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DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples
2. More proof that christianism has gone onto full-scale jihad/genocide and ethnic cleansing in TN. In 5 years time, TN will become like S Korea or India's own NE. They will call it a "christian miracle".

Make no mistake, christianism is going to make the south a hell. And all those Tamil "Hindus" who were busy protecting christianism's hand in the anti-Indian nexus from being revealed are going to pay in relatives getting tormented and probably genocided or ethnically cleansed.

This next too is planned christianism. It is christianism attacking Hindoo priests under the guise of "rationalist" DMK, so they even threw in a DMK slogan here. (Quite like how in Orissa, christians brutally murdered Swami Lakshmananda under a "communist" cover - after first trying to brutally murder him 8 or 9 times before. Chrisitanism always uses "secular", "rationalist", "DMK", "communist", "random/non-ideological", and other ruses to prevent chrisitianism from getting blamed/to preven christianism from deservedly getting killed off in India as a result.)

Anyone who can't see this is christianism is blind else probably one of those BR entities famous for sleeping with christianism.


Quote: L M SriNivasan Iyer retweeted

HaindavaKeralam @HKupdate · Apr 20

3 Hindu Priests, including a 81yr old attacked in Chennai ysterday in different areas at same time.

Chk @ranganaathan 's TL for update

40 retweets 10 favorites


Quote:L M SriNivasan Iyer retweeted

Ranga @ranganaathan · Apr 20

.@NewIndianXpress @thenewsminute.. planned attack on Brahmin's in Chennai between 7.30-8pm yesterday. 2 in Mylapore & 1 W.Mambalam

4 retweets 1 favorite
Mylapore is infested with christianism.


Quote: L M SriNivasan Iyer retweeted

Ranga @ranganaathan · Apr 20

.@narendramodi ji 3 attacks on Brahmin Priests in Chennai. 2 in Mylapore & 1 in West Mambalam between 7.30PM-8PM yesterday. #EVRGoons

210 retweets 46 favorites


Quote: L M SriNivasan Iyer retweeted

Ranga @ranganaathan · Apr 20

.@narendramodi ji #SaveTamBrahm from #EVRGoons...there is well planned & concerted attack. @tamilnadubjp should ask for CBI enquiry.


Quote: L M SriNivasan Iyer retweeted

nidhi bahuguna @vinirish · Apr 21

@ranganaathan @narendramodi #EVRGoons the DMK cadre did forcible Thali and poonool aruuppu (cut)

Christianism - such as seen in the catholic ragazine The Chindu - has been busy writing psy-ops against Thaali. It is the SAME agenda spelled out in the catholic Chindu newspaper.

Yet more proof the above is merely christianism terrorising again from under a "rationalist" "DMK" cover.

For each gang that attempts to cut a poonal (yagnyopaveetam) or thaali (mangalasutra), Hindoos have the right to cut their throats in retaliation. The violent only understand violence. Give them the total war they want. Whether the christian terrorists die as cryptochristo "DMK" or "communists", or are outed as the christians they are (the way DMK head Karunanidhi's daughter is married to a christian evangelist from Singapore, which totally gives it away) is beside the point: dead terrorists will no longer be able to terrorise Hindoos. "Problem solved."


Quote:L M SriNivasan Iyer retweeted

Ranga @ranganaathan · Apr 20

.@narendramodi ji, when someone threw stone on church you called up Police chief. Hope you will act on attacks on Innocent Brahmins in TN.

Why do people keep pleading to Narendra Modi, when his track record in protecting the fast-diminishing Hindoo interests is ... what exactly?

I'm sure he will continue to do nothing for Hindoo-dom. Until he hears a vocal rubbishing of his continuous inaction by Hindoos and comes to fear that he may not get elected for a subsequent term. Then he may perhaps decide to do some token thing, in self-interest.

His amazing apathy and inaction is second only to that of a cryptochristian. Then again, secularism is hard to distinguish, in its determined disinterest in preserving heathenism from the predatory missionary meme.

Modi cares only about secular/christian approval. He bends more and more as christians disdain his overtures more and more - he's already met them more than 60% of the way and they've not budged at all (and why should they, when his behaviour promises that he will keep inching further towards them for their favour, especially the more they kick at him). Why in the World would he do anything for Hindoos or Hindoo-dom?

Christoislamics have only become more brazen in forcibly converting Hindoos, in vandalising temples, kidnapping moorties, killing sadhus and gangraping sadhvis - they seem to know that Modi will do nothing, probably too afraid of another Godhra and getting blamed. But Hindoos should not allow christoislamics to genocide them again, for fear of Modi or the BJP being held responsible for any Hindoo retaliation to christoislamic terrorism.

Modi has made it clear that his agenda has no thought for Hindoo-dom, so Hindoos can stop constantly considering how anything may reflect on his reputation too.

Christoislamic leaders *daily* threaten outright genocide of Hindoos and to plant crosses on temples. They make their threats openly in christomedia, which condemns them not at all. In no other country would this ever happen. Only in christo-oppressed India.

Hindoos are damned if they do and damned if they don't. So DO. Smash the enemies to pieces. Stop cowering in fear of secular (aka christian) and international (aka christian) "condemnation". The west is already planning on framing Modi/BJP with a "crimes against humanity" and planning riots to this effect - Rajeev Srinivasan had already quoted the west's sinister statements on this, indicating their designs - so instead of Hindoos being punished despite being innnocent, may as well be guilty.

In the CAR (Central African Republic), christians=christomaniacs had already genocided and ethnically cleansed 1 million islamaniacs as at several months ago, who knows what the score is now, and barely an international newspaper mentioned it.* Instead, a few islamaniacs on a refugee boat from Africa pushed 15 of their christian brethren into the sea to a watery grave, and it made international headlines, while Italy arrested the islamic culprits. Like, Who Cares? If all the christoislamics in the planet killed each other off - sooner rather than later, please - that would be like, what, 3 billion people less? World "over-population" problem solved overnight. And then Europeans will never complain about the "refugee" problem ever again, as they regularly do. It is christowest's deliberate fueling and funding monotheism (=monotheistic wars) in other continents that has created the current refugee problem in the first place.

* The catholic=christist ex PM of the UK Tony Blair and his faith foundation deliberately downplay that christianism is a driving reason in the majority christian retaliation against earlier islamic violence. Blair's sycophants pretend that the christians infesting the CAR are doing it for plain-vanilla "revenge", not for their faith.** Yet it is only the smaller number of the native animists of CAR that are retaliating against islam for reasons of revenge (not spurred on by their religion: the total war concept only exists in christoislam.)

The fact remains that the anti-Balaka militia is largely christian (the CAR is 71% christian, with only the north being an islamic majority), and for the christian militants, their genocide spree is driven entirely by their christianism. [** tonyblairfaithfoundation.org/religion-geopolitics/commentaries/backgrounder/what-antibalaka]

It remains a fact that the christian anti-Balaka militia - which has merely hijacked the animists, who are desperate to defend themselves, as footsoldiers (a la christo LTTE did in SL) - again: it remains a fact that it is the christian anti-Balaka militants that are into raping "muslim" women in CAR and keeping them as sex-slaves. It is SOP for christoislamics. Anyone else who might have committed atrocities or might do so in future would be doing it out of revenge alone.


Quote:Central African Republic: Muslims Held Captive, Raped / UN, Government Should Free Ethnic Peuhl Women, Children Held by Anti-Balaka

Posted by: APO Posted date : April 22, 2015 at 6:43 am UTC 71 views In : Press releases

Quote:Central African Republic: Muslims Held Captive, Raped

UN, Government Should Free Ethnic Peuhl Women, Children Held by Anti-Balaka

April 22, 2015

That is, the very christian and jeebus-inspired anti-Balaka militia is doing EXACTLY what the islamic Boko Haram is doing in Nigeria, Chad, etc, and the islamic ISIS are doing in the Levant: gangraping and taking sex-slaves.

Where is the condemnation? Where does the international christomedia give this its 15 minutes in the news?

Nowhere. It has been dead silent for months. The very months when christianism has been genociding islamania in the CAR.

The point being: christianism WILL commit genocide and WILL be allowed to get away with it.

Christian bishops agitating over the Hindoo Western Ghats - since christians have started planting churches there - are already on record threatening to turn Kerala into Kashmir: i.e. christians literally threatened to ethnically cleanse Hindoos from Hindoos' Kerala, the way christians forcibly-converted, genocided and ethnically cleansed Hindoos from India's NE.

Two can play at that game: Hindoos all over the country should kick christianism out.


Quote:Madhav Gadgil Committee Report and the Catholic Church of Kerala

by C I Issac on 29 Nov 2013


Amidst the recent agitation against the Gadgil Report, the Catholic Bishop of Idukki threatened, "in Kerala they will create another Kashmir" if the Government did not discard the proposals of both Gadgil and Kasthurirangan. This threat is still alive. The malady is that so far the Bishop has neither tendered an apology nor withdrawn from his stand of civil war against the nation. The defunct Government of Kerala has not responded to this call/threat and its machineries are in torpor. Thus no action has been enunciated against him so far. Similar calls by priests in Nagaland in the 1960s had consequences from the 1970s onwards, for which we are still paying a heavy price.

Do NOT ignore christian threats for jihading Kerala (and everywhere else, including Tirupati), because christians have done JUST that in India's northeast.

This IS what christians do when they have political and numerical power.

Kick, kick, kick christianism out of India first.

Then the fight will be between islamaniacs and Hindoos alone. A much fairer fight. And Hindoos at least stand some chance winning that, as they will no longer be paralysed by christianism's doublespeak (speaking of 'religious freedom' and yet ethnically cleansing and genociding Hindoos).

In a 2012 article John Dayal et al were arguing "'There is nothing illegal in evangelisation'"


(Last updated on: January 16, 2012 14:54 IST

Compare with how christians and communists=cryptochristians want to make Ghar Wapasi illegal. (Islamics care less about what secular law says: They will simply take the law into their own hands, but less subtly than christians do: islamics will force-convert Hindoos whatever be the law, as they have been doing again recently - examples here, just as islamics will threaten to or eventually even try to massacre apostates - no matter who rules in India, apathetic Modi-led BJP or anti-Hindoo KKKangress, or pro-christian anti-Hindu "Hindu" "nationalist" BJP in Goa, which also effectively banned Ghar Wapasi.)

Anyway, an important comment at the John Dayal interview shows yet another example of how christians readily kill Hindoos:


Quote:Re: help naxals,

by Rajendra Rao (View MyPage) on Jan 23, 2012 12:57 AM

The Xtains are pure terrorists. Mr. Agarwal was putting together photographic evidence of evangelical activities in TirupathiWHENYSRwas in pwer- he was hunted down in Karnataka, extradited to AP, and no one has heard from him again. We think he is killed.

This is what xtains are doing in reality in India. How long will it be before they claimTTDhillsFORcheeesus?

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DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Guest - 06-14-2006, 12:22 PM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Guest - 06-14-2006, 01:40 PM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Guest - 08-11-2006, 09:30 PM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Guest - 08-14-2006, 08:56 PM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Guest - 08-22-2006, 12:12 AM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Guest - 10-03-2006, 09:33 PM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Guest - 10-27-2006, 10:52 AM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Guest - 10-27-2006, 11:24 AM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by ramana - 09-28-2007, 12:46 AM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Guest - 09-28-2007, 03:28 AM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Guest - 09-29-2007, 05:48 PM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Guest - 10-01-2007, 07:59 PM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by Guest - 10-01-2007, 10:15 PM
DMK's and AP Target - Hindu Temples - by ramana - 10-01-2007, 11:52 PM
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