Is USA heading towards - France of 1789 or Pre Nazi Germany of 1930s?
Another thought provoking article from - Yves Smith ( author of "Econned')
"Simon Schama tonight warns in the Financial Times that revolutionary rage is close to the boiling point in Europe and the US : Historians will tell you there is often a time-lag between the onset of economic disaster and the accumulation of social fury. In act one, the shock of a crisis initially triggers fearful disorientation; the rush for political saviours; instinctive responses of self-protection, but not the organised mobilisation of outrage.
Act two is trickier. Objectively, economic conditions might be improving, but perceptions are everything and a breathing space gives room for a dangerously alienated public to take stock of the brutal interruption of their rising expectations. What happened to the march of income, the acquisition of property, the truism that the next generation will live better than the last? The full impact of the overthrow of these assumptions sinks in and engenders a sense of grievance that ââ¬ÅSomeone Elseââ¬Â must have engineered the common misfortuneââ¬Â¦.At the very least, the survival of a crisis demands ensuring that the fiscal pain is equitably distributed. In the France of 1789, the erstwhile nobility became regular citizens, ended their exemption from the land tax, made a show of abolishing their own privileges, turned in jewellery for the public treasury; while the clergyââ¬â¢s immense estates were auctioned for La Nation.................
Severe financial crises result in a permanent decline in the standard of living. For some citizens, that has come through contracts being reneged, in particular, pension cuts. Other people see their savings in tatters and hYves here. Having weakened faith in government and made considerable progress towards creating a social Darwinist paradise of isolated individuals pitted against each other, the oligarchs may be about to harvest a whirlwind.ave no realistic prospect for being able to fund their retirement. And for many of these individuals, the odds of finding continuing, reasonably paid work are low. Even before unemployment soared, people over 40 face poor job prospects. The idea that the middle aged cohort can earn back losses to their nest eggs is wishful thinking. And the young are not much better off. New graduates also face a hostile job market. Worse, students often went into debt to finance their education, believing the mantra that it was an investment.....
Unequal societies, in other words, will remain unhealthy societies ââ¬â and also unhappy societies ââ¬â no matter how wealthy they become. Their advocates ââ¬â those who see no reason whatever to curb ever-widening income differentials ââ¬â have a lot of explaining to do..............
Yves here. Having weakened faith in government and made considerable progress towards creating a social Darwinist paradise of isolated individuals pitted against each other, the oligarchs may be about to harvest a whirlwind." ... pened.html
The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold
Publisher: Adventures Unlimited Press | ISBN: 0932813747 | edition 1999 | 325 pages |
Quote:Controversial and explosive, The Christ Conspiracy marshals an enormous amount of startling evidence that the religion of Christianity and Jesus Christ were created by members of various secret societies, mystery schools and religions in order to unify the Roman Empire under one state religion! This powerful book maintains that these groups drew upon a multitude of myths and rituals that already existed long before the Christian era and reworked them into the story the Christian religion presents today-known to most Westerners as the Bible. Author Acharya makes the case that there was no actual person named Jesus, but that several characters were rolled into one mythic being inspired by the deities Mithras, Heracles/Hercules, Dionysus and many others of the Roman Empire. She demonstrates that the story of Jesus, as portrayed in the Gospels, is nearly identical in detail to those of the earlier savior-gods Krishna and Horus, and concludes that Jesus was certainly neither original nor unique, nor was he the divine revelation. Rather, he represents the very ancient body of knowledge derived from celestial observation and natural forces. A book that will initiate heated debate and inner struggle, it is intelligently written and referenced. The only book of its kind, it is destined for controversy.
05-29-2010, 09:58 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-29-2010, 10:10 AM by Husky.)
^ Why do people keep mentioning that? Don't know how often this has to be said:
The author of that work - she's had 2 books out, last I heard - is the american woman calling herself "Acharya S" who pretends at being a 'mythologist' and 'linguist' and claims to know Latin, Greek and "Sanskrit" (yet she parrots another ignoramus - Walker was it - that "Mahaatma" comes from "Mahamata" or something and declares it originally meant 'great mother'.)
She is
a) ignorant
b ) hyper wrong about many a thing
c) not remotely a scholar
d) just parrots other people's works without a judgemental eye able to discern between what is proper scholarship worthy of parroting and what is fantasising/new-agey junk.
No clue as to why Hindus keep referring to her work.
Also, she is severely anti-Hindu. There are/were online discussions some years ago where Hindus found she gets all angry, aggressive and plays the usual resentful injured victim role (Doniger-like) when Hindus tell her she is wrong about her insinuations about the Hindu religion, such as the birthdate of Shri Krishna and why Hindus celebrate it on Gokulashtami and not the 25 December she wants it to have been on (that's her catch-all date: she's straining to support her pet theory that declares all Gods are of the same 'myth' and hence of the same date, and that jeebus is just another one in a long line of those). Like others of the monopolytheistic tendency, she declares Hindus don't know their own Gods and their own religion.
She clearly doesn't know what she's on about, so one can't trust her speculating on other religions either. Can people please know more about their own (Hindu) religion and try to know more about Hellenismos and other religions to stop referring to her and her ignorance. It reflects poorly on the referrers themselves.
In the 2nd half of the 3rd century, the emperor Aurelian I think it was decided the old Roman Sun God, Sol, would have a birthday that was to be nationally celebrated and which was therefore officially declared to be 25 December. And the Winter Solstice definitely made for a sensible date. (It was much later, in the 4th century when the western church - by their own admission, then as now - officially stole this date for jeebus. Though IIRC the eastern church for long chose to hang on to the locally-more popular Dionysus' Epiphanius in 6 January as the date for jeebus' birthday, later transferred to non-existent jeebus' non-forthcoming epiphany.)
Aurelian's Sol Invictus (and Romans' later and unnecessary decision to identify him with Mithras of the imported Iranian cult - because both were Sun Gods) were already discussed in this thread earlier (and that's why Rome was later seen celebrating the birthday of Sol Invictus ' Mithras' on 25 December, which was still well before christianism stole the date).
See for instance pages 13 and 14 of this thread for Aurelian's holy-day for Sol Invictus.
People will learn nothing from reading Acharya S. Not unless they know enough to tell the difference between fact and fiction (there's a few facts but especially lots of fiction present in her work). So why recommend her work?
Atleast she has a book debunking the Jesus myth. So take from her what you can corroborate and discard what is untrue.
The popular history is that the Nestorian and Coptic Christians welcomed Islam in Asia, as they though it was a new affirmation of their faith.What if they welcomed Islam to throw away the hold of Christianity over them?
X-posted from BRF...
Abhishekcc wrote:
Quote:Anti-Semitism is synonymous with the Christian religion. It is not something that 'happened' during the middle ages or during the modern period.
In the initial years, Jesus' followers were separate from orthodox Judaism. Roman empire, then occupying Judea, was facing a lot of trouble from Jewish nationalists. Jesus' followers tried to differntiate themselves from the other Jews by pointing out 'they' had killed their messiah.
This position laid the foundation of a much more visceral approach, when the Roman empire adopted Christianism (AND Sun worship AND Mithra-ism) as its official religions. History records Constantine as the 'founder' of Christianism, but ignores the fact that he also adopted the otehr two religions as well.
Anyway. The initial position espousing differences became the justification endless harassment. Much later, the Roman Catholic Church issued the decree that all Jews be either converted to xmism, or failing that - killed. (I got this from BRF member Kaushal - he even mentioned the decree number - I forget). And finally, the seperation of Jews from European life made possible the Holocaust.
Brihaspati wrote:
Quote:Who says anti-semitism is only about religion? it is partly so, because early Christianity was in competition with Judaism for the Judaic legacy. So the living continuation of the "ancestor" was an obstacle for supreme religious authority. Then they wanted to distance themselves from the activist-political-radical-militant Jews against Roman authority. Then Constantine recast and reconstructed "Christianity" as a Roman imperial tool - which also needed to find Jews as the "evil". Then the western or Gothic Christians needed to cast Jews as "evil" because of suspected connections to eastern Byzantine church.
Anti-semitism is as much about religion as it is about racial conjectures. Almost all the known atrocities perpetrated by the Nazis were tried out in one form or another (within limits of historical state capacities) in Europe and a leading light for this had been England. It was first in England that Jews were required to mark themselves out publicly by symbols as Jews - under a certain king.
Many in the Left find it normal to take up an anti-Israel position. Partly because of the Russian heritage, especially under Stalin, (who kept Jewish origin advisors or confidantes - but still took many measure showing his inherent anti-Semitism) and perhaps because of the vilification against Trotsky (original surname Bronstein) that "mother Church" of communism carried out. Early Marxists had an obsession with New Testamental memes, which they used to illustrate the "apocryphal" and "apocalyptic" vision of a proletarian revolution, but they never use explicitly Judaic ones.
King Richard I coronation was celebrated with a massacre in London. And note in Ivanhoe by Walter Scott, the character Issac.
Does Dhu no longer frequent IF? I haven't come across new posts of his for some time, I think.
Elagabalus used his authority to install El-Gabal as the chief deity of the Roman Pantheon, merging the god with the Roman sun gods to form Deus Sol Invictus, meaning God - the Undefeated Sun, and making him superior to Jupiter[3], and assigning either Astarte, Minerva, Urania, or some combination of the three, as El-Gabal's wife[4]. He rode roughshod over other elements of traditional religion, marrying a Vestal Virgin[5] (who were legally required to remain unmarried virgins during their service)[6], and moved the most sacred relics of roman religion (including the fire of Vesta, the Shields of the Salii, and the Palladium) to a new temple dedicated exclusively to El-Gabal[7]. As much as the religiously conservative senators may have disapproved, the lavish annual public festivals held in El-Gabal's honour found favour among the popular masses, partly on account of the festivals involving the wide distribution of food[4].
Nearly half a century after Elagabalus, Aurelian came to power. He was a reformer, strengthening the position of the sun-god as the main divinity of the Roman pantheon; he even built a brand new temple, in Rome, dedicated to the deity. Its also thought likely that he may have been responsible for establishing the festival of the day of the birth of the unconquered sun (Dies Natalis Solis Invicti), which was celebrated on December 25, the day when the sun appears to start rising again - four days after having previously reached its lowest point[8], though the earliest surviving reference to the festival is in the Chronography of 354. He followed the principle of one god, one empire; his intention was to give to all the peoples of the Empire, civilian or soldiers, easterners or westerners, a single god they could believe in without betraying their own gods. Lactantius argued that Aurelian would have outlawed all the other gods if he had had enough time, but Aurelian only managed to hold on to the position of Emperor for five years.
M. Zetterholm, "The Formation of Christianity in Antioch: A Social-Scientific Approach to the Separation between Judaism and Christianity"
Publisher: Routledge| 2003 | ISBN 0415298962 | 287 pages |
Quote:One of the major puzzles of Western civilization is how early 2nd century Christianity was transformed into a non-Jewish, Gentile religion, when Christianity began as one of many Jewish factions in the diverse Judaism of the period. Zetterholm uses theoretical insights from the social sciences to deal with the complex issues raised by the parting of Judaism and Christianity, and the accompanying rise of Christian anti-Semitism in ancient Antioch. While previous attempts to solve this problem have focused mainly on ideology, his study emphasizes the interplay between sociological and ideological elements.
Judaism is the backward projection by the colonizer upon the colonized past and Christianity the forwrd projection. The apparent time difference is similar to that between Jesuit theology transforming into Orientalism and finally into Modernism. At some point, the normed ancient, eg the Jew the Nehru the Vir Singhvi, reconciles fully with colonizer and then emerges the reconciled judeochristian composite.
It will be truly stupid to say this movie is copied from Scarface. The background on which the movie is based, the theme, the motive, the dialogues, the lesson it gives - everything is different. Those who don't understand this movie, let me tell you it's not as shallow a movie as Scarface. It's Agneepath, and it's Amitabh. A *part* of it is inspired by Scarface and background music too at places. That's it.
Besides, it's not about making "The world yours" as yours Scarface. It shows the passion of a small child whose only motive of life is to bring back the respect and pride of his father which was lost due to a conspiracy and give back the village to her mother. ALL the steps in his life are directed towards that goal. It's not about conquering the world.
even i've watched scarface n agneepath many times but scarface was about a cuban criminal extradited to miami,florida(US) and how me makes it big as a druglord and finally falls,whereas agneepath is all about a boy growing up to be a don to take revenge for his father ,except for a couple of scenes of amitabh visting his mother and the resturaunt scene...
the background music has slight similarity and amitabh's styling n voice are slightly inspired,but the storylines and excecution are absolutely different,i agree there are certain similarities but definately not a rip off...agneepath is as good as scarface if not better..n so is amitji's performance as good as pacino's if not better..
[quote name='dhu' date='13 June 2010 - 09:55 PM' timestamp='1276445833' post='106880']
Judaism is the backward projection by the colonizer upon the colonized past and Christianity the forwrd projection. The apparent time difference is similar to that between Jesuit theology transforming into Orientalism and finally into Modernism. At some point, the normed ancient, eg the Jew the Nehru the Vir Singhvi, reconciles fully with colonizer and then emerges the reconciled judeochristian composite.
06-15-2010, 12:44 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-15-2010, 12:59 AM by acharya.)
Can you delve on this
Western hurbris and its domination for centuries have created unique traits
The West's Victim Complex
Quote:Westerners have developed an acute consciousness of their own pain but their senses have become dulled to the suffering of those they take on. Centuries of world domination have inculcated in them a feeling of solipsism, that my hurt matters while yours does not. The ideal of freedom, its protection at home as well as its evangelization overseas, is repeatedly invoked to justify military interventionism, almost as if without a world vigilante constantly fanning the flames of liberty, asphyxiation would strangulate the planet's supposedly oppressed. But consider the poignant remark of a U.S. soldier serving in Iraq: "We were sent to liberate Iraq. Instead we sure have liberated the hell out of the Iraqis."
Quote:Occidentals also frequently portray the ongoing clash as one between the West and Islam, almost never as between Christianity and Islam. An air of moral superciliousness is affected, as if one religion is above violence while the other is synonymous with it. Religious passages are cherry-picked, often by those with little understanding of the whole scripture, to lend weight to this argument, while remaining oblivious of similar language outlined in one's own holy texts.
The Bible counsels turning the other cheek but Western leaders who profess to follow it have little compunction in striking if they believe their interests to be at risk. And, just before launching "just wars," some seek divine blessing. They never tire of reiterating that the West is not at war with Islam, and never will be, for which they are acclaimed as peacemakers even as they keep escalating the conflict.
An invasion such as that of Iraq, of which the publicly-declared rationale has been proven to be flawed, and the outcome of which has gone awry, is brushed off with a casual shrug of the shoulders, or at most with, "Ooops, sorry, we made a mistake in the cause of liberty." Imagine if another country had behaved likewise. The U.S. would have been the first one hollering to bring its leadership to justice.
But protagonists of the Iraq war and the long but fruitless hunt for a relatively small number of jihadis in Afghanistan are frequently hailed as defenders of freedom. They are happily engaged in writing tomes on their exploits and earning millions of dollars on the lecture circuit. Although Kofi Annan, the United Nations secretary general at the time of the Iraqi invasion termed it as illegal because it contravened the U.N.'s charter, no international institution has had the guts to even broach investigating the actions of its perpetrators. In the twenty first century, might is still right.
These guys truly messed up! No wonder have to make up stories of Jesus etc.
Quote:Serpent Code
Serpent worship was once common in Ireland until Christianityââ¬â¢s dominance systematic wiped it out. Yet according to Philip Gardiner the signs of this ancient wisdom lore can still be found today throughout the world.
Ireland, St Patrick and the Pests
Ireland was once infested with snakes. So say the Christian stories of St. Patrick, who supposedly expelled them with his Baculum Jesu or Staff of Jesus [1]. Of course Ireland has no indigenous snakes at all and so he must have been speaking of a symbolically. But to what was he referring?
For years, scholars, Christians and even alternative historians have been arguing over what exactly St Patrick was eradicating. There is precious little evidence of St Patrick even coming to Ireland, just as there is no evidence that St Paul went to Malta and kicked out the snakes there too! So what's the truth? And is there any spiritual relevance for us today?
Across Ireland there are hundreds of crosses, many of which can be proven to have pre-Christian origins, and many are entwined with images of serpents. The same is true of other locations, such as Malta as Iââ¬â¢ve just mentioned, , Rhodes, India, Greece and many more. In all these places snakes are found on ancient megalithic monuments and Christian buildings. These are remnants of a pre-existent serpent-worshipping cult. The serpent cult, is so often misread as consisting of solar worshippers. They worshipped the esoteric or inner sun. For us today this inner light is the realisation of our own connection to the greater universe, of our own inner balance and our own growth towards a more ââ¬Ëin-tuneââ¬â¢ attitude to the world around us. It is also the part of ourselves and our outer world, which gives life, sustains and gives growth.
The sun, found in the sky and as an inner light found within via methods pertaining to the inner serpent energies, [2] as they were perceived. These inner serpentine and solar linked visions were physically represented in megalithic monuments, oral folktales and art.
The existence of this universal cult can also be discovered in other elements of the Irish and Celtic tradition. There is scarcely a design or ornament in Ireland from ancient times that do not show the serpent or dragon image. There is scarcely a myth, a folk tale or a legend, which does not include the serpent. These are not just pagan ornaments or myths - they also bled into the Christian world, or more accurately, the Christians could not keep them out it was so deep in the Irish culture.
The Church had spent many years trying desperately to demonise the serpent, making it the evil snake in the Garden of Eden or even picturing Lucifer, the angel of light, as the serpent. The reason is simple. Knowledge is powerful, but knowledge of yourself is much more powerful - the Church, as the intermediaries between us and knowledge of the Divine could not allow this. But the snake maintained its position steadfastly within the Church, clinging on like limpet. It was in fact the only animal in the Bible to speak using it's own voice; it was used by Moses in the wilderness to heal the Israelites and it was used by the first Christians as the symbol for the Christ himself.
Serpents can be found on Irish Christian crosses such as those of Killamery in Kilkenny County and the font of Cashel, amongst others. Indeed, even the Crozier (priests staff) of Cashel has a serpent emerging from a vagina ââ¬â which itself is covered in serpents ââ¬â therefore symbolising ââ¬Ënew lifeââ¬â¢ via the born-again serpent.
The crozier itself basically resembles the staff of Moses or Aaron, or even that of an Etruscan or Babylonian priest ââ¬â all cultures linked to serpent worship. Unfortunately fundamentalists and strict Protestants removed many of these serpents found adorning such crosses, in an attempt to hide the true history.
Also seen on Irish crosses are strange figures, which have extra large heads in relation to their body. Some have said that this is due to the predominance of a "Celtic Head Cult", but the evidence we uncovered in The Serpent Grail [3] pointed to the fact that both the serpent cult and the head cult are one and the same. We found that this was due to the internal psychological and spiritual process brought on by the serpent energies.
In Irish tales these great serpents or "piests" (pests), were said to be "as big as a horse, and have a great mane upon it, so it has." (Legend of the Lakes, Croker, relating to Lough Kittane of Killarney). This has baffled many and has given rise to the link between the snake-serpent and the fabled dragon in many cultures. The tales of the great serpents of huge size and even compared to mountains reveals much. Many of these serpent tales refer to actual locations whereby ancient man created great centres of healing, initiation and ritual ââ¬â all linked to the universal worship of the serpent.
The Fenian heroes of ancient Ireland are recorded orally in song and one of them, Fionn, was their ââ¬Ëdragon slayer.ââ¬â¢ One of the legends tells us that:
"It resembles a great mound, its jaws were yawning wide;
There might lie concealed, though great its fury,
A hundred champions in its eye-pits.
Taller in height than eight men,
Was its tail, which was erect above its back;
Thicker was the most slender part of its tail,
Than the forest oak which was sunk by the flood."
Fionn asked where this great monster had come from and was told, "From Greece, to demand battle from the Fenians." Perhaps serpent worshippers had come to Ireland from Greece, and had fought the ancient inhabitants, leaving behind such terror that they became symbolised by this great ââ¬Ëdragon mound.ââ¬â¢ Fionn, it is said, opened the side of the dragon and released the men, going on to kill it. It may be that there is a mixture of wartime fact entwined with the symbolism of this legend. Emerging from the side of the dragon, according to all the myths, gives new life, leaving us no doubt that these serpentine monuments were places of initiation and rebirth.
Evidence of ancient serpent worship in the Americas can be verified from the many serpent mounds that appear across the continent. In Ohio, there is a large serpentine mound with a large head of the snake swallowing (or throwing up) a large egg. Similar snake mounds can be found across the world. Some are man-made, others natural and adapted - such as Hackpens Hill near Avebury in England, where Hack means snake and pen means head - thereby giving us "snakes head hill". These large serpents, still seen in the land today were ancient burial mounds, earthworks and places of ritual for the serpent worshipping cults of our ancestors. The great mane upon the mound, being grass or trees.
In 1871 at the meeting of the British Association in Edinburgh, a certain Mr. Phene gave an account of his discovery in Argyllshire, Scotland, of a mound, "several hundred feet long, fifteen feet high and thirty feet broad." The tail tapers away from a circular cairn, which he presumed to be a solar disk above the head of the "Egyptian uraeus". [4] This fiery Uraeus serpent, or more properly Wadjet, anoints the head with flames, as referred to in the Bible in Apostles, Acts 2, where the Apostles are filled with the holy spirit, and flames lick above their heads. Here we have a clue to the serpents connection to spirituality.
In the Pyramid Texts the Wadjet is linked strongly with nature. The papyrus plant is said to emerge from her and she is connected to the forces of growth, fertility and creative power. The Uraeus is an indication of the divine wisdom and solar-force, emerging from the brow of the head, symbolically represented in the serpent mounds appearing on the brow of a hill. The brow is known as the ââ¬Ëtempleââ¬â¢. Within the Temple is the Holy of Holies, the most sacred place in a humanââ¬â¢s body. In Native American traditions many underground caverns within landscaped mounds are where known to be places where initiation rites occurred. From our research, it appears these places were ritualistic re-birthing portals as if from the womb of the creative serpentine mother. In Egyptian history Osiris entered the serpent and emerged reborn and invigorated, and our European and American ancestors mimicked this belief. In all cases it was the wisdom of the serpent, which gave the strength to empower the individual to move on in life, as if born again.
Serpent mounds ââ¬â a worldwide phenomenon
Further references to serpent mounds can be found across the world. In the Persian holy book Zend Avesta one of the storyââ¬â¢s heroes takes a rest on what he thinks is a bank ââ¬â only to find out that it was a green snake. In Mauritania, Iphicrates says that "there were dragons of such extent that grass grew up on their backs." In Strabo (Lib xv. P.1022) two dragons are said to have resided in the mountains of India, one eighty cubits long and the other one hundred and forty. From Syria Posidonius tells of a dragon which was so large that horse riders on either side could not see each other. Each ââ¬Ëscaleââ¬â¢ was as big as a shield, so that a man "might ride into his mouth." It is thought that these must be ruins of Ophite (serpent worshiping) temples. In some parts of Syria serpent worshippers were known as Hivites (linked with the root word hivvah which from which came the biblical name of Eve which could then be equated with "female serpent"). In India serpent deities are known as the Naga.
From South America text said to have been written by Votan (Quetzalcoatl), in the language of the Quiches says he left Valum Chivim [5] and came to the New World to apportion land among seven families who came with him and were said to be of serpent origin or culebra. Passing the "land of thirteen snakes" he arrived in Valum Votan, founding the city of Nachan (City of Snakes), thought to be Palenque, possibly around 15 BC or even earlier. In reference to Serpent Mounds there is the description of a subterranean passage, that terminated at the ââ¬Ëroot of heavenââ¬â¢ ââ¬â referred to as a ââ¬Ësnakeââ¬â¢s holeââ¬â¢ while snake heaven was Patala. Votan was only allowed entry because he was ââ¬Ëthe son of a snakeââ¬â¢ from which we can infer he was an initiate in the serpent cult.
Serpent Wisdom
There are two distinct elements of practical wisdom originating in the serpent tales, fables and folklore. Firstly that the physical snake itself not only sloughs off its skin and appears to be re-born from within a cave or under a rock, but that the very elements of the physical snake could actually prevent disease and cures ill health. The knowledge of amazing regenerative properties of the various parts of the snake have been discovered in hundreds of ancient medica materia, alchemical texts and hidden within folklore. The venom of the snake was used as an Elixir to help prevent disease through boosting the immune system with high levels of protein. And secondly mixing the neurotoxic venom with the blood of the snake or mammalian host such as a horse brings on altered states of consciousness much akin to certain drugs used by shaman across the world from ancient times. Visions of ââ¬Ëotherworldsââ¬â¢ seen in such trances are often depicted as tombs, wombs or caves, within which sometimes benevolent, sometimes terrible, serpents are encountered.
In any discussion of serpent wisdom we cannot fail to also mention the ancient Hindu Kundalini practice. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=' ' /> Kundalini means simply "coiled serpent" and in the Indian system the ida and pingala energy (through serpent channels) are raised up and down the spine to raise the consciousness of the adept. There are six chakra energy vortices aligning the spine, with a seventh emerging from the top of the head, which is called the bindu. Each chakra location must be traversed upwardly, and in balance, before one can achieve the bindu enlightenment reminiscent of the reference in Apostles, Acts 2 where enlightenment is reached and described as fire licking at the head in the bindu position.
I recently met up with the dowser Hamish Miller who has followed the Michael and Mary lines of telluric energy across Europe finding many examples of Kundalini images and the dual serpentine caduceus known to all health practitioners the world over. We shared our amazement at the widespread frequency of the serpent in myth and folklore
Mankind has from time immemorial searched for longer life and divine wisdom. The result is a sacred and often, secret code, hidden in the landscape, locked away in ancient texts and deep within our own inner energy system. It is a secret code of the divine and wise serpent that has survived the attempts of the Christian Church to eradicate it. If you hear its call, there is a wellspring of knowledge out there for you to discover.
1 According to Giraldus Cambrensis or Gerald of Wales.
2 Today, the inner traditions of the serpent energy are most prominent in the Kundalini and Chakra based systems practised by Eastern adepts and many New Age societies in the West.
3 The Serpent Grail by Philip Gardiner with Gary Osborn, Watkins, 2005. by Philip Gardiner Gary Osborn, Watkins, 2005.
4 The Ureaus, also known as Wadjyt, Wadjit, Uto, Uatchet and Edjo was a pre-dynastic ââ¬Ëcobra goddessââ¬â¢ of Lower Egypt (approximately 4,000 BC) who took the title ââ¬ËThe Eye of Ra.ââ¬â¢
5 Chivim is a Hebrew word, meaning "sons of the female serpent" (or Eve) and may imply a greater knowledge of this journey from a Judaic perspective.
More Information
ââ¬Â¢ ,The Serpent Grail: The Truth Behind the Holy Grail by Philip Gardiner with Gary Osborn, is available here
More "research"!
Hebrew Pharaohs
Take a look at link 1 &2 in the link.
Also read a Google Book on same subject by Ahmed Osman.
From another site
lsunil Wrote:On BJ and NH:
This is something every indian should know. Especially if your confused about hinduism.
Indicness is not a religion. Hinduism(THE religion) is a british construct. Yes! Bharat was a religion-less society before the muslims arrived and this so-called hinduism that we identify ourselves with is not even ours. You will find it surprising to know that today's china is what we used to be long time ago as far as religion and societal structure is concerned.
While both india and china have remained "east", still the abrahamic invasion is very much real and happening. The "abrahams" should be feared and abhorred because they bring a system which is in-coexist-able. The belief in multiple gods is ridiculous but the belief in one single god is dangerous. ATM, both of them are in some sort of a ceasefire and are busy expanding themselves in the east before they collide with each other once again. East has so-far been "free" from the dark ages but that won't be the case in round 2.
Believe me, the invasion is so real that even the "religion-less" china has begun promoting buddhism to it's citizens as it too knows the dangers of a monotheist belief system. Every time an indian embraces islam or christianity, he/she does not convert from "hinduism to christianity/islam" but from "religion-less to a religion". That takes us even back as now we need to work harder to push these people from "Abraham > Hinduism(current structure) > Religionless bharat".
This is exactly what im trying to say. The british took practices like animal sacrifice from one region, casteism from another region etc etc and merged all these regional practices together and called it hinduism. It has nothing to do with indicness and the word "hinduism" itself is "alien" to bharat. The word "Religion" is alien to "bharat".
Indicness of bharat is not a religion. First we need to dump this british construct along with the two expansionists making inroads into the indian society. What BJ and NH have done is to promote "religion" which dharma itself abhors.
06-23-2010, 12:28 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-30-2010, 11:58 PM by HareKrishna.)
Hinduism is not a religion,its in fact a religious culture.
they dont call ethnic religions of China sinism or chinism,but chinese traditional religions,only in case of India is hinduism-the term is not a problem,but its connotations are.
Hellenism also is not a religion,but a religious culture
can you see the difference ?
christo-islamism is mental racism.
the dogmatic color of the mind matter for them.
[url=""]Jesus did not die on cross, says scholar[/url]
Jesus may not have died nailed to the cross because there is no evidence that the Romans crucified prisoners two thousand years ago, a scholar has claimed.