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The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 08-25-2012

With just 100k soldiers, the british controlled the whole country

With proper use of police, islamic rioting can be controlled

When the Ayodhya judgement came, the cops were pre-positioned and this prevented islamic rioting.

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 08-25-2012

1 army soldier = 10 cops = 100 rioters

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 08-25-2012

MJ.Akbar makes a subtle threat, give us reservations or we take to violence

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 08-25-2012

It is important to encounter kill as many muslim criminals as possible

It is better that the criminals are Hindu criminals than muslim criminals

In times of violence, the muslim criminal morphs into a jihadi

a-la Dawood Ibrahim

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 08-25-2012

Every demand for muslim reservations must be opposed

Pre partition, muslim reservations gave them the ability to sabotage the country

If they resort to violence, so be it,

Their ultimate goal is muslim rule and reservations are a step to it

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 08-25-2012

It will be good for Hindutva groups to adopt a defensive stance, meaning work on consolidating Hindus and let the jihadis show their cards

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 08-25-2012

Because the Assamese are more militant, I do see the Assamese doing fairly well

Kerala is hemmed in by TN and Karnataka

West bengal is actually the most vulnerable

In Kolkata, muslims are 28% by birth, same as in 1947

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 08-26-2012

The Bodoland districts are Kokrajar, Baksal, Chirang, Udalguri

This is directly on the chicken neck of Assam

Just south of the bhutan border, and north of the brahmaputra

Muslims are 25% of this area, but the Bodos have won decisively and are armed

and willing to liquidate the jihadis and this land is safe

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 08-26-2012

The bangladeshis are heavily infesting the south bank of the brahmaputra

Dhubri, 75% muslim

Goalpara , 55% muslim

Barpeta, 65% muslim

Bongaigaon, 50%

These districts are directly on the southern border of bodo land

and the southern half of the chickens neck in Assam

These mullah districts are sandwiched by Bodoland on the north and Meghalaya on the south

And the Meghalaya people, now have been thoroughly anti-islamised and are expelling muslims. They see what is happening in Assam


One of the problems with Sanghi propoganda is that they are very intellectually dumb,

Muslims are indeed 31% of Assam, but 22% of that was already there in 1951 and of the 9% excess, about 4% is due to muslim over-breeding and 5% of the excess is due to infiltration

Muslims are not evenly spread across assam, but rather there in specific pockets of darul-islam

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 08-26-2012

East of Goalpara and Barpeta, we find a huge dharmic pocket north-to-south on the chickens neck

Kamrup, Nalbari, and Baksa district of bodoland

Here the mullahs are just 25% of the population

Kamrup district has the capital Dispur and is heavily policed

So this blocks the mughalstan chain from Dhubri

East of this, we again have a mullah group of districts along the Brahmaputa, - Marigaon, Nagaon and Darrang, where muslims are about 55%

But these are sandwiched by Dharmic districts such as Sonitpur and Karbi Aglong

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 08-26-2012

The next muslim pocket is just north of Tripura, in the barak valley - Cachar, Karimganj, Halaikandi, where the entire population is a blend of 50% bengali hindu and 50% bengali muslim

The unfortunate thing is Bengali hindus are not militant like the Bodos

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 08-26-2012

If you look at Assam to Bangladesh border, there are 2 modes,

One at Dhubri , where the border is riverine and hard to fence and one at Barak valley, near tripura

Barak valley was part of east bengal

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 08-26-2012

Next we move to the Chickens neck area in west bengal

Koch behar = 25% muslim

Darjeeling = 20% muslim

Jalpaiguri = 20% muslim

Darjeeling also has lots of Hindu Gurkhas and Gorkaland council

I feel that these are salvageable

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - balai_c - 08-26-2012

Gsub garu,the actual and most acute problem lies in Waste Bengal(that's how I choose to call the state). Jihadis from islamic bastion like Bangladesh are using it as a launchpad to enter north east, and rest of India. Could you kindly give a demographic breakup of the Rop heavy districts of the state? That can give a estimate of the jihadisation of the state.

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - balai_c - 08-26-2012

Recently , I was watching a programme on a bengali channel on Bhasha dibas(language day), on a bengali channel. The dhimmification of swooned hostesses (bengali hindu, possibly high caste), was breathtaking to say the least! The guests ( bangladeshi muslim singers, both male and female), were using taqqiya to the hilt. It truly was amusing, to say the least, to see muslim women in sarees, singing rabindrasangeet, usual high culture bs, reminding me this also the nation of suhraawardy, killing lakhs of hindus, to get pakistan. Bengali people are truly amazing!? Imagine jews treating fo rmer nazis SS troups with such respect! Truly dhimmis!

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - balai_c - 08-26-2012

deleted, repost.

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 08-26-2012

While Assam has a much higher muslim %, I feel parts of it can be salvaged, thanks to militancy of Oriental race tribals

Historically the bengali Hindus have failed

18 Turkish horsemen captured Bengal in 1210

And from 1210 to 1757, when the british rescued it, there was no major Hindu resistance

Whereas in neighboring bihar, muslims are 15%, Jharkand 15%, Orissa 2% and Assam 15% ( before infiltration ), thanks to relentless Hindu resistance

Bengali Hindus are a mentally defeated people and thats why the RSS failed

Guru Golwalker noted that the bengali Hindu refugee in 1947 did not assault Indian muslims, when they entered India, whereas the more martial Punjabis both Hindu and Sikh took violent vengeance against Indian muslims, when they entered India

In west bengal, the RSS has failed

An ex-RSS pracharak, Tapan Ghosh, has started a self defence group called Hindu Samhati

and trying to salvage the situation

These dumb bengalis worship Kali and Durga and behead goats and buffalos,

instead of joining Bharat Sevashram Sangha,

The Bharat Sevashram Sangha predates the RSS and is a more militant form of RK mission

The Bharat Sevashram Sangha teaches arms training and helps Hindu refugees in riots all over India

The interesting part is their origin is in Bangladesh and they still have the guts to keep an office there.

Whereas RK mission fled Karachi in May 1948 and RK mission in Bangladesh - 90% goes to feed muslims

The salvation of West bengal lies in non-bhadraloks, like Koch Rajbongshis, Gurkhas, Santals, Bharat Sevashram Sangha and Tapan Ghosh of Hindu Samhati

You should read Hindu Samhati website, the region from Kolkata to the BD border is lost

Even in districts where they are just 20%, they are doing riots

IMHO, all the commie fukerjis will end up in bihar and Orissa

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 08-26-2012

The whole issue is not just demographics, it is also a function of local Hindu militancy

JK is a muslim majority state, but given the extreme martial nature of the Jammu Dogras and Ladakhi buddhists, given a free hand, they can bring the 70% mullahs to heel in short time

Western UP is a similar case, 40% of it is muslim and the cities are darul-islam, but every city is surrounded by Jats, and Haryana also surrounds western UP

And Jats were willing to fight Abdali despite being outnumbered 5:1

Orissa is also extremely martial and Tribal Hindus all the way from Orissa to Rajasthan are very martial,

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 08-26-2012

In Gujurat riots, 40k Hindus were made homeless and Bharat Sevashram Sangha helped rehabilitate them

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - balai_c - 08-26-2012

Gsub saab, what about south indian states, specifically kerala, islamists seems to be winning there! What about tamil nadu, I hear periarists seems to be having a tacit alliance with thr rop'ers and more specifically, rol'ers. Is there a chance of a christian promised land here?