There are no permanent friends or enemies, China could go either way and probably different ways at different times. A conflict between China and the Islamic world is likely to happen when the Chinese start getting involved in middle eastern politics as they become more oil dependent.
Muslims perceive them as infidels, so it won't take much provocation. The most likely scenario is when cold war 2 starts between the U.S. and CHina, China might be the new Soviet Union with possibly Soviet-Afghanistan style conflicts.
I think India will probably ally with the U.S. in the second cold war, India and the U.S. will be more or less equal partners (in terms of scale of power) after 2040 or so.
America's GDP will continue to be huge if not #1, even in 2050. America's population will probably level off at around 400 million, so with about 3 times the per capita, it's GDP might still be about equal to India and China in 2050.
Muslims perceive them as infidels, so it won't take much provocation. The most likely scenario is when cold war 2 starts between the U.S. and CHina, China might be the new Soviet Union with possibly Soviet-Afghanistan style conflicts.
I think India will probably ally with the U.S. in the second cold war, India and the U.S. will be more or less equal partners (in terms of scale of power) after 2040 or so.
America's GDP will continue to be huge if not #1, even in 2050. America's population will probably level off at around 400 million, so with about 3 times the per capita, it's GDP might still be about equal to India and China in 2050.