Christian European Untouchable Caste Crimes - Printable Version

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Christian European Untouchable Caste Crimes - agnivayu - 09-11-2009

Christian European Untouchable Caste Crimes - HareKrishna - 10-03-2009

From the article
" and extremist attacks on Roma have intensified, with one Hungarian gang suspected of killing six Gypsies and injuring several more in the last year alone.
In Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, well organised nationalist groups regularly march through Roma districts to protest at what they call a wave of “Gypsy crime”, inflaming tension that has been intensified by the impact of the economic crisis on poor white families"

-Unlike other coward nations from the region(i know them),hungarians,slovakians&co refuse to be trashed down by gypsy mafia .

'Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch appealed to local and foreign officials this week to halt a wave of attacks against Roma in Kosovo, where they and the minority Serbs were hounded by ethnic-Albanian gangs after the 1998-9 war for independence from Belgrade.'

-If gypsy mafia have swords,albanian mafia have automated guns.And they are more agresive.

'Little has improved for the continent’s Gypsies since most of central and eastern Europe joined the EU: Roma endure abysmal levels of education, healthcare and employment, largely because of discrimination but also due to their traditional way of life which favours early marriage, large families, and children foregoing school to work with their parents.'

-There is something wrong here.It is LARGELY because their primitive culture (not discrimination) that they avoid school( im to smart for school) ,avoid jobs(why to work?there are many suckers from which i can get protection tax),are discriminated(what this gadjas have whit me?i just beat thier child and abuse their doter.They are so touchy .Geee),dont wash(my blood is noble,i dont need a bath more then once a year).

So the proud descendants of rajputs (gypsy) must learn from jewish minority that school is good,from east-asians that work is good and from tatar minority that just twist a sword in the air wont resolve all problems.

Gypsy(rajputs ) wake up.

Christian European Untouchable Caste Crimes - RomaIndian - 04-03-2010

[quote name='HareKrishna' date='03 October 2009 - 11:17 AM' timestamp='1254564581' post='101724']

From the article

" and extremist attacks on Roma have intensified, with one Hungarian gang suspected of killing six Gypsies and injuring several more in the last year alone.

In Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, well organised nationalist groups regularly march through Roma districts to protest at what they call a wave of �Gypsy crime�, inflaming tension that has been intensified by the impact of the economic crisis on poor white families"

-Unlike other coward nations from the region(i know them),hungarians,slovakians&co refuse to be trashed down by gypsy mafia .[/Quote]

Its true that a gypsy kills, robbs, rapes sometimes and im shocked whenever i read such a thing and it puts me to shame but walking through gypsy districts and burning down whole gypsy settlements is wrong because it hurts the innocent too. If one gypsy or a gang of gypsies commits a crime you cannot make responsible all gypsies for it. I dont want to be killed by skinhead gangs because they read somewhere in the news that a gypsy raped a white woman because im just shocked and against it like all other citizens.

Quote:'Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch appealed to local and foreign officials this week to halt a wave of attacks against Roma in Kosovo, where they and the minority Serbs were hounded by ethnic-Albanian gangs after the 1998-9 war for independence from Belgrade.'

-If gypsy mafia have swords,albanian mafia have automated guns.And they are more agresive.

So you support killing of gypsies and ethnic cleansing?

Quote:So the proud descendants of rajputs (gypsy) must learn from jewish minority that school is good,from east-asians that work is good and from tatar minority that just twist a sword in the air wont resolve all problems.

Gypsy(rajputs ) wake up.


Christian European Untouchable Caste Crimes - agnivayu - 04-14-2010

[quote name='HareKrishna' date='03 October 2009 - 03:47 PM' timestamp='1254564581' post='101724']

So the proud descendants of rajputs (gypsy) must learn from jewish minority that school is good,from east-asians that work is good and from tatar minority that just twist a sword in the air wont resolve all problems.

Gypsy(rajputs ) wake up.


Strange Indian immigrants seem to do very well, infact in the U.S. well above the average population. They don't need to only learn from East Asians and Jews. However it does prove the point that Europeans are racist towards ethnic groups that have lived there for ages, so they can stop giving tall fake moral lectures to us. Let them clean their own backyard first.

Christian European Untouchable Caste Crimes - HareKrishna - 04-14-2010

[quote name='agnivayu' date='14 April 2010 - 08:39 AM' timestamp='1271214099' post='105888']

Strange Indian immigrants seem to do very well, infact in the U.S. well above the average population. They don't need to only learn from East Asians and Jews. However it does prove the point that Europeans are racist towards ethnic groups that have lived there for ages, so they can stop giving tall fake moral lectures to us. Let them clean their own backyard first.


We cant give examples from places were few roma exist,we need more nearby examples .Beside ,from some reasons ,many roma dont want to be identified whit India.The backyard is mostly cleaned.

Christian European Untouchable Caste Crimes - RomaIndian - 04-14-2010

[quote name='HareKrishna' date='14 April 2010 - 10:22 AM' timestamp='1271236490' post='105892']

We cant give examples from places were few roma exist,we need more nearby examples .Beside ,from some reasons ,many roma dont want to be identified whit India.The backyard is mostly cleaned.


I cant speak for all roma but im proud to be descendant of the indian subcontinent and i identify with india.

Christian European Untouchable Caste Crimes - agnivayu - 04-15-2010

[quote name='HareKrishna' date='14 April 2010 - 02:52 PM' timestamp='1271236490' post='105892']

We cant give examples from places were few roma exist,we need more nearby examples .Beside ,from some reasons ,many roma dont want to be identified whit India.The backyard is mostly cleaned.


Sounds like they are fair weather friends. I could care less if they identify as Indians. We don't exactly have a shortage. Infact they fit the propaganda better when they are identified as Europeans, as Europeans discriminating against a caste of their own race.

Let's see how clean it stays with Muslim Ghetto's popping all over.

I expect a mini "Pakistan" and Eurabia getting carved out soon.

Christian European Untouchable Caste Crimes - HareKrishna - 04-15-2010

[quote name='agnivayu' date='15 April 2010 - 09:01 AM' timestamp='1271301793' post='105905']

Let's see how clean it stays with Muslim Ghetto's popping all over.

I expect a mini "Pakistan" and Eurabia getting carved out soon.


we will heard :give axes to people.