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DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples
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These are all christian "miracles".

1. Cryptochristian govts have been selling off Hindu temple land to christianism and islam. As a direct and deliberate result:


Quote:International Islamic College coming near Tirupati after encroaching land belonging to Vishnu temple

18/09/2013 13:08:59 [color="#0000FF"]www.savetemples.org/2013/09/14/international-islamic-college-coming-near-tirupathi-is-there-a-plan-to-silence-the-bells-and-stop-aarathi-at-balaji-temple/[/color]

After we received an email from different sources indicating that Heera International Islamic University is being built near Tirupathi with pictures of seven storied construction and the architect’s view of the University building, we have approached a number of our friends and other leaders in Tirupathi and Hyderabad to investigate the accuracy of the location and the status of the building.

[Image: 20130909_145832_2.jpg]

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation (GHHF) was able to get about ten pictures of the building and the nearby places. Many of our friends have been trying to find out the sinister plans of starting Islamic College near Tirupathi. Following information is being provide for your purview

1. The seven layer/storied building is being constructed in Chandragiri village which is about 13 kilometers from Tirupathi.

2. There is big sign posted on the main road to indicate that it is the home of “Heera International Islamic College (HIIC).” On the same sign board it is written “Women Arabic College.”

3. Down below the sign board, on the ground there is a sign “Swarnamukhi River Rejuvenation Project.” The name Chandragiri is also printed on the sign board.

4. HIIC is being built approximately in a seven-acre lot. It appears that this land is parceled into few pieces of lots.

5. It is noted that this land was acquired in 2007. Research is ongoing for the authenticity as well as the circumstances under which this land was acquired.

6. This land belonged to a VISHNU Temple, known as Timmappa Temple, with a very tall Rajagopuram according to the villagers. They were in dilapidated condition for many years.

7. We have taken TEN new pictures to indicate that they are building the HIIC in the Vishnu Temple complex. The pictures indicate the dilapidated Rajagopuram on the left side (Westside of the building).

8. It appears that HIIC never got permission to start the college. No permission was granted before they started the construction.

9. Tirupati Urban Development Authority (TUDA) area includes 70 kilometers radius from Tirupathi. Chandragiri is only 13 kilometers from Tirupati. Any construction in Chandragiri should have the prior approval from TUDA. No such permission was granted to start this construction.

10. According to TUDA zonal rules no permission to construct any building can be granted, if it has more than five layer/stories plus stilt.

11. It appears that a letter was sent to the Special officer in Collector’s Office to grant approval for permission for construction, which is totally against the Zonal rules.

12. Villagers in the area feel that some local politicians are behind this idea of constructing an Islamic College at this location.

13. Villagers feel that Vishnu Temple land is illegally occupied by HIIC and building is being constructed illegally.

[Image: 20130909_150848_1.jpg]

Why near Tirupathi ?

Is there a plan to silence the bells and stop the aarathi at Lord Venkateswara Temple ? Is there a plan to keep buying lands as close to Balaji Temple as possible to start Minarets with high volume loud speakers announcing that “Allah is great.” Do you think that it is a far-fetched imagination ?

Please take a look at few examples of the recent times

1. The present government has asked some Temples in old Hyderabad to stop aarathi and also stop ringing the temple bells as the Muslims celebrate Eid.

2. Swami Paripoornananda was asked not to visit the Bhagya Lakshmi Temple because Muslims may be upset. He was arrested and taken in a car to have darshan only from the police car; never allowed him to get down and go to the Temple.

3. In Hyderabad, the Hanuman Temple was desecrated by throwing Beef into the Temple compound and splashing the green color water on the walls to create animosity in the community.

4. Akbaruddi Owaisi made a statement to remove the Bhagya Lakshmi Temple from the premises of Charminar in the old city. He even made a blood thirsty pronouncement that “We are 25 crores, you are 100 crores. Remove the police for 15 minutes and we will show you who has more courage and strength.”

Now you can imagine what they might do at this Holy place for Hindus!

1. For many years the Christians and Muslims have been eyeing on Tirupathi to make it their place of worship. For the last ten centuries Muslims have targeted the most auspicious places where Hindu Temples were located. They have a history of occupying, and destroying Hindu Temples and rebuild Mosques either on Top of the demolished Temples or next to these Temples because their religion teaches them to dispel Idol worshippers.

2. The Muslims headed by Ms. Aalima Shaikh Nowhera started this HIIC to provocate, demean and destroy, over a period of time, the most scared places for Hindus. Once they start this College, they will start expanding to places as close to Lord Venkateswara Temple as possible and create terror and rampage in the villages, the techniques they have perfected over the centuries.

3. Why not Hyderabad ? Chandragiri village where this HIIC is being built has less than .05 percent Muslim population. Chittoor district, where Tirupathi and Chandragiri are located, has about 9 percent Muslim population. Hyderabad city has about 40 percent Muslim population. It is only natural to think that an institution like HIIC should have been built near Hyderabad or some other major city in India.

Few examples of the possible Evil Plans at Tirupathi

1. Christians under the leadership of the then Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh Mr. Y S Rajasekhara Reddy had devised a plan to break up the seven hills, make five hills as the property of the State and eventually convert it into a Christian property to build Mega churches next to Balaji Temple. In 2004 it was announced that the five hills would be taken over by the government for converting them into a picnic spot with multiplexes, food courts, commercial lots, sports centers and entertainment infrastructures including a rope-way to reach the top of the hills. The whole objective was to destroy the Hindu culture and convert Hindus into the Christian faith with malice, incentives, deception, allurement and lying.

2. Christian propaganda on Tirumala Hills has been continuing for years, with distributing the Christian pamphlets to the pilgrims on the hill and trying to convert them to Christianity. Even today no body knows how many Christians are employed. Even with a strict ordinance for TTD against the employment of other religious people, they get employment with false statements and deceptive arsenal they have in their hands.

3. Now, Muslims have joined the bandwagon to continue their unfinished business of converting Bharath into an Islamic State.

Approached Political and Community Leaders

We tried to approach different community leaders and politicians of different parties – Congress, BJP and TDP. We could not reach any Congress leader so far. TDP representative asked us to approach the concerned minister.

We were able to talk to NVSS Prabhakar, BJP leader who also started investigating the matter. He had a news conference on Friday (12th). He questioned the motive behind the construction of HIIC. He even traced the history of religious activities of Christians and Muslims in and around Tirupathi for the past ten years and their attempt to take over the Temple property and their missionary activities. More details will be forthcoming.

Who is building the Islamic University ?

Ms. Aalima Shaikh Nowhera, Heera Group is a Global Fortune Company with business in the commodity as well as educational chain. The first Muslim woman of India to lead a company, Ms Shaikh is a renowned entrepreneur. It is a business conglomerate in various economics fields.

She even received an award from Indian Economic Development and Research Association for attending a seminar on “Outstanding Achievements and National Development” in July 2013.

Website of Heera Group : heeraibg.com

Website of HIIC : heerauniversity.com

Facebook: facebook.com/nowherashaik

Read detailed report @ Source : Save Temples



19/09/2013 22:08:15 Heera international islamic university

I went through their company website and read about the chairperson a women clad in burdha - it appears to me from their wordings the CEO women is a fanatic islamic lady with the sole intention to spread islam in andhra. More than their exportable products, much talk about ALLAH and Prophet. i feel this company is funded by a saudi arabian government. Congress at their end of tenure wants to destroy ram sethu and allow a islamic university in tirupati the holy place for hindus. can we establish a hindu university in mecca or even in ajmir or in agra ? please spread the news to all. However the trouble started for congress in andhra becouse lord srinivasa will punish them immediately like what happened to YSR.


19/09/2013 00:09:56 true fact

My native village is chandragiri, what was said above was true. Intact many of the locals say the Vishnu temple shown was destroyed by aurangazeb. I would like to mention that there is an old Agastyeshwara (siva)temple and feet of lord Vishnu (vishnupad) near it (500m from above place) Their lands were encroached/diverted by govt/politicians. I shudder at the very thought if my village loses its identity where Hinduism still existsand Vedas are heard. I dont know what TTD is doing . It is now controlled by congressmen

(No Indian wants to notice that Congress party = cryptochristian party. Hindus are so brainwashed by words, they insist on believing what cryptochristian govt declares/pretends that it is, i.e. a "secular" party, instead of Hindus actually looking at the *actions* of the Congress, which actions repeatedly underline that it is CHRISTIAN.

That is why TTD - as all HR&CE type boards in India - keeps appointing christians, islamics, communists, who all specifically loot Hindu temple wealth for funding jihad and missionising in India.

Why do Hindus insist on blaming the non-entity of "secularism" instead of identifying and naming the real culprit, (crypto)christianism?)

Pramod Kushwaha

18/09/2013 21:36:02 Only polarisation of votes can help

Hindus need to be taught that the only uniting force is Religion and not Development. There is need to hold workshops all over India to explain to Hindus that how Polarization can help in solving almost 80-90% problems of India. Example must be taken to show that Development based agenda has only been fractionally successful in only two or three countries like Russia, China etc. The Polarization based agenda has yielded 25-30 prosperous states each of Islamic and Christian type. The theory that the Development is a uniting force is nothing but a decoy by Congress and Leftists to keep the Hindus divided.

The Hindus are being repeatedly decoyed away from being polarized by Congress and Leftists. The false argument given is that Development is more important than Polarization. Hindus must be made to realize that it is impossible to fight the menace of Islamization and Christianization without Polarization of votes.

Raj Puducode

18/09/2013 19:09:58 If you elect anti-Hindus to power, pay the price


This is not an isolated incident but an overall indication of the state of hindu temples in Andhra Pradesh. In this state, the Endowment department controls more than 31000 temples and all the bureaucracy and corruption has taken the life out of these temples. Their lands and properties worth billions have been illegally occupied and the government has remained a mute spectator or an accomplice. But in case of Christianity and Islam, their places of worship are not under the government's control.

Few years ago, Andhra Pradesh government issued an order to allot 6 out of 7 hills to other religions on Tirumala hills, claiming Balaji owns only one out of the seven hills. But Balaji's another name is 'Lord Of The Seven Hills' and after the Hindu leaders protested, the governmen

2. haindavakeralam.com/HKPage.aspx?PageID=17887

Quote:Say NO to Islamic university in Tirupati

19/09/2013 13:28:02 G V Chelvapilla

The ruling Congres party is an ally of Ittehadul Muslimeen party which is a successor to Razakars. Razakara led by Kasim Rizvi massacred thousands of Hindus in Nizam ruled parts of Andhra, including Hyderabad until it was liberated by Sardar Patel. It did not take long , once inimitable Sardar was gone,for Congress to make allies with Moslem league in Kerala and with this outfit in Andhra.

Asaruddin Owasi and his brother Akbaruddin Owasi inherited the party from his father who was a speaker of Andhra Pradesh legislature and prevented vote count in the assembly that would have gone against Congress in favor of N T Ramarao.

Asaruddin Owasi, you can view his speech on you tube, demanded 'just 15 minutes without police or army'. Perhaps to renew where his predecessor Razakars left of. Congress is discharging its obligation for the vote bank support by permitting an Islamic University in Thirupathi, one of very few temple towns left any more in the country. Congress also toyed with idea of taking over 5 hills of 7 hills of Thirumala to build churches and mosques. Already a church and a mosque were built in compound of Sri Venkateswara university that came up from temple money. Reserve Bank of India, a tool of UPA run Government in New Delhi wants list of gold in the temple for use to shore up rupee which was falling due to many 'ghotalas' or 'gates' of VViPs of UPA.

So for proposed Islamic University if money comes from the same temple funds it will not be surprising. More over when Aligarh Moslem university built, the donations in huge amounts came from Hindu princes like Ananda Gajapathi of Vijayanagar (different from Hampi Vijanagar) in Andhra. Now there are no more such charitable class in ruling Congress leaders both in Andhra and in Delhi, to donate from their personal possessions but they are very generous with other people's money like tax payers in India who are largely Hindu and of course from Hindu temples. Actually it will be good start for Islamic University because this way an important Shariat provision is being implemented right at the start.. Shariat insists on Jijya from Dhimmis.Secularism in India upholds Shariat provisions. Congress upholds secular principles.

Perhaps here Congress is discharging its obligation for vote bank support. Already you can see place in Thirupathi selling beef.

Even Pakistan bans sale of beef in what ever left of Hindu areas there. In Indian army serving pork is banned, but beef is allowed. All these and more like polygamy which is also banned in Pakistan, but not in secular India, constitute practices of secularism . And if such practices result in turmoil like what is happening in Mujaffarnagar it is all the more preferable. Because same secular leaders go there pretending they are saviours, pay money, not thier own of course, and collect votes. Both Manmohan Singh and his 'inspiration and guide',( in hia own words) SoniaG are engaged in such fishing expedition in UP. Of course their ally in Delhi but not in Lucknow, another great secular party Samajvadi, resents their presence which may cause split in their same vote banks.

No country can make progress with such entities holding reins of power. In fact the progress after so many centuries being held back, India made just two decades back, that growth story was reversed with leading headlines world over of India's information technology acumen, are now replete with falling Rupee, rising Riots. Only thing held safe is secularism like of which does not exist anywhere else in the world. And if tomorrow another Mujaffarnagar type riot takes place, May Sri Venkateswara forbid, in Thirupathi , credit must go to secular Congress and its allies.

India does not need an Islamic university complete with burka clad vice chancellor which will be a glorified madrasa from many of which came terrorists There is Pakistan next door. Like Indian students going to Oxford or Harvard, those who are interested may go to Pakistan, or one in UP, Deoband, world renowned for Wahabi school of thought,which is inspiration for Al Qaeda.

Instead let there be a computer school or like Tata's an institure tor research in subjects ranging from Atom to Zoology, none of them you come across in Quran or Hadith. And those subjects can be taught without Burka.

3. haindavakeralam.com/HKPage.aspx?PageID=17888

Protect Ramasetu, Scrap Sethu channel project : Rameshwaram Ramsetu Protection Movement

Pasting only to indicate the unresolved nature of the matter.

The article itself provides only the usual arguments. No mention of it being important to Hindoo religion, which personally is the *only* reason why Hindoos should bother mobilising against it. Else all citizens may care. (And if the matter only concerned thorium etc, the christo govt wouldn't have been destroying the resource in the first place.)

I wonder whether the nationalists would have been writing about the "importance to the nation to retain/preserve the Iridium in the temple dome" if the famous temple with the Iridium dome had been the Hindu item under threat. (<- This was just an example. As it happens, IIRC the iridium dome has already been spirited away by christoislamics and sold off overseas. Confirmed, see haindavakeralam.com/HKPage.aspx?PageID=14880 "Kerala temple’s iridium dome stolen" 22/10/2011. If not for the theft, the nationalist slogan today for why the christogovt must save the Iridium dome might have been: "Because it is rare and precious".)

Anyway. Not a single direct attack "problem" that ("crypto")christianism has foisted on Hindus/Hindu religion has ever been resolved - certainly not since the Pope declared on Hindu soil in 1999/2000 that the conversion of Asia (starting with India) in the 3rd millennium was the task at hand for Asian churches aka "Onward Christian Soldiers".

Ramarsethu is a case of unresolve church-inflicted Hindu 'issues'.

Another is that the Shiva temple connected with Tirugnanasambandhar in about the 5th or 6th century CE (and predates him) is regularly on-again off-again on the way to being demolished. The cyclic pattern is: christianism conspires to demolish it (still under a "secular" ruse of course, to fool anyone who's still gullible), then Hindus protest, then christianism backs off for the moment until Hindus are not looking and tries again. And again. And again. And then one day....

Well, the example of the sort of consequences that Hindus will face "One Day" was already evident in point 1 (and 2) above.

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DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Guest - 06-14-2006, 12:22 PM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Guest - 06-14-2006, 01:40 PM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Guest - 08-11-2006, 09:30 PM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Guest - 08-14-2006, 08:56 PM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Guest - 08-22-2006, 12:12 AM
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DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Guest - 10-27-2006, 11:24 AM
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DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Guest - 09-28-2007, 03:28 AM
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DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by ramana - 10-01-2007, 11:52 PM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Guest - 03-01-2008, 07:45 AM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Guest - 03-12-2008, 08:40 PM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Guest - 04-13-2008, 06:37 PM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Guest - 04-16-2008, 06:07 AM
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DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Husky - 08-29-2008, 02:40 PM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Husky - 10-27-2008, 07:32 PM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Guest - 10-29-2008, 12:21 AM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Husky - 11-01-2008, 09:57 AM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Husky - 11-14-2008, 08:02 PM
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DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Husky - 11-16-2008, 11:15 AM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Husky - 11-30-2008, 03:59 PM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Husky - 01-12-2009, 04:30 PM
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DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Husky - 04-23-2015, 02:43 PM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Husky - 04-23-2015, 03:33 PM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Husky - 04-23-2015, 04:20 PM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Husky - 04-26-2015, 08:53 PM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Husky - 04-28-2015, 05:41 PM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Husky - 05-05-2015, 06:32 PM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Husky - 05-10-2015, 10:36 PM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Husky - 05-12-2015, 12:11 AM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Husky - 05-14-2015, 07:02 PM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Husky - 05-15-2015, 07:30 PM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Husky - 06-05-2015, 07:10 PM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Husky - 06-07-2015, 04:33 PM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Husky - 06-07-2015, 09:16 PM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Husky - 06-11-2015, 05:06 PM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Husky - 06-17-2015, 02:39 PM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Husky - 08-11-2015, 08:12 PM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Husky - 03-12-2016, 10:52 AM

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