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Misc & "Social Engneering" topics - Guest - 04-12-2006

yes, it can be viewed as a little market research.... at present I' ve found macroeconomic information but I can't find information about household appliances demand and supply....

Misc & "Social Engneering" topics - Guest - 06-10-2006

<b>Drug addiction higher in rural Punjab: Study</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The report, Drug Addiction in Punjab: A Sociological Study, released by Punjab Governor SF Rodrigues in Amritsar on Saturday, said an increasing number of youth in the villages of Punjab were taking to drugs like smack (brown sugar).

The study -- <b>which surveyed urban and rural youth, both illiterate and educated, between the ages of 16 and 35 -- said the intake of drugs was higher among rural youth primarily due to unemployment in those areas</b>.

It attributed the high levels of addiction to poverty, lack of awareness and easy availability of drugs and pointed out that government service among other factors reduced the chances of addiction.

Rodrigues said a crusade against drug abuse was required and recommended an 'institutionalised mechanism' with legal, social, administrative and medical support to combat the menace.

He also underscored community participation in the drive against addiction.

A paper on <b>the increasing practice of female foeticide in the state due to 'deep-rooted gender bias' </b>was also presented at the function at Guru Nanak Dev University.

Misc &amp; &quot;Social Engneering&quot; topics - Guest - 07-27-2006

<b>Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment </b>

Dear Group Members,

I want to share my article with you. This is about the link between Mind and Social / Environmental-Issues. The fast-paced, consumerist lifestyle of Industrial Society is causing exponential rise in psychological problems besides destroying the environment. All issues are interlinked. Our Minds cannot be peaceful when attention-spans are down to nanoseconds, microseconds and milliseconds. Our Minds cannot be peaceful if we destroy Nature.

Thank you,
Sushil Yadav

Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment.

Subject : In a fast society slow emotions become extinct.
Subject : A thinking mind cannot feel.
Subject : Scientific/ Industrial/ Financial thinking destroys the planet.
Subject : Environment can never be saved as long as cities exist.

Emotion is what we experience during gaps in our thinking.

If there are no gaps there is no emotion.

Today people are thinking all the time and are mistaking thought (words/ language) for emotion.

When society switches-over from physical work (agriculture) to mental work (scientific/ industrial/ financial/ fast visuals/ fast words ) the speed of thinking keeps on accelerating and the gaps between thinking go on decreasing.

There comes a time when there are almost no gaps.

People become incapable of experiencing/ tolerating gaps.

Emotion ends.

Man becomes machine.

A society that speeds up mentally experiences every mental slowing-down as Depression / Anxiety.

A ( travelling )society that speeds up physically experiences every physical slowing-down as Depression / Anxiety.

A society that entertains itself daily experiences every non-entertaining moment as Depression / Anxiety.





I am trying to get the following experiment conducted in a psychophysiology/ bio-chemistry laboratory.

There is a link between visual / verbal speed ( in perception, memory,
imagery ) and the bio-chemical state of the brain and the body.

Emotion can intensify / sustain only when visual and verbal processing
associated with the emotion slows down ( stops / freezes ).

The degree of difficulty of an emotion depends upon the degree of
freezing (of visuals and words ) required to intensify and sustain that
particular emotion.


Subjects (preferably actors specialising in tragedy / tragic roles )
will be asked to watch a silent video film showing any of the

(1) Human suffering.
(2) Animal suffering.
(3) Suffering ( Destruction ) of Air / Water / Land / Trees.

Subjects will be asked to intensify and sustain the subjective feeling of pain/ grief for the sufferer.

The chemical changes associated with the emotion in the body(blood) would be measured by appropriate methods.

The silent video film will be shown at different speeds :
(1) 125% of actual speed.
(2) Actual/real speed.
(3) 75% of actual speed.
(4) 50% of actual speed.
(5) 25% of actual speed.

Results :

(1) Intensity of emotion increases with the decrease in visual speed.
(2) Intensity of emotion is maximum when visual speed is minimum (25%
of actual speed)

(3) The amount of chemical change associated with the emotion in the
body(blood) will be found to increase with the decrease in visual speed.

(4) The chemical change is maximum when visual speed is minimum.
(5) The amount of chemical change will increase with the decrease in
breathing rate. Breathing becomes so slow and non-rhythmic that it stops
for some time at the inhalation/ exhalation stages.

The above co-relations will be valid for all subjects -even for those who cannot feel pain/ grief. Such subjects will experience emotion associated with boredom/ discomfort/ restlessness/ irritability/ uneasiness. The chemicals released will be different but the co-relation between visual speed and amount of chemical will be same( the breathing rates will be different/ fast).
All subjects will experience some kind of emotion.

[If scientists can discover 4000 different chemicals in cigarette-smoke then they can certainly detect the few chemicals released in blood when weexperience higher-level emotions like pain, empathy, compassion, remorse etc… ]

In the 2nd stage of experiment we shall replace the silent video film with a Narrator ( Audio only ) and repeat the procedure thereby establishing the link between intensity of emotion and verbal speed. The narrator will slow down verbal speed by-- speaking slowly, stretching words, repetition of words/ sentences & making use of
pause/ silence between words.

Please note:
While this statement is generally true for all emotions, it is
particularly true for all painful emotions.

(2) In a society in which visual ( verbal ) speed and breathing- rates
are fast , pain / remorse / empathy cannot be experienced. It is

Proof of the link between pain and slow visuals / words :-

In the last century man has made thousands of movies / films on various
themes / subjects. Whenever pain / tragedy is shown in any film the
visuals ( scenes ) and words ( dialogues ) are always slowed down. In
many films tragedy is shown in slow motion. At the most intense moment
of pain the films almost become static / stationary.

Tragedy-films provide direct proof / evidence of the link between pain
and slowness.

Pain can intensify / sustain only when visual ( and verbal ) speed slows
down( stops/ freezes).


One thousand years ago visuals would change only when man physically
moved himself to a new place or when other people ( animals / birds )
and objects ( clouds / water ) physically moved themselves before him.

Today man sits in front of TV / Computer and watches the rapidly
changing visuals / audio.

He sits in a vehicle ( car / train / bus ) and as it moves he watches
the rapidly changing visuals.

He turns the pages of a book / newspaper / magazine and sees many
visuals / text in a short span.


In ancient times verbal processing was “live” in nature—ie it happened when people actually spoke.
Today there is non-stop verbal processing inside the mind through print and electronic media ( newspapers, books, magazines, radio, television, computer etc…) as a result of which the verbal content & speed has increased thousands of times.

The speed of visuals ( and words ) has increased so much during the last
one hundred years that today the human brain has become incapable of
focussing on slow visuals /words through perception, memory, imagery.

If we cannot focus on slow visuals / words we cannot experience emotions associated with slow visuals /words.

Before the advent of Industrial Revolution Man's thinking was primarily
limited to :

(a) visual processing ( slow visuals )
(b) verbal / language processing ( slow words )

Today there are many kinds of fast thinking :

(1) visual processing ( fast visuals )
(2) verbal / language processing ( fast words )
(3) Scientific / Technical thinking ( fast )
(4) Industrial thinking ( fast )
(5) Business thinking ( fast )


As long as the mind is doing this kind of thinking it cannot feel any
emotion - not an iota of emotion.

In a fast society slow emotions become extinct.
In a thinking ( scientific / industrial ) society emotion itself becomes extinct.


There are certain categories of people who feel more emotion (subjective experience ) than others.

If we attempt to understand why (and how ) they feel more emotion we can learn a lot about emotion.

Writers, poets, actors, painters ( and other artists )

Writers do verbal ( and associated visual) processing whole day- every day.
They do slow verbal ( and associated visual) processing every day.
(A novel that we read in 2 hours might have taken 2 years to write. This is also the reason why the reader can never feel the intensity & duration of emotion experienced by the writer )

Poets do verbal ( and associated visual ) processing whole day- every day.
There is more emotion in poetry than in prose.
This happens because there are very few words ( and associated visuals ) in poetry than in any other kind of writing.
There is a very high degree of freezing / slowing down of visuals & words in poetry.

Actors do verbal ( and associated visual ) processing whole day- every day. During shooting / rehearsal they repeat the dialogues ( words ) again and again ( the associated visuals / scenes also get repeated along with the dialogues )

Painters do visual ( and associated verbal ) processing whole day- every day.
They do extremely slow visual processing - The visual on the canvas changes only when the painter adds to what already exists on the canvas.

There are some important points to be noted :

All these people do visual & verbal processing - whole day - every day.
They do slow visual & verbal processing.
They do not do scientific / industrial / business processing whole day - every day.

Most of the city people doing mental work either do this kind of mental processing which is associated with NUMBERS / SYMBOLS/ Equations / Graphs / CIRCUITS / DIAGRAMS / MONEY / ACCOUNTING etc… or they do fast visual ( verbal ) processing whole day - every day.

This kind of thinking ( processing ) has come into existence only during the last 200 years and has destroyed our emotional ability ( circuits ).


Suppose the maximum intensity(and duration) of a particular emotion that
can be experienced by any human being is 100 units.

Let us suppose the maximum intensity(and duration) of that particular emotion ever
experienced by two people A & B in their entire life is :
A - 100units
B - 20 units

Now suppose A & B are made subjects on a particular day and are asked
to feel that particular emotion under experimental conditions ( or
outside the laboratory ) and the intensity &duration they actually experience is

A - 90 units
B - 18 units

If A & B are then asked to indicate the intensity &duration of emotion on a scale
of 0 -10 their response is likely to be ;

A - 9
B - 9

Who is right and who is wrong ?
A is right.
B is wrong - B is wrong by a wide margin - B has experienced an
intensity(and duration) of 18 units out of a maximum of 100 units and his correct / actual score should be 1.8

Self- assessment ( self rating ) can be accurate only if people have
the capacity to experience the highest intensity &duration ( units ) of the
particular emotion under study.

Because of physical work and slow visual/verbal processing in small(slow)agriculture based societies of the past, the mind used to experience a state of emotion all the time. If we read one thousand-year-old literature we will not come across the term "boredom" -the concept of boredom did not exist in slow societies. There were long gaps between different visuals and between words/ sentences -and people had the ability to experience/ tolerate the gaps -it was normal for them.

Emotion can intensify / sustain only when visual / verbal processing slows down ( stops / freezes ). In an Industrial (thinking) society people experience very little emotion because of fast ( visual / verbal / scientific / industrial / business ) thinking

Suppose the maximum intensity and duration of a particular emotion ( for most people ) in a fast society has reduced to 5 units ( from 100 units that people used to experience in earlier /slower societies ).

If such people experience 4 units of emotion they will give themselves a
rating /score of 8 on a scale of 0-10 whereas their actual score should
be 0.4


[Please note :
Fast emotions =emotions associated with fast visuals/fast words/fast breathing/fast heart-rate.
Slow emotions=emotions associated with slow visuals/slow words/slow breathing/slow heart-rate.
Rate of thinking=number of visuals/words processed per minute.
Gaps between thinking =gaps between visuals/ words/ sentences.]

<b>IQ Vs EQ </b>

IQ always has an element of change in it – IQ is about trying to make/ discover/ invent something new all the time.
Change is an inherent feature of IQ.
IQ is also about thinking more in less time—it involves speeding up of mind. Someone who does more mathematics in less time is considered more intelligent in mathematics. IQ is about change and speed.

EQ is about sustainment of the same feeling/experience over a period of time. When we experience any higher-level emotion for 10 minutes we experience the same feeling( subjective experience) over and over again for 10 minutes.
The( same) feeling can sustain only if there is Repetition.
EQ involves Repetition—Constancy—Sameness.

IQ and EQ are contradictory.
IQ and EQ are opposites.
IQ and EQ are inversely proportional.

(1) A thinking species destroys the planet.
(2) Animals lived on earth for billions of years (in very large numbers)
without destroying nature.
(3) They did not destroy nature because their thinking / activity was
limited to searching for food for one time only.
(4) Man has existed on earth in large numbers for only a few thousand
years / a few hundred years.
(5) Within this short period Man has destroyed the environment.
(6) This destruction took place because of Man's thinking.
(7) When man thinks he makes things.
(8) When he makes things he kills animals / trees / air / water / land.
( Nothing can be made without killing these five elements of nature ).

(9) A thinking species destroys the planet.

<b>Intelligence Is A Curse. </b>

This planet is on the verge of total destruction.

The cause of destruction is – overactivity.
[Out of millions of species in this world the human-species is the only one that has indulged in overactivity]

The cause of overactivity is – Intelligence.
[The environment would never have got destroyed if Man had been only as intelligent as animals]

Intelligence is a curse - a disease - a disability - an abnormality.

Intelligence is the biggest cause/ source of destruction in this world.

[In fact Intelligence is the only cause of destruction in this world other than natural causes]


There is no higher purpose behind work.

People do not work because they want to work.
People work because they cannot stop working.

The energy generated by the food we eat forces us to work ceaselessly.

Energy = Energy[Physical Work] + Energy[Mental Work] + Energy[Suffering/ Subjective Experience]

All three energies on the right side are inversely proportional to one another.

When we do hard physical work or hard mental work or a combination of physical work and mental work almost all energy is used up in doing work.

When we stop physical work and mental work the unused energy is experienced as suffering/ anxiety/ discomfort. This suffering is so intense - so unbearable - that most people cannot stop physical activity and mental activity simultaneously for even 2 minutes.

People do not work because they want to work.
People do not work for their family.
People do not work for their nation.
People do not work for any reason.

People work because they cannot stop working.

It does not matter what kind of work we do - whether it is physical work or any kind of mental work. As soon as we stop working we suffer from restlessness, anxiety, uneasiness and discomfort.

[In Yoga and Meditation the goal is to stop Physical Activity and Mental Activity simultaneously - and then transform the subjective-experience of restlessness/ anxiety/ suffering into peace. This requires ability and years of effort]

For most people it is a choice between physical and mental work.
The switch-over from physical work to mental work is disastrous for the planet.

Man can do the same physical work every day.
Man cannot do the same mental work every day.

When man used to do physical work ( farming and related activities ) he could do the same repetitive work day after day- generation after generation.

After the Industrial Revolution when man switched-over to mental work he
began a never ending process of making new machines / things / products--
a process which can only end with the complete destruction of environment ( planet ).

When society switches over from physical work to mental work it starts making thousands of consumer goods. People start calling them necessities. They are not necessities at all - 90% of consumer goods that we see today did not exist 50 years ago. Food, Water, Air, Little clothing, Little Shelter - these are necessities.

Today people are making thousands of consumer goods - not because they are necessities - but because they cannot stop making them. People cannot stop doing work - After switching over to mental work they will keep on making thousands of unnecessary consumer goods. This is the reason why the switch-over from physical work to mental work is so destructive. This is the point of no-return - once this is crossed the destruction of Environment/ Nature is inevitable.

The nature of mental work is such that man has to do new mental work every day- in fact he has to do new mental work every moment- Man cannot repeat in the next moment the mental work that he has already done in the previous moment.

A mathematician cannot solve the same problem of mathematics every day- once he has solved it he will be forced to take up a new( unsolved) problem. Even when he is solving one particular problem he has to move from one step to another - there is a continuous change involved -- there is no constancy at any stage.

An engineer cannot design the same machine again and again –once he has made a machine he will try to make changes/ design a new one.

A writer cannot write the same article every day- he will be forced to write something new every day/ every moment (This is also the reason behind endless discussions/ debates/ arguments).

<b>Discussions, Debates and Arguments. </b>

Let us examine how much discussion we are collectively having in Industrial Society every day.

Millions of pages in print – newspapers / books / magazines.
Millions of web-pages on internet every day.

Now add to this all the conversation (discussion) we are having through radio / television / telephone and several other media every day.

And add to this all the discussion we are having through face-to-face interaction.

The volume of discussion per individual in one week is greater than the total discussion someone living in pre-industrial society would have in his entire life.

There is too much discussion in modern society.
Discussion is not solving our problems – discussion itself has become a problem – a gigantic problem.

A society that does mental work will discuss itself to destruction [extinction]

A society that does mental work will argue itself to destruction [extinction]

A society that does mental work will debate itself to destruction [extinction]

A society that does mental work can never stop discussions / debates / arguments – it is impossible. It will discuss / debate / argue till the last moment of it’s existence.

Discussions / Debates / Arguments – these are creations of a society that has switched-over from physical work to mental work.

Discussions / Debates / Arguments – these are diseases of a society that has switched-over from physical work to mental work.

Discussions / debates / arguments can end only in agriculture-based societies that do physical work.

We cannot do physical-work and mental-work simultaneously.

There is an inverse relationship between physical-work and mental-work.
If one is high [more] the other has got to be low [less]

If we want to do physical work we have to reduce mental activity by the same proportion.
If we want to do mental work we have to reduce physical activity by the same proportion.

There is very little discussion / debate / argument in societies that do physical work - ie, agriculture-based societies - And this is the reason why they are millions of times saner than industrial societies.

Change is an inherent feature of mental work.

Since change is an inherent feature of mental work - a society that does mental work can never be at peace with itself – it is impossible.

A society that does mental work will always be restless.

Only those societies that do physical work [agriculture and related activities] can find contentment and peace.


To save the [ remaining ] environment from destruction man will have to
return back to physical work [ smaller communities ].

To save the mind from mental diseases man will have to return back to physical work [ smaller communities ].

<b>Criminality and Abnormality. </b>

Industrial Society has collectively killed billions of Animals and Trees [ Remember -plant and animal species developed over a period of millions ofyears]

It has also killed most of Water and Air [ Please note - polluting Water and Air is equivalent to killing Water and Air ]

The soil was not fertile when the earth was created. It became fertile - very slowly - over a period of millions of years. And look what man has done - He has covered millions and millions of hectares of land with cement and concrete. All the land that has been covered with cement and concrete has been killed.

Man has stockpiled thousands of tonnes of highly radioactive nuclear material and nuclear waste which is going to remain highly radioactive and carcinogenic for the next thousands of years - and which has already leaked into the environment hundreds of times.

What could be more criminal than this.
What could be more abnormal than this.

Lawyers and Judges are trying to catch a few criminals.
They don’t realize the entire Industrial Society is criminal.

Psychologists and Psychiatrists are trying to classify a few people as abnormal.
They don’t realize the entire Industrial Society is abnormal.

Industrial Society is collectively making millions of tonnes of weapons and explosives [of all kinds] every year – and then it wonders why there is so much violence in this world.

Big Mystery.

If you make millions of tonnes of weapons and explosives on earth they are going to be used on earth – they are not going to be used on Mars.

Make things
Buy things
Sell things

This is not the purpose of life.

Destroy Shopping Culture.

No one deserves more.
Everyone deserves less.

There was a time when Man knew nothing about the number of species and millions of species existed.
Today Man knows the names of millions of species and nothing is left of the species.

It took millions of years for millions of species to slowly come into existence on earth - and man has decimated all other species.

After destroying millions of highly-developed species on earth Man is today searching for a few molecules of life in outer-space.

If a few microbes, a few molecules of methane / water are found on Mars - it becomes the newspaper headline.

They call it progress.

The following is about to come true.

Nature can exist

(1) before man.
(2) after man.
(3) not with man.

Environment can be saved only if we stop production of most [ more than
99% ] of the consumer goods we are making today.



Time is running out for this planet.

Regarding Industrialization there is an important point to be noted. Modern Industrial Society has existed for 100 years - 200 years - 300 years. When we compare this period with the total duration for which human society has existed on earth this period is so short - so small that it almost does'nt exist. It is almost zero.

Material things don't bring peace and happiness. Today billions of people have got things which even Kings did not have in the past. Car, computer, television, fridge, telephone - no King ever had these things. But people are still restless and unhappy.

Consumerist-Lifestyle is just not sustainable. If we do not immediately return to living a very simple and frugal life then very soon there will be no human life on earth.

<b>Think Positive. </b>

Psychologists say -- Think Positive.
Politicians say – Think Positive.
Economists say – Think Positive.
Scientists say – Think Positive.
Everyone says – Think Positive.

Arctic ice is melting – Glaciers are melting – Rivers are drying up.
Think Positive.

Fish population in Oceans is down to 1/3 of what it was 100 years ago.
Think Positive.

Pollution levels are going sky-high and valley-deep.
Think Positive.

There used to be millions of members in most species of Animals and Birds. Now they are down to thousands and hundreds.
Think Positive.

Weather is getting more and more irregular and unpredictable.
Think Positive.

Thinking positive is the height of insanity.
Thinking positive is the height of abnormality.

This is a world that has become completely incapable of feeling Pain, Compassion, Remorse and Guilt.
The planet is getting destroyed moment by moment – and people are thinking positive.

Very soon there will be 1 Animal and 1 Tree left in this world – and people will still be thinking positive.

They will be holding Seminars, Conferences and Global-Summits to save the Environment.

There is an important point which the human-species needs to understand. People think they can save the Environment by doing something.

We can never save the environment by doing something.

It is overactivity that has destroyed environment in the first place.

Human-species is the only one out of millions of species that has indulged in overactivity on this planet [ And for this very reason the human speciesis going to exist on earth for the least amount of time]

And it is not Mild Overactivity – It is Excessive Overactivity – Exponential Overactivity.

We cannot save the environment by doing something.

We can only save it by doing less of what we have been doing - much less of what we have been doing.

If we want to save environment we will have to reduce human activity [overactivity] by 99%.

<b>The Illogical Logic of Man. </b>

A few birds have got infected with bird-flu and Man has started killing millions of birds.
They say birds are a threat to humans.

Sometime ago there was Mad Cow disease and Man started killing hundreds of thousands of cows.
They said cows are a threat to humans.

Ever since Man came into existence - millions of humans with infectious diseases have transferred such diseases to millions of other people - and will continue to infect millions more in future.
Such people are a threat to rest of the people.
Man should follow the same logic here and kill all infected people.

It is Man who has killed millions of people in Wars and other forms of Violence – and can kill millions more any time in future.
Man should follow the same logic here and kill all people.

It is the human species which is the greatest threat to humans and all other life on this planet - In fact the human species is the only species which is a threat to all life on Earth.

Man has decimated all Animal and Plant species – polluted the Sky and Oceans - and poisioned every square inch of earth.

In a mere 200 - 300 years Industrial Society has destroyed all that Nature laboriously created over a period of millions of years.

Humans pose the greatest threat to other humans.
Humans pose the greatest threat to all other life on earth.

The so-called Rational and Civilized Man should follow the same logic here - and destroy the entire human race.

Please note :

If you indulge in Factory Farming – If you torture the birds – confine millions of them in prison like conditions – depriving them of Sunlight and the freedom to walk and fly – you are creating an environment for the spread of virus and disease.

<b>Lifestyle of Mass Destruction. </b>

Destruction is an inherent feature of Development.

Progress = Destruction of Nature.
Development = Destruction of Nature.

We can have Sustainable Lifestyle.
We cannot have Sustainable Development.

Development can never be sustainable.
Sustainability and Development cannot exist together.

Development and Sustainability are opposites.
Development and Sustainability are contradictory.

Sustainable Living is associated with consuming less – being satisfied with a simple and frugal life.
Development is associated with never ending desires – always wanting more.

Sustainable lifestyle requires Constancy.
Sustainable lifestyle requires Sameness.
Sustainable lifestyle requires Repetition.

Development is associated with Change.
Development is associated with New.
Development is associated with Transience.

Industrial Societies can never be sustainable – When you make thousands of consumer goods you kill Nature - you kill Animals, Trees, Air, Water and Land.

A Society that does mental work [city based] can never be sustainable - it will keep on making consumer goods - destroying the environment moment by moment.

Only agriculture-based societies that do physical work can be sustainable.

The term Sustainable Development is like the terms

Stationary Walk.
Silent Talk.
Wakeful Sleep.
Dark Sun
Gentle Torture.
Dry Rain.
Peaceful War.

There was a time when Man used to say –

I work in order to feed my family.
I work in order to put Food on the Table.

Today man is putting a lot more than Food on the Table.

Cars, Computers, ipods, Aeroplanes, 200 TV Channels, Luxury Yatchs, Caribbean Vacations, Palatial Homes, Video Phones, Designer Clothes, Designer Drugs, Cosmetic Surgery …………… The list is endless.

Man is putting thousands of consumer goods and services on the Table.
There is too much weight on the Table.
<b>And the Table has begun to creak. </b>

The more you put on your table the more you take out from the mouths of Animals and Birds.

The more you put on your table the more you kill Animals and Trees.

The more you put on your table the more you kill Water, Air and Land.

The more you put on your table the more you kill Mountains and Valleys.

The more you put on your table the more you kill the Sky and Oceans - the Rivers and Lakes.

There are so many things on the Table that one can barely see the Food.

We need just a few things to live.
And we are making thousands of things.

Billions of people are engaged in making, buying and selling of thousands of consumer goods.

Destroy Shopping Culture.

Go back to Simple Living.
Go back to putting just Food on the Table.


Misc &amp; &quot;Social Engneering&quot; topics - Guest - 07-27-2006

sushil_yadav ,
Why you are using Internet, computer or electricity?
Have you noticed any change in yourself?

Misc &amp; &quot;Social Engneering&quot; topics - Guest - 07-27-2006


You have asked why I am using the computer when I am against science/technology/ Industry.

I am not using the computer for fun.
I am not using it for business.
I am not using it to promote technology.
I am using it for a cause - I am trying to save the Environment. If the environment were not getting destroyed I would not be needing the computer to spread the message.

The rate of destruction of environment is exponential - environment is getting destroyed at such a fast rate that very soon it will be beyond recovery - beyond the point of no-return. Under these circumstances one cannot expect me to send my article by pigeon-mail.


Misc &amp; &quot;Social Engneering&quot; topics - Guest - 07-27-2006

Let me ask you again, what is your and your family efforts in this cause -
How many trees have you planted and still standing?
Are you using solar energy to get electricity?
Are you collecting rain water for whole year?
Are you using colorless clothes everyday?
I hope you are not using any leather product?
Are you using organic products?

I want to know your and your family individual contribution towards saving environment, no rhetoric please.

Misc &amp; &quot;Social Engneering&quot; topics - Guest - 07-28-2006

>>>>Subject : In a fast society slow emotions become extinct.
Subject : A thinking mind cannot feel.<<
I agree to this. Well put

>>Subject : Environment can never be saved as long as cities exist<<

My be not cities but industries are the problems. cities were there since harappa.

>>Emotion is what we experience during gaps in our thinking.
If there are no gaps there is no emotion<<

You might have something here.

>>Intensity of emotion increases with the decrease in visual speed<<

I am not sure if slow mo has to do so much with emotion, may be with focus. I think we don't just use slo mo just for emotional scenes but also for dramatic or love scenes. There could be 2 reasons for this, 1) At regular speed we may miss some of the features on the screen. In slow mo we are able to catch everything, expression of eyes, face, environment, body language etc, at regular speed we might just catch any one of those features of a scene. 2) Slow Mo replicates how we feel when we are focused. When we are danger, eg hanging from a cliff, see a car rushing towards us, etc we see events happening very slowly, it might have less to do with emotions but more to do with heightened sense of focus at times like these.

While this statement is generally true for all emotions, it is
particularly true for all painful emotions.

(2) In a society in which visual ( verbal ) speed and breathing- rates
are fast , pain / remorse / empathy cannot be experienced. It is

I do see your point. That if in day to day life if you are busy/fast, going from one thinking process to another, you do not feel any deep or subtle emotional feel rather mostly feel physical sensations like touch, etc. we do become like machines.

>>Today there is non-stop verbal processing inside the mind through print and electronic media ( newspapers, books, magazines, radio, television, computer etc…) as a result of which the verbal content & speed has increased thousands of times.<<

I think that is a great observation. Not sure I agree with your conclusions though. I think the culprit may not be the speed but the volume of the contents we are consuming. Since we want to consume a lot we consume it fast. Rather then the other way around. Its is like trying to finish 10 different ice cream rather than picking just one that one may like the most and enjoying it with ease.

>> In a thinking ( scientific / industrial ) society emotion itself becomes extinct<<
I think emotions do not become extinct but they get postponed. It is the act of separating your karma from dharma. Working with your minds and hearts eyes closed for a certain time. Than take a break and cater to the need of heart. This happens especially in west where people may do some acts for fulfillment of body and some for the fulfillment of soul. Most do not do one act that would fulfill their body and sole.
This is a typical Western - warrior mentality. Where you go on the war/work with single objective ignoring common sense ignoring pain. The eastern–social mentality on the other hand is to do what satisfies the soul and mind.

You have some keen observations. Good to talk about it.

Misc &amp; &quot;Social Engneering&quot; topics - Guest - 07-28-2006

<!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Jul 27 2006, 08:35 PM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ Jul 27 2006, 08:35 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->sushil_yadav,
Let me ask you again, what is your and your family efforts in this cause -
How many trees have you planted and still standing?
Are you using solar energy to get electricity?
Are you collecting rain water for whole year?
Are you using colorless clothes everyday?
I hope you are not using any leather product?
Are you using organic products?

I want to know your and your family individual contribution towards saving environment, no rhetoric please.

Mudy you are being childish. Sushil is bringing up a totally diffrent perspective then most people see. his point must be carefully debated and checked. more people should participate in discussing it. he cannot do that simply by starting to practise his theory himself right away. once he uses computer and mainstream tools he can get his message accross and have more people thinking with his point of view.

One purest human will do no good to the entire world, but one semi pure who has the ability to spread his message of purity to millions is more useful.

Misc &amp; &quot;Social Engneering&quot; topics - Guest - 08-14-2006

<b>PepsiCo Names CFO Indra K. Nooyi to Replace Retiring CEO Steven Reinemund </b>

Misc &amp; &quot;Social Engneering&quot; topics - Guest - 09-07-2006

I just heard a strange story about India's funny banking system, and I want to know if it's really true. I heard that you need to open a new bank account if you decide to move to a different place even if you have been using the same bank all along. Is this true?

Your userhandle will be changed. And no signatures allowed. Thanks.

Misc &amp; &quot;Social Engneering&quot; topics - Guest - 09-23-2006

<!--emo&Sad--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif' /><!--endemo--> Recently came across this:
The only people with any voice in India are the poor; the rest are forced either to resort to corruption as the rich do, or to indifference, as the middle classes do. The conclusion is thus that Indian democracy survives mainly because the middle classes have in essence been relegated to second-class citizenship.
Here is my response thereof:
The poor in India have nothing more to lose and they are vocal. At the same time, the middle class is idol for the poor 'coz that's the nearest they can go2.
I could not have agreed with you more that middle class is indifferent but their's is steadied silence as they are hardly left with any time after day's struggle and at the same time, they are almost noveo rich if not the rich and those who are not; are constantly struggling to be rich. So to say, rich are idols for middle class.
Now calling all the rich as corrupt is not okay, perhaps, you meant those who want to be overnight rich.
Anymore for manymore!

Misc &amp; &quot;Social Engneering&quot; topics - Guest - 09-23-2006

<!--QuoteBegin-SSam+Sep 7 2006, 02:11 AM-->QUOTE(SSam @ Sep 7 2006, 02:11 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->I just heard a strange story about India's funny banking system, and I want to know if it's really true.  I heard that you need to open a new bank account if you decide to move to a different place even if you have been using the same bank all along.  Is this true?
it used to be true until a decade back, when branches were not digitally networked. And nothing particularly funny about Indian banking system in this - it was just like this anywhere else in the world too.

After banking network digitization, one doesn't need to move the account. I have myself moved from many places to many places within India and even abroad, maintaining the same bank account all along.

Check out ICICI bank ( second largest bank in India.

Misc &amp; &quot;Social Engneering&quot; topics - Guest - 10-17-2006

<!--emo&:cool--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/specool.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='specool.gif' /><!--endemo--> Gayatri mantra-- spiritual awakening of India by 2012

In Ferbruary of 2006, there was a meeting between several great
saints of present times (Pujya Swami Dayananda (,, Sri Sri Ravishankerji ( and
Dr. Prananv Pandyaji ( at Dev Sanskritit Viswavidyalalya
docid=6167868907729603382- 15 min video on DSVV) . Ashok Singhalji
(president, VHP) also attended the meeting.

Yug Pravah vidoe magazine No 100 contains lecutres of these great
souls given during the meeting. Pujya Swami Dayananda explained the
meaning of Gayatri Mantra ( in English). Shri Shri Ravishankerji
shared some beautiful treasures of spirituality ( in Hindi) and
respected Ashok Singhalji spoke about awakening of India and role of
spiritual masters and Dr. Prananv Pandyaji talked about singinficance
of years 2011-2012 and 2020 in India becoming Jagat Guru. ( in Hindi)

I thought many of you may like to watch these online video lectures. ( 43

Hope you enjoy these lectures. Please pass the video link to other
spiritual seekers/communities if you like it.

Datta Pandya

Misc &amp; &quot;Social Engneering&quot; topics - Guest - 10-17-2006

I would like to introduce to Dr. Pranav Pandya's keynote address ( 54
minutes in English) on "The role of spirituality in corporate
governance" at the symposium on Excellence in Corporate Culture
organized by Reliance Industries in Mumbai, India

This video lecture can now be listened on Google video ( a free
service) at

Dr. Pranav Pandya, M.D. is a very distinguished personality and is
Head of All World Gayatri Pariwar ( an internatinal spiritual
organization --,
Chancellor of Dev Sanskriti Viswavidyalaya ( a large Spiritual
University located in Haridwar, India--,
Chief Editor, Akand Jyoti or The Divine Light (a spiritual magazine
publsihed in seveln languages and with over 1 million world wide
President of Swami Vivekanand Yogvidya Mahapeeth ( Bangalore, India),
Director of Bharmavarchas Research Center

Hope you will enjoy the lecture. Please pass the info. to anyone who
may be interested.

Datta Pandya

Misc &amp; &quot;Social Engneering&quot; topics - Guest - 10-27-2006

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Chinese-made idols rule Indian markets</b>
IANS[ SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2006 12:17:25 PM]

NEW DELHI:<b> Chinese-made idols of Hindu gods and goddesses are flooding Indian markets, especially during festivals like Diwali, Durga Puja and Ganesh Chaturthi, raking up a lot of moolah. On top of their neat and shiny appearance, consumers find the price tag just right.</b>

The demand for them is soaring, mainly because they are considered the best choice for decoration if not for immersion in ponds and lakes. And what began as a trickle some years ago has now become a flood.

"The demand has grown exponentially since last year and people are finding it more attractive than the Indian-made idols," Sharad Goyal of Kriti Creations, a shop in south Delhi's Khan Market, told IANS.

In the last one week the shop has sold more than 50-60 idols of Ganesha and Lakshmi, which Goyal says has meant an increase of 30 percent in profits from a year ago.

<b>Across the city, depending on their size, raw materials used and markets one goes to, the price of a pair of Ganesha and Lakshmi ranges from Rs.40 to as high as Rs.2,000. </b>

"Most of them illegally enter the Indian market, thanks to a strong network and distribution channel," said Bikky Khosla, chief executive of, a leading B2B portal.

"The idol making industry is a huge market. So it is quite natural for Chinese businessmen to take advantage of this tremendous money-making potential," Khosla stressed.

The usual practice of Chinese manufacturers is to send an expert team to study the Indian market and understand the current trends, especially during the festive season. Armed with the knowledge, they produce in China in bulk what the Indians are looking for, with slight innovations and export them through various channels to this country with a cheaper price tag.

The figurines are made of papier mache, fibre glass and porcelain. All the idols are machine made, in contrast to the Indian counterparts that are more often than not hand crafted.

Said Arpana Singh, a young housewife: "The Chinese-made goods are much neater and shinier as they are moulded. People often prefer them as they are cheap and good for decorative purposes. But they are of doubtful quality."

Khosla said: "This huge influx of Chinese goods have killed almost 60 percent of our cottage industry. However, in this age of globalisation we cannot run away from these issues but we need to empower our artisans and give them proper training."

<b>The fact that a Communist nation that has no organized religion has no compunction about making Hindu gods to further business prospects is typical of the pragmatism that governs its economic philosophy and has made it one of the world's top trading nations. </b>.

Misc &amp; &quot;Social Engneering&quot; topics - Guest - 11-02-2006

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Abdul Kalam praises RSS veteran Nanaji Deshmukh</b>
11/1/2006 2:06:49 PM  IANS
New Delhi, Nov 1 (IANS) President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Wednesday lavished praise on veteran Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) leader Nanaji Deshmukh, commending to the nation the litigation-free model of resolving disputes he had devised.

<b>This model had ensured that the 80 villages around Chitrakoot in Madhya Pradesh where Deshmukh is based, 'are almost litigation-free', the president noted while delivering the 12th Justice Sunanda Bhadare Memorial Lecture here on 'Judiciary and its multi-dimensions'.

'In Chitrakoot, I met Nanaji Deshmukh and his team members belonging to the Deendayal Research Institute (DRI). DRI is a unique institution developing and implementing a village development model which is most suited for India,' the president said.

'Apart from all the development activities, the institute is facilitating a cohesive conflict free society. As a result of this, I understand that the 80 villages around Chitrakoot are almost litigation-free.</b>

'The villagers have unanimously decided that no dispute will find its way to court. The differences will be sorted out amicably in the village itself. The reason given by Nanaji Deshmukh is that if the people fight among each other, they have no time for development,' the president added.

'I consider that this model may be propagated in many parts of the country by societal organisations, judicial organisations and government,' Kalam contended.

Misc &amp; &quot;Social Engneering&quot; topics - Guest - 04-27-2007

A car that runs on air, in India soon
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Tata Motors has signed an agreement with Moteur Development International of France to develop a car that runs on compressed air, thus making it very economical to run and be almost totally pollution free.

Although there is no official word on when the car will be commercially manufactured for India, reports say that it will be sooner than later.

The car -- MiniCAT -- could cost around Rs 350,000 in India and would have a range of around 300 km between refuels. The cost of a refill would be about Rs 90.

Misc &amp; &quot;Social Engneering&quot; topics - Guest - 05-29-2007

PM Manmohan's Ten Point Social Charter

To which Swapan Dasgupta responds:
Needed: Ethical capitalism
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The problem with neo-socialists like Manmohan is that they can never get away from their obsession with state control and regulation. The history of the past 15 years has shown that India prospers the moment the "commanding heights" of the economy are given over to market forces. India has progressed from the bad old days of shortages and crippling taxation because the economy is now entrepreneur driven. The Indian corporate sector isn't perfect, but at least, it is fulfilling its rajdharma: Making profits. When will the Government start doing its bit?
Manmohan advised corporates to keep profits within the bounds of "decency". It would have been even-handed had he also examined the sheer indecency of state-run welfare schemes. The reason the UPA Government is unable to point to tangible achievements after three years is because its profligate schemes such as the Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme is mired in corruption and incompetence. Is the efficiency of entrepreneurship to blame for this colossal ineptitude and "vulgar" waste? Is the Government's failure to curb inflation and keep interest rates to modest levels due to the collective failure of CII members?
When politicians run out of achievements, they fall back on base instincts. Throughout history, Socialism has been an instrument for arousing envy and deprecating success. It speaks volumes for the bankruptcy of the UPA that the Prime Minister has been reduced to berating Page Three vulgarity and advocating quota - the hoary rich-bad-poor-good syndrome.
India needs ethical capitalism and a mindset of compassion and generosity. But it could equally do with purposeful and efficient Government. As of now, not only is one side making all the profits and the other side all the losses, but losers actually have the audacity to be sanctimonious about letting Bharat down

Misc &amp; &quot;Social Engneering&quot; topics - Guest - 07-28-2007

A welcome development: Fed up, India to set up "do not call" register

Misc &amp; &quot;Social Engneering&quot; topics - Guest - 11-19-2007

<!--emo&Sad--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif' /><!--endemo--> अरबपतियों के थोड़े से पैस से खत्म हो सकता है वित्तीय घाटा
19 Nov 2007, 0118 hrs IST,पीटीआई
नई दिल्लीः वित्तीय घाटे पर काबू पाना इंडियन इकॉनमी के लिए बड़ी चुनौती है। सरकार की तमाम कोशिशों के बावजूद यह समस्या बरकरार है। लेकिन यह समस्या चुटकी बजाते खत्म हो सकती है, अगर भारत के सभी अरबपति अपनी संपत्ति का 10वां हिस्सा देश को दान कर दें।

हाल में अमेरिकी मैगजीन फोर्ब्स ने भारत के धनकुबरों िकी लिस्ट जारी की है। इसके मुताबिक, यहां कुल 54 अरबपति है, जिनकी कुल संपत्ति 368 अरब डॉलर है। यह राशि देश के वित्तीय घाटे से 10 गुना ज्यादा है। वित्तीय वर्ष 2007-08 में देश का अनुमानित वित्तीय घाटा 1,50,948 करोड़ (38 अरब डॉलर) है। फिस्कल रिस्पॉन्सबिलिटी एंड बजट मैनेजमेंट (एफआरबीएम) का लक्ष्य 2009-10 तक वित्तीय घाटे को सालना 0.3 फीसदी कम करना है। पिछले साल यह 3.6 फीसदी था और इस साल इसके घटकर 3.3 फीसदी होने की उम्मीद है।

दिलचस्प बात यह है कि देश का वित्तीय घाटा तीन सबसे रईस भारतीय- स्टील किंग और एनआरआई लक्ष्मी मित्तल, मुकेश अंबानी और अनिल अंबानी की अलग-अलग संपत्ति से भी कम है। फोर्ब्स के मुताबिक, लक्ष्मी मित्तल की कुल संपत्ति 51 अरब डॉलर आंकी गई है, जबकि मुकेश अंबानी का नेट वर्थ 49 अरब डॉलर है। 45 अरब डॉलर के साथ अनिल अंबानी तीसरे नंबर पर हैं।

हालांकि इस तरह की उम्मीद करना बेमानी है, लेकिन ग्लोबल फाइनैंशल सर्विसेज कंपनी मेरिल लिंच और कंसलटेंसी कंपनी कैपजेमिनी का सर्वे दिलचस्प है। सर्वे के मुताबिक, 2006 में एशिया के धनाढ्य लोगों ने अपनी संपत्ति का 12 फीसदी हिस्सा दान किया।

फोर्ब्स के मुताबिक, पिछले साल भारत में अरबपतियों की तादाद 36 थी। इस साल 18 नए और अरबपति इस लिस्ट में जुड़े। मित्तल और अंबानी बंधुओं के पास 145 अरब डॉलर की संपत्ति है, जो चीन से 40 सबसे धनी लोगों की कुल संपत्ति से भी ज्यादा है।

min translation:
If all the billionaires/trillionaires donate 10% of their money to Govt of India, it will compensate for the budgetary deficit.