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The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 09-05-2012

The next symptoms of approaching partition will be treason by IM police , army and DRDO

Already we got a DRDO islamist

There has been serious infiltration of police by Jihadis in Kerala

In 1992 Hyderabad riots, a Hindu police superintendent was shot by a muslim cop, because he cracked down on muslim rioters

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 09-05-2012

Summary - Hindu boy + muslim girl marriage in Moradabad in Arya Samaj

They got Allahabad High court to give police protection

Girls parents got muslim cop to deliver the couple to them

Boy assaulted, girl kidnapped and likely honor-killed

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 09-05-2012

The community continues to have a paltry representation in the bureaucracy and police - 3% in the powerful Indian Civil Service, 1.8% in foreign service and only 4% in the Indian Police Service. And Muslims account for only 7.8% of the people working in the judiciary. - Thats why we are safe so far

This will change for the worse

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 09-05-2012

Has map of number of muslims in each Indian state based on 2001 census

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 09-05-2012

Both Hindus and the Muslims have sufficient ammunitions -some real, some imaginary-to hurl at each other. The problem that stares us in the face is: are we doomed to live side by side separately? Would zjihadi ambience prevailing in several parts of the Muslim world and in India’s neighbourhood jeopardize the country’s territorial integrity and would the demographically increasing Muslim population demand creation of another homeland?

It should not be forgotten that iHindu-iMuslim warfare, specific to the subcontinent, has added to the ambiance of hostility. Globally, iMuslim in the cyberspace has become a tool for spreading messages of Islam, Quran, Sharia, Hadith etc. Specifically, the ijihad websites spread messages of the need for jihad against the kuffar in targeted countries.

“Muslims have creatively applied the Internet in the interest of furthering and understanding of the religion for other believers, especially those affiliated to a specific world view and in some cases, a wider non-Muslim readership.” Systematic studies of digital Islam has been made by Gilles Kepel, Bruce Lawrence, Castells, and Peter Mandeville and several other authors. The US and UK security agencies and certain universities carry out systematic studies on this subject. Some of the important iMuslim sites are,,,,,,,, Dirty (Video), Tawhid wal Jihad,,, IslamicTorrents,,, Al-needa, Badral-Riyyadh. Especially al Qaeda related cyber sites are,,,,, etc. Jihad sympathizer’s cyber nets are maktabal-jihad,,,,,,,, etc.

In Pakistan and Bangladesh, blog spots, the websites of Markaz-ud Dawa, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Harkat-ul-Jihad al Islami and actively preach jihad. Net savvy religious leaders, and even some ulema run net-sites to propagate their brands of Islam, supposed supremacy of Islam in the subcontinent and the need for protection of minority rights. One common feature with some of these websites is that they appear for certain period of time and then disappear, to avoid detection and action. The al Qaeda and the Taliban sites behave in the same manner. As far as blog spots are concerned, there are too many web spots to monitor the regular bloggers on Islamic and jihad related issues.

On the other hand, there are several iHindu websites which broadcast Hindutva, danger to Hindu existence from Islam and Christianity and emphasize the need for Hindu solidarity. So far, no Hindu jihad websites have come to notice. But these sites often spread communal messages and hatred in almost equal proportion as the iMuslim websites do. Important Hindu cyberspace sites are:,,,,,,,, Bengal,,, etc.

A lot has been written by Indian scholars about spread of the saffron cult. Some important readings are Khaki Shorts, Saffron Flags by T Basu (Orient Longman), The Brotherhood in Saffron by Anderson W and S D Damle (Vistaar Publications), Anatomy of a Confrontation by S. Gopal (McMillan), Hindus and Others-G Pandey (Viking), Syndicated Moksha- RomilaThapar (Seminar 313, 1985). However, very little critical analysis of Muslim communalism has been attempted by the established scholars and historians. In fact, Indian researchers have so far not paid attention to the iMuslim and iHindu websites and their contents. To understand the depth of the conflict situation, it is necessary to regularly monitor these cyberspaces and tailor the knowledge to scholarly treasures as well as for national security needs. A mere study of Hindu communalism is not enough to analyze the conflict situation and creeping growth of jihad-sentiments amongst the Indian Muslims and Hindu reactionary responses. Some auto-cyber monitoring software is now available in western markets. These can be used by scholars and security agencies to monitor the cyber warfare. Without that kind of study, the sub-continental and global context to the meaning of religious, cultural divergences and growth of militancy may not be properly understood.

The Hindu reaction to alleged Muslim expansionism has been quite pronounced. In chapter 16, a reference was made to the lingering effect of the Bangistan concept of Ch Rahmat Ali. Over the last two decades, another dimension has been added to this idea, i.e. the pro and opposing propaganda about Mughlistan or Mughalistan. The idea was floated by some Pakistan, Bangladesh and the US, UK-based websites, demanding linking of Bangladesh with Pakistan by merging the areas of the Indian Punjab, parts of Bihar and West Bengal and Assam.

Young Muslim minds, affected by such propaganda, and the countervailing effect on communally-singed Hindu minds have created an ambience of electronic warfare, poisoning minds and accelerating expectations and apprehensions. At least eight such website propaganda by separatist Muslims and four websites operated by Hindu protagonists have virtually added to the tensions in areas where Muslims are gaining strident majority status in Assam, West Bengal and Bihar. According to the Creeping Sharia, “Mughalistan, the comprehensive plan for a second partition of India was first developed by the Mughalstan Research Institute (MRI) of Jahangir Nagar University (Bangladesh) under the patronage of the two intelligence agencies, Pakistan’s Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) and Bangladesh’s Director General of Forces Intelligence, DGFI. The Mughalistan Research Institute of Bangladesh has released a map where a Muslim corridor named ‘Mughalistan’ connects Pakistan and Bangladesh via India.

“This Greater Mughalistan is of strategic significance as it will provide a contiguous, strategic corridor linking the Ummah to a pan-Islamic Caliphate. This pan-Islamic Caliphate has been nick named as Islamistan (meaning Land of Islam), a synonym for ‘Islamic World’ or ‘Dar-ul-Islam’. This geographical Islamic crescent will link the Islamic Middle-East to Islamic South-East Asia, with the new Islamic World stretching all the way from Morocco and Bosnia in the West to Malaysia and Indonesia in the East.”

Though individual or institutional scholars have not yet commented on the concept in India, there is ample expansion of the idea by those who seek greater ‘Lebensraum’ for the subcontinental Muslims. Such paranoid propaganda, both by Muslim fanatics and Hindu reactionists, have created a virtual warfare which simmer below the apparent peaceful surface.

Both Hindu reactionists and Muslim fanatics use the same data from Census 2001. Two illustrations used by them apparently fortify their points of view. While illustration 1 below tries to depict areas of burgeoning Muslim populations in Assam, W. Bengal and eastern Bihar, illustration II emphasizes the alleged alarming growth of the Muslim population in the bordering districts of West Bengal. Both illustrations courtesy Bengal; accessed on 15.05.09

With such paranoid propaganda and assumptions that the inevitable march of history would lead to another vivisection of India, Hindu arguments have been fortified by reports by former Director IB,TV Rajeswar, Lt. General SK Sinha (former Governor Assam), Arun Shourie, and the Centre for Policy Studies (Religious Demography of India). This stream of study and propaganda by the Hindu stalwarts and championing of the reverse thesis by the All lndia Milli Council, All Assam Minority Student’s Association, SIMI, Muslim Liberation Tigers of Assam, remnants of the All India Muslim League in West Bengal, Bengal Muslim Student Majlis etc organisations.

It would be fallacious to assume that such propaganda is confined to eastern India. Ground studies indicate that the perception of possible Muslim demand for Mughlistan, or a homogenous homeland in the eastern parts of India is rocking almost all the corners of India. As said in earlier chapters, certain positive actions taken by the government in the aftermath of the Sachar Committee Report have added fuel to the speculative fires. The perception of virtual war has started assuming real shape.

The ambience of mutual doubt and suspicion has been aggravated by the spectrum of the listed ‘failed state’- Pakistan, which continues to be instable. Besides playing surrogate to the US in Afghan mujahedeen wars, the state of Pakistan and its intelligence agencies created a number of jihadi tanzeems in collaboration with fanatic Islamist organizations, for carrying out Pakistan’s proxy war in Kashmir and against India in general. The details of the psy-warfare carried out by websites, printed materials to preach messages of jihad and hatred against Hindu India have been incorporated in earlier chapters. Pakistan- sponsored acts of dastardly terrorism reverberated in the ghastly sea-borne attack on Mumbai on 26/11 2008. Between 1990 and 2008, nearly 50 such terrorist attacks on Indian soil have been attributed to Pakistani, and Bangladeshi terrorists, and their Indian Muslim collaborators, creating deep suspicion in Hindu minds – that the Muslims of South Asia want another vivisection of India.

The jihadi ambience in the neighborhood, and both Pakistan’s and Bangladesh’s involvement in the hate-Hindu tirades and violent activities have increased the existing level of suspicion in Hindu minds about Muslim loyalty to India. This suspicion has deepened in several layers of the Hindu society. Coupled with the recent history of pre-partition, high-pitched communal hostility, these developments has widened the gulf between the Hindus and the Muslims. A sizeable section of the Hindu fanatics do not believe in the concept of living together separately; they consider the Muslims as perpetual security risks for the country. Irrespective of the existence of a large chunk of enlightened and secular Muslims in different fields, such hate in the Hindu society equates them with rabid Islamists.

These portents of identity crisis, both among the Muslims and the Hindus, are very visible. Proverbial tolerance of the Hindus, which helped them to survive several Muslim invasions, has started weakening. Most Hindus believe that, irrespective of ideological colours of the Indian Muslims, the community in general believes in the Quranic dictum of jihad against the non-believers.

They prefer to quote Muslim scholars who have denounced jihad by the sword, “Dr Fazlur Rahman, a renowned Islamic scholar, who had to flee Pakistan and take refuge in the United States for his allegedly moderate views on Islam, also agrees with al-Qaradawi. Rahman asserts that ‘jihad (by the sword) becomes an absolute necessity’ for instituting the religio-social world-order underlined in the Quran. He asks: ‘How can such an ideological world order be brought into existence without such means?’ Quite puzzlingly, he then blasts what he calls Christian propaganda for popularizing the slogan that ‘Islam was spread by the sword’ or ‘Islam is a religion of the sword.’ He, however, candidly agrees that the sword came first in creating conducive environment before Islam could be propagated. He writes,’ …what was spread by the sword was not the religion of Islam, but the political domain of Islam so that Islam could work to produce the order on the earth that the Quran seeks…But one can never say that Islam was spread by the sword.”

Gradual implementation of the Sachar Committee recommendations has driven home shafts of suspicion in general Hindu minds, that the Central and State governments are stridently heading towards reservation in services, education and housing etc issues for the Muslim minority. A feeling is firming up in Hindu minds that the Congress and its allies are imposing religion-based reservation in the country, pushing it to pre-partition conditions. The militant Hindu fringe has become vocal. Such fear psychosis often leads to alienation and adoption of extra-constitutional measures. This has the potential of scarring the nation seriously. Perhaps a time has come to review the entire reservation issue on the basis of minoritism. Lack of political wisdom may push apart the communities afar.

These aspects of debate that agitate Hindu mind can be elaborated, but this volume is not dedicated to such contentious polemics. Both Hindus and the Muslims have sufficient ammunitions -some real, some imaginary-to hurl at each other. The problem that stares us in the face is: are we doomed to live side by side separately? Is India destined to revert to pre-partition hostility? Would zjihadi ambience prevailing in several parts of the Muslim world and in India’s neighbourhood jeopardize the country’s territorial integrity and would the demographically increasing Muslim population demand creation of another homeland? The secularism practiced by India is limited to a legal concept and certain peripheral aspects positively impacting sections of the Muslim society. These approaches by the political parties and sporadic and pedantic dissertations by the scholars, some blaming Hindus and some castigating Muslims, cannot address the deep layers of identity crisis or the cultural and religious conflict situations.

Since there are no visible efforts to address the problems of Hindu reactionism and Muslim separatism from any quarter, it appears that India’s destiny hangs in the balance and that somehow the societies have to live uneasily in separate ideological worlds in apparently irreconcilable legacy of two worlds for two peoples. It is difficult to predict what contours the history of India and South Asia would take in another half a century. Only unbiased scholars ready to undertake ground studies can come up with constructive suggestions. I have painted the problems truthfully, but deeper studies are required. India’s problems cannot be solved by Sachar-type reports. A national study on communal divide and harmony is required. Any bias against Hindu majoritism and Muslim minoritism may aggravate the differences pushing the communities tectonically. The history of this future battleground is uncertain and requires attention from political minds, scholars and historians.

Book – Battleground India Prognosis of Hindu-Muslim Exclusivism, Writer – Maloy Krishna DharPage – 496Price – 599/-Publisher – Vitasta Publishing Pvt. Ltd. 2/15, Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi-110 002

- Maloy Krishna Dhar (BhartiyaPaksha)

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 09-05-2012

has map of 70% muslim , Mewat district in Haryana

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 09-05-2012

he distribution of Muslim population in India is a unique demographic phenomenon. Though Muslims form nearly 14% of India's vast population, they are a highly urbanized religious community. Scattered across the length and breadth of country, Muslims are present in large numbers in North, the Indo-Gangetic belt, Eastern region and parts of South India.

Among big Indian cities, the highest Muslim percentage is in Hyderabad (40%). If State capitals are included then, Sri Nagar (90%), Bhopal (35%) and Lucknow (30%) also have a predominantly Muslim character.

In Kerala, Kozhikode which was earlier known as Calicut also has more than 35% Muslim population. Maharashtra's Aurangabad has over 40% Muslim concentration. When we talk of metros, Mumbai has the highest percentage (22%), followed by Kolkata (21%) and Delhi (around 15%).

If middle-level cities are included in the list, then the list will go far. Aligarh has 40% Muslim population. Meerut has around 32% Muslims. Kanpur and Allahabad have around 22-25% Muslim presence. Varanasi is also close.

Some of the cities with nearly 30% Muslims include Karnataka's Bidar, Gulbarga, Hubli-Dharwad, Maharashtra's Parbhani, Nanded, Nalanda (Bihar), Bhagalpur and Firozabad. There are many such cities in different states of India.

Muslim majority Cities

In cities with population between 0.5-1 million (5-10 lakh), some cities have a clear Muslim majority. They include Moradabad, Malegaon and Bhiwandi.

In Cities that have a population between 1,00,000 to 5,00,000, the number of such cities is even more. There are dozens of such cities from Rampur to Mau in UP, Burhanpur in MP etc. There are many cities and towns under 1 lakh population that have a clear Muslim majority population (over 50%).

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 09-05-2012

In west Punjab 1947, the pak army and police was directly involved in ethnic cleansing

whereas in India, Nehru made the Indian army and police help the muslims and the ethnic cleansing was a private affair of mainly the Sikhs

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 09-05-2012

To the question on whether the Muslim population could become the largest group

in India, the report states, "one could say that the Muslim population share is

expected to rise from the current level but not expected to be much above 20 percent

by the end of the century." (Prime Minister's High Level Committee, 2006: 46). -

My numbers are 18%, but civil war is inevitable, without counter breeding

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 09-05-2012

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 09-05-2012

Andhra Pradesh, 22 districts with over 80% Hindu, 1 district with less than 80% Hindu ( Hyderabad )

Andhra can and will be salvaged despite the cancer of Hyderabad, which is fully surrounded

Assam, 7 Districts with over 80% Hindu, salvageable

10 districts with Hindu majority and over 20% muslims - Civil war - a-la- Bodoland

3 or 4 of these districts are salvageable

6 districts with muslim majority = lost

Bihar 31 districts with Hindu majority over 80% - salvageable

6 districts with over 20% muslim = civil war, but salvageable

1 district Kishengunj , muslim majority = salvageable due to violent bihari Hindus

Gujurat = 23 out of 25 districts safe, > 80% Hindu, other 2 districts can be tackled thanks to Modi

Haryana, 2 out of 19 districts are unsafe,

Mewat and Gurgaon. Can the Jats tackle the Meos as they did in 1947 ?

Himachal Pradesh full safe , all 12 districts

Jammu Kashmir, the Jihad has been defeated, 5 out of 14 districts are safe. but thanks to Indian muslim political pressure, will the Indian army be withdrawn

Karnataka, 5 out of 27 districts are muslim infested, but can be tackled with BJP rule

MP, 44 out of 45 districts are safe, Bhopal has 25% muslims, but can be tackled being surrounded and under BJP rule

Maharashtra, 13 out of 35 districts are unsafe, There is Mumbai and there is a interior belt near Nanded and the Mafia is muslim

Orissa is very safe, 2% muslim and a strong Sangh and 100k bajrang dalis

and militant Khand Hindu tribals

Punjab is safe

Rajasthan, 2 out of 32 districts unsafe, and there is risk of cross border jihadis

Tamil Nadu, 2 out of 30 districts unsafe

Uttar Pradesh, 21 out of 70 districts unsafe

West Bengal, 12 out of 18 districts unsafe

Jharkand, 5 out of 18 districts unsafe, esp near West bengal border

Uttaranchal, 2 out of 13 districts unsafe. Haridwar is muslim infested

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 09-05-2012

Keep in mind, none of these districts will be lost if the Indian army is given free hand like Pak army to shoot civilians

In 1966, when Mizoram was in revolt, Indira Gandhi got the Airforce to bomb Aizawl and put mizos into security villages

Will the Indian govt give orders to bomb ghettos when the next Direct Action day comes

In 99% muslim JK valley, Indian army has defeated the jihadis, but its task will be a lot easier if there is local kafir majority

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 09-05-2012

If they can nearly murder top cops without any consequences, whats the next step and when

Mayawati did try to prosecute these jihadis

Indian express = The Akhilesh Yadav government has prepared the ground to let off 40 men who had allegedly ransacked a police outpost, set ablaze vehicles and made a murderous attack on a senior IPS officer, leaving him so seriously injured that he had to undergo medical treatment for six months, during rioting at Mainather in Moradabad district on July 6 last year.

Last week, Moradabad police filed closure reports in three of the six criminal cases against five accused. In three other cases, where the police had submitted charge-sheets against 35 men, it has initiated the process of withdrawal of cases from courts.

In the attack, Ashok Kumar Singh, then SSP of Moradabad, had suffered eight fractures on his hands, shoulder and ribs, among other injuries. He was hospitalised for 10 days but underwent medical treatment for almost six months. The Mayawati government had dismissed seven policemen who were escorting Ashok Kumar but ran away when the officer was attacked. Ashok Kumar is presently on deputation with Sashastra Seema Bal in Delhi.

The arson and violence had taken place after an alleged incident of disrespect to the Quran. The police filed closure reports in three cases in Mainather police station on the ground that the accused had been mistakenly named. But they do not say who are the real accused. Syed Mansoon Abid, station officer of Mainather police station, confirmed that the closure reports has been submitted in courts.

Simultaneously, the state government has directed the Moradabad district administration to file an application for withdrawal of the three cases where the police had submitted charge-sheets. Moradabad district government counsel G K S Raghav said, “The matter is under legal process, but we are yet to file the application in court”. The rioting took place after the police went to the house of one Taslim in Asalatnagar village under Mainather police circle. They were accompanied by two sons of a fellow villager Kamru and wanted to question Taslim’s eldest son Muslim who, Kamru alleged, had molested his minor daughter.

When the police arrived, only Noorjahan, one of Tasl’m’s six children, was at home. Soon, the village was abuzz with a rumour that the policemen had shown disrespect to the Quran at the house. Agitated villagers blocked the Sambhal road. When the police tried to clear the road, the protesters threw stones. The PAC arrived to help the police, but they were also attacked and their vehicle set ablaze.

As the rioting spread, Ashok Kumar, along with other district officials, including then Moradabad District Magistrate Raj Shekhar, rushed to the spot. The DM and SSP were in the same vehicle. The vehicle was stopped at Dingarpur area where the protesters had burnt a police jeep.

While Ashok Kumar was busy trying to pacify the crowd, the DM and others left the place. Finding him alone, the protesters attacked Ashok Kumar and beat him.

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 09-05-2012

The lessons from 1947 are that islamic methods stop jihadis, but for the forseeable future, Hindu society is not willing to do that, that leaves with the option of demographic engineering, such as raising fertility, evacuating Hindus from Pak and BD, and Hindu solidification efforts such as Sangh Parivar

We should also learn from the Bodos on what works and does not

In Nellie, in Assam in 1984, 3000 mullahs were liquidated by Hindu tribes in 3 hours, but that place is now muslim infested, and the Hindu tribes have lost the war, despite winning the battle, because the muslims breeded back their losses

Any strategy without demographic engineering, is doomed

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 09-05-2012

An analysis of the 2001 census data by religion at the district level

by means of this SID of Religion indicates that, all the 593 districts in India can be divided

into few clusters or groups, based on the concentration of the religious distribution of

population. According to our analysis, there were 390 districts in India in the year 2001 where

Hindus are predominant (by 80 percent or more). And there were 130 districts where Hindus

are predominant, but their proportion to the total population is found to be less than 80 percent.

Our analysis shows that among the minority groups, there were 22 districts where Muslims

are in majority when compared to other religions. Christians are predominant in 32 districts;

Sikhs are predominant in 13 districts; and Buddhists are predominant in only 6 districts.

Interestingly, all the districts where the minority religious group populations are found to be

on majority are situated at the peripheral areas of the states in India.

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 09-06-2012

One of the good things about West Bengal is the demise of the communists

Mamata is an opportunist muslim vote banker

The commies are ideological pro-muslim vote bankers

Only with the demise of the commies can a Hindu defense be made

In Kerala too, with the demise soon of Achutanandan, the CPM will demise and only then can a pro-Hindu salvage operation be done

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 09-06-2012

Muslim demographic warfare has the following components - Forcible conversion, abduction and forced conversion of women, and over-breeding

In 1947, Hindus did do some forced conversion, until stopped by Nehru and Gandhi, and since then thats been out of the Hindu arsenal

The only tool left is counter- breeding

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 09-06-2012

Hindi version of Rangila Rasul

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 09-06-2012

Has pictures of Bodo women beheaded by bangladeshis

The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - G.Subramaniam - 09-06-2012

Treason by Hyderabad muslim cop - Rediff

Clad in a white kurta pajama, wearing a skullcap, 55-year-old Mohammad Abdul Qadeer looks frail and much older than his age. His hair has grayed; his eyes are tired.

Qadeer has spent most of the last 22 years languishing in prisons. He was awarded a life sentence of 14 years, but seven years after completing his sentence he has little hope for freedom. A plea has been made to President Pratibha Patil to grant him mercy on humanitarian grounds.

Qadeer, a former Andhra Pradesh constable, was convicted for shooting dead his superior, who allegedly asked him to fire at an irate mob during the 1990 communal riots.

"While on duty I was given orders to fire at a mob. But I was not willing to kill innocent people who had no role to play in the riots. I refused to follow the orders and I got into an argument with my superior. He would not budge and started firing indiscriminately. I lost my cool, brandished the gun and fired at the officer instead," he recalled.

Soon after, Qadeer surrendered and in the last 22 years he has seen little beyond the four walls of his prison cell. In two decades, he was released on parole once, that too for seven days in 2011.

Facing a life sentence barely four years after their marriage has not been easy for his wife Sabira Begum either, who raised their four children on her own. His children can count the number of hours they have spent with their father.

The police showed Qadeer no mercy and he alleges that he was tortured in custody.

Days later he was produced in court where he made an emotional appeal to the judge. Narrating the happenings on the fateful day, he said that he could not bear to see the officer firing at innocent people. Despite repeated requests the officer paid no heed to him following which the former constable shot him. "It was not a planned act, but an emotional one," Qadeer had said.

The court, however, sentenced him to life imprisonment. Since then, Qadeer says the nightmare has not ended.

He was shifted between jails at Rajahmundry, Visakhapatnam [ Images ] and Warangal. Today he is lodged at Hyderabad's Cherlapally jail. But everywhere he went he claims the story was the same --- the police were "inhuman".

Qadeer recalls the day when a relative of the deceased officer was permitted entry into his prison cell and beat him up mercilessly. He suffered severe injuries on his limbs. So much so that the doctor has advised him to amputate his leg.

Today, the ex-constable's only hope lies in the plea made to the President. In his mercy petition, he states that he completed his sentence in the year 2004, the mandatory 14-year term for a life convict. However, he has not been released as yet. His family claims that he suffers from a heart ailment, diabetes, blood pressure and depression.