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The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 09-23-2012

pdf of koranic concept of war

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 09-23-2012

In his laudatory foreword to the book, General Zia wrote:

'JIHAD FI—SABILILLAH (Jihad in the path of Allah) is not the exclusive domain of the professional soldier, nor is it restricted to the application of military force alone. The book brings out with simplicity, clarity and precision the Quranic philosophy on the application of the military force, within the context of the totality that is JIHAD.'

Indeed it does. Brigadier Malik writes,

'the Holy Prophet's operations ...are an integral and inseparable part of the divine message revealed to us in the Holy Quran. ... The war he planned and carried out was total to the infinite degree. It was waged on all fronts: internal and external, political and diplomatic, spiritual and psychological, economic and military.'

Another point made by the author is that the war should be carried out in the opponent's territory. 'The aggressor was always met and destroyed in his own territory.' The 'aggressor' is anyone who stands in the way of Jihad.

Where does terrorism come in the picture?

'The Quranic military strategy thus enjoins us to prepare ourselves for war to the utmost in order to strike terror into the heart of the enemy, known or hidden...'

It doesn't stop here, for Brigadier Malik assures us:

'Terror struck into the hearts of the enemy is not only a means, it is the end in itself. Once a condition of terror into the opponent's heart is obtained, hardly anything is left to be achieved... Terror is not a means of imposing decision upon the enemy; it is the decision we wish to impose upon him.' (Original emphasis.)

That is to say, the enemy should be made to live in a state of perpetual terror.

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 09-23-2012


Ahmedabad, 0.7 mil, 11%

Surat, 0.5 mil, 9%

Total = 1.2 mil

Overall, Guj, 50 mil, muslim 4.5 mil

The Guj muslims have been neutered, but in Harit Pradesh ,there are 3 times as many muslims

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 09-23-2012

Haryana, Gurgaon, 0.6 mil, 37%

Census, 21 mil total, muslim 1.2 mil

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 09-23-2012


Anantnag, 1.2 mil, 98%

Baramulla, 1.1 mil, 98%

Srinagar, 1.1 mil, 98%

Pulwama, 0.6 mil, 98%

Kupwara, 0.6 mil, 98%

Badgam, 0.6 mil. 98%

Total 5.2 mil

Census, Total, 10.1 mil, muslim 6.8 mil

excluding valley, 3.3 mil kafirs vs 1.6 mil muslims

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 09-23-2012


Bangalore, 0.9 mil, 13%

Gulbarga, 0.6 mil. 18%

Belgaum, 0.5 mil, 10%

Total 2 mil

Census, Total 53 mil, muslim 6.5 mil

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 09-23-2012


Malapuram, Total 3.6 mil, muslim 2.5 mil, 68%

Kozhikode, Total 2.9 mil, muslim 1.1 mil, 38%

Palakad , Total 2.6 mil , 0.7 mil, 28%

Kannur, Total 2.4 mil, muslim 0.7 mil, 28% ( they already started jihad in Kannur )

Thrissur Total 3 mil, muslim 0.5 mil, 16%

Kasargod, Total 1.2 mil, muslim 0.4 mil, 34%

Wyanad, Total 0.8 mil, muslim 0.2 mil, 25%

Malabar / North kerala total = 16.5 mil, muslim 6.1 mil, 37%

South Kerala, Total 15.3 mil, muslim 1.8 mil , 12%

The hand chopping happened in South kerala

Malabar will be the new muslim demand for new state,

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 09-23-2012

Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal , 0.5 mil, 22%

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 09-23-2012

Move to ban Ganesholsavam Thwarted in Malappuram; Kerala's Talibanic Laboratory

23/09/2012 00:41:47 HK Correspondent

Muslim fanatics have been using Malappuram as the test ground for implementing their hidden agenda which is in the knowledge of both the state and central intelligence agencies. Ever since the Muslim League managed to have control of the UDF government, Muslim fanatic groups active in the state have been using the league as safe tavern to carry out their covert and avert operations. Though it all started with show of strength at early stages, the political support, financial might and religious immunity have now given them the leverage to challenge the might of majority community. Malappuram definitely is a Muslim majority district and they have been successful in purging other cast people gradually. The fantastic groups have now turned their attention in banning Hindu festivals in the district and this year they managed to have an order issued by the District Collector banning Ganesolsavam in Ponnani projecting a threat to the law and order situation in that area. Even though the administration has clear information about the Taliban model activities going on in the district at places like Ponnany, Edappal, Mangattur, Parappuram, Pothannur, Green Valley, Chemmankadavu etc. the authorities had no hesitation in issuing the order banning the Ganesolasava procession and Ganesa idol immersion.

Various Hindu organizations immediately came out against this order and demanded suspension of the order. The collector was forced to call an all party meeting to discuss the matter and those attended the meeting including the moderate Muslim leaders were unanimous in their opinion and urged the collector to lift the ban order. Though normalcy has been restored for the time being, the incident should be seen as an example of the designs of Muslim fanatics in the district trying to impose their canons on various disguise using their influence in governance of the state. Such incidents could be repeated in other Muslim majority areas.

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 09-23-2012

Here is the reason, why we cant depend on RSS

The RSS cant protect its own members

Hundreds of RSS members have been murdered by muslims, without any retaliation

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 09-24-2012

Minority agenda in paramilitary?



In a controversial move, the Union Home Ministry has asked the Central Paramilitary Forces (CPF) to take “initiatives for increasing the recruitment of Minorities” along with Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes.

While there are provisions for quota for SC, ST and OBCs in paramilitary forces, there is no such stipulation for Minorities.

In a letter dispatched to the Director Generals of BSF, Assam Rifles, CRPF, ITBP, CISF, SSB, NSG and BPR&D, Minister of State for Home Jitendra Singh directed the Chiefs of these forces to come prepared to discuss the agenda points including “initiatives for increasing the recruitment of Minorities and SC/ST/OBCs” for a meeting that was held on September 20.

The letter issued by OSD to the Minister, Sanjay Gautam on September 6 also urged the DSG of the forces to come prepared with the agenda item titled Initiatives for providing a women friendly environment and increasing their representation in Central Armed Police Forces.

Mentioning the current status in respect of the agenda point “initiatives for increasing the requirement of minorities and SC/ST/OBCs,” the CRPF said in all recruitment boards, representatives of Minorities and SC/STs is detailed as member of the board.

The agenda prepared by the CRPF for discussion at the meeting chaired by the MoS on Thursday also furnished details of Minorities recruited in the CRPF during 2009 and 2010.

According to the profile of Minorities recruited in the CRPF in 2009, as many as 470 Muslims, 111 Sikhs, 24 Buddhists and 181 Christians were recruited into the force. Likewise, 551 Muslims, 115 Sikhs, 68 Buddhists and 218 Christians were inducted into CRPF in 2010.

The CRPF also suggested holding “special coaching classes for physical and written examination” for Minorities besides SC/ST/OBCs by the Central Paramilitary Forces.

The CRPF also suggested imparting education to the candidates from Minorities, SC/ST/OBCs for filling up OMR application forms and use of OMR-based written examination.

In response to an e-mail query by The Pioneer, the CRPF, however, chose to refute the pro-Minority thrust

in appointment.

“CRPF has not taken any initiative to increase the number of minorities in recruitment. No initiative has been taken by CRPF to move any case for change in Constitutional

position. There is a provision of recruitment for SC/ST/OBC as per Constitutional provision and the same is being implemented.”

“It is further apprised that no Head Count for vacancies of SC/ST/OBC/Minorities is being carried out. Moreover, vacancies of SC/ST/OBCs not filled up are carried over to next year. As per usual practice, prevalent in all Government organisations, SC/ST/Minority commissions are regularly being apprised of these vacancies,” the CRPF further said.

The CRPF PRO further said, “CRPF is an organisation where persons from all regions, religions, caste and languages flock together in perfect harmony, for upholding the unity and integrity of the Nation, by even sacrificing their lives.”


The high proportion of muslims in police and army was the main reason for conceding partition

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 09-24-2012

Uttar Pradesh, Nepal border belt

Kheri, total 3.2 mil, muslim 0.6 mil, 19%

Bahraich, total 2.4 mil, muslim 0.8 mil, 33%

Shrawasti, total 1.2 mil, muslim 0.2 mil, 25 %

Balrampur, total 1.7 mil, muslim 0.6 mil. 37%

Siddharth Nagar, total 2 mil, muslim 0.6 mil 30%

Maharajganj, total 2.2 mil, muslim 0.4 mil, 18%

Kushinagar, total 2.9 mil, muslim 0.5 mil, 17%

These districts are not in Harit pradesh

Total 15.6 mil, muslim 3.7 mil, 24%

This is the Nepal border madrasa belt

This is contiguous to Harit pradesh

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 09-24-2012

2001 census

Uttar Pradesh, total = 166 mil

Muslim = 31 mil

Muslim % = 18.7%

Harit Pradesh

Total = 54 mil

Muslim = 14 mil

Muslim % = 26%

Nepal Border belt

Total 15.6 mil

Muslim 3.7 mil, 24%

This is contigous to Harit pradesh and may be lost

Harit-border belt

Total 70 mil

Muslim 18 mil, 26%

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 09-24-2012

2001 census

Uttar Pradesh, total = 166 mil

Muslim = 31 mil

Muslim % = 18.7%

Harit Pradesh + Border belt

Total = 70 mil

Muslim = 18 mil

Muslim % = 26%

Excluding Harit Pradesh + border belt

Total = 96 mil

Muslim = 13 mil

Muslim % = 14%

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 09-24-2012

Per 2001 census

Harit Pradesh + Border belt = 18 mil muslims

Kerala = 7 mil muslims

JK = 7 mil

Assam = 8 mil

WB = 20 mil

North east Bihar ( bordering WB and close to BD ) = 4 mil

Total = 64 mil muslims out of 138 mil muslims

In this regions, muslims are 30% on average and hence not vulnerable

and in fact the dominant ,

so 45% of all Indian muslims ( or even more ) live in muslim majority or near majority regions and are living in defacto mini-pakistans

Assuming that these get partitioned away

In residual India , 890 mil kafirs vs 75 mil muslims, 7.8 % muslim

and we can all practise secularism again

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 09-24-2012

Muslim fanatics fear `NILAVILAKKU’ like the fear Dracula has for `CROSS’

23/09/2012 11:38:27 HK Correspondent

Years ago as a young Muslim League minister when Kunjali Kutty refused to light the `Nilavilakku’ at a state function, many raised their eye brows in disbelief, but the subject died away since the Hindus take everything lightly.

In recent times, when Ministers Muneer and Abdul Rubb followed the footsteps of their leader and kept away from Nilavilakku, it gave a signal about their designs. But now, at Mynagapplly when the new Musaliar at the Madrassa Muhammad Naufal, a NDF activist, directed Muslim students studying at Lakshmi Vilasam High School at Mynagappally not to wear the school uniform bearing the emblem of the school which happens to bear the ‘Nilavilakku’ and ‘Veena’, the issue took a different turn.

This school started in 1921 by the then Travancore Maharaja was named Lakshmi Vilasam to commemorate Rani Lakshmi Bhai and majority students in the school are still Hindus. Emblem of the school was designed about 32 years ago by the PTA which comprised of parents and teachers from all religions.

First the Musaliar directed the Muslim students from the school not to enter the Madrassa wearing the school uniform bearing the school emblem and then instigated the Muslim youth in the area belonging to fanatic groups to scare school authorities with their pressure tactics to remove the emblem from school uniform. When the school authorities refused to budge, the Musalair threatened that they would take out all Muslim students numbering about 500 from the school. The Principal of the School, a Muslim Lady, stood with the PTA and teachers and refused to accept their demand.

The Muslim League leaders in the district then got involved in the issue and gave a demand in writing to the Education Director to have the emblem removed from school uniform. By this time various Hindu organization and BJP in the area also got involved in the issue. The Education Director then directed the school committee to deal with the issue amicably. By this time, parents and students in the school also got divided into two groups and the decision of the committee was to allow the Muslim students to wear uniform without the emblem. So, the Musaliar succeeded in his first attempt.

So, within one week the Musaliar at Mynagappally Madrassa was able to divide the students in this school in to two categories as Muslims and non-Muslim and have even different uniform. A thing to remember in this context is that Mynagappally is the native place of Abdul Nasser Madani, and his headquarters is close to this Madrassa and the school. All changes happening in and around Mynagappally, Karunagappally, Chakkuvally, Bharanikkavu and Sasthamcotta have direct relevance to what he taught his disciples and how venous his sermons were. Behind the bar he may be counting his days, but the religious hatred he preached has spread around are growing in different designs. No wonder that the `Nilavilakku’ has impact on them like the Holy Cross to Dracula.


Just like Vande mataram issue raised by muslims in 1920

Another step to Moplastan

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 09-24-2012

Bihar Nepal Border belt

Paschim Champaran, Total, 3 mil, muslim 0.6 mil, 20%

Purba Champaran, Total 3.9 mil, muslim 0.7 mil, 19%

Sita Marhi, Total 2.7 mil, muslim 0.6 mil, 21%

Madhubani, Total 3.6 mil, muslim 0.6 mil, 17%

Supaul, Total 1.7 mil, muslim 0.3 mil. 17%

Total 14.9 mil, muslim 2.8 mil, 19%

This is also target of Mughalstan

North east bihar

Katihar, 2.4 mil, muslim = 1 mil, 42%

Purnea, 2.5 mil. muslim = 0.94 mil, 37%

Araria, 2.15 mil, muslim = 0.95 mil. 41%

Kishengunj, 1.3 mil, muslim = 0.88 mil, 68%

Total 8.3 mil, muslim 3.7 mil, 45%

Bihar muslims are demanding Seemanchal, which has Nepal border belt and North east bihar

Seemanchal, total 23.2 mil, muslim 6.5 mil, 28%

Seemanchal is part of Mughalstan project

Total Bihar = 83 mil, muslim 13.7 mil = 16.5%

Minus Semanchal

Total bihar = 60 mil, muslim 7.2 mil= 12%

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 09-24-2012

Recalculating Mugalsthan

JK valley = 5 mil

Moplastan = 5 mil

Harit pradesh + Nepal border belt = 18 mil

Seemanchal = 7 mil

WB = 20 mil

Assam = 8 mil

Total = 63 mil

Remaining = 890 mil kafirs + 75 mil muslims ( 7.8% ) and we can have Gandhian secularism again

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 09-24-2012

Why are muslims so aggressive in India, despite being a 13.4% minority

The answer is most of them live in dense ghettos where they are local majority or very strong minority

I shall investigate this

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 09-24-2012

Thanks to the Sikhs, there is a 300 mile muslim free belt from Delhi to Amritsar and that blocks Mughalstan