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India - China: Relations And Developments


<b>Ignoring the past</b>

<b>Forty years on, the government still avoids discussion of the Cultural Revolution</b>

<img src='http://www.economist.com/images/20060520/2006as1.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

IN THE village of Hongsheng, Li Furong feared trouble when he was summoned one day in August 1966 to a meeting. He had been denounced as a “capitalist-roader” and thought fellow peasants had gathered to attack him. Instead he found himself press-ganged into helping with the murder of octogenarian former landlords in one of the bloodiest orgies of violence in or around China's capital, Beijing, during the Cultural Revolution. Even 40 years later, the authorities are trying to suppress news of what happened in Hongsheng and nearby villages of Beijing's Daxing district.

<b>The Communist Party's unwillingness to confront the horrors of the Cultural Revolution, which was launched on May 16th 1966 and officially ended ten years later with the death of Mao Zedong and the fall of the Gang of Four, means that for Chinese historians as well as for millions of victims that entire period is, in effect, off-limits for debate. The passage of time does not appear to be helping. Chinese scholars say the government has been even more intent on stopping public commemoration of this week's anniversary than it was a decade ago. No mention of it has appeared in the state-controlled media. A group of scholars who held a private symposium in Beijing in March to discuss the Cultural Revolution avoided using e-mail to arrange it for fear their communications would be intercepted by officials.</b>

Partly, it is embarrassment about the scale and brutality of the violence carried out in Mao's name. In Hongsheng, Mr Li, now 75, says village officials told the meeting that former landlords and rich peasants, stripped of their holdings after the Communists took power in 1949, planned to stage a revolt. No evidence was offered. The plan was to kill the alleged plotters and their entire families that night. Mr Li, worried that as a “capitalist-roader” he too would be killed, agreed to use his well-known skills with rope to bind the victims. Two former landlords in their 80s were the first to be dealt with. Mr Li had barely finished his work before the old men were dragged away and beaten to death.

It could have been worse. Mr Li says that, had he not asked the village party chief whether he had written authority for this, other members of the landlords' families would have been murdered that night too. In some neighbouring villages there was much greater bloodshed. The youngest victim was one month old. Bodies were thrown down wells or into pits. In the commune to which Hongsheng belonged, 110 people were slaughtered within 24 hours. This was only one of 13 communes in Daxing district involved in what has become known to locals as the “8/31 [August 31st] massacre”. City officials called a halt to the violence after a couple of brave village officials travelled to the party's headquarters in central Beijing, 35 km (22 miles) away, to complain.

Even today, few in Beijing know anything about this, even though the official death toll, 324, exceeds the conservative government estimate of around 200 killed in the suppression of the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. A brief mention of the massacre appeared in a book on the Cultural Revolution that was published in 1986 and quickly banned. A detailed government account was published only four years ago in an appendix to the “Daxing County Gazette”, a hefty and little-read tome, but was not reported in any newspaper. Of those killed, the book says, 91 were women. Nineteen entire families were eliminated.

The Daxing killings were part of what some perpetrators boasted of as a “red terror” that gripped Beijing between August and October 1966. Wang Youqin of the University of Chicago says officials have never acknowledged the extent of the bloodshed in the capital. She says that Red Guard mobs, obeying Mao's exhortation to “be violent”, killed some 2,000 Beijing residents in the space of two weeks.

One reason for the government's reticence is that, during this stage of the Cultural Revolution, many Red Guard leaders were the offspring of high-ranking officials who were subsequently purged but who became powerful again after Mao's death. Perpetrators of the violence were barred from influential positions after Deng Xiaoping took control in 1978. But Ms Wang says their family connections often protected them from punishment. The “Daxing County Gazette” says 348 people were “directly responsible” for the murders there, nearly two-thirds of them party members. Only 38 were jailed, the longest for 12 years. Pardons were granted to 246.

Officials fear that closer scrutiny of the Cultural Revolution could destabilise the country by inflaming long suppressed antagonisms. Many scholars now believe that well over 1m were killed or driven to suicide in political struggles between 1966 and 1976. The lives of almost all urban residents were profoundly disrupted. Schools and universities were closed. Educated people were forced to leave cities and work on farms. Family members turned on one another. Many of those now in their 50s belong to a “lost generation” whose education and careers were permanently blighted by the Cultural Revolution.

In 1981 the party leadership issued a long denunciation of the Cultural Revolution, as well as various other “mistakes” made by Mao, though these were portrayed as secondary to his contributions. The “Gang of Four” led by Mao's wife, Jiang Qing, who were deemed responsible for the Cultural Revolution's atrocities, were given lengthy prison terms (the last of the four died in December). Most of those persecuted were officially “rehabilitated” by the early 1980s.

There is, however, no official memorial to the victims. Appeals by some intellectuals for a museum dedicated to the events have gone unheeded. In recent months, private funds have started to remedy this. Last year, a privately run Cultural Revolution museum opened near the coastal city of Shantou in southern Guangdong province. In Anren township, near Chengdu, the capital of the south-western province of Sichuan, a wealthy real-estate developer, Fan Jianchuan, says he is preparing to open another later this month.

These ventures are still modest. The one in Shantou shows pictures of officials and other prominent figures being persecuted, but otherwise sticks to the government line. Mr Fan's will concentrate at first on porcelain artefacts from the period. His vast and lavishly designed complex, opened last year, is already home to a remarkable display of historical daring: a whole building of exhibits concerns the (positive) contribution of the Kuomintang, China's then ruling nationalist party, to the war against Japan. In Communist Party histories the Kuomintang is portrayed as having shirked the war.

But Mr Fan has no plans to display objects relating to the Cultural Revolution's factional warfare and other violence. “It's not just that I'm too cowardly and don't want trouble, but I also think it wouldn't be good for the peace of society,” he says. He may perhaps do so in 20 years.

Cheers <!--emo&:beer--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cheers.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='cheers.gif' /><!--endemo-->

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India - China: Relations And Developments - by Guest - 12-03-2006, 05:37 AM
India - China: Relations And Developments - by Guest - 12-28-2003, 11:33 PM
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