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"Hindu terror" Eidolon
RE Purohit visiting "anti-muslim" sites:

We *need* to criminalize moslems and christos for reading their anti-hindu books, going to anti-hindu sermons etc. The b@sturds have been having their cake and eating it too for a long time.
With same logic, When they will arrest Gandhi family for 84 riots. They should do narco test on each and every Gandhi family.

Shame of India, Manmohan Singh blamed RSS for 84 riots, that is how low life Manmohan Singh head works.
<!--QuoteBegin-Shambhu+Nov 22 2008, 09:02 PM-->QUOTE(Shambhu @ Nov 22 2008, 09:02 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->RE Purohit visiting "anti-muslim" sites:

We *need* to criminalize moslems and christos for reading their anti-hindu books, going to anti-hindu sermons etc. The b@sturds have been having their cake and eating it too for a long time.
Must be visiting India-Forum.com , black listed by every commie and Muslim terrorist organisation of India. <!--emo&:bcow--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/b_cowboy.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='b_cowboy.gif' /><!--endemo-->
‘What Pak couldn’t do in 20 yrs, Hindustan govt did in 20 days’
Indore, November 21 : Putting Terror at the centrestage in the last lap of the BJP’s poll campaign in Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi today accused the Congress-led Government at the Centre of playing “votebank politics” by maligning the image of the Army and demoralizing the security forces.
And accused the Centre of having bolstered Pakistan’s allegations about terrorist acts being the handiwork of the Indian Army.
<b>“What Pakistan could not do in 20 years, the government of Hindustan has done it in 20 days,”</b> he said at a public rally in Rau constituency in Indore.
He said that when US President Bill Clinton was in India, 40 people were killed in Chhittisinghpura in J&K. “The same day, Mian Musharraf gave a statement that it was the Indian Army in terrorist garb who were behind the Chhittisinghpura massacre. But Pakistan did not succeed then. Look at the country’s misfortune, our own government has now painted the Army as terrorists,” said Modi.
<b>ATS disclosure on plot to kill RSS leaders ridiculous: Advani</b>
<b>1. ATS trying to stop the Hindus inquisitioned by christo ATS from getting legal aid:</b>
via http://dharma1.blogspot.com/2008/11/arrest...ficers-for.html
via <b>ATS is now blocking all Legal Support to Malegaon Accussed</b>
via http://offstumped.nationalinterest.in/2008...dership-summit/
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Lawyers' body to provide legal help to Malegaon accused</b>

PTI | November 21, 2008 | 15:30 IST
Throwing its weight behind the Malegaon blast accused, including sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur, a group of advocates in Sonepat have set up a 17-member lawyers committee to provide legal assistance to them.

The Hindu Unification Movement Legal and Welfare Association will provide legal assistance to the sadhvi and other accused, according to Bhupeshwar Dayal Gaur, a founder-member of the association.

He said the Anti-Terrorist Squad of the Maharashtra police, which is conducting a probe into the September 29 blast, has already collected information about the association and <b>he, too, was interrogated in Delhi recently.</b>

<b>Dayal alleged that he was pressurised by the ATS officials to not provide any legal assistance to Pragya and other accused.</b>

He said that the members of the association were committed to providing free legal assistance to any Hindu who was harassed by police and falsely implicated in the criminal cases.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

<b>2. The following entries at Offstumped all related</b> to this cooked up "Hindu Terrier" drama - <b>also read in particular the comments</b>:
L.K. Advani’s Speech at HT Leadership Summit
Chronology of Digvijay Singh’s accusations on Hindu Terror
Digvijay Singh’s complicity in letting go Malegaon malefactors
Praveen Swami lets the cat out of the bag
Dharma of Counter-Terrorism
L.K. Advani’s statement on Malegaon case
Look who is focused on the economy
Muslim trouble for Congress-NCP in Maharashtra
Malegaon link to Samjhauta belies evidence

3. Some comment quoting what appears to be Sadhvi's lawyer - <b>a summary of the 'evidence' the christo inquisition has against Sadhvi:</b>

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Another Indian  November 18th, 2008 at 4:49 pm </b>
I just saw Mahesh Jethmalani’s interview in Times Now. He is the one who is defending Sadhvi Pragya in Malegaon blasts case. This is what he has to say when asked why he was defending Sadhvi.

“<b>There is no proof against Sadhvi other than the fact that her motorcycle which was sold 4 years back was allegedly used in the blasts. And she has already accepted she sold the motorcycle. Moreover narco-analysis tests didn’t prove anything.</b> Neither was their any link between Sadhivi and Purohit.”

I sincerely hope truth prevails in her case.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

<b>4. Christian inquisition of Hindus is now after Swami Asimanand (Jatin Chatterjee) of Gujarat's Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram</b>
Related to the following that Shambhu posted in the christian terrorism thread:
<!--QuoteBegin-Shambhu+Nov 19 2008, 06:51 AM-->QUOTE(Shambhu @ Nov 19 2008, 06:51 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Tathagata Mukherjee comments:

Those Seers who played aggressive role AGAINST Missionary conversion are being targetted.
One leading personality was gunned down by funding “Maoists”.
Second one is now targeted who organized Sabari Kumbh in the Dangs, Gujarat.

Need to spread this around.
<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->More proof that this whole "Hindu terrier" is a christian operation in origin and intention:
They're going after <b>Swami Asimanand (Jatin Chatterjee)</b> whose non-controversial Hindu Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram turns Hindus into conscious Hindus who can't be attacked by christianism.

Offstumped quotes crypto "Praveen Swami":
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Clearly a group of individuals with mere knowledge of terrorist activities dont make for good copy or politics. Hence this attempt at probing deep into their background and establishing tertiary links to individuals associated with the VHP.

<!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->    Maharashtra Police sources said that, according to the witness, the call was made by Gujarat-based Hindu-nationalist leader Jatin Chatterjee. Mr. Chatterjee — widely known in southern Gujarat by his clerical alias, <b>Swami Asimanand</b> — runs the controversial Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram, which operates a Hindu-proselytisation programme targeting adivasis in southern Gujarat.
<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Praveen Swami does not leave us in doubt on the motive behind this attempt at establishing tertiary links to the VHP when he drops this hint in the opening sentence of his piece<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->For the past fortnight, the Maharashtra Police have been poised on the edge of unravelling what could prove to be among the most significant counter-terrorism investigations since the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->The reference to Gandhi Assassination is code to imply that while Kalsangram and Joshi may have acted as vigilantes no different from a Godse, the Congress is unwilling to go public with that. Doing so would only bring the blame back to its door step on why Digvijay Singh let them go free in 2002. Hence the need for preparing the grounds to establish a conspiracy and use that as an excuse potentially to ban the Bajrang Dal or the Vishwa Hindu Parishad to turn the heat on the BJP and Sangh Parivar while communalising the vote.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
About the Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram having been long targeted by christoterrorists (it is thwarting their harvesting of souls/sheep):
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Monotheists clamour for tribal harvest</b>

Posted October 19, 2004
Author: Sandhya Jain
Publication: The Pioneer
Date: October 19, 2004

That tribals on their own have little time for Christ or the pious missionary can be seen from the fact that the merciful exit of Mrs. Gladys Staines (widow of Australian missionary Graham Staines) from India led to a massive homecoming of converted tribals. In Orissa's Mayurbhanj district, seventy-five Christians returned to the Hindu fold last month and more are slated to re-embrace their native faith. The cognoscenti would be aware that acute resentment at Graham Staines' conversion activities had resulted in his sensational murder some years ago.

Of course, Christian activists do not believe in a level playing field. Hence <b>the Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram, which merely facilitates tribals wishing to live according to their traditional mores, received unexpected flak</b> when it observed its golden jubilee in the capital's Mandoli village recently. Even as delegates debated problems of the country's eight crore tribal population, <b>leaders of the minority communities raised Cain on the ground that VKA was bringing tribal hamlets back to the Hindu fold (The Telegraph, 3 October 2004).</b><!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

More mentioned at offstumped - in its many comments - about Swami Asimanand and other matters (my interruptions in purple):
<b>Tathagata Mukherjee November 20th, 2008 at 1:51 am</b>

I agree with this analysis.

<b>As I stated since the very beginning (Swapan Dasgupta also hinted in his Sunday Column in the Pioneer): target is some Hindutva Leader. In this case, its Swami Asimananad.</b>

<b>Classic case- Hindus and Muslims are pitted against each other, while missionaries are going all out for conversion. One of the Seer who opposed them in Kandhamal was killed. Here is the next one- malign publicly.</b>

Will Press, people understand this? Don’t know. Now, it all depends on Hindu Seers, Dharmic leaders how united they become and strongly face this challenge.
<b>Tathagata Mukherjee November 20th, 2008 at 2:06 am</b>

Hinduism is under massive attack from political conspiracy

This can be saved only when Ramakrishna Mission to Baba Ramdeb to Sri Sri to…– All sects, saints, seers come united and hit the street.

Saving grace is, this Govt is fully exposed who question Rama’s existance, almost broke Rama Sethu. And Kashmir is burning.

<b>Tathagata Mukherjee November 20th, 2008 at 2:48 am</b>

Arjun: I agree with ur post #6. But psuedos hope against hope. What can you say?

The world is seeing a massive rise of identity- Secularism is now all but discarded even in Europe from where it was imported. Xtian rightwing has become massive powerful all over the western world. HINDUTVA REMAINS ONE OF THE MOST SUCCESSFUL RECULTURIZATION MOVEMENT/EFFORT OF LAST 40 YEARS

But that’s what Taliban CPIM thinks. Now, its being followed by Sonia.
<b>Tathagata Mukherjee November 20th, 2008 at 2:51 am</b>

Look at Nehru’s photo closely- he did NOT have to wear Hindu Symbols like Tilak on the forehead, or tie red-thread in his hands, as is being done since the days of Indira, Rajiv, Sonia, or Rahul. Look at Lalu, Paswan too.

Also, our neighbors got changed- Kashmir is now fully purged of Hindus. Bangladesh is sending terrorists to India. Assam is burning on and off.
<b>Tathagata Mukherjee November 20th, 2008 at 2:56 am</b>

Sanjeev @5

Mainstream media protected CPIM by not giving coverage of Tapasi Murder it deserved.


<b># KSV SUBRAMANIAN November 20th, 2008 at 3:08 am</b>

It seems some hidden enemy is taking revenge on hindus for the set back in the conversion agenda after the brutal murder of the Swamiji and his disciples in Kandhamal. They are going against the hindu sadhvis, sadhus etc., in an orchestrated attempt to malign anybody connected to the word “hindu”. In the top echelon of power in India the word hindu and hindus, it seems, have become anathema.
(The enemies are not hidden. They are
- the US govt-sent cretin missionaries from AmeriKKKa who have identified those key Hindus that have been standing in their way of reaching the expected quota of conversions that they need in order to gain and retain the required amount of political leverage in India (via christo-congressi and communistic goons)
- and of course the cretins internal to India: the "christians in India".)

<b>reason November 20th, 2008 at 5:54 am</b>

In a way we must be thankful to the writers of this script at Maharashtra ATS, for getting Advaniji back to us. There was a scathing editorial in the Hindu today and we should be thankful some more for those mercies.

<b>There was a pioneer piece that said one of the targets of this operation is a RSS in charge in kashmir.

Praveen Swami clearly identifies another target - Swami Asimanand and the movement in Dangs for resisting christian conversion.</b> Notice the use of adjectives that springs forth from these vermins’ idea that they are smart-alecs, but in reality exposes them as cojones-less mercenaries who do the bidding of their sponsors -

“Maharashtra Police sources said that, according to the witness, the call was made by Gujarat-based Hindu-nationalist leader Jatin Chatterjee. Mr. Chatterjee — widely known in southern Gujarat by his clerical alias, Swami Asimanand — runs the controversial Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram, which operates a Hindu-proselytisation programme targeting adivasis in southern Gujarat”

The ashram is ‘controversial’. And it ‘targets’ Advasis to make them Hindus. Thus advasis are not Hindus. That is exactly the lines of missionaries who face resistance in Dangs due to the Shabri kumbhs.

There have been insinuations that Modiji in gujarat is not letting them arrest this Swamiji. As long as there is the process of transit remands and local police co-operation for effecting arrests across states, Modiji is absolutely right if he is indeed resisting this design. <b>The ATS can take this story of a ‘eyewitness’ who ’saw’ the Swamiji on the other end of the phone to a Gujarat court for transit remand. </b> Appears like they dont want to do that because of some invented ‘witness safety’ issue.

<b>From the beginning, it appeared unnatural that they wont go after Modiji using this case. The net has been cast far and wide and the only missing target was Modiji. It is good to see the Man getting dragged. Now let us see.</b>

<b>kumar November 20th, 2008 at 6:00 am</b>
Good point there.If Modi ji gets dragged into this, things will get resolved fast.

<b>bhanu November 20th, 2008 at 10:00 am</b>
It shows Sadhvi, Himani Savarkar, <b>Swami Asimanand,</b> Sameer Kulkarni and Dayanand Pandey sharing the same dais on 10 April 2008.
(About some video used as "evidence")

<b>arjun November 20th, 2008 at 10:07 am</b>

bhanu, read the comments to the ToI story. This is the evidence ATS has or Congress is trying to influence public opinion after people started asking for evidence.
<b>bhanu November 20th, 2008 at 10:15 am</b>

Arjun my point exactly.
Since when is it illegal to <b>hold meetings and condemn attacks on our soil</b>? In that case shouldn’t Imam Bukhari be also investigated? How about Arundhati she openly said Kashmir should be given its freedom and so did other half a dozen edits.
BTW noticed only 2 comments went against the flow.
Does ATS think that people r so stupid to have a video made if they were discussing these attacks? Does ATS think Purohit an Intelligence officer would go around sending SMSes after Sadhvi’s arrest?

(All Hindus condemn attacks on the soil of Bharatam everyday. How does that make anyone a terrorist?)

5. Back when it was the successful anti-conversion activist Dara Singh being inquisitioned by the tyrant Christo Inquisition (he's locked away now thanks to christo CBI theatrics 'investigation' and a court that obviously felt pressured to nail *someone* for Staines murder)
- back then, Rajeev Srinivasan wrote the following.
While he uses the secular term "apartheid", he's actually describing the Christoterrorist Rule Of India and the Christo Inquisition Of The 'Heathen' Hindu:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Apartheid in India</b>

Posted April 21, 2004
Rajeev Srinivasan
April 21, 2004
Similarly, when foreign white Christian missionary Graham Staines was murdered, the system lost no time in sentencing native son Dara Singh for the crime. In most countries, citizens have greater rights than foreigners; in the US, visa violators are treated very harshly. But in India, the reverse is true, even though Staines was violating his (tourist) visa: according to the court judgment in the Dara Singh trial, 'Graham Staines's missionary activities did lead to conversion of tribals belonging to Ho and Santal tribes to Christianity.' This is illegal, as there is no such thing as a missionary visa.

Citizens, especially of Indic religious persuasion, are attacked and killed routinely, sometimes by foreign terrorists, sometimes by local terrorists of the Muslim and Christian persuasion. Consider the case of Shanti Tripura. Shanti who, you ask. Precisely the point. He was a Hindu priest shot in his temple on August 28, 2000 by Christian fundamentalist terrorists of the NLFT in Tripura. But did his case get an iota of the publicity that Staines's case got? In fact, did his case get any publicity at all? Of course not. Did his murderers ever get caught? Of course not.

These cases are symptomatic of a large disease: the systematic and endemic apartheid against Indians of Indic religions. Laws are interpreted to give the maximum benefit of the doubt to those of Christian, Muslim and Marxist religious faiths; but turn around, and these laws are interpreted extremely stringently for Hindus, Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists. This is very similar to how the US discriminates vigorously against its black population, and how apartheid South Africa discriminated against its own non-whites.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Siddhu on India TV: "kutta aadami ko kaatata raha, koi news nahi. Aadami ne kutte ko kaata, news ban gai!"

(The dog kept biting the man, but not a news. Now that man has bitten the dog back, that is a news!)
As you should understand Bodhi, I object to phrases about "humans biting dogs" on the grounds of self-interest/self-preservation <!--emo&Big Grin--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo-->

Continued from post 166.

6. And one more thing on Alfred Dreyfus who was the victim of a terrorist anti-semitic (of course) conspiracy by the catholics of France who meant him to be the tip of the iceberg they wished to attack:

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->BOOK REVIEW
<b>    Constantine's Sword: The Church and the Jews
    by James Carroll</b>
    Houghton Mifflin Company, 2001
    576 pages, hardcover
    Review by Jim Walker
<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Walker (an atheist or agnostic) writes that the <b>author of the book is "a devout Christian, indeed, an ex-Catholic priest".</b>

This book is about the anti-semitism in christianism - with particular focus on catholicism. Among its many chapters on anti-semitism=christianism, is:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->44. Alfred Dreyfus and La Croix<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->La Croix means the Cross.

The review by Jim Walker that also contains quotes from the book itself:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->This controversial book addresses mainly Catholics but it can inform anyone not familiar with the subterfuge of Catholicism. No doubt many Catholics will attack Carroll and will try to slander him. An intelligent reader will know otherwise.

<b>A few quotes from the book:</b>

German Christians remained attached to their religion during the Nazi years and that Nazi ideology borrowed heavily from Christian eschatology-- the subordination of the present to the expectation of a glorious End Time.

In Scripture class we were taught to distinguish between antisemitism and anti-Judaism, with the clear meaning that the latter was an appropriate part of the defense of the faith. Love the sinner but hate the sin.

<b>Support of Hitler was not only allowed to Catholics, but was required of them.</b>

It was at Nicaea... at the council enshrining the Christian victory, that Constantine, forbidding the observance of Easter at Passover time, declared, "It is unbecoming that on the holiest of festivals we should follow the customs of the Jews; henceforth let us have nothing in common with this odious people."

The philosopher Johann Fichte (1762-1814)... had posited a Jesus who was not Jewish at all, and throughout the century theologians followed suit. This would be one of the ways that German Protestant scholars tilled the soil for Nazi antisemitism, promulgating an idolatry of Aryan racial identity by defining Jesus over against Jewishness, not only religiously but racially. Eventually German Protestant hymnals would be "de-Judaized" by the removal of words like "amen," "hallelujah", and "hosanna."

Saint Ambrose, the greatest theologian of the age, would use the True Cross explicitly against the Jews, finally urging violence as the proper response to their denial of Christian claims.

It is important to emphasize that Luther's position on the Jews, however hateful it became, was grounded in the theological heart of Christian proclamation. "The basis of Luther's anti-Judaism," as the historian Heiko Oberman sums it up, "was the conviction that ever since Christ's appearance on earth, the Jews have had no more future as Jews."

<b>Blood purity regulations, Ruether asserts, "remained on the books in Catholic religious orders, such as the Jesuits, until the twentieth century. They are the ancestor of the Nazi Nuremberg Laws."</b>
(That is why the catholic nazis - I mean the catholic colonials who invaded India - also encouraged the preservation of 'caste' as among their converts in India: because they mistook this as something to do with blood purity. Casta=portuguese word.
That is also why the other christians - the Syrian christoterrorists - observe strict blood purity rules.
That is also why the protestant christians - the christotyrants from colonial Britain - were racist and consequently read racism into the Vedas and into the "caste" system, and invented their ode to blood purity (AIT).
Christianism <i>is</i> racism, which cannot see anything but racism everywhere else. It's a criminal that suspects everyone else of behaving like itself, and tries to accuse others in order to escape from its own crimes.)

Reality perceived as uncaused instances is reality of which no moral account can be made.

No Catholic-born Nazi-- not Goebbels, Himmler, or Bormann; not even Adolf Hitler, who died with his name still on the rolls of the Catholic Church, and for whom the Catholic primate of Germany ordered the Requiem sung after his suicide-- was ever excommunicated for being a Nazi. But, as Hans Kung observed, Pius XII "did not show the slightest inhibitions after the war, in 1949, about excommunicating all Communist members throughout the world at a stroke."
(That's because western communism <i>back then</i> had acted against christianism. But nazism had always acted *for* christianism - not only in the complete spirit of christianism, but also for the preservation and promotion of christianism and christiani principles.)

When Nazism defined Jews as the negative other, in opposition to which it defined itself, it was building on a structure of the European mind that was firmly in place before Hitler.

<b>Antisemitism was a consistently exploited organizing principle, a pillar of Protestant and Catholic identity.</b>

Pius XII's praise of German Catholic resistance [after the war] ignored the fact that such resistance was, as Lewy puts it, "not only discouraged by the Church, but condemned. Catholics who actively fought against the Hitler regime were rebels not only against the State, but against their ecclesiastical authorities as well."

The Church reveals an institution that has yet to come to terms with basic ideas like freedom of conscience and the dialectical nature of rational inquiry.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Christianism <i>is</i> fascism. It <i>is</i> anti-semitism. It <i>is</i> nazism. It <i>is</i> terrorism. These are all different names of christianism.

The reason I post this here is because there can NEVER be a discussion about the Alfred Dreyfus Affair without a mention of the catholic root cause (christian terrorism) behind it. It is wrong on the part of the DailyPioneer (and any who refer to the matter) to have avoided any mention of this in its article on the Dreyfus Affair. It is like a discussion on the Holocaust where christian nazism or the Jewish victims are omitted. <i>It simply cannot be.</i>
Avoiding the *crucial* facts amounts to contributing to a whitewashing of history. That is something christoislamicommunazis do. It is not something that Hindus should EVER do, regardless of whether it hurts the 'sentiments' of the christian readership of the Daily Pioneer. Truth will always hurt christoislamiterrorists. Who cares.
<b>Shiv Sena may field Purohit in LS polls</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->MUMBAI: The Shiv Sena is toying with the idea of fielding Lt Col Shrikant Prasad Purohit, prime accused in the Malegaon bomb blast case, as a party  candidate for the next Lok Sabha elections. 

Sources in the party said no final decision has been taken yet, but it will not be surprising if an offer is made to Purohit. And the chances of his being convicted of the terror charge before the Lok Sabha polls early next year appears bleak.

Sena feels that the fielding of Purohit will reinforce its Hindutva agenda.
They should field him against Sonia Gadhi or any of her family member, that will be a good slap on her face.
<b>RSS can't believe Sanghicide is possible, flays ATS</b>

This is from empty head of ATS Babus.
<!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Nov 23 2008, 09:02 PM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ Nov 23 2008, 09:02 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Shiv Sena may field Purohit in LS polls</b>

They should field him against Sonia Gadhi or any of her family member, that will be a good slap on her face.

He should be fielded against Home minister Soniadas Patil in Latur where this fake fellow had lost in 2004 too! Someone please pass on the idea to Thackerays!
<b>Inept Govt invented ‘Hindu terror’: RSS</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Accusing the UPA Government of politicising terrorism, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) on Sunday said that the Centre had coined terms like “Hindu terrorism” to cover up its failure in combating terrorism.

“There is nothing like ‘Hindu terrorism’ or ‘Muslim terrorism’, anyone killing innocents is a terrorist,” RSS chief KS Sudarshan said on the sidelines of a RSS meeting here.

Sudarshan delivered an intellectual orientation to volunteers and well-wishers of various organisations at the Saraswati Shishu Mandir in Niralanagar here on Sunday. He touched upon various issues, including the challenges before the nation in the past and at present.

Taking a dig at the Centre for maligning the image of Hindus, Sudarshan said, “Instead of taking any step to effectively combat terrorism in the country, the Government is trying to divert the attention of people by coining terms like Hindu and Muslim terrorism.” He added that the UPA was involving in the game of politicking since the general elections were approaching.

He also said that unlike Christianity or Islam, <b>Hinduism “is not a religion, it is a way of life in sync with Nature</b>”.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Rip off 'secular' media's mask</b>
MC Joshi
The Pioneer editorial, "The mask falls off" (November 21) has aptly said that the claim of Mr Hemant Karkare, chief of Maharashtra's Anti-Terrorism Squad, that there is "zero political pressure" in the Malegaon bombing case, will impress only the naïve and those who are comfortable with the cynical politics of the Congress. The record of the Indian police and investigating agencies in extracting 'confessions' from suspects through third degree methods is well known.

<b>By invoking the stringent Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act against those arrested in the Malegaon bombing case, the ATS has not only exposed the cynicism that permeates it but has also exposed the Prime Minister, the Union Home Minister and the Congress ,who have emphatically been claiming that the present laws of the country are adequate to deal with terrorism.</b> If the present laws are adequate, then why has a tough law like MCOCA been invoked? And if MCOCA is necessary to deal with terrorism, then why is the UPA Government denying clearance to similar laws submitted by the State Government of Gujarat? It is now crystal clear that such laws are being denied clearance on political grounds.

Lately, the 'secular' media has been flooded with TV debates, editorials, columns and letters that are highly critical of the BJP's accusations against the ATS in the Malegaon case. However, for these people it was never a matter of concern that Sadhvi Pragya was subjected to barbaric treatment while in the illegal custody of the investigating agency. She has even stated in open court through a sworn affidavit that she was harassed and tortured by the ATS to the extent that she thought of committing suicide.

Till recently the so-called 'secular' media was asserting that terrorism has no religion. But now they are applying a different yardstick in the Malegaon bombing case and are shamelessly throwing around terms such as 'Hindu terror' and 'saffron terror'.

It is a fact that the 'liberal-secular' people within politics, media and the intelligentsia have never been fair and reasonable to Hindus. If 'Hindu terror' someday proves to be a reality, it will be entirely because of provocation by these people. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<b>ATS officials should undergo narco-tests: Malhotra</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->New Delhi, Nov 24 : Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) chief ministerial candidate for the Delhi assembly polls V.K. Malhotra Monday demanded that the Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) of the Mumbai Police investigating the Malegaon bomb blasts should also undergo narco-analysis tests.

"Hindu bashing is Congress's way. ATS keeps on leaking information every now and then. All the ATS officials should also undergo narco tests," Malhotra told reporters at a press conference here.

Media reports had recently quoted ATS sources as alleging that army officer Lt Col Prasad Purohit disclosed during interrogation that Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) general secretary Pravin Togadia was involved in the funding of Abhinav Bharat.

Abhinav Bharat is the radical Hindu outfit at the centre of the probe into the Sep 29 Malegaon blasts.

"By narco tests of ATS officers, it would become clear who is behind them and on whose directions they are working," Malhotra stated.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Same is my suggestion, start from Manmohan Singh, Sonia and Family, Indian Embassy officials. We want answers of Volcker, "Q" , 1984 riots.
<b>Sadhvi claims she was made to hear obscene CD</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Malegaon blast accused Sadhvi Pragnya Thakur on Monday charged the Anti-Terrorism Squad with making her hear an obscene CD, while repeating her earlier allegation of physical and mental torture against the investigating agency.

The Sadhvi along with seven other accused - Lt. Col. Prasad Purohit, Shivnarain Singh Kalsangra, Shyam Sahu, Sameer Kulkarni, Maj. (retd) Ramesh Upadhyay, Ajay Rahirkar and Rakesh Dhawde were produced before the designated MCOCA (Maharashtra Control of Organised Crimes Act) court in Mumbai on Monday.
Indian Government is abusing them. Where in Amensty and UN.
Indian Government is worse then Hitler's Third Riech.
<b>ATS suffers major setback</b>
MCOCA court refuses custody of 7 accused<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS), investigating the Malegaon blast case, found itself in a most embarrassing situation on Monday, as a special court dealt a moral blow to it by denying it the custody of three key accused in the case and Sadhvi Pragya once again exposed the ATS’ highhandedness in dealing with the accused.

On a day when the Prosecution strongly rooted for the police custody of the three key accused — Sadhvi Pragya, Lt Col Prasad Purohit and Ajay Rahirkar — Special Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act (MCOCA) Judge YD Shinde turned <b>down the Prosecution’s request in the face of the allegations that the investigating agency was not only torturing the accused but was also using third-degree means to extract confessional statements from the latter (the accused). </b>

The judge remanded the three key accused and four others — Shivnarayan Gopalsingh Kalsangra, Maj (retd) Ramesh Updhayaya, Jagdish Chintaman Mhatre and Shyam Bhawarlal Sahu — to judicial custody till December 3, 2008.

What came as a heap of eggs on the face of ATS officials investigating the Malegaon blasts case were the serious allegations made by Sadhvi Pragya, Lt Col Purohit and retired Army officer Ramesh Upadhyay in the court.

<b>Sadhvi Pragya — who in her much-discussed affidavit had charged the ATS officials with torturing her and mentally harassing her to such an extent she wanted to commit suicide at one stage while she was in their “illegal” detention — stunned the MCOCA court, when she was produced for the first time in the Malegaon blast case</b>.

That Sadhvi Pragya’s revelations were shocking is an understatement. For, she told the court: “My interrogators (ATS officials) threatened to strip me and hang me upside down if I did not confess to my involvement in the Malegaon blasts…. They also made me to listen to an obscene audio tape (involving another accused Ramesh Upadhyay)… I was so disturbed that I was in no mood to eat food for a couple of days”.

<span style='color:red'>In another revelation that embarrassed the ATS further, Lt Col Purohit said that the investigating officials had threatened to plant RDX at his home so that it would be easy for them to finish him in an encounter.<b> “In their bid to extract confession from me, the ATS officials hung upside down from a rod with my hands tied to two poles. After they did all this to me, I lost sensation in my wrists and fingers,” Purohit told the court</b>.</span>

Accused Ramesh Updhayaya alleged that State Director General of Police AN Roy, when he met him on October 26, 2008, had threatened that the investigators would beat him up, if he did not confess to his role in the Malegaon blast.

Upadhyay also alleged that he had been tortured by Additional Commissioner of Police (ATS) Parambir Singh and Sukhwinder Singh while in custody. “Parambir and Sukhwinder physically abused me and then threatened to parade my wife and daughter naked in the police station and get them raped by all the officers here,” Upadhyay alleged.

Earlier in the court, while seeking the custody of Sadhvi Pragya, Purohit and Rahirkar, the prosecution told the court Abhinav Bharat, with which they were associated were advocating and inciting unlawful and terrorist activities.

The Prosecution also told the court that the ATS wanted to investigate the source from where the explosives came and if money for them was obtained through hawala needed to be interrogated.

Sadhvi’s advocate Ganesh Sonavi, however, argued that the only connection Sadhvi has with the September 29 Malegaon blast is the vehicle used in the bombing.

“Apart from the vehicle, which was sold to someone else by Sadhvi much before the blasts, the ATS has no evidence to connect Sadhvi to the blast,” he argued.

Purohit’s counsel Shivade argued that ATS was seeking Purohit's as it wanted to torture his client and extract a confession from him under duress.

<b>“I was humiliated, tortured,” Sadhvi reiterates</b>
Was made to hear obscene CD: Pragya

MCOCA court refuses Maharashtra ATS custody of Sadhvi Pragya, Lt Col Prasad Purohit and Ajay Rahirkar

Instead sends them and four others in judicial custody till Dec 3

Prosecution had sought police custody of only Sadhvi, Purohit and Rahirkar

Apart from vehicle, which was sold to someone, ATS has no evidence to onnect Sadhvi to the blast, her counsel argues

Purohit's advocate Shrikant Shivade argues that police custody is sought only for torturing the accused and forcibly extracting a confession from them

This is sick. Are they running country or Sonia Gandhi's whore house?
Indian Government is just sick. Moron Singh is worst scum bag. Greedy power hungry low life jerk.
Zero credibility to Indian Government.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Narco-analysis must be banned</b>
Waliullah Ahmed Laskar
<b>I have gone through the sworn affidavit of Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur. If what she has stated on oath is true, undoubtedly the Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad is violating her human rights. She is just an accused/suspect. No human being loses his/her inalienable rights, which inhere in him/her only by virtue of his/her being a human being. Right to freedom from torture is such an inalienable human right.</b>

Apart from the political influence on them,<b> the police in India work in a legal frame-work which is a legacy of colonialism. That is why we see our police often become torturers and violate inviolable rights of the citizens. The institution of police and other law enforcement establishments are in dire need of drastic reformation. </b>Many colonial laws also should be drastically amended. Other than these, I think the following issues also need national attention:

First, India should ratify the UN Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and should pass a legislation incorporating the provisions of the convention and providing adequate compensation to victims which is reimbursable from the violator/s.

<b>Second, India should withdraw all reservations on the UN Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Also, India should ratify/accede to the Statute of International Criminal Court. </b>

Third, terror offences should be dealt with under a special legislation which would provide, inter alia, an autonomous commission comprising sitting/retired Supreme Court and High Court judges, human rights activists of unimpeachable credentials and such other persons. There should be a force specially trained in investigation of complex offences committed anywhere in India and the law should provide for procedure of investigation which will ensure respect for the human rights of the accused/suspects.

Fourth, there must be no narco-analysis. Human rights activists have been demanding this for far too long.

Let Central guidelines be formulated and adopted by Parliament to ensure the above. In the interim, the State and national human rights commissions must regularly prepare and publicise status reports on the findings and actions taken on complaints of human rights violations. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Time to halt this farce</b>
Sandhya Jain
As terrorist charges against Sadhvi Pragya, Lt Col SP Purohit, and an endless list of others become increasingly surreal, the possibility of their being substantiated in a court of law also appears more remote. Rather than struggle daily with new sub-plots, the Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad would do well to release the accused and abort its nascent career as a pulp fiction-writer.

Even if the tale of ‘Hindu terror’ had initial plausibility, it fell apart as the arrests degenerated into a fishing expedition of anyone who knew anyone, and the list of their ‘successful crimes’ became truly incredible. The allegation that Lt Col Purohit supplied RDX for the Samjhauta Express bombings blew the case to smithereens as those explosions were caused by incendiary devices; the Army does not stock RDX; the impugned officer had no access to any explosives nor knowledge of bomb-making; and, there is simply no way an Army officer could be involved in so much covert activity without being detected.

Political analysts feel the case was contrived for political reasons, and the Prime Minister’s decision to speak to Mr LK Advani and depute the National Security Adviser and Intelligence Bureau Director to meet him suggests unease at the affair. There are whispers that regional players have driven the crisis to retain their power base, and forced coalition partners into acquiescence. If this is untrue, the sooner the Union Government moves to dissipate this impression the better, as the crisis is having a deleterious impact on the morale of the defence forces.

Mr KPS Gill, the nation’s most valiant police officer, led a citizens’ delegation to the National Human Rights Commission last Friday, where he said that never in his career had he seen such a prolonged police remand for any woman, let alone a sadhvi. Lt Col Purohit has also mentioned maltreatment, but as only Sadhvi Pragya’s affidavit is public so far, it would be worthwhile to note some of its salient points.

Sadhvi Pragya became a sanyasin in January 2007 and was living in a Jabalpur ashram when the Maharashtra ATS called her for interrogation in October 2008 as a vehicle that belonged to her was allegedly involved in the September 29 Malegaon explosion. After she said she had sold it to one Sunil Joshi in October 2004, and the police discovered the latter had been murdered in 2007, matters should have ended there.

Instead, Sadhvi Pragya was illegally detained and interrogated for 13 days <span style='color:red'>from October 10 to 23, with no woman constable ever present. She was beaten by police officers, who also assaulted her disciple, Bhimbhai Pasricha, when he refused to physically abuse her. She was subjected to obscene language and psychological torture, and felt depressed enough to contemplate committing suicide. She was moved from place to place, including being lodged in a hotel, again without women constables. The ill-treatment necessitated hospitalisation for nearly six days, after which she was formally arrested on October 23</span>.

Details of Sadhvi Pragya’s narco-analysis and polygraph tests are well known. It is pertinent that a supplementary interrogation technique — used to cover missing links in criminal cases like the Telgi stamp paper scam — was used as a primary tool of investigation, repeatedly, even though it failed to unveil any hint of crime.

This suggests misuse of the ATS by its political masters. A narco-analysis of Swami Dayanand Pande last Friday caused him to lose his senses; he regained consciousness only after eight hours! It is pertinent that media photographs have revealed that both religious persons arrested in this case have been forced to wear civilian clothes during custody, a terrible abomination and a religious insult that should be actionable under Section 495-A of the IPC.

Sadhvi Pragya has rightly asked that narco-analysis and polygraph tests be conducted on the ATS officers who handled her detention and interrogation to unravel the truth about those who masterminded the conspiracy behind her arrest, and that of others, destroying lives and reputations in a disgraceful attempt to equate ‘Hindu terror’ with jihad.

Indeed, the story was so malleable that when the Samjhauta-to-Malegaon plot began to collapse under the weight of its own contradictions, the scriptwriters twisted it to incorporate a plot to kill top RSS leaders, most notably general secretary Mohanrao Bhagwat. VHP leader Pravin Togadia has rightly said the Maharashtra ATS deserves the Man Booker for its narrative! Seriously, however, the Malegaon accused could have plotted to kill either innocent Muslims or Hindus; not both. Hence, this is clearly a witch-hunt.

In this context, it may be pertinent to know if Lt Col Purohit, during his tenure in Military Intelligence in Jammu & Kashmir, had submitted information that impacted adversely upon the ruling party’s political vote-bank, or hurt some other political interests of the powers-that-be. Certainly, the sudden decision to invoke MCOCA even when no credible prima facie case could be established against the accused suggests that there is a desire to hold them in custody at all costs, at least until the current round of Assembly elections, and possibly also the general election, are over.

The Congress-dominated regime’s decision to use MCOCA is invidious also because the UPA at the Centre revoked POTA on the plea that existing laws are adequate to tackle terrorism, and more stringent measures are not needed, either at the Central level, or in States like Gujarat, where the police have a good record of unearthing crime. The known terrorist Abu Salem, extradited from Portugal, was removed from MCOCA coverage by a generous State Government, though spiritual leaders and Army officers are being subjected to hideous defamation by selective media leaks.

Some of the purported evidence is truly extraordinary. Photographs of women have allegedly been found in the swami’s computer, and one is at a loss to connect them to the Malegaon bomb blast. There are audio recordings of mobile phone conversations that could mean anything, as the word ‘bomb’ or ‘blast’ is never used; and there is a witness who has heard both sides of a telephone conversation! Photographs of public functions where media was present are being projected as evidence of a private conspiracy, and overall, the investigation is degenerating into a travesty of justice. It is time to call a halt to the farce.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<b>ATS suffers major setback</b>

MCOCA court refuses custody of 7 accused

The Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS), investigating the Malegaon blast case, found itself in a most embarrassing situation on Monday, as a special court dealt a moral blow to it by denying it the custody of three key accused in the case and Sadhvi Pragya once again exposed the ATS’ highhandedness in dealing with the accused.

On a day when the Prosecution strongly rooted for the police custody of the three key accused — Sadhvi Pragya, Lt Col Prasad Purohit and Ajay Rahirkar — Special Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act (MCOCA) Judge YD Shinde turned down the Prosecution’s request in the face of the allegations <b>that the investigating agency was not only torturing the accused but was also using third-degree means to extract confessional statements from the latter (the accused)</b>.

The judge remanded the three key accused and four others — Shivnarayan Gopalsingh Kalsangra, Maj (retd) Ramesh Updhayaya, Jagdish Chintaman Mhatre and Shyam Bhawarlal Sahu — to judicial custody till December 3, 2008.

<b>What came as a heap of eggs on the face of ATS officials investigating the Malegaon blasts case were the serious allegations made by Sadhvi Pragya, Lt Col Purohit and retired Army officer Ramesh Upadhyay in the court.</b>

Sadhvi Pragya — who in her much-discussed affidavit had charged the ATS officials with torturing her and mentally harassing her to such an extent she wanted to commit suicide at one stage while she was in their “illegal” detention — stunned the MCOCA court, when she was produced for the first time in the Malegaon blast case.

That Sadhvi Pragya’s revelations were shocking is an understatement. For, she told the court: <b>“My interrogators (ATS officials) threatened to strip me and hang me upside down if I did not confess to my involvement in the Malegaon blasts…. They also made me to listen to an obscene audio tape (involving another accused Ramesh Upadhyay)… I was so disturbed that I was in no mood to eat food for a couple of days”</b>.

<b>In another revelation that embarrassed the ATS further, Lt Col Purohit said that the investigating officials had threatened to plant RDX at his home so that it would be easy for them to finish him in an encounter. “In their bid to extract confession from me, the ATS officials hung upside down from a rod with my hands tied to two poles. After they did all this to me, I lost sensation in my wrists and fingers,” Purohit told the court.</b>

Accused Ramesh Updhayaya alleged that State Director General of Police AN Roy, when he met him on October 26, 2008, had threatened that the investigators would beat him up, if he did not confess to his role in the Malegaon blast.

Upadhyay also alleged that he had been tortured by Additional Commissioner of Police (ATS) Parambir Singh and Sukhwinder Singh while in custody. “Parambir and Sukhwinder physically abused me and then threatened to parade my wife and daughter naked in the police station and get them raped by all the officers here,” Upadhyay alleged.

Earlier in the court, while seeking the custody of Sadhvi Pragya, Purohit and Rahirkar, the prosecution told the court Abhinav Bharat, with which they were associated were advocating and inciting unlawful and terrorist activities.

The Prosecution also told the court that the ATS wanted to investigate the source from where the explosives came and if money for them was obtained through hawala needed to be interrogated.

Sadhvi’s advocate Ganesh Sonavi, however, argued that the only connection Sadhvi has with the September 29 Malegaon blast is the vehicle used in the bombing.

<b>“Apart from the vehicle, which was sold to someone else by Sadhvi much before the blasts, the ATS has no evidence to connect Sadhvi to the blast,” he argued.

Purohit’s counsel Shivade argued that ATS was seeking Purohit's as it wanted to torture his client and extract a confession from him under duress.</b>
1. So many famous medieval christian Inquisition tactics replicated I see. It's like going through European history class again.
Bucket handy, good.

From the news article of post 178:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Instead, Sadhvi Pragya was illegally detained and interrogated for 13 days from October 10 to 23, with no woman constable ever present. <b>She was beaten by police officers, who also assaulted her disciple, Bhimbhai Pasricha, when he refused to physically abuse her.</b> She was subjected to obscene language and psychological torture, and felt depressed enough to contemplate committing suicide. She was moved from place to place, including being lodged in a hotel, again without women constables. The ill-treatment necessitated hospitalisation for nearly six days, after which she was formally arrested on October 23. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
From the news article in posts 176 and 179:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>That Sadhvi Pragya’s revelations were shocking is an understatement. For, she told the court: “My interrogators (ATS officials) threatened to strip me and hang me upside down if I did not confess to my involvement in the Malegaon blasts…. They also made me to listen to an obscene audio tape (involving another accused Ramesh Upadhyay)… I was so disturbed that I was in no mood to eat food for a couple of days”.</b>

<b>In another revelation that embarrassed the ATS further, Lt Col Purohit said that the investigating officials had threatened to plant RDX at his home so that it would be easy for them to finish him in an encounter. “In their bid to extract confession from me, the ATS officials hung upside down from a rod with my hands tied to two poles. After they did all this to me, I lost sensation in my wrists and fingers,” Purohit told the court.</b>

Accused Ramesh Updhayaya alleged that <b>State Director General of Police AN Roy, when he met him on October 26, 2008, had threatened that the investigators would beat him up, if he did not confess to his role in the Malegaon blast.</b>

<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Upadhyay also alleged that he had been tortured by Additional Commissioner of Police (ATS) Parambir Singh and Sukhwinder Singh while in custody. “Parambir and Sukhwinder physically abused me and then threatened to parade my wife and daughter naked in the police station and get them raped by all the officers here,” Upadhyay alleged.</span><!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Look how they christoterrorised retired army officer Upadhyay - who served his country until retirement - by threatening to gangrape his wife and daughter.
Fingerprints of christo inquisition all over this one too. They should make learning about the horrors of christo inquisitions of Europe compulsory in Indian history class too - Hindus in particular should learn what went on there. Just learning about the Goa Inquisition is not enough.

<!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Nov 25 2008, 02:33 AM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ Nov 25 2008, 02:33 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->This is sick.  Are they running country or Sonia Gandhi's whore house?
Indian Government is just sick. Moron Singh is worst scum bag. Greedy power hungry low life jerk. 
Zero credibility to Indian Government.[right][snapback]90564[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->What "Indian" Government? It's a christian government running a very christian inquisition.

The bank accounts and offshore accounts of all these "ATS police officers" including "State Director General of Police AN Roy" should be checked for how much money foreign and internal christians have transferred/will be transferring to them for this rigged gig. I am sure they are getting/are promised a colossal pay packet each. Merely subjecting the psecular hand of christoterrorism (ATS, CBI, Congress government's minions, christian Congress bigwigs) to narc analysis is insufficient.

2. <!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Nov 25 2008, 02:38 AM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ Nov 25 2008, 02:38 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin--><!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->(http://www.dailypioneer.com/136632/Narco...anned.html)
<b>Narco-analysis must be banned</b>
Waliullah Ahmed Laskar<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->[right][snapback]90565[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->Oh no. No no, Waliullah Ahmed Laskar. Not until every christoterrorist in Congress has been subjected to narco-analysis repeatedly until they are overdosed like Swami Amritanand Saraswati (Dayanand Pandey) and can't be resuscitated. <i>Then</i> we can shelve this junk.
<!--QuoteBegin-Bodhi+Nov 21 2008, 10:18 PM-->QUOTE(Bodhi @ Nov 21 2008, 10:18 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Dayanand administered an overdose during Narco, unable to regain consciousness even after several hours.  Reporting some channels right now.  (after Narco on Sadhwi which yielded nothing, ATS had said it was because dose was not effective since she practiced meditation.)[right][snapback]90480[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Bodhi, any news article on this? Or has the christian media become silent to cover christo guilt in the attempted murder of another Hindu Swami (and like ATS terrorists tried to murder Purohit in an attempted fake encounter)?
How is Dayanand Pandey now?

3. http://www.dailypioneer.com/136604/Cong-pr...terror-BJP.html
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->FLASH | Tuesday, November 25, 2008 | Email | Print |

<b>Cong projects country as one of 'Hindu terror': BJP</b>

PTI | Jaipur

The BJP on Monday accused the Congress of "projecting" India as a "Hindu terror" country in the eyes of the world and said making Melegaon blast case an election issue showed its "divide and rule" strategy.

<b>"The Congress always tried to divide and rule the society either by appeasing minority community or creating a bogey of Hindu terror. Congress has always split society and ruled," party Vice-President Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi said in Jaipur.</b>

"Now the Congress is exposed. Congress has committed numerous sins by repeatedly dividing the society in the name of religion and it should get punishment in the assembly polls in the states, including Rajasthan on December 4." In the eyes of the world, the Congress made India a "Hindu terror" country. <b>The Congress "supported" Pak-sponsored terror, in which terrorist organisations like LeT was given shelter and encouragement, Naqvi alleged.

"Congress is indulging in a conspiracy against Hindus. Narco tests should be conducted on Congressmen to expose their sins," he said in an indirect reference to Hindu religious leaders accused in the Melegaon blast case.</b>

Exuding confidence that BJP would win Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and Delhi assembly polls, Naqvi said it would be a referendum ahead of next year's Lok Sabha polls.

The BJP leader said that the Congress had projected "Hindu terror" as a face-saving exercise in the wake of inflation and terror.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

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