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How Hindus Fought To Keep India Hindu Againt Islam
1. indiafacts.co.in/reviewing-stereotypes-of-indias-medieval-political-history-1/

Preaching to the choir: it was never a question that historical Hindoos being HindOOs* didn't beat islamania repeatedly to a pulp. (Which other nation ever did that. HindOOs are the only ones that could defeat islam if they would but Do It.)

* A.o.t. today's new age dhimmis and other subvertibles not to mention pseculars.

The point is today no one wants to smash christoislamaniacs hard for every instance of terror and violence and persecution they inflict on Hindus. That is, the overall sphere today is of enforced dhimmitude; even if the HindOOs extant today are not so themselves, they are drowned by the gangrene/subverted and increased numbers of our enemies.

And the ultimate score has been '2 steps forward 3 steps back', because the war with the aggressive ideologies=its carriers never ended. As long as christoislam exists, as long as it was allowed to live to fight another day, its carriers have slowly multiplied again when the time became favourable, like the orcs they are.

And now, no one in power wants to check them anymore.

The Indian secular army is only allowed to do anything by secular command. And they famously followed the religion of secularism: shot dead Hindoos protesting for the right to maintain the Amarnath Yatra. It's what they will do on subsequent occasions too.

It's not the past that is shameful, but current state: of people that are undeserving of that past, or else are incapacitated by this gangrene (the undeserving).

2. The comments at that link - as at now* - are all good. Love the table of Islam vs Assam and how it ended with heathen Assam All to Nothing for islam.

[* Before "Dr" PMS invades with more of her baiting 'comments'. Oh "PMS". So funny. (No, I have *nothing* against women. And am no more a misogynist than I am a misandrist, or more generally misanthropist. None of the above but most certainly not the first two. Besides, like a true "egalitarian", I accuse individuals whom I dislike of both genders of PMS. Both genders react differently but it annoys all sorts beautifully, I find.** It just happened to be funnier in this case because Dr MS to Dr PMS is such a close fit. Never happened before. So meant to be...

** Like accusing both old and young people whom I don't like and who are being debile of being senile. Again, the effect on both types is hilarious and deserved.)]

A comment by one Chips did make a good point. He said something about how Hindoos should have tracked the vermin down into its origins/hideout and wiped the infestation out there. Same goes for christianism, IMO.

Here this comment. Ok, the name is Krispy. (Crisps -> Chips explains my mis-registering it.)

Quote: Krispy K • 15 hours ago

Hindsight is always 20-20, but it is unfortunate that our ancestors were not more far-sighted. Given the perspective we have now, it could be argued that they had the opportunity to spare the world and millions of people centuries of Islamic tyranny by mounting an expeditionary campaign to chase the invaders back to their origins and destroy them there, rather than merely stay put and fight off invasion after invasion.

Ah well.

Yes, should have made sure back then that the fever didn't spread. But have hindsight now, so: why don't Hindus wipe out christoislamania all over the world now? Starting from kicking it out of the Hindu heathen homeland back to ISIS-occupied Syria where it belongs. And let ISIS deal with it. And be ready to nuke them for containment if the outcome of the internal 'strife' that will result there is not the correct one to all-heathen interests.

What is the use of people today adulating the HindOO heroes of the past if they won't at least *emulate* them? It's disrespectful of the kShatriyas who died for Hindoo-dom, if today's "Hindus" won't even aim to maintain their legacy and what they died for, including by employing the means they never shrank from when necessary (and it's been necessary for quite some time, since before the christoviolence that finally converted the NE first broke in the 80s and the islamic expulsion of the native Hindoos of Kashmir).

Sure, christoislam is waging guerilla warfare (well, when christomedia's silencing of jihadis' and crusaders' outright genocide is taken into account). But it is Still war. And still deserves to be answered by the same means or preferably whatever means will put it to an end once and for all. Long past time to call curtains on the genocidal ideology of christoislam. Any continued tolerance - since people know its history all over the globe including first and foremost at home - is owing solely to dhimmitude.


and the comments too (as at before "Vikram"'s mere compliment which didn't add to the material).

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