yasmindeshe na saMmAno na vR^ittir na cha bAndhavAH
na cha vidyAgamaH kashchit taM deshaM parivarjayet (8)
dhanikaH shrotriyo rAjA nadI vaidyas tu panchamaH
pancha yatra na vidyante na tatra divasaM vaset (9)
in a country where honour, employment and relatives are not there
and also learning is not accessible, abandon such country
prosperous, knowers of veda, a king, river, and fifth the doctors
where these five are not present, spend not a day there
(chANakya-nIti-darpaNAH 1.8 and 9; also found in vR^iddha chANakya)
na cha vidyAgamaH kashchit taM deshaM parivarjayet (8)
dhanikaH shrotriyo rAjA nadI vaidyas tu panchamaH
pancha yatra na vidyante na tatra divasaM vaset (9)
in a country where honour, employment and relatives are not there
and also learning is not accessible, abandon such country
prosperous, knowers of veda, a king, river, and fifth the doctors
where these five are not present, spend not a day there
(chANakya-nIti-darpaNAH 1.8 and 9; also found in vR^iddha chANakya)