Post 1/
Anyone who can't see the attacks on Hindoo temples is christianism - it is SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for christianism - should first read how the SAME was done in south Korea
(The last link above contains pictures from a BBC news report showing the scale of the christian terrorism in S Korea. This is how Korea was made 30% christian. Note that AmeriKKKan christians interacting with their Korean convert slaves, bragged that S Korea had experienced another wave of christianisation in 2004-2006 IIRC. That is well after the timeline in the above links. Although many are leaving the church in massive numbers, some are still "christian", and they are all still unheathen and at least subtly anti-heathen, and more prone to sinking back into some christian cult themselves if not producing progeny who have this propensity. That is to say, heathenism has lost these S Koreans. It no longer computes to their christomeme-addled brains, thanks to the mental forest-fire that is the christoclass virus. Even Buddhism and Confucianism seems to have lost most of them.)
Before continuing with actual news on more attacks against Hindoo temples:
All the christo theft at Indian and Nepali Hindoo temples is part of the *same* spectrum of behaviour exhibited by christians like that Lax-man Johnson. Johnson is that christoterrorist seen a few years back who dared to invade a Hindoo temple to lay his foot on a Shivalingam and then took a picture of himself at it, to boast on facebook about his christian desecration of heathen "idols" and that he intended to do more of the same.
Wonder if he has died horribly yet?
Oh, he hadn't kicked the bucket by 2012 yet
(Interesting to read in full.
Don't know why they have a problem with the name Muni though. Married Rishis had that as their name/title. E.g. Rishi Gautama.)
And it seems Mumbai police expressly resorted to using the given Hindu cryptochristian names of Johnson and his brother to pretend they were Hindus.
(Typical that the Johnson family should turn out to be christo-converts of Tamil origins. Something for all those Tamil "Hindu" protectionists of christianism and its position in the anti-Indian nexus to look forward to.)
a. The first excuse the police made up was that Johnson would have been 'angry' at Shiva for his flunking his own exams. Yet he was posing -not angrily- but triumphantly, like a typical convert, with his foot on Shiva, as argued at the "defenceForumIndia" link. Not to mention his facebook page with the infamous photo had text that was widely quoted wherein he boasted about his jeebusism (that he was the "son of jesus") and its triumph over Hindoo 'idolatry'. E.g.
And others had noted that Johnson had, since well before his anti-Hindu desecrating activities were made public, been consistently wearing the cross in his photos. E.g.
b. So then, with their first lie blown out of the water via the long record of Johnson's own words and pictures affirming his christianity, the Mumbai police were forced to make up their next desperate lie to once more absolve christianism and magically blame Hindoos "somehow":
Now Johnson was to have been a Hindu trying to incite Hindus against christianism. <- Which is even more proof of Mumbai police being infested with christianism: Were they Hindoo or any other type of heathen, they would know full well that not a single Hindoo would ever desecrate any temple or moorti of the Hindoo Gods, not even for the sake of destroying christoislamoronism. (Which is exactly the sort of behavioural feature held against the much-maligned Hindoo kshatriyas who had killed themselves rather than drink water from a well that their islamic opponents had deliberately polluted with murdered cows, to force the Hindoo warriors to die from thirst. <- More proof that Hindoos would NEVER desecrate the Gods.)
Whereas christoislamics do NOT worship images/they know there is nothing sacred to their images (which is why they don't consider themselves idolators): their churches and mosques are *mere* buildings even to them, just a place of pointless congregation and dawaganda. And hence christos don't care about their churches and idols and so will destroy these readily, if they can thereby bleat persecution to get funds or guilt-trip unconverted as a means to making & keeping converts (=psychology of martyr sobstories).
Hindoos and other heathens are dead-serious about their moorties. Heathens may even resort to killing others who desecrate them. But heathens would never desecrate them themselves. <- Extended definition of heathenism.
For the Hindoos, it ultimately does not matter whether the faithful christian Johnson was re-invented by the cryptochristos in the Mumbai police as a DMK member, a communist, a random secular, or anything else. What matters to the Hindoos is that their adored Gods are avenged. Even though the Hindoo Gods cannot actually be harmed by the christoislamorons (whereas jeebusjehovallah never even existed), it is important for the sake of heathens' own heathenism to stand up for their Gods and protect the sanctity of their moorties. (Can contrast this with the fake freeloaders of the "I'm a nastika/charvaka Hindu and I disapprove of Hindus criticising PK" variety.)
Am so ecstatic to find what the ShivaSena did in response - ("Shivasena" would earn its name hereby):
My kind of people.
Though I'd not even have checked first to see if anyone was still in Johnson's house before I burnt it down. (Besides I'd have preferred the family as charcoal. Johnson should have let sleeping dogs lie, after all. If he gets bitten and rabies afterwards, it's his own fault.)
The Shivasena however seems to draw the line somewhere. <- Well, Hindoos being heathens have ethics whereas I choose to have none (can't afford to have principles when dealing with christoislamania, after all - they'll devour you along with your principles. So what use are these thereafter?)
Most satisfying is that the idiot christo-infested Mumbai police's massive lies - trying to present Johnson as a "Hindu" - turns out to have had a great but entirely unintended use:
christians can't now squeak "persecution" for the fact that Johnson, his evil brother and their christomoronic family members were driven away from the house they were infesting: Mumbai police, desperate to bat for christianism, had tried to pass the christo-terrorist family off as "Hindus" and that they were trying to "incite" Hindoos against christians. Their lies have worked in Hindoos' favour, by the blessings of the Hindoo Gods. So the Hindoos who burnt his house down and sent his family skipping (hopefully to TSP/back to Syria) can simply say they taught these 'random' fanatics - as the police swore they were not christians - a lesson. "See, no christians got injured in any way." I mean, christianism can't have it both ways.
And Johnson et al will be ostracised by all, since no christians can be seen associating with them - else it would give the Mumbai christo-police's lie to their face (and not bode well for them) - and no Hindoos should let Johnson's family exist in peace anywhere within the bounds of Hindoo land: they made their choice to terrorise and now have the right to live with the consequences.
Shiva, the other Hindoo Gods and their loyal HindOO bhaktas proved the winners overall: Johnson had flunked, he would have lost his job, his house and valuables it contained were devoured by Agni, his christomoron family all chased away by Vayu, he and probably his brother were sent to prison by Dharmaraja. <- Wonder whether he thinks his stepping on Shivalingam in an attempt to desecrate Shiva to boast of jeebus' greatness over Shiva was worth all of that?
Moral: Johnson and family shouldn't have abandoned the real Gods to go chasing after non-existent mono-gawds. By his own logic: proves jeebus ain't real.
Still remain hopeful that Hindoos will finish the job, though: as there are still sufficient Hindoos - even in prison - who will avenge their beloved Hindoo Gods. With any luck, Johnson and his brother will be corpses in prison now. Like one of those gangrapist-murderers of Jyothi Singh Pandey was murdered by other prisoners for having tormented their Hindoo sister, and the one in the christoBrit documentary was also beaten within an inch of his life by Hindoo prisoners.
Perhaps the lesson is that it is much easier to get rid of christians when the christo moronic police and christomedia tries to trick people by presenting the christian terrorists as DMK, communists, "independent unaffiliated agents" etc, anything but recognising their christianism. Because that blunder surely makes Hindoos free to retaliate with full force and do in these christian terrorists under their assumed communist/DMK/etc false covers, surely? Cryptochristianism can be made to work both ways. E.g. If Sagarika Ghose et al were to hang themselves tomorrow because of cyberbullying say - hint hint: #SagarikaIsSoUglySheShouldKillHerself (well, it's true, so I may as well say it) - christians can't whine "persecution": doing so would admit that all such christomedia terrorists were christian.
Anyone who can't see the attacks on Hindoo temples is christianism - it is SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for christianism - should first read how the SAME was done in south Korea
- http ://
- http ://
- http: //
(The last link above contains pictures from a BBC news report showing the scale of the christian terrorism in S Korea. This is how Korea was made 30% christian. Note that AmeriKKKan christians interacting with their Korean convert slaves, bragged that S Korea had experienced another wave of christianisation in 2004-2006 IIRC. That is well after the timeline in the above links. Although many are leaving the church in massive numbers, some are still "christian", and they are all still unheathen and at least subtly anti-heathen, and more prone to sinking back into some christian cult themselves if not producing progeny who have this propensity. That is to say, heathenism has lost these S Koreans. It no longer computes to their christomeme-addled brains, thanks to the mental forest-fire that is the christoclass virus. Even Buddhism and Confucianism seems to have lost most of them.)
Before continuing with actual news on more attacks against Hindoo temples:
All the christo theft at Indian and Nepali Hindoo temples is part of the *same* spectrum of behaviour exhibited by christians like that Lax-man Johnson. Johnson is that christoterrorist seen a few years back who dared to invade a Hindoo temple to lay his foot on a Shivalingam and then took a picture of himself at it, to boast on facebook about his christian desecration of heathen "idols" and that he intended to do more of the same.
Wonder if he has died horribly yet?
Oh, he hadn't kicked the bucket by 2012 yet
(Interesting to read in full.
Don't know why they have a problem with the name Muni though. Married Rishis had that as their name/title. E.g. Rishi Gautama.)
And it seems Mumbai police expressly resorted to using the given Hindu cryptochristian names of Johnson and his brother to pretend they were Hindus.
(Typical that the Johnson family should turn out to be christo-converts of Tamil origins. Something for all those Tamil "Hindu" protectionists of christianism and its position in the anti-Indian nexus to look forward to.)
a. The first excuse the police made up was that Johnson would have been 'angry' at Shiva for his flunking his own exams. Yet he was posing -not angrily- but triumphantly, like a typical convert, with his foot on Shiva, as argued at the "defenceForumIndia" link. Not to mention his facebook page with the infamous photo had text that was widely quoted wherein he boasted about his jeebusism (that he was the "son of jesus") and its triumph over Hindoo 'idolatry'. E.g.
And others had noted that Johnson had, since well before his anti-Hindu desecrating activities were made public, been consistently wearing the cross in his photos. E.g.
Quote:Jk Nissan ÷ Top Commenter
I saw his all pictures he was wearing holy Cross on his chains during his musical compitation & other occasions...this article is rubbish!
Reply ÷
÷ 2 ÷ August 15, 2012 at 3:52am
b. So then, with their first lie blown out of the water via the long record of Johnson's own words and pictures affirming his christianity, the Mumbai police were forced to make up their next desperate lie to once more absolve christianism and magically blame Hindoos "somehow":
Now Johnson was to have been a Hindu trying to incite Hindus against christianism. <- Which is even more proof of Mumbai police being infested with christianism: Were they Hindoo or any other type of heathen, they would know full well that not a single Hindoo would ever desecrate any temple or moorti of the Hindoo Gods, not even for the sake of destroying christoislamoronism. (Which is exactly the sort of behavioural feature held against the much-maligned Hindoo kshatriyas who had killed themselves rather than drink water from a well that their islamic opponents had deliberately polluted with murdered cows, to force the Hindoo warriors to die from thirst. <- More proof that Hindoos would NEVER desecrate the Gods.)
Whereas christoislamics do NOT worship images/they know there is nothing sacred to their images (which is why they don't consider themselves idolators): their churches and mosques are *mere* buildings even to them, just a place of pointless congregation and dawaganda. And hence christos don't care about their churches and idols and so will destroy these readily, if they can thereby bleat persecution to get funds or guilt-trip unconverted as a means to making & keeping converts (=psychology of martyr sobstories).
Hindoos and other heathens are dead-serious about their moorties. Heathens may even resort to killing others who desecrate them. But heathens would never desecrate them themselves. <- Extended definition of heathenism.
For the Hindoos, it ultimately does not matter whether the faithful christian Johnson was re-invented by the cryptochristos in the Mumbai police as a DMK member, a communist, a random secular, or anything else. What matters to the Hindoos is that their adored Gods are avenged. Even though the Hindoo Gods cannot actually be harmed by the christoislamorons (whereas jeebusjehovallah never even existed), it is important for the sake of heathens' own heathenism to stand up for their Gods and protect the sanctity of their moorties. (Can contrast this with the fake freeloaders of the "I'm a nastika/charvaka Hindu and I disapprove of Hindus criticising PK" variety.)
Am so ecstatic to find what the ShivaSena did in response - ("Shivasena" would earn its name hereby):
Quote:12 FIR Lodged Against Laxman Johnson who put step on shiv linga
25/07/2012 13:06:47
12 FIR Lodged Against Laxman Johnson a Man Put His Foot On Shiv Linga,Shivsena Demand to police That Take Strong Action Against This Person Or They Will Do Protest against Laxman Johnson In Nation Wide ,Uploader Of Photo On Facebook A Week Before,A Mumbai Resident Converted Christian Laxman Johnson Comes In Controversy When He Uploaded His Photograph On Facebook profile , This Man Facing So Many Criticism On All Over Social Media by every Religion People,
An Unofficial Report Said That Shivsena Members Burned His House In Mumbai And he and his family members ran away leaving his house and hiding out from mumbai,Here Is One Of FIR Copy Which Lodged In Mumbai Police Station.Many more complaints has also been filed Against Him In Different Part Of India.People demanding strong action against him so that no else dare to do this kind of shameless act for hurting religion belief.Hindus are very much upset by this incident across the nation they are showing their anger on social media site like facebook and twitter
A copy of FIR/Complain Against Laxman Johnson Lodged by youth BJP
My kind of people.
Though I'd not even have checked first to see if anyone was still in Johnson's house before I burnt it down. (Besides I'd have preferred the family as charcoal. Johnson should have let sleeping dogs lie, after all. If he gets bitten and rabies afterwards, it's his own fault.)
The Shivasena however seems to draw the line somewhere. <- Well, Hindoos being heathens have ethics whereas I choose to have none (can't afford to have principles when dealing with christoislamania, after all - they'll devour you along with your principles. So what use are these thereafter?)
Most satisfying is that the idiot christo-infested Mumbai police's massive lies - trying to present Johnson as a "Hindu" - turns out to have had a great but entirely unintended use:
christians can't now squeak "persecution" for the fact that Johnson, his evil brother and their christomoronic family members were driven away from the house they were infesting: Mumbai police, desperate to bat for christianism, had tried to pass the christo-terrorist family off as "Hindus" and that they were trying to "incite" Hindoos against christians. Their lies have worked in Hindoos' favour, by the blessings of the Hindoo Gods. So the Hindoos who burnt his house down and sent his family skipping (hopefully to TSP/back to Syria) can simply say they taught these 'random' fanatics - as the police swore they were not christians - a lesson. "See, no christians got injured in any way." I mean, christianism can't have it both ways.
And Johnson et al will be ostracised by all, since no christians can be seen associating with them - else it would give the Mumbai christo-police's lie to their face (and not bode well for them) - and no Hindoos should let Johnson's family exist in peace anywhere within the bounds of Hindoo land: they made their choice to terrorise and now have the right to live with the consequences.
Shiva, the other Hindoo Gods and their loyal HindOO bhaktas proved the winners overall: Johnson had flunked, he would have lost his job, his house and valuables it contained were devoured by Agni, his christomoron family all chased away by Vayu, he and probably his brother were sent to prison by Dharmaraja. <- Wonder whether he thinks his stepping on Shivalingam in an attempt to desecrate Shiva to boast of jeebus' greatness over Shiva was worth all of that?
Moral: Johnson and family shouldn't have abandoned the real Gods to go chasing after non-existent mono-gawds. By his own logic: proves jeebus ain't real.
Still remain hopeful that Hindoos will finish the job, though: as there are still sufficient Hindoos - even in prison - who will avenge their beloved Hindoo Gods. With any luck, Johnson and his brother will be corpses in prison now. Like one of those gangrapist-murderers of Jyothi Singh Pandey was murdered by other prisoners for having tormented their Hindoo sister, and the one in the christoBrit documentary was also beaten within an inch of his life by Hindoo prisoners.
Perhaps the lesson is that it is much easier to get rid of christians when the christo moronic police and christomedia tries to trick people by presenting the christian terrorists as DMK, communists, "independent unaffiliated agents" etc, anything but recognising their christianism. Because that blunder surely makes Hindoos free to retaliate with full force and do in these christian terrorists under their assumed communist/DMK/etc false covers, surely? Cryptochristianism can be made to work both ways. E.g. If Sagarika Ghose et al were to hang themselves tomorrow because of cyberbullying say - hint hint: #SagarikaIsSoUglySheShouldKillHerself (well, it's true, so I may as well say it) - christians can't whine "persecution": doing so would admit that all such christomedia terrorists were christian.