03-19-2006, 09:57 PM
I put Vimanas, Moses, Solomon's empire, and other such things,
along with Post #1 in this thread - all in the same category. Fiction
and or delusion. Not reality or historical facts.
Ancient Hindu mythologists were thinking of flying machines and
they wove them into their stories. Sanskrit texts also give us drawings
of Vimanas. I am not sure of this, but aircraft probably do not appear
in other mythologies of the ancient world. Hence many foreign authors
are fascinated to discover them in ancient Hindu texts - some
going so far as to say the ancients built them and flew them.
Stephen Knapp writes what is correct and verifiable. He is thorough.
But he also shoots from the hip at times.
I know that Poster #1 was talking about Jews. That's why in Post #8,
I gave the titles of two books. Christianity is always hyphenated with
Judaism. The information I posted on it is to recognize this relationship
between the two and to point out that Christianity is not an authentic and
original religion like Hinduism or Buddhism.
along with Post #1 in this thread - all in the same category. Fiction
and or delusion. Not reality or historical facts.
Ancient Hindu mythologists were thinking of flying machines and
they wove them into their stories. Sanskrit texts also give us drawings
of Vimanas. I am not sure of this, but aircraft probably do not appear
in other mythologies of the ancient world. Hence many foreign authors
are fascinated to discover them in ancient Hindu texts - some
going so far as to say the ancients built them and flew them.
Stephen Knapp writes what is correct and verifiable. He is thorough.
But he also shoots from the hip at times.
I know that Poster #1 was talking about Jews. That's why in Post #8,
I gave the titles of two books. Christianity is always hyphenated with
Judaism. The information I posted on it is to recognize this relationship
between the two and to point out that Christianity is not an authentic and
original religion like Hinduism or Buddhism.