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"Terror AID"?
Just making sure that the names named above are unrelated to any co-jingos. One has to be curious why a Govt. as "incorruptible" as the present Laloo/Tytler-blessed one would go around prosecuting for what is standard Baboo behavior.

The jails in India are surely not large enough to accomodate all the babus and Sonias who have gone on "disaster relief" missions? Which of them, after Gandhiji perhaps, declined Mughlai dinners and premium coffee?

I suspect that this case must be because the Baboos wasted all the money on chicken, unfairly discriminating against the Phoren Liquor industry?

Also, does the Airport Restaurant at Patna offer anything cheaper than that? Not if its like the Ripoff Cafe at Mumbai Ch. Shivaji airport.... or the one at Sahar (not been to that one since 1988 when I enjoyed the fine Marxist-Nazi "service" after the airline gave us breakfast vouchers 12 hours into a flight delay..)

Messages In This Thread
"Terror AID"? - by Guest - 04-18-2005, 11:26 PM
"Terror AID"? - by Guest - 04-29-2005, 12:19 AM
"Terror AID"? - by Guest - 04-29-2005, 12:30 AM
"Terror AID"? - by Guest - 05-02-2005, 05:28 PM
"Terror AID"? - by Guest - 05-02-2005, 08:11 PM
"Terror AID"? - by Guest - 05-02-2005, 08:41 PM
"Terror AID"? - by Guest - 05-04-2005, 01:11 AM
"Terror AID"? - by Guest - 05-12-2005, 12:50 AM

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