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Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 3
<!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Aug 21 2007, 03:57 AM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ Aug 21 2007, 03:57 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Tirupati gets Special Religious Zone status, Christians upset</b><!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->

<b>Says National Coordinator, Global Council for Indian Christians, C Francis, "This is worse than our anti-conversion laws." </b>


1. Cry me a river, you whiny little b@stard Francis.

2. Madam and YSR must have held hands, wept, and observed a good 2-3 minutes of silence before agreeing to this sop to the Hindoos. ("After all, my girl, India is *full of heathens, and they must be placated once in a while if you want to rule them," the doddering old Vatican Papa must have said to Maino Bellissima on phone)...
<b>Phoney women empowerment

The UPA has an anti-Hindu charter</b>

By Sandhya Jain

It is difficult, in the course of a single article, to make a comprehensive charge-sheet against the ruling dispensation. However, the elevation of Smt Pratibha Patil as the country’s first woman President must rank among the most blatant assaults upon India ’s civilisational ethos. It would be demeaning the office of President to reiterate the unseemly charges levelled against Smt Patil in the run-up to her election; what concerns us here is her record as an instrument of the UPA’s anti-Hindu agenda.

Just recently, Smt Patil reiterated that she will not be a rubber stamp President, which is fine, since the President is supposed to be a moral and guiding spirit to the elected government of the day. The Constitution makers never envisaged a rubber stamp. Nor did they envisage a Political President, which is what Smt Patil has said she will be, in sharp contrast to the People’s President who has just demitted office.

This is an especially odd statement as it comes from a person who has been in public life for decades and should know that the Presidency is a constitutional post that should be kept free of controversy. This creates suspicions that Smt Patil will treat the Presidency as an extension of her political career in the Congress party; it is also a tacit admission that she treated her last tenure in the Rajasthan Raj Bhavan in much the same way.

UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi has a long record of disdain for the country and its laws, from the time she entered the country as daughter-in-law of the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. The Shah Commission put some of her cavalier actions on record. Her record became progressively worse as she ascended the political pole, first as wife of Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, and now as Congress president and UPA chairperson. Apart from the public humiliation of the entire nation in the Quattrocchi scandal (enabling him to siphon off millions of Bofors kickback money in London and ensuring him access to classified government information so he could escape deportation to India from Argentina), India’s nuclear security has been compromised in the one-sided agreement with America, at the insistence of Smt Gandhi. She is on record saying the deal means a lot to her; only she has not told us why.

One critical issue to which Smt Gandhi is seriously committed is conversion to Christianity. Though this is a well guarded secret in India, the late King Birendra of Nepal was known to have complained privately that during an official visit to his country as wife of Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, Smt Sonia Gandhi berated him for the arrest of missionaries engaged in conversions and demanded their release. It is no secret that under her domination, the present UPA regime has been shamefully unhelpful towards Nepal in its current crisis, virtually throwing the country at the mercy of the Christian Maoist leadership of Prachanda-Bhattarai-Gajurel, and the US-dominated UN Political Mission.

Once this side of her agenda for India is known, the selection of Smt Pratibha Patil for President after she twice refused to sign the Rajasthan anti-conversion bill makes perfect sense. The move won public accolades from Pope Benedict XVI, and it cannot be ruled out that he put in a word with the Italian-born Roman Catholic president of the Congress party.

There can be no doubt that Smt Gandhi manipulated Smt Patil to show disrespect for India’s foundational ethos and native culture. After being chosen as the UPA’s presidential nominee, Smt Patil referred the Rajasthan anti-conversion legislation to the President for an opinion. Both she and her Congress mentors knew that President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam would not have the time to seek legal opinion and take a decision on the legislation, and hence, this reference would come up before Smt Patil herself once she assumed office. And now, in the wake of her elevation as President, two more Congress party Governors, Shri Nawal Kishore Sharma of Gujarat and Shri Balram Jakhar of Madhya Pradesh, have returned anti-conversion legislations to their respective state governments. There is clearly a pattern here to undermine and change the very nature of this Hindu-majority nation. As Rajasthan Governor, Smt Patil was aware of the reprehensive activities of the Immanuel Mission in Kota. Shri Sharma would be aware of what is happening in Dangs, Gujarat, and Shri Jakhar would know that Madhya Pradesh is among the first states in India to pass anti-conversion laws to save tribals from the depredations of evangelists. Yet, all have put Smt Gandhi’s non-Indian, non-Hindu agenda above the nation. Other UPA constituents are equally oblivious of the danger to the country, being too busy nurturing minority constituencies for political returns.

It is pertinent that what the Gujarat Governor has returned are some important amendments to the Freedom of Religion Act 2003. This received the assent of the then Governor, Sundar Singh Bhandari. In 2006, the Gujarat Government amended the law to include Jains and Buddhists with the Hindu fold. The Governor’s claim that the amendments do not conform to the Constitution is astounding. He has upheld the missionary position that Article 25, which guarantees all citizens the right to profess, practice and propagate a religion and freedom of conscience, means the right to convert another to one’s faith. This goes against the spirit of the Constitution, and will no doubt give a boost to muscular evangelisation.

The Governor has conveniently ignored the fact that the Gujarat Government delineated Jains and Buddhists as part of the Hindu community, Shias and Sunnis in the Islamic brotherhood, and Protestants and Catholics as the Christian community only to facilitate the inter-marriages that often take place amongst these groups, and at least for Muslims and Christians sometimes involve formal conversion to the other sect. By keeping the local administration out of such intra-community conversions, the government was merely trying to save ordinary citizens from undue intervention by the state.

Chief Minister Narendra Modi has done well to declare that with the Governor rejecting the amendments, he will now notify the old 2003 law. This is imperative given that Pope Benedict XVI’s controversial 2006 speech at the University of Regensburg reveals his disdain for image-worshipping communities (dubbed idolaters); he considers them worthy only of evangelism.

It is significant that even the Union Home Ministry concedes that conversions by missionaries are a major cause of social unrest and communal disharmony in India. An agenda paper for the National Integration Council on 31 August 2005 highlighted the activities of Christian evangelists in Kota , Rajasthan and attempts to convert Hindus by Muslims in Dakshin Kannada, Karnataka, as instances of such discord.

Sadly, the new President, Smt Pratibha Patil, will now use the Presidential reference she forwarded to herself to undermine the nation’s foundational ethos at a time when it is the only bulwark against the forces of mindless terrorism on one side, and reckless modernisation on the other. The issue of Smt Sonia Gandhi’s foreign origins has never been more pertinent.

<b>Mother Teresa's Crisis of Faith</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>reveal that for the last nearly half-century of her life she felt no presence of God whatsoever — or, as the book's compiler and editor, the Rev. Brian Kolodiejchuk, writes, "neither in her heart or in the eucharist."

That absence seems to have started at almost precisely the time she began tending the poor and dying in Calcutta, and — except for a five-week break in 1959 — never abated. Although perpetually cheery in public, the Teresa of the letters lived in a state of deep and abiding spiritual pain. In more than 40 communications, many of which have never before been published, she bemoans the "dryness," "darkness," "loneliness" and "torture" she is undergoing. She compares the experience to hell and at one point says it has driven her to doubt the existence of heaven and even of God. She is acutely aware of the discrepancy between her inner state and her public demeanor. "The smile," she writes, is "a mask" or "a cloak that covers everything." Similarly, she wonders whether she is engaged in verbal deception. "I spoke as if my very heart was in love with God — tender, personal love," she remarks to an adviser. "If you were [there], you would have said, 'What hypocrisy.'" Says the Rev. James Martin, an editor at the Jesuit magazine America and the author of My Life with the Saints, a book that dealt with far briefer reports in 2003 of Teresa's doubts: "I've never read a saint's life where the saint has such an intense spiritual darkness.</b>
Looks like forced or end up in Calcutta. She was bringing cash to Church, she left with no choice but to stay put.
<!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Aug 24 2007, 01:37 AM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ Aug 24 2007, 01:37 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->[url=http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1655415,00.html]<b>"I've never read a saint's life where the saint has such an intense spiritual darkness.</b>


Someone should break it to him... SHE AIN'T NO SAINT!!!!! <!--emo&Tongue--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tongue.gif' /><!--endemo-->
<!--QuoteBegin-LSrini+Aug 24 2007, 03:46 PM-->QUOTE(LSrini @ Aug 24 2007, 03:46 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin--><!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Aug 24 2007, 01:37 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mudy @ Aug 24 2007, 01:37 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->[url=http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1655415,00.html]<b>"I've never read a saint's life where the saint has such an intense spiritual darkness.</b>


Someone should break it to him... SHE AIN'T NO SAINT!!!!! <!--emo&Tongue--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tongue.gif' /><!--endemo-->

I heard thsi guy on NPR yesterday, saying that he used to adore her before, and now that he knows about how she used to "love Gawd in the darkness", he now thinks she is one of the greatest saints ever.

Americans should realize that there are more than a few Indians who have seen the real Mother of all Selfishness, and saying things like what he did may cause accidents (I was driving when I heard him on NPR)...It is all fine and good for clueless white guys (and their followers) who would not recognize spirituality if it bit them on their sainted bottoms..I mean, the best way to make sure that lies live a long life is to convolute them so much that people dont even know where to start educating the ignorant who have swallowed the lies. And of course, $$$$ helps. And what does a priest do to reward himself for all the lies he has sold? clue: C'mere little boy, let me show you the light (and some other things too..)
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Missionary's Propaganda: Hindu gods cause Chikunguniya</b>
August 23, 2007
Thiruvalla: When the state is wrapped up with the terrific Chikunguniya epidemic, Pentecostal group celebrated it by exhibiting films denigrating Sabarimala, Guruvayur and Mookambika. As per the Film version this Chikunguniya is spreaded in Kerala due to the worship of Hindus in their Holy temples and the only remedy to it is to take the path of their one and only god Jesus!

There is a group of vultures in the society named Pentecost Christians which seeks every opportunity to tarnish hinduism in the pretext of service. For them Natural calamities like Tsunami, earthquakes or Epidemics like Chikunguniya, Dengue fever is a golden opportunity to denigrate hinduism and deceive the gullible people in order to promote conversion.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--> And of course, $$$$ helps. And what does a priest do to reward himself for all the lies he has sold? clue: C'mere little boy, let me show you the light (and some other things too..)
I won't be surprised, if she was also involved in such a catholic priest activities. <!--emo&Big Grin--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo-->
So she knew her faith was fake, now Vatican is twisting whole concept.

The current Western preoccupation with caste…

fuelled primarily
by Christian missionaries

From: gautam.sen@...com
Date: Aug 23, 2007

The history of caste has long been misunderstood and misrepresented by non Hindus especially the British, who, as Nichola Dirks, has shown in his pathbreaking work on Tamil Nadu (Castes of Mind) instigated (not always deliberately) some of the social rigidities which have come to be associated with caste. The actual history and significance of caste in India is much more complicated, but I won't dwell on that at present.

The current Western preoccupation with caste is being fuelled primarily by Christian missionaries. They have always held that Hinduism is constituted by what they describe as caste (i.e. the four varnas) Hindus alone. This is their justification for seeking to convert the significant numbers of Indians these missionaries assert are oppressed non Hindu tribals, etc. This has been a hugely success project for Christian missionaries in the northeast of India and a political and military disaster for modern India, which has failed to resolve the Christian insurgencies in states like Nagaland and Mizoram. These regions also discriminate aggressively against Hindus with the explicit encouragement of the church. Missionaries also insist that the 20% or so Dalit Indians are victims of upper caste Hindu racism, etc. and therefore fair game for conversion. This campaign has become their principal platform because Dalits are indeed alienated and their mass conversion would create an irresistible Christian constituency in India. This project also has the support of Western governments who correctly perceive Hindus as susceptible to radical subversion. They therefore see these allegedly 'marginal Hindus' as potential supporters of Western political preferences once they have been converted to Christianity, which would also make them immune to the immense danger of choosing Islam instead.

The alleged oppressor upper castes barely constitute 5% of India's population and most Dalits, who live in villages, are unlikely to have knowingly encountered Brahmins. Their conflicts are usually with OBCs, who are major owners of agricultural land, and often come into conflict with Dalits (as Dalit commentators themselves recognise). These also happen to be the vicious and illiterate group of assassins in power in the state of Tamil the Nadu.

The main purpose of constantly keeping the issue of caste in focus is to ensure that India's educated elites are always on the run. This is a prelude to subverting India by disempowering this very group because it is able to comprehend the evil intentions of Western powers (especially the British and Americans) and combat them. This is why the killing of Brahmins was routine during early Portuguese rule in Goa.

The supposedly innocuous survey of caste in England, where it barely has any social significance, is an attempt to introduce caste into the political agenda and beat Hindus on the head with it. I have lived in England for almost 40 years and cannot believe that caste oppression anywhere is worse than the racism that one encounters in it daily.
Dalits wield real political power in today, sixty years after Indian independence. How come the British did nothing to empower them during the 200 or so year they held complete political sway? </b>And do Asians enjoy any kind of political power in the UK except as the catamites of the aggressively white political parties who use them when they need to. And let's not talk of the genocide against non whites by Britain and the US, currently on a massive scale in Iraq.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Missionary arrested for converting 40 Hindu families to Christianity</b>
August 27, 2007
Mumbai (Maharashtra): By offering false promises of monetary help, foreign jobs, taking care of children etc., Fr. Edward converted 40 gullible Hindu families; but vigilant members of Bajarang Dal handed him over to the police. He was booked under Section 295-A and 508 for deceit and bribery by the police. He will be presented in Andheri Court for hearing.
All the converted families were poor and hailed from Bhyandar, Jogeshwari and Andheri areas. Taking advantage of their poverty, Fr. Edward asked them to assemble at Vidyavikas School in Andheri where mass is conducted on every Sunday. From there, they were taken to Juhu Beach to participate in program of conversion and only after which they were to be offered certain facilities.
Once there, the Father asked them to take a dip in the sea so as to purify them. Later, he started making statements like ‘<b>Your God is a devil. Only Jesus is the true Lord.’</b> The Bajarang Dal activists were keeping an eye on the moves of the missionary and after his misguiding people in this manner, S/Shri. Vitthal Kamat, Anil Bhise and Harish Nevarekar, the members of Bajarang Dal caught hold of the Father, took him to Santa Cruz police station and lodged a complaint. After due enquiry, police filed a case against the missionary and kept him in custody at D. N. Nagar police station.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Above post:

It is incredible what sustained attacks on a culture (backed up with a lot of $$, pounds, guns, and jaichands) will to it.

Our poor people cannot even stand up to these converted fathers who tell them that Hindu dieties are "the devil". I mean, if my religion said that the earth was created 5000 yrs ago, that the sun went around the earth etc... I would not even show my face to people of a religion that measures time in millions of years, and who had measured the diameter of the earth to within 1/500th of the actual value thousands of years ago (and were glorified for that acievement, not persecuted like Galileo was thosands of years later)...

Anyway, Jai Bajrang Bali!! More power to the Bajrang Da for putting this child molester wannabee in his place!
Mudy, do we know what happened to these 40 Hindu families? Did Bajrang Dal convert them back?

Speaking of Pentecostals, we had a family living in the same neighbourhood as ours a while back. You couldn't have a 5 minute converstation with them without the topic becoming Jesus and how good it is to be Christian.

The woman would come over to our place and force my mom to accept videos of their prayer sessions, and a copy of the Bible! sheesh! Can you imagine living in an area where he majority are such extremists? They would make life a living hell for the 'unbelievers'.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The woman would come over to our place and force my mom to accept videos of their prayer sessions, and a copy of the Bible! <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Best solution throw material in garbage bin in front of them, they will never come back. I have done, and it worked 100%. It is over 2 years I haven't seen them near my house.
<b>Mother Teresa: In Heaven or Hell?</b> <!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Charles Keating of the Lincoln S&L fame is one egregious example of Teresa “working” the rich crowd. Keating gave more than a million dollars to Teresa and flew her around in his jet. During his trial for fraud, Teresa wrote Judge Ito telling him what a good guy Keating was and asked for leniency in sentencing. Teresa advised the judge to “do what Jesus would do.” I’m not sure what Jesus would have done, but the judge gave Keating ten years for fraud.

Following the trial, Teresa received a letter from the Deputy District Attorney telling her that the money Keating had given her was stolen from hard working people and suggested that she return the money. I would have suggested, “After all, that is what Jesus would have you do.” The good nun never answered his letter (nor returned the stolen money). After all, it was for the “poor.”

Teresa was also involved with Princess Diana who sought consolation at the time of her divorce. The nun said that the divorce was unfortunate but was probably a good thing. However, Teresa took the opposite position when Ireland was debating what to do about their prohibition of divorce and remarriage. It seems the nun was an opportunist, especially when it fit her agenda. Her agenda was to raise money for her charity by schmoozing up to rich and famous people. She raised a fortune but never built a hospital or hospice, or a home for children in India but did build convents in more than 150 countries! There has never been an accounting for the fortune she raised.

Teresa had theological problems as well as problems with principle. She was asked if she ever converted people (or only fed the hungry, lifted the poor, etc.) and she replied, “Of course I convert. I convert you to be a better Hindu or a better Muslim or a better Protestant. Once you've found God, it's up to you to decide how to worship him.” That is heresy. No real Christian believes that.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<b>Former Catholic Sister Says Mother Teresa Is a Fraud</b>
<!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Aug 28 2007, 09:52 PM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ Aug 28 2007, 09:52 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Mother Teresa: In Heaven or Hell?</b> <!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->
Teresa had theological problems as well as problems with principle. She was asked if she ever converted people (or only fed the hungry, lifted the poor, etc.) and she replied, “Of course I convert. I convert you to be a better Hindu or a better Muslim or a better Protestant. Once you've found God, it's up to you to decide how to worship him.” That is heresy. No real Christian believes that.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

His Holy Papa Johnness should be told this Theresuvacha. I suspect he knows all this, but made her a "saint" anyway to push his 1040 window christoisation agenda.
What to do onlee, no? More $$$ beckon...and Messiah baba will come back to earth too when the whole world is Christo...and then we can all have as many free toppings as we want. HalleBerry!!
It is a fraud, Now we know how they had created other saints. <!--emo&Big Grin--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The woman would come over to our place and force my mom to accept videos of their prayer sessions, and a copy of the Bible! sheesh! Can you imagine living in an area where he majority are such extremists? They would make life a living hell for the 'unbelievers'. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Please tell her to always accept this and also ask for more (u see our family memebers are interested etc is the excuse) and then dump em in the garbage when they are gone (yes u want them 2 come back so tht u can waste more of they money).

I always take their literature and them dump it in recycling bin, at least that way you are wasting some of their money.

Also if anyone has the time/patience you can also do a fake conversion and get benefits for a while, I plan to do it once I am done with studies and living on my own.
<!--QuoteBegin-Bharatvarsh+Aug 29 2007, 02:47 AM-->QUOTE(Bharatvarsh @ Aug 29 2007, 02:47 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->I always take their literature and them dump it in recycling bin, at least that way you are wasting some of their money.


That's the way to do it! Always ask for more for your "friends" and then do the needful..

Only, I never recycle these manuals of hatred..

God created trashcans for Bibles and Korans..
Haha point taken!

I also think what we really need to do is to arm every aam Hindu with bag full of points/arguments/counter-arguments with which they can use to blow holes in this 'Jesus or the highway' theory missionaries keep spouting.

I picture parents telling their kids what the most appropriate thing to say if missionaries pass degrogative comments about they way we worship or try to beat us over the head with the caste system stick.

(btw, when I say missionaries I dont mean the Benny Hinn types but the local fundoo types you might meet at school etc.)

Ofcourse, all this requires that the parents have strong knowledge of our history and one thing is for sure is that the secular and left types have been largely successful in keeping our civilizational history from us. I still occassionally hear uncles and aunties talk about AIT as if it really happened!

Really pisses me off!
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->South Korea churches to end Afghan missionary work By Jack Kim

SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korean missionary groups said on Wednesday they would pull out of Afghanistan to comply with a deal Seoul struck with Taliban insurgents for the release of 19 Christian volunteers held for almost six weeks.

Relatives of the hostages, who erupted in joyous cheers on hearing the news of the deal on Tuesday, were meanwhile eagerly awaiting their release and return.

"Our work for now will be to make sure the freed hostages return safely and have the time to recover, and to make sure the family members of the two who were sacrificed are comforted," said pastor Bang Yong-kyun at the Saemmul Church in suburban Seoul.

The 23 volunteers sent to Afghanistan by the Saemmul Church were seized on July 19 from a bus in Ghazni province. The insurgents killed two male hostages early on in the crisis, but released two women as a gesture of goodwill during a first round of negotiations.

The Taliban said they would release the remaining 19 provided Seoul pulls out its troops and stops Korean missionary work in Afghanistan by the end of this year.

South Korea had already decided before the crisis to withdraw its contingent of about 200 military engineers and medical staff from Afghanistan by the end of 2007. And since the hostages were taken it has banned its nationals from traveling there.

The Taliban had earlier demanded an exchange of the Koreans for jailed fellow insurgents.


South Korea's churches said the kidnapping had led evangelical groups to rethink their missionary zeal.

The National Council of Churches in Korea, one of the largest groups representing the country's Protestants, said in a statement it would abide by the government's pledge to end missionary work in Afghanistan.

"Through this incident, we will look back on the Korean churches' overseas volunteer and missionary work, and make this an opportunity to bring about more effective and safer volunteer and missionary work," it said in a statement.

An official at The Frontiers, a Seoul-based Christian aid group said all its short-term volunteers in Afghanistan have pulled out and two long-term volunteers are about to return.

There are an estimated 17,000 South Korean Christian missionaries abroad, the largest contingent after those from the United States, many of them in volatile regions.

<b>For many increasingly wealthy evangelical churches in the country, dispatching Christian volunteers abroad has turned into a competition among churches, with larger numbers considered a gauge of the strength of their faith.</b>


Well, it seems like the Taliban have solved the missionary nuisance in the country for the time being. But who knows for how long the missionary-free zone will survive. A mosquito requires only the smallest chink in the door or window to slip in.

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