and now jernails can fill pocket. Main problem is dam. That will damn lot of jarnails.
<b>Mudy Ji :</b>
Every Country has its Army Jernails
Pakistani Army Jernails have the Country
Cheers <!--emo&:beer--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cheers.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='cheers.gif' /><!--endemo-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Nuggets from the Urdu press </b>
<b>Where have those donkeys gone?</b>
In daily Express, columnist Javed Chaudhry said his notions about the Afghan jihad were shattered when he read the book, The Prince by Prince Bandar bin Sultan. Prince Sultan said America and Saudi Arabia bought donkeys and mules from all over the world as there were no other means to transport weapons to the afghan mujahideen. The prices of donkeys rose all over the world. The columnist said we thought of Zia ul Haq as a modern Salahuddin Ayubi, but the prince said American dollars were the basis of success and therefore proved the Mujahideen were hired killers. The columnist said that after the Afghan jihad, were the donkeys still in Afghanistan, or have America and Saudi Arabia taken them back to their countries? I want to ask General Hameed Gul where those donkeys are now, and what happened to them.
<b>Drug rehabilitation in madrassa</b>
According to daily Nawa-i-Waqt, the NWFP police submitted a report of a seminary-cum-private jail in Abottabad to Supreme Court Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry. Abottabad police recovered seven British nationals and 112 prisoners from a drug rehabitation centre. The private jail was being run by Maulana Ilyas Qadri for the last 15 years. Additional sessions Judge Hafiz Nasim Akbar recorded their statements and released the recovered prisoners of the madrassa-cum-private jail.
<b>Raping a corpse</b> <!--emo&:o--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohmy.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='ohmy.gif' /><!--endemo-->
According to daily Khabrain, a DNA test proved the raping of a corpse of a woman was committed by 20 year old Akhtar, who dug up the grave and violated the dead body of a woman but then forgot to bury her again and slept close to the grave. The wife of the rapist had left him a few months ago and he was living in a graveyard in protest. Six innocent people who were arrested on charges of the rape were released.
<b>Bajaur militants vow to fight US</b>
As reported in daily Nawa-i-Waqt, five thousand tribesmen in Bajaur agency protested against America and vowed to wage Jihad against its allies. The most wanted, Maulana Faqir Mohammad, also participated in the rally and addressed the crowd. He said we are mujahideen and will continue jihad against America and its allies; we are not afraid of President Musharraf. He asked the protestors to wage jihad against secular forces.
<b>Blessed with ignorance</b>
As reported in daily Nawa-i-Waqt by columnist Haroon ur Rashid, the NWFP minister of religious affairs kept harping his philosophy of evidence; his innocence and his obstinacy didnât invite anger but pity. The minister said evidence of shahadat is required when the weather is not clear, so he announced Eid on the twenty eighth day of Ramadan. Haroon lamented, only if he had known that the science of astronomy has developed so much that the scientists have charted the paths of stars to the next century. If he had listened to scientists or had read newspapers or even watched TV, he would have known that his basic argument is flawed. The very foundation is defective on which he wants to erect a monumental and awesome building.
<b>Trade is confusing Kashmiris</b>
According to daily Nawa-i-Waqt, the leader of Jamaat Islami Qazi Hussain Ahmad, said that confidence restoring measures and the division of Kashmir are international conspiracies. We will not allow President Musharraf to sell the cause of Kashmir. Kashmiris are being confused by trade and the Lahore-Delhi bus service.<b> Pervez Musharraf wants to create a united India</b>. America has imposed a general who says we have no ties with the Ummah and who wants us to be slaves of America.
<b>Shuttlecock between two wives</b>
According to daily Khabrain, a villager, Malik Pervez, married his two cousins on the same day. The first marriage took place around 11 in the morning and the next marriage took place around 6 in the evening. Both wives kept fighting each other the whole night and the bridegroom kept shuttling between the two warring wives.
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<b>Turkey shall return Madina artifacts</b>
As reported in daily Jang, the Saudi majlis-e-shoora has asked the Turkish government to return the historical artifacts of Madina Munawara to Saudia Arabia. One member of the Shoora, Dr Salim Anqari, criticised the United Nations and Unesco, and demanded that these institutions do their job and recover the artifacts from Turkey.
<b>Begum Sahiba! What shall I do?</b>
As reported in daily Nawa-i-Waqt, ex federal secretary Reodad Khan in an interview said that General Zia ul Haq telephoned Indira Ghandhi and said, âBegum sahiba! The Russians have invaded Afghanistan and I want your advice as you are more experienced and older than me.â When Zulfiqar Ali Bhuttoâs government was dismissed, Benazir Bhutto asked her father, âPapa have we also become awam (people)â.
<b>Muneer alias Chamkili buried as man</b>
As reported in Daily Pakistan, 40 year old Muneer became the feminine Chamkili to support his family, after the murder of his brother by famous goon Ghaisa. The problem arose when it could not be decided whether to perform male or female funeral prayers for him. Later, male funeral prayers were read for him and all the hijras (hermaphrodites) were allowed to join his funeral prayers.
<b>FM radio popular with madaris</b>
According to daily Jang, 66 illegal FM radios were shut down in different districts of NWFP. The regional general manager, Javed Iqbal, said there are 22 more FM radios that shall be closed. He said the majority of FM radios were used illegally by dini madaris and religious parties. The FM radio broadcast was interfering in the communication network that could lead to a dangerous mishap or accident.
Mullah Omar is hero of Allama Iqbal
In daily Jang, columnist Atta ul Haq Qasmi wrote that Qazi Hussain Ahmad in a presidential address to a gathering in honor of national poet Allama Iqbal, said that Iqbal was against pragmatic mullahs but not against mujahid mullahs like Mullah Omar. Qasmi wrote that Allama Iqbal was against mullahs like the âulemaâ who are literalist (lakir ke fakir). Even Maulana Maudoodi was targeted by Iqbal. Today Jamaat Islami and Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam are so similar, and seeing the anger of the Jamaat Islami on the Hudood Ordinance and other such issues, one feels like adding Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam group in front of Jamaat Islami.
<b>Bajaur madrassa was open during Eid holidays</b>
As reported in daily Khabrain, the government has decided to warn madrassas to stop their suspicious activities. According to a private TV channel, government sources said the Aiman Al Zawahiri, Marvan Hadi and others visited the Bajaur seminary, where people were being trained to use explosives. The trainees were sent to different countries for terrorist activities and were also trained ideologically. The madrassa was warned before to close, but it was open during the Eid holidays. Satellite video and pictures showed around 75 people around the madrassa campus.
<b>Entry ticket to hell is eight dollars</b>
According to daily Nawa-i-Waqt, shows about hell are shown in cathedrals all over America. The shows show what will happen to female sex addicts, and to those who indulge in alcoholism and gay sex. There are lectures also to educate the public to refrain from these sins. The ticket to these shows was 8 dollars and people were standing in long cues to get the tickets. <!--emo&  --><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo-->
<b>Firecrackers wrapped in Quranic papers</b>
According to Daily Pakistan, the residents of Srinagar were shocked to see the burned pages of the Holy Quran on the streets. During Eid, some youngster discovered that powder was wrapped in papers of Quran to make firecrackers. The emotions and hearts of young Kashmiris got hurt when they saw the charred papers of Quran. They nabbed the shopkeeper, who said he is not responsible, as these were prepared by a company in Delhi. The police has confiscated the firecrackers and started an investigation.
<b>Women bill doesnât violate Quran and Sunnah</b>: CII<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Ghamadi, whose resignation from the CII was not accepted by Gen Musharraf, said the bill had introduced two types of adultery â one that required the testimony of two witnesses and the other of four witnesses. This was âabsurdâ and conflicted with Islamic injunctions.
<b>He said the extreme punishment for adultery in Islam was 100 lashes. The punishment of stoning to death was awarded only under extreme and exceptional circumstances.</b>
Dr Ghamadi said the bill maintained the testimony of women at half the value of the testimony of men. <b>âIn Islam both male and female witnesses are equal. The testimony of non-Muslim witnesses is also equal to that of Muslims,â </b>he said. He said the punishment of rape was not explained in the Protection of Women Bill in accordance with the principles of the Quran and Sunnah<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<b>Mudy Ji :</b>
Table 6.2: Profile of Total Debt and Liabilities
Total Debt â in Pak Rs. Billions :
<b>FY 2005 : 4,191 @ USD 1 = P R 60 â Amount in about USD 69.9 Billion
FY 2006 : 4,457 @ USD 1 = P R 60 â Amount in about USD 74.3 Billion</b>
Increase in total Debt â P R 266 Billion about USD 4.4 Billion i.e. 6.35%
There goes Moodyâs assessment Out of the Window.
Cheers <!--emo&:beer--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cheers.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='cheers.gif' /><!--endemo-->
[center]<b><span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>WB expert on Baglihar to give verdict on Feb 12</span></b>[/center]
<b>ISLAMABAD â Professor Raymond Lafitte, the neutral expert appointed by the World Bank has conveyed to Pakistan and India that he would give his verdict on controversial Baglihar hydropower project on February 12, 2007 in Geneva.</b>
âThe neutral expert is going to announce his decision on February 12 in the presence of the two parties, Pakistan and India,â confirmed Secretary Water and Power Ishfaq Mehmood while talking to TheNation here Sunday.
<b>He said no meeting or any consultation is scheduled before the final judgment of the neutral expert. âAfter pleading our case with all arguments, <span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>we are committed to accept the judgment,â <!--emo&:flush--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Flush.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='Flush.gif' /><!--endemo--> the Secretary Water and Power indicated.</span></b>
âBoth India and Pakistan have given final arguments in the last round of talks held in Washington in November 2006,â the secretary said.
In response to a question, he said that the Pakistani team comprising officials from Foreign Office, Indus Waters Commission and other departments presented their case forcefully and it expects a fair decision on part of the neutral expert. âThe judgment will be binding for both parties,â he added.
The World Bank, being facilitator of Indus Waters Treaty 1960, had appointed the neutral expert after an agreement of both Pakistan and India. The Baglihar Dam is being constructed on Chenab River by India in violation of the Indus Water Treaty.
<b>According to estimates, <span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Pakistan may suffer approximately 8,000 cusecs water a day in peak Rabi cropping season in case India constructed the dam in accordance with its plan,</span></b> which is a sheer violation of the 1960 treaty.
Pakistanâs majority province of Punjab would be the major loser if reduced water supply is received from Chenab River as Indian Baglihar Dam is being built in held Vally of Kashmir.
Cheers <!--emo&:beer--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cheers.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='cheers.gif' /><!--endemo-->